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Distrikts - mester og L-kopi sendes til LA som fordeler disse, samt p}f{rer sluttider for hver afdeling. Med sluttider menes eksempelvis at C,P&T skal v[re f[rdige 8 dage f{r LP. Blanketten skal i alle tilf[lde behandles af LA. 3. LA udsender blanket til LP for fremf{ringsveje. Hvis gennemkobling kan lade sig g{re noteres oplysninger- ne ved LA med alle koblingsnumre og fordelernavne, evt. koredimensio o l[ngde o砠 liniern堠 reserveres hvorefter der udsendes blanket til CAT. 4. LA udf[rdiger m}leskema indeholdende alle relevante op- lysninger og afkrydser de m}linger, der {nskes foretaget ved idrifttagningen. 5. Hvis der ikke kan findes koblingesveje, noteres oplys- ningerne ved LA om hvor meget, der kan etableres. Herefter sikrer LA sig, at der bliver bestilt et projekt. 6.  W! 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Missing label Missing semicolon Illegal statement Can't create CRL file Illegal operator Lvalue required Lvalue needed with ++ or -- operator Bad left operand in assignment expression Mismatched parenthesis Mismatched squar^eëe9*elç*l f+ÚffbT-É-ó-;!9DM!"!͡! ͤ! ͤ! ͤͧ! ͤ! 6#6͐ ~#fo@! ͪ! ͪ! ͪͭ!"!!"!"!"Ͱ!<!?!Nͳ!! !ͳ! "! ! s#r!`is#r!! s#r!"N! 6#6͐ ͐ ! ~#fo͐ +)~#fo!*Ͷ|!"N! ^#Vr+sù͐|, ! ~#fo##~#fo͹! s#r5 ! 6#6͐|h !'!7ͼ!*!7Ϳ!1!7ͿL ͐>x > >„ > > > >œ > >¨ > >´ > > > !6! s#r !F! s#r !e! s#r !}! s#r ͐|/ ͐ͤ͐|& !7ͤ͐ͤ!ͤ͐ͤ͐ͤ!!7#|r !!7#|¯ ͐|‡ ! 6#65 !7!ͪ!*!ͪ!@ͤL õ L | | !ͤͭ!9 GP INSTALL Release 2.00 Copyright (c) 1983 MicroPro International Corporation All rights reserved This software has been provided pursuant to a License Agreement containing restrictions on its use. The software contains valuable trade secrets and proprietary information of MicroPro International Corporation and is protected by federal copyright law. It may not be copied or distributed in any form or medium, disclosed to third parties, or used in any manner not provided for in said License Agreement except with prior written authorization from MicroPro. FATAL ERROR: There isn't enough memory available to run INSTALL. Confirm Command line error: With INSTALL you can set up your terminal and printer for use with MicroPro programs. You can also change certain features of the program with INSTALL. Would you like to continue? Enter Y or for Yes. Enter N for No. -DEBUG.INSBad drive code.File name not properly formed.No file name specified. not found. The file %s cannot be found. This definition file contains control information used by the INSTALL program and must be specified in order to install the product %s. Do you want to re-enter the product name? Enter Y or for Yes. Enter N for No. Version mismatch in INS file. -ëel| !! Which MicroPro product would you like to Install? Enter - WS for WordStar - WM for WordMaster - DS for DataStar - RS for ReportStar then press . Product? Returning you to the system... É-h. Hx0÷00û"011m513#39*73b3Ò3ý33{"95l5nHÊ5066x7Î7 889É9a:;lIK6LEL[LLÑMÉ;>>>>>>>>>>>>,>>>>)>">5>(>A>.>M>4> Y>:> e>@> q>F> }>L> ‰>R>•>X>¡>^>­>d>¹>j>>p>>v>>|>>ʂ>>ʈ>>ʎ> >ʔ>>ʚ>%>ʠ>1>ʦ>=>ʬ> I>ʲ>!U>ʸ>"a>ʾ>#m>>$y>>%…>>&‘>>'>>(©>>)µ>>*>>+>>->>.>>/>>0>  !!ADGJMPSVY\_behknqtwz}͉̀̓͆͌͏͕͒͛ͤͧͪͭ͘͞͡ͰͳͶ͹ͼͿ! 10?+Úffëe!"!%!'!7(!*!7+!s!7+!x..INS âBÉ-B)B^eòRBþBT-ëeDg;!9DM~`is#ŕ|! 6! 6̈́! n}͇! ͍͊|͇!"*|€͐}2͓͖͐*} /! n},!͙À͍}2 }}͖*&͜* &z! n}q* &͊!͙!"}/͟|ʔ͓͐è͍̈́|ʥ͖×ë!9 Bó-BT-&CþB9CcCRB~g^eígDgeëe-ø$!9DM!"" " !"*|p*#"+)s#r* !|jp)* "* |ʓ*#"!"!"*|»! s! n&|F! n&s!|C! n*C! n*C! n&"0! w#w͐|@! ! ^#Vr+søõ! n&! s|y! n&s*v! n&A!!*+ ?! nѯg)~#fo! s#r`is{`in&!* ͐!#|6|3`is{+`in&! ! !!&|k͐!"!"!8øõ! n} µ!O!Z!|ʪ!"!øêß** !!9%c You have chosen : If this is correct, enter Y or . If not, enter N. If this is correct, enter Y or . If not, enter N. 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Error: %s PC = %04xh *PC = %02xh RPC = %04xh *RPC = %02xh E?RB^eëeÚfyCDg!9DM! s#r! s#r! s#r! s#r!A! s#r3?`is#r>:Œ?>?>.˜?>9@>¤?>t@>°?>t@>¼?>@>?>@> ?>.ASA͐+|?A*&|@! ^#Vr+s:s6?! w#w6@͐ 9?! ^#Vr+s6AA͐|E@A! ^#Vr+s.s6?! 6#6! w#wA͐|€@A͐ 9?! ^#Vr+sn}:ʨ@.@ô@! 6#6@͐|@! ^#Vr+s@! ^#Vr+s@! w#w! w#w@A! ^#Vr+sz A͐ 9?@! s#r! s#r! s#r! s#rA͐|BA!A9?PA!͐ Bd!BBe!*FB8B^e95É-B! ,B/B2B+|9B5B^Boëel!9DM!UB`is{ŽB*L+++|ʎB!BXB[B`in&ÖB!9 Returning you to the system. BcbÉ;!9DM!͐!B#|B!BBcbÉ;!9DM!͐!B#|$C!B,Cd!)CBCcÉ;!.,;:=?*[]CÉ-ó-!9DMC! s#rC`is#rC! s#rC! s#r! w#w͐|g}o|LD͐)N~#fo`is#r͐|g}o|sD͐)N~#fo! s#r͐|g}o|ʫD! ~#fo͐͐͝|g}os#r͐|g}o|D! ~#fo͐͐ͩ|g}os#r͐|g}o|E! ~#fo͐ͩ|g}os#r͐"E! 91Eöo!9DM!.E`iw#w͐|҂E! ^#Vr+s͐ns}vEÂE`i^#Vr+sGE͐6!9ÚEëe-!E͔E͗E(Y/N)? Eg~gDg f G!9DM!͵E! s#r>E>F>E> F>F>&F@F!G*&͸E|F@F&F*&G*}^@F*&|g}oG`iw#w͐͐~F͐͐n&ͻEs`i^#Vr+sFF`iw#w͐|F͐)ƃ~#fo!;E|´F͐G`i^#Vr+sÄF͐+n}HF! 6#6F! 6 #6͐!E`is#r͐G!9GuG!9DM! w#w͐ ! ^#Vr+sn& G`is#rzeG͐͐ ?͐! s#rG͐lG!9ÁGígDg~g!9DM! n&{G! sxG|ʹG! n&sG! n&~G|G! n&sG!! n! n&+H! 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ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. WordStar 3.00 Message Texts "Rm )L hge!!"#$2.()<)&''n)*%+-../////>0l00001,/W00RmRmA$Rms"w$%"&23C333344444445Rm425555.6N6Rm$";QJN'igW]VURm1QRmRmRmRmRmRm8-Z6-C.+0Rm...6Rm6666666Rm67Rmg7q7777'8m8Q9l99Rm99Rm:1:\::::::::;2Rm;5;Rmb;Rm;RmRmRmRmRmRmRmRmRmRmRmRmRmRmRmRmRmRmRmRmRmRmRmRmRmRmRmRmRmRmRmRmRmRmRmRm < < < N O - F I L E M E N U > > >  D Open Document File | Y DELETE a file | H Set HELP LEVEL  N Open Non-document File | E RENAME a file | L Change Drive  X EXIT to System | O COPY a file | R Run a program  F Directory + | P   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  M Run MailMerge S Run SpellStar < < < N O - F I L E M E N U > > >  󭭭 | 堠 |  L Changed logged disk drive | | R Run a program  F File directory + | P  | X EXIT to system  H Set help level | |  孭 | E RENAME a file |  D Open a document file | O COPY a file | M Run MailMerge  N Open a non-document file | Y DELETE a file | S Run SpellStar  For maximum help (full menu display),  select Help Level 3 by typing ^JH3.  This message will clear when a key is pressed.  TO HYPHENATE, PRESS -. Before pressing -, you may  move cursor: ^S=cursor left, ^D=cursor right.  If hyphenation not desired, type ^B.  < < < M A I N M E N U > > >  | | |  ^S char left ^D char right |^G char | ^I Tab ^B Reform | (from Main only)  ^A word left ^F word right |DEL chr lf| ^V INSERT ON/OFF |^J Help ^K Block  ^E line up ^X line down |^T word rt|^L Find/Replce again|^Q Quick ^P Print  筭 |^Y line |RETURN End paragraph|^O Onscreen  ^Z line up ^W line down | | ^N Insert a RETURN |  ^C screen up ^R screen down| | ^U Stop a command | CURSOR: ^A=left word ^S=left char ^D=right char  ^F=right word ^E=up line ^X=down line  SCROLL: ^Z=up line ^W=down ^C=up screen ^R=down  DELETE: DEL=char left ^G=right ^T=word ^Y=line  OTHER: ^V=insert off/on ^I=tab RETURN=end para ^U=stop  ^N=insert a RETURN ^B=reform ^L=find/replace again  PREFIX KEYS ^Q ^J ^K ^O ^P display additional menus  ^Q PREFIX (to cancel prefix, press SPACE bar)  CURSOR: S=left Side E=top X=bottom D=right enD line  R=beginning file C=end file 0-9,B,K,V,P=to marker  SCROLL: Z=continuous up W=continuous down  DELETE TO END LINE: DEL = left Y = right  FIND, REPLACE: F=Find a string A=find And substitute  REPEAT NEXT COMMAND: Q=repeat until key pressed < < < Q U I C K M E N U > > >  | | |  S left side D right side |Y line rt|F Find text in file | (from Main only)  E top scrn X bottom scrn |DEL lin lf|A Find & Replace |^J Help ^K Block  R top file C end file |L Find Misspelling |^Q Quick ^P Print  B top block K end block |Q Repeat command or |^O Onscreen  0-9 marker Z up W down | key until space |Space Bar returns  P previous V last Find or Block | bar or other key |you to Main Menu.  ^K PREFIX (to cancel prefix, press SPACE bar)  END EDIT/SAVE: D=Done X=done,eXit S=Save,reedit Q=abandon  MARK BLOCK: B=Block start K=blocK end H=Hide/display  BLOCK OPERATIONS: V=moVe block C=Copy block Y=delete block  ADDITIONAL FILES R=Read file W=Write block J=delete file  & PRINTING: O=cOpy file E=rEname P=  DISK & DIRECTORY: L=Log disk F=File directory + MISC: 0-9 = set/hide place markers N=columN move * < < < B L O C K M E N U > > >  砠 | | 堠 |  S Save & resume | B Begin K End | R Read P Print | (from Main only)  D Save--done | H Hide / Display | O Copy E Rename | ^J Help ^K Block  X Save & exit | C Copy Y Delete| J Delete | ^Q Quick ^P Print  Q Abandon file | V Move W Write | 렠 | ^O Onscreen  | N Column *|L Change logged disk| Space Bar returns  0-9 set/hide 0-9| |F Directory+| you to Main Menu. ^P PREFIX: Put Control Character in File  V=subscript T=superscript Y=ribbon color change  S=underScore B=Boldface D=Double strike  A=alternate pitch N=standard pitch X=strikeout begin/end  O=non-break space F=phantom space G=phantom rubout  C=pause H=overprint char RETURN=overprint line  Q,W,E,R=user printer controls SPACE=cancel prefix < < < P R I N T M E N U > > >  젠󠭭 | 砠 |  (begin and end) | (one time each) | A Alternate pitch | (from Main only)  B Bold D Double | H Overprint char | N Standard pitch |^J Help ^K Block  S Underscore | O Non-break space | C Printing pause |^Q Quick ^P Print  X Strikeout | F Phantom space | Y Other ribbon color|^O Onscreen  V Subscript | G Phantom rubout | 󭭠 |Space Bar returns  T Superscript | RET Overprint line | Q(1) W(2) E(3) R(4) |you to Main Menu. ^O PREFIX: on-screen formatting commands  S=line Spacing C=Center cursor line F=margins/tabs from line  L=Left margin X=margin release E=soft Entry #  R=Right margin W=Word wrap   D=, ctrl dspy%  I=set tab stop J=Justify ! P=Page display (  N=clear tab V=Var tabs " T=ruler display&  G=para tab H=Hyphn-Help$ SPACE=cancel prefix < < < O N S C R E E N M E N U > > >  󠦠 | 堠 | 󭭠 |  L Set left margin |C Center text |J Justify !| (from Main only)  R Set right margin|S Set line spacing |V Vari-Tabs"|^J Help ^K Block  X Release margins | |H Hyph-help$|^Q Quick ^P Print  I Set N Clear tab| 󭭭 |E Soft hyph#|^O Onscreen  G Paragraph tab |W Wrd wrap |D Prnt disp%|Space Bar returns  F Ruler from line |T Rlr line&|P Pge break(|you to Main Menu. < < < H E L P M E N U > > >   | |  H Display & set help level |S Status line | (from Main only)  B Paragraph reform (CTRL B)|R Ruler line |^J Help ^K Block  F Flags in rightmost column|M Margin & Tab |^Q Quick ^P Print  D Dot commands, print ctrls|P Place markers|^O Onscreen  |V Moving text |Space Bar returns  | |you to Main Menu. < < < H E L P M E N U > > >  | |  H Display & set the help level | S Status line | (from Main only)  B Paragraph reform (CONTROL-B) | R Ruler line | ^J Help ^K Block  F Flags in right-most column | M Margins & Tabs | ^Q Quick ^P Print  D Dot commands, print controls | P Place markers | ^O Onscreen  | V Moving text | Space Bar returns  |  | you to Main Menu.  ^S=delete character ^Y=delete entry ^F=File directory  ^D=restore character ^R=Restore entry ^U=cancel command  TYPE ^KP TO CONTINUE PRINT  TO RETURN CURSOR TO POSITION BEFORE SAVE,  TYPE ^QP BEFORE TYPING ANYTHING ELSE.  TYPE 1-9 TO VARY SPEED, SPACE TO STOP *** WARNING:  WRONG VERSION OF WSMSGS.OVR --  SOME MESSAGES MAY BE INCORRECT. *** *** WARNING  SCREENS OVER 48 LINES HIGH OR 120 COLUMNS WIDE  HAVE NOT BEEN TESTED AND DEBUGGED. PROCEED WITH  CAUTION; REDUCE WIDTH IF BUGS ENCOUNTERED. *** WARNING: DISK FULL,  DELETING OLD .BAK FILE TO MAKE SPACE  (NORMALLY, THE PREVIOUS BACKUP FILE IS DELETED  ONLY AFTER EDIT IS SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED).  CAN'T DISPLAY PAGE BREAKS IN A NON-DOCUMENT FILE *** WARNING: WORD TOO LONG TO FIT MARGINS  PUT AT FILE BEGINNING FOR CORRECT PAGE BREAK DISPLAY  Normally press RETURN only, or enter one or more of:  number=repeat count, B=search Backwards, W=whole Words only, U=ignore case, N=replace w/o asking, G=replace in entire file. To search for misspelled words, enter one of the following - RETURN=search forward, B=search backward, G=from start of file:  F - Fix word D - Add to dictionary  B - Bypass word S - Add to supplemental dictionary I - Ignore word  HELP LEVELS  3 all menus and explanations displayed  2 main editing menu (1-control-char commands) suppressed  1 prefix menus (2-character commands) also suppressed  0 command explanations (including this) also suppressed  CURRENT HELP LEVEL IS  ENTER Space OR NEW HELP LEVEL (0, 1, 2, OR 3):  The LOGGED DISK (or Current Disk or Default Disk) is the  disk drive used for files except those files for which  you enter a disk drive name as part of the file name.  WordStar displays the File Directory of the Logged Disk.  THE LOGGED DISK DRIVE IS NOW  NEW LOGGED DISK DRIVE (letter, colon, RETURN)?  Use this command to create and alter program source files  and other non-documents. Word wrap defaults off;  tabbing defaults to fixed (TAB chars in file; 8-col stops);  page breaks not shown; hi bit flags not used in file.  For normal word processing uses, use the "D" command instead.  Use this command to create a new document file,  or to initiate alteration of an existing document file.  A file name is 1-8 letters/digits, a period,  and an optional 0-3 character type.  File name may be preceded by disk drive letter A-D  and colon, otherwise current logged disk is used.  WARNING: You are editing the same file as you are printing.  WordStar will not allow you to save the edited version  until the print has completed or has been abandoned.  ALLOW PRINT TO FINISH BEFORE EDITING A FILE.  YOUR SYSTEM DOES NOT HAVE ENOUGH MEMORY TO  PERMIT SIMULTANEOUS EDITING AND PRINTING.  CAN'T EDIT A FILE WHILE MERGE-PRINTING --  FINISH OR ABANDON MERGE-PRINT BEFORE EDITING  FINISHING PRINT BEFORE EXIT  (type ^U to cancel exit command) ... FINISHING PRINT OF SAME FILE BEFORE SAVING  (Type ^U to cancel Save command) ...  FINISHING PRINT OF .BAK FILE BEFORE SAVING  (Type ^U to cancel Save command) ...  ABANDONING UNCHANGED  ABANDON EDITED VERSION OF INVALID  NAME:    NOT FOUND  Now printing file  "Y" TO ABANDON PRINT, "N" TO RESUME, ^U TO HOLD: PRINT?  For default press RETURN for each question: START AT PAGE NUMBER (RETURN for beginning)?  STOP AFTER PAGE NUMBER (RETURN for end)?  NUMBER OF COPIES (RETURN for 1)?  DISK  OUTPUT (Y/N):  OUTPUT  NAME?  USE FORM FEEDS (Y/N):  SUPPRESS PAGE FORMATTING (Y/N):  PAUSE FOR PAPER CHANGE BETWEEN PAGES (Y/N):  Ready printer, press RETURN: WARNING: You are printing the same file as you are editing.  The last saved version will be printed, not reflecting un-  saved changes. Furthermore, WordStar will not allow you to  save the file being edited while the print is in progress.  END EDIT (^KD) BEFORE STARTING PRINT.  YOUR SYSTEM DOES NOT HAVE ENOUGH MEMORY TO  PERMIT SIMULTANEOUS EDITING AND PRINTING.  TOO LITTLE MEMORY FOR MERGE-PRINT  *** PRINT OUTPUT DISK IS FULL. PRINT PAUSED. *** THAT PLACE MARKER NOT SETBLOCK BEGINNING NOT MARKED  (OR MARKER IS UNDISPLAYED)BLOCK END NOT MARKED  (OR MARKER IS UNDISPLAYED)BLOCK END MARKER BEFORE BEGINNING MARKERBLOCK TOO LONG -  MOVE OR DELETE IN TWO SMALLER BLOCKSCURSOR NOT IN RANGE FOR COLUMN MOVE/COPYCOLUMN READ / WRITE NOT ALLOWED THAT FILE EXISTS ON DESTINATION DISK.  DELETE EXISTING FILE FIRST,  OR USE A DIFFERENT DISKETTE.DISK FULLINVALID COPY LENGTHADDRESS IN "HOLE" (TSTADR)MEMORY FULL (MAK256)MEMORY SHORTAGE (MKSP)POINTER > 64K FROM CURSOR (PPTOAD)NOT ENOUGH MEMORY  OR YOUR OPERATING SYSTEM IS NOT  RELOCATED TO MAKE ALL RAM AVAILABLE DISKETTE DIRECTORY FULL CLOSE FAILURE -  SYSTEM FAILURE, OR YOU CHANGED DISKETTES RENAME FAILURE -  SYSTEM FAILURE, OR YOU CHANGED DISKETTES INVALID SCREEN HEIGHT OR WIDTH  MESSAGE  Can't edit a file of type .BAK or .$$$  -- rEname or cOpy before editing BAD OVLY #BAD OVERLAY FILE, OR  WRONG VERSION OVERLAY FILE Overlay file  Not Found FILE  NOT FOUND  (The seperately sold file   is required for use of chosen function.) NOT FOUNDPROGRAM IS AN EMPTY FILE!?PROGRAM TOO BIG FOR  MEMORY AVAILABLE UNDER WordStar LET PRINT COMPLETE BEFORE RUNNING A PROGRAM  NOT ENOUGH MEMORY TO USE "RUN PROGRAM" COMMAND  File  Not Found --  Can't Run a program unless  is available.  For spelling check, enter name of file to be checked.  (^R for last file edited)  For dictionary maintenance, enter name of file  containing words to add to or delete from dictionary.  FILE  ALREADY EXISTS  FILE  NOT ON SAME DRIVE  TOO LITTLE MEMORY TO COPY WHILE  EDITING OR MERGE-PRINTING  FILE  EXISTS -- OVERWRITE? (Y/N): FILE  IN USE BY WordStar   P=   Press space bar after reading screen: *** Invalid Dot Command Ignored: *** File Not Found *** But found, and will use, *** Cannot change disk in drive , request ignored Insert diskette with file then press RETURN: *** No .DF before .RV: *** WARNING: Overlong data value truncated *** Invalid variable name in .RV command ignored *** WARNING: Data exhausted, null value(s) used ***** Print Directives *****  PRINT CONTROL CHARACTERS may be entered anywhere in a line  to invoke underlining, boldface, subscripts, pauses, etc.  They are entered by typing ^P and a letter. A directory  of most print controls is given on the ^P PREFIX MENU;   see manual for more.  DOT COMMANDS are special lines beginning with a period and  a two-letter code. They control page breaks, headings,  page numbering, page layout, etc. Dot commands are  typed in like other text.  Space bar for DOT COMMAND SUMMARY, ^U to return to editing:  ***** Dot Commands *****  PUT EACH DOT COMMAND ON SEPARATE LINE, WITH . IN COL 1  .PA new PAge  .CP n new page if less than n lines left on this page  .OP Omit Page numbers when printing, starting this page  .PN print Page Numbers, starting this page (default)  .PN n set Page Number to n, print page numbers  .PC n Page number Column (default 33 (30 if 64-col screen))  .PO n Page Offset: extra indent when printed (default 8)  .. text comment, not printed  press space bar for next frame:  .HE text HEading used until next .HE (default blank)  .FO text FOooting (replaces page number) (blank)  .PL n Paper Length: total number of lines (default 66)  .MT n Margin at Top: # lines, top paper to text (3)  .MB n Margin at Bottom: # lines, end text to end paper (8)  # lines text on page is PL - MT - MB (defaults to 55)  .HM n Heading Margin: blank lines between head and text (2)  .FM n Footing Margin: blank lines, text to footing (2)  FOR PAGE BREAKS TO DISPLAY AS THEY WILL PRINT, USE  .PL,.MT,.MB, AND .LH (next frame) AT FILE BEGINNING ONLY.  Depress space bar for next frame:  THE FOLLOWING WORK ONLY WITH INCREMENTAL PRINTERS:  .LH n Line Height in 48ths of an inch (default 8)  .CW n Character Width in 120ths of an inch, for standard or  alternate pitch, whichever is in use (see ^P menu).  (default 12 for standard, 10 for alternate)  .SR n Subscript / Superscript Roll in 48ths of an inch (3)  .UJ OFF/ON "MicroJustification" off/on (default ON)  Use insure that printed column alignment exactly  matches screen, e.g. for tabular material:  Put .UJ OFF before table, put .UJ ON after table.  Space for next frame, ^U to return to editing:  SPECIAL CHARACTERS in HEADINGS (.HE) and FOOTINGS (.FO):  # prints as current page number  \ do not interpret next character as a special character  ^K do not print following spaces if on even-numbered page  PAGE NUMBER POSITIONING: If a footing text is specified (.FO  dot command), the default bottom center page number is not  printed. Use a # in heading or footing to position page  number where desired. ^K followed by spaces followed by #  may be used to produce alternating left/right page numbers.  Space for next frame, ^U to return to editing:  ***** Merge-Print Dot Commands *****  .DF filename specify Data File for .RV  .RV name,name,name,... Read Variable values from data file  .AV "prompt",name Ask operator for Variable value  &name& anywhere in doc't prints as variable value. variable names are letter then 0-39 letters, digits, -'s. .FI filename Insert document File  .DM message Display Message  See manual for details and additional commands. Merge-Print  is an optional feature, operational only if MAILMRGE.OVR is  on your diskette. Press any key to return to editing:  ***** STATUS LINE (top line of screen) *****  ^JS at left end of line is command now executing  A:NAME.TYP is name of file you are now editing  PAGE n is page number of cursor (disregards .PN's)  LINE n is printout line on page of cursor position  COL n is printout column on line of cursor position  INSERT ON shows if character insertion is on (^V command)  MAR REL shows if margins are released (^OX command)  decimal shows during decimal tabbing  LINE SPACING n shows if line spacing is not 1 (^OS command)  PRINT PAUSE shows if printer is stopped (^KP to resume)  when WAIT appears, stop typing. Press space bar:  If page break display is OFF (^OP command) or edit  was started with N command, then Status Line shows  FC=nnnn FL=nnnn in place of PAGE n LINE n .   FC=nnnn cursor position in characters (bytes) from  beginning of file  FL=nnnn cursor position in file lines from beginning  of file, including dot command lines   space bar:  ***** FLAG CHARACTERS (rightmost column of screen) *****  < line ends in "hard" carriage return, entered by user  space this line break arose from word wrap or paragraph  reform, and may moved on subsequent reform  + this line of document continues on next screen line  - next line will overprint this line  ? unrecognized or incomplete dot command  M Merge-Print (optional feature) dot command  P page break  : this screen line is before beginning of document  .  after end of document press space bar:  COMMANDS TO -- ARE --  move cursor on main and ^Q menus  scroll file up or down on main menu; also find (^QF)  delete text on main and ^Q menus; also ^KY  move or copy text on ^K menu  end edit / save file ^KD; see ^K menu  print (while editing) ^KP  set tabs and margins on ^O menu  reformat text ^B; ^JB gives info  find a string; replace ^QF; ^QA; ^L repeats last  press space bar for "entering text":  ***** ENTERING TEXT *****  To enter text at cursor position, just type the text.  Use RETURN key for paragraph end or other fixed line break;  let word wrap form lines within paragraph.  Type ^V to turn insertion off (to overtype) or back on.  ^N may be used to create blank lines ahead of cursor,  as before inserting a paragraph.  Use ^B to realign margins after corrections.  ^JM shows info on margins, tabs, table entry, outline entry. press space bar after reading:  ***** TO MOVE A BLOCK OF TEXT *****  1. Put cursor on first character, type ^KB to mark start.  2. Put cursor after last character, type ^KK to mark end  (for end line, use start next line to include RETURN).  3. Put cursor at destination, type ^KV to move the text,  or ^KC to make a duplicate copy.  To undisplay markers afterwards, use ^KH.  ^KB and ^KK may be entered in either order, with or without  other intervening commands.  All above commands are on ^K menu. press space bar:  ***** PARAGRAPH REFORM (^B) *****  To realign margins of a paragraph after corrections, place  cursor at beginning of paragraph and type ^B.  To change margins of paragraph already entered, set margins  (^OL, ^OR), place cursor at paragraph beginning, type ^B. To change between justified and ragged right, or change line  spacing, set desired justification (^OJ) & line spacing  (^OS), place cursor at paragraph beginning, and type ^B.  To obtain WordStar's help in hyphenating long words, place  cursor at beginning of paragraph and type ^B.  press space bar for more:  ^B reforms lines to end of paragraph as indicated by "hard"  carriage return (< in rightmost column).  Thus, it is important not to use RETURN between lines  within a paragraph when entering text.  ^B may be used to form hanging indents, change margins in  mid-paragraph, etc. The exact rule is:  "^B starts on the cursor line, at the left margin col-  umn, or at the cursor position, whichever is farther  left, and proceeds to the next 'hard' carriage return".  press space bar:  ***** Hyphen-Help *****  ^B will occasionally stop before the end of the paragraph  and ask you whether you wish a word hyphenated.  Following the instructions that appear on the screen, move  the cursor if desired to adjust the hyphen position,  then press "-" to hyphenate, or ^B to not hyphenate.  To turn off "hyphen-help", type ^OH.  press space bar:  ***** MARGINS *****  To set left margin: Type ^OL. WordStar will asks for column.  Type desired column number 1-240 and press RETURN.  Or, to use column of cursor in file, just press ESCAPE.  To set right margin: type ^OR, proceed as above.  To set both margins to match text in a line already entered:  place cursor in that line, type ^OF.  To temporarily set left margin to next tab stop: type ^OG.  Margins apply to text subsequently entered. To remarginate  text already entered: set margins and use ^B.  press space bar after reading:  ***** LINE SPACING AND JUSTIFICATION *****   To set line spacing: type ^OS. WordStar will ask for line  spacing. Enter a digit 1 thru 9.  To turn justification off (for ragged right format),  or to turn justification back on: type ^OJ.  Line spacing and justification settings apply to text  subsequently entered; they may be applied to previously  entered text with the paragraph reform command (^B).  press space bar for "Tab Stops":  ***** TAB STOPS *****   To set a tab: type ^OI. WordStar will ask for column number.  Type column number and press RETURN. Or, to use cursor  column, press the ESCAPE key. To set a decimal tab stop,  type "#" before typing column number or pressing ESCAPE.  To clear a tab stop or all tab stops: type ^ON.  To tab: type ^I, or press TAB key if present. Tabbing  inserts spaces to next tab stop if insertion (^V) is on.  Tabbing advances cursor over text if insertion is off.  press space bar:  ENTERING A COLUMNAR TABLE -- We Suggest:   Set a tab stop for each column of table.  Clear all other tab stops.  If not at end file, turn on insertion (^V),  or use ^N to make blank lines.  Tab (^I) after entering each table item. After last column  on a line, tabbing will move to first item on next line.  space bar:  OUTLINE FORMAT TEXT ENTRY -- We Suggest:  Set tab stops at desired indentations.  Set right margin as desired.  For each item:  Type ^OG's as required for item number indentation.  Type item number.  Type ^OG.  Type text of item, without using RETURN.  At end of item, press RETURN. Left margin resets.  Press RETURN again if blank line desired.  press space bar:  ***** RULER LINE *****   L----!----!----!----!----!----!----!----!---------R   L Left margin (set with ^OL)  R Right margin (set with ^OR)  ! regular tab stop (set with ^OI, clear with ^ON)  # decimal tab stop (set with ^OI, clear with ^ON)  - other positions between margins    press space bar after reading:  ***** PLACE MARKERS *****   Up to 10 place markers, identified by numbers (n) 0-9,  may be set in a file while the file is being edited.  To set place marker n at the cursor position: type ^Kn.  will display to indicate the marker position.  To return the cursor to place marker n: type ^Qn any  time during the same edit.  To remove the from the display: type ^Kn when the  cursor is already at the marker position.  press space bar:  ***** OTHER MARKER & RELATED COMMANDS *****   The block beginning marker, ¾, and the block end marker,  ˾, are set and moved to in a similar manner; the  text between these markers can be moved (^KV), copied  (^KC), deleted (^KY), or written to a file (^KW).   ^QP moves cursor to its position before preceding command.   ^QV moves cursor to start of last find/replace, or to   source of text for last block move or copy.  press space bar:  IF THIS DISPLAYS YOU ARE USING WRONG VERSION OF WSMSGS.OVR ext for last block move or copy.  press space bar:  IF THIS DISPLAYS YOU ARE USING WRONG VERSION    / / / / / /A/B>W0Diablo 1610/1620 printe͖ BͲB͖ >c6>2/ 4B  !}>Ϳ/!>"2>"2>5"2>6"2> "2>A"2>B"2222<22>~22>N2>Þ6W0Diablo 1640/1650/630 printe͖ ͝ This selection also works for Xerox 1730/1740/1750 printers͖ BͲB͖ n>/ P/ B S P/  >2!>Y"2>Z"2>2W0Qume Sprint 5 printe͖ BͲB͖ n>/I/I!> "2>/"2>o2W0NEC Spinwriter 5510/20 printe͖ B͝ This selection for the specified printers only. If you haveModel 5515 or 5525 use selection "D" (Diablo 1610) instead. To prevent buffer overflow with these printers at 1200 baudwithout using a cable adapter, speci COPYRIGHT (C) 1981, MICROPRO INTERNATIONAL, SAN RAFAEL, CALIFORNIA, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. WordStar release 3.00 overlay file number 1. overlays for no-file commands and editing  NOSEY, AREN'T YOU?   Bý<>AE>x ʡ</{/:<><26;!:: *;<6#";=Ao@ !> :=%>:=A6#J= J=~*:::O ~!:ͥ>!":*;ͮ>========!=F6#>=J=~6# Ox͡?ç=":!::!;".2;::?Y>͡2:2:AWo x4>!:~6)>::ͪA2E6W>2:2;:;!:’>*:*:R*:>*:>͎Ғ>2;?T?ͪo:J= > +~<>*;++~:>>>>>ġ?#*:\A! >!:ͥ>*:ͮ>9?F#>.?J=~ O#x͡?{?> ͡?":";{2:!:::;2;!2>!:ͥ>*:\A*:::_>G{ʛ?H>G>y”?ʕ? O>xF͡?w?*:\A2 ;WG ҙ@ʙ@ʙ@?2;:?:?:?q>2;@@@>@A?::=$@<<=͖B@9@¢2:>3@N@?::)>@!:1A#yHͿ@::x :=*6;>AͿ@î@Q::@:::=@@z@z ::: @::: ! ZBZBZBZB*;#";o*:&K>A~1APYÞ*A*:&:;HAK*:":*:":!*:REAK*:":*:*9<|R":::_jA*:|*9 –B>!,<*:-,=AҵBAÙB!";0tppýpÜshse !.; ?DELETE? RENAME? NEW NAME? COPY FROM? 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The  following points will help you use the INSTALL program:   o You can use the installation manual to answer any  questions you may have.   o You can also use the WordStar Reference Manual Glossary  to better understand unfamiliar terms.   o You will have the opportunity to review and accept or  reject each item after you select it and again at the  end of the program.   o If you press unnecessary keys, they will be ignored.   o If you need to leave the INSTALL program at any point,  press ^C. ,, Enter the disk drive name (a letter followed by a colon,  B:) where WordStar files will be located while you run  INSTALL: then press . 0 WSU.COM.COM, The uninstalled WordStar program is  normally contained in .  If you are reinstalling WordStar or have previously renamed  the file, enter the new name below; otherwise press .  WSU' , Name of file to install, or for  &' 2,*** INVALID file name. Please re-enter. *** u 2<,*** ERROR *** File does not exist. ,)rdSt[ |   k.CMDs.COM+   ,*** ERROR *** This version of WordStar cannot be installed  using this version of INSTALL. , Only versions of WordStar in the 3.3 series  may be installed with the version of INSTALL ,*** ERROR *** The file you have specified is not a WordStar  file. This INSTALL can only be used to install  WordStar. , Enter "X" to exit INSTALL,  or press to continue (re-enter filename).  XX ,You are returning to the operating system. ,u WS', File to install is : , When you are finished running this program, you will have an  installed version of WordStar in a new file on the logged  disk drive. It will be called . If you wish to name the  file something else, enter the name below. Otherwise press  . To change the name, enter up to eight letters or  numbers. The extension  will automatically be added to any  name.  WS', Enter name of file for installed WordStar, or for  &' 2 ,*** INVALID file name. Please re-enter. *** z ,'.$$$' File for installed WordStar is : , 21 *** CAUTION *** This file already exists. If you make  changes during this INSTALL session and  save these changes, you will overwrite  this file. ,%z , You are installing the file  and producing the  file . ,%, INSTALL is copying the file .   PLEASE WAIT. ,2p2p++   ++(, ***** INSTALLATION MENU *****  If you are installing a new copy of WordStar, you must select letter A to install your terminal, then letter C to install your printer. If your terminal is not listed on the Menu of Terminals, return to this menu and select letter B. If your printer is not listed on the Menu of Printers, return to this menu and select letter D. If you want to change a particular WordStar feature, choose letter E. ,A Menu of Terminals B Custom Installation of Terminals ,C Menu of Printers D Custom Installation of Printers ,E Menu of WordStar Features F Operating System Considerations ,X Exit from INSTALL , Enter the letter of your choice (A/B/C/D/E/F/X). +A Menu of TerminalsA i+B Custom Installation of Terminals B =+C Menu of PrintersC ?1+D Custom Installation of PrintersD +3+E Menu of WordStar FeaturesE +F Operating System ConsiderationsF ++ Custom modification of WordStar+ *+X Exit from INSTALLX +   ,The changes made during this session of INSTALL are stored in a temporary file. You may now save these changes in your installed file .  These are your current values:  + 2pTerminal :  + 2pPrinter :  +x Communications protocol : 2p  < [ No protocol y ETX/ACK protocol y X-ON/X-OFF protocol + Driver : 2p   * K Port Driver (direct I/O to 8-bit ports) j User-installed driver subroutines j Primary list device j Secondary list device , ***** EXIT OPTIONS MENU ***** ,A Save the changes made during this INSTALL session B Quit this session of INSTALL without saving changes C Change any of your choices / Remain in INSTALL , Enter the letter of your choice (A/B/C). +A,Your new installed WordStar file is . #+B,This INSTALL session has been completed without saving changes. "+C+ 6 w ,You are returning to the operating system. ,m,The WordStar program comes to you already installed for your hardware. Please start with selection C to install your printer. Press to go back to the installation menu: ,  m+ \ c -,  value is currently . , Enter "C" to change,  or press to leave unchanged. + c+C  ^ + + 2 ,  value is now -. ,%^, Enter new value : ! ^ , *** INVALID *** Please re-enter value. ,^+ ,  value is now . ,%^++++, Cursor positioning ,+4+ WordStar sends sequences of special characters to the  terminal to move the cursor to a given line and column on the  screen. Are there characters that must be sent before either  the line or column numbers are sent (e.g. ESC + )? (Refer to  your terminal manual.) , Your this+,+=+Are there characters that must be sent after the line number (or column number, whichever is first) and before the other dimension is sent? , Your this+,+B+Are there characters to be sent after the line and column numbers are sent? , Your this++G+ 2p,Is the column number sent before the line number? , hCurrently ... YES , Enter "C" to change to NO, Currently ... NO , Enter "C" to change to YES  or press to leave unchanged. + CC ++,Is the column number sent before the line number? , dNow ... YES rNow ... NO ,%++H,What character is sent to the terminal to signify line 1? ,Current value is : + 2p +, Enter "C" to change,  or press to leave unchanged. + + c+C  , New value? ! |,Line 1 is now signified by sending to the terminal character : ,+,%|+I,What character is sent to the terminal to signify column 1?  (usually same as line 1) ,Current value is : + 2p +, Enter "C" to change,  or press to leave unchanged. + + c+C  9, New value? ! ,Column 1 is now signified by sending to the terminal character : ,+,%+J  +,What types of codes are sent to signify line and column numbers?  i Currently : Single byte BINARY value , Enter "C" to change to Multi Character ASCII,  Currently : Multi Character ASCII , Enter "C" to change to Single byte BINARY value,  or press to leave unchanged.  + CC &!+.!+ _!,+Number of characters? ! 8!+,What types of codes are sent to signify line and column numbers?  !Now : Single byte BINARY value  "Now : Multi Character ASCII  +,%,+u+, Terminal start-up (optional) ,Some sequences, such as auto page on, protect mode off, and conversation mode on, may be sent from WordStar to prepare the terminal for WordStar functions. , Terminal start-up terminal start-up+,+~+, Terminal exit (optional) , On exiting from WordStar, some function code sequences, such  as auto page on, protect mode off, and conversation mode on  may be sent from WordStar to reset the terminal to its  previous condition. , Terminal exit terminal exit+,+g+, Highlighting (optional) ,Highlighting can be achieved by bright/dim or inverse video. , Highlight-on highlight-on++n+,Sequence to turn off highlighting , Highlight-off highlight-off+,+P+, Erase to End of Line (optional) ,This function blanks all character positions from the current cursor position to the end of the current screen line. , Erase to end of line erase to end of line+,+W+, Delete Line (optional) ,This function deletes the screen line containing the cursor, moving the following screen lines up one line. , Delete line Delete line++^+, Insert Line (optional) ,The Insert function will insert a blank line above the line containing the cursor.  *** NOTE *** If your terminal inserts blank lines below  the cursor line, you must specify a cursor-up  control sequence before the insert-line  control sequence. , Insert line insert line+,+, Handling of last character on screen , Some terminals recognize a character at the bottom right  of the screen as a command to scroll the screen. WordStar  uses this feature to control where text is displayed. Check  your terminal manual regarding this feature. , Does your terminal use this position as a scroll command? , 2p *Currently ... NO (it does not) , Enter "C" to change to YES, *Currently ... YES (it does) , Enter "C" to change to NO,  or press to leave unchanged.  + i+, P+Now ... NO (it does not) i+Now ... YES (it does) ,CC +, ++Now ... YES (it does) ++Now ... NO (it does not) , + +,%(,,,,  , ,,,,(,- , Enter "C" to change,  or press to leave unchanged.  ,+CC ,-++  function code sequence is currently: 2p+ U- (empty) ,+  function code sequence is now : 2p+ U- (empty) ,+ 2p - U-,++, You can enter a value in ASCII, decimal, or hexadecimal codes. Precede each entry with these prefixes: ,ASCII : (:^A enters ASCII ^A, a single value) Hexadecimal , (,41 enters hexadecimal 41) Decimal # (#61 enters decimal 61) ,To enter a sequence of characters, enter each one separately, followed by . ,Press to leave a value unchanged. Enter a period (.) and press to terminate a sequence  and to eliminate all subsequent values. ,These special characters require hexadecimal input:  (^M) ,0D Period (.)  ,2E ^H (backspace: ^H) ,08 ,Maximum entries for   function is . +,Current New Value Value + 2p 00 ! 1+ 00 ... (unchanged) #1+ ,1+ 0+++, 2pPrinter is currently : , ***** STANDARD PRINTER TYPES ***** Select the letter of your printer from the list below.This is menu "xyzIhm, ***** PRINTER INSTALLATION MENU ***** , If your printer was not listed on the menu of printers or,  if you want to enhance the performance of your printer, you  must provide some additional information about your printer.  This information should be in the manual that comes with the  printer. If not talk to your dealer.   If you wish to install a specialty printer select A on the  following menu.   If you wish to install a standard printer, select B on the  following menu.   If you just want to change a feature, select the appropriate  letter on the following menu. ,, ***** PRINTER INSTALLATION MENU ***** ,A Automatic installation for Specialty printers B Automatic installation for Standard printers  All printers Specialty printers only  C Printer name I Ribbon selection D Initialization J Vertical motion E Overprinting K Horizontal motion F Boldfacing L Print modes G Protocol menu M Phantom characters H Driver menu  Standard printers only Optional  N Return / line feed O User-defined functions  P Carriage roll  Q Character pitch X Exit to INSTALLATION menu   Enter the letter of your choice (A-Q/X). +A:+B:+CE+DDG+EH+FM+GIh+Hm+IZN+JP+KtT+LY+M[+N\+O8^+Pb+Q%e+X,+ 5 9++, Automatic installation of a specialty printer ,This routine allows you to install a specialty printer without returning to the printer installation menu. ;++, Automatic installation of a standard printer ,This routine allows you to install a standard printer without returning to the printer installation menu. ;,Once you enter this routine you will have to answer questions on each printer feature. , Enter "X" to exit,  or press to continue.  +XX + 0DE++, Printer initialization ,These are the sequences transmitted to the printer at the beginning and conclusion of printing. , Printer initialization,++, Printer de-initialization,9D =+DG++ 2p +, Overprinting ,What type of backspacing method does your printer use? , H> w>Currently : Non-backspacing standard printer >Currently : Backspacing standard printer >Currently : Specialty printer 9D >+H+M+x, Communications protocol is currently :  +2p +? D? No protocol ]? ETX/ACK protocol ]? X-ON/X-OFF protocol 9D l?Ih, Printer driver D9D ?m C++, Ribbon selection ,With these control sequences you specify alternate and standard ribbon selection, if your printer allows. What sequence of characters should be sent to the printer at "^PY" in your text? , Alternate ribbon selection,++, Standard ribbon selection,9D A+ZN+, Vertical motion ,D9D eA+P+, Horizontal motion ,D9D A+tT+++, Print modes ,If your printer is capable of both backward and forward printing set both of the following features. , Set forward print mode,++, Set backward print mode,9D B+Y+++, Print phantom characters ,These sequences specify the characters to be sent to the printer to print its phantom space and phantom rubout characters. , Print phantom space,++, Print phantom rubout,9D C+[+ 0D, Return / Line feed D9D 0D+\++, Enter "C" to change,  or press to leave unchanged.  +CC +,As there are a large number of values relating to this item, these values are not displayed. If you wish to change or view any of the current values enter C below and each item will be displayed individually. ,+, Printer Name (optional) 2p,Current name is : , Enter "C" to change,  or press to leave unchanged. + c+C , F CG 2p,Printer name now is : ,%FCG, New printer (maximum 34 characters) : ,Printer name now is : ,%F,  "   '  " ++, Printer initialization ,This is the sequence transmitted to the printer at the start of printing. , Printer initialization printer initialization+++, Printer de-initialization ,This is the sequence transmitted to the printer at the conclusion of printing. , Printer de-initialization printer de-initialization+,+ 2p +, Overprinting ,What type of backspacing method does your printer use? , I ICurrently : Non-backspacing standard printer JCurrently : Backspacing standard printer JCurrently : Specialty printer  +  OJ xJNow : Non-backspacing standard printer JNow : Backspacing standard printer JNow : Specialty printer A Specialty printer Printer is a daisy wheel or similar incremental printer and can overprint using horizontal motion controls ,Now : Specialty printer ,+B Backspacing standard printer Printer can overprint by backspacing as well as by using return without a line feed ,Now : Backspacing standard printer ,+C Non-backspacing standard printer Printer can overprint only by using return without a line feed  Enter the letter of your choice (A/B/C), or press to leave unchanged. ,Now : Non-backspacing standard printer ,+ +,%H  M++,You must now enter the backspacing control sequence. , Backspacing backspacing+,+, Boldfacing ,You may set the number of strikes for boldfacing. This should be set to 2 for specialty printers. +, Boldfacing strikesA,++, Alternate ribbon selection ,With this control sequence you specify alternate ribbon selection, if your printer allows. What sequence of characters should be sent to the printer at the first "^PY" in your text? , Alternate ribbon selection alternate ribbon selection+++, Standard ribbon selection ,With this control sequence you specify standard ribbon selection. What sequence of characters should be sent to the printer at the second "^PY" in your text? ,, Standard ribbon selection standard ribbon selection+,+z+, Vertical motion , What is the sequence of special characters sent by WordStar  to tell the printer to accept the Vertical Motion Index (VMI)? , Your this+++, What is the sequence of special characters sent by WordStar  to the printer at the conclusion of printing in vertical  increments? This sequence is not required for most printers. , Your this++,What is the minimum value allowed for VMI? ,+, VMI minimum+A+,What is the range of valid VMI values? ,NOTE : minimum value + range = maximum value ,+, VMI range++A,++,What is the function code sequence that causes a line feed at the current line height? , Your this+++,What is the function code sequence that causes a reverse line feed at the current line height? , Your this+,++, Horizontal motion , What is the sequence of special characters sent by WordStar  to tell the printer to accept the Horizontal Motion Index (HMI)? , Your this++ 2p +,What horizontal increment (in inches) does your printer use? , VCurrently : 1/60 inch increments , Enter "C" to change to 1/120 inch increments, rVCurrently : 1/120 inch increments , Enter "C" to change to 1/60 inch increments,  or press to leave unchanged. C V+V+, VNow : 1/60 inch increments WNow : 1/120 inch increments ,%LU+,What is the minimum value allowed for HMI? ,+, HMI minimum+A+,What is the range of valid HMI values? ,NOTE : minimum value + range = maximum value ,+, HMI range++A,++,What is the function code sequence that causes a space forward at the current character width? , Your this+++,What is the function code sequence that causes a back space at the current character width? , Your this+,++, Print modes ,If your printer is capable of both backward and forward printing set both of the following features. , Set forward print mode ,This sequence defines printing in a forward direction. , Set forward print mode set forward print mode+++, Set backward print mode ,This sequence defines printing in a backward direction. , Set backward print mode set backward print mode+,++, Print phantom space ,This sequence specifies the characters to be sent to the printer to print its phantom space character. , Print phantom space print phantom space+++, Print phantom rubout ,This sequence specifies the characters to be sent to the printer to print its phantom rubout character. , Print phantom rubout print phantom rubout+,++ , Return and line feed control sequence , Return and line feed return and line feed+++, Return (no line feed) control sequence , Return (no line feed) return (no line feed)+++, Return and half line feed control sequence , Return and half line feed return and half line feed+,++, User-defined functions ,WordStar provides four print commands which the user may assign. When you include function characters (such as ^PW) in your text, WordStar will perform actions, such as changing to italic font. Check your printer manual for special features available. , User function #1 ,What sequence of characters should be sent to the printer at "^PQ" in your text? , #1 User #1 user+++, User function #2 ,What sequence of characters should be sent to the printer at "^PW" in your text? , #2 User #2 user+++, User function #3 ,What sequence of characters should be sent to the printer at "^PE" in your text? , #3 User #3 user+++, User function #4 ,What sequence of characters should be sent to the printer at "^PR" in your text? , #4 User #4 user+,++, Roll up carriage ,Some WordStar features, such as superscripting, require that the carriage roll up a partial line. Check your printer manual for the special characters required to roll the carriage up a partial line. What sequence of characters should be sent to the printer at "^PT" in your text? , Roll up carriage roll up carriage+++, Roll down carriage ,Some WordStar features, such as subscripting, require that the carriage roll down a partial line. Check your printer manual for the special characters required to roll the carriage down a partial line. What sequence of characters should be sent to the printer at "^PV" in your text? , Roll down carriage roll down carriage+,++, Set alternate character pitch ,If your printer allows, you can change the character pitch within a document. This sequence specifies the characters required to set alternate character pitch. Check your printer manual for code sequence. What sequence of characters should be sent to the printer at "^PA" in your text? , Set alternate character pitch set alternate character pitch+++, Set standard character pitch ,This code sequence provides the characters required to set/reset standard character pitch. Check your printer manual for the specific characters. What sequence of characters should be sent to the printer at "^PN" in your text? , Set standard character pitch set standard character pitch+,+x, Communications protocol is currently :  +2p h h No protocol h ETX/ACK protocol h X-ON/X-OFF protocol , ***** COMMUNICATIONS PROTOCOL MENU *****   Some printers require special codes to regulate the flow of information from the computer to the printer. If you do not know whether you need one, see the installation manual.,+ (j Wj No communications protocol "j ETX/ACK protocol "j X-ON/X-OFF protocol ", A NONE required (or handled outside of WordStar)++ No communications protocol " B ETX/ACK protocol++ ETX/ACK protocol " C X-ON/X-OFF protocol   Enter the letter of your choice (A/B/C), or press to leave unchanged. ++ X-ON/X-OFF protocol ",Communications protocol is now : nl l X-ON/X-OFF protocol l No protocol l ETX/ACK protocol ,%Ih, m+, ETX/ACK message length ,This value should be equal to or less than one half of the printer buffer size. Refer to your printer manual for buffer size information. +y, ETX/ACK message lengthA,+,  +Driver is currently : 2p n In m Primary list device pn Secondary list device pn Port Driver (direct I/O to 8-bit ports) pn User-installed driver subroutines , ***** DRIVER MENU *****   In order for WordStar to work with the printer you must select a printer driver, the part of a program that sends information to the printer. If you do not know what kind of printer driver you need, see the installation manual.  (With no protocol, the usual driver selection is A.),+ 5p ^p  p Primary list device p Secondary list device p Direct I/O to 8-bit port driver pUser-installed driver subroutines  A Operating system primary list device+++ Primary list device  B Operating system secondary list device (CP/M only)++++ Secondary list device  C Direct I/O to 8-bit port   Enter the letter of your choice (A/B/C), or press to leave unchanged. ++++ Direct I/O to 8-bit port driver ", Driver is now : s it w User-installed driver subroutines , See the Installation manual for details on coding and  installing your custom printer busy test, printer output,  and printer input routines.  (The input routine is needed only when a communications  protocol is in use.)  Primary list device , You have selected the list device with a protocol. You must make special program modifications. See the installation manual for details.  Secondary list device , The secondary list device must be assigned to a physical device. ,%m,+t , Physical device is currently :  +2p @u Lu Xu TTY au CRT au BAT au UC1 , Which of the four physical devices would you like to use as the secondary list device? (See your operating system manual, or, if your system includes several devices, such as printers and terminals, review the current set-up of the system.),+  A TTY - console printer++t B CRT - CRT device++t C BAT - batch mode++t D UC1 - user-defined console device   Enter the letter of your choice (A/B/C/D), or press to leave unchanged. ++t, Physical device is now : w w wUC1 wTTY wCRT wBAT ,%t, Port Driver (direct I/O to 8-bit ports) , Port Driver , The port driver is normally used with serial printers and a  protocol. Since hardware ports are very non-standard, you  have to provide information to WordStar so that it can modify  the port driver and control the printer. Refer to your  computer manual for information about input and output ports. ,%m, Output port information   The port numbers must be input as a decimal number. ++3 ,Your OUTPUT port number is currently . , Enter "C" to change,  or press to leave unchanged.  +CC + z, What is the OUTPUT port number? ! z,Your OUTPUT port number is now . ,%z+( ,Your OUTPUT STATUS port number is currently . , Enter "C" to change,  or press to leave unchanged.  +CC + |, What is the OUTPUT STATUS port number? ! {,Your OUTPUT STATUS port number is now . ,%{+++ ,Which bits change at the OUTPUT STATUS port when the OUTPUT port becomes ready to accept a character? Use only a hexadecimal value. ,Your current value is . , Enter "C" to change,  or press to leave unchanged.  +CC + }, What is the new value? ! },This value is now . ,%}+- ,Which bits change from off (0) to on (1) at the OUTPUT STATUS port when the OUTPUT port becomes ready to accept a character? Use only a hexadecimal value. ,Your current value is . , Enter "C" to change,  or press to leave unchanged.  +CC + P, What is the new value? ! &,This value is now . ,%&+x  ++@ , Input port information   The port numbers must be input as a decimal number.  ,Your INPUT port number is currently . , Enter "C" to change,  or press to leave unchanged.  +CC + ހ, What is the INPUT port number? ! ,Your INPUT port number is now . ,%+7 ,Your INPUT STATUS port number is currently . , Enter "C" to change,  or press to leave unchanged.  +CC + , What is the INPUT STATUS port number? ! Ձ,Your INPUT STATUS port number is now . ,%Ձ++: ,Which bits change at the INPUT STATUS port when the INPUT port becomes ready to accept a character? Use only a hexadecimal value. ,Your current value is . , Enter "C" to change,  or press to leave unchanged.  +CC + , What is the new value? ! ,This value is now . ,%+< ,Which bits change from off (0) to on (1) at the INPUT STATUS port when the INPUT port becomes ready to accept a character? Use only a hexadecimal value. ,Your current value is . , Enter "C" to change,  or press to leave unchanged.  +CC + V, What is the new value? ! ,,This value is now . ,%,,%m,, ***** MENU OF WORDSTAR FEATURES *****  To modify a WordStar feature, select the appropriate letter, choose the modification, then return to this menu to continue or exit to the Installation Menu ("X").  A Initial help level K Left margin B Decimal point character L Right margin C Non-document mode M Number lines/page D Initial directory display N Page offset E Initial insertion toggle O Form feeds F Justification toggle P Data field separator G Hyphen help toggle Q Variable name symbol H Omit-page-numbering toggle R Default disk drive I Top page margin J Bottom page margin X Exit to INSTALLATION menu   Enter the letter of your choice (A-R/X). +AA B+BB ،+CC +DD O+EE +FF ː+GG +HH 1+II +JJ +KK u+LL )+MM ݖ+NN +OO +PP +QQ L+RR +XX +  +M+, Initial help level ,You can set the level of onscreen help to provide more or less information as you need it. The help level is currently 2p.  A Help level 3 All menus and explanations displayed +B Help level 2 Main editing menu (1-key commands) suppressed +C Help level 1 Prefix menus (2-key commands) also suppressed +D Help level 0 Command explanations also suppressed   Enter the letter of your choice (A/B/C/D), or press to leave unchanged. +,Help level is now . ,%B+z, Decimal point character , 2pCurrently a .@comma (,) Mperiod (.) is used as the decimal point character. For European notation, use a comma (,). , Enter "C" to change to a .ߍperiod (.), comma (,),  or press to leave unchanged.  CC .C+.K+,,Decimal point character is now a .comma (,). period (.). ,%،, Non-document mode ,Set WordStar to begin in non-document mode ("N") rather than document mode ("D"). +x, Non-document mode#%), Initial Opening Menu directory display ,Displays the directory of the logged disk drive at the WordStar Opening Menu. +P, Directory display#%׏, Initial insertion toggle ,This sets WordStar to start with insertion on, meaning that previously typed text will be moved right for new characters. +O, Insert mode#%, Justification toggle ,This sets WordStar to start with justification on. Your text will be right justified as you type. +m, Justification#%`, Hyphen help toggle ,This sets WordStar to start with hyphen help on. As you re-form a paragraph, WordStar will automatically stop at an appropriate point and you can choose whether to hyphenate. +m, Hyphen help#%g, Hyphenization word length ,You can adjust the minimum number of letters in a word to be hyphenated. ++, Hyphenization word lengthn,, Omit-page-numbering toggle ,This sets WordStar to start with page numbering off; pages will be printed without page numbers. +, Omit-page-numbering#%Ɠ,  Top page margin ,You can adjust the number of lines left blank at the top of the printed page. ++Q, Top page marginn, *+, Bottom page margin ,You can adjust the number of lines left blank at the bottom of the printed page. ++Q , Bottom page marginn, *+, Left margin ,You can specify the column number where the first character on the line should appear. ++j, Left margin++n,, Right margin ,You can specify the column number where the last character on the line should appear. ++k, Right margin++n,, Number lines/page ,You can adjust the number of lines allowed per printed page to fit the paper you are using. 11" = 66 lines ++Q, Number of lines/pagen, *+, Page offset ,You can adjust the number of columns left blank (in addition to the left margin) at the left side of the printed page. ++Q, Page offsetn,, System disk drive ,You can store your message (WSMSGS.OVR) and overlay (.OVR) files on any disk drive. WordStar must know where to find these files.  Using a number, enter the appropriate disk drive, where A is 1, B is 2, etc. ++, System disk drive n,, Form feeds toggle ,You can elect to send a form-feed character, instead of multiple line feeds, before the first page and between other pages. +, Form feed toggle#%m, Data field separator ,MailMerge recognizes the defined character as the one used to separate data fields in a datafile. +, Data field separator,, Variable name symbol ,MailMerge requires that a specific character be used before and after variable names inserted in text. +, Variable name symbol, + 2p,  feature is currently ON. , Enter "C" to change to OFF, +ÜOFF. , Enter "C" to change to ON, + or press to leave unchanged.  CC !++1++,  feature is now cON. kOFF. ,+ 2p-,  value is currently . , Enter "C" to change,  or press to leave unchanged. + c+C  n+ 2p,  value is now -. ,%n, Enter new value : ! n Ξ, *** INVALID *** Please re-enter value. ,n+,  value is now . ,%n++++ 2p-,  value is currently (), Enter "C" to change,  or press to leave unchanged. + c+C  + 2p,  value is now -(),%, Enter the character of your choice, then press : -+,  value is now (),%+++,Is this to be installed on an MP/M system? , 2p /Currently ... NO (it is not) , Enter "C" to change to YES, oCurrently ... YES (it is) , Enter "C" to change to NO,  or press to leave unchanged.  +CC + ԡ+ܡ+,  Now ... YES (it is) $Now ... NO (it is not) ,%, Custom Modification routine.  This routine allows you to modify bytes within the WORDSTAR "user" area. For a description of the contents of the "user" area consult your WORDSTAR Installation manual.  = ,=XX   Enter "X" to exit the modification routine,  or press to continue. ,The address may be input either as a hexadecimal number (with an  optional "h" appended) or as a WORDSTAR symbol.  A WORDSTAR symbol may be specified by preceding your input with  a ":" (eg. :HITE). This may optionally be followed by a "+"  and a number (eg. :HITE+2).   Enter starting address : +*+,    *** INVALID *** Address not in user-patchable area.  Beginning of user-patchable area :  .  End of user-patchable area :  .  \ -   - +++, and the next  characters +-+ 2p - -, Is this the address you require (Y/N)? YY +NN + \,You can enter a value in ASCII, decimal, or hexadecimal codes. Precede each entry with these prefixes: ,ASCII : (:^A enters ASCII ^A, a single value) Hexadecimal , (,41 enters hexadecimal 41) Decimal # (#61 enters decimal 61) ,To enter a sequence of characters, enter each one separately, followed by . ,Press to leave a value unchanged. Enter a period (.) and press to terminate a sequence  and to eliminate all subsequent values. ,These special characters require hexadecimal input:  (^M) ,0D Period (.) ,2E ^H (backspace: ^H) ,08 ,address current new  value value ............................... ,-++ 2p 0 ! @ &0 ... (unchanged) ϩ+ \ϩ+ 2p There was an error 4opening a file. 5ɪreading the disk file. 9because a bad file name was being used. 3&trying to create a new file. 7^the disk is full. Please delete some files. 8~selecting the data. 6while writing to the file.C. Itoh/TEC Starwriter/F10IIoABcc56    /Make sure any automatic or local line feed switches on the printer are off.Dip switches on the F10 must be set as follows:Left bank - Switches 1,4,6,7,8 closed, remainder open;Right bank - Switches 3,4,5,8 closed, remainder open.Centronics 353   Make sure any automatic line feed or local line feedswitches on your printer are OFF.Centronics 739   Make sure any automatic line feed or local line feedswitches on your printer are OFF. Diablo 630 P  PAB~~56   YZMake sure any automatic line feed or local line feed switches on the printer are OFF. There are several versionsof the Diablo 630. If your printer does not print correctlyyou may have to upgrade the printer firmware. For furtherinformation contact Diablo Systems at 415-786-5140.Diablo/Xerox 1610/1620 4B  4B  NAB~~56   Make sure automatic line feed or local line feedswitches on the printer are OFF.Diablo/Xerox 1640/1650 P 4B  AB~~56   YZMake sure automatic line feed or local line feed switches on the printer are OFF. Epson MX80/100-no Graftrax   Make sure any automatic line feed or local line feedswitches on your printer are OFF.Half line feed printer    This choice is for printers that can advance in half-line units but cannot roll carriage return upward, such as a Selectric with a half-line ratchet. Use of this choice causes subscripts and superscripts to be printed offset by half a line. Backspacing is also assumed. Be sure to complete option "N" on the Printer Installation menu. IBM Parallel printer   MPI 88G/99G   Make sure any automatic line feed or local line feedswitches on your printer are OFF.NEC 8023A matrix printer   Make sure any automatic line feed or local line feedswitches on your printer are OFF.NEC Spinwriter 3550= = 34  A2:]@YZ   00NEC Spinwriter specialty 4KO@ = 34]O]@><  9This covers most printers in the 3500/5500/7700 series. The3550 is a special printer for the IBM-PC only. If you havequestions about the suitability of a particular model of NECprinter with this product, contact your dealer.Make sure any automatic line feed or local line feed switches on the printer are OFF. Okidata ML84A   Make sure any automatic line feed or local line feedswitches on your printer are OFF. Olympia ESW-102   0Make sure that any automatic line feed switch on the printeris OFF.Qume Sprint 5-9/45-11+IIoABc~56    /Make sure automatic line feed or local line feed switches onthe printer are OFF. Some models of the Qume printers suchas the 9/35 and 10/35 are lacking certain features which prevent their proper functioning with this product. Contact Qume for further information.TI 810/820   Make sure any automatic line feed or local line feedswitches on the printer are OFF.backspacing standard   This selection can be used for any printer that is capable of backspacing. Make sure that any automatic line feed switch on the printer is OFF, and that the printer driver you are using does not remove or add special characters to what is being sent to the printer.standard printer   This selection will drive almost any printer. The printermust be capable of responding to ASCII printing characters,carriage return, and line feed only. Make sure any automatic line feed or local line feed switches on yourprinter are OFF.ABSVARACBSY MACFIN cACINP YACSENDPACSTA1dACSTARlAPLFLGASCUR JAUPAV (AUTOBS0BLDSTRBLNCHRBOFCHRBSCHR ;CB4LFGGCLCHR CLEAD14CLEAD2=CMTCHRCNVTBLCOLOFFICOMPOPCONCHRCONFIEtCOPRITCRBLIVCRCHR CSWTCHCTRAILBDBAK DBLSTRDBS DECCHRzDEFDSKDEL1 DEL2 DEL3 DEL4 DEL5 DELCUSDELMISDFWD DHMIFGDHMILEDHMIN DHRNG DIRCH DISDIR&DLF DMJWB DNPROSDOTCHR{DOTSONyDPHRUBDPHSPCDRLF DSKTNA DSP DVMILEzDVMITRDVMMINDVMRNGEAKBSZyENDEXPEOFCHRERAEOLPERELCHFDTCHRFNMRGP$FNOVLYFNWSCMFPTAB zHARDCRHAVBSYHETHBSHIBCURHIBIV HITE 2HYPF HZONE IDTEX INISUBINITLMjINITPFQINITRMkINITSRlINITWFmINPORT'INSTLD*ITBIP ITDSDRPITHELPMITITOGOITMIJ ITPOPNIVOFF nIVON gJUSTF LFCHR LIBSY LINDELWLININS^LINOFFHLISENDLISINP$LITCHRLOGICPLSPACE$MARKS MEMADRMEMAPVMORPATMOVETY%MPMFLGMSGLEN)MSGVERNITHLFNNOFTAB<NONCONNONDOCxNOUFF OVPCHRPAGCHRPAGDIS#PAGFILPAGON "PALT PATVER PBACKSPBGMEMKPCLAS +PDRVTXPIDTEXPISTAT7POBSY 'PODBLKPOIM <POINP 6POINSK:POIP @POMASK+POOM -POOP 3POSEND2POSMTHPOSTAT(POVSTB0PRFINIPRINITPROTCLxPROTTXPSCR PSCRLFPSFINIPSHALFPSINITPSTAB PSTD PTEXTS.PUBSY DPUINP JPUSENDGRFIXERRIBBONRIBOFFROLDOWROLUP RUBFXFRVELIMRVQUOTSAVEND,SCRLSZSHOWCF SHOWDF SHOWHF SHOWMF!SHYPF SIGNONNSOCHR SOFHYCSOFTCRSTPCHRSWIN SWOUT TRMINIuTRMUNI~TRSCRSTRSCIFTXBACKUCNSTAUCONI UCONO UCRPOSKULCHR UNISUBUSELSTUSR1 USR2 USR3 USR4 VARCH1VARCH2VAROPCVOWTABVTAB VTABF WFLAGSWID 3WRAPF WSVER XTAB UZAFCIN R Î] Î  COPYRIGHT (C) 1981 MicroPro International Corporation  MicroPro WordStar release 3.00 serial # WG0130ID  no terminal yet selected  I/O Master / O.E.M. Printer   "T P=   @ B@ @..Y[]{}AEIOU.:+-JP  *P ^  ͝ UNEXPECTED END OF FILE DURING READó Gzg {x*N +  ʪ ʙ ʪ > *P ^ m ͝ DISK FULL ͝ DISKETTE DIRECTORY FULL+  ó  w# +   ê *N }o|g)|! w#6Ʌo|g!"N !"P  , ! 6#  r > J ͜<==w s ͈ N#͝ ͨ ͖ ~̖ ] ~#è ͝ !ͨ 6 !p ! ͨ * " * * | }͝ This version of INSTALL is incompatable with theversion of WordStar you are trying to install.!Sͨ ͖ ! ͨ ó ͝ Do you want a normal first-time INSTALLation of WordStar?(Y = yes; N = display other options): sNʪY  ͳ͝ Y͝ This will INSTALL the WSU.COM on the current drive, savethe result on file WS.COM on the current drive, and thenrun the INSTALLed WordStar. OK (Y/N):sYa \ \Nij͝  ***** WordStar INSTALLATION OPTIONS MENU *****A INSTALLation of a distributed WordStar, INSTALLing WSU.COM, producing WS.COM, and then running the INSTALLed WordStar.B INSTALLation or re-INSTALLation of a WordStar COM file of your choice, placing the newly INSTALLed WordStar in a file of your choice, and then exiting to the operating system.C Same as B except run the INSTALLed WordStar.D Modification of the INSTALLation of a WordStar COM file of your choice. The modified WordStar replaces the original file. The modified WordStar is then run.͝ PLEASE ENTER SELECTION (A, B, C, or D):s T TAaBCDʾ& &͝ Aa͝ Y>2} , WSU.COM!  Y D ®͝ WSU.COM NOT FOUND ON CURRENT DISKê, WS.COM! + Y>2} >2} ͖ ͝ Filename of WordStar to be INSTALLed? 0 !  Y3͝ INCORECTLY FORMED FILENAME D \͝ THAT FILE DOES NOT EXIST͖ ͝ Filename for saving INSTALLed WordStar? 0 ! + Y͝ INCORECTLY FORMED FILENAME_͖ >2} ͝ Filename of WordStar to modify? 0 !  Y͝ INCORECTLY FORMED FILENAME D H͝ THAT FILE DOES NOT EXISTA ! + Yկ _͚.!̙ ʒ7COM#͸ʭ š͸¦>  ®~#.:*? п[A?~ ##~+:~@##͈ <7 ~#  è>29>2922^#V#N#3333;;;;s    O:ʳ0GA::0:x=OOOO] O] x ͝ ]  ͳOO^#V#~#=4^#V#N#F#3333;;;;aV>J ̇eeʳ ͨ ] :ʕ>×>2O> J a{ >] > ] >] 1 ͪ0!Sͨ ͝  ***** WordStar TERMINAL MENU #1 *****A Lear-Siegler ADM-3A C Lear-Siegler ADM-31D Hazeltine 1500 E Microterm ACT-IVF Beehive 150/Cromemco 3100 G Imsai VIOH Hewlett-Packard 2621 A/P I Infoton I-100J Processor Tech Sol / VDM K Soroc IQ-120/140L Perkin-Elmer 550 (Bantam) 2 Terminal Menu #23 Terminal Menu #3 Z none of the above͝ U no change͝ PLEASE ENTER SELECTION (1 LETTER):!/>26']x(&@2($(#(+ %([+Z-͝  ***** WordStar TERMINAL MENU #2 *****M Microterm ACT-V N Televideo 912/920O Visual 200 P Flashwriter I/MindlessQ Flashwriter II/Mindless R SWTPC CT-82S Compucolor 8001G V TEC Model 5711 Original Menu 3 Terminal Menu #3Z none of the aboveq͝  ***** WordStar TERMINAL MENU #3 *****1 Original Menu 2 Terminal Menu #2X Heath or Zenith H89/H19 % TRS-80 Model 2< ADDS Regent 20/25 > ADDS Regent 40/45/60/65$ IBM 3101 ( Hazeltine 1420& Televideo 950 [ TRS-80 Model II/P&T CP/M] ADDS Viewpoint + Intertec SuperBrainq͝  ***** WordStar SECRET MENU *****@ Ann Arbor 6080 # Data General D100/D2001 Original Menu 2 Terminal Menu #23 Terminal Menu #3qQ0Lear-Siegler ADM-3A termina͝  The CLEAR SCREEN and CURSOR CONTROL switches inside the ADM-3A terminal must be ON͗/= 2m2t2{222222`2222go"d"2>2f22>22! @''!P"HQ0Lear-Seigler ADM-31 termina*T/R/E/'0)/(/Q0TEC Model 571 termina͝ Make sure the AUTO ROLL UP, ROLL UP and AUTO LINE FEEDswitches are off for proper WordStar operation͗/=` // />2>222Q0Televideo 912/920 termina*)/(//qwC,!"Q0TeleVideo 950 Termina͈/rwCNQ0Microterm ACT-V termina͗//C/BQ0SWTPC CT-82 termina͗/! "m."t/// 0>2H>R2IQ0Compucolor 8001G termina͗/>02H>P2I///Q0Visual 200 termina͝ The AUTO LF switch must be OFF for proper operation.͗/Y Yx/M/L/4/3/Q0Intertec SuperBrai͝ This installation will work on SuperBrains andSuperBrain QDs only. (Any DOS from 1.0 to 3.0)͜+>2!"/d///%>2>2!4w# *"":R3!""Q0Hazeltine 1500 termina͝  The AUTO LF switch (under the little cover above the keyboard) must be OFF for proper WordStar operation.͗/~~//// 0/0Q0Hazeltine 1420 Termina!! *"Q0Soroc IQ-120/140 termina*)/(/Q0MicroTerm ACT-IV termina ͗/!"m&""Q0Beehive 150 / Cromemco 3100͗/F EQ0Imsai VIO displa͝  For IMSAI VDP-40, VDP-80, & other systems with IMSAI VIO-C or VIO-D (with firmware) at F000. Accesses Video RAM directly. 24 * 80 format must be selected before WordStar is invoked.g#!">22222!Jz#!""w#z#Q0Flashwriter I/Mindless Termina͝  Flashwriter must be addressed at F000H.!">22222>@2Ig#Q0Flashwriter II/Mindless Termina͝ Flashwriter must be addressed at F000H.!">22222g#Q0Imsai-VIO-used-as-a-termina͝  This version accesses Imsai VIO through the operating system and the VIO firmware, as though it was a terminal, to demonstrate WordStar operation on a terminal with line insert, line delete, and erase to end line. Normally use selection "G" instead.!"m&"{&"t&"">2Q0SOL / VDM versio͝  This version may not work on all CP/M to VDM adaptations!@"H͗/! ""& "mg#!">222=2!"!w#w#w/ɯQ0INFOTON I-100 termina͗/f ! M/L/4/3/Q0HEWLETT-PACKARD 2621 termina͗/&ayC>2`K/L/M//&dA/&d@Q0Perkin-Elmer Bantam termina͗/XY KI/>2""!(V'!36#r#w##V'!@6#s#w!"6#p#w##q##qQ0Heath or Zenith H89 Termina͗/Y K/L/M/p/q/! ''@!/'Q0Adds Regent 20/2͗/Y K//6Q0ADDS Regent 40/45/60/6'l/M//0A//Q0Ann Arbor Model 608͗/@>2`!2`"H!".""">2Q0ADDS Viewpoint Termina'(Q0Data General D100/D20͗/! "m&"&">2Q0IBM 3101 Termina͗/Y >2I#͗/>2/j3/m3: *͝ WordStar directly accesses the TRS-80 video board. Some CP/M'sdisable this video board while a program is running.If your CP/M is made by LifeBoat answer "Y" to the next question.If your CP/M is made by FMG answer "N".If you are not sure certain, consult your CP/M manual.If you are using Pickles & Trout CP/M, use selection"[" instead.Does your CP/M leave the Video Board enabled (Y/N): >YT/ͭ0*͜+ͭ0Q0TRS-80 Model 2 Termina͜+ͭ0Q0TRS-80 Model 2 VIO,/ @N/>22////& @`@@@͜+ͭ0Q0Pickles & Trout/TRS-80 Ig#͝ ***** WARNING *****You must use this present terminal/printer selectionIf you wish to make another selection you should restartINSTALL again.Choosing this selection causes Install to patch one ormore of the following labels in USER1:INISUB:, UNISUB:, SWIN:, SWOUT: or MORPAT:It may also change the POSEND: routine in USER4:í,![ /!? $ ,~ ,6 ~ !> w>>Wy2Z>>:ZW͝  We have not tested this terminal or printer type. Please report any problems.!0͖ ͖ ͨ Ö ͝ For other terminals and video boards, Wordstar must be"patched". Determine your terminal's control sequencesfrom the manufacturer's manual; refer to the MODIFICATIONsection of the WordStar manual. Once these codes are determinedanswer "N" to the "ARE THE MODIFICATIONS TO WORDSTARCOMPLETE ?" question towards the end of INSTALL.>U%///33o/}/++##45Ⱦ#*/^#V͖ E/í0͝ OK (Y/N):>YGx}/Bu/N7j/YV/] ] í0o/Ge ʏ/ /xʳ JͿ/SͿ/XͿ/~#2]~#2^~#2_2d~#O ~#/^#V#Ϳ/^#V#N# /!m 0!t 0!{ 0! 0! 0! 0!6#r#s͝ Previous selection kept unchanged0Z00Z0Z0bk:56 #=_0ͷ-~|0~#n0bk:56 #=…0ͷ-~ʢ0~#0ͪ0ͭ0ͭ0͖ ͖ R[ͪ0͝ ***** PRINTER MENU *****(More specific info is displayed after choice is entered)A Any "Teletype-like" printer (ie almost any printer)C "Teletype-like" printer that can BACKSPACED DIABLO 1610/1620 daisy wheel printerE DIABLO 1640/1650/630/Xerox 1700 series daisy wheel printerF QUME Sprint 5 daisy wheel printerG NEC Spinwriter 5510/5520 thimble printerI "Half-Line-Feed" PrintersM I/O Master / O.E.M. Printer CombinationR C. Itoh/TEC Starwriter PrinterU no changeZ none of the abov͝ PLEASE ENTER SELECTION (1 LETTER):! 3/E>F?G?I9LLEM1CQJ;RAU3Z4ͪ0͝ ***** PRINTER MENU 2 *****L DIABLO 1200 Hy-Type I OEM daisy wheel printerQ Fancy TTY-like printer simulated on Diablo 1610-50 for demo1 return to printer menu 2!î-͝ Are you sure you mean "none of the above"? Almost any printerwill work with choice A, "Teletype-like".If your printer really is different, refer to the MODIFICATIONsection of the WordStar manual for information on patching ina custom printer driver subroutine, and enter S at the DRIVERMENU (coming up soon).>Þ6W0Teletype-like printe͝ This selection will drive almost any printer. The printermust be capable of responding to ASCII printing characters,carriage return, and line feed only.͋F͝  If your printer is capable of backspacing, use CHOICE Cinstead for faster output.̀7>2>2/ / ! "!"""""""">27!~6W0Backspacing TTY-like printe͝  This choice is for any printer that will respond to anAscii BACKSPACE character (code 08) as well as carriagereturn, line feed, and printing characters.͋F͖ ̀7!"c6͝ If you have a DAISY WHEEL or thimble printer shown on themenu, use the appropriate choice in order to obtain "Micro-justified" output and additional formatting capabilities.ͧ͝ Refer to manual for instructions on patching in optionalcontrol sequences for ribbon color change, character pitchchange, and half-line roll (for subscripts and superscripts)if your printer has these capabilities.W0"Half line feed" printer͝  This choice is for printers that can advance in half-lineunits but cannot roll carriage upward, such as a Selectricwith a half-line ratchet. Use of this choice causes subscripts and superscripts tobe printed offset by half a line. Backspacing capability is also assumed. Patching of control sequences may be necessary to tailorthis choice to your printer; see manual. If run for demo purposes on TTY-like printer, this choicewill double-space and otherwise function correctly.͋Fv7/ / W0Fancy TTY-like demo on Diabl͝  This choice tests and demonstrates WordStar's abililityto print subscripts, superscripts, two character pitches,and red and black ribbon on a Teletype-like (non-Daisy)printer that has control sequences to roll the carriage up anddown partial lines, change pitch, and/or change ribbon color. This demonstration runs on a Diablo 1610-50 but treats itlike a Teletype-like printer with additional control sequences. To make use of these capabilities on a real non-daisyprinter, select choice A or C as appropriate, then patch inthe specific printer's control strings. See the"Modification" section of the WordStar manual.a6/  /   / / / / / /A/B>W0Diablo 1610/1620 printe͖ BͲB͖ >c6>2/ 4B  !}>Ϳ/!>"2>"2>5"2>6"2> "2>A"2>B"2222<22>~22>N2>Þ6W0Diablo 1640/1650/630 printe͖ ͝ This selection also works for Xerox 1730/1740/1750 printers͖ BͲB͖ n>/ P/ B S P/  >2!>Y"2>Z"2>2W0Qume Sprint 5 printe͖ BͲB͖ n>/I/I!> "2>/"2>o2W0NEC Spinwriter 5510/20 printe͖ B͝ This selection for the specified printers only. If you haveModel 5515 or 5525 use selection "D" (Diablo 1610) instead. To prevent buffer overflow with these printers at 1200 baudwithout using a cable adapter, specify "ETX/ACK" or "XON/XOFF"protocol at the next menu, and configure the printerappropriately.͋F͖ n>/ 4KO@ /= >]22>O2>2>@2>2>>2><2>92>32>4222A>2A>Þ6!"&"W0C. Itoh/TEC Starwrite͖ ?>c22͝ This choice is for the indicated daisy printers only. The serial versions of these printers should be interfacedat 1200 baud, otherwise printout will be very slow.͝ To prevent buffer overflow with these printersinterfaced at 1200 baud, specify "ETX/ACK" protocolat the next menu.ËFW0I/O Master / O.E.M. Printer2E͝ This selection supports the following "OEM" printers: NEC Spinwriter 5500 Qume Sprint 3 (with cable adaptor) Diablo Hy-Type II 1345, 1355, 1355WPUsing the Micropro "I/O Master" interface board and cable(or an IMSAI PIO-4 board or equivalent; see also selection L).ͥD2>22<2<2<2>27A͝ This selection activates a driver which accesses parallelports F8 thru FA directly. This selection applies to noserial printers.!?E!?E:5==6 #=DEW0Diablo Hy-Type I O.E.M. printe2E͝  This selection supports a Diablo 1200 Hy-Type I OEMprinter on an IMSAI PIO-4 board or a Micropro I/O Master. It is also appropriate for a Hy-Type II (or compatibleequivalent) if the "data 1/2" bit is not connected, e.g. ifan unmodified IMSAI cable is used.ͥD>ÄD͝ Make sure any AUTO LF or LOCAL LF switch is OFFͪ0:7HG͝ FOR DIABLO / QUME AT 1200 BAUD, SPECIFY ETX/ACK PROTOCOL(NEXT), AND MAKE SURE DRIVER CAN INPUT CHARACTERS (BELOW).H1H͝ FOR NEC AT 1200 BAUD, SPECIFY ETX/ACK OR X-ON/X-OFF PROTOCOL,SET UP PRINTER TO MATCH, AND MAKE SURE DRIVER CAN INPUT (BELOW);OR SPECIFY NO PROTOCOL AND MAKE A CABLE ADAPTER.͝ At 300 baud or less, no protocol is required.>2?0"ETX/ACK" protocol:7ڊJ͝ For ETX/ACK protocol, you must patch in your printer's buffersize, ESPECIALLY IF IT IS SMALLER THAN 256 BYTES -- see manuaIBy/UIEIXINI:!J!I=!J=!J"X-ON/X-OFF" protocolNo communications protocoINVALID PATCͪ0:;K͝ With no protocol, the usual driver selection (below) is LK͝ With a protocol, the driver must be able to input as well asoutput characters (such as T or C). If you use selection L,patching will be required.͝  ***** DRIVER MENU *****Or, how should WordStar send characters to your printer?L CP/M "List" device (LST:)T CP/M primary console device (TTY:)C CP/M secondary console device (CRT:)P Port Driver (direct I/O to 8-bit ports)N Parallel Centronics Printer DriverQ Serial Driver on TRS-80 Model-2S User-installed driver subroutinesU no changePLEASE ENTER SELECTION (L,T,C,P,N,P,S,B or U):!&t/x2y223Uts:Gͮ-y=2͝  In most systems this is a "physical" device that is theprimary console device and is capable of Input and Output.Thus it is suitable for use with communication protocols ifit is not being used for the actual console. You need onlyset the Baud rate to match the printer (usualy 1200 baud).͈ ͝ **** WARNING **** TTY: is currenty the console. You maywant C (CRT:) unless you are INSTALLing for another system.K0CP/M Console driver (CRT:>2͝  In most systems this is a "physical" device that is thesecondary console device and is capable of Input and Output.Thus it is suitable for use with communication protocols ifit is not being used for the actual console. You need onlyset the Baud rate to match the printer (usualy 1200 baud).͈ ͝ **** WARNING **** CRT: is currenty the console. You maywant T (TTY:) unless you are INSTALLing for another system).K0WordStar's Port Drive͝  The port driver directly acceses hardware port(s) to controlprinter. This driver is normally used with serial printersand a protocol. As hardware ports are very non-standard withrespect to location and status information, you may have toprovide data (Note that WordStar will try to determine the dataall by itself) so WordStar can modify the port driver. Notethat the port driver contains a "busy test", resulting in thebest response when editing and printing simultaneously.ɯ2,[6ZXͭe͝ *************************************************************WHAT IS THE OUTPUT PORT FOR YOUR PRINTER?͋ZܐcڴVCbҴVܮ^-Vܐc͝ *************************************************************WHAT IS THE OUTPUT STATUS PORT FOR YOUR PRINTER?͋ZdlEWcEWܮ^ҴVd:͝ *************************************************************WHAT IS THE INPUT PORT FOR YOUR PRINTER?͋Z#eWiWܮ^JW#e͝ *************************************************************WHAT IS THE INPUT STATUS PORT FOR YOUR PRINTER?͋Zfe]Xk]Xܮ^Wfe͝ *************************************************************WHAT ARE THE INPUT STATUS PORT BITS FOR YOUR PRINTER?͋ZmXgXܮ^]XmefSf:Yͥff͝ *************************************************************WHAT ARE THE OUTPUT STATUS PORT BITS FOR YOUR PRINTER?͋ZlڛYKgқYܮ^Yl:͝ *************************************************************WHAT ARE THE INPUT STATUS PORT BITS FOR YOUR PRINTER?͋Zm3Zg3Zܮ^ҠYm͝ Are the printer ports "I/O" or "Memory Mapped" (I or M):04Z:4ZBIM7sZ:,[7͝ DO YOU WISH WORDSTAR TO DETERMINE THE VALUES OR SHOULDWORDSTAR ACCEPT THEM FROM YOU (D OR A): >A}/B͝ D[͝ A7͝  Z:^̂\([ËZ0:=[] 0:M[] :(c[>Ie[>M24Z!00"c"d" e"ce"f"f"Nf"Pf"f"f"f"f"k"k"l"lk,\k.\l;\l=\:([f4<\Nf)<\fA<\f8<\c4\d)\ eA\ce8\ 0:*\0:8\ 0:M\0:[\ 0:p\0:~\͝  *************** CAUTION *****************THE FOLLOWING PROCEDURE WILL NOT WORK ON ALL HARDWARE ANDMAY HAVE UNUSUAL RESULTS SOMETIMES. PLEASE REMOVE YOURDISKS FROM THE DRIVES AND REPLACE THEM ONLY WHEN TOLD TO.%`>2^͝ ****************************************************************************************************************************YOU MAY NOW REPLACE THE DISKS YOU REMOVED EARLER.****************************************************************************************************************************cJ _c>YT/c24͝ What is the OUTPUT port number in HEX: cck242Dg!Ca>2Hg>2Ggw=c# 3Ggdx͝ THE OUTPUT STATUS FOR THE PRINTER IS: -[͝ H2,͝ THE OUTPUT STATUS BIT MASK FOR THE PRINTER IS: -[͝ H2.͝ THE OUTPUT STATUS ONES MASK FOR THE PRINTER IS: -[͝ H7?͝ What is the OUTPUT STATUS port number in HEX: ddk2)2Hg͝ What is the INPUT port number in HEX:  e ek2A22;g2?g2Gg2(272@>2Cg23:;g:e23>:2;g2?g2Gg2(272@>22Cg23*4f=x͝ What is the OUTPUT address in HEX: ffk"4"Dg*)Nf=x͝ What is the OUTPUT STATUS address in HEX: NfNfk")"Hg*Af=x͝ What is the INPUT address in HEX: ffk"A" 3GgRg2,͝ THE OUTPUT STATUS BIT MASK FOR THE PRINTER IS: -[͝ H2.͝ THE OUTPUT STATUS ONES MASK FOR THE PRINTER IS: -[͝ H7?7:=id2;g g( hgg?gGx!h~"h hg("h~#3(-h?ghg;g|h2;͝ THE INPUT STATUS BIT MASK FOR THE PRINTER IS: -[͝ HO2=͝ THE INPUT STATUS ONES MASK FOR THE PRINTER IS: -[͝ H7?TEST ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz d2;g i(&igi?gG2 g(0i>3(;i?g,ig;g|,i2;͝ THE INPUT STATUS BIT MASK FOR THE PRINTER IS: -[͝ HO2=͝ THE INPUT STATUS ONES MASK FOR THE PRINTER IS: -[͝ H7?:=|j>i<j24j=g2Åj<ʖj23(ڭj>þj<ʞj22@g>2?gw=k#< k!Ca/kg#͑kx282@g2 *kͶkg?g=k:8͝ THE INPUT STATUS PORT FOR THE PRINTER IS: -[͝ H7?.:=ʨk>.2k!@"k>2k!2"k*k+"k}g:k3(k7?!kk)))) k}0 ??͝ What are the bit(s) that change at the OUTPUT STATUS portwhen the OUTPUT port becomes ready to accept a characterfor OUTPUT (enter HEX value): kkk2,͝ Which bit(s) change(s) from a 0 to a 1 (enter HEX value): kkk2.͝ What are the bit(s) that change at the INPUT STATUS portwhen the INPUT port has a chracter availiable for INPUT.(enter HEX value): llk2;͝ Which bit(s) change(s) from a 0 to a 1 (enter HEX value): llk2=K0Centronics printer driver͜+͝ The Centronics driver directly accesses parallel hardwareports to control the printer. Certain port addresses & masksmust be entered by the user so that WordStar can properlyaccess the printer. (Default values are for the Centronicsport on the MicroPro I/O Master board)/'>2=!40"r!80" r!C0" r>2,[*V,/g3:420/3:)262<͝ When the Centronics port is ready to print a character,it must set a bit high or low to strobe the printer.Another bit is usually set high or low to clear the printerWhat value should be output to the status portto activate strobe & inactivate clear (enter hex value): rrk24͝ What value should be output to the status portto inactivate strobe & activate clear (enter hex value):  r rk2>͝ What value should be output to the status portto inactivate strobe & inactivate clear (enter hex value):  r rk2:͝ Is there any way to disable the auto line feed functionof your printer (Y/N): >YT/͖ qgo"2 ʧx:ʊx+ʊxvx+ʕx>++ʣx77?!xBtx x xx####x ʸxBt#x~x#^#V#F#N7?7OUTCHPATVE MSGVEWSVECOPRISIGNOSIDTE؏PIDTEسPROTTPDRVTWFLAG WRAP JUST!VTAB"HYP$SHOWD%SHOWM&PAGDI(LSPAC)DISDI+AUPA4MSGLE5INSTL6PCLA7SAVEN8HITHWIICLEADJCLEADSCTRAIXCB4LF]LINOF^COLOF_ASCU`UCRPOdERAEOmLINDEtLININ{IVO΄IVOFƋTRMINɒTRMUNɛINISU¤UNISU§USELSԪDELCUӮDELMIӯMEMAPְMEMADұHIBIֳHIBCUҴCRBLIֵZAFCIζRUBFXƸRFIXEҹPBGME\ITHEL`ITITObITDSDcINITPfINITLINITR̀INITSҁINITWƅDOTCHҕBLNCHҖDOTSOΗEOFCHҭBOFCHҮCONCHүOVPCHҰLFCHұPAGCHҲSOFTCҳHARDCҴPAGFI̹MARKӺDSKTNPODBLNOFTA0VTACLCH҆CRCH҇LITCH҈DIRCȉSTPCHҌERELCȍPOSMTȐBLDSTґDBLSTҒPSCRLƖPSCҡPSHALƨPBACKӯPALԵPSTĺROLUпROLDOUSRUSRUSRUSRRIBBORIBOFPSINIPSFINPRINI PRFINCSWTCHAVBSLIBSLISENLISIN%POBS(POSTA)POMAS,POO.POSEN3POO4POIN7PISTA8POINS;POI=POIAPUBSLPUSENOPUINRACBSXACSEN[ACINdCONFIPROTC̆EAKBSڇDHMILřDHMIFǞDHMIΟDHRNǡDFWģDBA˨DSЭDLƷDRLƼDPHSPDNPRODMJWPSTAMORPADELDELDELDELIVOFƋSWISWOUUCNSTUCONɽUCONDECCHғFDTCHҵFNMRG FNOVLFNWSCHZONŚITBIITMINOUFRVELISOFHYøRVQUOVARCHVARCHVAROPFPTAnPFPTAƒPNFTAPVTAXTAIACFInACSTAoACSTAwSOCH ULCH DBӲITPOPNITHLaAUTOB"BSCH-TRSCRTRSCIAPLFLNONDOÒSCRLSRSTFLNMOFUDEFDSTCKFLDELINFC:ͪ0͝ CONFIRM TERMINAL AND PRINTER SELECTIONS:!ͨ !ͨ :ʞ!ͨ !ͨ ] AL AND PRINTER SELECTIONS:!DEVICE LST:=LPT SIOJET I SKBOOT DEVICE LST:=LPT SIOJET I SKBOOT 1 J  FASTCOPY for the JET Computer. Rev.D ͐  }004 Requires CP/M Plus Version 3.0 to execute. !w  &R(4 Requires the BIOS revision D to execute.  Source drive name (or return for A:) >A˯A8Q82 Please, give a letter (A-P) or return. 2 A_ 28: Requested drive does not exist on this system.  Source on : O then type return J ~(' Sorry. It must be a floppy.  Destination drive name (or return for : AB(A :) y˯A8Q82 Please, give a letter (A-P) or return. !   Not same drive 2A_ 28: Requested drive does not exist on this system.  k# Destination on :O then type return J ~(U Sorry. It must be a floppy.  It must be same format on the drives ~2~G>_SNF N3 |(n fF(<"}2 ~N_P`h3 S{2Q<:02!y "J J If you wish to copy the entire disk in drive : O : to drive :O : and delete all information on destination drive, then type YES ! 2 !~ #~˯Y #~˯E #~˯S : 9  >G (0 DRIVE NOT READY OPERATION ABORTED  w(4 CANNOT WRITE ON WRITEPROTECTED DRIVE!  > W(:> W(:O(O !'+O(| 3  CANNOT WRITE ON HARD SECTORED DISKETT éJ J >22!s l *~X ¬:~X ¬:2 2 :`2 :K !4! < :9 : G=22:~ ¬ů2 # !5: 4 DISKETTE SUCESSFULLY FORMATTED AND COPYED   SEEK ERROR, OPERATION ABORTED >2 FORMATr :O:G: ["*$qwG!^"| !z l > (+2 WRITE TRACK ERROR NR :Q F! 4F>2  READINGr : '2&[!(!6" >2 : ! l >!& (y2 READ ERR NR :Q AT SECTORQ J : =2 e>2  (A=Abort,R=Retry,I=ignore)  A I(R`* [" ! :<4”F! 4F` WRITINGr : '2&[!(!6"| >2 : !z l >!& (k2 WRITE ERR NR :Q AT SECTORQ J (A=Abort,R=Retry,I=ignore)  A I(RK *| ["| ! :<4z F! 4FK VERIFYINGr : 2&2 2! 4~*+" ! l >!& (U2:( *** READ ERROR AT SECTOR >2: Q J : ! 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"~ š !h6 >: !h6 >u:2 N : ʁ q  [  y2 ͛ q !| < : 21*<>2<91͑-3 .;.'3"3͇.3G- .33" - Start spelling check  X  - Exit to Operations Menu DICTIONARY MAINTENANCE CONTROLS  F  - Change word file to use =  D  - Change dictionary to update =  U  - Change name of new or updated dictionary =  W  - Change work drive for sort = DICTIONARY MAINTENANCE OPTIONS  N  - Create a new dictionary =  A  - Add words =  T  - Delete words =  C  - Combine add/delete =  S  - Use "S" words from ".ADD" file =  L  - List dictionary words =  - Start dictionary maintenance  X  - Exit to Operations Menu Control to change? Control or option to change?  D - Dictionary: !This is the current dictionary.!Enter the drive, filename, and/or extent of!the main dictionary to use. S - Supplement: !This is the current supplemental dict.!Enter the drive, filename, and/or extent of!the supplement to use. F - File: !This is the current file.!Enter the drive, filename, and/or extent of!the file to use. D - Dictionary:!Dictionary to update (add/delete words).!Enter the drive, filename, and/or extent of!different dictionary. U - New dict:!This is the new or updated dictionary.!Enter the drive, filename, and/or extent of!different dictionary. W - Work Drive: !This is drive to receive temporary sorting!files created by SpellStar. Enter letter!of drive to be used. N - New option: !Create a new dictionary using words in!word file. Enter es or o. A - Add words:!Add all words in word file to dictionary.!Enter es or o. T - Delete: !Delete all words in word file from!dictionary. Enter es or o. C - Combine: !Add all new words in word file to dict,!and delete from dict all words in word file!already in dictionary. Enter es or o. S - Use "S":!This option uses words from .ADD file!selected during spelling check to "add !to supplement". Enter es or o. L - List: !List words from word file. Also list!words in the new or updated dictionary.!Enter es or o.CURRENT VALUE YES NO 'U#Qx$R,c<j#3[E101: File not found on disk: X:FFFFFFFF.EEEE102: Error during sort.E103: Invalid word format in "add" file.E104: Disk full while writing file X:FFFFFFFF.EEE.E105: New file name already exists.W110: Invalid character in dictionary. Word Dropped: W180: Memory exceeded. Partial words flagged.W181: Word exceeds max length. Words bypassed.E190: Insufficient memory for file areas.E191: Invalid record format in intermediate file.E192: Insufficient memory for table area.E193: Invalid character format in dictionary. Enter any key to restart. E02A: Workspace error during sort. SpellStar is now checking your document for misspelled words. Number of words in document.......: Number of different words.........: Number of words in main dictionary: Number of words in supplement.....: Number of dictionary words checked: Number of misspelled words........: Total number of misspellings......:.. . . . . .SpellStar has completed proofreading your document. Enter "L" to list the misspelled words. Enter to flag errors in your text. Enter "R" to abandon the check and restart. SpellStar is now creating/updating your dictionary Number of words in word file................: Number of different words in word file......: Number of words in dictionary being updated.: Number of words added to dictionary.........: Number of words deleted from dictionary.....: Number of words in new or updated dictionary:"Space" = continue, "C" = continuous listing, "^L" = stop/start list.Enter to flag errors, "R" to restart. Enter to proceed, "R" to restart. [List of update words][List of words in new/updated dictionary]This word is in the dictionary. Should it be deleted? (Y/N)  to resume operation.SpellStar terminated. If you changed disks at the beginning of this program, please insert the original disk before continuing. Enter to correct errors in text, "R" to restart. If you changed disks at the beginning of this program, please insert the original disk before continuing. Enter to return to WordStar, "R" to restart. ::(#(!\ L7:l":(2(!)>9͜@! 7!372( -#C-#MK$Xʓ( #>C2(͜@2)!H7!7:2(>22((!L7:2(!(7>2(!)&!(&!(&! )&*"(:G>B!72( #(D#S#F#W$X#Ò#!7!)&!8)'K#!s7!(&!8('K#!7!(&!8(':(CK#`$!j7! )&!8! 8 K#A$[$2 )K#͜@!7!7:2(>22((!L7:2(!(7>2(!(&!)&!(&! )&!)&!)&!) &!) &!) &!) &*"(:G>B!72( 'D(%UC%F^%Wy%Nʦ%A%T&C/&L]&S{&X#`$!d7!)&!8)'`$!7!(&!8('`$!7!(&!8('`$!j7! )&!8! 8 `$Ay%[y%2 )`$!7!)&!8Ͱ&`$2)Nʙ&>N2)2)>Y2)`$!P7!)&!8Ͱ&`$2)Nʙ&>N2)2)`$!7!)&!8Ͱ&`$2)Nʙ&>N2)2)2)`$!7!)&!8Ͱ&`$2)Nʙ&>N2)2)2)`$!$7!)&! 8Ͱ&`$2)`$!7!)&!8Ͱ&`$2)`$!)~###N`$>Y2)`$! 8Y&N& °&7:(2((ͥ9;99!(7:(2(~!(9!@2(!Y'N!'>:2(8!(7!(9*"(!(7:(G!((8͊'!( ]'L7_'# m'L7t'  'L7ͥ9;99!(~ œ' 9'!(~ ʷ'#ʲ'L7ù'9#~ '#'L7'9 ~ '#9L7!(~ '+)O'2)!((7(>2)!(̀'!7C((!(L7(L'!(̀'!r7!(#~ #:)2):(2(:(2(:(2(: )2 ):(Mʓ(\!( L7l!( L7>B:(  ( @@@ADDYIN3F!  SPELSTARDCT NNNNNYN=*)U)=)=q*ê+J)!h6 !( L7>3+é+!h6>͛4ê+)!6 : )!(#L7!+L7>3+!6 !) 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APL-blanketten deles ved E/LX. Distrikts - mester og L-kopi sendes til LA som fordeler disse, samt p}f{rer sluttider for hver afdeling. Med sluttider menes eksempelvis at C,P&T skal v[re f[rdige 8 dage f{r LP. Blanketten skal i alle tilf[lde behandles af LA. 3. LA udsender blanket til LP for fremf{ringsveje. Hvis gennemkobling kan lade sig g{re noteres oplysninger- ne ved LA med alle koblingsnumre og fordelernavne, evt. koredimensio o l[ngde o砠 liniern堠 reserveres hvorefter der udsendes blanket til CAT. 4. LA udf[rdiger m}leskema indeholdende alle relevante op- lysninger og afkrydser de m}linger, der {nskes foretaget ved idrifttagningen. 5. Hvis der ikke kan findes koblingesveje, noteres oplys- ningerne ved LA om hvor meget, der kan etableres. Herefter sikrer LA sig, at der bliver bestilt et projekt. 6. ( hx 0`x z$@t@$@@ C@$@AsB@ Z"$RhsЈ*0,&PBB`" #Z@D@ZDXPEZ@j`!0#I z  @Z*HCFIFFCLHCPF$H H#FH#FIBH$XL$FtHEL(ȴ44`tFE $HY چ@CPHCLHtN p@ђ ђ@FH *ȑ!ѬD*rDEVICE LST:=LPT SIOJET I SKBOOT fylde e APL-blanke me d a kunden (oft e firma) givn oplysninger. 2 E/LX sende denn blanke incl all堠 relevant oplysninger til LA, der vurderer oplysningerne, og om n{dvendigt kontakter kunden hvis ydeligere oplysninger {nskes, samt p}f{rer min/max krav til linien (lednings- specifikation for totalstr[kning) se bilag. APL-blanketten deles ved E/LX. Distrikts - mester og L-kopi sendes til LA som fordeler disse, samt p}f{rer sluttider for hver afdeling. Med sluttider menes eksempelvis at C,P&T skal v[re f[rdige 8 dage f{r LP. Blanketten skal i alle tilf[lde behandles af LA. 3. LA udsender blanket til L$P for fremf{ringsveje. Hvis gennemkobling kan lade sig g{re noteres oplysninger- ne ved LA med alle koblingsnumre og fordelernavne, evt. koredimensio o l[ngde o砠 liniern堠 reserveres hvorefter der udsendes blanket til CAT. 4. LA udf[rdiger m}leskema indeholdende alle relevante op- lysninger og afkrydser de m}linger, der {nskes foretaget ved idrifttagningen. 5. Hvis der ikke kan findes koblingesveje, noteres oplys- ningerne ved LA om hvor meget, der kan etableres. Herefter sikrer LA sig, at der bliver bestilt et projekt. 6. 1 MicroPro SpellStar 1.0s( hx 0`x z$@t@$@@ C@$@AsB@ Z"$RhsЈ*0,&PBB`" #Z@D@ZDXPEZ@j`!0#I z  @Z*HCFIFFCLHCPF$H H#FH#FIBH$XL$FtHEL(ȴ44`tFE $HY چ@CPHCLHtN p@ђ ђ@FH *ȑ!ѬD*rDtI0#jFB̑sfLĚA$"P6dCM*$]'4 $$ 0XNdh$$TǑuDz&$@hw,dhtFE-Z@#ZF)Z`pV@pVM"@tH40z&$Z@y@PYjb4_\_͏RPQzbg 整͏RͣRzWL_L:6=ÖQ>e`! ʬQ~wýQ ʷQ~½QQQͣ% PROCEDUREVEDAPL BESTILLINGKUNDEN HENVENDERSIGELLERLXHERUDFYLDESENBLANKETMEDOFTEETFIRMAGIVNE OPLYSNINGERSENDERDENNEINCLALLE RELEVANTETILLADERVURDERER OPLYSNINGERNEOGOMDVENDIGT KONTAKTERKUNDENHVIS YDELIGERE OPLYSNINGERNSKESSAMTRERMINKRAVTILLINIENLEDNINGS SPECIFIKATIONTOTALSTRKNINGSEBILAGAPL BLANKETTENDELESVEDLX DISTRIKTSMESTEROGKOPISENDESTILLASOMFORDELERDISSESAMTRER SLUTTIDERHVERAFDELINGMEDMENES EKSEMPELVISSKALRDIGEDAGELP BLANKETTENALLETILFLDE BEHANDLESLAUDSENDERBLANKETTILFREMF RINGSVEJEHVIS GENNEMKOBLINGKANLADESIGNOTERES OPLYSNINGERNEVEDMEDALLE KOBLINGSNUMREOG FORDELERNAVNEEVT KOREDIMENSIONNGDELINIERNE RESERVERES HVOREFTERDERUDSENDESBLANKETTILCATLAUDFRDIGERLESKEMA INDEHOLDENDEALLE RELEVANTE LYSNINGEROG AFKRYDSERLINGERNSKES FORETAGETVEDIDRIFTTAGNINGENHVISDERIKKEKANFINDES KOBLINGESVEJENOTERESOPLYSNINGERNELAOMHVORMEGET ETABLERESHEREFTERSIKRERSIGBLIVERBESTILTETPROJEKTNOTERESOPLYSNINGERNELAOMHVORMEGET ETABLERESHEREFTERSIKRERSIGBLIVER%&&''(())**++,,--..//00112233445566778899::;;<<==>>??@@AABBCCDDEEFFGGHHIIJJKKLLMMNNOO