فهرست منبع

Add a header for direct connect to ABC80

Per Mårtensson 2 سال پیش
9فایلهای تغییر یافته به همراه5212 افزوده شده و 183 حذف شده
  1. 171 0
  2. BIN
  3. 1078 0
  4. BIN
  5. BIN
  6. 51 0
  7. 591 125
  8. 3274 0
  9. 47 58

+ 171 - 0

@@ -179,4 +179,175 @@ Text GLabel 5800 3700 0    50   Input ~ 0
 Wire Wire Line
 	5800 3700 5850 3700
+L Connector_Generic:Conn_02x06_Odd_Even J8
+U 1 1 6100C1FE
+P 2350 4550
+F 0 "J8" H 2550 4900 50  0000 R CNN
+F 1 "Conn_02x5_Odd_Even" H 3900 4350 50  0000 R CNN
+F 2 "Connector_PinHeader_2.54mm:PinHeader_2x06_P2.54mm_Vertical" H 2350 4550 50  0001 C CNN
+F 3 "~" H 2350 4550 50  0001 C CNN
+	1    2350 4550
+	1    0    0    -1  
+L power:+3V3 #PWR0235
+U 1 1 611A994A
+P 2000 4300
+F 0 "#PWR0235" H 2000 4150 50  0001 C CNN
+F 1 "+3V3" H 2015 4473 50  0000 C CNN
+F 2 "" H 2000 4300 50  0001 C CNN
+F 3 "" H 2000 4300 50  0001 C CNN
+	1    2000 4300
+	1    0    0    -1  
+Wire Wire Line
+	2000 4300 2000 4350
+Wire Wire Line
+	2000 4350 2150 4350
+L power:GND #PWR0236
+U 1 1 611AA32A
+P 2400 5100
+F 0 "#PWR0236" H 2400 4850 50  0001 C CNN
+F 1 "GND" H 2405 4927 50  0000 C CNN
+F 2 "" H 2400 5100 50  0001 C CNN
+F 3 "" H 2400 5100 50  0001 C CNN
+	1    2400 5100
+	1    0    0    -1  
+Text GLabel 2050 4450 0    39   Input ~ 0
+Text GLabel 2050 4550 0    39   Input ~ 0
+Text GLabel 2050 4650 0    39   Input ~ 0
+Text GLabel 2050 4750 0    39   Input ~ 0
+Text GLabel 2750 4450 2    39   Input ~ 0
+Text GLabel 2750 4750 2    39   Input ~ 0
+Text GLabel 2750 4550 2    39   Input ~ 0
+Text GLabel 2750 4650 2    39   Input ~ 0
+Wire Wire Line
+	2050 4450 2150 4450
+Wire Wire Line
+	2050 4550 2150 4550
+Wire Wire Line
+	2050 4650 2150 4650
+Wire Wire Line
+	2050 4750 2150 4750
+Wire Wire Line
+	2650 4750 2750 4750
+Wire Wire Line
+	2650 4650 2750 4650
+Wire Wire Line
+	2650 4550 2750 4550
+Wire Wire Line
+	2650 4450 2750 4450
+L power:+3V3 #PWR0237
+U 1 1 611B3FF9
+P 2800 4300
+F 0 "#PWR0237" H 2800 4150 50  0001 C CNN
+F 1 "+3V3" H 2815 4473 50  0000 C CNN
+F 2 "" H 2800 4300 50  0001 C CNN
+F 3 "" H 2800 4300 50  0001 C CNN
+	1    2800 4300
+	1    0    0    -1  
+Wire Wire Line
+	2650 4350 2800 4350
+Wire Wire Line
+	2800 4350 2800 4300
+Wire Wire Line
+	2150 4850 2000 4850
+Wire Wire Line
+	2000 4850 2000 5000
+Wire Wire Line
+	2000 5000 2400 5000
+Wire Wire Line
+	2400 5000 2400 5100
+Wire Wire Line
+	2400 5000 2900 5000
+Wire Wire Line
+	2900 5000 2900 4850
+Wire Wire Line
+	2900 4850 2650 4850
+Connection ~ 2400 5000
+L Device:R_Small R48
+U 1 1 612E7EE5
+P 1550 3500
+F 0 "R48" H 1609 3546 50  0000 L CNN
+F 1 "10k" H 1609 3455 50  0000 L CNN
+F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0402_1005Metric" H 1550 3500 50  0001 C CNN
+F 3 "~" H 1550 3500 50  0001 C CNN
+F 4 "C25744" H 1550 3500 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
+	1    1550 3500
+	1    0    0    -1  
+L Device:R_Small R49
+U 1 1 612EA5C6
+P 1850 3500
+F 0 "R49" H 1909 3546 50  0000 L CNN
+F 1 "10k" H 1909 3455 50  0000 L CNN
+F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0402_1005Metric" H 1850 3500 50  0001 C CNN
+F 3 "~" H 1850 3500 50  0001 C CNN
+F 4 "C25744" H 1850 3500 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
+	1    1850 3500
+	1    0    0    -1  
+L Device:R_Small R50
+U 1 1 612EABC3
+P 2150 3500
+F 0 "R50" H 2209 3546 50  0000 L CNN
+F 1 "10k" H 2209 3455 50  0000 L CNN
+F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0402_1005Metric" H 2150 3500 50  0001 C CNN
+F 3 "~" H 2150 3500 50  0001 C CNN
+F 4 "C25744" H 2150 3500 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
+	1    2150 3500
+	1    0    0    -1  
+L power:+3V3 #PWR06
+U 1 1 612EB1E3
+P 1850 3100
+F 0 "#PWR06" H 1850 2950 50  0001 C CNN
+F 1 "+3V3" H 1865 3273 50  0000 C CNN
+F 2 "" H 1850 3100 50  0001 C CNN
+F 3 "" H 1850 3100 50  0001 C CNN
+	1    1850 3100
+	1    0    0    -1  
+Wire Wire Line
+	1550 3400 1550 3250
+Wire Wire Line
+	1550 3250 1850 3250
+Wire Wire Line
+	1850 3250 1850 3100
+Wire Wire Line
+	1850 3250 2150 3250
+Wire Wire Line
+	2150 3250 2150 3400
+Connection ~ 1850 3250
+Wire Wire Line
+	1850 3250 1850 3400
+Text GLabel 1550 3700 3    39   Input ~ 0
+Text GLabel 1850 3700 3    39   Input ~ 0
+Text GLabel 2150 3700 3    39   Input ~ 0
+Wire Wire Line
+	2150 3600 2150 3700
+Wire Wire Line
+	1850 3600 1850 3700
+Wire Wire Line
+	1550 3600 1550 3700


تفاوت فایلی نمایش داده نمی شود زیرا این فایل بسیار بزرگ است
+ 1078 - 0



+ 51 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+Reference, Quantity, Value, Footprint, Datasheet, LCSC
+BT1 ,1,"Battery_Cell","max80:BatteryHolder_Keystone_103_1x20mm","~","C238065"
+C1 C2 C3 C4 C9 C10 C11 C12 C13 C28 C29 C35 C58 ,13,"47uF","Capacitor_SMD:C_0805_2012Metric","","C16780"
+C36 ,1,"15nF","Capacitor_SMD:C_0402_1005Metric","~","C1548"
+C37 ,1,"5600pF","Capacitor_SMD:C_0603_1608Metric","~","C170143"
+C38 ,1,"100nF","Capacitor_SMD:C_0603_1608Metric","~","C1525"
+C39 C52 ,2,"1uF","Capacitor_SMD:C_0805_2012Metric","~","C28323"
+C40 ,1,"10uF","Capacitor_SMD:C_0805_2012Metric","~","C15850"
+C33 C34 C41 C42 C43 C44 C45 C46 C47 C48 C49 C50 C53 C55 C56 ,15,"100nF","Capacitor_SMD:C_0402_1005Metric","~","C1525"
+C5 C6 C7 C8 C14 C15 C16 C17 C18 C19 C20 C21 C22 C23 C24 C25 C26 C27 C30 C31 C32 ,21,"1uF","max80:0612",""
+C51 ,1,"4.7uF","Capacitor_SMD:C_0603_1608Metric","~","C19666"
+C54 ,1,"22uF","Capacitor_SMD:C_0805_2012Metric","~","C45783"
+C57 ,1,"390pF","Capacitor_SMD:C_0402_1005Metric","~","C363517"
+C60 C61 ,2,"220uF","Capacitor_SMD:CP_Elec_6.3x5.4","~","C88673"
+D1 D17 D29 D30 ,4,"LED-Y","LED_SMD:LED_0603_1608Metric","~","C72038"
+D2 D22 ,2,"LED-G","LED_SMD:LED_0603_1608Metric","~","C72043"
+D3 D23 D26 ,3,"LED-B","LED_SMD:LED_0603_1608Metric","~","C72041"
+D19 D24 D25 D27 D28 ,5,"MBRA340T","Diode_SMD:D_SMA","~","C26178"
+D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10 D11 D12 D13 D14 D15 D16 D18 D20 D21 ,16,"DSK14","Diode_SMD:D_SOD-123","~","C37049"
+F1 F2 ,2,"Polyfuse 1.8A","max80:Fuse_1206_3216Metric","https://datasheet.lcsc.com/szlcsc/1811141110_TECHFUSE-nSMD020-30V_C69680.pdf","C70082"
+J1 ,1,"Conn_01x02_Male","Connector_PinHeader_2.54mm:PinHeader_1x02_P2.54mm_Horizontal","~"
+J2 ,1,"Barrel_Jack_Switch","max80:BarrelJack_Wuerth_6941xx301002","~"
+J3 ,1,"Micro_SD_Card DM3AT-SF-PEJM5","max80:microSD_HC_Hirose_DM3AT-SF-PEJM5","http://katalog.we-online.de/em/datasheet/693072010801.pdf","C114218"
+J4 ,1,"Conn_02x20_Odd_Even","Connector_IDC:IDC-Header_2x20_P2.54mm_Horizontal","~"
+L1 ,1,"LxxH","Inductor_SMD:L_0603_1608Metric",""
+L2 ,1,"15uH","max80:L_6.3x6.3_H3","~","C83374"
+OSC1 ,1,"EPSON Q33310 48 MHz","max80:Oscillator_SMD_Abracon_ASE-4Pin_3.2x2.5mm","","C32533"
+Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 ,4,"AO3400A","Package_TO_SOT_SMD:SOT-23","http://www.aosmd.com/pdfs/datasheet/AO3400A.pdf","C20917"
+R1 R11 R21 R25 R26 R27 R28 ,7,"10k","Resistor_SMD:R_0402_1005Metric","~","C25744"
+R2 R12 R14 R19 R20 ,5,"6.2k","Resistor_SMD:R_0402_1005Metric","~","C4260"
+R22 R23 R24 ,3,"100k","Resistor_SMD:R_0402_1005Metric","~","C25741"
+R8 R9 R10 R15 R16 R17 R18 R29 R30 R31 ,10,"1k","Resistor_SMD:R_0402_1005Metric","~","C11702"
+R32 ,1,"330k","Resistor_SMD:R_0402_1005Metric","~","C25778"
+R33 ,1,"120k","Resistor_SMD:R_0402_1005Metric","~","C25750"
+R34 ,1,"12.7k","Resistor_SMD:R_0402_1005Metric","~","C25752"
+R35 ,1,"10.2k","Resistor_SMD:R_0402_1005Metric","~","C25744"
+R36 ,1,"3.24k","Resistor_SMD:R_0402_1005Metric","~","C15172"
+R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 ,5,"5.1k","Resistor_SMD:R_0402_1005Metric","~","C25905"
+U1 ,1,"max_10","max80:EQFP-144-1EP_20x20mm_P0.5mm_EP6.61x5.615mm_ThermalVias",""
+U10 ,1,"CP2102N-A01-GQFN28","Package_DFN_QFN:QFN-28-1EP_5x5mm_P0.5mm_EP3.35x3.35mm","https://www.silabs.com/documents/public/data-sheets/cp2102n-datasheet.pdf","C6568"
+U11 ,1,"ESP32-S2-WROVER-I","max80:ESP32-S2-WROVER","https://www.espressif.com/sites/default/files/documentation/esp32-s2-wroom_esp32-s2-wroom-i_datasheet_en.pdf"
+U12 ,1,"DS3231M+","Package_SO:SOIC-16W_7.5x10.3mm_P1.27mm","http://datasheets.maximintegrated.com/en/ds/DS3231M.pdf","C37663"
+U16 ,1,"74HC244","Package_SO:SO-20_12.8x7.5mm_P1.27mm","http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/sn74ls244.pdf","C5622"
+U2 U3 U4 ,3,"74HC245","Package_SO:TSSOP-20_4.4x6.5mm_P0.65mm","http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74HC245","C5626"
+U5 ,1,"74HC139","Package_SO:SOIC-16_3.9x9.9mm_P1.27mm","http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/sn74ls139a.pdf","C5603"
+U6 ,1,"MT48LC16M16A2P-6A","Package_SO:TSOP-II-54_22.2x10.16mm_P0.8mm","","C41881"
+U7 ,1,"W25Q128JVS","max80:SOIC-8_5.23x5.23mm_P1.27mm","http://www.winbond.com/resource-files/w25q128jv_dtr%20revc%2003272018%20plus.pdf","W25Q128JVSIQ"
+U8 ,1,"TPS54331","Package_SO:SOIC-8_3.9x4.9mm_P1.27mm","http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/tps5430.pdf","C9865"
+U9 U15 ,2,"USBLC6-2SC6","Package_TO_SOT_SMD:SOT-23-6","","C7519"
+USB1 USB2 ,2,"HRO-TYPE-C-31-M-12","max80:HRO-TYPE-C-31-M-12","https://datasheet.lcsc.com/szlcsc/1811131825_Korean-Hroparts-Elec-TYPE-C-31-M-12_C165948.pdf","C165948"
+X1 ,1,"ABC-Bus","max80:MAB64B-FAB64Q",""

تفاوت فایلی نمایش داده نمی شود زیرا این فایل بسیار بزرگ است
+ 591 - 125

+ 3274 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,3274 @@
+(export (version D)
+  (design
+    (source /home/pm/project/abc80/max80/max80.sch)
+    (date "sön 28 feb 2021 12:53:20")
+    (tool "Eeschema 5.1.9-73d0e3b20d~88~ubuntu20.04.1")
+    (sheet (number 1) (name /) (tstamps /)
+      (title_block
+        (title MAX80)
+        (company "Peter o Per")
+        (rev 0.01)
+        (date 2021-02-22)
+        (source max80.sch)
+        (comment (number 1) (value ""))
+        (comment (number 2) (value ""))
+        (comment (number 3) (value ""))
+        (comment (number 4) (value ""))))
+    (sheet (number 2) (name /abc80bus/) (tstamps /6013B380/)
+      (title_block
+        (title MAX80)
+        (company "Peter o Per")
+        (rev 0.01)
+        (date 2021-02-22)
+        (source abc80bus.sch)
+        (comment (number 1) (value ""))
+        (comment (number 2) (value ""))
+        (comment (number 3) (value ""))
+        (comment (number 4) (value ""))))
+    (sheet (number 3) (name /POWER/) (tstamps /6013A59C/)
+      (title_block
+        (title MAX80)
+        (company "Peter o Per")
+        (rev 0.01)
+        (date 2021-02-22)
+        (source power.sch)
+        (comment (number 1) (value ""))
+        (comment (number 2) (value ""))
+        (comment (number 3) (value ""))
+        (comment (number 4) (value ""))))
+    (sheet (number 4) (name /USB/) (tstamps /601569F0/)
+      (title_block
+        (title MAX80)
+        (company "Peter o Per")
+        (rev 0.01)
+        (date 2021-02-22)
+        (source usb.sch)
+        (comment (number 1) (value ""))
+        (comment (number 2) (value ""))
+        (comment (number 3) (value ""))
+        (comment (number 4) (value ""))))
+    (sheet (number 5) (name /ESP32/) (tstamps /602159BB/)
+      (title_block
+        (title MAX80)
+        (company "Peter o Per")
+        (rev 0.01)
+        (date 2021-02-22)
+        (source esp32.sch)
+        (comment (number 1) (value ""))
+        (comment (number 2) (value ""))
+        (comment (number 3) (value ""))
+        (comment (number 4) (value ""))))
+    (sheet (number 6) (name /RTC/) (tstamps /6023577B/)
+      (title_block
+        (title MAX80)
+        (company "Peter o Per")
+        (rev 0.01)
+        (date 2021-02-22)
+        (source rtc.sch)
+        (comment (number 1) (value ""))
+        (comment (number 2) (value ""))
+        (comment (number 3) (value ""))
+        (comment (number 4) (value ""))))
+    (sheet (number 7) (name /ADAPTER_CONN/) (tstamps /60B94961/)
+      (title_block
+        (title MAX80)
+        (company "Peter o Per")
+        (rev 0.01)
+        (date 2021-02-22)
+        (source adapter_conn.sch)
+        (comment (number 1) (value ""))
+        (comment (number 2) (value ""))
+        (comment (number 3) (value ""))
+        (comment (number 4) (value ""))))
+    (sheet (number 8) (name "/Power FPGA/") (tstamps /604B2191/)
+      (title_block
+        (title)
+        (company)
+        (rev)
+        (date)
+        (source power_fpga.sch)
+        (comment (number 1) (value ""))
+        (comment (number 2) (value ""))
+        (comment (number 3) (value ""))
+        (comment (number 4) (value ""))))
+    (sheet (number 9) (name /HDMI/) (tstamps /650A9AE9/)
+      (title_block
+        (title)
+        (company)
+        (rev)
+        (date)
+        (source HDMI.sch)
+        (comment (number 1) (value ""))
+        (comment (number 2) (value ""))
+        (comment (number 3) (value ""))
+        (comment (number 4) (value "")))))
+  (components
+    (comp (ref OSC1)
+      (value "EPSON Q33310 48 MHz")
+      (footprint max80:Oscillator_SMD_Abracon_ASE-4Pin_3.2x2.5mm)
+      (fields
+        (field (name LCSC) C32533))
+      (libsource (lib Oscillator) (part ASE-xxxMHz) (description "3.3V CMOS SMD Crystal Clock Oscillator, Abracon"))
+      (sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /))
+      (tstamp 57BABF34))
+    (comp (ref J3)
+      (value "Micro_SD_Card DM3AT-SF-PEJM5")
+      (footprint max80:microSD_HC_Hirose_DM3AT-SF-PEJM5)
+      (datasheet http://katalog.we-online.de/em/datasheet/693072010801.pdf)
+      (fields
+        (field (name LCSC) C114218))
+      (libsource (lib Connector) (part Micro_SD_Card) (description "Micro SD Card Socket"))
+      (sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /))
+      (tstamp 6022B125))
+    (comp (ref C48)
+      (value 100nF)
+      (footprint Capacitor_SMD:C_0402_1005Metric)
+      (datasheet ~)
+      (fields
+        (field (name LCSC) C1525))
+      (libsource (lib Device) (part C_Small) (description "Unpolarized capacitor, small symbol"))
+      (sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /))
+      (tstamp 602D0725))
+    (comp (ref C49)
+      (value 100nF)
+      (footprint Capacitor_SMD:C_0402_1005Metric)
+      (datasheet ~)
+      (fields
+        (field (name LCSC) C1525))
+      (libsource (lib Device) (part C_Small) (description "Unpolarized capacitor, small symbol"))
+      (sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /))
+      (tstamp 602D360C))
+    (comp (ref C51)
+      (value 4.7uF)
+      (footprint Capacitor_SMD:C_0603_1608Metric)
+      (datasheet ~)
+      (fields
+        (field (name LCSC) C19666))
+      (libsource (lib Device) (part C_Small) (description "Unpolarized capacitor, small symbol"))
+      (sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /))
+      (tstamp 60B62C42))
+    (comp (ref D17)
+      (value LED-Y)
+      (footprint LED_SMD:LED_0603_1608Metric)
+      (datasheet ~)
+      (fields
+        (field (name LCSC) C72038))
+      (libsource (lib Device) (part LED) (description "Light emitting diode"))
+      (sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /))
+      (tstamp 6068751D))
+    (comp (ref R29)
+      (value 1k)
+      (footprint Resistor_SMD:R_0402_1005Metric)
+      (datasheet ~)
+      (fields
+        (field (name LCSC) C11702))
+      (libsource (lib Device) (part R_Small) (description "Resistor, small symbol"))
+      (sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /))
+      (tstamp 6068836E))
+    (comp (ref D22)
+      (value LED-G)
+      (footprint LED_SMD:LED_0603_1608Metric)
+      (datasheet ~)
+      (fields
+        (field (name LCSC) C72043))
+      (libsource (lib Device) (part LED) (description "Light emitting diode"))
+      (sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /))
+      (tstamp 606A9A91))
+    (comp (ref R30)
+      (value 1k)
+      (footprint Resistor_SMD:R_0402_1005Metric)
+      (datasheet ~)
+      (fields
+        (field (name LCSC) C11702))
+      (libsource (lib Device) (part R_Small) (description "Resistor, small symbol"))
+      (sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /))
+      (tstamp 606A9C22))
+    (comp (ref D23)
+      (value LED-B)
+      (footprint LED_SMD:LED_0603_1608Metric)
+      (datasheet ~)
+      (fields
+        (field (name LCSC) C72041))
+      (libsource (lib Device) (part LED) (description "Light emitting diode"))
+      (sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /))
+      (tstamp 606B64A5))
+    (comp (ref R31)
+      (value 1k)
+      (footprint Resistor_SMD:R_0402_1005Metric)
+      (datasheet ~)
+      (fields
+        (field (name LCSC) C11702))
+      (libsource (lib Device) (part R_Small) (description "Resistor, small symbol"))
+      (sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /))
+      (tstamp 606B666A))
+    (comp (ref C56)
+      (value 100nF)
+      (footprint Capacitor_SMD:C_0402_1005Metric)
+      (datasheet ~)
+      (fields
+        (field (name LCSC) C1525))
+      (libsource (lib Device) (part C_Small) (description "Unpolarized capacitor, small symbol"))
+      (sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /))
+      (tstamp 6091A70C))
+    (comp (ref C46)
+      (value 100nF)
+      (footprint Capacitor_SMD:C_0402_1005Metric)
+      (datasheet ~)
+      (fields
+        (field (name LCSC) C1525))
+      (libsource (lib Device) (part C_Small) (description "Unpolarized capacitor, small symbol"))
+      (sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /))
+      (tstamp 60932F0E))
+    (comp (ref C45)
+      (value 100nF)
+      (footprint Capacitor_SMD:C_0402_1005Metric)
+      (datasheet ~)
+      (fields
+        (field (name LCSC) C1525))
+      (libsource (lib Device) (part C_Small) (description "Unpolarized capacitor, small symbol"))
+      (sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /))
+      (tstamp 6094CE83))
+    (comp (ref C34)
+      (value 100nF)
+      (footprint Capacitor_SMD:C_0402_1005Metric)
+      (datasheet ~)
+      (fields
+        (field (name LCSC) C1525))
+      (libsource (lib Device) (part C_Small) (description "Unpolarized capacitor, small symbol"))
+      (sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /))
+      (tstamp 6097D4FE))
+    (comp (ref C33)
+      (value 100nF)
+      (footprint Capacitor_SMD:C_0402_1005Metric)
+      (datasheet ~)
+      (fields
+        (field (name LCSC) C1525))
+      (libsource (lib Device) (part C_Small) (description "Unpolarized capacitor, small symbol"))
+      (sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /))
+      (tstamp 60997E09))
+    (comp (ref D29)
+      (value LED-Y)
+      (footprint LED_SMD:LED_0603_1608Metric)
+      (datasheet ~)
+      (fields
+        (field (name LCSC) C72038))
+      (libsource (lib Device) (part LED) (description "Light emitting diode"))
+      (sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /))
+      (tstamp 6041A94C))
+    (comp (ref D30)
+      (value LED-Y)
+      (footprint LED_SMD:LED_0603_1608Metric)
+      (datasheet ~)
+      (fields
+        (field (name LCSC) C72038))
+      (libsource (lib Device) (part LED) (description "Light emitting diode"))
+      (sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /))
+      (tstamp 604220EF))
+    (comp (ref R10)
+      (value 1k)
+      (footprint Resistor_SMD:R_0402_1005Metric)
+      (datasheet ~)
+      (fields
+        (field (name LCSC) C11702))
+      (libsource (lib Device) (part R_Small) (description "Resistor, small symbol"))
+      (sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /))
+      (tstamp 60427964))
+    (comp (ref R8)
+      (value 1k)
+      (footprint Resistor_SMD:R_0402_1005Metric)
+      (datasheet ~)
+      (fields
+        (field (name LCSC) C11702))
+      (libsource (lib Device) (part R_Small) (description "Resistor, small symbol"))
+      (sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /))
+      (tstamp 6042C0DA))
+    (comp (ref U13)
+      (value EP4CE15F17C8N)
+      (footprint Package_BGA:BGA-256_17.0x17.0mm_Layout16x16_P1.0mm_Ball0.5mm_Pad0.4mm_NSMD)
+      (libsource (lib max80) (part EP4CE15F17C8N) (description ""))
+      (sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /))
+      (tstamp 6054E41F))
+    (comp (ref R38)
+      (value 10k)
+      (footprint Resistor_SMD:R_0402_1005Metric)
+      (datasheet ~)
+      (fields
+        (field (name LCSC) C25744))
+      (libsource (lib Device) (part R_Small) (description "Resistor, small symbol"))
+      (sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /))
+      (tstamp 604A56EE))
+    (comp (ref R14)
+      (value 6.2k)
+      (footprint Resistor_SMD:R_0402_1005Metric)
+      (datasheet ~)
+      (fields
+        (field (name LCSC) C4260))
+      (libsource (lib Device) (part R_Small) (description "Resistor, small symbol"))
+      (sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /))
+      (tstamp 60A915FC))
+    (comp (ref R12)
+      (value 6.2k)
+      (footprint Resistor_SMD:R_0402_1005Metric)
+      (datasheet ~)
+      (fields
+        (field (name LCSC) C4260))
+      (libsource (lib Device) (part R_Small) (description "Resistor, small symbol"))
+      (sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /))
+      (tstamp 60A90B03))
+    (comp (ref R40)
+      (value 10k)
+      (footprint Resistor_SMD:R_0402_1005Metric)
+      (datasheet ~)
+      (fields
+        (field (name LCSC) C25744))
+      (libsource (lib Device) (part R_Small) (description "Resistor, small symbol"))
+      (sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /))
+      (tstamp 605E3046))
+    (comp (ref R39)
+      (value 10k)
+      (footprint Resistor_SMD:R_0402_1005Metric)
+      (datasheet ~)
+      (fields
+        (field (name LCSC) C25744))
+      (libsource (lib Device) (part R_Small) (description "Resistor, small symbol"))
+      (sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /))
+      (tstamp 605E3051))
+    (comp (ref R42)
+      (value 1k)
+      (footprint Resistor_SMD:R_0402_1005Metric)
+      (datasheet ~)
+      (fields
+        (field (name LCSC) C11702))
+      (libsource (lib Device) (part R_Small) (description "Resistor, small symbol"))
+      (sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /))
+      (tstamp 60654523))
+    (comp (ref R41)
+      (value 25)
+      (footprint Resistor_SMD:R_0402_1005Metric)
+      (datasheet ~)
+      (libsource (lib Device) (part R_Small) (description "Resistor, small symbol"))
+      (sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /))
+      (tstamp 607B9EC1))
+    (comp (ref C2)
+      (value 100nF)
+      (footprint Capacitor_SMD:C_0402_1005Metric)
+      (datasheet ~)
+      (fields
+        (field (name LCSC) C1525))
+      (libsource (lib Device) (part C_Small) (description "Unpolarized capacitor, small symbol"))
+      (sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /))
+      (tstamp 6082407C))
+    (comp (ref U7)
+      (value W25Q128JVS)
+      (footprint max80:SOIC-8_5.23x5.23mm_P1.27mm)
+      (datasheet http://www.winbond.com/resource-files/w25q128jv_dtr%20revc%2003272018%20plus.pdf)
+      (fields
+        (field (name LCSC) W25Q128JVSIQ))
+      (libsource (lib Memory_Flash) (part W25Q128JVS) (description "128Mb Serial Flash Memory, Standard/Dual/Quad SPI, SOIC-8"))
+      (sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /))
+      (tstamp 6035B91A))
+    (comp (ref R37)
+      (value 10k)
+      (footprint Resistor_SMD:R_0402_1005Metric)
+      (datasheet ~)
+      (fields
+        (field (name LCSC) C25744))
+      (libsource (lib Device) (part R_Small) (description "Resistor, small symbol"))
+      (sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /))
+      (tstamp 603DBC0D))
+    (comp (ref R13)
+      (value 10k)
+      (footprint Resistor_SMD:R_0402_1005Metric)
+      (datasheet ~)
+      (fields
+        (field (name LCSC) C25744))
+      (libsource (lib Device) (part R_Small) (description "Resistor, small symbol"))
+      (sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /))
+      (tstamp 603E59B4))
+    (comp (ref U6)
+      (value MT48LC16M16A2P-6A)
+      (footprint Package_SO:TSOP-II-54_22.2x10.16mm_P0.8mm)
+      (datasheet https://www.mouser.se/datasheet/2/671/256Mb_sdr-1282350.pdf)
+      (fields
+        (field (name LCSC) C41881))
+      (libsource (lib max80) (part MT48LC16M16A2P-6A) (description ""))
+      (sheetpath (names /) (tstamps /))
+      (tstamp 604F9283))
+    (comp (ref R22)
+      (value 100k)
+      (footprint Resistor_SMD:R_0402_1005Metric)
+      (datasheet ~)
+      (fields
+        (field (name LCSC) C25741))
+      (libsource (lib Device) (part R_Small) (description "Resistor, small symbol"))
+      (sheetpath (names /abc80bus/) (tstamps /6013B380/))
+      (tstamp 612BA053))
+    (comp (ref R23)
+      (value 100k)
+      (footprint Resistor_SMD:R_0402_1005Metric)
+      (datasheet ~)
+      (fields
+        (field (name LCSC) C25741))
+      (libsource (lib Device) (part R_Small) (description "Resistor, small symbol"))
+      (sheetpath (names /abc80bus/) (tstamps /6013B380/))
+      (tstamp 612BA99E))
+    (comp (ref Q3)
+      (value AO3400A)
+      (footprint Package_TO_SOT_SMD:SOT-23)
+      (datasheet http://www.aosmd.com/pdfs/datasheet/AO3400A.pdf)
+      (fields
+        (field (name LCSC) C20917))
+      (libsource (lib Transistor_FET) (part AO3400A) (description "30V Vds, 5.7A Id, N-Channel MOSFET, SOT-23"))
+      (sheetpath (names /abc80bus/) (tstamps /6013B380/))
+      (tstamp 6032D111))
+    (comp (ref Q2)
+      (value AO3400A)
+      (footprint Package_TO_SOT_SMD:SOT-23)
+      (datasheet http://www.aosmd.com/pdfs/datasheet/AO3400A.pdf)
+      (fields
+        (field (name LCSC) C20917))
+      (libsource (lib Transistor_FET) (part AO3400A) (description "30V Vds, 5.7A Id, N-Channel MOSFET, SOT-23"))
+      (sheetpath (names /abc80bus/) (tstamps /6013B380/))
+      (tstamp 603658C4))
+    (comp (ref X1)
+      (value ABC-Bus)
+      (footprint max80:MAB64B-FAB64Q)
+      (libsource (lib max80) (part ABC-Bus) (description ""))
+      (sheetpath (names /abc80bus/) (tstamps /6013B380/))
+      (tstamp 6011F2D2))
+    (comp (ref Q4)
+      (value AO3400A)
+      (footprint Package_TO_SOT_SMD:SOT-23)
+      (datasheet http://www.aosmd.com/pdfs/datasheet/AO3400A.pdf)
+      (fields
+        (field (name LCSC) C20917))
+      (libsource (lib Transistor_FET) (part AO3400A) (description "30V Vds, 5.7A Id, N-Channel MOSFET, SOT-23"))
+      (sheetpath (names /abc80bus/) (tstamps /6013B380/))
+      (tstamp 60285B62))
+    (comp (ref J1)
+      (value Conn_01x02_Male)
+      (footprint Connector_PinHeader_2.54mm:PinHeader_1x02_P2.54mm_Horizontal)
+      (datasheet ~)
+      (libsource (lib Connector) (part Conn_01x02_Male) (description "Generic connector, single row, 01x02, script generated (kicad-library-utils/schlib/autogen/connector/)"))
+      (sheetpath (names /abc80bus/) (tstamps /6013B380/))
+      (tstamp 603FB6A3))
+    (comp (ref D28)
+      (value MBRA340T)
+      (footprint Diode_SMD:D_SMA)
+      (datasheet ~)
+      (fields
+        (field (name LCSC) C26178))
+      (libsource (lib Device) (part D_Schottky) (description "Schottky diode"))
+      (sheetpath (names /abc80bus/) (tstamps /6013B380/))
+      (tstamp 603612AB))
+    (comp (ref C3)
+      (value 100nF)
+      (footprint Capacitor_SMD:C_0402_1005Metric)
+      (datasheet ~)
+      (fields
+        (field (name LCSC) C1525))
+      (libsource (lib Device) (part C_Small) (description "Unpolarized capacitor, small symbol"))
+      (sheetpath (names /abc80bus/) (tstamps /6013B380/))
+      (tstamp 60EF0ABB))
+    (comp (ref U3)
+      (value 74HC245)
+      (footprint Package_SO:TSSOP-20_4.4x6.5mm_P0.65mm)
+      (datasheet http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74HC245)
+      (fields
+        (field (name LCSC) C5626))
+      (libsource (lib 74xx) (part 74HC245) (description "Octal BUS Transceivers, 3-State outputs"))
+      (sheetpath (names /abc80bus/) (tstamps /6013B380/))
+      (tstamp 61F93DEE))
+    (comp (ref U2)
+      (value 74HC245)
+      (footprint Package_SO:TSSOP-20_4.4x6.5mm_P0.65mm)
+      (datasheet http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74HC245)
+      (fields
+        (field (name LCSC) C5626))
+      (libsource (lib 74xx) (part 74HC245) (description "Octal BUS Transceivers, 3-State outputs"))
+      (sheetpath (names /abc80bus/) (tstamps /6013B380/))
+      (tstamp 6202F2F5))
+    (comp (ref C5)
+      (value 100nF)
+      (footprint Capacitor_SMD:C_0402_1005Metric)
+      (datasheet ~)
+      (fields
+        (field (name LCSC) C1525))
+      (libsource (lib Device) (part C_Small) (description "Unpolarized capacitor, small symbol"))
+      (sheetpath (names /abc80bus/) (tstamps /6013B380/))
+      (tstamp 62149379))
+    (comp (ref C4)
+      (value 100nF)
+      (footprint Capacitor_SMD:C_0402_1005Metric)
+      (datasheet ~)
+      (fields
+        (field (name LCSC) C1525))
+      (libsource (lib Device) (part C_Small) (description "Unpolarized capacitor, small symbol"))
+      (sheetpath (names /abc80bus/) (tstamps /6013B380/))
+      (tstamp 62157028))
+    (comp (ref U5)
+      (value 74HC245)
+      (footprint Package_SO:TSSOP-20_4.4x6.5mm_P0.65mm)
+      (datasheet http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74HC245)
+      (fields
+        (field (name LCSC) C5626))
+      (libsource (lib 74xx) (part 74HC245) (description "Octal BUS Transceivers, 3-State outputs"))
+      (sheetpath (names /abc80bus/) (tstamps /6013B380/))
+      (tstamp 624CCCE1))
+    (comp (ref U4)
+      (value 74HC245)
+      (footprint Package_SO:TSSOP-20_4.4x6.5mm_P0.65mm)
+      (datasheet http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74HC245)
+      (fields
+        (field (name LCSC) C5626))
+      (libsource (lib 74xx) (part 74HC245) (description "Octal BUS Transceivers, 3-State outputs"))
+      (sheetpath (names /abc80bus/) (tstamps /6013B380/))
+      (tstamp 6208BF8B))
+    (comp (ref C7)
+      (value 100nF)
+      (footprint Capacitor_SMD:C_0402_1005Metric)
+      (datasheet ~)
+      (fields
+        (field (name LCSC) C1525))
+      (libsource (lib Device) (part C_Small) (description "Unpolarized capacitor, small symbol"))
+      (sheetpath (names /abc80bus/) (tstamps /6013B380/))
+      (tstamp 6270830F))
+    (comp (ref C6)
+      (value 100nF)
+      (footprint Capacitor_SMD:C_0402_1005Metric)
+      (datasheet ~)
+      (fields
+        (field (name LCSC) C1525))
+      (libsource (lib Device) (part C_Small) (description "Unpolarized capacitor, small symbol"))
+      (sheetpath (names /abc80bus/) (tstamps /6013B380/))
+      (tstamp 627085BD))
+    (comp (ref U14)
+      (value 74HC245)
+      (footprint Package_SO:TSSOP-20_4.4x6.5mm_P0.65mm)
+      (datasheet http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74HC245)
+      (fields
+        (field (name LCSC) C5626))
+      (libsource (lib 74xx) (part 74HC245) (description "Octal BUS Transceivers, 3-State outputs"))
+      (sheetpath (names /abc80bus/) (tstamps /6013B380/))
+      (tstamp 6277D5D4))
+    (comp (ref J2)
+      (value Barrel_Jack_Switch)
+      (footprint max80:BarrelJack_Wuerth_6941xx301002)
+      (datasheet ~)
+      (libsource (lib Connector) (part Barrel_Jack_Switch) (description "DC Barrel Jack with an internal switch"))
+      (sheetpath (names /POWER/) (tstamps /6013A59C/))
+      (tstamp 6014204A))
+    (comp (ref C38)
+      (value 100nF)
+      (footprint Capacitor_SMD:C_0603_1608Metric)
+      (datasheet ~)
+      (fields
+        (field (name LCSC) C1525))
+      (libsource (lib Device) (part C_Small) (description "Unpolarized capacitor, small symbol"))
+      (sheetpath (names /POWER/) (tstamps /6013A59C/))
+      (tstamp 6025CAC8))
+    (comp (ref D24)
+      (value MBRA340T)
+      (footprint Diode_SMD:D_SMA)
+      (datasheet ~)
+      (fields
+        (field (name LCSC) C26178))
+      (libsource (lib Device) (part D_Schottky) (description "Schottky diode"))
+      (sheetpath (names /POWER/) (tstamps /6013A59C/))
+      (tstamp 6025D921))
+    (comp (ref R35)
+      (value 10.2k)
+      (footprint Resistor_SMD:R_0402_1005Metric)
+      (datasheet ~)
+      (fields
+        (field (name LCSC) C25744))
+      (libsource (lib Device) (part R_Small) (description "Resistor, small symbol"))
+      (sheetpath (names /POWER/) (tstamps /6013A59C/))
+      (tstamp 6025EAB6))
+    (comp (ref R36)
+      (value 3.24k)
+      (footprint Resistor_SMD:R_0402_1005Metric)
+      (datasheet ~)
+      (fields
+        (field (name LCSC) C15172))
+      (libsource (lib Device) (part R_Small) (description "Resistor, small symbol"))
+      (sheetpath (names /POWER/) (tstamps /6013A59C/))
+      (tstamp 6025F1BC))
+    (comp (ref U8)
+      (value TPS54331)
+      (footprint Package_SO:SOIC-8_3.9x4.9mm_P1.27mm)
+      (datasheet http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/tps5430.pdf)
+      (fields
+        (field (name LCSC) C9865))
+      (libsource (lib max80) (part TPS54331) (description "3A, Step Down Swift Converter, , PowerSOIC-8"))
+      (sheetpath (names /POWER/) (tstamps /6013A59C/))
+      (tstamp 60260C96))
+    (comp (ref C58)
+      (value 47uF)
+      (footprint Capacitor_SMD:C_0805_2012Metric)
+      (datasheet ~)
+      (fields
+        (field (name LCSC) C16780))
+      (libsource (lib Device) (part C_Small) (description "Unpolarized capacitor, small symbol"))
+      (sheetpath (names /POWER/) (tstamps /6013A59C/))
+      (tstamp 60264C69))
+    (comp (ref C37)
+      (value 5600pF)
+      (footprint Capacitor_SMD:C_0603_1608Metric)
+      (datasheet ~)
+      (fields
+        (field (name LCSC) C170143))
+      (libsource (lib Device) (part C_Small) (description "Unpolarized capacitor, small symbol"))
+      (sheetpath (names /POWER/) (tstamps /6013A59C/))
+      (tstamp 6026CBED))
+    (comp (ref C57)
+      (value 390pF)
+      (footprint Capacitor_SMD:C_0402_1005Metric)
+      (datasheet ~)
+      (fields
+        (field (name LCSC) C363517))
+      (libsource (lib Device) (part C_Small) (description "Unpolarized capacitor, small symbol"))
+      (sheetpath (names /POWER/) (tstamps /6013A59C/))
+      (tstamp 6026D80D))
+    (comp (ref R34)
+      (value 12.7k)
+      (footprint Resistor_SMD:R_0402_1005Metric)
+      (datasheet ~)
+      (fields
+        (field (name LCSC) C25752))
+      (libsource (lib Device) (part R_Small) (description "Resistor, small symbol"))
+      (sheetpath (names /POWER/) (tstamps /6013A59C/))
+      (tstamp 6026DD71))
+    (comp (ref C36)
+      (value 15nF)
+      (footprint Capacitor_SMD:C_0402_1005Metric)
+      (datasheet ~)
+      (fields
+        (field (name LCSC) C1548))
+      (libsource (lib Device) (part C_Small) (description "Unpolarized capacitor, small symbol"))
+      (sheetpath (names /POWER/) (tstamps /6013A59C/))
+      (tstamp 60276365))
+    (comp (ref R32)
+      (value 330k)
+      (footprint Resistor_SMD:R_0402_1005Metric)
+      (datasheet ~)
+      (fields
+        (field (name LCSC) C25778))
+      (libsource (lib Device) (part R_Small) (description "Resistor, small symbol"))
+      (sheetpath (names /POWER/) (tstamps /6013A59C/))
+      (tstamp 602875D0))
+    (comp (ref R33)
+      (value 120k)
+      (footprint Resistor_SMD:R_0402_1005Metric)
+      (datasheet ~)
+      (fields
+        (field (name LCSC) C25750))
+      (libsource (lib Device) (part R_Small) (description "Resistor, small symbol"))
+      (sheetpath (names /POWER/) (tstamps /6013A59C/))
+      (tstamp 60287738))
+    (comp (ref C35)
+      (value 47uF)
+      (footprint Capacitor_SMD:C_0805_2012Metric)
+      (datasheet ~)
+      (fields
+        (field (name LCSC) C16780))
+      (libsource (lib Device) (part C_Small) (description "Unpolarized capacitor, small symbol"))
+      (sheetpath (names /POWER/) (tstamps /6013A59C/))
+      (tstamp 60299F43))
+    (comp (ref L2)
+      (value 15uH)
+      (footprint max80:L_6.3x6.3_H3)
+      (datasheet ~)
+      (fields
+        (field (name LCSC) C83374))
+      (libsource (lib Device) (part L) (description Inductor))
+      (sheetpath (names /POWER/) (tstamps /6013A59C/))
+      (tstamp 602A5F6B))
+    (comp (ref C61)
+      (value 220uF)
+      (footprint Capacitor_SMD:CP_Elec_6.3x5.4)
+      (datasheet ~)
+      (fields
+        (field (name LCSC) C88673))
+      (libsource (lib Device) (part CP_Small) (description "Polarized capacitor, small symbol"))
+      (sheetpath (names /POWER/) (tstamps /6013A59C/))
+      (tstamp 602A7E22))
+    (comp (ref C60)
+      (value 220uF)
+      (footprint Capacitor_SMD:CP_Elec_6.3x5.4)
+      (datasheet ~)
+      (fields
+        (field (name LCSC) C88673))
+      (libsource (lib Device) (part CP_Small) (description "Polarized capacitor, small symbol"))
+      (sheetpath (names /POWER/) (tstamps /6013A59C/))
+      (tstamp 602A83A7))
+    (comp (ref D25)
+      (value MBRA340T)
+      (footprint Diode_SMD:D_SMA)
+      (datasheet ~)
+      (fields
+        (field (name LCSC) C26178))
+      (libsource (lib Device) (part D_Schottky) (description "Schottky diode"))
+      (sheetpath (names /POWER/) (tstamps /6013A59C/))
+      (tstamp 6040C80A))
+    (comp (ref D26)
+      (value LED-B)
+      (footprint LED_SMD:LED_0603_1608Metric)
+      (datasheet ~)
+      (fields
+        (field (name LCSC) C72041))
+      (libsource (lib Device) (part LED) (description "Light emitting diode"))
+      (sheetpath (names /POWER/) (tstamps /6013A59C/))
+      (tstamp 6024C492))
+    (comp (ref R9)
+      (value 1k)
+      (footprint Resistor_SMD:R_0402_1005Metric)
+      (datasheet ~)
+      (fields
+        (field (name LCSC) C11702))
+      (libsource (lib Device) (part R_Small) (description "Resistor, small symbol"))
+      (sheetpath (names /POWER/) (tstamps /6013A59C/))
+      (tstamp 6024D9C9))
+    (comp (ref U10)
+      (value CP2102N-A01-GQFN28)
+      (footprint Package_DFN_QFN:QFN-28-1EP_5x5mm_P0.5mm_EP3.35x3.35mm)
+      (datasheet https://www.silabs.com/documents/public/data-sheets/cp2102n-datasheet.pdf)
+      (fields
+        (field (name LCSC) C6568))
+      (libsource (lib Interface_USB) (part CP2102N-A01-GQFN28) (description "USB to UART master bridge, QFN-28"))
+      (sheetpath (names /USB/) (tstamps /601569F0/))
+      (tstamp 5E5D03C7))
+    (comp (ref R7)
+      (value 5.1k)
+      (footprint Resistor_SMD:R_0402_1005Metric)
+      (datasheet ~)
+      (fields
+        (field (name LCSC) C25905))
+      (libsource (lib Device) (part R) (description Resistor))
+      (sheetpath (names /USB/) (tstamps /601569F0/))
+      (tstamp 6114851D))
+    (comp (ref R6)
+      (value 5.1k)
+      (footprint Resistor_SMD:R_0402_1005Metric)
+      (datasheet ~)
+      (fields
+        (field (name LCSC) C25905))
+      (libsource (lib Device) (part R) (description Resistor))
+      (sheetpath (names /USB/) (tstamps /601569F0/))
+      (tstamp 61148F19))
+    (comp (ref R5)
+      (value 5.1k)
+      (footprint Resistor_SMD:R_0402_1005Metric)
+      (datasheet ~)
+      (fields
+        (field (name LCSC) C25905))
+      (libsource (lib Device) (part R) (description Resistor))
+      (sheetpath (names /USB/) (tstamps /601569F0/))
+      (tstamp 6114B27A))
+    (comp (ref USB1)
+      (value HRO-TYPE-C-31-M-12)
+      (footprint max80:HRO-TYPE-C-31-M-12)
+      (datasheet https://datasheet.lcsc.com/szlcsc/1811131825_Korean-Hroparts-Elec-TYPE-C-31-M-12_C165948.pdf)
+      (fields
+        (field (name LCSC) C165948))
+      (libsource (lib max80) (part HRO-TYPE-C-31-M-12) (description ""))
+      (sheetpath (names /USB/) (tstamps /601569F0/))
+      (tstamp 6114CF45))
+    (comp (ref U9)
+      (value USBLC6-2SC6)
+      (footprint Package_TO_SOT_SMD:SOT-23-6)
+      (fields
+        (field (name LCSC) C7519))
+      (libsource (lib Power_Protection) (part USBLC6-2SC6) (description "Very low capacitance ESD protection diode, 2 data-line, SOT-23-6"))
+      (sheetpath (names /USB/) (tstamps /601569F0/))
+      (tstamp 6114F91C))
+    (comp (ref F1)
+      (value "Polyfuse 1.8A")
+      (footprint max80:Fuse_1206_3216Metric)
+      (datasheet https://datasheet.lcsc.com/szlcsc/1811141110_TECHFUSE-nSMD020-30V_C69680.pdf)
+      (fields
+        (field (name LCSC) C70082))
+      (libsource (lib Device) (part Polyfuse) (description "Resettable fuse, polymeric positive temperature coefficient"))
+      (sheetpath (names /USB/) (tstamps /601569F0/))
+      (tstamp 611529F7))
+    (comp (ref C39)
+      (value 1uF)
+      (footprint Capacitor_SMD:C_0805_2012Metric)
+      (datasheet ~)
+      (fields
+        (field (name LCSC) C28323))
+      (libsource (lib Device) (part C_Small) (description "Unpolarized capacitor, small symbol"))
+      (sheetpath (names /USB/) (tstamps /601569F0/))
+      (tstamp 61154A99))
+    (comp (ref C40)
+      (value 10uF)
+      (footprint Capacitor_SMD:C_0805_2012Metric)
+      (datasheet ~)
+      (fields
+        (field (name LCSC) C15850))
+      (libsource (lib Device) (part C) (description "Unpolarized capacitor"))
+      (sheetpath (names /USB/) (tstamps /601569F0/))
+      (tstamp 61156BD2))
+    (comp (ref D19)
+      (value MBRA340T)
+      (footprint Diode_SMD:D_SMA)
+      (datasheet ~)
+      (fields
+        (field (name LCSC) C26178))
+      (libsource (lib Device) (part D_Schottky) (description "Schottky diode"))
+      (sheetpath (names /USB/) (tstamps /601569F0/))
+      (tstamp 60325B03))
+    (comp (ref F2)
+      (value "Polyfuse 1.8A")
+      (footprint max80:Fuse_1206_3216Metric)
+      (datasheet https://datasheet.lcsc.com/szlcsc/1811141110_TECHFUSE-nSMD020-30V_C69680.pdf)
+      (fields
+        (field (name LCSC) C70082))
+      (libsource (lib Device) (part Polyfuse) (description "Resettable fuse, polymeric positive temperature coefficient"))
+      (sheetpath (names /ESP32/) (tstamps /602159BB/))
+      (tstamp 610EE853))
+    (comp (ref USB2)
+      (value HRO-TYPE-C-31-M-12)
+      (footprint max80:HRO-TYPE-C-31-M-12)
+      (datasheet https://datasheet.lcsc.com/szlcsc/1811131825_Korean-Hroparts-Elec-TYPE-C-31-M-12_C165948.pdf)
+      (fields
+        (field (name LCSC) C165948))
+      (libsource (lib max80) (part HRO-TYPE-C-31-M-12) (description ""))
+      (sheetpath (names /ESP32/) (tstamps /602159BB/))
+      (tstamp 610EE858))
+    (comp (ref R4)
+      (value 5.1k)
+      (footprint Resistor_SMD:R_0402_1005Metric)
+      (datasheet ~)
+      (fields
+        (field (name LCSC) C25905))
+      (libsource (lib Device) (part R) (description Resistor))
+      (sheetpath (names /ESP32/) (tstamps /602159BB/))
+      (tstamp 5E79F20F))
+    (comp (ref C52)
+      (value 1uF)
+      (footprint Capacitor_SMD:C_0805_2012Metric)
+      (datasheet ~)
+      (fields
+        (field (name LCSC) C28323))
+      (libsource (lib Device) (part C_Small) (description "Unpolarized capacitor, small symbol"))
+      (sheetpath (names /ESP32/) (tstamps /602159BB/))
+      (tstamp 5E7FEAC9))
+    (comp (ref U15)
+      (value USBLC6-2SC6)
+      (footprint Package_TO_SOT_SMD:SOT-23-6)
+      (fields
+        (field (name LCSC) C7519))
+      (libsource (lib Power_Protection) (part USBLC6-2SC6) (description "Very low capacitance ESD protection diode, 2 data-line, SOT-23-6"))
+      (sheetpath (names /ESP32/) (tstamps /602159BB/))
+      (tstamp 610EE85E))
+    (comp (ref U11)
+      (value ESP32-S2-WROVER-I)
+      (footprint max80:ESP32-S2-WROVER)
+      (datasheet https://www.espressif.com/sites/default/files/documentation/esp32-s2-wroom_esp32-s2-wroom-i_datasheet_en.pdf)
+      (libsource (lib RF_Module) (part ESP32-S2-WROVER-I) (description "RF Module, ESP32-D0WDQ6 SoC, Wi-Fi 802.11b/g/n, 32-bit, 2.7-3.6V, onboard antenna, SMD"))
+      (sheetpath (names /ESP32/) (tstamps /602159BB/))
+      (tstamp 610EDBDA))
+    (comp (ref R3)
+      (value 5.1k)
+      (footprint Resistor_SMD:R_0402_1005Metric)
+      (datasheet ~)
+      (fields
+        (field (name LCSC) C25905))
+      (libsource (lib Device) (part R_Small) (description "Resistor, small symbol"))
+      (sheetpath (names /ESP32/) (tstamps /602159BB/))
+      (tstamp 61104569))
+    (comp (ref C54)
+      (value 22uF)
+      (footprint Capacitor_SMD:C_0805_2012Metric)
+      (datasheet ~)
+      (fields
+        (field (name LCSC) C45783))
+      (libsource (lib Device) (part C_Small) (description "Unpolarized capacitor, small symbol"))
+      (sheetpath (names /ESP32/) (tstamps /602159BB/))
+      (tstamp 611262EE))
+    (comp (ref C55)
+      (value 100nF)
+      (footprint Capacitor_SMD:C_0402_1005Metric)
+      (datasheet ~)
+      (fields
+        (field (name LCSC) C1525))
+      (libsource (lib Device) (part C_Small) (description "Unpolarized capacitor, small symbol"))
+      (sheetpath (names /ESP32/) (tstamps /602159BB/))
+      (tstamp 61126FC2))
+    (comp (ref C53)
+      (value 100nF)
+      (footprint Capacitor_SMD:C_0402_1005Metric)
+      (datasheet ~)
+      (fields
+        (field (name LCSC) C1525))
+      (libsource (lib Device) (part C_Small) (description "Unpolarized capacitor, small symbol"))
+      (sheetpath (names /ESP32/) (tstamps /602159BB/))
+      (tstamp 6112E6F3))
+    (comp (ref R19)
+      (value 6.2k)
+      (footprint Resistor_SMD:R_0402_1005Metric)
+      (datasheet ~)
+      (fields
+        (field (name LCSC) C4260))
+      (libsource (lib Device) (part R_Small) (description "Resistor, small symbol"))
+      (sheetpath (names /ESP32/) (tstamps /602159BB/))
+      (tstamp 611AB901))
+    (comp (ref R20)
+      (value 6.2k)
+      (footprint Resistor_SMD:R_0402_1005Metric)
+      (datasheet ~)
+      (fields
+        (field (name LCSC) C4260))
+      (libsource (lib Device) (part R_Small) (description "Resistor, small symbol"))
+      (sheetpath (names /ESP32/) (tstamps /602159BB/))
+      (tstamp 611ABCC5))
+    (comp (ref D1)
+      (value LED-Y)
+      (footprint LED_SMD:LED_0603_1608Metric)
+      (datasheet ~)
+      (fields
+        (field (name LCSC) C72038))
+      (libsource (lib Device) (part LED) (description "Light emitting diode"))
+      (sheetpath (names /ESP32/) (tstamps /602159BB/))
+      (tstamp 611B5A79))
+    (comp (ref R16)
+      (value 1k)
+      (footprint Resistor_SMD:R_0402_1005Metric)
+      (datasheet ~)
+      (fields
+        (field (name LCSC) C11702))
+      (libsource (lib Device) (part R_Small) (description "Resistor, small symbol"))
+      (sheetpath (names /ESP32/) (tstamps /602159BB/))
+      (tstamp 611B7173))
+    (comp (ref R17)
+      (value 1k)
+      (footprint Resistor_SMD:R_0402_1005Metric)
+      (datasheet ~)
+      (fields
+        (field (name LCSC) C11702))
+      (libsource (lib Device) (part R_Small) (description "Resistor, small symbol"))
+      (sheetpath (names /ESP32/) (tstamps /602159BB/))
+      (tstamp 611B7E9F))
+    (comp (ref R18)
+      (value 1k)
+      (footprint Resistor_SMD:R_0402_1005Metric)
+      (datasheet ~)
+      (fields
+        (field (name LCSC) C11702))
+      (libsource (lib Device) (part R_Small) (description "Resistor, small symbol"))
+      (sheetpath (names /ESP32/) (tstamps /602159BB/))
+      (tstamp 611B8401))
+    (comp (ref D2)
+      (value LED-G)
+      (footprint LED_SMD:LED_0603_1608Metric)
+      (datasheet ~)
+      (fields
+        (field (name LCSC) C72043))
+      (libsource (lib Device) (part LED) (description "Light emitting diode"))
+      (sheetpath (names /ESP32/) (tstamps /602159BB/))
+      (tstamp 611D1925))
+    (comp (ref D3)
+      (value LED-B)
+      (footprint LED_SMD:LED_0603_1608Metric)
+      (datasheet ~)
+      (fields
+        (field (name LCSC) C72041))
+      (libsource (lib Device) (part LED) (description "Light emitting diode"))
+      (sheetpath (names /ESP32/) (tstamps /602159BB/))
+      (tstamp 611D1F01))
+    (comp (ref R21)
+      (value 10k)
+      (footprint Resistor_SMD:R_0402_1005Metric)
+      (datasheet ~)
+      (fields
+        (field (name LCSC) C25744))
+      (libsource (lib Device) (part R_Small) (description "Resistor, small symbol"))
+      (sheetpath (names /ESP32/) (tstamps /602159BB/))
+      (tstamp 613A0F9D))
+    (comp (ref D27)
+      (value MBRA340T)
+      (footprint Diode_SMD:D_SMA)
+      (datasheet ~)
+      (fields
+        (field (name LCSC) C26178))
+      (libsource (lib Device) (part D_Schottky) (description "Schottky diode"))
+      (sheetpath (names /ESP32/) (tstamps /602159BB/))
+      (tstamp 6032D6A5))
+    (comp (ref R15)
+      (value 1k)
+      (footprint Resistor_SMD:R_0402_1005Metric)
+      (datasheet ~)
+      (fields
+        (field (name LCSC) C11702))
+      (libsource (lib Device) (part R_Small) (description "Resistor, small symbol"))
+      (sheetpath (names /ESP32/) (tstamps /602159BB/))
+      (tstamp 611331F0))
+    (comp (ref R1)
+      (value 10k)
+      (footprint Resistor_SMD:R_0402_1005Metric)
+      (datasheet ~)
+      (fields
+        (field (name LCSC) C25744))
+      (libsource (lib Device) (part R_Small) (description "Resistor, small symbol"))
+      (sheetpath (names /ESP32/) (tstamps /602159BB/))
+      (tstamp 60379925))
+    (comp (ref U12)
+      (value DS3231M+)
+      (footprint Package_SO:SOIC-16W_7.5x10.3mm_P1.27mm)
+      (datasheet http://datasheets.maximintegrated.com/en/ds/DS3231M.pdf)
+      (fields
+        (field (name LCSC) C37663))
+      (libsource (lib Timer_RTC) (part DS3231M) (description "Extremely Accurate I2C-Integrated RTC/TCXO/Crystal SOIC-16"))
+      (sheetpath (names /RTC/) (tstamps /6023577B/))
+      (tstamp 60239074))
+    (comp (ref BT1)
+      (value Battery_Cell)
+      (footprint max80:BatteryHolder_Keystone_103_1x20mm)
+      (datasheet ~)
+      (fields
+        (field (name LCSC) C238065))
+      (libsource (lib Device) (part Battery_Cell) (description "Single-cell battery"))
+      (sheetpath (names /RTC/) (tstamps /6023577B/))
+      (tstamp 6023A838))
+    (comp (ref C47)
+      (value 100nF)
+      (footprint Capacitor_SMD:C_0402_1005Metric)
+      (datasheet ~)
+      (fields
+        (field (name LCSC) C1525))
+      (libsource (lib Device) (part C_Small) (description "Unpolarized capacitor, small symbol"))
+      (sheetpath (names /RTC/) (tstamps /6023577B/))
+      (tstamp 6023B210))
+    (comp (ref J4)
+      (value Conn_02x20_Odd_Even)
+      (footprint Connector_IDC:IDC-Header_2x20_P2.54mm_Horizontal)
+      (datasheet ~)
+      (libsource (lib Connector_Generic) (part Conn_02x20_Odd_Even) (description "Generic connector, double row, 02x20, odd/even pin numbering scheme (row 1 odd numbers, row 2 even numbers), script generated (kicad-library-utils/schlib/autogen/connector/)"))
+      (sheetpath (names /ADAPTER_CONN/) (tstamps /60B94961/))
+      (tstamp 60B95FED))
+    (comp (ref C1)
+      (value 47uF)
+      (footprint Capacitor_SMD:C_0603_1608Metric)
+      (datasheet ~)
+      (libsource (lib Device) (part C_Small) (description "Unpolarized capacitor, small symbol"))
+      (sheetpath (names "/Power FPGA/") (tstamps /604B2191/))
+      (tstamp 60E659C9))
+    (comp (ref J5)
+      (value HDMI_C_1.3)
+      (footprint Connector_HDMI:HDMI_Micro-D_Molex_46765-0x01)
+      (datasheet http://pinoutguide.com/PortableDevices/mini_hdmi_pinout.shtml)
+      (libsource (lib Connector) (part HDMI_C_1.3) (description "HDMI 1.3+ type C connector"))
+      (sheetpath (names /HDMI/) (tstamps /650A9AE9/))
+      (tstamp 650AF4F4))
+    (comp (ref R2)
+      (value 2.2k)
+      (footprint Resistor_SMD:R_0402_1005Metric)
+      (datasheet ~)
+      (libsource (lib Device) (part R_Small) (description "Resistor, small symbol"))
+      (sheetpath (names /HDMI/) (tstamps /650A9AE9/))
+      (tstamp 655D07B0))
+    (comp (ref R11)
+      (value 2.2k)
+      (footprint Resistor_SMD:R_0402_1005Metric)
+      (datasheet ~)
+      (libsource (lib Device) (part R_Small) (description "Resistor, small symbol"))
+      (sheetpath (names /HDMI/) (tstamps /650A9AE9/))
+      (tstamp 655D0BC8)))
+  (libparts
+    (libpart (lib 74xx) (part 74LS245)
+      (aliases
+        (alias 74HC245))
+      (description "Octal BUS Transceivers, 3-State outputs")
+      (docs http://www.ti.com/lit/gpn/sn74LS245)
+      (footprints
+        (fp DIP?20*))
+      (fields
+        (field (name Reference) U)
+        (field (name Value) 74LS245))
+      (pins
+        (pin (num 1) (name A->B) (type input))
+        (pin (num 2) (name A0) (type 3state))
+        (pin (num 3) (name A1) (type 3state))
+        (pin (num 4) (name A2) (type 3state))
+        (pin (num 5) (name A3) (type 3state))
+        (pin (num 6) (name A4) (type 3state))
+        (pin (num 7) (name A5) (type 3state))
+        (pin (num 8) (name A6) (type 3state))
+        (pin (num 9) (name A7) (type 3state))
+        (pin (num 10) (name GND) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num 11) (name B7) (type 3state))
+        (pin (num 12) (name B6) (type 3state))
+        (pin (num 13) (name B5) (type 3state))
+        (pin (num 14) (name B4) (type 3state))
+        (pin (num 15) (name B3) (type 3state))
+        (pin (num 16) (name B2) (type 3state))
+        (pin (num 17) (name B1) (type 3state))
+        (pin (num 18) (name B0) (type 3state))
+        (pin (num 19) (name CE) (type input))
+        (pin (num 20) (name VCC) (type power_in))))
+    (libpart (lib Connector) (part Barrel_Jack_Switch)
+      (description "DC Barrel Jack with an internal switch")
+      (docs ~)
+      (footprints
+        (fp BarrelJack*))
+      (fields
+        (field (name Reference) J)
+        (field (name Value) Barrel_Jack_Switch))
+      (pins
+        (pin (num 1) (name ~) (type passive))
+        (pin (num 2) (name ~) (type passive))
+        (pin (num 3) (name ~) (type passive))))
+    (libpart (lib Connector) (part Conn_01x02_Male)
+      (description "Generic connector, single row, 01x02, script generated (kicad-library-utils/schlib/autogen/connector/)")
+      (docs ~)
+      (footprints
+        (fp Connector*:*_1x??_*))
+      (fields
+        (field (name Reference) J)
+        (field (name Value) Conn_01x02_Male))
+      (pins
+        (pin (num 1) (name Pin_1) (type passive))
+        (pin (num 2) (name Pin_2) (type passive))))
+    (libpart (lib Connector) (part HDMI_C_1.3)
+      (description "HDMI 1.3+ type C connector")
+      (docs http://pinoutguide.com/PortableDevices/mini_hdmi_pinout.shtml)
+      (footprints
+        (fp HDMI*C*))
+      (fields
+        (field (name Reference) J)
+        (field (name Value) HDMI_C_1.3))
+      (pins
+        (pin (num 1) (name D2S) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num 2) (name D2+) (type passive))
+        (pin (num 3) (name D2-) (type passive))
+        (pin (num 4) (name D1S) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num 5) (name D1+) (type passive))
+        (pin (num 6) (name D1-) (type passive))
+        (pin (num 7) (name D0S) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num 8) (name D0+) (type passive))
+        (pin (num 9) (name D0-) (type passive))
+        (pin (num 10) (name CKS) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num 11) (name CK+) (type passive))
+        (pin (num 12) (name CK-) (type passive))
+        (pin (num 13) (name GND) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num 14) (name CEC) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num 15) (name SCL) (type passive))
+        (pin (num 16) (name SDA) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num 17) (name UTILITY) (type passive))
+        (pin (num 18) (name +5V) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num 19) (name HPD) (type passive))
+        (pin (num SH) (name SH) (type passive))))
+    (libpart (lib Connector) (part Micro_SD_Card)
+      (description "Micro SD Card Socket")
+      (docs http://katalog.we-online.de/em/datasheet/693072010801.pdf)
+      (footprints
+        (fp microSD*))
+      (fields
+        (field (name Reference) J)
+        (field (name Value) Micro_SD_Card))
+      (pins
+        (pin (num 1) (name DAT2) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num 2) (name DAT3/CD) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num 3) (name CMD) (type input))
+        (pin (num 4) (name VDD) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num 5) (name CLK) (type input))
+        (pin (num 6) (name VSS) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num 7) (name DAT0) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num 8) (name DAT1) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num 9) (name SHIELD) (type passive))))
+    (libpart (lib Connector_Generic) (part Conn_02x20_Odd_Even)
+      (description "Generic connector, double row, 02x20, odd/even pin numbering scheme (row 1 odd numbers, row 2 even numbers), script generated (kicad-library-utils/schlib/autogen/connector/)")
+      (docs ~)
+      (footprints
+        (fp Connector*:*_2x??_*))
+      (fields
+        (field (name Reference) J)
+        (field (name Value) Conn_02x20_Odd_Even))
+      (pins
+        (pin (num 1) (name Pin_1) (type passive))
+        (pin (num 2) (name Pin_2) (type passive))
+        (pin (num 3) (name Pin_3) (type passive))
+        (pin (num 4) (name Pin_4) (type passive))
+        (pin (num 5) (name Pin_5) (type passive))
+        (pin (num 6) (name Pin_6) (type passive))
+        (pin (num 7) (name Pin_7) (type passive))
+        (pin (num 8) (name Pin_8) (type passive))
+        (pin (num 9) (name Pin_9) (type passive))
+        (pin (num 10) (name Pin_10) (type passive))
+        (pin (num 11) (name Pin_11) (type passive))
+        (pin (num 12) (name Pin_12) (type passive))
+        (pin (num 13) (name Pin_13) (type passive))
+        (pin (num 14) (name Pin_14) (type passive))
+        (pin (num 15) (name Pin_15) (type passive))
+        (pin (num 16) (name Pin_16) (type passive))
+        (pin (num 17) (name Pin_17) (type passive))
+        (pin (num 18) (name Pin_18) (type passive))
+        (pin (num 19) (name Pin_19) (type passive))
+        (pin (num 20) (name Pin_20) (type passive))
+        (pin (num 21) (name Pin_21) (type passive))
+        (pin (num 22) (name Pin_22) (type passive))
+        (pin (num 23) (name Pin_23) (type passive))
+        (pin (num 24) (name Pin_24) (type passive))
+        (pin (num 25) (name Pin_25) (type passive))
+        (pin (num 26) (name Pin_26) (type passive))
+        (pin (num 27) (name Pin_27) (type passive))
+        (pin (num 28) (name Pin_28) (type passive))
+        (pin (num 29) (name Pin_29) (type passive))
+        (pin (num 30) (name Pin_30) (type passive))
+        (pin (num 31) (name Pin_31) (type passive))
+        (pin (num 32) (name Pin_32) (type passive))
+        (pin (num 33) (name Pin_33) (type passive))
+        (pin (num 34) (name Pin_34) (type passive))
+        (pin (num 35) (name Pin_35) (type passive))
+        (pin (num 36) (name Pin_36) (type passive))
+        (pin (num 37) (name Pin_37) (type passive))
+        (pin (num 38) (name Pin_38) (type passive))
+        (pin (num 39) (name Pin_39) (type passive))
+        (pin (num 40) (name Pin_40) (type passive))))
+    (libpart (lib Device) (part Battery_Cell)
+      (description "Single-cell battery")
+      (docs ~)
+      (fields
+        (field (name Reference) BT)
+        (field (name Value) Battery_Cell))
+      (pins
+        (pin (num 1) (name +) (type passive))
+        (pin (num 2) (name -) (type passive))))
+    (libpart (lib Device) (part C)
+      (description "Unpolarized capacitor")
+      (docs ~)
+      (footprints
+        (fp C_*))
+      (fields
+        (field (name Reference) C)
+        (field (name Value) C))
+      (pins
+        (pin (num 1) (name ~) (type passive))
+        (pin (num 2) (name ~) (type passive))))
+    (libpart (lib Device) (part CP_Small)
+      (description "Polarized capacitor, small symbol")
+      (docs ~)
+      (footprints
+        (fp CP_*))
+      (fields
+        (field (name Reference) C)
+        (field (name Value) CP_Small))
+      (pins
+        (pin (num 1) (name ~) (type passive))
+        (pin (num 2) (name ~) (type passive))))
+    (libpart (lib Device) (part C_Small)
+      (description "Unpolarized capacitor, small symbol")
+      (docs ~)
+      (footprints
+        (fp C_*))
+      (fields
+        (field (name Reference) C)
+        (field (name Value) C_Small))
+      (pins
+        (pin (num 1) (name ~) (type passive))
+        (pin (num 2) (name ~) (type passive))))
+    (libpart (lib Device) (part D_Schottky)
+      (description "Schottky diode")
+      (docs ~)
+      (footprints
+        (fp TO-???*)
+        (fp *_Diode_*)
+        (fp *SingleDiode*)
+        (fp D_*))
+      (fields
+        (field (name Reference) D)
+        (field (name Value) D_Schottky))
+      (pins
+        (pin (num 1) (name K) (type passive))
+        (pin (num 2) (name A) (type passive))))
+    (libpart (lib Device) (part L)
+      (description Inductor)
+      (docs ~)
+      (footprints
+        (fp Choke_*)
+        (fp *Coil*)
+        (fp Inductor_*)
+        (fp L_*))
+      (fields
+        (field (name Reference) L)
+        (field (name Value) L))
+      (pins
+        (pin (num 1) (name 1) (type passive))
+        (pin (num 2) (name 2) (type passive))))
+    (libpart (lib Device) (part LED)
+      (description "Light emitting diode")
+      (docs ~)
+      (footprints
+        (fp LED*)
+        (fp LED_SMD:*)
+        (fp LED_THT:*))
+      (fields
+        (field (name Reference) D)
+        (field (name Value) LED))
+      (pins
+        (pin (num 1) (name K) (type passive))
+        (pin (num 2) (name A) (type passive))))
+    (libpart (lib Device) (part Polyfuse)
+      (description "Resettable fuse, polymeric positive temperature coefficient")
+      (docs ~)
+      (footprints
+        (fp *polyfuse*)
+        (fp *PTC*))
+      (fields
+        (field (name Reference) F)
+        (field (name Value) Polyfuse))
+      (pins
+        (pin (num 1) (name ~) (type passive))
+        (pin (num 2) (name ~) (type passive))))
+    (libpart (lib Device) (part R)
+      (description Resistor)
+      (docs ~)
+      (footprints
+        (fp R_*))
+      (fields
+        (field (name Reference) R)
+        (field (name Value) R))
+      (pins
+        (pin (num 1) (name ~) (type passive))
+        (pin (num 2) (name ~) (type passive))))
+    (libpart (lib Device) (part R_Small)
+      (description "Resistor, small symbol")
+      (docs ~)
+      (footprints
+        (fp R_*))
+      (fields
+        (field (name Reference) R)
+        (field (name Value) R_Small))
+      (pins
+        (pin (num 1) (name ~) (type passive))
+        (pin (num 2) (name ~) (type passive))))
+    (libpart (lib Interface_USB) (part CP2102N-A01-GQFN28)
+      (description "USB to UART master bridge, QFN-28")
+      (docs https://www.silabs.com/documents/public/data-sheets/cp2102n-datasheet.pdf)
+      (footprints
+        (fp QFN*1EP*5x5mm*P0.5mm*))
+      (fields
+        (field (name Reference) U)
+        (field (name Value) CP2102N-A01-GQFN28)
+        (field (name Footprint) Package_DFN_QFN:QFN-28-1EP_5x5mm_P0.5mm_EP3.35x3.35mm))
+      (pins
+        (pin (num 1) (name ~DCD) (type input))
+        (pin (num 2) (name ~RI~/CLK) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num 3) (name GND) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num 4) (name D+) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num 5) (name D-) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num 6) (name VDD) (type passive))
+        (pin (num 7) (name REGIN) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num 8) (name VBUS) (type input))
+        (pin (num 9) (name ~RSTb) (type input))
+        (pin (num 10) (name NC) (type NotConnected))
+        (pin (num 11) (name ~SUSPENDb) (type output))
+        (pin (num 12) (name SUSPEND) (type output))
+        (pin (num 13) (name CHREN) (type output))
+        (pin (num 14) (name CHR1) (type output))
+        (pin (num 15) (name CHR0) (type output))
+        (pin (num 16) (name ~WAKEUP~/GPIO.3) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num 17) (name RS485/GPIO.2) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num 18) (name ~RXT~/GPIO.1) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num 19) (name ~TXT~/GPIO.0) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num 20) (name GPIO.6) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num 21) (name GPIO.5) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num 22) (name GPIO.4) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num 23) (name ~CTS) (type input))
+        (pin (num 24) (name ~RTS) (type output))
+        (pin (num 25) (name RXD) (type input))
+        (pin (num 26) (name TXD) (type output))
+        (pin (num 27) (name ~DSR) (type input))
+        (pin (num 28) (name ~DTR) (type output))
+        (pin (num 29) (name GND) (type passive))))
+    (libpart (lib Memory_Flash) (part W25Q32JVSS)
+      (aliases
+        (alias W25Q128JVS))
+      (description "32Mb Serial Flash Memory, Standard/Dual/Quad SPI, SOIC-8")
+      (docs http://www.winbond.com/resource-files/w25q32jv%20revg%2003272018%20plus.pdf)
+      (footprints
+        (fp SOIC*5.23x5.23mm*P1.27mm*))
+      (fields
+        (field (name Reference) U)
+        (field (name Value) W25Q32JVSS)
+        (field (name Footprint) Package_SO:SOIC-8_5.23x5.23mm_P1.27mm))
+      (pins
+        (pin (num 1) (name ~CS) (type input))
+        (pin (num 2) (name "DO(IO1)") (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num 3) (name IO2) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num 4) (name GND) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num 5) (name "DI(IO0)") (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num 6) (name CLK) (type input))
+        (pin (num 7) (name IO3) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num 8) (name VCC) (type power_in))))
+    (libpart (lib Oscillator) (part ASE-xxxMHz)
+      (description "3.3V CMOS SMD Crystal Clock Oscillator, Abracon")
+      (docs http://www.abracon.com/Oscillators/ASV.pdf)
+      (footprints
+        (fp Oscillator*SMD*Abracon*ASE*3.2x2.5mm*))
+      (fields
+        (field (name Reference) X)
+        (field (name Value) ASE-xxxMHz)
+        (field (name Footprint) Oscillator:Oscillator_SMD_Abracon_ASE-4Pin_3.2x2.5mm))
+      (pins
+        (pin (num 1) (name EN) (type input))
+        (pin (num 2) (name GND) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num 3) (name OUT) (type output))
+        (pin (num 4) (name Vdd) (type power_in))))
+    (libpart (lib Power_Protection) (part USBLC6-2SC6)
+      (description "Very low capacitance ESD protection diode, 2 data-line, SOT-23-6")
+      (docs https://www.st.com/resource/en/datasheet/usblc6-2.pdf)
+      (footprints
+        (fp SOT?23*))
+      (fields
+        (field (name Reference) U)
+        (field (name Value) USBLC6-2SC6)
+        (field (name Footprint) Package_TO_SOT_SMD:SOT-23-6))
+      (pins
+        (pin (num 1) (name I/O1) (type passive))
+        (pin (num 2) (name GND) (type passive))
+        (pin (num 3) (name I/O2) (type passive))
+        (pin (num 4) (name I/O2) (type passive))
+        (pin (num 5) (name VBUS) (type passive))
+        (pin (num 6) (name I/O1) (type passive))))
+    (libpart (lib RF_Module) (part ESP32-S2-WROVER)
+      (aliases
+        (alias ESP32-S2-WROVER-I))
+      (description "RF Module, ESP32-D0WDQ6 SoC, Wi-Fi 802.11b/g/n, 32-bit, 2.7-3.6V, onboard antenna, SMD")
+      (docs https://www.espressif.com/sites/default/files/documentation/esp32-s2-wroom_esp32-s2-wroom-i_datasheet_en.pdf)
+      (footprints
+        (fp ESP32?S2?WROVER*))
+      (fields
+        (field (name Reference) U)
+        (field (name Value) ESP32-S2-WROVER)
+        (field (name Footprint) RF_Module:ESP32-S2-WROVER))
+      (pins
+        (pin (num 1) (name GND) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num 2) (name 3V3) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num 3) (name IO00) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num 4) (name IO01) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num 5) (name IO02) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num 6) (name IO03) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num 7) (name IO04) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num 8) (name IO05) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num 9) (name IO06) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num 10) (name IO07) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num 11) (name IO08) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num 12) (name IO09) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num 13) (name IO10) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num 14) (name IO11) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num 15) (name IO12) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num 16) (name IO13) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num 17) (name IO14) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num 18) (name IO15) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num 19) (name IO16) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num 20) (name IO17) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num 21) (name IO18) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num 22) (name USB_D-) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num 23) (name USB_D+) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num 24) (name IO21) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num 25) (name IO26) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num 26) (name GND) (type passive))
+        (pin (num 27) (name IO33) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num 28) (name IO34) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num 29) (name IO35) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num 30) (name IO36) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num 31) (name IO37) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num 32) (name IO38) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num 33) (name IO39) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num 34) (name IO40) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num 35) (name IO41) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num 36) (name IO42) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num 37) (name TXD0) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num 38) (name RXD0) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num 39) (name IO45) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num 40) (name IO46) (type input))
+        (pin (num 41) (name EN) (type input))
+        (pin (num 42) (name GND) (type passive))
+        (pin (num 43) (name GND) (type passive))))
+    (libpart (lib Timer_RTC) (part DS3231M)
+      (description "Extremely Accurate I2C-Integrated RTC/TCXO/Crystal SOIC-16")
+      (docs http://datasheets.maximintegrated.com/en/ds/DS3231.pdf)
+      (footprints
+        (fp SOIC*7.5x10.3mm*P1.27mm*))
+      (fields
+        (field (name Reference) U)
+        (field (name Value) DS3231M)
+        (field (name Footprint) Package_SO:SOIC-16W_7.5x10.3mm_P1.27mm))
+      (pins
+        (pin (num 1) (name 32KHZ) (type openCol))
+        (pin (num 2) (name VCC) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num 3) (name ~INT~/SQW) (type openCol))
+        (pin (num 4) (name ~RST) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num 5) (name GND) (type passive))
+        (pin (num 6) (name GND) (type passive))
+        (pin (num 7) (name GND) (type passive))
+        (pin (num 8) (name GND) (type passive))
+        (pin (num 9) (name GND) (type passive))
+        (pin (num 10) (name GND) (type passive))
+        (pin (num 11) (name GND) (type passive))
+        (pin (num 12) (name GND) (type passive))
+        (pin (num 13) (name GND) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num 14) (name VBAT) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num 15) (name SDA) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num 16) (name SCL) (type input))))
+    (libpart (lib Transistor_FET) (part BSS138)
+      (aliases
+        (alias 2N7002)
+        (alias 2N7002E)
+        (alias 2N7002H)
+        (alias 2N7002K)
+        (alias BS170F)
+        (alias BS870)
+        (alias BSN20)
+        (alias BSS123)
+        (alias BSS127S)
+        (alias DMG2302U)
+        (alias DMG3402L)
+        (alias DMG3404L)
+        (alias DMG3406L)
+        (alias DMG3414U)
+        (alias DMG3418L)
+        (alias DMN10H220L)
+        (alias DMN10H700S)
+        (alias DMN13H750S)
+        (alias DMN2041L)
+        (alias DMN2050L)
+        (alias DMN2056U)
+        (alias DMN2058U)
+        (alias DMN2075U)
+        (alias DMN2230U)
+        (alias DMN24H11DS)
+        (alias DMN24H3D5L)
+        (alias DMN3042L)
+        (alias DMN3051L)
+        (alias DMN30H4D0L)
+        (alias DMN3110S)
+        (alias DMN3150L)
+        (alias DMN3300U)
+        (alias DMN3404L)
+        (alias DMN6075S)
+        (alias DMN6140L)
+        (alias DMN67D7L)
+        (alias DMN67D8L)
+        (alias MMBF170)
+        (alias VN10LF)
+        (alias ZVN3306F)
+        (alias ZVN3310F)
+        (alias ZVN3320F)
+        (alias ZVN4106F)
+        (alias ZXM61N02F)
+        (alias ZXM61N03F)
+        (alias ZXMN10A07F)
+        (alias ZXMN2A01F)
+        (alias ZXMN2A14F)
+        (alias ZXMN2B01F)
+        (alias ZXMN2B14FH)
+        (alias ZXMN2F30FH)
+        (alias ZXMN2F34FH)
+        (alias ZXMN3A01F)
+        (alias ZXMN3A14F)
+        (alias ZXMN3B01F)
+        (alias ZXMN3B14F)
+        (alias ZXMN3F30FH)
+        (alias ZXMN6A07F)
+        (alias IRLML0030)
+        (alias IRLML2060)
+        (alias TSM2302CX)
+        (alias AO3400A))
+      (description "50V Vds, 0.22A Id, N-Channel MOSFET, SOT-23")
+      (docs https://www.onsemi.com/pub/Collateral/BSS138-D.PDF)
+      (footprints
+        (fp SOT?23*))
+      (fields
+        (field (name Reference) Q)
+        (field (name Value) BSS138)
+        (field (name Footprint) Package_TO_SOT_SMD:SOT-23))
+      (pins
+        (pin (num 1) (name G) (type input))
+        (pin (num 2) (name S) (type passive))
+        (pin (num 3) (name D) (type passive))))
+    (libpart (lib max80) (part ABC-Bus)
+      (fields
+        (field (name Reference) X)
+        (field (name Value) ABC-Bus)
+        (field (name Footprint) sm6uax:MAB64B-FAB64Q))
+      (pins
+        (pin (num A1) (name -12V) (type power_out))
+        (pin (num A2) (name 0V) (type power_out))
+        (pin (num A3) (name ~RESIN) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num A4) (name GND) (type power_out))
+        (pin (num A5) (name ~XMEMW) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num A6) (name D7) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num A7) (name D6) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num A8) (name D5) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num A9) (name D4) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num A10) (name D3) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num A11) (name D2) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num A12) (name D1) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num A13) (name D0) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num A14) (name NC) (type passive))
+        (pin (num A15) (name ~RST) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num A16) (name ~STATUS) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num A17) (name ~INP) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num A18) (name ~C4) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num A19) (name ~C3) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num A20) (name ~C2) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num A21) (name ~C1) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num A22) (name ~OUT) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num A23) (name ~CS) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num A24) (name GND) (type power_out))
+        (pin (num A25) (name GND) (type power_out))
+        (pin (num A26) (name GND) (type power_out))
+        (pin (num A27) (name GND) (type power_out))
+        (pin (num A28) (name GND) (type power_out))
+        (pin (num A29) (name GND) (type power_out))
+        (pin (num A30) (name READY) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num A31) (name +5V) (type power_out))
+        (pin (num A32) (name +12V) (type power_out))
+        (pin (num B1) (name -12V) (type power_out))
+        (pin (num B2) (name 0V) (type power_out))
+        (pin (num B3) (name GND) (type power_out))
+        (pin (num B4) (name ~XMEMFL) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num B5) (name 5) (type passive))
+        (pin (num B6) (name GND) (type power_out))
+        (pin (num B7) (name GND) (type power_out))
+        (pin (num B8) (name GND) (type power_out))
+        (pin (num B9) (name GND) (type power_out))
+        (pin (num B10) (name GND) (type power_out))
+        (pin (num B11) (name GND) (type power_out))
+        (pin (num B12) (name GND) (type power_out))
+        (pin (num B13) (name ~INT) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num B14) (name A15) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num B15) (name A14) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num B16) (name A13) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num B17) (name A12) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num B18) (name A11) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num B19) (name A10) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num B20) (name A9) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num B21) (name A8) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num B22) (name A7) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num B23) (name A6) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num B24) (name A5) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num B25) (name A4) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num B26) (name A3) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num B27) (name A2) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num B28) (name A1) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num B29) (name A0) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num B30) (name NC) (type passive))
+        (pin (num B31) (name +5V) (type power_out))
+        (pin (num B32) (name +12V) (type power_out))))
+    (libpart (lib max80) (part EP4CE15F17C8N)
+      (fields
+        (field (name Reference) U)
+        (field (name Value) EP4CE15F17C8N))
+      (pins
+        (pin (num A1) (name VCCIO8) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num A2) (name VREFB8N1_B8) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num A3) (name DIFFIO_T2n_B8) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num A4) (name DIFFIO_T3n/DATA10_B8) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num A5) (name IO/DATA7_B8) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num A6) (name DIFFIO_T9n/DATA14_B8) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num A7) (name DIFFIO_T11n/PADD18_B8) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num A8) (name DIFFCLK_4n_B8) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num A9) (name DIFFCLK_5n_B7) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num A10) (name DIFFIO_T20n/PADD5_B7) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num A11) (name DIFFIO_T25n/PADD1_B7) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num A12) (name DIFFIO_T27p/PADD0_B7) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num A13) (name VREFB7N1_B7) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num A14) (name PLL2_CLKOUTn_B7) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num A15) (name DIFFIO_T23n/PADD3_B7) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num A16) (name VCCIO7) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num B1) (name DIFFIO_L3p_B1) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num B2) (name GND) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num B3) (name DIFFIO_T2p/DATA12_B8) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num B4) (name DIFFIO_T3p/DATA11_B8) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num B5) (name DIFFIO_T5p/DATA8_B8) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num B6) (name DIFFIO_T9p/DATA13_B8) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num B7) (name DIFFIO_T11p/DATA4_B8) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num B8) (name DIFFCLK_4p_B8) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num B9) (name DIFFCLK_5p_B7) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num B10) (name DIFFIO_T20p/PADD6_B7) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num B11) (name DIFFIO_T25p/PADD2_B7) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num B12) (name DIFFIO_T26n_B7) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num B13) (name DIFFIO_T29n_B7) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num B14) (name PLL2_CLKOUTp_B7) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num B15) (name GND) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num B16) (name DIFFIO_R15n_B6) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num C1) (name DIFFIO_L4n/DATA1,ASDO_B1) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num C2) (name DIFFIO_L4p_B1) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num C3) (name PLL3_CLKOUTn_B8) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num C4) (name VCCIO8) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num C5) (name GND) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num C6) (name VREFB8N0_B8) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num C7) (name VCCIO8) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num C8) (name DIFFIO_T13p/PADD17_B8) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num C9) (name DIFFIO_T19n/PADD7_B7) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num C10) (name VCCIO7) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num C11) (name VREFB7N0_B7) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num C12) (name GND) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num C13) (name VCCIO7) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num C14) (name DIFFIO_T32n_B7) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num C15) (name DIFFIO_R2p_B6) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num C16) (name DIFFIO_R2n/PADD20_B6) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num D1) (name DIFFIO_L6n_B1) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num D2) (name DIFFIO_L6p/FLASH_nCE,nCSO_B1) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num D3) (name PLL3_CLKOUTp_B8) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num D4) (name VCCD_PLL3) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num D5) (name IO_B8) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num D6) (name DIFFIO_T4n/DATA9_B8) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num D7) (name GND) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num D8) (name IO_B8) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num D9) (name DIFFIO_T19p/PADD8_B7) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num D10) (name GND) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num D11) (name DIFFIO_T30n_B7) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num D12) (name DIFFIO_T30p_B7) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num D13) (name VCCD_PLL2) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num D14) (name DIFFIO_T32p_B7) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num D15) (name DIFFIO_R7p_B6) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num D16) (name DIFFIO_R7n_B6) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num E1) (name DIFFCLK_0n_B1) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num E2) (name GND) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num E3) (name VCCIO1) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num E4) (name GND) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num E5) (name GNDA3) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num E6) (name DIFFIO_T6p/DATA6_B8) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num E7) (name IO/DATA5_B8) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num E8) (name DIFFIO_T12n/DATA2_B8) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num E9) (name DIFFIO_T17p/PADD12_B7) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num E10) (name RDN4_B7) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num E11) (name RUP4_B7) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num E12) (name GNDA2) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num E13) (name GND) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num E14) (name VCCIO6) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num E15) (name DIFFCLK_2p_B6) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num E16) (name DIFFCLK_2n_B6) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num F1) (name DIFFIO_L10n_B1) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num F2) (name DIFFIO_L10p_B1) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num F3) (name VREFB1N0_B1) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num F4) (name nSTATUS_B1) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num F5) (name VCCA3) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num F6) (name GND) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num F7) (name VCCINT) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num F8) (name DIFFIO_T12p/DATA3_B8) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num F9) (name DIFFIO_T21p/PADD4_B7) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num F10) (name GND) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num F11) (name VCCINT) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num F12) (name VCCA2) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num F13) (name VREFB6N1_B6) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num F14) (name VREFB6N0_B6) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num F15) (name DIFFIO_R16p/CLKUSR_B6) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num F16) (name DIFFIO_R16n/nCEO_B6) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num G1) (name VREFB1N1_B1) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num G2) (name IO_B1) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num G3) (name VCCIO1) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num G4) (name GND) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num G5) (name DIFFIO_L9n_B1) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num G6) (name VCCINT) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num G7) (name VCCINT) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num G8) (name VCCINT) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num G9) (name VCCINT) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num G10) (name VCCINT) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num G11) (name DIFFIO_R3p/PADD21_B6) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num G12) (name MSEL2_B6) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num G13) (name GND) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num G14) (name VCCIO6) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num G15) (name DIFFIO_R17p/CRC_ERROR_B6) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num G16) (name DIFFIO_R17n/INIT_DONE_B6) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num H1) (name DCLK_B1) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num H2) (name IO/DATA0_B1) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num H3) (name TCK_B1) (type input))
+        (pin (num H4) (name TDI_B1) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num H5) (name nCONFIG_B1) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num H6) (name VCCINT) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num H7) (name GND) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num H8) (name GND) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num H9) (name GND) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num H10) (name GND) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num H11) (name VCCINT) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num H12) (name MSEL1_B6) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num H13) (name MSEL0_B6) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num H14) (name CONF_DONE_B6) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num H15) (name GND) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num H16) (name GND) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num J1) (name DIFFIO_L14n_B2) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num J2) (name DIFFIO_L14p_B2) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num J3) (name nCE_B1) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num J4) (name TDO_B1) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num J5) (name TMS_B1) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num J6) (name VCCINT) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num J7) (name GND) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num J8) (name GND) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num J9) (name GND) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num J10) (name GND) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num J11) (name GND) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num J12) (name DIFFIO_R19p_B5) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num J13) (name IO_B5) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num J14) (name DIFFIO_R19n_B5) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num J15) (name DIFFIO_R21p/DEV_CLRn_B5) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num J16) (name DIFFIO_R21n/DEV_OE_B5) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num K1) (name DIFFIO_L18n_B2) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num K2) (name VREFB2N1_B2) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num K3) (name VCCIO2) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num K4) (name GND) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num K5) (name RUP1_B2) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num K6) (name DIFFIO_L16p_B2) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num K7) (name VCCINT) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num K8) (name GND) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num K9) (name DIFFIO_B19p_B4) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num K10) (name DIFFIO_B24n_B4) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num K11) (name VCCINT) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num K12) (name DIFFIO_R35p_B5) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num K13) (name GND) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num K14) (name VCCIO5) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num K15) (name DIFFIO_R22p_B5) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num K16) (name DIFFIO_R22n_B5) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num L1) (name DIFFIO_L19n_B2) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num L2) (name DIFFIO_L19p_B2) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num L3) (name VREFB2N0_B2) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num L4) (name RDN1_B2) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num L5) (name VCCA1) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num L6) (name DIFFIO_L16n_B2) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num L7) (name IO_B3) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num L8) (name IO_B3) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num L9) (name DIFFIO_B19n_B4) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num L10) (name IO_B4) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num L11) (name DIFFIO_B31p_B4) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num L12) (name VCCA4) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num L13) (name DIFFIO_R26n_B5) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num L14) (name VREFB5N1_B5) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num L15) (name VREFB5N0_B5) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num L16) (name DIFFIO_R26p_B5) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num M1) (name DIFFCLK_1n_B2) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num M2) (name DIFFCLK_1p_B2) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num M3) (name VCCIO2) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num M4) (name GND) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num M5) (name GNDA1) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num M6) (name DIFFIO_B8p_B3) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num M7) (name IO_B3) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num M8) (name DIFFIO_B18p_B3) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num M9) (name DIFFIO_B20p_B4) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num M10) (name RUP2_B4) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num M11) (name DIFFIO_B31n_B4) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num M12) (name GNDA4) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num M13) (name GND) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num M14) (name VCCIO5) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num M15) (name DIFFCLK_3p_B5) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num M16) (name DIFFCLK_3n_B5) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num N1) (name DIFFIO_L27n_B2) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num N2) (name DIFFIO_L27p_B2) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num N3) (name DIFFIO_B3p_B3) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num N4) (name VCCD_PLL1) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num N5) (name DIFFIO_B7p_B3) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num N6) (name DIFFIO_B7n_B3) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num N7) (name GND) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num N8) (name DIFFIO_B18n_B3) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num N9) (name DIFFIO_B20n_B4) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num N10) (name GND) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num N11) (name RDN2_B4) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num N12) (name VREFB4N1_B4) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num N13) (name VCCD_PLL4) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num N14) (name RUP3_B5) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num N15) (name DIFFIO_R31p_B5) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num N16) (name DIFFIO_R31n_B5) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num P1) (name DIFFIO_L29n_B2) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num P2) (name DIFFIO_L29p_B2) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num P3) (name DIFFIO_B3n_B3) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num P4) (name VCCIO3) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num P5) (name GND) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num P6) (name VREFB3N0_B3) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num P7) (name VCCIO3) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num P8) (name IO_B3) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num P9) (name IO_B4) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num P10) (name VCCIO4) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num P11) (name VREFB4N0_B4) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num P12) (name GND) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num P13) (name VCCIO4) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num P14) (name PLL4_CLKOUTp_B4) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num P15) (name RDN3_B5) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num P16) (name DIFFIO_R34n_B5) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num R1) (name IO_B2) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num R2) (name GND) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num R3) (name DIFFIO_B4n_B3) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num R4) (name PLL1_CLKOUTp_B3) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num R5) (name DIFFIO_B14p_B3) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num R6) (name DIFFIO_B15p_B3) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num R7) (name DIFFIO_B16p_B3) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num R8) (name DIFFCLK_6p_B3) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num R9) (name DIFFCLK_7p_B4) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num R10) (name DIFFIO_B21p_B4) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num R11) (name DIFFIO_B22p_B4) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num R12) (name DIFFIO_B23p_B4) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num R13) (name DIFFIO_B26p_B4) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num R14) (name PLL4_CLKOUTn_B4) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num R15) (name GND) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num R16) (name DIFFIO_R34p_B5) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num T1) (name VCCIO3) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num T2) (name IO_B3) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num T3) (name VREFB3N1_B3) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num T4) (name PLL1_CLKOUTn_B3) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num T5) (name DIFFIO_B14n_B3) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num T6) (name DIFFIO_B15n_B3) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num T7) (name DIFFIO_B16n_B3) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num T8) (name DIFFCLK_6n_B3) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num T9) (name DIFFCLK_7n_B4) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num T10) (name DIFFIO_B21n_B4) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num T11) (name DIFFIO_B22n_B4) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num T12) (name DIFFIO_B24p_B4) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num T13) (name DIFFIO_B26n_B4) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num T14) (name DIFFIO_B29p_B4) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num T15) (name DIFFIO_B29n_B4) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num T16) (name VCCIO4) (type power_in))))
+    (libpart (lib max80) (part HRO-TYPE-C-31-M-12)
+      (fields
+        (field (name Reference) USB)
+        (field (name Value) HRO-TYPE-C-31-M-12))
+      (pins
+        (pin (num 1) (name GND) (type input))
+        (pin (num 2) (name VBUS) (type input))
+        (pin (num 3) (name SBU2) (type input))
+        (pin (num 4) (name CC1) (type input))
+        (pin (num 5) (name DN2) (type input))
+        (pin (num 6) (name DP1) (type input))
+        (pin (num 7) (name DN1) (type input))
+        (pin (num 8) (name DP2) (type input))
+        (pin (num 9) (name SBU1) (type input))
+        (pin (num 10) (name CC2) (type input))
+        (pin (num 11) (name VBUS) (type input))
+        (pin (num 12) (name GND) (type input))
+        (pin (num 13) (name SHIELD) (type input))))
+    (libpart (lib max80) (part MT48LC16M16A2P-6A)
+      (docs https://www.mouser.se/datasheet/2/671/256Mb_sdr-1282350.pdf)
+      (fields
+        (field (name Reference) U)
+        (field (name Value) MT48LC16M16A2P-6A)
+        (field (name Footprint) Package_SO:TSOP-II-54_22.2x10.16mm_P0.8mm)
+        (field (name LCSC) C41881))
+      (pins
+        (pin (num 1) (name VDD) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num 2) (name IO_0) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num 3) (name VDDQ) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num 4) (name IO_1) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num 5) (name IO_2) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num 6) (name VSSQ) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num 7) (name IO_3) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num 8) (name IO_4) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num 9) (name VDDQ) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num 10) (name IO_5) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num 11) (name IO_6) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num 12) (name VSSQ) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num 13) (name IO_7) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num 14) (name VDD) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num 15) (name DQML) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num 16) (name ~WE) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num 17) (name ~CAS) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num 18) (name ~RAS) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num 19) (name ~CS) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num 20) (name BA0) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num 21) (name BA1) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num 22) (name A10) (type input))
+        (pin (num 23) (name A0) (type input))
+        (pin (num 24) (name A1) (type input))
+        (pin (num 25) (name A2) (type input))
+        (pin (num 26) (name A3) (type input))
+        (pin (num 27) (name VDD) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num 28) (name VSS) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num 29) (name A4) (type input))
+        (pin (num 30) (name A5) (type input))
+        (pin (num 31) (name A6) (type input))
+        (pin (num 32) (name A7) (type input))
+        (pin (num 33) (name A8) (type input))
+        (pin (num 34) (name A9) (type input))
+        (pin (num 35) (name A11) (type input))
+        (pin (num 36) (name A12) (type input))
+        (pin (num 37) (name CKE) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num 38) (name CLK) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num 39) (name DQMH) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num 40) (name NC) (type passive))
+        (pin (num 41) (name VSS) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num 42) (name IO8) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num 43) (name VDDQ) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num 44) (name IO9) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num 45) (name IO10) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num 46) (name VSS) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num 47) (name IO11) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num 48) (name IO12) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num 49) (name VDDQ) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num 50) (name IO13) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num 51) (name IO14) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num 52) (name VSSQ) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num 53) (name IO15) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num 54) (name VSS) (type power_in))))
+    (libpart (lib max80) (part TPS54331)
+      (aliases
+        (alias TPS5431DDA))
+      (description "3A, Step Down Swift Converter, , PowerSOIC-8")
+      (docs http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/tps5430.pdf)
+      (footprints
+        (fp TI*SO*PowerPAD*ThermalVias*))
+      (fields
+        (field (name Reference) U)
+        (field (name Value) TPS54331)
+        (field (name Footprint) Package_SO:SOIC-8_3.9x4.9mm_P1.27mm))
+      (pins
+        (pin (num 1) (name BOOT) (type input))
+        (pin (num 2) (name VIN) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num 3) (name EN) (type input))
+        (pin (num 4) (name SS) (type input))
+        (pin (num 5) (name VSENSE) (type input))
+        (pin (num 6) (name COMP) (type BiDi))
+        (pin (num 7) (name GND) (type power_in))
+        (pin (num 8) (name PH) (type output)))))
+  (libraries
+    (library (logical 74xx)
+      (uri /usr/share/kicad/library/74xx.lib))
+    (library (logical Connector)
+      (uri /usr/share/kicad/library/Connector.lib))
+    (library (logical Connector_Generic)
+      (uri /usr/share/kicad/library/Connector_Generic.lib))
+    (library (logical Device)
+      (uri /usr/share/kicad/library/Device.lib))
+    (library (logical Interface_USB)
+      (uri /usr/share/kicad/library/Interface_USB.lib))
+    (library (logical Memory_Flash)
+      (uri /usr/share/kicad/library/Memory_Flash.lib))
+    (library (logical Oscillator)
+      (uri /usr/share/kicad/library/Oscillator.lib))
+    (library (logical Power_Protection)
+      (uri /usr/share/kicad/library/Power_Protection.lib))
+    (library (logical RF_Module)
+      (uri /usr/share/kicad/library/RF_Module.lib))
+    (library (logical Timer_RTC)
+      (uri /usr/share/kicad/library/Timer_RTC.lib))
+    (library (logical Transistor_FET)
+      (uri /usr/share/kicad/library/Transistor_FET.lib))
+    (library (logical max80)
+      (uri /home/pm/project/abc80/max80/max80.lib)))
+  (nets
+    (net (code 1) (name DLCK)
+      (node (ref U7) (pin 6))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin H1)))
+    (net (code 2) (name /FPGA_USB_CTS)
+      (node (ref R10) (pin 1))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin D15))
+      (node (ref U10) (pin 23)))
+    (net (code 3) (name /FPGA_USB_RTS)
+      (node (ref U13) (pin D16))
+      (node (ref R8) (pin 1))
+      (node (ref U10) (pin 24)))
+    (net (code 4) (name /FPGA_USB_RXD)
+      (node (ref U13) (pin F13))
+      (node (ref U10) (pin 26)))
+    (net (code 5) (name /FPGA_USB_DTR)
+      (node (ref U10) (pin 28))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin F14)))
+    (net (code 6) (name /SD_DAT1)
+      (node (ref U13) (pin G11))
+      (node (ref J3) (pin 8)))
+    (net (code 7) (name /SD_DAT0)
+      (node (ref J3) (pin 7))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin F15)))
+    (net (code 8) (name /SD_CLK)
+      (node (ref J3) (pin 5))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin G15)))
+    (net (code 9) (name /SD_CMD)
+      (node (ref U13) (pin G16))
+      (node (ref J3) (pin 3)))
+    (net (code 10) (name nCE0)
+      (node (ref U7) (pin 1))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin D2)))
+    (net (code 11) (name ASD0)
+      (node (ref U7) (pin 5))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin C1)))
+    (net (code 12) (name /SD_DAT3)
+      (node (ref U13) (pin F16))
+      (node (ref J3) (pin 2)))
+    (net (code 13) (name /IO13)
+      (node (ref U13) (pin D6))
+      (node (ref U6) (pin 50)))
+    (net (code 14) (name /A1)
+      (node (ref U6) (pin 24))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin B14)))
+    (net (code 15) (name /A4)
+      (node (ref U13) (pin B9))
+      (node (ref U6) (pin 29)))
+    (net (code 16) (name /A12)
+      (node (ref U6) (pin 36))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin A7)))
+    (net (code 17) (name /A11)
+      (node (ref U6) (pin 35))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin C8)))
+    (net (code 18) (name /A9)
+      (node (ref U6) (pin 34))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin B8)))
+    (net (code 19) (name /A8)
+      (node (ref U6) (pin 33))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin A8)))
+    (net (code 20) (name /A6)
+      (node (ref U13) (pin C9))
+      (node (ref U6) (pin 31)))
+    (net (code 21) (name /A5)
+      (node (ref U6) (pin 30))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin A9)))
+    (net (code 22) (name /A10)
+      (node (ref U6) (pin 22))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin C14)))
+    (net (code 23) (name /BA0)
+      (node (ref U13) (pin A13))
+      (node (ref U6) (pin 20)))
+    (net (code 24) (name /IO1)
+      (node (ref U13) (pin E11))
+      (node (ref U6) (pin 4)))
+    (net (code 25) (name /DQML)
+      (node (ref U13) (pin E10))
+      (node (ref U6) (pin 15)))
+    (net (code 26) (name "Net-(U13-PadB3)")
+      (node (ref U13) (pin B3)))
+    (net (code 27) (name /IO15)
+      (node (ref U13) (pin D5))
+      (node (ref U6) (pin 53)))
+    (net (code 28) (name /IO12)
+      (node (ref U6) (pin 48))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin E6)))
+    (net (code 29) (name /IO9)
+      (node (ref U6) (pin 44))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin E7)))
+    (net (code 30) (name /IO11)
+      (node (ref U6) (pin 47))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin B6)))
+    (net (code 31) (name /IO10)
+      (node (ref U6) (pin 45))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin A6)))
+    (net (code 32) (name /IO14)
+      (node (ref U6) (pin 51))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin C6)))
+    (net (code 33) (name /IO8)
+      (node (ref U6) (pin 42))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin B7)))
+    (net (code 34) (name /CKE)
+      (node (ref U13) (pin F8))
+      (node (ref U6) (pin 37)))
+    (net (code 35) (name /RTC_INT)
+      (node (ref U12) (pin 3))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin B16)))
+    (net (code 36) (name +3V3)
+      (node (ref U13) (pin C7))
+      (node (ref U11) (pin 2))
+      (node (ref U6) (pin 49))
+      (node (ref U5) (pin 20))
+      (node (ref U7) (pin 3))
+      (node (ref C48) (pin 1))
+      (node (ref C49) (pin 1))
+      (node (ref U6) (pin 43))
+      (node (ref R37) (pin 1))
+      (node (ref R13) (pin 2))
+      (node (ref D30) (pin 2))
+      (node (ref U6) (pin 3))
+      (node (ref U6) (pin 27))
+      (node (ref C4) (pin 1))
+      (node (ref R1) (pin 1))
+      (node (ref U6) (pin 9))
+      (node (ref U4) (pin 20))
+      (node (ref U2) (pin 20))
+      (node (ref U7) (pin 8))
+      (node (ref C54) (pin 1))
+      (node (ref R35) (pin 1))
+      (node (ref C55) (pin 1))
+      (node (ref U12) (pin 2))
+      (node (ref J3) (pin 4))
+      (node (ref OSC1) (pin 4))
+      (node (ref C51) (pin 1))
+      (node (ref R2) (pin 1))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin A1))
+      (node (ref C61) (pin 1))
+      (node (ref L2) (pin 2))
+      (node (ref C58) (pin 1))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin C4))
+      (node (ref U7) (pin 7))
+      (node (ref R9) (pin 1))
+      (node (ref C47) (pin 1))
+      (node (ref R38) (pin 1))
+      (node (ref U14) (pin 20))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin H12))
+      (node (ref R14) (pin 1))
+      (node (ref R12) (pin 2))
+      (node (ref U10) (pin 7))
+      (node (ref C2) (pin 1))
+      (node (ref C6) (pin 1))
+      (node (ref C34) (pin 1))
+      (node (ref C7) (pin 1))
+      (node (ref J4) (pin 31))
+      (node (ref U10) (pin 6))
+      (node (ref C46) (pin 1))
+      (node (ref C45) (pin 1))
+      (node (ref C33) (pin 1))
+      (node (ref R39) (pin 2))
+      (node (ref C56) (pin 1))
+      (node (ref D29) (pin 2))
+      (node (ref U3) (pin 20))
+      (node (ref C40) (pin 1))
+      (node (ref R19) (pin 1))
+      (node (ref U6) (pin 14))
+      (node (ref C3) (pin 1))
+      (node (ref R11) (pin 2))
+      (node (ref OSC1) (pin 1))
+      (node (ref R20) (pin 1))
+      (node (ref R40) (pin 1))
+      (node (ref J4) (pin 4))
+      (node (ref R21) (pin 1))
+      (node (ref C5) (pin 1))
+      (node (ref U6) (pin 1)))
+    (net (code 37) (name "Net-(R13-Pad1)")
+      (node (ref U13) (pin F4))
+      (node (ref R13) (pin 1)))
+    (net (code 38) (name "Net-(U13-PadC2)")
+      (node (ref U13) (pin C2)))
+    (net (code 39) (name "Net-(U13-PadB1)")
+      (node (ref U13) (pin B1)))
+    (net (code 40) (name ~STATUS_ABC_3V3)
+      (node (ref U4) (pin 5))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin M2)))
+    (net (code 41) (name /DQMH)
+      (node (ref U6) (pin 39))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin D8)))
+    (net (code 42) (name ~XINPSTB_ABC_3V3)
+      (node (ref U13) (pin L6))
+      (node (ref U14) (pin 8)))
+    (net (code 43) (name ~XOUTSTB_ABC_3V3)
+      (node (ref U14) (pin 9))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin K6)))
+    (net (code 44) (name ~C2_ABC_3V3)
+      (node (ref U2) (pin 4))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin K5)))
+    (net (code 45) (name ~C4_ABC_3V3)
+      (node (ref U13) (pin K2))
+      (node (ref U4) (pin 9)))
+    (net (code 46) (name ~INP_ABC_3V3)
+      (node (ref U4) (pin 7))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin L2)))
+    (net (code 47) (name ~C3_ABC_3V3)
+      (node (ref U13) (pin L3))
+      (node (ref U2) (pin 2)))
+    (net (code 48) (name ~RST_ABC_3V3)
+      (node (ref U14) (pin 7))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin P2)))
+    (net (code 49) (name ~C1_ABC_3V3)
+      (node (ref U13) (pin J2))
+      (node (ref U2) (pin 6)))
+    (net (code 50) (name ~XIN_ABC_3V3)
+      (node (ref U13) (pin P1))
+      (node (ref U14) (pin 4)))
+    (net (code 51) (name ~XOUT_ABC_3V3)
+      (node (ref U14) (pin 3))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin R1)))
+    (net (code 52) (name "Net-(U13-PadT9)")
+      (node (ref U13) (pin T9)))
+    (net (code 53) (name "Net-(R37-Pad2)")
+      (node (ref R37) (pin 2))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin H5)))
+    (net (code 54) (name GND)
+      (node (ref J2) (pin 2))
+      (node (ref J2) (pin 3))
+      (node (ref U12) (pin 13))
+      (node (ref U12) (pin 8))
+      (node (ref U12) (pin 9))
+      (node (ref U12) (pin 7))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin H13))
+      (node (ref C58) (pin 2))
+      (node (ref C45) (pin 2))
+      (node (ref C46) (pin 2))
+      (node (ref R34) (pin 2))
+      (node (ref C57) (pin 2))
+      (node (ref U12) (pin 6))
+      (node (ref D24) (pin 2))
+      (node (ref C56) (pin 2))
+      (node (ref U12) (pin 12))
+      (node (ref U12) (pin 11))
+      (node (ref U12) (pin 10))
+      (node (ref U12) (pin 5))
+      (node (ref C47) (pin 2))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin G12))
+      (node (ref BT1) (pin 2))
+      (node (ref U14) (pin 10))
+      (node (ref U10) (pin 29))
+      (node (ref J5) (pin 13))
+      (node (ref U10) (pin 3))
+      (node (ref U14) (pin 19))
+      (node (ref C7) (pin 2))
+      (node (ref C6) (pin 2))
+      (node (ref U3) (pin 19))
+      (node (ref R23) (pin 2))
+      (node (ref Q2) (pin 2))
+      (node (ref X1) (pin A4))
+      (node (ref X1) (pin A2))
+      (node (ref Q3) (pin 2))
+      (node (ref R22) (pin 2))
+      (node (ref U3) (pin 10))
+      (node (ref C3) (pin 2))
+      (node (ref C40) (pin 2))
+      (node (ref C39) (pin 2))
+      (node (ref U9) (pin 2))
+      (node (ref USB1) (pin 12))
+      (node (ref USB1) (pin 1))
+      (node (ref R5) (pin 1))
+      (node (ref R6) (pin 1))
+      (node (ref X1) (pin B2))
+      (node (ref Q4) (pin 2))
+      (node (ref C55) (pin 2))
+      (node (ref C36) (pin 2))
+      (node (ref C53) (pin 2))
+      (node (ref C54) (pin 2))
+      (node (ref C35) (pin 2))
+      (node (ref R3) (pin 1))
+      (node (ref R33) (pin 2))
+      (node (ref R4) (pin 1))
+      (node (ref C52) (pin 2))
+      (node (ref U15) (pin 2))
+      (node (ref C60) (pin 2))
+      (node (ref D26) (pin 1))
+      (node (ref R36) (pin 2))
+      (node (ref C61) (pin 2))
+      (node (ref U11) (pin 42))
+      (node (ref U11) (pin 43))
+      (node (ref C4) (pin 2))
+      (node (ref U2) (pin 19))
+      (node (ref R16) (pin 2))
+      (node (ref R17) (pin 2))
+      (node (ref U2) (pin 10))
+      (node (ref R18) (pin 2))
+      (node (ref C5) (pin 2))
+      (node (ref U5) (pin 10))
+      (node (ref USB2) (pin 12))
+      (node (ref U4) (pin 10))
+      (node (ref USB2) (pin 1))
+      (node (ref U8) (pin 7))
+      (node (ref U11) (pin 26))
+      (node (ref U11) (pin 1))
+      (node (ref U4) (pin 19))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin F6))
+      (node (ref C51) (pin 2))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin H15))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin H10))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin G4))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin G13))
+      (node (ref J3) (pin 6))
+      (node (ref J3) (pin 9))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin K8))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin M12))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin K13))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin J3))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin R2))
+      (node (ref OSC1) (pin 2))
+      (node (ref U6) (pin 54))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin E13))
+      (node (ref U6) (pin 46))
+      (node (ref U6) (pin 46))
+      (node (ref U6) (pin 52))
+      (node (ref U6) (pin 6))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin E5))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin F10))
+      (node (ref D22) (pin 1))
+      (node (ref U7) (pin 4))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin E4))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin E2))
+      (node (ref U6) (pin 41))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin J10))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin J9))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin J8))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin J7))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin J11))
+      (node (ref D23) (pin 1))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin H9))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin H8))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin H16))
+      (node (ref D17) (pin 1))
+      (node (ref U6) (pin 28))
+      (node (ref U6) (pin 12))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin E12))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin D7))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin D10))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin K4))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin C5))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin C12))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin B2))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin B15))
+      (node (ref J4) (pin 35))
+      (node (ref J4) (pin 37))
+      (node (ref J4) (pin 39))
+      (node (ref J4) (pin 10))
+      (node (ref R42) (pin 1))
+      (node (ref J4) (pin 33))
+      (node (ref C33) (pin 2))
+      (node (ref C34) (pin 2))
+      (node (ref J4) (pin 2))
+      (node (ref C48) (pin 2))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin P12))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin P5))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin R15))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin M5))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin N10))
+      (node (ref C49) (pin 2))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin M4))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin M13))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin N7))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin H7))
+      (node (ref C2) (pin 2)))
+    (net (code 55) (name "Net-(R38-Pad2)")
+      (node (ref R38) (pin 2))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin H14)))
+    (net (code 56) (name FPGA_TDI)
+      (node (ref J4) (pin 9))
+      (node (ref R39) (pin 1))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin H4))
+      (node (ref U11) (pin 19)))
+    (net (code 57) (name FPGA_TMS)
+      (node (ref J4) (pin 5))
+      (node (ref U11) (pin 17))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin J5))
+      (node (ref R40) (pin 2)))
+    (net (code 58) (name FPGA_TCK)
+      (node (ref R42) (pin 2))
+      (node (ref J4) (pin 1))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin H3))
+      (node (ref U11) (pin 21)))
+    (net (code 59) (name DATA0)
+      (node (ref U13) (pin H2))
+      (node (ref R41) (pin 1)))
+    (net (code 60) (name "Net-(R41-Pad2)")
+      (node (ref U7) (pin 2))
+      (node (ref R41) (pin 2)))
+    (net (code 61) (name /RAS#)
+      (node (ref U6) (pin 18))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin B12)))
+    (net (code 62) (name /IO5)
+      (node (ref U13) (pin A11))
+      (node (ref U6) (pin 10)))
+    (net (code 63) (name /IO4)
+      (node (ref U13) (pin B11))
+      (node (ref U6) (pin 8)))
+    (net (code 64) (name /A3)
+      (node (ref U6) (pin 26))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin A15)))
+    (net (code 65) (name /WE#)
+      (node (ref U13) (pin F9))
+      (node (ref U6) (pin 16)))
+    (net (code 66) (name /IO7)
+      (node (ref U6) (pin 13))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin A10)))
+    (net (code 67) (name /IO6)
+      (node (ref U13) (pin B10))
+      (node (ref U6) (pin 11)))
+    (net (code 68) (name /A7)
+      (node (ref U6) (pin 32))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin D9)))
+    (net (code 69) (name /CAS#)
+      (node (ref U6) (pin 17))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin E9)))
+    (net (code 70) (name /A0)
+      (node (ref U13) (pin A14))
+      (node (ref U6) (pin 23)))
+    (net (code 71) (name /A2)
+      (node (ref U6) (pin 25))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin D14)))
+    (net (code 72) (name /IO0)
+      (node (ref U6) (pin 2))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin A12)))
+    (net (code 73) (name /CS#)
+      (node (ref U6) (pin 19))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin D12)))
+    (net (code 74) (name /BA1)
+      (node (ref U13) (pin B13))
+      (node (ref U6) (pin 21)))
+    (net (code 76) (name /IO3)
+      (node (ref U6) (pin 7))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin C11)))
+    (net (code 77) (name /IO2)
+      (node (ref U6) (pin 5))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin D11)))
+    (net (code 78) (name DD5)
+      (node (ref U5) (pin 4))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin T3)))
+    (net (code 79) (name FPGA_SPI_MOSI)
+      (node (ref U11) (pin 15))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin M8)))
+    (net (code 80) (name ~XMEMFL_ABC_3V3)
+      (node (ref U13) (pin N3))
+      (node (ref U14) (pin 2)))
+    (net (code 81) (name DD2)
+      (node (ref U13) (pin N5))
+      (node (ref U5) (pin 7)))
+    (net (code 82) (name "Net-(U13-PadN6)")
+      (node (ref U13) (pin N6)))
+    (net (code 83) (name DD4)
+      (node (ref U5) (pin 5))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin R3)))
+    (net (code 84) (name DD6)
+      (node (ref U13) (pin R4))
+      (node (ref U5) (pin 3)))
+    (net (code 85) (name FPGA_RESIN)
+      (node (ref Q4) (pin 1))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin R6)))
+    (net (code 86) (name DD3)
+      (node (ref U13) (pin T2))
+      (node (ref U5) (pin 6)))
+    (net (code 87) (name FPGA_SPI_MISO)
+      (node (ref U11) (pin 16))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin M7)))
+    (net (code 88) (name DD7)
+      (node (ref U5) (pin 2))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin T4)))
+    (net (code 89) (name ABC_CLK_3V3)
+      (node (ref U13) (pin T8))
+      (node (ref U14) (pin 6)))
+    (net (code 90) (name INT_ESP32)
+      (node (ref U13) (pin P8))
+      (node (ref U11) (pin 12)))
+    (net (code 91) (name FPGA_GPIO5)
+      (node (ref J4) (pin 18))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin R7)))
+    (net (code 92) (name FPGA_GPIO4)
+      (node (ref J4) (pin 17))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin T7)))
+    (net (code 93) (name FPGA_GPIO2)
+      (node (ref U13) (pin T6))
+      (node (ref J4) (pin 15)))
+    (net (code 94) (name FPGA_GPIO3)
+      (node (ref U13) (pin R8))
+      (node (ref J4) (pin 16)))
+    (net (code 95) (name ESP32_IO0)
+      (node (ref U11) (pin 3))
+      (node (ref J4) (pin 30))
+      (node (ref R21) (pin 2))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin L8)))
+    (net (code 96) (name FGPA_SPI_CS_ESP32)
+      (node (ref U13) (pin N8))
+      (node (ref U11) (pin 13)))
+    (net (code 97) (name FPGA_SPI_CLK)
+      (node (ref U11) (pin 14))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin P6)))
+    (net (code 98) (name DD1)
+      (node (ref U13) (pin M6))
+      (node (ref U5) (pin 8)))
+    (net (code 99) (name DD0)
+      (node (ref U5) (pin 9))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin P3)))
+    (net (code 100) (name FPGA_GPIO0)
+      (node (ref J4) (pin 13))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin L7)))
+    (net (code 101) (name HDMI_SDA)
+      (node (ref U13) (pin L15))
+      (node (ref R2) (pin 2))
+      (node (ref J5) (pin 16)))
+    (net (code 102) (name "Net-(U13-PadM9)")
+      (node (ref U13) (pin M9)))
+    (net (code 103) (name "Net-(U13-PadN9)")
+      (node (ref U13) (pin N9)))
+    (net (code 104) (name HDMI_CK+)
+      (node (ref J5) (pin 11))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin K15)))
+    (net (code 105) (name HDMI_CK-)
+      (node (ref U13) (pin K16))
+      (node (ref J5) (pin 12)))
+    (net (code 106) (name "Net-(U13-PadR10)")
+      (node (ref U13) (pin R10)))
+    (net (code 107) (name "Net-(U13-PadT10)")
+      (node (ref U13) (pin T10)))
+    (net (code 108) (name HDMI_D0+)
+      (node (ref J5) (pin 8))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin L16)))
+    (net (code 109) (name HDMI_D1+)
+      (node (ref J5) (pin 5))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin N15)))
+    (net (code 110) (name HDMI_D0-)
+      (node (ref U13) (pin L13))
+      (node (ref J5) (pin 9)))
+    (net (code 111) (name /SD_DAT2)
+      (node (ref U13) (pin L14))
+      (node (ref J3) (pin 1)))
+    (net (code 112) (name HDMI_SCL)
+      (node (ref J5) (pin 15))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin M16))
+      (node (ref R11) (pin 1)))
+    (net (code 113) (name "Net-(U13-PadT14)")
+      (node (ref U13) (pin T14)))
+    (net (code 114) (name HDMI_HPD)
+      (node (ref J5) (pin 19))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin T15)))
+    (net (code 115) (name CLK0n)
+      (node (ref OSC1) (pin 3))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin R9)))
+    (net (code 116) (name FPGA_GPIO1)
+      (node (ref J4) (pin 14))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin T11)))
+    (net (code 117) (name "Net-(U13-PadA2)")
+      (node (ref U13) (pin A2)))
+    (net (code 118) (name "Net-(U13-PadM15)")
+      (node (ref U13) (pin M15)))
+    (net (code 119) (name HDMI_D2+)
+      (node (ref U13) (pin R16))
+      (node (ref J5) (pin 2)))
+    (net (code 120) (name HDMI_D2-)
+      (node (ref U13) (pin P16))
+      (node (ref J5) (pin 3)))
+    (net (code 121) (name HDMI_D1-)
+      (node (ref J5) (pin 6))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin N16)))
+    (net (code 122) (name FPGA_TDO)
+      (node (ref J4) (pin 3))
+      (node (ref U11) (pin 20))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin J4)))
+    (net (code 123) (name ~OUT_ABC_3V3)
+      (node (ref U2) (pin 8))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin G2)))
+    (net (code 124) (name ~CS_ABC_3V3)
+      (node (ref U3) (pin 2))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin F2)))
+    (net (code 125) (name "Net-(U6-Pad40)")
+      (node (ref U6) (pin 40)))
+    (net (code 126) (name /FPGA_SCL)
+      (node (ref U13) (pin C16))
+      (node (ref U12) (pin 16))
+      (node (ref J4) (pin 11))
+      (node (ref R12) (pin 1))
+      (node (ref U11) (pin 9)))
+    (net (code 127) (name /FPGA_SDA)
+      (node (ref U11) (pin 8))
+      (node (ref U12) (pin 15))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin C15))
+      (node (ref R14) (pin 2))
+      (node (ref J4) (pin 12)))
+    (net (code 128) (name "Net-(D17-Pad2)")
+      (node (ref D17) (pin 2))
+      (node (ref R29) (pin 1)))
+    (net (code 129) (name /FPGA_LED1)
+      (node (ref U13) (pin J15))
+      (node (ref R29) (pin 2)))
+    (net (code 130) (name "Net-(D22-Pad2)")
+      (node (ref D22) (pin 2))
+      (node (ref R30) (pin 1)))
+    (net (code 131) (name /FPGA_LED2)
+      (node (ref U13) (pin J16))
+      (node (ref R30) (pin 2)))
+    (net (code 132) (name "Net-(D23-Pad2)")
+      (node (ref D23) (pin 2))
+      (node (ref R31) (pin 1)))
+    (net (code 133) (name /FPGA_LED3)
+      (node (ref U13) (pin J14))
+      (node (ref R31) (pin 2)))
+    (net (code 134) (name /32KHZ)
+      (node (ref U12) (pin 1))
+      (node (ref U11) (pin 18))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin E15)))
+    (net (code 135) (name "Net-(U13-PadR12)")
+      (node (ref U13) (pin R12)))
+    (net (code 136) (name "Net-(U13-PadK9)")
+      (node (ref U13) (pin K9)))
+    (net (code 137) (name "Net-(U13-PadL10)")
+      (node (ref U13) (pin L10)))
+    (net (code 138) (name "Net-(U13-PadL11)")
+      (node (ref U13) (pin L11)))
+    (net (code 139) (name "Net-(U13-PadL9)")
+      (node (ref U13) (pin L9)))
+    (net (code 140) (name "Net-(U13-PadM10)")
+      (node (ref U13) (pin M10)))
+    (net (code 141) (name "Net-(U13-PadM11)")
+      (node (ref U13) (pin M11)))
+    (net (code 142) (name "Net-(U13-PadN11)")
+      (node (ref U13) (pin N11)))
+    (net (code 143) (name "Net-(U13-PadN12)")
+      (node (ref U13) (pin N12)))
+    (net (code 144) (name "Net-(U13-PadP11)")
+      (node (ref U13) (pin P11)))
+    (net (code 145) (name "Net-(U13-PadP14)")
+      (node (ref U13) (pin P14)))
+    (net (code 146) (name "Net-(U13-PadP9)")
+      (node (ref U13) (pin P9)))
+    (net (code 147) (name "Net-(U13-PadR11)")
+      (node (ref U13) (pin R11)))
+    (net (code 148) (name "Net-(U13-PadK10)")
+      (node (ref U13) (pin K10)))
+    (net (code 149) (name "Net-(U13-PadR13)")
+      (node (ref U13) (pin R13)))
+    (net (code 150) (name "Net-(U13-PadR14)")
+      (node (ref U13) (pin R14)))
+    (net (code 151) (name "Net-(U13-PadT12)")
+      (node (ref U13) (pin T12)))
+    (net (code 152) (name "Net-(U13-PadT13)")
+      (node (ref U13) (pin T13)))
+    (net (code 153) (name "Net-(U13-PadJ12)")
+      (node (ref U13) (pin J12)))
+    (net (code 154) (name "Net-(U13-PadJ13)")
+      (node (ref U13) (pin J13)))
+    (net (code 155) (name "Net-(U13-PadC3)")
+      (node (ref U13) (pin C3)))
+    (net (code 156) (name /CLK)
+      (node (ref U6) (pin 38))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin D3)))
+    (net (code 157) (name "Net-(U13-PadE8)")
+      (node (ref U13) (pin E8)))
+    (net (code 158) (name "Net-(U13-PadK12)")
+      (node (ref U13) (pin K12)))
+    (net (code 159) (name "Net-(U13-PadN14)")
+      (node (ref U13) (pin N14)))
+    (net (code 160) (name "Net-(U13-PadP15)")
+      (node (ref U13) (pin P15)))
+    (net (code 162) (name /FPGA_USB_TXD)
+      (node (ref U10) (pin 25))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin E16)))
+    (net (code 163) (name ~FPGA_READY)
+      (node (ref Q2) (pin 1))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin A5)))
+    (net (code 164) (name FPGA_NMI)
+      (node (ref Q3) (pin 1))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin B5)))
+    (net (code 165) (name "Net-(D29-Pad1)")
+      (node (ref R8) (pin 2))
+      (node (ref D29) (pin 1)))
+    (net (code 166) (name "Net-(D30-Pad1)")
+      (node (ref D30) (pin 1))
+      (node (ref R10) (pin 2)))
+    (net (code 167) (name "Net-(C37-Pad2)")
+      (node (ref R34) (pin 1))
+      (node (ref C37) (pin 2)))
+    (net (code 168) (name "Net-(C37-Pad1)")
+      (node (ref U8) (pin 6))
+      (node (ref C37) (pin 1))
+      (node (ref C57) (pin 1)))
+    (net (code 169) (name "Net-(C38-Pad2)")
+      (node (ref C38) (pin 2))
+      (node (ref U8) (pin 1)))
+    (net (code 170) (name +5V)
+      (node (ref C35) (pin 1))
+      (node (ref R32) (pin 1))
+      (node (ref D19) (pin 1))
+      (node (ref C60) (pin 1))
+      (node (ref D27) (pin 1))
+      (node (ref J5) (pin 18))
+      (node (ref D28) (pin 1))
+      (node (ref U8) (pin 2))
+      (node (ref D25) (pin 1)))
+    (net (code 171) (name "Net-(C38-Pad1)")
+      (node (ref L2) (pin 1))
+      (node (ref D24) (pin 1))
+      (node (ref C38) (pin 1))
+      (node (ref U8) (pin 8)))
+    (net (code 172) (name "Net-(R35-Pad2)")
+      (node (ref R36) (pin 1))
+      (node (ref R35) (pin 2))
+      (node (ref U8) (pin 5)))
+    (net (code 173) (name "Net-(C36-Pad1)")
+      (node (ref C36) (pin 1))
+      (node (ref U8) (pin 4)))
+    (net (code 174) (name "Net-(D26-Pad2)")
+      (node (ref D26) (pin 2))
+      (node (ref R9) (pin 2)))
+    (net (code 175) (name "Net-(D25-Pad2)")
+      (node (ref D25) (pin 2))
+      (node (ref J2) (pin 1)))
+    (net (code 176) (name "Net-(R32-Pad2)")
+      (node (ref R33) (pin 1))
+      (node (ref U8) (pin 3))
+      (node (ref R32) (pin 2)))
+    (net (code 177) (name "Net-(U4-Pad1)")
+      (node (ref U4) (pin 1)))
+    (net (code 178) (name /abc80bus/A11)
+      (node (ref U4) (pin 12))
+      (node (ref X1) (pin B18)))
+    (net (code 179) (name /abc80bus/~INP)
+      (node (ref X1) (pin A17))
+      (node (ref U4) (pin 13)))
+    (net (code 180) (name /abc80bus/A12)
+      (node (ref U4) (pin 14))
+      (node (ref X1) (pin B17)))
+    (net (code 181) (name /abc80bus/A13)
+      (node (ref U4) (pin 16))
+      (node (ref X1) (pin B16)))
+    (net (code 182) (name /abc80bus/A14)
+      (node (ref X1) (pin B15))
+      (node (ref U4) (pin 17)))
+    (net (code 183) (name /abc80bus/A15)
+      (node (ref X1) (pin B14))
+      (node (ref U4) (pin 18)))
+    (net (code 184) (name DD9)
+      (node (ref U13) (pin T5))
+      (node (ref U5) (pin 19)))
+    (net (code 185) (name /abc80bus/D7)
+      (node (ref X1) (pin A6))
+      (node (ref U5) (pin 18)))
+    (net (code 186) (name /abc80bus/A9)
+      (node (ref U2) (pin 15))
+      (node (ref X1) (pin B20)))
+    (net (code 187) (name AD12)
+      (node (ref U4) (pin 6))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin L1)))
+    (net (code 188) (name AD13)
+      (node (ref U13) (pin M1))
+      (node (ref U4) (pin 4)))
+    (net (code 189) (name AD15)
+      (node (ref U4) (pin 2))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin N1)))
+    (net (code 190) (name AD8)
+      (node (ref U2) (pin 7))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin G1)))
+    (net (code 191) (name AD9)
+      (node (ref U13) (pin J1))
+      (node (ref U2) (pin 5)))
+    (net (code 192) (name AD10)
+      (node (ref U2) (pin 3))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin L4)))
+    (net (code 193) (name AD7)
+      (node (ref U2) (pin 9))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin F1)))
+    (net (code 194) (name AD0)
+      (node (ref U3) (pin 9))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin A4)))
+    (net (code 195) (name /abc80bus/A10)
+      (node (ref X1) (pin B19))
+      (node (ref U2) (pin 17)))
+    (net (code 196) (name /abc80bus/A8)
+      (node (ref U2) (pin 13))
+      (node (ref X1) (pin B21)))
+    (net (code 197) (name /abc80bus/A7)
+      (node (ref X1) (pin B22))
+      (node (ref U2) (pin 11)))
+    (net (code 198) (name DD8)
+      (node (ref U5) (pin 1))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin R5)))
+    (net (code 199) (name ABC_CLK_5)
+      (node (ref U14) (pin 14))
+      (node (ref X1) (pin B5)))
+    (net (code 200) (name /abc80bus/~XOUT)
+      (node (ref U14) (pin 17)))
+    (net (code 201) (name "Net-(U2-Pad1)")
+      (node (ref U2) (pin 1)))
+    (net (code 202) (name /abc80bus/~XOUTSTB)
+      (node (ref U14) (pin 11))
+      (node (ref X1) (pin A27))
+      (node (ref R23) (pin 1)))
+    (net (code 203) (name /abc80bus/~XINPSTB)
+      (node (ref X1) (pin A26))
+      (node (ref R22) (pin 1))
+      (node (ref U14) (pin 12)))
+    (net (code 204) (name /abc80bus/~XIN)
+      (node (ref U14) (pin 16)))
+    (net (code 205) (name /abc80bus/~XMEMFL)
+      (node (ref X1) (pin B4))
+      (node (ref U14) (pin 18)))
+    (net (code 206) (name "Net-(U14-Pad5)")
+      (node (ref U14) (pin 5)))
+    (net (code 207) (name "Net-(U14-Pad15)")
+      (node (ref U14) (pin 15)))
+    (net (code 208) (name "Net-(U14-Pad1)")
+      (node (ref U14) (pin 1)))
+    (net (code 209) (name /abc80bus/~INT)
+      (node (ref X1) (pin B13)))
+    (net (code 210) (name /abc80bus/~XM)
+      (node (ref X1) (pin A28)))
+    (net (code 211) (name /abc80bus/~RESIN)
+      (node (ref Q4) (pin 3))
+      (node (ref X1) (pin A3)))
+    (net (code 212) (name "Net-(X1-PadB7)")
+      (node (ref X1) (pin B7)))
+    (net (code 213) (name "Net-(X1-PadB8)")
+      (node (ref X1) (pin B8)))
+    (net (code 214) (name "Net-(X1-PadB10)")
+      (node (ref X1) (pin B10)))
+    (net (code 215) (name "Net-(X1-PadB11)")
+      (node (ref X1) (pin B11)))
+    (net (code 216) (name "Net-(X1-PadB12)")
+      (node (ref X1) (pin B12)))
+    (net (code 217) (name /abc80bus/A6)
+      (node (ref U3) (pin 17))
+      (node (ref X1) (pin B23)))
+    (net (code 219) (name /abc80bus/~NMI)
+      (node (ref X1) (pin A24))
+      (node (ref Q3) (pin 3)))
+    (net (code 220) (name AD11)
+      (node (ref U13) (pin K1))
+      (node (ref U4) (pin 8)))
+    (net (code 221) (name AD14)
+      (node (ref U13) (pin N2))
+      (node (ref U4) (pin 3)))
+    (net (code 222) (name "Net-(X1-PadB6)")
+      (node (ref X1) (pin B6)))
+    (net (code 223) (name /abc80bus/A1)
+      (node (ref U3) (pin 12))
+      (node (ref X1) (pin B28)))
+    (net (code 224) (name /abc80bus/A0)
+      (node (ref X1) (pin B29))
+      (node (ref U3) (pin 11)))
+    (net (code 225) (name "Net-(X1-PadA14)")
+      (node (ref X1) (pin A14)))
+    (net (code 226) (name /abc80bus/D6)
+      (node (ref U5) (pin 17))
+      (node (ref X1) (pin A7)))
+    (net (code 227) (name /abc80bus/D5)
+      (node (ref X1) (pin A8))
+      (node (ref U5) (pin 16)))
+    (net (code 228) (name /abc80bus/D4)
+      (node (ref X1) (pin A9))
+      (node (ref U5) (pin 15)))
+    (net (code 229) (name /abc80bus/D3)
+      (node (ref X1) (pin A10))
+      (node (ref U5) (pin 14)))
+    (net (code 230) (name /abc80bus/D2)
+      (node (ref X1) (pin A11))
+      (node (ref U5) (pin 13)))
+    (net (code 231) (name /abc80bus/D1)
+      (node (ref U5) (pin 12))
+      (node (ref X1) (pin A12)))
+    (net (code 232) (name /abc80bus/D0)
+      (node (ref X1) (pin A13))
+      (node (ref U5) (pin 11)))
+    (net (code 233) (name /abc80bus/~RST)
+      (node (ref X1) (pin A15))
+      (node (ref U14) (pin 13)))
+    (net (code 234) (name /abc80bus/~STATUS)
+      (node (ref U4) (pin 15))
+      (node (ref X1) (pin A16)))
+    (net (code 235) (name /abc80bus/~C4)
+      (node (ref U4) (pin 11))
+      (node (ref X1) (pin A18)))
+    (net (code 236) (name /abc80bus/~C3)
+      (node (ref X1) (pin A19))
+      (node (ref U2) (pin 18)))
+    (net (code 237) (name /abc80bus/~C2)
+      (node (ref U2) (pin 16))
+      (node (ref X1) (pin A20)))
+    (net (code 238) (name /abc80bus/~C1)
+      (node (ref U2) (pin 14))
+      (node (ref X1) (pin A21)))
+    (net (code 239) (name /abc80bus/~OUT)
+      (node (ref X1) (pin A22))
+      (node (ref U2) (pin 12)))
+    (net (code 240) (name /abc80bus/~CS)
+      (node (ref X1) (pin A23))
+      (node (ref U3) (pin 18)))
+    (net (code 241) (name /abc80bus/READY)
+      (node (ref X1) (pin A30))
+      (node (ref Q2) (pin 3)))
+    (net (code 242) (name /abc80bus/ABC5V)
+      (node (ref J1) (pin 1))
+      (node (ref X1) (pin B31))
+      (node (ref X1) (pin A31)))
+    (net (code 243) (name "Net-(X1-PadA25)")
+      (node (ref X1) (pin A25)))
+    (net (code 244) (name "Net-(X1-PadA29)")
+      (node (ref X1) (pin A29)))
+    (net (code 245) (name "Net-(D28-Pad2)")
+      (node (ref J1) (pin 2))
+      (node (ref D28) (pin 2)))
+    (net (code 246) (name "Net-(U3-Pad1)")
+      (node (ref U3) (pin 1)))
+    (net (code 247) (name /abc80bus/A2)
+      (node (ref X1) (pin B27))
+      (node (ref U3) (pin 13)))
+    (net (code 248) (name /abc80bus/A3)
+      (node (ref U3) (pin 14))
+      (node (ref X1) (pin B26)))
+    (net (code 249) (name /abc80bus/A4)
+      (node (ref X1) (pin B25))
+      (node (ref U3) (pin 15)))
+    (net (code 250) (name /abc80bus/A5)
+      (node (ref U3) (pin 16))
+      (node (ref X1) (pin B24)))
+    (net (code 251) (name AD6)
+      (node (ref U13) (pin E1))
+      (node (ref U3) (pin 3)))
+    (net (code 252) (name AD5)
+      (node (ref U13) (pin F3))
+      (node (ref U3) (pin 4)))
+    (net (code 253) (name AD4)
+      (node (ref U13) (pin G5))
+      (node (ref U3) (pin 5)))
+    (net (code 254) (name AD3)
+      (node (ref U3) (pin 6))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin D1)))
+    (net (code 255) (name AD2)
+      (node (ref U13) (pin A3))
+      (node (ref U3) (pin 7)))
+    (net (code 256) (name AD1)
+      (node (ref U3) (pin 8))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin B4)))
+    (net (code 257) (name "Net-(X1-PadA32)")
+      (node (ref X1) (pin A32)))
+    (net (code 258) (name "Net-(X1-PadA1)")
+      (node (ref X1) (pin A1)))
+    (net (code 259) (name "Net-(X1-PadB30)")
+      (node (ref X1) (pin B30)))
+    (net (code 260) (name "Net-(X1-PadB32)")
+      (node (ref X1) (pin B32)))
+    (net (code 261) (name "Net-(X1-PadB9)")
+      (node (ref X1) (pin B9)))
+    (net (code 262) (name /abc80bus/~XMEMW800)
+      (node (ref X1) (pin B3)))
+    (net (code 263) (name "Net-(X1-PadB1)")
+      (node (ref X1) (pin B1)))
+    (net (code 264) (name /abc80bus/~XMEMW80)
+      (node (ref X1) (pin A5)))
+    (net (code 265) (name "Net-(U10-Pad2)")
+      (node (ref U10) (pin 2)))
+    (net (code 266) (name "Net-(R6-Pad2)")
+      (node (ref R6) (pin 2))
+      (node (ref USB1) (pin 10)))
+    (net (code 267) (name "Net-(F1-Pad2)")
+      (node (ref USB1) (pin 11))
+      (node (ref USB1) (pin 2))
+      (node (ref F1) (pin 2))
+      (node (ref U9) (pin 5)))
+    (net (code 268) (name "Net-(USB1-Pad13)")
+      (node (ref USB1) (pin 13)))
+    (net (code 269) (name "Net-(USB1-Pad3)")
+      (node (ref USB1) (pin 3)))
+    (net (code 270) (name "Net-(R5-Pad2)")
+      (node (ref R5) (pin 2))
+      (node (ref USB1) (pin 4)))
+    (net (code 271) (name "Net-(USB1-Pad5)")
+      (node (ref USB1) (pin 5)))
+    (net (code 272) (name "Net-(USB1-Pad8)")
+      (node (ref USB1) (pin 8)))
+    (net (code 273) (name "Net-(USB1-Pad9)")
+      (node (ref USB1) (pin 9)))
+    (net (code 274) (name "Net-(U10-Pad4)")
+      (node (ref U9) (pin 3))
+      (node (ref U10) (pin 4)))
+    (net (code 275) (name "Net-(U10-Pad5)")
+      (node (ref U10) (pin 5))
+      (node (ref U9) (pin 1)))
+    (net (code 276) (name "Net-(U9-Pad4)")
+      (node (ref U9) (pin 4))
+      (node (ref USB1) (pin 6)))
+    (net (code 277) (name "Net-(U9-Pad6)")
+      (node (ref U9) (pin 6))
+      (node (ref USB1) (pin 7)))
+    (net (code 278) (name "Net-(R7-Pad1)")
+      (node (ref R7) (pin 1))
+      (node (ref U10) (pin 9)))
+    (net (code 279) (name "Net-(C39-Pad1)")
+      (node (ref F1) (pin 1))
+      (node (ref R7) (pin 2))
+      (node (ref C39) (pin 1))
+      (node (ref D19) (pin 2))
+      (node (ref U10) (pin 8)))
+    (net (code 280) (name "Net-(U10-Pad27)")
+      (node (ref U10) (pin 27)))
+    (net (code 281) (name "Net-(U10-Pad15)")
+      (node (ref U10) (pin 15)))
+    (net (code 282) (name "Net-(U10-Pad14)")
+      (node (ref U10) (pin 14)))
+    (net (code 283) (name "Net-(U10-Pad19)")
+      (node (ref U10) (pin 19)))
+    (net (code 284) (name "Net-(U10-Pad18)")
+      (node (ref U10) (pin 18)))
+    (net (code 285) (name "Net-(U10-Pad17)")
+      (node (ref U10) (pin 17)))
+    (net (code 286) (name "Net-(U10-Pad20)")
+      (node (ref U10) (pin 20)))
+    (net (code 287) (name "Net-(U10-Pad21)")
+      (node (ref U10) (pin 21)))
+    (net (code 288) (name "Net-(U10-Pad22)")
+      (node (ref U10) (pin 22)))
+    (net (code 289) (name "Net-(U10-Pad1)")
+      (node (ref U10) (pin 1)))
+    (net (code 290) (name "Net-(U10-Pad11)")
+      (node (ref U10) (pin 11)))
+    (net (code 291) (name "Net-(U10-Pad12)")
+      (node (ref U10) (pin 12)))
+    (net (code 292) (name "Net-(U10-Pad13)")
+      (node (ref U10) (pin 13)))
+    (net (code 293) (name "Net-(U10-Pad16)")
+      (node (ref U10) (pin 16)))
+    (net (code 294) (name "Net-(U10-Pad10)")
+      (node (ref U10) (pin 10)))
+    (net (code 295) (name "Net-(D3-Pad2)")
+      (node (ref D3) (pin 2))
+      (node (ref U11) (pin 6)))
+    (net (code 296) (name "Net-(D1-Pad2)")
+      (node (ref D1) (pin 2))
+      (node (ref U11) (pin 5)))
+    (net (code 297) (name "Net-(D3-Pad1)")
+      (node (ref R18) (pin 1))
+      (node (ref D3) (pin 1)))
+    (net (code 298) (name "Net-(D2-Pad2)")
+      (node (ref U11) (pin 7))
+      (node (ref D2) (pin 2)))
+    (net (code 299) (name "Net-(D2-Pad1)")
+      (node (ref R17) (pin 1))
+      (node (ref D2) (pin 1)))
+    (net (code 300) (name "Net-(U11-Pad11)")
+      (node (ref U11) (pin 11)))
+    (net (code 301) (name "Net-(U11-Pad10)")
+      (node (ref U11) (pin 10)))
+    (net (code 302) (name "Net-(U11-Pad40)")
+      (node (ref U11) (pin 40)))
+    (net (code 303) (name ESP32_SCK)
+      (node (ref J4) (pin 24))
+      (node (ref U11) (pin 30)))
+    (net (code 304) (name ESP32_CS0)
+      (node (ref J4) (pin 25))
+      (node (ref U11) (pin 32)))
+    (net (code 305) (name ESP32_SDA)
+      (node (ref R20) (pin 2))
+      (node (ref J4) (pin 20))
+      (node (ref U11) (pin 27)))
+    (net (code 306) (name ESP32_SCL)
+      (node (ref U11) (pin 28))
+      (node (ref R19) (pin 2))
+      (node (ref J4) (pin 21)))
+    (net (code 307) (name ESP32_MISO)
+      (node (ref U11) (pin 31))
+      (node (ref J4) (pin 26)))
+    (net (code 308) (name ESP32_MOSI)
+      (node (ref J4) (pin 22))
+      (node (ref U11) (pin 29)))
+    (net (code 309) (name "Net-(D1-Pad1)")
+      (node (ref D1) (pin 1))
+      (node (ref R16) (pin 1)))
+    (net (code 310) (name ESP32_CS2)
+      (node (ref J4) (pin 19))
+      (node (ref U11) (pin 24)))
+    (net (code 311) (name FLASH_CS#)
+      (node (ref U11) (pin 4)))
+    (net (code 312) (name /ESP32/USB_D+)
+      (node (ref U11) (pin 23))
+      (node (ref U15) (pin 3)))
+    (net (code 313) (name ESP32_CS1)
+      (node (ref J4) (pin 23))
+      (node (ref U11) (pin 39)))
+    (net (code 314) (name ESP32_RXD)
+      (node (ref J4) (pin 29))
+      (node (ref U11) (pin 38)))
+    (net (code 315) (name ESP32_TXD)
+      (node (ref J4) (pin 27))
+      (node (ref U11) (pin 37)))
+    (net (code 316) (name ESP32_TMS)
+      (node (ref U11) (pin 36))
+      (node (ref J4) (pin 32)))
+    (net (code 317) (name ESP32_TDI)
+      (node (ref U11) (pin 35))
+      (node (ref J4) (pin 38)))
+    (net (code 318) (name ESP32_TDO)
+      (node (ref J4) (pin 36))
+      (node (ref U11) (pin 34)))
+    (net (code 319) (name ESP32_TCK)
+      (node (ref U11) (pin 33))
+      (node (ref J4) (pin 34)))
+    (net (code 320) (name ESP32_EN)
+      (node (ref J4) (pin 28))
+      (node (ref U11) (pin 41))
+      (node (ref R15) (pin 2)))
+    (net (code 321) (name "Net-(C52-Pad1)")
+      (node (ref D27) (pin 2))
+      (node (ref F2) (pin 1))
+      (node (ref C52) (pin 1)))
+    (net (code 322) (name "Net-(U11-Pad25)")
+      (node (ref U11) (pin 25)))
+    (net (code 323) (name "Net-(C53-Pad1)")
+      (node (ref R15) (pin 1))
+      (node (ref C53) (pin 1))
+      (node (ref R1) (pin 2)))
+    (net (code 324) (name /ESP32/USB_D-)
+      (node (ref U11) (pin 22))
+      (node (ref U15) (pin 1)))
+    (net (code 325) (name "Net-(U15-Pad6)")
+      (node (ref U15) (pin 6))
+      (node (ref USB2) (pin 7)))
+    (net (code 326) (name "Net-(U15-Pad4)")
+      (node (ref U15) (pin 4))
+      (node (ref USB2) (pin 6)))
+    (net (code 327) (name "Net-(USB2-Pad13)")
+      (node (ref USB2) (pin 13)))
+    (net (code 328) (name "Net-(R4-Pad2)")
+      (node (ref USB2) (pin 10))
+      (node (ref R4) (pin 2)))
+    (net (code 329) (name "Net-(USB2-Pad5)")
+      (node (ref USB2) (pin 5)))
+    (net (code 330) (name "Net-(R3-Pad2)")
+      (node (ref R3) (pin 2))
+      (node (ref USB2) (pin 4)))
+    (net (code 331) (name "Net-(USB2-Pad3)")
+      (node (ref USB2) (pin 3)))
+    (net (code 332) (name "Net-(USB2-Pad8)")
+      (node (ref USB2) (pin 8)))
+    (net (code 333) (name "Net-(USB2-Pad9)")
+      (node (ref USB2) (pin 9)))
+    (net (code 334) (name "Net-(F2-Pad2)")
+      (node (ref F2) (pin 2))
+      (node (ref USB2) (pin 2))
+      (node (ref U15) (pin 5))
+      (node (ref USB2) (pin 11)))
+    (net (code 335) (name "Net-(U12-Pad4)")
+      (node (ref U12) (pin 4)))
+    (net (code 336) (name "Net-(BT1-Pad1)")
+      (node (ref BT1) (pin 1))
+      (node (ref U12) (pin 14)))
+    (net (code 337) (name +2V5)
+      (node (ref U13) (pin L5))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin L12))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin K3))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin M3))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin F12))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin F5)))
+    (net (code 338) (name "Net-(C1-Pad2)")
+      (node (ref C1) (pin 2)))
+    (net (code 339) (name "Net-(C1-Pad1)")
+      (node (ref C1) (pin 1)))
+    (net (code 340) (name +1V2)
+      (node (ref U13) (pin G10))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin H11))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin F7))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin G14))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin G3))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin G6))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin G7))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin G8))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin G9))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin H6))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin K11))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin J6))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin T1))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin K7))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin M14))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin P7))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin P4))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin P13))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin A16))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin P10))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin C10))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin C13))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin E14))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin E3))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin F11))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin T16))
+      (node (ref U13) (pin K14)))
+    (net (code 341) (name "Net-(U13-PadD13)")
+      (node (ref U13) (pin D13)))
+    (net (code 342) (name "Net-(U13-PadD4)")
+      (node (ref U13) (pin D4)))
+    (net (code 343) (name "Net-(U13-PadN4)")
+      (node (ref U13) (pin N4)))
+    (net (code 344) (name "Net-(U13-PadN13)")
+      (node (ref U13) (pin N13)))
+    (net (code 345) (name "Net-(J4-Pad8)")
+      (node (ref J4) (pin 8)))
+    (net (code 346) (name "Net-(J4-Pad6)")
+      (node (ref J4) (pin 6)))
+    (net (code 347) (name "Net-(J4-Pad40)")
+      (node (ref J4) (pin 40)))
+    (net (code 348) (name FPGA_JTAGEN)
+      (node (ref J4) (pin 7)))
+    (net (code 349) (name "Net-(J5-Pad4)")
+      (node (ref J5) (pin 4)))
+    (net (code 350) (name "Net-(J5-Pad17)")
+      (node (ref J5) (pin 17)))
+    (net (code 351) (name "Net-(J5-Pad7)")
+      (node (ref J5) (pin 7)))
+    (net (code 352) (name "Net-(J5-Pad14)")
+      (node (ref J5) (pin 14)))
+    (net (code 353) (name "Net-(J5-Pad10)")
+      (node (ref J5) (pin 10)))
+    (net (code 354) (name "Net-(J5-Pad1)")
+      (node (ref J5) (pin 1)))
+    (net (code 355) (name "Net-(J5-PadSH)")
+      (node (ref J5) (pin SH)))))

+ 47 - 58

@@ -629,7 +629,7 @@ Text Label 3850 8450 2    50   ~ 0
 Text Label 3850 7950 2    50   ~ 0
-Text GLabel 3850 7050 0    39   Input ~ 0
+Text GLabel 3850 7550 0    39   Input ~ 0
 Text Label 4150 10300 2    50   ~ 0
@@ -993,7 +993,6 @@ FPGA_USB_RTS
 Text Label 2400 10600 2    50   ~ 0
 NoConn ~ 14300 6250
-NoConn ~ 14300 6450
 Text Label 8800 10550 3    50   ~ 0
 Text Label 8950 10550 3    50   ~ 0
@@ -1158,8 +1157,8 @@ $Comp
 L max80:EP4CE15F17C8N U13
 U 2 1 6055A8B6
 P 2450 7200
-F 0 "U13" H 3078 7221 50  0000 L CNN
-F 1 "EP4CE15F17C8N" H 3078 7130 50  0000 L CNN
+F 0 "U13" H 2850 9050 50  0000 L CNN
+F 1 "EP4CE15F17C8N" H 1700 9050 50  0000 L CNN
 F 2 "" H 1100 7550 50  0001 L CNN
 F 3 "" H 1100 7550 50  0001 L CNN
 	2    2450 7200
@@ -2003,7 +2002,7 @@ Wire Wire Line
 	4150 2150 4200 2150
 Wire Wire Line
 	4150 2050 4200 2050
-Text GLabel 4150 3050 0    50   Input ~ 0
+Text GLabel 4150 3050 0    39   Input ~ 0
 Text GLabel 4150 2150 0    39   Input ~ 0
@@ -2029,33 +2028,33 @@ Text Label 3550 2250 0    39   ~ 0
 Entry Wire Line
 	3250 4050 3350 4150
-Text Label 3550 4150 0    50   ~ 0
+Text Label 3350 4150 0    50   ~ 0
 Entry Wire Line
 	3250 3950 3350 4050
-Text Label 3550 4050 0    50   ~ 0
+Text Label 3350 4050 0    50   ~ 0
 Entry Wire Line
 	3250 3750 3350 3850
-Text Label 3550 3850 0    50   ~ 0
+Text Label 3350 3850 0    50   ~ 0
 Entry Wire Line
 	3250 3650 3350 3750
-Text Label 3550 3750 0    50   ~ 0
+Text Label 3350 3750 0    50   ~ 0
 Entry Wire Line
 	3250 3850 3350 3950
-Text Label 3550 3950 0    50   ~ 0
+Text Label 3350 3950 0    50   ~ 0
 Entry Wire Line
 	3250 4150 3350 4250
-Text Label 3550 4250 0    50   ~ 0
+Text Label 3350 4250 0    50   ~ 0
 Entry Wire Line
 	3250 1850 3350 1950
 Text Label 3550 1950 0    39   ~ 0
-Text Label 3550 3650 0    50   ~ 0
+Text Label 3350 3650 0    50   ~ 0
 Entry Wire Line
 	3250 3550 3350 3650
@@ -2078,21 +2077,21 @@ F 3 "" H 3650 3550 50  0001 L CNN
 	3    5000 3200
 	1    0    0    -1  
-Text GLabel 4150 3250 0    50   Input ~ 0
+Text GLabel 4150 3250 0    39   Input ~ 0
-Text GLabel 4150 2750 0    50   Input ~ 0
+Text GLabel 4150 2750 0    39   Input ~ 0
-Text GLabel 4150 2850 0    50   Input ~ 0
+Text GLabel 4150 2850 0    39   Input ~ 0
-Text GLabel 4150 2650 0    50   Input ~ 0
+Text GLabel 4150 2650 0    39   Input ~ 0
 Text GLabel 4150 2550 0    39   Input ~ 0
 Text GLabel 3850 6750 0    39   Input ~ 0
-Text GLabel 4150 2950 0    50   Input ~ 0
+Text GLabel 4150 2950 0    39   Input ~ 0
-Text GLabel 4150 3150 0    50   Input ~ 0
+Text GLabel 4150 3150 0    39   Input ~ 0
 Text GLabel 4150 2050 0    39   Input ~ 0
@@ -2141,7 +2140,7 @@ Wire Wire Line
 	6450 7500 6500 7500
 Text GLabel 3800 7850 0    50   Input ~ 0
-Text GLabel 3850 6050 0    50   Input ~ 0
+Text GLabel 3850 6050 0    39   Input ~ 0
 Wire Wire Line
 	3850 8050 3900 8050
@@ -2173,12 +2172,8 @@ Wire Wire Line
 NoConn ~ 3900 5950
 NoConn ~ 3900 6150
 NoConn ~ 3900 6350
-NoConn ~ 3900 6550
-NoConn ~ 3900 6950
-NoConn ~ 3900 7150
 NoConn ~ 3900 7350
 NoConn ~ 3900 7650
-NoConn ~ 3900 7750
 NoConn ~ 3900 8250
 NoConn ~ 6500 6300
 NoConn ~ 6500 6400
@@ -2430,7 +2425,6 @@ Text GLabel 3850 8050 0    39   Input ~ 0
 Wire Wire Line
 	3850 7250 3900 7250
-NoConn ~ 3900 7550
 Wire Wire Line
 	3850 6750 3900 6750
 Wire Wire Line
@@ -2491,49 +2485,44 @@ F 3 "" H 5850 8350 50  0001 C CNN
 	1    5850 8350
 	1    0    0    -1  
-L power:GND #PWR0235
-U 1 1 613EB1BB
-P 3650 6500
-F 0 "#PWR0235" H 3650 6250 50  0001 C CNN
-F 1 "GND" H 3655 6327 50  0000 C CNN
-F 2 "" H 3650 6500 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 3650 6500 50  0001 C CNN
-	1    3650 6500
-	1    0    0    -1  
+NoConn ~ 6500 7300
+NoConn ~ 6500 8200
 Wire Wire Line
-	3650 6500 3650 6450
+	6450 4000 6550 4000
 Wire Wire Line
-	3650 6450 3800 6450
-L power:GND #PWR0236
-U 1 1 61427665
-P 3450 3450
-F 0 "#PWR0236" H 3450 3200 50  0001 C CNN
-F 1 "GND" H 3455 3277 50  0000 C CNN
-F 2 "" H 3450 3450 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 3450 3450 50  0001 C CNN
-	1    3450 3450
-	1    0    0    -1  
+	3850 8350 3900 8350
+Text GLabel 3850 6450 0    39   Input ~ 0
+Text GLabel 3850 6550 0    39   Input ~ 0
+Text GLabel 3850 6650 0    39   Input ~ 0
+Text GLabel 3850 6950 0    39   Input ~ 0
+Text GLabel 3850 7150 0    39   Input ~ 0
+Text GLabel 3850 7050 0    39   Input ~ 0
+Text GLabel 3850 7750 0    39   Input ~ 0
 Wire Wire Line
-	3450 3450 3450 3350
+	3850 7750 3900 7750
 Wire Wire Line
-	3450 3350 4200 3350
+	3850 7550 3900 7550
 Wire Wire Line
-	3900 6650 3800 6650
+	3850 7150 3900 7150
 Wire Wire Line
-	3800 6650 3800 6450
-Connection ~ 3800 6450
+	3850 6650 3900 6650
 Wire Wire Line
-	3800 6450 3900 6450
-NoConn ~ 6500 7300
-NoConn ~ 6500 8200
+	3850 6550 3900 6550
 Wire Wire Line
-	6450 4000 6550 4000
+	3850 6450 3900 6450
+Text GLabel 4150 3350 0    39   Input ~ 0
 Wire Wire Line
-	3850 8350 3900 8350
+	4150 3350 4200 3350
+Wire Wire Line
+	3850 6950 3900 6950
 Wire Wire Line
 	8600 2400 9400 2400
 Wire Wire Line

برخی فایل ها در این مقایسه diff نمایش داده نمی شوند زیرا تعداد فایل ها بسیار زیاد است