@@ -43,13 +43,13 @@ interface dram_bus;
logic [1:0] prio; // Priority vs refresh
logic rst_n;
logic clk;
- logic [24:0] addr;
+ tri [24:0] addr;
logic addr0; // addr[0] latched at transaction start
logic [15:0] rd;
logic req;
logic [1:0] rstrb; // Data read strobe
- logic [31:0] wd;
- logic [3:0] wstrb;
+ tri [31:0] wd;
+ tri [3:0] wstrb;
logic start; // Transaction start
logic wrack; // Transaction is a write
@@ -173,68 +173,32 @@ module dram_arbiter
output logic do_rfsh
- logic [port_count:0] requesting;
- logic [24:0] addr [1:port_count];
- logic [31:0] wd [1:port_count];
- logic [3:0] wstrb [1:port_count];
- logic [1:0] prio [1:port_count];
+ logic [port_count:0] grant;
+ assign grant[0] = 1'b0; // Dummy to make the below logic simpler
- always_comb
- requesting[0] = 1'b0;
- genvar i;
+ genvar i;
for (i = 1; i <= port_count; i++)
begin : u
- always_comb
- begin
- ustr[i].rst_n = dstr.rst_n;
- ustr[i].clk = dstr.clk;
- ustr[i].addr0 = dstr.addr0;
- ustr[i].rd = dstr.rd;
- ustr[i].rstrb = dstr.rstrb;
- ustr[i].wrack = dstr.wrack;
- ustr[i].start = 1'b0;
- addr[i] = ustr[i].addr;
- wd[i] = ustr[i].wd;
- wstrb[i] = ustr[i].wstrb;
- prio[i] = ustr[i].prio;
- if (~|requesting[i-1:0] & ustr[i].req)
- begin
- requesting[i] = 1'b1;
- ustr[i].start = dstr.start & (ustr[i].prio >= rfsh_prio);
- end
- else
- begin
- requesting[i] = 1'b0;
- ustr[i].start = 1'b0;
- end
- end // always_comb
- end // for (i = 1; i <= port_count; i++)
+ assign ustr[i].rst_n = dstr.rst_n;
+ assign ustr[i].clk = dstr.clk;
+ assign ustr[i].addr0 = dstr.addr0;
+ assign ustr[i].rd = dstr.rd;
+ assign ustr[i].rstrb = dstr.rstrb;
+ assign ustr[i].wrack = dstr.wrack;
+ assign grant[i] = ~|grant[i-1:0] & ustr[i].req &
+ (ustr[i].prio >= rfsh_prio);
+ assign ustr[i].start = grant[i] & dstr.start;
+ assign dstr.addr = grant[i] ? ustr[i].addr : 'z;
+ assign dstr.wd = grant[i] ? ustr[i].wd : 'z;
+ assign dstr.wstrb = grant[i] ? ustr[i].wstrb : 'z;
+ end // block: u
- always_comb
- begin
- dstr.req = 1'b0;
- dstr.addr = 25'bx;
- dstr.wd = 32'bx;
- dstr.wstrb = 4'bx;
- do_rfsh = |rfsh_prio;
- for (int j = 1; j <= port_count; j++)
- begin
- if (requesting[j])
- begin
- dstr.req = 1'b1;
- dstr.addr = addr[j];
- dstr.wd = wd[j];
- dstr.wstrb = wstrb[j];
- do_rfsh = prio[j] < rfsh_prio;
- end
- end // for (int j = 1; j <= port_count; j++)
- end // always_comb
+ assign dstr.req = |grant;
+ assign do_rfsh = ~|grant & |rfsh_prio;
endmodule // dram_arbiter
module sdram