@@ -57,7 +57,8 @@
// 9 - BREAK received (sticky, W1C)
// 10 - USB device configured
// 3 - RW - interrupt enable register
-// * - mask of corresponding status bits
+// 15:0 - mask of corresponding status bits
+// 31:16 - invert polarity (0 = irq on status 1, 1 = irq on status 0)
module usb_cdc_channel
#(parameter [3:0] data_ep_num = 4'd1,
@@ -67,10 +68,10 @@ module usb_cdc_channel
input rst_n,
input sys_clk,
input cpu_valid,
- input [1:0] cpu_addr,
+ input [1:0] cpu_addr,
output [31:0] cpu_rdata,
input [31:0] cpu_wdata,
- input cpu_wstrb,
+ input [3:0] cpu_wstrb,
output irq,
// Core FIFO interface
@@ -106,7 +107,7 @@ module usb_cdc_channel
always @(posedge sys_clk)
fifo_access_q <= fifo_access;
- fifo_read_q <= fifo_access & ~cpu_wstrb;
+ fifo_read_q <= fifo_access & ~cpu_wstrb[0];
wire txempty;
@@ -119,7 +120,7 @@ module usb_cdc_channel
cdc_fifo txfifo (
.wrclk ( sys_clk ),
.data ( cpu_wdata[7:0] ),
- .wrreq ( fifo_access & ~fifo_access_q & cpu_wstrb ),
+ .wrreq ( fifo_access & ~fifo_access_q & cpu_wstrb[0] ),
.wrempty ( txempty ),
.wrfull ( txfull ),
.wrusedw ( txused ),
@@ -174,7 +175,7 @@ module usb_cdc_channel
cdc_fifo rxfifo (
.rdclk ( sys_clk ),
.q ( rdata_fifo ),
- .rdreq ( fifo_access & ~fifo_access_q & ~cpu_wstrb ),
+ .rdreq ( fifo_access & ~fifo_access_q & ~|cpu_wstrb ),
.rdempty ( rxempty ),
.rdfull ( rxfull ),
.rdusedw ( rxused ),
@@ -200,6 +201,7 @@ module usb_cdc_channel
wire [15:0] status_mask = 16'b0000_0111_1111_1111; // Implemented bit mask
reg [15:0] irq_mask;
+ reg [15:0] irq_pol;
wire [ 3:0] water_mask = 4'b1111 << (4-water_bits);
wire [15:0] water_ctl_mask = {4{water_mask}};
reg [15:0] water_ctl;
@@ -218,8 +220,9 @@ module usb_cdc_channel
always @(negedge rst_n or posedge sys_clk)
if (~rst_n)
- water_ctl <= 16'hc3c3 & water_ctl_mask;
- irq_mask <= 16'b0;
+ water_ctl <= 16'hc3c3 & water_ctl_mask;
+irq_mask <= 16'b0;
+ irq_pol <= 16'b0;
recv_break_q <= 1'b0;
@@ -227,12 +230,31 @@ module usb_cdc_channel
if (recv_break_s)
recv_break_q <= 1'b1;
- if (cpu_valid & cpu_wstrb)
+ if (cpu_valid)
case (cpu_addr)
- 2'b01: water_ctl <= cpu_wdata[15:0] & water_ctl_mask;
- 2'b10: if (cpu_wdata[9]) recv_break_q <= 1'b0;
- 2'b11: irq_mask <= cpu_wdata[15:0] & status_mask;
- default: /* do nothing */;
+ 2'b01: begin
+ if (cpu_wstrb[0])
+ water_ctl[7:0] <= cpu_wdata[7:0] & water_ctl_mask[7:0];
+ if (cpu_wstrb[1])
+ water_ctl[15:8] <= cpu_wdata[15:8] & water_ctl_mask[15:8];
+ end
+ 2'b10: begin
+ if (cpu_wstrb[1] & cpu_wdata[9])
+ recv_break_q <= 1'b0;
+ end
+ 2'b11: begin
+ if (cpu_wstrb[0])
+ irq_mask[7:0] <= cpu_wdata[7:0] & status_mask[7:0];
+ if (cpu_wstrb[1])
+ irq_mask[15:8] <= cpu_wdata[15:8] & status_mask[15:8];
+ if (cpu_wstrb[2])
+ irq_pol[7:0] <= cpu_wdata[23:16] & status_mask[7:0];
+ if (cpu_wstrb[3])
+ irq_pol[15:8] <= cpu_wdata[31:24] & status_mask[15:8];
+ end
+ default: begin
+ /* do nothing */
+ end
endcase // case (cpu_addr)
end // else: !if(~rst_n)
@@ -253,14 +275,14 @@ module usb_cdc_channel
assign status[9] = recv_break_q;
assign status[10] = usb_configured;
- assign irq = |(status & irq_mask);
+ assign irq = |((status ^ irq_pol) & irq_mask);
always @(*)
case (cpu_addr)
2'b00: cpu_rdata = { 24'b0, rdata_fifo };
2'b01: cpu_rdata = { 16'b0, water_ctl };
2'b10: cpu_rdata = { 16'b0, status };
- 2'b11: cpu_rdata = { 16'b0, irq_mask };
+ 2'b11: cpu_rdata = { irq_pol, irq_mask };
default: cpu_rdata = 32'bx;
endcase // case (cpu_addr)