Ver Fonte

WIP: ringbuffer system between ESP32 and FPGA

Ring buffer implementation for ESP32 <-> FPGA link; so far only the
ESP32 side is implemented.
H. Peter Anvin há 2 anos atrás
58 ficheiros alterados com 3235 adições e 288 exclusões
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+ 3 - 9

@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
 #define _GNU_SOURCE 1
+#include "compiler.h"
 /* Standard C headers */
 #include <inttypes.h>
 #include <stdarg.h>
@@ -20,15 +22,7 @@
 #include <esp_event.h>
 #include <esp_log.h>
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-# define extern_c extern "C"
-# define EXTERN_C(...) extern "C" { __VA_ARGS__ }
-# define extern_c extern
-# define EXTERN_C(...) __VA_ARGS__
-#define ARRAY_SIZE(x) (sizeof(x)/sizeof((x)[0]))
+#include "xmalloc.h"
 #ifndef MODULE
 # define MODULE ""

+ 111 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+#ifndef COMPILER_H
+#define COMPILER_H
+#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <inttypes.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include <limits.h>
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+# define extern_c extern "C"
+# define EXTERN_C(...) extern "C" { __VA_ARGS__ }
+# define extern_c extern
+# define EXTERN_C(...) __VA_ARGS__
+#define ARRAY_SIZE(x) (sizeof(x)/sizeof((x)[0]))
+#undef  likely
+#define likely(x)	__builtin_expect(!!(x), 1)
+#undef  unlikely
+#define unlikely(x)	__builtin_expect(!!(x), 0)
+/* Handy composite pointer types */
+typedef union xptr {
+    uint32_t *l;
+    uint16_t *w;
+    uint8_t  *b;
+    void     *v;
+    size_t    a;
+} xptr_t;
+typedef union xcptr {
+    const uint32_t *l;
+    const uint16_t *w;
+    const uint8_t  *b;
+    const void     *v;
+    size_t          a;
+} xcptr_t;
+/* The container_of construct: if p is a pointer to member m of
+   container class c, then return a pointer to the container of which
+   *p is a member. */
+#ifndef container_of
+# define container_of(p, c, m) ((c *)((char *)(p) - offsetof(c,m)))
+#define offset_diff(c, m1, m2) ((ptrdiff_t)offsetof(c,m2) - \
+				(ptrdiff_t)offsetof(c,m1))
+#define Min(a,b) ({				\
+      __typeof__((a)*(b)) __a = (a);		\
+      __typeof__((a)*(b)) __b = (b);		\
+      (__a < __b) ? __a : __b;			\
+#define Max(a,b) ({				\
+  __typeof__((a)*(b)) __a = (a);		\
+  __typeof__((a)*(b)) __b = (b);		\
+  (__a > __b) ? __a : __b;			\
+# define SIZE_BITS 16
+typedef uint32_t size2_t;
+#elif SIZE_MAX == UINT32_MAX
+# define SIZE_BITS 32
+typedef uint64_t size2_t;
+#elif SIZE_MAX == UINT64_MAX
+# define SIZE_BITS 64
+typedef unsigned __int128 size2_t;
+# error "Unknown size_t"
+#define alignof(a) __alignof__(a)
+#define no_return void __attribute__((noreturn))
+#define ___section(s,a,...) __attribute__((__section__(s)))
+#define __hot			__attribute__((__hot__))
+#define __cold			__attribute__((__cold__))
+#define __aligned(x)		__attribute__((__aligned__(x)))
+#define __unused		__attribute__((__unused__))
+#define __must_inline		__attribute__((__always_inline__))
+#define __noinline		__attribute__ ((__noinline__))
+#define __constfunc		__attribute__((__const__))
+#define __purefunc		__attribute__((__pure__))
+#undef  __alloc_size
+#define __alloc_size(...)	__attribute__((__alloc_size__(__VA_ARGS__)))
+#define __malloc_func		__attribute__((__malloc__))
+#define __fmt_printf(fstr,farg)	__attribute__((__format__(__printf__,fstr,farg)))
+#define __nonnull_arg(...)	__attribute__((__nonnull__(__VA_ARGS__)))
+#define __no_return		void __attribute__((__noreturn__))
+#define __nonnull_ret		__attribute__((__returns_nonnull__))
+#define __safe_alloc(...)	__nonnull_ret __alloc_size(__VA_ARGS__)
+#define __is_constant(expr)	__builtin_constant_p(expr)
+#define atomic(x)		(*(volatile __typeof__(x) *)&(x))
+#else /* __ASSEMBLY__ */
+#define ___section(s,a,...)	.pushsection s, a, ## __VA_ARGS__
+#endif /* __ASSEMBLY__ */
+#endif /* COMPILER_H */

+ 409 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,409 @@
+ * Handle ring buffer link between ESP32 and FPGA
+ * This implements the ESP32 (upstream/active/initiator/master) side.
+ */
+#define MODULE "esplink"
+#include "common.h"
+#include "esplink.h"
+#include "fpga.h"
+struct esplink_ringbuf_ptrs {
+    const volatile struct esplink_ptrs_dstr *d;
+    volatile struct esplink_ptrs_ustr *u;
+struct esplink_sem {
+    SemaphoreHandle_t lock;
+ * Event group indicating which ring buffers are ready for I/O
+ */
+EventGroupHandle_t esplink_filled;	/* Data requested in "fill" ready */
+static struct {
+    volatile unsigned int ready;
+    bool shutdown;
+    SemaphoreHandle_t mutex;	/* Configuration mutex */
+    struct esplink_ringbuf_ptrs rb;
+    struct esplink_ringbuf_desc *desc;
+    struct esplink_ringbuf_head head;
+    struct esplink_sem sem[EL_RB_COUNT][2];
+    size_t need[EL_RB_COUNT][2]; /* Amount of data requested for wakeup */
+} elink;
+/* Leave at least this much space, to preserve alignment */
+#define ELQUEUE_ALL_MASK	((1UL << (EL_RB_COUNT*2)) - 1)
+static void esplink_stop(void)
+    elink.ready = 0;
+    /* No waking up waiters that only want online wakeups */
+    xEventGroupClearBits(esplink_filled, ELWAIT_ONLINE);
+    /* Wake up all the internal waiters or others with online = false */
+    xEventGroupSetBits(esplink_filled, ELQUEUE_ALL_MASK);
+    struct esplink_sem *s = &elink.sem[0][0];
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < EL_RB_COUNT*2; i++) {
+	xSemaphoreTake(s->lock, portMAX_DELAY);
+	s++;
+    }
+/* This must be called and completed before any other esplink functions! */
+void esplink_init(void)
+    elink.mutex    = null_check(xSemaphoreCreateMutex());
+    esplink_filled = null_check(xEventGroupCreate());
+    elink.desc = xmalloc_dma(EL_RB_COUNT * sizeof *elink.desc);
+    elink.rb.u = xmalloc_dma(EL_RB_COUNT * sizeof *elink.rb.u);
+    elink.rb.d = xmalloc_dma(EL_RB_COUNT * sizeof *elink.rb.d);
+    struct esplink_sem *s = &elink.sem[0][0];
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < EL_RB_COUNT*2; i++) {
+	s->lock = null_check(xSemaphoreCreateBinary());
+	s++;
+    }
+    xSemaphoreGive(elink.mutex);
+ * This needs to be called from the FPGA service thread once before
+ * any esplink functions can be called from any other thread. After that,
+ * those functions are safe to call (but may fail) regardless of
+ * shutdown and/or reinitialization of the link.
+ *
+ * Call this function with head == NULL to either shut the link down
+ * or to initialize the data structures (see above) 
+ */
+void esplink_start(const struct esplink_head *head)
+    struct fpga_iov iov[3];
+    static unsigned int gen_count;
+    static bool started = false;
+    xSemaphoreTake(elink.mutex, portMAX_DELAY);
+    if (elink.ready)
+	esplink_stop();
+    if (!head)
+	goto shutdown;
+    /* At this point elink.mutex and all the ->lock mutexes are held */
+    elink.head       = head->rb;
+    elink.head.count = Min(head->rb.count, EL_RB_COUNT);
+    size_t desc_size = sizeof(*elink.desc) * elink.head.count;
+    size_t dptr_size = sizeof(*elink.rb.d) * elink.head.count;
+    /* Set wakeup thresholds */
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < elink.head.count; i++) {
+	elink.need[i][0] = RINGBUF_UNUSABLE + 1;
+	elink.need[i][1] = 1;
+    }
+    iov[0].cmd   = FPGA_CMD_RD;
+    iov[0].addr  = elink.head.desc;
+    iov[0].rdata = (void *)&elink.desc;
+    iov[0].len   = desc_size;
+    iov[1].cmd   = FPGA_CMD_RD | FPGA_CMD_ACK(EL_UIRQ_RINGBUF);
+    iov[1].addr  = elink.head.dstr;
+    iov[1].rdata = (void *)elink.rb.d;
+    iov[1].len   = dptr_size;
+    /* Write back the same pointer values -> all buffers currently empty */
+    iov[2].cmd   = FPGA_CMD_WR | FPGA_CMD_IRQ(EL_DIRQ_RINGBUF);
+    iov[2].addr  = elink.head.ustr;
+    iov[2].wdata = (void *)elink.rb.d; /* rb.d is correct */
+    iov[2].len   = dptr_size;
+    fpga_iov(iov, ARRAY_SIZE(iov));
+    memcpy((void *)elink.rb.u, (void *)elink.rb.d, dptr_size);
+    elink.ready = ++gen_count;
+    xEventGroupClearBits(esplink_filled, ELQUEUE_ALL_MASK);
+    struct esplink_sem *s = &elink.sem[0][0];
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < EL_RB_COUNT*2; i++) {
+	xSemaphoreGive(s->lock);
+	s++;
+    }
+    xEventGroupSetBits(esplink_filled, ELWAIT_ONLINE);
+    xSemaphoreGive(elink.mutex);
+ * Called from the FPGA service thread when a ring buffer
+ * interrupt is received
+ */
+void esplink_poll(void)
+    if (!elink.ready)
+	return;
+    xSemaphoreTake(elink.mutex, portMAX_DELAY);
+    if (elink.ready) {
+	const size_t count     = elink.head.count;
+	const size_t dptr_size = sizeof(*elink.rb.d) * count;
+	struct fpga_iov iov[1];
+	iov[0].addr  = elink.head.dstr;
+	iov[0].rdata = (void *)elink.rb.d;
+	iov[0].len   = dptr_size;
+	fpga_iov(iov, 1);
+	EventBits_t wakeup = 0;
+	EventBits_t tbit = 1;
+	for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+	    size_t need;
+	    need = atomic(elink.need[i][0]);
+	    if (((elink.rb.d[i].tail - atomic(elink.rb.u[i].head) - 1) &
+		 (elink.desc[i].dstr.size-1)) >= need)
+		wakeup |= tbit;
+	    tbit <<= 1;
+	    need = atomic(elink.need[i][1]);
+	    if (((elink.rb.d[i].head - atomic(elink.rb.u[i].tail)) &
+		 (elink.desc[i].ustr.size-1)) >= need)
+		wakeup |= tbit;
+	    tbit <<= 1;
+	}
+	xEventGroupSetBits(esplink_filled, wakeup);
+    }
+    xSemaphoreGive(elink.mutex);
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
+ * Functions that can be called from a non-service thread.
+ * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * Write/read data to/from a ring buffer. Block if necessary until at least
+ * <mintx>/<minrx> bytes have been send/received, otherwise return.
+ *
+ * Returns the number of bytes send/received.
+ *
+ * If <atomic> is set, only advance the head/tail pointer after the
+ * whole transaction has been performed (must be no larger than half
+ * the ring buffer size.) If <mintx>/<minrx> < <len> and the return
+ * value is less than <len>, then the pointer will NOT have been advanced
+ * and the transaction was aborted. A new call will restart from the
+ * previous pointer location.
+ *
+ * The wakeup "need" value in esplink_wait_for() is set appropriately
+ * for a transaction the same size, depending on if the <atomic> flag
+ * was set or not. Thus, for an atomic transaction, if a shorter
+ * atomic or non-atomic transaction is then desired, it may be
+ * necessary to issue it without waiting for esplink_wait_for().
+ */
+size_t esplink_write(enum esplink_ringbuf_user ring, const void *data,
+		     size_t len, size_t mintx, bool atomic)
+    const size_t unusable = RINGBUF_UNUSABLE;
+    size_t tx = 0;
+    if (!len || ring >= EL_RB_COUNT || !elink.ready)
+	return tx;
+    mintx = Min(mintx, len);
+    const char *p = data;
+    struct esplink_sem *sem = &elink.sem[ring][0];
+    xSemaphoreTake(sem->lock, portMAX_DELAY);
+    const unsigned int ready_gen = elink.ready;
+    if (unlikely(!ready_gen || ring >= elink.head.count))
+	goto bail;
+    const struct esplink_ringbuf * const desc = &elink.head.desc[ring].dstr;
+    const size_t size = desc->size;
+    if (unlikely(atomic && len > (size >> 1)))
+	goto bail;
+    size_t * const hptr = (size_t *)&elink.rb.u[ring].head;
+    const volatile size_t * const tptr = &elink.rb.d[ring].tail;
+    size_t head       = *hptr;
+    const size_t need = (atomic ? len : 1) + unusable;
+    atomic(elink.need[ring][0]) = need; /* Minimum wakeup */
+    char * const start = desc->start;
+    while (elink.ready == ready_gen) {
+	xEventGroupClearBits(esplink_filled, ELQUEUE_DL(ring));
+	const size_t tail = *tptr;
+	size_t space      = (tail-head) & (size-1);
+	if (!len) {
+	    if (space >= need)
+		xEventGroupSetBits(esplink_filled, ELQUEUE_DL(ring));
+	    break;
+	}
+	if (space < need) {
+	    if (tx >= mintx)
+		break;
+	    esplink_wait_for(ELQUEUE_DL(ring), false);
+	    continue;
+	}
+	size_t chunk  = Min(space - unusable, len);
+	struct fpga_iov iov[4], *iv = iov;
+	while (chunk) {
+	    iv->cmd   = FPGA_CMD_WR;
+	    iv->addr  = start + head;
+	    iv->wdata = p;
+	    iv->len   = Min(chunk, size - head);
+	    p     += iv->len;
+	    tx    += iv->len;
+	    len   -= iv->len;
+	    chunk -= iv->len;
+	    head   = (head+iv->len) & (size-1);
+	    iv++;
+	}
+	if (!len || !atomic) {
+	    /* Commit the data to the ring buffer */
+	    elink.rb.u[ring].head = head;
+	    iv->addr  = &elink.head.dstr[ring].head;
+	    iv->wdata = hptr;
+	    iv->len   = sizeof *hptr;
+	    iv++;
+	}
+	/* Optimistically poll for tail pointer advance */
+	iv->cmd   = FPGA_CMD_RD;
+	iv->addr  = &elink.head.dstr[ring].tail;
+	iv->rdata = (void *)tptr;
+	iv->len   = sizeof *tptr;
+	iv++;
+	fpga_iov(iov, iv - iov);
+    }
+    xSemaphoreGive(sem->lock);
+    return tx;
+size_t esplink_read(enum esplink_ringbuf_user ring, void *data,
+		    size_t len, size_t minrx, bool atomic)
+    size_t rx = 0;
+    if (!len || ring >= EL_RB_COUNT || !elink.ready)
+	return rx;
+    minrx = Min(minrx, len);
+    char *p = data;
+    struct esplink_sem *sem = &elink.sem[ring][1];
+    xSemaphoreTake(sem->lock, portMAX_DELAY);
+    const unsigned int ready_gen = elink.ready;
+    if (unlikely(!ready_gen || ring >= elink.head.count))
+	goto bail;
+    const struct esplink_ringbuf * const desc = &elink.head.desc[ring].ustr;
+    const size_t size = desc->size;
+    if (unlikely(atomic && len > (size >> 1)))
+	goto bail;
+    size_t * const tptr = (size_t *)&elink.rb.u[ring].tail;
+    const volatile size_t * const hptr = &elink.rb.d[ring].head;
+    size_t tail       = *tptr;
+    const size_t need = atomic ? len : 1;
+    atomic(elink.need[ring][1]) = need; /* Minimum wakeup */
+    char * const start  = desc->start;
+    while (elink.ready == ready_gen) {
+	xEventGroupClearBits(esplink_filled, ELQUEUE_UL(ring));
+	const size_t head = *hptr;
+	size_t avail      = (head-tail) & (size-1);
+	if (!len) {
+	    if (avail >= need)
+		xEventGroupSetBits(esplink_filled, ELQUEUE_UL(ring));
+	    break;
+	}
+	if (avail < need) {
+	    if (rx >= minrx)
+		break;
+	    esplink_wait_for(ELQUEUE_UL(ring), false);
+	    continue;
+	}
+	size_t chunk  = Min(avail, len);
+	struct fpga_iov iov[4], *iv = iov;
+	while (chunk) {
+	    iv->cmd   = FPGA_CMD_RD;
+	    iv->addr  = start + tail;
+	    iv->rdata = p;
+	    iv->len   = Min(chunk, size - tail);
+	    p        += iv->len;
+	    rx       += iv->len;
+	    len      -= iv->len;
+	    chunk    -= iv->len;
+	    tail      = (tail+iv->len) & (size-1);
+	    iv++;
+	}
+	if (!len || !atomic) {
+	    /* Consume the data from the ring buffer */
+	    elink.rb.u[ring].tail = tail;
+	    iv->addr  = &elink.head.dstr[ring].tail;
+	    iv->wdata = tptr;
+	    iv->len   = sizeof *tptr;
+	    iv++;
+	}
+	/* Optimistically poll for head pointer advance */
+	iv->cmd   = FPGA_CMD_RD;
+	iv->addr  = &elink.head.dstr[ring].head;
+	iv->rdata = (void *)hptr;
+	iv->len   = sizeof *hptr;
+	iv++;
+	fpga_iov(iov, iv - iov);
+    }
+    xSemaphoreGive(sem->lock);
+    return rx;

+ 62 - 15

@@ -1,20 +1,47 @@
- * Common header file for ESP32 and RV32 sides of link
+ * Common header file for ESP ("upstream") and FPGA ("downstream")
+ * sides of link. This MUST contain only data structures!
 #ifndef ESPLINK_H
 #define ESPLINK_H 1
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
 #include <inttypes.h>
-#include <stddef.h>
-#define FPGA_HDR_ADDR	0x40000000
+#define ESPLINK_HDR_ADDR	((const uint32_t *)0x40000000)
-#define DRAM_IO_MAGIC	0x3648dec4
-struct dram_io_head {
-    uint32_t    magic;
-    size_t      hlen;
-    void       *dptr;
-    size_t      dlen;
+ * Ring buffer descriptor structure; this should be setup time only
+ * and is statically cached on the upstream side.
+ */
+struct esplink_ringbuf_desc {
+    struct esplink_ringbuf {
+	void *start;
+	size_t size;		/* Power of 2 */
+    } dstr, ustr;
+ * Upstream and downstream pointer blocks, with the pointers encoded as
+ * offsets into the buffer.
+ *
+ * Note that the head and tail pointers are reversed between the two
+ * directions to allow one to be copied to the other.
+ */
+struct esplink_ptrs_ustr {
+    size_t head;
+    size_t tail;
+struct esplink_ptrs_dstr {
+    size_t tail;
+    size_t head;
+#define ESPLINK_HEAD_MAGIC	0x3648dec4
+struct esplink_head {
+    volatile uint32_t magic;
+    uint32_t          hlen;
     struct {
 	union {
 	    uint32_t    cfg;
@@ -27,13 +54,33 @@ struct dram_io_head {
     } board;
     const char *signature;
-    size_t      signature_len;
-    uint32_t    resv[9];
+    uint32_t    signature_len;
+    struct esplink_ringbuf_head {
+	uint32_t count;
+	struct esplink_ringbuf_desc *desc;
+	struct esplink_ptrs_dstr *dstr; /* Downstream (FPGA) side */
+	struct esplink_ptrs_ustr *ustr; /* Upstream (ESP32) side */
+    } rb;
-#define RV_IRQ_UNDERRUN	0
-#define RV_IRQ_HELLO	1
-#define ESP_IRQ_READY	1
+#define EL_DIRQ_UNDERRUN	0	/* Local interrupt/status bit */
+#define EL_DIRQ_HELLO		1
+#define EL_DIRQ_RINGBUF		2
+#define EL_UIRQ_WREN		0	/* Remote write enable bit, not IRQ */
+#define EL_UIRQ_READY		1
+#define EL_UIRQ_RINGBUF		2
+ * Well known ring buffer indicies; must match for both sides.
+ * Currently assuming one link in each direction; if only a unidirectional
+ * link is needed, leave the descriptor for the unused direction blank.
+ */
+enum esplink_ringbuf_user {
+#endif	/* ESPLINK_H */

+ 51 - 2

@@ -2,10 +2,59 @@
 #include "common.h"
 #include "jtag.h"
+#include "esplink.h"
 #include "fw.h"
 extern_c int fpga_program_spz(spz_stream *spz);
 extern_c int fpga_reset(void);
-extern_c int fpga_service_start(void);
-extern_c void fpga_service_stop(void);
+extern_c esp_err_t fpga_service_init(void);
+extern_c void fpga_service_enable(bool);
+#define FPGA_CMD_IRQ(x)	((x) << 0)
+#define FPGA_CMD_ACK(x)	((x) << 2)
+#define FPGA_CMD_WR	(0 << 4)
+#define FPGA_CMD_RD	(1 << 4)
+#define FPGA_CMD_NULL	(1 << 8) /* Don't skip an empty command */
+#define FPGA_CMD_STATUS	(1 << 9) /* Include status in read command */
+struct fpga_iov {
+    unsigned int cmd;
+    union {
+	const void *addr;
+	uint32_t iaddr;
+    };
+    union {
+	const void *wdata;
+	void *rdata;
+    };
+    size_t len;
+extern_c esp_err_t fpga_iov(const struct fpga_iov *iov, size_t niov);
+extern_c esp_err_t fpga_io_write(unsigned int cmd, const void *addr,
+				 const void *data, size_t len);
+extern_c esp_err_t fpga_io_read(unsigned int cmd, const void *addr,
+				void *data, size_t len);
+extern_c uint32_t fpga_io_status(unsigned int cmd);
+struct esplink_head;
+extern_c void esplink_init(void);
+extern_c void esplink_start(const struct esplink_head *head);
+extern_c void esplink_poll(void);
+extern_c EventGroupHandle_t esplink_filled;
+#define ELQUEUE_DL(n)	((n) << 1)
+#define ELQUEUE_UL(n)	(((n) << 1) + 1)
+static inline EventBits_t esplink_wait_for(EventBits_t queues, bool online)
+    return xEventGroupWaitBits(esplink_filled,
+			       queues | (online ? ELWAIT_ONLINE : 0),
+			       0, pdTRUE, portMAX_DELAY) ^ ELWAIT_ONLINE;

+ 338 - 145

@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 #include "config.h"
 #include "fpga.h"
 #include "esplink.h"
+#include "xmalloc.h"
 #include <driver/gpio.h>
 #include <driver/spi_common.h>
@@ -16,6 +17,7 @@
 #define FPGA_SPI_HOST	FSPI	/* SPI2 */
 #define FPGA_PRIORITY	3
+#define FPGA_SVC_STACK	4096
 static spi_bus_config_t spi_bus_config = {
     .data0_io_num    = PIN_FPGA_IO0,
@@ -31,6 +33,10 @@ static spi_bus_config_t spi_bus_config = {
+#define FPGA_IOV_MAX	4
+static void ARDUINO_ISR_ATTR spi_callback(spi_transaction_t *);
 static const spi_device_interface_config_t spi_device_interface_config = {
     .command_bits     =  8,
     .address_bits     = 32,
@@ -41,238 +47,425 @@ static const spi_device_interface_config_t spi_device_interface_config = {
     .clock_speed_hz   = SPI_MASTER_FREQ_40M,
     .spics_io_num     = PIN_FPGA_CS,
     .flags            = SPI_DEVICE_HALFDUPLEX,
-    .queue_size       =  4	/* Maybe? */
+    .queue_size       = FPGA_IOV_MAX,
+    .post_cb          = spi_callback
 static spi_device_handle_t spi_handle;
 static TaskHandle_t fpga_task;
 static SemaphoreHandle_t spi_mutex;
+static EventGroupHandle_t spi_done_evgroup;
+static volatile bool spi_abort_all;
+#define NOTIFY_INDEX	0
+#define NOTIFY_FPGA	(1 << 0)
+#define NOTIFY_ENABLE	(1 << 1)
+#define NOTIFY_DISABLE	(1 << 2)
+#if 0
+#define NOTIFY_SPI	(1 << 3)
+#define NOTIFY_RINGBUF	(1 << 4)
+static uint32_t notify_poll_for(uint32_t flags)
+    return ulTaskNotifyValueClearIndexed(NULL, NOTIFY_INDEX, flags);
-#define NOTIFY_INDEX 0
+/* This supports multiple flags set */
+static uint32_t notify_wait_for(uint32_t flags)
+    uint32_t notify_value;
+    /* Already received? Might already have been waited for... */
+    notify_value = notify_poll_for(flags);
+    while (!(notify_value & flags)) {
+	xTaskNotifyWaitIndexed(NOTIFY_INDEX, 0, flags,
+			       &notify_value, portMAX_DELAY);
+    }
+    return notify_value;
+static void ARDUINO_ISR_ATTR fpga_notify_from_isr(uint32_t flags)
+    BaseType_t wakeup = pdFALSE;
+    if (xTaskNotifyIndexedFromISR(fpga_task, NOTIFY_INDEX, flags, eSetBits,
+				  &wakeup) != pdFAIL)
+	portYIELD_FROM_ISR(wakeup);
+static void fpga_notify_from_task(uint32_t flags)
+    xTaskNotifyIndexed(fpga_task, NOTIFY_INDEX, flags, eSetBits);
 static void ARDUINO_ISR_ATTR fpga_interrupt(void)
-    BaseType_t do_wakeup = pdFALSE;
+    fpga_notify_from_isr(NOTIFY_FPGA);
+static void ARDUINO_ISR_ATTR spi_callback(spi_transaction_t *t)
+    size_t flags = (size_t)t->user;
-    if (!fpga_task)
+    if (!flags)
-    xTaskNotifyIndexedFromISR(fpga_task, NOTIFY_INDEX, 1, eIncrement,
-			      &do_wakeup);
-    if (do_wakeup)
-	portYIELD_FROM_ISR(do_wakeup);
+    BaseType_t wakeup = pdFALSE;
+    if (xEventGroupSetBitsFromISR(spi_done_evgroup, (size_t)t->user,
+				  &wakeup) != pdFAIL)
+	portYIELD_FROM_ISR(wakeup);
 static void fpga_service_task(void *);
+static EventGroupHandle_t fpga_service_evgroup;
+void fpga_service_enable(bool on)
+    uint32_t flag = on ? NOTIFY_ENABLE : NOTIFY_DISABLE;
+    fpga_notify_from_task(flag);
+    xEventGroupWaitBits(fpga_service_evgroup, flag, 0, pdTRUE, portMAX_DELAY);
-int fpga_service_start(void)
+esp_err_t fpga_service_init(void)
     esp_err_t err;
-    if (!spi_mutex) {
-	spi_mutex = xSemaphoreCreateMutex();
-	if (!spi_mutex)
-	    goto failed;
-    }
+    fpga_service_evgroup = null_check(xEventGroupCreate());
+    spi_mutex = null_check(xSemaphoreCreateRecursiveMutex());
+    spi_done_evgroup = null_check(xEventGroupCreate());
+    /* The ordering here attempts to avoid race conditions... */
+    if (xTaskCreate(fpga_service_task, "fpga_svc", FPGA_SVC_STACK, NULL,
+		    FPGA_PRIORITY, &fpga_task) != pdPASS)
+	return ESP_FAIL;
+    esplink_init();
-    xSemaphoreTake(spi_mutex, portMAX_DELAY);
+    xEventGroupSetBits(fpga_service_evgroup, NOTIFY_DISABLE);
+    return ESP_OK;
+static bool fpga_link_enable(void)
+    esp_err_t err;
+    if (spi_handle)
+	return true;		/* Already started */
+    xEventGroupClearBits(fpga_service_evgroup, NOTIFY_DISABLE);
     err = spi_bus_initialize(FPGA_SPI_HOST, &spi_bus_config, SPI_DMA_CH_AUTO);
     if (err)
-	goto failed;
+	goto init_fail;
     err = spi_bus_add_device(FPGA_SPI_HOST, &spi_device_interface_config,
     if (err)
-	goto failed;
+	goto free_bus_fail;
     /* Only device on this bus, so acquire it permanently */
-    spi_device_acquire_bus(spi_handle, portMAX_DELAY);
-    xSemaphoreGive(spi_mutex);
-    if (!fpga_task) {
-	/* The ordering here attempts to avoid race conditions... */
-	if (xTaskCreate(fpga_service_task, "fpga_svc", 4096, NULL,
-			FPGA_PRIORITY, &fpga_task) != pdPASS)
-	    goto failed;
-	attachInterrupt(PIN_FPGA_INT, fpga_interrupt, FALLING);
-	xTaskNotifyIndexed(fpga_task, NOTIFY_INDEX, 1, eIncrement);
-	esp_register_shutdown_handler(fpga_service_stop);
-    }
+    err = spi_device_acquire_bus(spi_handle, portMAX_DELAY);
+    if (err)
+	goto release_bus_fail;
-    /* All good (hopefully?) */
-    return 0;
+    xEventGroupClearBits(spi_done_evgroup, -1);
+    attachInterrupt(PIN_FPGA_INT, fpga_interrupt, FALLING);
-    printf("[FPGA] Failed to initialize FPGA SPI bus\n");
-    if (spi_mutex)
-	xSemaphoreGive(spi_mutex);
+    xEventGroupSetBits(fpga_service_evgroup, NOTIFY_ENABLE);
+    xSemaphoreGiveRecursive(spi_mutex);
+    goto done;
-    fpga_service_stop();
-    return -1;
+    spi_bus_remove_device(spi_handle);
+    spi_handle = NULL;
+    spi_bus_free(FPGA_SPI_HOST);
+    xEventGroupSetBits(fpga_service_evgroup, NOTIFY_DISABLE);
+    return !err;
-void fpga_service_stop(void)
+static void fpga_link_disable(void)
-    if (spi_mutex) {
-	xSemaphoreTake(spi_mutex, portMAX_DELAY);
-	if (fpga_task) {
-	    esp_unregister_shutdown_handler(fpga_service_stop);
-	    detachInterrupt(PIN_FPGA_INT);
-	    vTaskDelete(fpga_task);
-	    fpga_task = NULL;
-	}
+    if (!spi_handle)
+	return;			/* Already stopped */
-	if (spi_handle) {
-	    spi_device_release_bus(spi_handle);
-	    spi_bus_remove_device(spi_handle);
-	    spi_bus_free(FPGA_SPI_HOST);
-	    spi_handle = NULL;
-	}
+    xEventGroupClearBits(fpga_service_evgroup, NOTIFY_ENABLE);
+    xSemaphoreTakeRecursive(spi_mutex, portMAX_DELAY);
+    detachInterrupt(PIN_FPGA_INT);
-	xSemaphoreGive(spi_mutex);
-    }
-    printf("[FPGA] FPGA services stopped\n");
+    spi_device_release_bus(spi_handle);
+    spi_bus_remove_device(spi_handle);
+    spi_bus_free(FPGA_SPI_HOST);
+    spi_handle = NULL;
+    xEventGroupSetBits(fpga_service_evgroup, NOTIFY_DISABLE);
-#define FPGA_CMD_IRQ(x)	((x) << 0)
-#define FPGA_CMD_ACK(x)	((x) << 2)
-#define FPGA_CMD_ACK2	(2 << 2)
-#define FPGA_CMD_ACK3	(3 << 2)
-#define FPGA_CMD_WR	(0 << 4)
-#define FPGA_CMD_RD	(1 << 4)
+static bool fpga_online(void)
+    struct esplink_head head;
-#define FPGA_HDR_ADDR	0x40000000
+		 &head, sizeof head);
-static esp_err_t fpga_io_write(unsigned int cmd, uint32_t addr,
-			       const void *data, size_t len)
-    spi_transaction_ext_t trans;
-    esp_err_t err;
+    if (head.magic != ESPLINK_HEAD_MAGIC || head.hlen <= 8)
+	return false;
-    if (!len && !(cmd & ~FPGA_CMD_RD))
-	return ESP_OK;
+    if (unlikely(head.hlen < sizeof head)) {
+	/* Clear any fields not provided */
+	memset((char *)&head + head.hlen, 0, sizeof head - head.hlen);
+    }
-    memset(&trans, 0, sizeof trans);
-    trans.base.flags   =
+    printf("[FPGA] Ready, board = %u.%u fixes %02x fpga %u\n",
+	   head.board.major, head.board.minor,
+	   head.board.fixes, head.board.fpga);
-    trans.base.cmd       = cmd | ~FPGA_CMD_RD;
-    trans.base.addr      = addr;
-    trans.base.tx_buffer = data;
-    trans.base.length    = len << 3;
+    if (((size_t)head.signature_len - 1) >= 127)
+	return false;
-    xSemaphoreTake(spi_mutex, portMAX_DELAY);
-    err = spi_device_transmit(spi_handle, (spi_transaction_t *)&trans);
-    xSemaphoreGive(spi_mutex);
+    char signature_string[head.signature_len+1];
+    fpga_io_read(0, head.signature,
+		 signature_string, head.signature_len);
+    signature_string[head.signature_len] = '\0';
+    fpga_io_write(0, (char *)head.signature + 9, "GUBBAR", 6);
-    return err;
+    printf("[FPGA] online, signature \"%s\"\n", signature_string);
+    esplink_start(&head);
+    xSemaphoreGiveRecursive(spi_mutex);
+    return true;
-static esp_err_t fpga_io_read(unsigned int cmd, uint32_t addr,
-			      void *data, size_t len)
+static void fpga_offline(void)
-    spi_transaction_ext_t trans;
-    esp_err_t err;
+    xSemaphoreTakeRecursive(spi_mutex, portMAX_DELAY);
+    esplink_start(NULL);	/* Stop esplink */
-    if (!len && !(cmd & ~FPGA_CMD_RD))
+esp_err_t fpga_iov(const struct fpga_iov *iov, size_t niov)
+    spi_transaction_ext_t trans[FPGA_IOV_MAX];
+    size_t ntrans = 0;
+    if (niov > FPGA_IOV_MAX)
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < niov; i++) {
+	const struct fpga_iov *iv = &iov[i];
+	if (!iv->len && !(iv->cmd & FPGA_CMD_NULL))
+	    continue;
+	spi_transaction_ext_t *t = &trans[ntrans];
+	memset(t, 0, sizeof *t);
+	t->base.flags =
+	t->base.cmd           = iv->cmd;
+	t->base.addr          = iv->iaddr;
+	if (iv->cmd & FPGA_CMD_RD) {
+	    t->base.rxlength  = iv->len << 3;
+	    t->base.rx_buffer = iv->rdata;
+	    /* Emulate partial word read by adding dummy bits for offset */
+	    t->dummy_bits     = (iv->iaddr & 3) << 2;
+	    if (iv->cmd & FPGA_CMD_STATUS) {
+		/*
+		 * Include the status "dummy" bits
+		 */
+		t->base.rxlength += 32;
+		t->dummy_bits    -= 16;
+	    }
+	} else {
+	    t->base.length    = iv->len << 3;
+	    t->base.tx_buffer = iv->wdata;
+	}
+	ntrans++;
+    }
+    if (!ntrans)
 	return ESP_OK;
+    esp_err_t err = ESP_OK;
+    xSemaphoreTakeRecursive(spi_mutex, portMAX_DELAY);
+    if (!spi_handle) {
+	err = ESP_FAIL;
+	goto fail;
+    }
-    memset(&trans, 0, sizeof trans);
-    trans.base.flags   =
+    xEventGroupClearBits(spi_done_evgroup, ~(EventBits_t)0);
-    trans.base.cmd       = cmd  | FPGA_CMD_RD;
-    trans.base.addr      = addr;
-    trans.base.rx_buffer = data;
-    /* Emulate partial word read by adding dummy bits for offset */
-    trans.dummy_bits     = 16 + ((addr & 3) << 2);
-    trans.base.rxlength  = len << 3;
+    size_t tbit = 1;
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < ntrans; i++) {
+	spi_transaction_ext_t *t = &trans[i];
+	t->base.user = (void *)tbit;
+	err = spi_device_queue_trans(spi_handle, &t->base, portMAX_DELAY);
+	if (err) {
+	    ntrans = i;
+	    break;
+	}
+	tbit <<= 1;
+    }
-    xSemaphoreTake(spi_mutex, portMAX_DELAY);
-    err = spi_device_transmit(spi_handle, (spi_transaction_t *)&trans);
-    xSemaphoreGive(spi_mutex);
+    if (likely(ntrans)) {
+	xEventGroupWaitBits(spi_done_evgroup, tbit-1, pdTRUE, pdTRUE,
+			    portMAX_DELAY);
+	while (ntrans--) {
+	    /* This is insanely stupid to have to do when not needed */
+	    spi_transaction_t *tp;
+	    spi_device_get_trans_result(spi_handle, &tp, 0);
+	}
+    }
+    xSemaphoreGiveRecursive(spi_mutex);
     return err;
+esp_err_t fpga_io_write(unsigned int cmd, const void *addr,
+			const void *data, size_t len)
+    struct fpga_iov iov;
+    iov.cmd   = cmd | ~FPGA_CMD_RD;
+    iov.addr  = addr;
+    iov.wdata = data;
+    iov.len   = len;
+    return fpga_iov(&iov, 1);
-/* CMD here can be interrupt flags, for example */
-static uint32_t fpga_io_status(unsigned int cmd)
+esp_err_t fpga_io_read(unsigned int cmd, const void *addr,
+		       void *data, size_t len)
-    spi_transaction_ext_t trans;
-    esp_err_t err;
+    struct fpga_iov iov;
+    iov.cmd   = cmd | FPGA_CMD_RD;
+    iov.addr  = addr;
+    iov.rdata = data;
+    iov.len   = len;
+    return fpga_iov(&iov, 1);
+ * Get status in polling mode (small transaction, < 256 CPU cycles).
+ * cmd typically would be IRQ/ACK bits.
+ */
+uint32_t fpga_io_status(unsigned int cmd)
+    spi_transaction_t trans;
     memset(&trans, 0, sizeof trans);
-    trans.base.flags   =
+    trans.flags =
-    trans.base.cmd       = cmd | FPGA_CMD_RD;
-    trans.base.rxlength  = 32;
+    trans.cmd = cmd | FPGA_CMD_RD;
+    trans.addr = 0;
+    trans.rxlength = 32;
-    xSemaphoreTake(spi_mutex, portMAX_DELAY);
-    err = spi_device_transmit(spi_handle, (spi_transaction_t *)&trans);
-    xSemaphoreGive(spi_mutex);
+    esp_err_t err = ESP_OK;
+    xSemaphoreTakeRecursive(spi_mutex, portMAX_DELAY);
+    err = spi_device_polling_transmit(spi_handle, &trans);
+    xSemaphoreGiveRecursive(spi_mutex);
-    return err ? 0 : ntohl(*(const uint32_t *)&trans.base.rx_data);
+    return err ? 0 : *(const uint32_t *)trans.rx_data;
 static void fpga_service_task(void *dummy)
-    struct dram_io_head head;
     uint32_t status;
+    bool fpga_initialized = false;
+    enum fpga_state {
+	FPGA_DISABLED,		/* FPGA services disabled */
+	FPGA_OFFLINE,		/* FPGA services enabled, waiting for FPGA */
+	FPGA_ONLINE		/* FPGA services active */
+    } fpga_state = FPGA_DISABLED;
+    printf("[FPGA] Starting FPGA services task\n");
+    while (1) {
+	uint32_t notifiers, status;
-    printf("[FPGA] Starting FPGA services\n");
+	switch (fpga_state) {
+	    notifiers = notify_wait_for(NOTIFY_ENABLE);
-    /* If the FPGA is already up, need to issue our own active handshake */
-    status = fpga_io_status(FPGA_CMD_IRQ(RV_IRQ_HELLO));
-    printf("[FPGA] Link status bits = 0x%08x, int = %u\n",
-	   status, digitalRead(PIN_FPGA_INT));
+	    if ((notifiers & NOTIFY_ENABLE) && fpga_link_enable()) {
+		fputs("[FPGA] FPGA services enabled\n", stdout);
+		fpga_state = FPGA_OFFLINE;
+	    }
+	    break;
-    while (1) {
-	/* Wait until an interrupt is received */
-	xTaskNotifyWaitIndexed(NOTIFY_INDEX, 0, -1U, NULL, portMAX_DELAY);
+	    fpga_io_status(FPGA_CMD_IRQ(EL_DIRQ_HELLO));
+	    notifiers = notify_wait_for(NOTIFY_FPGA|NOTIFY_DISABLE);
+	    if (notifiers & NOTIFY_DISABLE)
+		break;
-	while (!digitalRead(PIN_FPGA_INT)) {
-	    bool ok = false;
-	    uint32_t status = fpga_io_status(0);
-	    printf("[FPGA] Link status bits = 0x%08x\n", status);
+	    status = fpga_io_status(FPGA_CMD_ACK(EL_UIRQ_READY));
+	    if ((status & ~0xfce) == 0x9030 && fpga_online()) {
+		fpga_state = FPGA_ONLINE;
+	    }
-	    if ((status & 0x000fc010) == 0x00008000) {
-			     &head, sizeof head);
+	    break;
-		if (head.magic == DRAM_IO_MAGIC && head.hlen >= sizeof head) {
-		    printf("[FPGA] Ready, board = %u.%u fixes %02x fpga %u\n",
-			   head.board.major, head.board.minor,
-			   head.board.fixes, head.board.fpga);
+	    notifiers = notify_wait_for(NOTIFY_FPGA|NOTIFY_DISABLE);
-		    char signature_string[head.signature_len+1];
-		    fpga_io_read(0, (size_t)head.signature,
-				 signature_string, head.signature_len);
-		    signature_string[head.signature_len] = '\0';
+	    if (notifiers & NOTIFY_DISABLE) {
+		fpga_offline();
+		break;
+	    }
-		    fpga_io_write(0, (size_t)head.signature + 9, "GUBBAR", 6);
+	    while (!digitalRead(PIN_FPGA_INT)) {
+		status = fpga_io_status(0);
-		    printf("[FPGA] \"%s\"\n", signature_string);
-		    ok = true;
+		if ((status & ~0xfce) != 0x9010) {
+		    fpga_offline();
+		    fputs("[FPGA] FPGA offline\n", stdout);
+		    fpga_state = FPGA_OFFLINE;
+		    break;
-	    } else {
-		printf("[FPGA] None or invalid FPGA response, offline\n");
+		if (status & 0x40)
+		    esplink_poll();
+		if (status & 0x80) {
+		    fputs("[FPGA] invalid upstream interrupt 3\n", stdout);
+		    fpga_io_status(FPGA_CMD_ACK(3));
+		}	    
+	    break;
+	}
+	if (notifiers & NOTIFY_DISABLE) {
+	    fputs("[FPGA] FPGA services disabled\n", stdout);
+	    fpga_link_disable();
+	    fpga_state = FPGA_DISABLED;

+ 1 - 1

@@ -332,7 +332,7 @@ int firmware_update(read_func_t read_data, token_t token)
 	return Z_MEM_ERROR;
-    fpga_service_stop();
+    fpga_service_enable(false);
     spz->read_data = read_data;
     spz->token = token;

+ 2 - 2

@@ -313,8 +313,8 @@ static esp_err_t httpd_update_done(httpd_req_t *req, const char *what, int err)
     if (!response)
 	len = 0;
-    esp_err_t rv = httpd_send_plain(req, err ? 400 : 200, response, len,
+    esp_err_t rv = httpd_send_plain(req, err ? 422 : 200, response, len,
     if (response)

+ 2 - 1

@@ -68,9 +68,10 @@ static void init_hw()
 void setup() {
     printf("[START] MAX80 firmware compiled on " __DATE__ " " __TIME__ "\n");
+    fpga_service_init();
+    fpga_service_enable(true);
-    fpga_service_start();
     led_set(LED_BLUE, LED_ON);	// Software ready

+ 60 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+#define MODULE "xalloc"
+#include "compiler.h"
+#include "xmalloc.h"
+#include "common.h"
+#include <assert.h>
+no_return __noinline alloc_panic(void)
+    assert(!"FATAL: OUT OF MEMORY!!!");
+    while (1)
+	suspend();
+void *xrealloc(void *ptr, size_t len)
+    return null_check(realloc(ptr, Min(len,1)));
+void *xmalloc(size_t len)
+    return null_check(malloc(Min(len,1)));
+void *xmalloc_dma(size_t len)
+    return null_check(heap_caps_malloc(Min(len,1), MALLOC_CAP_DMA));
+void *xzalloc(size_t len)
+    return null_check(calloc(Min(len,1), 1));
+static inline size_t nsize(size_t nmemb, size_t size)
+    size2_t len = nmemb * size;
+    if (unlikely(len >> CHAR_BIT*sizeof(size_t)))
+	alloc_panic();
+    return (size_t)len;
+void *xnmalloc(size_t nmemb, size_t size)
+    return xmalloc(nsize(nmemb, size));
+void *xcalloc(size_t nmemb, size_t size)
+    return xzalloc(nsize(nmemb, size));
+void *xnrealloc(void *ptr, size_t nmemb, size_t size)
+    return xrealloc(ptr, nsize(nmemb, size));

+ 28 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "compiler.h"
+#include <stdlib.h>
+extern_c no_return __noinline alloc_panic(void);
+#define null_check(x) ({			\
+    __typeof__(x) __x = (x);			\
+    if (unlikely(!__x))				\
+	alloc_panic();				\
+    __x;					\
+extern_c void * __safe_alloc(1)   __malloc_func xmalloc(size_t);
+extern_c void * __safe_alloc(1)   __malloc_func xmalloc_dma(size_t);
+extern_c void * __safe_alloc(1)   __malloc_func xzalloc(size_t);
+extern_c void * __safe_alloc(1,2) __malloc_func xncalloc(size_t, size_t);
+extern_c void * __safe_alloc(1,2) __malloc_func xcalloc(size_t, size_t);
+extern_c void * __safe_alloc(2)   xrealloc(void *, size_t);
+extern_c void * __safe_alloc(2,3) xnrealloc(void *, size_t, size_t);
+#define xnew(x)		((x) = xzalloc(sizeof(*(x))))
+#define xnnew(x,n)	((x) = xcalloc((n),sizeof(*(x))))
+static inline void xfree(void *p)
+    if (p)
+	free(p);


+ 1 - 0

@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+<style id="LANG">[lang]:not([lang='en']){ display:none; }</style>
 <div class="title">
   <svg class="logo" width="315" height="100" viewBox="0 0 315 100">
     <mask id="mask">

+ 1 - 0

@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+#LANG=[lang]:not([lang='sv']) { display: none; }
 .logo2=Peter &amp; Per
 button .show=Visa
 button .hide=Göm

+ 11 - 6

@@ -2,7 +2,11 @@
     font-family: "Prisma";
     src: url(Prisma-MAX.woff2);
+@font-face {
+    font-family: "Charm";
+    font-weight: 700;
+    src: url(Charm-Bold-PoP.woff2);
 body {
     background: #e6c185;
     font-family: "arial", "sans-serif";
@@ -21,13 +25,14 @@ div.title svg {
     vertical-align: middle;
 div.title .logo2 {
+    flex: 1;
     display: inline;
     vertical-align: middle;
-    text-align: center;
-    margin: 2em;
-    font-weight: bold;
-    font-style: italic;
-    font-size: 25px;
+    text-align: right;
+    margin: 1em 4em;
+    font-weight: 700;
+    font-size: 50px;
+    font-family: "Charm","Brush Script MT","cursive";
 nav {
     display: flex;

+ 6 - 14

@@ -26,6 +26,8 @@ function fetchconfig(url) {
+function boolcfg(str) { return str && !str.match(/^(0*|[fnd].*|of.*)$/i); }
 // Initialize a form from a map
 function initform(form,map) {
     var button = null;
@@ -38,13 +40,9 @@ function initform(form,map) {
 	    !field.classList.contains("noload")) {
 	    const val = map.get( || '';
 	    if (field.type == 'checkbox') {
-		const checked = !val.match(/^(0*|[fn].*|of.*)$/i);
-		field.checked = checked;
-		field.value = '1';
+		field.checked = !boolcfg(val);
 	    } else if (field.type == 'radio') {
 		field.checked = (val ==;
-	    } else if (field.type == 'hidden' &&
-		       field.classList.contains('_clr')) {
 	    } else {
 		field.value = val;
@@ -55,15 +53,6 @@ function initform(form,map) {
-    for (const what of clearers.keys()) {
-	var clearer = document.createElement('INPUT');
-	clearer.type = 'hidden';
- = what;
-	clearer.value = '0';
-	clearer.classList.add('_clr');
-	form.prepend(clearer);
-    }
     if (button) {
 	button.disabled = false; // All loaded, enable the submit button
@@ -139,6 +128,9 @@ function uploadfile(event) {
+// POST upload of a form as key=value pairs, *including* transmitting
+// unchecked checkboxes as name=0.
 // Enable a button (this ensures that the necessary scripts have been
 // run before one can submit)
 function enablebutton(id,on) {

+ 2024 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,2024 @@
+-- ***********************************************************************************
+-- *                                  IMPORTANT NOTICE                               *
+-- ***********************************************************************************
+-- Your use of Intel Corporation's design tools, logic functions and
+-- other software and tools, and any partner logic functions, and
+-- any output files from any of the foregoing (including device
+-- programming or simulation files), and any associated documentation or information
+-- are expressly subject to the terms and conditions of the
+-- Intel Program License Subscription Agreement, the Intel Quartus Prime License
+-- Agreement,the Intel FPGA IP License Agreement, or other applicable licenseagreement,
+-- including, without limitation, that your use is forthe sole purpose
+-- of programming logic devices manufactured byIntel and sold by Intel
+-- or its authorized distributors.  Pleaserefer to the applicable agreement
+-- for further details, at
+-- You must run the Boundary Scan test in post-configuration mode if
+-- any of the following pins are connected to any termination resistor:
+-- L8, A15, N5, R12, D11, B7, D14.
+--                    **Testing After Configuration**
+--  This file supports boundary scan testing (BST) before device
+--  configuration.  After configuration, you should use the 
+--  Quartus Prime tool to create a post-configuration BSDL file.
+-- ***********************************************************************************
+-- *                            ENTITY DEFINITION WITH PORTS                         *
+-- ***********************************************************************************
+entity EP4CE15F17 is
+generic (PHYSICAL_PIN_MAP : string := "FBGA256");
+port (
+--I/O Pins
+	IOB1      , IOC2      , IOC1      , IOF3      , IOD2      , IOD1      ,
+	IOG5      , IOF2      , IOF1      , IOG2      , IOG1      , IOH2      ,
+	IOJ2      , IOJ1      , IOK6      , IOL6      , IOL3      , IOK1      ,
+	IOL2      , IOL1      , IOK2      , ION2      , ION1      , IOK5      ,
+	IOL4      , IOR1      , IOP2      , IOP1      , ION3      , IOP3      ,
+	IOR3      , IOT3      , IOT2      , IOR4      , IOT4      , ION5      ,
+	ION6      , IOM6      , IOP6      , IOM7      , IOR5      , IOT5      ,
+	IOR6      , IOT6      , IOL7      , IOR7      , IOT7      , IOL8      ,
+	IOM8      , ION8      , IOP8      , IOK9      , IOL9      , IOM9      ,
+	ION9      , IOR10     , IOT10     , IOR11     , IOT11     , IOR12     ,
+	IOT12     , IOK10     , IOL10     , IOP9      , ION12     , IOR13     ,
+	IOT13     , IOM10     , ION11     , IOT14     , IOT15     , IOP11     ,
+	IOP14     , IOR14     , IOL11     , IOM11     , IOK12     , ION14     ,
+	IOP15     , IOP16     , IOR16     , ION16     , ION15     , IOL14     ,
+	IOL13     , IOL16     , IOL15     , IOK16     , IOK15     , IOJ16     ,
+	IOJ15     , IOJ14     , IOJ12     , IOJ13     , IOG16     , IOG15     ,
+	IOF13     , IOF16     , IOF15     , IOB16     , IOF14     , IOD16     ,
+	IOD15     , IOG11     , IOC16     , IOC15     , IOC14     , IOD14     ,
+	IOD11     , IOD12     , IOC11     , IOB13     , IOA14     , IOB14     ,
+	IOE11     , IOE10     , IOA12     , IOB12     , IOA11     , IOB11     ,
+	IOA13     , IOA15     , IOF9      , IOA10     , IOB10     , IOC9      ,
+	IOD9      , IOE9      , IOC8      , IOD8      , IOE8      , IOF8      ,
+	IOA7      , IOB7      , IOC6      , IOA6      , IOB6      , IOE7      ,
+	IOE6      , IOA5      , IOB5      , IOD6      , IOA4      , IOB4      ,
+	IOA2      , IOD5      , IOA3      , IOB3      , IOC3      , IOD3      : inout bit;
+--DEVICE_FAMILY Family-Specific Pins
+	CLK1      , CLK2      , CLK3      , CLK15     , CLK14     , CLK13     ,
+	CLK12     , CLK7      , CLK6      , CLK5      , CLK4      , MSEL0     ,
+	MSEL1     , MSEL2     , CLK8      , CLK9      , CLK10     , CLK11     : in bit;
+	nSTATUS   , DCLK      , nCONFIG   , nCE       , CONF_DONE : linkage bit; 
+--JTAG Ports
+	TDI       , TCK       , TMS       : in bit; 
+	TDO       : out bit; 
+--Power Pins
+	VCC	: linkage bit_vector (1 to 40);
+--Ground Pins
+	GND	: linkage bit_vector (1 to 39)
+use STD_1149_1_1994.all;
+entity is "STD_1149_1_1993";
+-- ***********************************************************************************
+-- *                                    PIN MAPPING                                  *
+-- ***********************************************************************************
+attribute PIN_MAP of EP4CE15F17 : entity is PHYSICAL_PIN_MAP;
+constant FBGA256 : PIN_MAP_STRING :=
+--I/O Pins
+	"IOB1      : B1   , IOC2      : C2   , IOC1      : C1   , IOF3      : F3   , "&
+	"IOD2      : D2   , IOD1      : D1   , IOG5      : G5   , IOF2      : F2   , "&
+	"IOF1      : F1   , IOG2      : G2   , IOG1      : G1   , IOH2      : H2   , "&
+	"IOJ2      : J2   , IOJ1      : J1   , IOK6      : K6   , IOL6      : L6   , "&
+	"IOL3      : L3   , IOK1      : K1   , IOL2      : L2   , IOL1      : L1   , "&
+	"IOK2      : K2   , ION2      : N2   , ION1      : N1   , IOK5      : K5   , "&
+	"IOL4      : L4   , IOR1      : R1   , IOP2      : P2   , IOP1      : P1   , "&
+	"ION3      : N3   , IOP3      : P3   , IOR3      : R3   , IOT3      : T3   , "&
+	"IOT2      : T2   , IOR4      : R4   , IOT4      : T4   , ION5      : N5   , "&
+	"ION6      : N6   , IOM6      : M6   , IOP6      : P6   , IOM7      : M7   , "&
+	"IOR5      : R5   , IOT5      : T5   , IOR6      : R6   , IOT6      : T6   , "&
+	"IOL7      : L7   , IOR7      : R7   , IOT7      : T7   , IOL8      : L8   , "&
+	"IOM8      : M8   , ION8      : N8   , IOP8      : P8   , IOK9      : K9   , "&
+	"IOL9      : L9   , IOM9      : M9   , ION9      : N9   , IOR10     : R10  , "&
+	"IOT10     : T10  , IOR11     : R11  , IOT11     : T11  , IOR12     : R12  , "&
+	"IOT12     : T12  , IOK10     : K10  , IOL10     : L10  , IOP9      : P9   , "&
+	"ION12     : N12  , IOR13     : R13  , IOT13     : T13  , IOM10     : M10  , "&
+	"ION11     : N11  , IOT14     : T14  , IOT15     : T15  , IOP11     : P11  , "&
+	"IOP14     : P14  , IOR14     : R14  , IOL11     : L11  , IOM11     : M11  , "&
+	"IOK12     : K12  , ION14     : N14  , IOP15     : P15  , IOP16     : P16  , "&
+	"IOR16     : R16  , ION16     : N16  , ION15     : N15  , IOL14     : L14  , "&
+	"IOL13     : L13  , IOL16     : L16  , IOL15     : L15  , IOK16     : K16  , "&
+	"IOK15     : K15  , IOJ16     : J16  , IOJ15     : J15  , IOJ14     : J14  , "&
+	"IOJ12     : J12  , IOJ13     : J13  , IOG16     : G16  , IOG15     : G15  , "&
+	"IOF13     : F13  , IOF16     : F16  , IOF15     : F15  , IOB16     : B16  , "&
+	"IOF14     : F14  , IOD16     : D16  , IOD15     : D15  , IOG11     : G11  , "&
+	"IOC16     : C16  , IOC15     : C15  , IOC14     : C14  , IOD14     : D14  , "&
+	"IOD11     : D11  , IOD12     : D12  , IOC11     : C11  , IOB13     : B13  , "&
+	"IOA14     : A14  , IOB14     : B14  , IOE11     : E11  , IOE10     : E10  , "&
+	"IOA12     : A12  , IOB12     : B12  , IOA11     : A11  , IOB11     : B11  , "&
+	"IOA13     : A13  , IOA15     : A15  , IOF9      : F9   , IOA10     : A10  , "&
+	"IOB10     : B10  , IOC9      : C9   , IOD9      : D9   , IOE9      : E9   , "&
+	"IOC8      : C8   , IOD8      : D8   , IOE8      : E8   , IOF8      : F8   , "&
+	"IOA7      : A7   , IOB7      : B7   , IOC6      : C6   , IOA6      : A6   , "&
+	"IOB6      : B6   , IOE7      : E7   , IOE6      : E6   , IOA5      : A5   , "&
+	"IOB5      : B5   , IOD6      : D6   , IOA4      : A4   , IOB4      : B4   , "&
+	"IOA2      : A2   , IOD5      : D5   , IOA3      : A3   , IOB3      : B3   , "&
+	"IOC3      : C3   , IOD3      : D3   ,  "&
+--Cyclone IV E Family-Specific Pins
+	"nSTATUS   : F4   , DCLK      : H1   , nCONFIG   : H5   , "&
+	"nCE       : J3   , CLK1      : E1   , CLK2      : M2   , "&
+	"CLK3      : M1   , CLK15     : R8   , CLK14     : T8   , "&
+	"CLK13     : R9   , CLK12     : T9   , CLK7      : M16  , "&
+	"CLK6      : M15  , CLK5      : E16  , CLK4      : E15  , "&
+	"CONF_DONE : H14  , MSEL0     : H13  , MSEL1     : H12  , "&
+	"MSEL2     : G12  , CLK8      : A9   , CLK9      : B9   , "&
+	"CLK10     : A8   , CLK11     : B8   ,  "&
+--JTAG ports
+	"TDI       : H4   , TCK       : H3   , TMS       : J5   , TDO       : J4   , "&
+--Power Pins
+	"VCC    : (D4   , F5   , L5   , N4   , N13  , L12  , F12  , "&
+	"D13  , F7   , F11  , G6   , G7   , G8   , G9   , "&
+	"G10  , H6   , H11  , J6   , K7   , K11  , E3   , "&
+	"G3   , K3   , M3   , P4   , P7   , T1   , P10  , "&
+	"P13  , T16  , K14  , M14  , E14  , G14  , A16  , "&
+	"C10  , C13  , A1   , C4   , C7   ),  "&
+--GROUND Pins
+	"GND    : (E5   , M5   , M12  , E12  , H7   , H8   , H9   , "&
+	"H10  , J7   , J8   , J9   , J10  , F6   , F10  , "&
+	"J11  , K8   , B2   , B15  , C5   , C12  , D7   , "&
+	"D10  , E4   , E13  , G4   , G13  , K4   , K13  , "&
+	"M4   , M13  , N7   , N10  , P5   , P12  , R2   , "&
+	"R15  , E2   , H16  , H15  )  ";
+-- ***********************************************************************************
+-- *                              IEEE 1149.1 TAP PORTS                              *
+-- ***********************************************************************************
+attribute TAP_SCAN_IN of TDI     : signal is true;
+attribute TAP_SCAN_MODE of TMS   : signal is true;
+attribute TAP_SCAN_OUT of TDO    : signal is true;
+attribute TAP_SCAN_CLOCK of TCK  : signal is (10.00e6,BOTH);
+-- ***********************************************************************************
+-- *                          INSTRUCTIONS AND REGISTER ACCESS                       *
+-- ***********************************************************************************
+attribute INSTRUCTION_LENGTH of EP4CE15F17 : entity is 10;
+attribute INSTRUCTION_OPCODE of EP4CE15F17 : entity is
+"BYPASS            (1111111111), "&
+"EXTEST            (0000001111), "&
+"SAMPLE            (0000000101), "&
+"IDCODE            (0000000110), "&
+"USERCODE          (0000000111), "&
+"CLAMP             (0000001010), "&
+"HIGHZ             (0000001011), "&
+"ACTIVE_ENGAGE     (1010110000), "&
+"ACTIVE_DISENGAGE  (1011010000), "&
+"PRIVATE           (1000010000, 1001000000, 1011100000), "&
+"CONFIG_IO         (0000001101)";
+attribute INSTRUCTION_CAPTURE of EP4CE15F17 : entity is "0101010101";
+attribute INSTRUCTION_PRIVATE of EP4CE15F17 : entity is 
+attribute IDCODE_REGISTER of EP4CE15F17 : entity is
+"0000"&               --4-bit Version
+"0010000011110010"&   --16-bit Part Number (hex 20F2)
+"00001101110"&        --11-bit Manufacturer's Identity
+"1";                  --Mandatory LSB
+attribute USERCODE_REGISTER of EP4CE15F17 : entity is
+"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX";  --All 32 bits are programmable
+attribute REGISTER_ACCESS of EP4CE15F17 : entity is
+"DEVICE_ID        (IDCODE),"&
+"IOCSR[14714]      (CONFIG_IO)";
+-- ***********************************************************************************
+-- *                           BOUNDARY SCAN CELL INFORMATION                        *
+-- ***********************************************************************************
+attribute BOUNDARY_LENGTH of EP4CE15F17 : entity is 1080;
+attribute BOUNDARY_REGISTER of EP4CE15F17 : entity is
+  --BSC group 0 for I/O pin D3
+  "0     (BC_1, IOD3, input, X)," &
+  "1     (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "2     (BC_1, IOD3, output3, X, 1, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 1 for I/O pin C3
+  "3     (BC_1, IOC3, input, X)," &
+  "4     (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "5     (BC_1, IOC3, output3, X, 4, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 2 for unused pad
+  "6     (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "7     (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "8     (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 3 for unused pad
+  "9     (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "10    (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "11    (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 4 for I/O pin B3
+  "12    (BC_1, IOB3, input, X)," &
+  "13    (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "14    (BC_1, IOB3, output3, X, 13, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 5 for I/O pin A3
+  "15    (BC_1, IOA3, input, X)," &
+  "16    (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "17    (BC_1, IOA3, output3, X, 16, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 6 for I/O pin D5
+  "18    (BC_1, IOD5, input, X)," &
+  "19    (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "20    (BC_1, IOD5, output3, X, 19, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 7 for I/O pin A2
+  "21    (BC_1, IOA2, input, X)," &
+  "22    (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "23    (BC_1, IOA2, output3, X, 22, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 8 for I/O pin B4
+  "24    (BC_1, IOB4, input, X)," &
+  "25    (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "26    (BC_1, IOB4, output3, X, 25, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 9 for I/O pin A4
+  "27    (BC_1, IOA4, input, X)," &
+  "28    (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "29    (BC_1, IOA4, output3, X, 28, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 10 for unused pad
+  "30    (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "31    (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "32    (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 11 for I/O pin D6
+  "33    (BC_1, IOD6, input, X)," &
+  "34    (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "35    (BC_1, IOD6, output3, X, 34, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 12 for I/O pin B5
+  "36    (BC_1, IOB5, input, X)," &
+  "37    (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "38    (BC_1, IOB5, output3, X, 37, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 13 for unused pad
+  "39    (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "40    (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "41    (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 14 for I/O pin A5
+  "42    (BC_1, IOA5, input, X)," &
+  "43    (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "44    (BC_1, IOA5, output3, X, 43, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 15 for I/O pin E6
+  "45    (BC_1, IOE6, input, X)," &
+  "46    (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "47    (BC_1, IOE6, output3, X, 46, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 16 for unused pad
+  "48    (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "49    (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "50    (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 17 for unused pad
+  "51    (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "52    (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "53    (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 18 for I/O pin E7
+  "54    (BC_1, IOE7, input, X)," &
+  "55    (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "56    (BC_1, IOE7, output3, X, 55, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 19 for unused pad
+  "57    (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "58    (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "59    (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 20 for unused pad
+  "60    (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "61    (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "62    (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 21 for unused pad
+  "63    (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "64    (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "65    (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 22 for unused pad
+  "66    (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "67    (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "68    (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 23 for I/O pin B6
+  "69    (BC_1, IOB6, input, X)," &
+  "70    (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "71    (BC_1, IOB6, output3, X, 70, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 24 for I/O pin A6
+  "72    (BC_1, IOA6, input, X)," &
+  "73    (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "74    (BC_1, IOA6, output3, X, 73, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 25 for I/O pin C6
+  "75    (BC_1, IOC6, input, X)," &
+  "76    (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "77    (BC_1, IOC6, output3, X, 76, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 26 for unused pad
+  "78    (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "79    (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "80    (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 27 for unused pad
+  "81    (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "82    (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "83    (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 28 for I/O pin B7
+  "84    (BC_1, IOB7, input, X)," &
+  "85    (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "86    (BC_1, IOB7, output3, X, 85, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 29 for I/O pin A7
+  "87    (BC_1, IOA7, input, X)," &
+  "88    (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "89    (BC_1, IOA7, output3, X, 88, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 30 for I/O pin F8
+  "90    (BC_1, IOF8, input, X)," &
+  "91    (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "92    (BC_1, IOF8, output3, X, 91, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 31 for I/O pin E8
+  "93    (BC_1, IOE8, input, X)," &
+  "94    (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "95    (BC_1, IOE8, output3, X, 94, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 32 for unused pad
+  "96    (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "97    (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "98    (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 33 for I/O pin D8
+  "99    (BC_1, IOD8, input, X)," &
+  "100   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "101   (BC_1, IOD8, output3, X, 100, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 34 for I/O pin C8
+  "102   (BC_1, IOC8, input, X)," &
+  "103   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "104   (BC_1, IOC8, output3, X, 103, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 35 for unused pad
+  "105   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "106   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "107   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 36 for unused pad
+  "108   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "109   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "110   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 37 for unused pad
+  "111   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "112   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "113   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 38 for unused pad
+  "114   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "115   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "116   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 39 for unused pad
+  "117   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "118   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "119   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 40 for unused pad
+  "120   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "121   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "122   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 41 for Family-specific input pin B8
+  "123   (BC_4, CLK11, input, X)," &
+  "124   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "125   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 42 for Family-specific input pin A8
+  "126   (BC_4, CLK10, input, X)," &
+  "127   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "128   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 43 for Family-specific input pin B9
+  "129   (BC_4, CLK9, input, X)," &
+  "130   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "131   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 44 for Family-specific input pin A9
+  "132   (BC_4, CLK8, input, X)," &
+  "133   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "134   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 45 for unused pad
+  "135   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "136   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "137   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 46 for unused pad
+  "138   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "139   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "140   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 47 for unused pad
+  "141   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "142   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "143   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 48 for I/O pin E9
+  "144   (BC_1, IOE9, input, X)," &
+  "145   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "146   (BC_1, IOE9, output3, X, 145, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 49 for unused pad
+  "147   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "148   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "149   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 50 for unused pad
+  "150   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "151   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "152   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 51 for unused pad
+  "153   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "154   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "155   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 52 for unused pad
+  "156   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "157   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "158   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 53 for I/O pin D9
+  "159   (BC_1, IOD9, input, X)," &
+  "160   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "161   (BC_1, IOD9, output3, X, 160, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 54 for I/O pin C9
+  "162   (BC_1, IOC9, input, X)," &
+  "163   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "164   (BC_1, IOC9, output3, X, 163, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 55 for I/O pin B10
+  "165   (BC_1, IOB10, input, X)," &
+  "166   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "167   (BC_1, IOB10, output3, X, 166, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 56 for I/O pin A10
+  "168   (BC_1, IOA10, input, X)," &
+  "169   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "170   (BC_1, IOA10, output3, X, 169, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 57 for I/O pin F9
+  "171   (BC_1, IOF9, input, X)," &
+  "172   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "173   (BC_1, IOF9, output3, X, 172, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 58 for unused pad
+  "174   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "175   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "176   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 59 for unused pad
+  "177   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "178   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "179   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 60 for unused pad
+  "180   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "181   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "182   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 61 for unused pad
+  "183   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "184   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "185   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 62 for I/O pin A15
+  "186   (BC_1, IOA15, input, X)," &
+  "187   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "188   (BC_1, IOA15, output3, X, 187, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 63 for I/O pin A13
+  "189   (BC_1, IOA13, input, X)," &
+  "190   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "191   (BC_1, IOA13, output3, X, 190, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 64 for unused pad
+  "192   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "193   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "194   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 65 for unused pad
+  "195   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "196   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "197   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 66 for I/O pin B11
+  "198   (BC_1, IOB11, input, X)," &
+  "199   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "200   (BC_1, IOB11, output3, X, 199, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 67 for I/O pin A11
+  "201   (BC_1, IOA11, input, X)," &
+  "202   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "203   (BC_1, IOA11, output3, X, 202, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 68 for unused pad
+  "204   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "205   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "206   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 69 for unused pad
+  "207   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "208   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "209   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 70 for I/O pin B12
+  "210   (BC_1, IOB12, input, X)," &
+  "211   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "212   (BC_1, IOB12, output3, X, 211, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 71 for I/O pin A12
+  "213   (BC_1, IOA12, input, X)," &
+  "214   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "215   (BC_1, IOA12, output3, X, 214, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 72 for unused pad
+  "216   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "217   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "218   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 73 for I/O pin E10
+  "219   (BC_1, IOE10, input, X)," &
+  "220   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "221   (BC_1, IOE10, output3, X, 220, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 74 for I/O pin E11
+  "222   (BC_1, IOE11, input, X)," &
+  "223   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "224   (BC_1, IOE11, output3, X, 223, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 75 for unused pad
+  "225   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "226   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "227   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 76 for unused pad
+  "228   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "229   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "230   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 77 for unused pad
+  "231   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "232   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "233   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 78 for I/O pin B14
+  "234   (BC_1, IOB14, input, X)," &
+  "235   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "236   (BC_1, IOB14, output3, X, 235, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 79 for I/O pin A14
+  "237   (BC_1, IOA14, input, X)," &
+  "238   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "239   (BC_1, IOA14, output3, X, 238, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 80 for unused pad
+  "240   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "241   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "242   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 81 for I/O pin B13
+  "243   (BC_1, IOB13, input, X)," &
+  "244   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "245   (BC_1, IOB13, output3, X, 244, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 82 for I/O pin C11
+  "246   (BC_1, IOC11, input, X)," &
+  "247   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "248   (BC_1, IOC11, output3, X, 247, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 83 for unused pad
+  "249   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "250   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "251   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 84 for I/O pin D12
+  "252   (BC_1, IOD12, input, X)," &
+  "253   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "254   (BC_1, IOD12, output3, X, 253, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 85 for I/O pin D11
+  "255   (BC_1, IOD11, input, X)," &
+  "256   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "257   (BC_1, IOD11, output3, X, 256, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 86 for unused pad
+  "258   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "259   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "260   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 87 for unused pad
+  "261   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "262   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "263   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 88 for I/O pin D14
+  "264   (BC_1, IOD14, input, X)," &
+  "265   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "266   (BC_1, IOD14, output3, X, 265, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 89 for I/O pin C14
+  "267   (BC_1, IOC14, input, X)," &
+  "268   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "269   (BC_1, IOC14, output3, X, 268, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 90 for unused pad
+  "270   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "271   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "272   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 91 for unused pad
+  "273   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "274   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "275   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 92 for I/O pin C15
+  "276   (BC_1, IOC15, input, X)," &
+  "277   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "278   (BC_1, IOC15, output3, X, 277, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 93 for I/O pin C16
+  "279   (BC_1, IOC16, input, X)," &
+  "280   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "281   (BC_1, IOC16, output3, X, 280, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 94 for I/O pin G11
+  "282   (BC_1, IOG11, input, X)," &
+  "283   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "284   (BC_1, IOG11, output3, X, 283, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 95 for unused pad
+  "285   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "286   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "287   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 96 for unused pad
+  "288   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "289   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "290   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 97 for unused pad
+  "291   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "292   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "293   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 98 for unused pad
+  "294   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "295   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "296   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 99 for unused pad
+  "297   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "298   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "299   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 100 for unused pad
+  "300   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "301   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "302   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 101 for unused pad
+  "303   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "304   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "305   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 102 for I/O pin D15
+  "306   (BC_1, IOD15, input, X)," &
+  "307   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "308   (BC_1, IOD15, output3, X, 307, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 103 for I/O pin D16
+  "309   (BC_1, IOD16, input, X)," &
+  "310   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "311   (BC_1, IOD16, output3, X, 310, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 104 for unused pad
+  "312   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "313   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "314   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 105 for unused pad
+  "315   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "316   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "317   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 106 for I/O pin F14
+  "318   (BC_1, IOF14, input, X)," &
+  "319   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "320   (BC_1, IOF14, output3, X, 319, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 107 for unused pad
+  "321   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "322   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "323   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 108 for unused pad
+  "324   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "325   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "326   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 109 for unused pad
+  "327   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "328   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "329   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 110 for unused pad
+  "330   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "331   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "332   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 111 for unused pad
+  "333   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "334   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "335   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 112 for unused pad
+  "336   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "337   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "338   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 113 for unused pad
+  "339   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "340   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "341   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 114 for unused pad
+  "342   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "343   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "344   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 115 for unused pad
+  "345   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "346   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "347   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 116 for unused pad
+  "348   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "349   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "350   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 117 for unused pad
+  "351   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "352   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "353   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 118 for unused pad
+  "354   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "355   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "356   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 119 for unused pad
+  "357   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "358   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "359   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 120 for unused pad
+  "360   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "361   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "362   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 121 for unused pad
+  "363   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "364   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "365   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 122 for I/O pin B16
+  "366   (BC_1, IOB16, input, X)," &
+  "367   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "368   (BC_1, IOB16, output3, X, 367, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 123 for I/O pin F15
+  "369   (BC_1, IOF15, input, X)," &
+  "370   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "371   (BC_1, IOF15, output3, X, 370, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 124 for I/O pin F16
+  "372   (BC_1, IOF16, input, X)," &
+  "373   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "374   (BC_1, IOF16, output3, X, 373, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 125 for unused pad
+  "375   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "376   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "377   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 126 for I/O pin F13
+  "378   (BC_1, IOF13, input, X)," &
+  "379   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "380   (BC_1, IOF13, output3, X, 379, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 127 for unused pad
+  "381   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "382   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "383   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 128 for I/O pin G15
+  "384   (BC_1, IOG15, input, X)," &
+  "385   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "386   (BC_1, IOG15, output3, X, 385, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 129 for I/O pin G16
+  "387   (BC_1, IOG16, input, X)," &
+  "388   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "389   (BC_1, IOG16, output3, X, 388, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 130 for unused pad
+  "390   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "391   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "392   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 131 for unused pad
+  "393   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "394   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "395   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 132 for untestable Family-specific pin
+  "396   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "397   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "398   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 133 for Family-specific input pin G12
+  "399   (BC_4, MSEL2, input, X)," &
+  "400   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "401   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 134 for Family-specific input pin H12
+  "402   (BC_4, MSEL1, input, X)," &
+  "403   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "404   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 135 for Family-specific input pin H13
+  "405   (BC_4, MSEL0, input, X)," &
+  "406   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "407   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 136 for untestable Family-specific pin
+  "408   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "409   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "410   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 137 for Family-specific input pin E15
+  "411   (BC_4, CLK4, input, X)," &
+  "412   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "413   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 138 for Family-specific input pin E16
+  "414   (BC_4, CLK5, input, X)," &
+  "415   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "416   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 139 for Family-specific input pin M15
+  "417   (BC_4, CLK6, input, X)," &
+  "418   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "419   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 140 for Family-specific input pin M16
+  "420   (BC_4, CLK7, input, X)," &
+  "421   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "422   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 141 for I/O pin J13
+  "423   (BC_1, IOJ13, input, X)," &
+  "424   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "425   (BC_1, IOJ13, output3, X, 424, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 142 for I/O pin J12
+  "426   (BC_1, IOJ12, input, X)," &
+  "427   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "428   (BC_1, IOJ12, output3, X, 427, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 143 for I/O pin J14
+  "429   (BC_1, IOJ14, input, X)," &
+  "430   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "431   (BC_1, IOJ14, output3, X, 430, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 144 for unused pad
+  "432   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "433   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "434   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 145 for unused pad
+  "435   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "436   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "437   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 146 for I/O pin J15
+  "438   (BC_1, IOJ15, input, X)," &
+  "439   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "440   (BC_1, IOJ15, output3, X, 439, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 147 for I/O pin J16
+  "441   (BC_1, IOJ16, input, X)," &
+  "442   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "443   (BC_1, IOJ16, output3, X, 442, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 148 for I/O pin K15
+  "444   (BC_1, IOK15, input, X)," &
+  "445   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "446   (BC_1, IOK15, output3, X, 445, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 149 for I/O pin K16
+  "447   (BC_1, IOK16, input, X)," &
+  "448   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "449   (BC_1, IOK16, output3, X, 448, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 150 for unused pad
+  "450   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "451   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "452   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 151 for unused pad
+  "453   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "454   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "455   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 152 for unused pad
+  "456   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "457   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "458   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 153 for unused pad
+  "459   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "460   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "461   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 154 for unused pad
+  "462   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "463   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "464   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 155 for I/O pin L15
+  "465   (BC_1, IOL15, input, X)," &
+  "466   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "467   (BC_1, IOL15, output3, X, 466, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 156 for unused pad
+  "468   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "469   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "470   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 157 for unused pad
+  "471   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "472   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "473   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 158 for unused pad
+  "474   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "475   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "476   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 159 for I/O pin L16
+  "477   (BC_1, IOL16, input, X)," &
+  "478   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "479   (BC_1, IOL16, output3, X, 478, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 160 for I/O pin L13
+  "480   (BC_1, IOL13, input, X)," &
+  "481   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "482   (BC_1, IOL13, output3, X, 481, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 161 for unused pad
+  "483   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "484   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "485   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 162 for unused pad
+  "486   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "487   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "488   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 163 for unused pad
+  "489   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "490   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "491   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 164 for unused pad
+  "492   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "493   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "494   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 165 for unused pad
+  "495   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "496   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "497   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 166 for unused pad
+  "498   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "499   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "500   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 167 for unused pad
+  "501   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "502   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "503   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 168 for unused pad
+  "504   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "505   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "506   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 169 for I/O pin L14
+  "507   (BC_1, IOL14, input, X)," &
+  "508   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "509   (BC_1, IOL14, output3, X, 508, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 170 for unused pad
+  "510   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "511   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "512   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 171 for unused pad
+  "513   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "514   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "515   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 172 for I/O pin N15
+  "516   (BC_1, ION15, input, X)," &
+  "517   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "518   (BC_1, ION15, output3, X, 517, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 173 for I/O pin N16
+  "519   (BC_1, ION16, input, X)," &
+  "520   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "521   (BC_1, ION16, output3, X, 520, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 174 for unused pad
+  "522   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "523   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "524   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 175 for unused pad
+  "525   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "526   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "527   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 176 for unused pad
+  "528   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "529   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "530   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 177 for unused pad
+  "531   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "532   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "533   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 178 for unused pad
+  "534   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "535   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "536   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 179 for I/O pin R16
+  "537   (BC_1, IOR16, input, X)," &
+  "538   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "539   (BC_1, IOR16, output3, X, 538, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 180 for I/O pin P16
+  "540   (BC_1, IOP16, input, X)," &
+  "541   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "542   (BC_1, IOP16, output3, X, 541, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 181 for I/O pin P15
+  "543   (BC_1, IOP15, input, X)," &
+  "544   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "545   (BC_1, IOP15, output3, X, 544, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 182 for I/O pin N14
+  "546   (BC_1, ION14, input, X)," &
+  "547   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "548   (BC_1, ION14, output3, X, 547, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 183 for unused pad
+  "549   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "550   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "551   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 184 for I/O pin K12
+  "552   (BC_1, IOK12, input, X)," &
+  "553   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "554   (BC_1, IOK12, output3, X, 553, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 185 for unused pad
+  "555   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "556   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "557   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 186 for unused pad
+  "558   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "559   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "560   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 187 for unused pad
+  "561   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "562   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "563   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 188 for unused pad
+  "564   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "565   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "566   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 189 for I/O pin M11
+  "567   (BC_1, IOM11, input, X)," &
+  "568   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "569   (BC_1, IOM11, output3, X, 568, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 190 for I/O pin L11
+  "570   (BC_1, IOL11, input, X)," &
+  "571   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "572   (BC_1, IOL11, output3, X, 571, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 191 for I/O pin R14
+  "573   (BC_1, IOR14, input, X)," &
+  "574   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "575   (BC_1, IOR14, output3, X, 574, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 192 for I/O pin P14
+  "576   (BC_1, IOP14, input, X)," &
+  "577   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "578   (BC_1, IOP14, output3, X, 577, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 193 for unused pad
+  "579   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "580   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "581   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 194 for unused pad
+  "582   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "583   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "584   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 195 for I/O pin P11
+  "585   (BC_1, IOP11, input, X)," &
+  "586   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "587   (BC_1, IOP11, output3, X, 586, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 196 for I/O pin T15
+  "588   (BC_1, IOT15, input, X)," &
+  "589   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "590   (BC_1, IOT15, output3, X, 589, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 197 for I/O pin T14
+  "591   (BC_1, IOT14, input, X)," &
+  "592   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "593   (BC_1, IOT14, output3, X, 592, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 198 for I/O pin N11
+  "594   (BC_1, ION11, input, X)," &
+  "595   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "596   (BC_1, ION11, output3, X, 595, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 199 for I/O pin M10
+  "597   (BC_1, IOM10, input, X)," &
+  "598   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "599   (BC_1, IOM10, output3, X, 598, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 200 for unused pad
+  "600   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "601   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "602   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 201 for unused pad
+  "603   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "604   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "605   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 202 for unused pad
+  "606   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "607   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "608   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 203 for unused pad
+  "609   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "610   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "611   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 204 for unused pad
+  "612   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "613   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "614   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 205 for unused pad
+  "615   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "616   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "617   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 206 for I/O pin T13
+  "618   (BC_1, IOT13, input, X)," &
+  "619   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "620   (BC_1, IOT13, output3, X, 619, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 207 for I/O pin R13
+  "621   (BC_1, IOR13, input, X)," &
+  "622   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "623   (BC_1, IOR13, output3, X, 622, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 208 for I/O pin N12
+  "624   (BC_1, ION12, input, X)," &
+  "625   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "626   (BC_1, ION12, output3, X, 625, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 209 for I/O pin P9
+  "627   (BC_1, IOP9, input, X)," &
+  "628   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "629   (BC_1, IOP9, output3, X, 628, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 210 for I/O pin L10
+  "630   (BC_1, IOL10, input, X)," &
+  "631   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "632   (BC_1, IOL10, output3, X, 631, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 211 for unused pad
+  "633   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "634   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "635   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 212 for unused pad
+  "636   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "637   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "638   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 213 for I/O pin K10
+  "639   (BC_1, IOK10, input, X)," &
+  "640   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "641   (BC_1, IOK10, output3, X, 640, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 214 for I/O pin T12
+  "642   (BC_1, IOT12, input, X)," &
+  "643   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "644   (BC_1, IOT12, output3, X, 643, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 215 for unused pad
+  "645   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "646   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "647   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 216 for I/O pin R12
+  "648   (BC_1, IOR12, input, X)," &
+  "649   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "650   (BC_1, IOR12, output3, X, 649, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 217 for I/O pin T11
+  "651   (BC_1, IOT11, input, X)," &
+  "652   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "653   (BC_1, IOT11, output3, X, 652, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 218 for I/O pin R11
+  "654   (BC_1, IOR11, input, X)," &
+  "655   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "656   (BC_1, IOR11, output3, X, 655, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 219 for I/O pin T10
+  "657   (BC_1, IOT10, input, X)," &
+  "658   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "659   (BC_1, IOT10, output3, X, 658, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 220 for I/O pin R10
+  "660   (BC_1, IOR10, input, X)," &
+  "661   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "662   (BC_1, IOR10, output3, X, 661, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 221 for unused pad
+  "663   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "664   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "665   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 222 for I/O pin N9
+  "666   (BC_1, ION9, input, X)," &
+  "667   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "668   (BC_1, ION9, output3, X, 667, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 223 for I/O pin M9
+  "669   (BC_1, IOM9, input, X)," &
+  "670   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "671   (BC_1, IOM9, output3, X, 670, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 224 for I/O pin L9
+  "672   (BC_1, IOL9, input, X)," &
+  "673   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "674   (BC_1, IOL9, output3, X, 673, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 225 for I/O pin K9
+  "675   (BC_1, IOK9, input, X)," &
+  "676   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "677   (BC_1, IOK9, output3, X, 676, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 226 for Family-specific input pin T9
+  "678   (BC_4, CLK12, input, X)," &
+  "679   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "680   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 227 for Family-specific input pin R9
+  "681   (BC_4, CLK13, input, X)," &
+  "682   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "683   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 228 for Family-specific input pin T8
+  "684   (BC_4, CLK14, input, X)," &
+  "685   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "686   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 229 for Family-specific input pin R8
+  "687   (BC_4, CLK15, input, X)," &
+  "688   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "689   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 230 for I/O pin P8
+  "690   (BC_1, IOP8, input, X)," &
+  "691   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "692   (BC_1, IOP8, output3, X, 691, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 231 for I/O pin N8
+  "693   (BC_1, ION8, input, X)," &
+  "694   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "695   (BC_1, ION8, output3, X, 694, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 232 for I/O pin M8
+  "696   (BC_1, IOM8, input, X)," &
+  "697   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "698   (BC_1, IOM8, output3, X, 697, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 233 for unused pad
+  "699   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "700   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "701   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 234 for unused pad
+  "702   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "703   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "704   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 235 for I/O pin L8
+  "705   (BC_1, IOL8, input, X)," &
+  "706   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "707   (BC_1, IOL8, output3, X, 706, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 236 for I/O pin T7
+  "708   (BC_1, IOT7, input, X)," &
+  "709   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "710   (BC_1, IOT7, output3, X, 709, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 237 for I/O pin R7
+  "711   (BC_1, IOR7, input, X)," &
+  "712   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "713   (BC_1, IOR7, output3, X, 712, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 238 for I/O pin L7
+  "714   (BC_1, IOL7, input, X)," &
+  "715   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "716   (BC_1, IOL7, output3, X, 715, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 239 for I/O pin T6
+  "717   (BC_1, IOT6, input, X)," &
+  "718   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "719   (BC_1, IOT6, output3, X, 718, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 240 for I/O pin R6
+  "720   (BC_1, IOR6, input, X)," &
+  "721   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "722   (BC_1, IOR6, output3, X, 721, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 241 for I/O pin T5
+  "723   (BC_1, IOT5, input, X)," &
+  "724   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "725   (BC_1, IOT5, output3, X, 724, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 242 for I/O pin R5
+  "726   (BC_1, IOR5, input, X)," &
+  "727   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "728   (BC_1, IOR5, output3, X, 727, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 243 for I/O pin M7
+  "729   (BC_1, IOM7, input, X)," &
+  "730   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "731   (BC_1, IOM7, output3, X, 730, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 244 for I/O pin P6
+  "732   (BC_1, IOP6, input, X)," &
+  "733   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "734   (BC_1, IOP6, output3, X, 733, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 245 for unused pad
+  "735   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "736   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "737   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 246 for unused pad
+  "738   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "739   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "740   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 247 for unused pad
+  "741   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "742   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "743   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 248 for unused pad
+  "744   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "745   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "746   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 249 for unused pad
+  "747   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "748   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "749   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 250 for unused pad
+  "750   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "751   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "752   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 251 for unused pad
+  "753   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "754   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "755   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 252 for unused pad
+  "756   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "757   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "758   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 253 for unused pad
+  "759   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "760   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "761   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 254 for unused pad
+  "762   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "763   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "764   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 255 for unused pad
+  "765   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "766   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "767   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 256 for unused pad
+  "768   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "769   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "770   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 257 for I/O pin M6
+  "771   (BC_1, IOM6, input, X)," &
+  "772   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "773   (BC_1, IOM6, output3, X, 772, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 258 for I/O pin N6
+  "774   (BC_1, ION6, input, X)," &
+  "775   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "776   (BC_1, ION6, output3, X, 775, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 259 for I/O pin N5
+  "777   (BC_1, ION5, input, X)," &
+  "778   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "779   (BC_1, ION5, output3, X, 778, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 260 for I/O pin T4
+  "780   (BC_1, IOT4, input, X)," &
+  "781   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "782   (BC_1, IOT4, output3, X, 781, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 261 for I/O pin R4
+  "783   (BC_1, IOR4, input, X)," &
+  "784   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "785   (BC_1, IOR4, output3, X, 784, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 262 for I/O pin T2
+  "786   (BC_1, IOT2, input, X)," &
+  "787   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "788   (BC_1, IOT2, output3, X, 787, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 263 for unused pad
+  "789   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "790   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "791   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 264 for unused pad
+  "792   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "793   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "794   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 265 for unused pad
+  "795   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "796   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "797   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 266 for unused pad
+  "798   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "799   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "800   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 267 for I/O pin T3
+  "801   (BC_1, IOT3, input, X)," &
+  "802   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "803   (BC_1, IOT3, output3, X, 802, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 268 for I/O pin R3
+  "804   (BC_1, IOR3, input, X)," &
+  "805   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "806   (BC_1, IOR3, output3, X, 805, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 269 for unused pad
+  "807   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "808   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "809   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 270 for I/O pin P3
+  "810   (BC_1, IOP3, input, X)," &
+  "811   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "812   (BC_1, IOP3, output3, X, 811, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 271 for I/O pin N3
+  "813   (BC_1, ION3, input, X)," &
+  "814   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "815   (BC_1, ION3, output3, X, 814, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 272 for unused pad
+  "816   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "817   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "818   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 273 for unused pad
+  "819   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "820   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "821   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 274 for unused pad
+  "822   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "823   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "824   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 275 for unused pad
+  "825   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "826   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "827   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 276 for unused pad
+  "828   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "829   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "830   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 277 for unused pad
+  "831   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "832   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "833   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 278 for unused pad
+  "834   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "835   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "836   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 279 for unused pad
+  "837   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "838   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "839   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 280 for I/O pin P1
+  "840   (BC_1, IOP1, input, X)," &
+  "841   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "842   (BC_1, IOP1, output3, X, 841, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 281 for I/O pin P2
+  "843   (BC_1, IOP2, input, X)," &
+  "844   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "845   (BC_1, IOP2, output3, X, 844, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 282 for I/O pin R1
+  "846   (BC_1, IOR1, input, X)," &
+  "847   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "848   (BC_1, IOR1, output3, X, 847, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 283 for unused pad
+  "849   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "850   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "851   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 284 for unused pad
+  "852   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "853   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "854   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 285 for I/O pin L4
+  "855   (BC_1, IOL4, input, X)," &
+  "856   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "857   (BC_1, IOL4, output3, X, 856, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 286 for I/O pin K5
+  "858   (BC_1, IOK5, input, X)," &
+  "859   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "860   (BC_1, IOK5, output3, X, 859, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 287 for I/O pin N1
+  "861   (BC_1, ION1, input, X)," &
+  "862   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "863   (BC_1, ION1, output3, X, 862, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 288 for I/O pin N2
+  "864   (BC_1, ION2, input, X)," &
+  "865   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "866   (BC_1, ION2, output3, X, 865, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 289 for unused pad
+  "867   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "868   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "869   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 290 for unused pad
+  "870   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "871   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "872   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 291 for I/O pin K2
+  "873   (BC_1, IOK2, input, X)," &
+  "874   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "875   (BC_1, IOK2, output3, X, 874, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 292 for unused pad
+  "876   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "877   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "878   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 293 for unused pad
+  "879   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "880   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "881   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 294 for unused pad
+  "882   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "883   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "884   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 295 for unused pad
+  "885   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "886   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "887   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 296 for unused pad
+  "888   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "889   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "890   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 297 for unused pad
+  "891   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "892   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "893   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 298 for unused pad
+  "894   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "895   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "896   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 299 for unused pad
+  "897   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "898   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "899   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 300 for unused pad
+  "900   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "901   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "902   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 301 for unused pad
+  "903   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "904   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "905   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 302 for unused pad
+  "906   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "907   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "908   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 303 for unused pad
+  "909   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "910   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "911   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 304 for unused pad
+  "912   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "913   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "914   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 305 for I/O pin L1
+  "915   (BC_1, IOL1, input, X)," &
+  "916   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "917   (BC_1, IOL1, output3, X, 916, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 306 for I/O pin L2
+  "918   (BC_1, IOL2, input, X)," &
+  "919   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "920   (BC_1, IOL2, output3, X, 919, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 307 for unused pad
+  "921   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "922   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "923   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 308 for I/O pin K1
+  "924   (BC_1, IOK1, input, X)," &
+  "925   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "926   (BC_1, IOK1, output3, X, 925, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 309 for unused pad
+  "927   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "928   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "929   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 310 for unused pad
+  "930   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "931   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "932   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 311 for unused pad
+  "933   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "934   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "935   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 312 for I/O pin L3
+  "936   (BC_1, IOL3, input, X)," &
+  "937   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "938   (BC_1, IOL3, output3, X, 937, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 313 for unused pad
+  "939   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "940   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "941   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 314 for I/O pin L6
+  "942   (BC_1, IOL6, input, X)," &
+  "943   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "944   (BC_1, IOL6, output3, X, 943, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 315 for I/O pin K6
+  "945   (BC_1, IOK6, input, X)," &
+  "946   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "947   (BC_1, IOK6, output3, X, 946, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 316 for unused pad
+  "948   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "949   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "950   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 317 for unused pad
+  "951   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "952   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "953   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 318 for I/O pin J1
+  "954   (BC_1, IOJ1, input, X)," &
+  "955   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "956   (BC_1, IOJ1, output3, X, 955, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 319 for I/O pin J2
+  "957   (BC_1, IOJ2, input, X)," &
+  "958   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "959   (BC_1, IOJ2, output3, X, 958, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 320 for unused pad
+  "960   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "961   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "962   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 321 for unused pad
+  "963   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "964   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "965   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 322 for Family-specific input pin M1
+  "966   (BC_4, CLK3, input, X)," &
+  "967   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "968   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 323 for Family-specific input pin M2
+  "969   (BC_4, CLK2, input, X)," &
+  "970   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "971   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 324 for Family-specific input pin E1
+  "972   (BC_4, CLK1, input, X)," &
+  "973   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "974   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 325 for untestable Family-specific pin
+  "975   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "976   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "977   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 326 for untestable Family-specific pin
+  "978   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "979   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "980   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 327 for untestable Family-specific pin
+  "981   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "982   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "983   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 328 for I/O pin H2
+  "984   (BC_1, IOH2, input, X)," &
+  "985   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "986   (BC_1, IOH2, output3, X, 985, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 329 for untestable Family-specific pin
+  "987   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "988   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "989   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 330 for unused pad
+  "990   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "991   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "992   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 331 for unused pad
+  "993   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "994   (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "995   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 332 for I/O pin G1
+  "996   (BC_1, IOG1, input, X)," &
+  "997   (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "998   (BC_1, IOG1, output3, X, 997, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 333 for unused pad
+  "999   (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "1000  (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "1001  (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 334 for unused pad
+  "1002  (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "1003  (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "1004  (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 335 for I/O pin G2
+  "1005  (BC_1, IOG2, input, X)," &
+  "1006  (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "1007  (BC_1, IOG2, output3, X, 1006, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 336 for I/O pin F1
+  "1008  (BC_1, IOF1, input, X)," &
+  "1009  (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "1010  (BC_1, IOF1, output3, X, 1009, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 337 for I/O pin F2
+  "1011  (BC_1, IOF2, input, X)," &
+  "1012  (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "1013  (BC_1, IOF2, output3, X, 1012, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 338 for I/O pin G5
+  "1014  (BC_1, IOG5, input, X)," &
+  "1015  (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "1016  (BC_1, IOG5, output3, X, 1015, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 339 for unused pad
+  "1017  (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "1018  (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "1019  (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 340 for untestable Family-specific pin
+  "1020  (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "1021  (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "1022  (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 341 for unused pad
+  "1023  (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "1024  (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "1025  (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 342 for unused pad
+  "1026  (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "1027  (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "1028  (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 343 for unused pad
+  "1029  (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "1030  (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "1031  (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 344 for unused pad
+  "1032  (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "1033  (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "1034  (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 345 for I/O pin D1
+  "1035  (BC_1, IOD1, input, X)," &
+  "1036  (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "1037  (BC_1, IOD1, output3, X, 1036, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 346 for I/O pin D2
+  "1038  (BC_1, IOD2, input, X)," &
+  "1039  (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "1040  (BC_1, IOD2, output3, X, 1039, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 347 for unused pad
+  "1041  (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "1042  (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "1043  (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 348 for unused pad
+  "1044  (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "1045  (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "1046  (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 349 for I/O pin F3
+  "1047  (BC_1, IOF3, input, X)," &
+  "1048  (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "1049  (BC_1, IOF3, output3, X, 1048, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 350 for I/O pin C1
+  "1050  (BC_1, IOC1, input, X)," &
+  "1051  (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "1052  (BC_1, IOC1, output3, X, 1051, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 351 for I/O pin C2
+  "1053  (BC_1, IOC2, input, X)," &
+  "1054  (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "1055  (BC_1, IOC2, output3, X, 1054, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 352 for unused pad
+  "1056  (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "1057  (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "1058  (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 353 for I/O pin B1
+  "1059  (BC_1, IOB1, input, X)," &
+  "1060  (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
+  "1061  (BC_1, IOB1, output3, X, 1060, 1, Z)," &
+  --BSC group 354 for unused pad
+  "1062  (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "1063  (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "1064  (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 355 for unused pad
+  "1065  (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "1066  (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "1067  (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 356 for unused pad
+  "1068  (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "1069  (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "1070  (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 357 for unused pad
+  "1071  (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "1072  (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "1073  (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 358 for unused pad
+  "1074  (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "1075  (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "1076  (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  --BSC group 359 for unused pad
+  "1077  (BC_4, *, internal, X)," &
+  "1078  (BC_4, *, internal, 1)," &
+  "1079  (BC_4, *, internal, X)" ;
+-- ***********************************************************************************
+-- *                                   DESIGN WARNING                                *
+-- ***********************************************************************************
+attribute DESIGN_WARNING of EP4CE15F17 : entity is
+"This EP4CE15F17 BSDL file supports 1149.1 testing before device"&
+"configuration.  Boundary scan testing with differential pin"&
+"pairs after configuration requires changes to this file.  Please"&
+"read the comments at the top of the file for further instruction."&
+"The following private instructions must not be used as they"&
+"may render the device inoperable:"&
+" "&
+"  1000010000  "&
+"  1001000000  "& 
+"  1011100000  "&
+" "&
+"Customer should take precautions not to invoke these instructions"& 
+"at any time. Contact Intel Applications for further assistance.";
+end EP4CE15F17;

+ 75 - 49

@@ -20,13 +20,20 @@
 // contains dummy/status data:
 // Bit [31:16] = adjusted memory address
-// Bit [15:14] = 2'b10
-// Bit [13: 8] = 0 reserved
-// Bit [ 7: 5] = upstream interrupt status
-// Bit      4  = 0 reserved
-// Bit [ 3: 1] = downstream interrupt status
+// Bit [15:12] = 4'b1001
+// Bit [11: 8] = 0 reserved
+// Bit [ 7: 5] = upstream interrupts pending
+// Bit      4  = downstream writes enabled
+// Bit [ 3: 1] = downstream interrupts pending
 // Bit      0  = underrun error
+// The following CPU registers are defined:
+// 0	       = status bits [3:0] (downstream)
+// 1	       = write-1-clear of status bits [3:0]
+// 2           = status bits [7:4] (upstream)
+// 3           = write-1-set of status bits [7:4]
 module esp #(
 	     parameter        dram_bits = 25,
 	     parameter [31:0] dram_base = 32'h40000000
@@ -42,7 +49,7 @@ module esp #(
 		output [31:0] cpu_rdata,
 		output reg    irq,
-			      dram_bus.dstr dram,
+		dram_bus.dstr dram,
 		output reg    esp_int,
 		input 	      spi_clk,
@@ -86,24 +93,28 @@ module esp #(
    typedef enum logic [1:0] {
+	st_dead,		// Do nothing until CS# deasserted
 	st_cmd,			// Reading command
 	st_addr,		// Reading address
 	st_io			// I/O (including read dummy bits)
    } state_t;
    state_t    spi_state;
    reg [ 4:0] spi_cmd;
    reg [31:0] spi_shr;
    reg [ 3:0] spi_ctr;
    reg [ 3:0] cpu_irq;
-   reg [ 3:1] cpu_set_irq;	// CPU IRQs to set once idle
+   reg [ 3:0] cpu_set_irq;	// CPU IRQs to set once idle
+   reg        cpu_send_irq;	// Ready to set CPU IRQs
    reg [ 3:1] spi_irq;
    reg [ 3:1] latched_spi_irq;	// SPI IRQ as of transition start
    reg [ 1:0] spi_out;
    reg 	      spi_oe;
    reg [ 2:0] spi_wbe;		// Partial word write byte enables
    reg [23:0] spi_wdata;	// Partial word write data
+   reg 	      spi_wr_en;	// SPI writes enabled by CPU
+   reg 	      spi_mem_en;	// Read, or write enabled at start of trans
    assign spi_io = spi_oe ? spi_out : 2'bzz;
@@ -116,18 +127,21 @@ module esp #(
    always @(negedge rst_n or posedge sdram_clk)
      if (~rst_n)
-	  spi_state <= st_cmd;
-	  spi_cmd   <= 'b0;
-	  spi_ctr   <= 4'd3;	// 8 bits needed for this state
-	  cpu_irq   <= 'b0;
-	  cpu_set_irq <= 'b0;
-	  spi_irq   <= 'b0;
+	  spi_state       <= st_dead;
+	  spi_cmd         <= 'b0;
+	  spi_ctr         <= 4'd3;	// 8 bits needed for this state
+	  cpu_irq         <= 'b0;
+	  cpu_set_irq     <= 'b0;
+	  cpu_send_irq    <= 1'b0;
+	  spi_irq         <= 'b0;
 	  latched_spi_irq <= 'b0;
-	  spi_oe    <= 1'b0;
-	  spi_wbe   <= 3'b0;
-	  mem_addr  <= 'b0;
-	  mem_wstrb <= 4'b0;
-	  mem_valid <= 1'b0;
+	  spi_oe          <= 1'b0;
+	  spi_wbe         <= 3'b0;
+	  mem_addr        <= 'b0;
+	  mem_wstrb       <= 4'b0;
+	  mem_valid       <= 1'b0;
+	  spi_wr_en       <= 1'b0;
+	  spi_mem_en      <= 1'b0;
@@ -135,16 +149,20 @@ module esp #(
 	  if (spi_cs_n_q)
-	       spi_state  <= st_cmd;
-	       spi_ctr    <= 4'd3;
-	       spi_oe     <= 1'b0;
-	       if (~mem_valid)
-		 begin
-		    cpu_irq <= cpu_irq | { cpu_set_irq, 1'b0 };
-		    cpu_set_irq <= 'b0;
-		 end
+	       spi_state    <= st_cmd;
+	       spi_ctr      <= 4'd3;
+	       spi_oe       <= 1'b0;
+	       cpu_send_irq <= |cpu_set_irq;
-	  else if (spi_clk_q == 2'b01)
+	  if (cpu_send_irq & ~mem_valid & ~|spi_wbe)
+	    begin
+	       cpu_irq      <= cpu_irq | cpu_set_irq;
+	       cpu_set_irq  <= 'b0;
+	       cpu_send_irq <= 1'b0;
+	    end
+	  if (~spi_cs_n_q && spi_clk_q == 2'b01)
 	       spi_ctr <= spi_ctr - 1'b1;
 	       spi_shr <= spi_indata;
@@ -169,8 +187,7 @@ module esp #(
 			spi_wdata[23:16] <= spi_indata[7:0];
 		 4'b0000: begin
-		       // Transfer data to/from memory controller, but
-		       // we have to shuffle endianness...
+		       // Load spi_shr, but account for endianness here...
 		       if (spi_state == st_io)
 			    // Memory output
@@ -182,20 +199,29 @@ module esp #(
 			    // Status output
-			    spi_shr[31:16]  <= mem_addr_out[31:16];
-			    spi_shr[15: 8]  <= 8'h80;
-			    spi_shr[ 7: 4]  <= { latched_spi_irq, 1'b0 };
-			    spi_shr[ 3: 0]  <= cpu_irq;
+			    spi_shr[31:28]  <= { latched_spi_irq, spi_wr_en };
+			    spi_shr[27:24]  <= cpu_irq;
+			    spi_shr[23:16]  <= 8'b1001_0000;
+			    spi_shr[15: 8]  <= mem_addr_out[23:16];
+			    spi_shr[ 7: 0]  <= mem_addr_out[31:24];
 			 end // else: !if(spi_state == st_io)
 		       if (mem_valid && spi_state != st_cmd)
-			 cpu_irq[0] <= 1'b1; // Overrun/underrun
+			 begin
+			    cpu_irq[0] <= 1'b1; // Overrun/underrun
+			    spi_wr_en  <= 1'b0; // Block further memory writes
+			    spi_mem_en <= ~mem_write;
+			 end
 		       case (spi_state)
+			 st_dead: begin
+			    // Do nothing
+			 end
 			 st_cmd: begin
 			    spi_cmd         <= spi_indata[5:0];
 			    spi_state       <= st_addr;
 			    latched_spi_irq <= spi_irq;
+			    spi_mem_en      <= ~mem_write | spi_wr_en;
 			    for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++)
 				 if (spi_indata[3:2] == i)
@@ -225,16 +251,17 @@ module esp #(
 				 mem_wstrb <= 4'b0000;
 			      end // else: !if(mem_write)
-			    mem_valid <= 1'b1;
+			    mem_valid <= spi_mem_en;
 			    spi_wbe   <= 3'b000;
 		    end // case: 4'b0000
-		 default:
-		   ;		// Nothing
+		 default: begin
+		    // Do nothing
+		 end
 	       endcase // case (spi_ctr)
 	    end // if (spi_clk_q == 2'b01)
-	  else if (spi_clk_q == 2'b10)
+	  else if (~spi_cs_n_q && spi_clk_q == 2'b10)
 	       spi_out <= spi_shr[31:30];
 	       spi_oe  <= (spi_state == st_io) & ~mem_write;
@@ -249,7 +276,7 @@ module esp #(
 	  if (spi_state != st_io & ~mem_valid & |spi_wbe)
 	       // Complete a partial write terminated by CS#
-	       mem_valid        <= 1'b1;
+	       mem_valid        <= spi_mem_en;
 	       mem_wstrb        <= { 1'b0, spi_wbe };
 	       mem_wdata[23:0]  <= spi_wdata[23:0];
 	       mem_wdata[31:24] <= 8'hxx;
@@ -260,17 +287,20 @@ module esp #(
 	  if (cpu_valid & ~cpu_valid_q & cpu_wstrb[0])
 	    case (cpu_addr[1:0])
-		cpu_irq <= cpu_wdata[3:0];
+		 cpu_irq <= cpu_wdata[3:0];
 		for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
 		  if (cpu_wdata[i])
-		    cpu_irq[i] <= 1'b0;
+		    cpu_irq[i] <= cpu_send_irq & cpu_set_irq[i];
-		spi_irq <= cpu_wdata[3:1];
-	      2'b11:
+		 { spi_irq, spi_wr_en } <= cpu_wdata[3:0];
+	      2'b11: begin
+		if (cpu_wdata[0])
+		  spi_wr_en <= 1'b1;
 		for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++)
 		  if (cpu_wdata[i])
 		    spi_irq[i] <= 1'b1;
+	      end
 	    endcase // case (cpu_addr[1:0])
        end // else: !if(~rst_n)
@@ -282,11 +312,7 @@ module esp #(
 	 cpu_rdata = { 28'b0, cpu_irq };
-	 cpu_rdata = { 28'b0, spi_irq, 1'b0 };
+	 cpu_rdata = { 28'b0, spi_irq, spi_wr_en };
      endcase // casez (cpu_addr[1:0])
 endmodule // esp

+ 3 - 3

@@ -19,15 +19,15 @@
 # Quartus Prime
 # Version 21.1.0 Build 842 10/21/2021 SJ Lite Edition
-# Date created = 01:22:16  May 03, 2022
+# Date created = 23:09:19  May 13, 2022
 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
-DATE = "01:22:16  May 03, 2022"
+DATE = "23:09:19  May 13, 2022"
 # Revisions

+ 1 - 0

@@ -225,6 +225,7 @@ set_global_assignment -name SYSTEMVERILOG_FILE
 set_global_assignment -name SYSTEMVERILOG_FILE
 set_global_assignment -name SYSTEMVERILOG_FILE
 set_global_assignment -name SYSTEMVERILOG_FILE
+set_global_assignment -name SYSTEMVERILOG_FILE
 set_global_assignment -name SYSTEMVERILOG_FILE
 set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE ip/ddio_out.v
 set_global_assignment -name TCL_SCRIPT_FILE scripts/post_quartus_asm.tcl


























+ 4 - 1

@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ SIZES	= 25 50 100 200
 IMGS	= max80.svg
 REDUCE	= -colors 4
-all:	Prisma-MAX.woff2
+all:	Prisma-MAX.woff2 Charm-Bold-PoP.woff2
 	for f in $(SIZES); do $(MAKE) SIZE=$$f imgs; done
 imgs:	$(patsubst %.svg,%-$(SIZE).png,$(IMGS))
@@ -16,6 +16,9 @@ Prisma-MAX.woff2: Prisma.otf
 	pyftsubset $< --output-file=$@ --text='MAX' \
 		--desubroutinize --flavor=woff2 --recalc-bounds
+Charm-Bold-PoP.woff2: Charm-Bold.ttf
+	pyftsubset $< --output-file=$@ --text='Peter & Per' \
+		--desubroutinize --flavor=woff2 --recalc-bounds
 	for f in $(patsubst %.svg,%,$(IMGS)); do rm -f "$$f"-*.png; done





+ 1 - 1

@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
 #ifndef CHECKSUM_H
 #define CHECKSUM_H
-#define SDRAM_SUM 0x36019fd3
+#define SDRAM_SUM 0x1b820774

+ 4 - 4

@@ -26,13 +26,13 @@ extern const size_t __rom_offset;
 extern const uint32_t __dram_checksum;
 extern const char __datestamp[];
-extern char __dram_io_start[],   __dram_io_end[];
+extern char __esplink_start[],   __esplink_end[];
 extern char __dram_init_start[], __dram_init_end[];
 extern char __dram_bss_start[],  __dram_bss_end[];
-struct dram_io_head;
-extern struct dram_io_head dram_io_head;
-extern uint32_t dram_io[];
+struct esplink_head;
+extern struct esplink_head esplink_head;
+extern uint32_t esplink[];
 extern no_return _die(void);
 extern no_return exit(int);

+ 2 - 2

@@ -96,8 +96,8 @@ typedef union xcptr {
 #define __string_hot	___section("","aMS")
 #define __sbss		___section("","aw",@nobits)
 #define __bss_hot	___section("","aw",@nobits)
-#define __dram_io_head	___section("","a",@nobits)
-#define __dram_io	___section("","a",@nobits)
+#define __esplink_head	___section(".dram.esplink.head","a",@nobits)
+#define __esplink	___section(".dram.esplink","a",@nobits)
 #define __dram_text	___section(".dram.text","ax")
 #define __dram_rodata	___section(".dram.rodata","a")
 #define __dram_string	___section(".dram.rodata.str","aMS")

+ 19 - 17

@@ -4,22 +4,23 @@
 #include "console.h"
 #include "esplink.h"
-struct dram_io_head __dram_io_head dram_io_head;
+struct esplink_head __esplink_head esplink_head;
-uint32_t __dram_io dram_io[(65536 - sizeof(struct dram_io_head)) >> 2];
+uint32_t __esplink esplink[(65536 - sizeof(struct esplink_head)) >> 2];
     uint32_t irqstatus = ESP_CPU_IRQ;
     ESP_CPU_IRQ_CLR = irqstatus;
-    if (irqstatus & (1 << RV_IRQ_UNDERRUN)) {
+    if (irqstatus & (1 << EL_DIRQ_UNDERRUN)) {
 	con_printf("[ESP] ESP link memory underrun!!\n");
+	ESP_SPI_IRQ = (0x10 << EL_UIRQ_READY); /* Block writes, reinitialize! */
-    if (irqstatus & (1 << RV_IRQ_HELLO)) {
+    if (irqstatus & (1 << EL_DIRQ_HELLO)) {
 	con_printf("[ESP] Got hello, sending ready...\n");
-	/* Hello, are you there? Yes, I'm here... */
+	/* Hello, are you there? Yes, I'm here, and you can write data now */
+	ESP_SPI_IRQ_SET = (0x10 << EL_UIRQ_READY)|(0x10 << EL_UIRQ_WREN);
@@ -27,17 +28,18 @@ void esp_init(void)
     static char __dram_data esp_signature[] = "Hej tomtebuggar slå i glasen!";
-    dram_io_head.magic         = 0;
-    dram_io_head.hlen          = sizeof dram_io_head;
-    dram_io_head.dptr          = dram_io;
-    dram_io_head.dlen          = sizeof dram_io;
-    dram_io_head.board.cfg     = SYS_BOARDCFG;
-    dram_io_head.signature     = esp_signature;
-    dram_io_head.signature_len = sizeof esp_signature - 1;
-    memset(&dram_io_head.resv, 0, sizeof dram_io_head.resv);
-    dram_io_head.magic         = DRAM_IO_MAGIC;
+    ESP_CPU_IRQ                = 0;
+    ESP_SPI_IRQ                = 0;
+    memset(&esplink_head, 0, sizeof esplink_head);
+    esplink_head.hlen          = sizeof esplink_head;
+    esplink_head.board.cfg     = SYS_BOARDCFG;
+    esplink_head.signature     = esp_signature;
+    esplink_head.signature_len = sizeof esp_signature - 1;
+    esplink_head.magic         = ESPLINK_HEAD_MAGIC;
+    ESP_SPI_IRQ                = (0x10 << EL_UIRQ_READY);

+ 2 - 2

@@ -59,8 +59,8 @@ __start:
 	addqxi gp,gp,0		// Set gp for interrupt code too
-	// Clear dram_io_head.magic as quickly as possible
-	la a0,__dram_io_start
+	// Clear esplink_head.magic as quickly as possible
+	la a0,__esplink_start
 	sw zero,(a0)
 	// Clear bss

+ 6 - 6

@@ -257,19 +257,19 @@ SECTIONS
 	/* Sections in SDRAM */
-	/* This really should be pointed by ... */
+	/* This really should be pointed by .dram.esplink.head ... */
 	.jtag_flash_buffer (NOLOAD) : {
 	} >DRAM
 	/* Always first in DRAM for remote DMA to find fixed addresses */
 	. = ALIGN(4096);
- (NOLOAD) : ALIGN(4096) {
-		__dram_io_start = .;
-		*(*);
+	.dram.esplink (NOLOAD) : ALIGN(4096) {
+		__esplink_start = .;
+		KEEP(*(SORT_NONE(.dram.esplink.head)));
+		*(.dram.esplink .dram.esplink.*);
 		. = ALIGN(16);
-		__dram_io_end = .;
+		__esplink_end = .;
 	} >DRAM
 	/* There is no dram init ... there can't be! */

+ 5 - 5

@@ -241,12 +241,12 @@ SECTIONS
 	__dram_start = .;
 	/* Always first in DRAM for remote DMA to find fixed addresses */
- (NOLOAD) : ALIGN(4096) {
-		__dram_io_start = .;
-		*(*);
+	.dram.esplink (NOLOAD) : ALIGN(4096) {
+		__esplink_start = .;
+		KEEP(*(SORT_NONE(.dram.esplink.head)));
+		*(.dram.esplink .dram.esplink.*);
 		. = ALIGN(16);
-		__dram_io_end = .;
+		__esplink_end = .;
 	} >DRAM
 	. = ALIGN(4096);	/* Align to a flash page */

+ 3 - 3

@@ -123,9 +123,9 @@ IRQHANDLER(romcopy,0)
     switch (romcopy_state++) {
     case 0:
-	/* Clear dram_io as quickly as possible */
-	len = __dram_io_end - __dram_io_start;
-	romcopy_bzero(__dram_io_start, len);
+	/* Clear esplink as quickly as possible */
+	len = __esplink_end - __esplink_start;
+	romcopy_bzero(__esplink_start, len);
     case 1: