Bläddra i källkod

esp32: replace esp32/max80/src/common with a symlink

Avoid the issue with stale sources under src/common; it really should
just be a link. Even Windows does symlinks these days...
H. Peter Anvin 1 år sedan

+ 6 - 8

@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ PERL	      = perl
 SKETCH	      = max80
 TARGET	      = output/$(SKETCH).ino.bin
-fromcommon   := $(patsubst ../common/%,$(SKETCH)/src/common/%,$(wildcard ../common/*.[ch]))
 GENFILES      =
 WWW	      = www
 PORT	     ?= /dev/ttyACM0
@@ -32,16 +31,15 @@ properties:
 	cd $(SKETCH) && \
 		$(ARDUINO_CLI) compile --show-properties $(ARDUINO_OPTS)
-$(TARGET): $(shell find $(SKETCH) -type f) $(GENFILES) $(fromcommon)
+common = $(SKETCH)/src/common
+$(TARGET): $(shell find $(SKETCH) -type f) $(GENFILES) $(common)
 	mkdir -p build output cache
 	cd $(SKETCH) && \
-	mkdir -p $(SKETCH)/src/common
-$(SKETCH)/src/common/%: ../common/% | common_dir
-	cp -f $< $@
+	cd $(@D) && ln -sf ../../../common .
 .PHONY: zip
 zip: zipexclude
@@ -64,7 +62,7 @@ upload: $(TARGET)
 	$(ARDUINO_CLI) upload -i $(TARGET) -p $(PORT) -b $(BOARD) $(SKETCH)
-	rm -rf build cache zip $(GENFILES) $(SKETCH)/src/common
+	rm -rf build cache zip $(GENFILES) $(common)
 spotless: clean
 	rm -rf output

+ 0 - 30

@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef BOARDINFO_H
-#define BOARDINFO_H
-#include "compiler.h"
-#define BOARDINFO_SIZE		4096
-#define BOARDINFO_MAGIC_1	0x6682df97
-#define BOARDINFO_MAGIC_2	0xe2a0d506
-#define IBLK_MAX_MAC_ADDR	8
-struct board_info {
-    uint32_t magic[2];
-    uint32_t len;
-    uint32_t crc;		/* 32-bit CRC calculated with crc = 0 */
-    char version_str[256];
-    uint8_t mac[IBLK_MAX_MAC_ADDR][6];
-union board_info_block {
-    struct board_info i;
-    uint8_t b[BOARDINFO_SIZE];
-extern_c struct board_info board_info;

+ 0 - 134

@@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef COMPILER_H
-#define COMPILER_H
-#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <inttypes.h>
-#include <limits.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <stdbool.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-# define extern_c extern "C"
-# define EXTERN_C(...) extern "C" { __VA_ARGS__ }
-# define extern_c extern
-# define EXTERN_C(...) __VA_ARGS__
-#define ARRAY_SIZE(x) (sizeof(x)/sizeof((x)[0]))
-#undef  likely
-#define likely(x)	__builtin_expect(!!(x), 1)
-#undef  unlikely
-#define unlikely(x)	__builtin_expect(!!(x), 0)
-/* Handy composite pointer types */
-typedef union xptr {
-    uint32_t *l;
-    uint16_t *w;
-    uint8_t  *b;
-    void     *v;
-    size_t    a;
-} xptr_t;
-typedef union xcptr {
-    const uint32_t *l;
-    const uint16_t *w;
-    const uint8_t  *b;
-    const void     *v;
-    size_t          a;
-} xcptr_t;
-/* Subword types */
-typedef union {
-    uint8_t  b[8];
-    uint16_t h[4];
-    uint32_t l[2];
-    uint64_t q;
-} qword_t;
-typedef union {
-    uint8_t  b[4];
-    uint16_t h[2];
-    uint32_t l;
-} lword_t;
-typedef union {
-    uint8_t  b[2];
-    uint16_t h;
-} hword_t;
-/* The container_of construct: if p is a pointer to member m of
-   container class c, then return a pointer to the container of which
-   *p is a member. */
-#ifndef container_of
-# define container_of(p, c, m) ((c *)((char *)(p) - offsetof(c,m)))
-#define offset_diff(c, m1, m2) ((ptrdiff_t)offsetof(c,m2) - \
-				(ptrdiff_t)offsetof(c,m1))
-/* Type-safeish comparison macros */
-#define Min(a,b) ({				\
-      __typeof__((a)*(b)) __a = (a);		\
-      __typeof__((a)*(b)) __b = (b);		\
-      (__a < __b) ? __a : __b;			\
-#define Max(a,b) ({				\
-  __typeof__((a)*(b)) __a = (a);		\
-  __typeof__((a)*(b)) __b = (b);		\
-  (__a > __b) ? __a : __b;			\
-# define SIZE_BITS 16
-typedef uint32_t size2_t;
-#elif SIZE_MAX == UINT32_MAX
-# define SIZE_BITS 32
-typedef uint64_t size2_t;
-#elif SIZE_MAX == UINT64_MAX
-# define SIZE_BITS 64
-typedef unsigned __int128 size2_t;
-# error "Unknown size_t"
-#define alignof(a) __alignof__(a)
-#define no_return void __attribute__((noreturn))
-#define ___section(s,a,...) __attribute__((__section__(s)))
-#define __hot			__attribute__((__hot__))
-#define __cold			__attribute__((__cold__))
-#define __aligned(x)		__attribute__((__aligned__(x)))
-#define __unused		__attribute__((__unused__))
-#define __must_inline		__attribute__((__always_inline__))
-#define __noinline		__attribute__ ((__noinline__))
-#define __constfunc		__attribute__((__const__))
-#define __purefunc		__attribute__((__pure__))
-#undef  __alloc_size
-#define __alloc_size(...)	__attribute__((__alloc_size__(__VA_ARGS__)))
-#define __malloc_func		__attribute__((__malloc__))
-#define __fmt_printf(fstr,farg)	__attribute__((__format__(__printf__,fstr,farg)))
-#define __nonnull_arg(...)	__attribute__((__nonnull__(__VA_ARGS__)))
-#define __no_return		void __attribute__((__noreturn__))
-#define __nonnull_ret		__attribute__((__returns_nonnull__))
-#define __packed		__attribute__((__packed__))
-#define __safe_alloc(...)	__nonnull_ret __alloc_size(__VA_ARGS__)
-#define __is_constant(expr)	__builtin_constant_p(expr)
-#ifndef __cplusplus
-# define atomic(x)		(*(volatile __typeof__(x) *)&(x))
-#else /* __ASSEMBLY__ */
-#define ___section(s,a,...)	.pushsection s, a, ## __VA_ARGS__
-#endif /* __ASSEMBLY__ */
-#endif /* COMPILER_H */

+ 0 - 129

@@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
- * Common header file for ESP ("upstream") and FPGA ("downstream")
- * sides of link. This MUST contain only data structures!
- */
-#ifndef ESPLINK_H
-#define ESPLINK_H 1
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdbool.h>
-#include <inttypes.h>
-#define ESPLINK_HDR_ADDR	((const uint32_t *)0x40000000)
- * Ring buffer descriptor structure; this should be setup time only
- * and is statically cached on the upstream side.
- */
-struct esplink_ringbuf_desc {
-    struct esplink_ringbuf {
-	void *start;
-	size_t size;		/* Power of 2 */
-    } dstr, ustr;
- * Upstream and downstream pointer blocks, with the pointers encoded as
- * offsets into the buffer.
- *
- * Note that the head and tail pointers are reversed between the two
- * directions to allow one to be copied to the other.
- */
-struct esplink_ptrs_ustr {
-    size_t head;
-    size_t tail;
-struct esplink_ptrs_dstr {
-    size_t tail;
-    size_t head;
-struct esplink_timesync {
-    struct esplink_timesync_buf {
-	uint16_t update;
-	uint16_t tick;
-	union {
-	    struct {
-		unsigned int sec2     : 5;
-		unsigned int min      : 6;
-		unsigned int hour     : 5;
-		unsigned int mday     : 5;
-		unsigned int mon      : 4;
-		unsigned int year     : 7;
-	    } tm;
-	    uint32_t td;
-	};
-    } get, set;
-struct esplink_ota {
-    const void *data;
-    uint32_t len;
-struct esplink_configbuf {
-    volatile void *buf;	       /* Buffer for configuration and data */
-    size_t buflen;	       /* Size of buffer */
-#define ESPLINK_HEAD_MAGIC	0x3648dec4
-struct esplink_head {
-    volatile uint32_t magic;
-    uint32_t          hlen;
-    struct {
-	union {
-	    uint32_t    cfg;
-	    struct {
-		uint8_t fixes;
-		uint8_t minor;
-		uint8_t major;
-		uint8_t fpga;
-	    };
-	};
-    } board;
-    volatile struct esplink_timesync *tsync;
-    volatile struct esplink_ota *ota;
-    struct esplink_configbuf cfg;
-    struct esplink_ringbuf_head {
-	uint32_t count;
-	struct esplink_ringbuf_desc *desc;
-	struct esplink_ptrs_dstr *dstr; /* Downstream (FPGA) side */
-	struct esplink_ptrs_ustr *ustr; /* Upstream (ESP32) side */
-    } rb;
-    char signature[MAX_SIGNATURE_LEN]; /* Human-readable signature string */
-    const void *board_info;	/* board_info structure pointer */
-#define EL_DIRQ_UNDERRUN	0	/* Local interrupt/status bit */
-#define EL_DIRQ_HELLO		1
-#define EL_DIRQ_RINGBUF		2
-#define EL_DIRQ_TIME		3
-#define EL_DIRQ_DONE		4	/* Some operation completed */
-#define EL_DIRQ_BOARDINFO	5	/* board_info structure updated */
-#define EL_DIRQ_CONFIG		6	/* config_buf updated */
-#define EL_UIRQ_WREN		0	/* Remote write enable bit, not IRQ */
-#define EL_UIRQ_READY		1
-#define EL_UIRQ_RINGBUF		2
-#define EL_UIRQ_TIME		3
-#define EL_UIRQ_OTA		4
- * Well known ring buffer indicies; must match for both sides.
- * Currently assuming one link in each direction; if only a unidirectional
- * link is needed, leave the descriptor for the unused direction blank.
- */
-enum esplink_ringbuf_user {
-#endif	/* ESPLINK_H */

+ 0 - 73

@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
- * Common firmware image format
- */
-#ifndef FWIMG_H
-#define FWIMG_H
-#include <inttypes.h>
- * Firmware chunk header.
- */
-#define FW_MAGIC_V1		0x7a07fbd6
-#define FW_MAGIC_V2		0xa924ed0b
-#define FW_HDR_LEN_V1		16
-#define FW_HDR_LEN_V2		32
-struct fw_header {
-    /* All versions */
-    uint32_t magic;		/* Magic number */
-    uint16_t type;		/* Content type */
-    uint16_t flags;		/* Content flags */
-    uint32_t len;		/* Content length (excluding header) */
-    uint32_t addr;		/* Address or similar */
-    /* v2 only */
-    uint32_t vmatch;		/* Flags to match */
-    uint32_t vmask;		/* Mask of flags to match */
-    uint16_t vmin;		/* Minimum version match */
-    uint16_t vmax;		/* Maximum version match */
-    uint32_t resv;		/* For future use */
-enum fw_data_type {
-    FDT_END,			/* End of stream */
-    FDT_DATA,			/* FPGA firmware ata to be flashed */
-    FDT_TARGET,			/* Subsystem string (must match) */
-    FDT_NOTE,			/* Version: XXXXX or similar */
-    FDT_ESP_OTA,		/* ESP32 OTA image */
-    FDT_FPGA_INIT,		/* FPGA bitstream for update */
-    FDT_ESP_PART,		/* ESP32 partition table */
-    FDT_ESP_SYS,		/* ESP32 boot loader, OTA control, etc */
-    FDT_ESP_TOOL,		/* options for serial flashing */
-    FDT_BOARDINFO		/* Board information flash address */
-enum fw_data_flags {
-    FDF_OPTIONAL     = 0x0001,	/* Ignore if chunk data type unknown */
-    FDF_PRETARGET    = 0x0002	/* Matching FDT_TARGET not required (yet) */
- * Additional error codes beyond those defined in zlib
- */
-#define FWUPDATE_ERR_BAD_CHUNK		(-11)
-#define FWUPDATE_ERR_NOT_READY		(-15)
-#define FWUPDATE_ERR_FPGA_JTAG          (-16)
-#define FWUPDATE_ERR_UNKNOWN            (-19)
-#define FWUPDATE_ERR_NOT_MINE		(-26)
-#endif /* FW_H */

+ 0 - 190

@@ -1,190 +0,0 @@
- * Compare project/version strings of the form:
- *
- * PROJECT v<num>.<num>...[ <flags>]
- *
- * Pattern is of the form:
- *
- * PROJECT[ v[<num>.<num>...][-[<num>.<num>...]] ][+-]flags...
- *
- * Chunks must be separated by exactly one space. Flags are A-Za-z0-9.
- * Any control character is treated as end of string.
- */
-#include "matchver.h"
-static int flag_val(char c)
-    if (c < '0')
-	return -1;
-    else if (c <= '9')
-	return c-'0';
-    else if (c < 'A')
-	return -1;
-    else if (c <= 'Z')
-	return c-'A'+10;
-    else if (c < 'a')
-	return -1;
-    else if (c <= 'z')
-	return c-'a'+36;
-    else
-	return -1;
-static uint64_t flag_mask(char c)
-    int v = flag_val(c);
-    return (v < 0) ? 0 : UINT64_C(1) << v;
-static inline bool is_digit(char c)
-    return (unsigned int)(c - '0') < 10;
- * Compare numeric strings with components separated by dots, return the end
- * of each string.
- */
-static int compare_numbers(const char **ap, const char **bp,
-			   unsigned long bmissing)
-    bool adig, bdig;
-    unsigned long an, bn;
-    int result = 0;
-    const char *a = *ap, *b = *bp;
-    for (;;) {
-	adig = is_digit(*a);
-	bdig = is_digit(*b);
-	if (!adig && !bdig)
-	    break;
-	if (adig) {
-	    an = strtoul(a, (char **)&a, 10);
-	    if (*a == '.')
-		a++;
-	} else {
-	    an = 0;
-	}
-	if (bdig) {
-	    bn = strtoul(b, (char **)&b, 10);
-	    if (*b == '.')
-		b++;
-	} else {
-	    bn = bmissing;
-	}
-	/* If result is set, the answer is already known, just find the end */
-	if (!result) {
-	    result = (an < bn) ? -1 : (an > bn) ? 1 : 0;
-	}
-    }
-    *ap = a; *bp = b;
-    return result;
-static const char *parse_flags(const char *str, uint64_t *flags, uint64_t *mask)
-    uint64_t polarity = -1;
-    uint64_t f = 0, m = 0;
-    while (1) {
-	char c = *str++;
-	uint64_t bit;
-	if (c == '+') {
-	    polarity = -1;
-	} else if (c == '-') {
-	    polarity = 0;
-	} else {
-	    bit = flag_mask(c);
-	    if (!bit)
-		break;
-	    m |= bit;
-	    f = (f & ~bit) | (polarity & bit);
-	}
-    }
-    *flags = f; *mask = m;
-    return str;
-bool match_version(const char *version, const char *pattern)
-    char v, p;
-    const char *vstart, *pstart;
-    uint64_t vflags, pflags, pmask;
-    while (1) {
-	v = *version++;
-	p = *pattern++;
-	if (v <= ' ' && p <= ' ')
-	    break;
-	if (v != p)
-	    return false;
-    }
-    if (p < ' ')
-	return true;		/* Project-only pattern */
-    if (v != ' ' || *version++ != 'v')
-	return false;		/* Invalid/unparsable version string */
-    if (*pattern++ != 'v')
-	return false;		/* Invalid pattern */
-    vstart = version;
-    pstart = pattern;
-    if (compare_numbers(&version, &pattern, 0UL) < 0)
-	return false;
-    if (*pattern == '-')
-	pattern++;
-    else
-	pattern = pstart;
-    if (compare_numbers(&vstart, &pattern, -1UL) > 0)
-	return false;
-    v = *version++;
-    vflags = 0;
-    if (v == ' ') {
-	uint64_t dummy;
-	parse_flags(version, &vflags, &dummy);
-    } else if (v > ' ') {
-	return false;
-    }
-    p = *pattern++;
-    pflags = pmask = 0;
-    if (p == ' ') {
-	parse_flags(pattern, &pflags, &pmask);
-    } else if (p > ' ') {
-	return false;
-    }
-    return (vflags & pmask) == pflags;
-#ifdef COMMAND
-#include <stdio.h>
-int main(int argc, char *argv[])
-    if (argc != 3) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s version pattern\n", argv[0]);
-	return 127;
-    }
-    return !match_version(argv[1], argv[2]);

+ 0 - 10

@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef MATCHVER_H
-#define MATCHVER_H
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdbool.h>
-#include <inttypes.h>
-bool match_version(const char *version, const char *pattern);
-#endif /* MATCHVER_H */

+ 0 - 432

@@ -1,432 +0,0 @@
-#include "common.h"
-#include "sysvars.h"
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <time.h>
-bool sysvar_print_updates;
-#ifndef DEBUG
-# ifdef ON_FPGA
-#  define DEBUG 0
-# else
-#  define DEBUG sysvar_print_updates
-# endif
-static const char *sysvar_bool_tostr(sysvar_t from, char *buf)
-    buf[0] = '0' + from.v_bool;
-    buf[1] = '\0';
-    return buf;
-static bool sysvar_bool_fromstr(sysvar_t *to, const char *from)
-    char c = from[0] | 0x20;
-    switch (c) {
-    case '1':
-    case 't':
-    case 'y':
-    case 'j':
-    case 's':
-	to->v_bool = true;
-	return true;
-    case ' ':			/* Blank or null */
-    case '0':
-    case 'f':
-    case 'n':
-	to->v_bool = false;
-	return true;
-    default:
-	return false;
-    }
-const struct sysvar_ops sysvar_bool_ops = {
-    .tostr = sysvar_bool_tostr,
-    .fromstr = sysvar_bool_fromstr,
-    .buflen = BOOL_BUFLEN
-static const char *sysvar_int_tostr(sysvar_t from, char *buf)
-    snprintf(buf, INT_BUFLEN, "%ld", from.v_int);
-    return buf;
-static bool sysvar_int_fromstr(sysvar_t *to, const char *from)
-    char *ep;
-    long v = strtol(from, &ep, 0);
-    if (ep == from || *ep)
-	return false;
-    to->v_int = v;
-    return true;
-const struct sysvar_ops sysvar_int_ops = {
-    .tostr = sysvar_int_tostr,
-    .fromstr = sysvar_int_fromstr,
-    .buflen = INT_BUFLEN
-static const char *sysvar_uint_tostr(sysvar_t from, char *buf)
-    snprintf(buf, UINT_BUFLEN, "%lu", from.v_uint);
-    return buf;
-static bool sysvar_uint_fromstr(sysvar_t *to, const char *from)
-    char *ep;
-    unsigned long v = strtoul(from, &ep, 0);
-    if (ep == from || *ep)
-	return false;
-    to->v_uint = v;
-    return true;
-const struct sysvar_ops sysvar_uint_ops = {
-    .tostr = sysvar_uint_tostr,
-    .fromstr = sysvar_uint_fromstr,
-    .buflen = UINT_BUFLEN
-static const char *sysvar_str_tostr(sysvar_t from, char *buf)
-    (void)buf;
-    return from.v_str;
-static bool sysvar_str_fromstr(sysvar_t *to, const char *from)
-    char *ns;
-    if (!from) {
-	ns = NULL;
-    } else {
-	ns = strdup(from);
-	if (!ns)
-	    return false;
-    }
-    to->v_str = ns;
-    return true;
-static bool sysvar_str_set(sysvar_t *to, sysvar_t from)
-    return sysvar_str_fromstr(to, from.v_str);
-static size_t sysvar_str_datasize(sysvar_t val)
-    return (val.v_str ? strlen(val.v_str) : 0) + 1;
-const struct sysvar_ops sysvar_str_ops = {
-    .set = sysvar_str_set,
-    .tostr = sysvar_str_tostr,
-    .fromstr = sysvar_str_fromstr,
-    .datasize = sysvar_str_datasize
-static void sysvar_tz_update(sysvar_t val, bool isset)
-    if (isset)
-	setenv("TZ", val.v_tz, 1);
-    else
-	unsetenv("TZ");
-    tzset();
-const struct sysvar_ops sysvar_tz_ops = {
-    .set = sysvar_str_set,
-    .tostr = sysvar_str_tostr,
-    .fromstr = sysvar_str_fromstr,
-    .update = sysvar_tz_update,
-    .datasize = sysvar_str_datasize
-static const char *sysvar_ip_tostr(sysvar_t from, char *buf)
-    union ip_bytes {
-	uint8_t b[4];
-	uint32_t l;
-    } ip;
-    ip.l = from.v_ip;
-    snprintf(buf, IP_BUFLEN,
-	     "%u.%u.%u.%u", ip.b[0], ip.b[1], ip.b[2], ip.b[3]);
-    return buf;
-static bool sysvar_ip_fromstr(sysvar_t *to, const char *str)
-    union ip_bytes {
-	uint8_t b[4];
-	uint32_t l;
-    } ip;
-    ip.l = 0;
-    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
-	char *ep;
-	unsigned long v = strtoul(str, &ep, 10);
-	if (ep == str || *ep != (i == 3) ? '\0' : '.' || v > 255)
-	    return false;
-	str = ep + 1;
-	ip.b[i] = v;
-    }
-    to->v_ip = ip.l;
-    return true;
-const struct sysvar_ops sysvar_ip_ops = {
-    .tostr = sysvar_ip_tostr,
-    .fromstr = sysvar_ip_fromstr,
-    .buflen = IP_BUFLEN
-static bool sysvar_mac_set(sysvar_t *to, sysvar_t from)
-    uint8_t *buf;
-    if (!from.v_mac) {
-	buf = NULL;
-    } else {
-	buf = malloc(6);
-	if (!buf)
-	    return false;
-	memcpy(buf, from.v_mac, 6);
-    }
-    to->v_mac = buf;
-    return true;
-static const char *sysvar_mac_tostr(sysvar_t from, char *buf)
-    const uint8_t *m = from.v_mac;
-    if (!m)
-	return NULL;
-    snprintf(buf, MAC_BUFLEN, "%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x",
-	     m[0], m[1], m[2], m[3], m[4], m[5]);
-    return buf;
-static bool sysvar_mac_fromstr(sysvar_t *to, const char *str)
-    sysvar_t from;
-    uint8_t m[6];
-    if (!str) {
-	from.v_mac = NULL;
-    } else {
-	for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
-	    char *ep;
-	    unsigned long v = strtoul(str, &ep, 16);
-	    if (ep == str || *ep != (i == 5) ? '\0' : ':' || v > 255)
-		return false;
-	    str = ep + 1;
-	    m[i] = v;
-	}
-	from.v_mac = m;
-    }
-    return sysvar_mac_set(to, from);
-static size_t sysvar_mac_datasize(sysvar_t val)
-    (void)val;
-    return 6;
-const struct sysvar_ops sysvar_mac_ops = {
-    .set = sysvar_mac_set,
-    .tostr = sysvar_mac_tostr,
-    .fromstr = sysvar_mac_fromstr,
-    .buflen = MAC_BUFLEN,
-    .datasize = sysvar_mac_datasize
-/* --- Generic getters/setters --- */
-/* Contains the lowest numbered sysvar changed; or sysvar_count if nothing */
-enum sysvar_enum sysvar_changed;
-sysvar_t getvar(size_t var)
-    if (var >= (size_t)sysvar_count)
-	return sysvar_defval[sysvar_null];
-    return sysvar_val[var];
-static bool do_setvar(size_t var, sysvar_t val, bool is_set)
-    const struct sysvar_ops *type = sysvar_types[var];
-    sysvar_t *to = &sysvar_val[var];
-    void *free_ptr = NULL;
-    if (type->datasize)
-	free_ptr = to->v_ptr;
-    if (DEBUG) {
-	char tostr_buf[SYSVAR_BUFLEN];
-	printf("%ssetvar %zu %s <- %s\n", is_set ? "" : "un",
-	       var, sysvar_name[var],
-	       notempty(type->tostr(val, tostr_buf)));
-    }
-    if (!type->set || (type->datasize && !val.v_ptr)) {
-	sysvar_val[var] = val;
-    } else {
-	if (!type->set(to, val))
-	    return false;
-    }
-    if (free_ptr)
-	free(free_ptr);
-    if (var < (size_t)sysvar_changed)
-	sysvar_changed = (enum sysvar_enum)var;
-    sysvar_isset[var] = is_set;
-    if (type->update)
-	type->update(*to, is_set);
-    return true;
-bool setvar(size_t var, sysvar_t val)
-    if (var >= (size_t)sysvar_count)
-	return false;
-    return do_setvar(var, val, true);
-bool unsetvar(size_t var)
-    if (var >= (size_t)sysvar_count)
-	return false;
-    return do_setvar(var, sysvar_defval[var], false);
-/* --- Getters/setters converting to/from strings --- */
-const char *getvar_tostr(size_t var)
-    static char buf[SYSVAR_BUFLEN];
-    return getvar_tostr_r(var, buf);
-const char *getvar_tostr_r(size_t var, char *buf)
-    if (var >= (size_t)sysvar_count)
-	return NULL;
-    const struct sysvar_ops *type = sysvar_types[var];
-    /* A tostr method is required */
-    return type->tostr(sysvar_val[var], buf);
-bool setvar_fromstr(size_t var, const char *str)
-    if (var >= (size_t)sysvar_count)
-	return NULL;
-    if (!str)
-	return unsetvar(var);
-    const struct sysvar_ops *type = sysvar_types[var];
-    sysvar_t *to = &sysvar_val[var];
-    void *free_ptr = NULL;
-    if (type->datasize)
-	free_ptr = to->v_ptr;
-    if (DEBUG) {
-	printf("setvar_fromstr %zu %s <- %s\n", var, sysvar_name[var], str);
-    }
-    /* A fromstr method is required */
-    if (!type->fromstr(to, str))
-	return false;
-    if (free_ptr)
-	free(free_ptr);
-    if (var < (size_t)sysvar_changed)
-	sysvar_changed = (enum sysvar_enum)var;
-    sysvar_isset[var] = true;
-    if (type->update)
-	type->update(*to, true);
-    return true;
-/* --- Find the index of a specific variable --- */
-static int string_ptr_compare(const void *a, const void *b)
-    const char * const *aa = a;
-    const char * const *bb = b;
-    return strcmp(*aa, *bb);
-size_t sysvar_find(size_t ns, const char *name)
-    if (ns >= (size_t)sysvar_nscount)
-	return 0;
-    const sysvar_ns_t *nsi = &sysvar_ns[ns];
-    const char * const *varname;
-    const size_t count = nsi[1].first - nsi->first;
-    varname = bsearch(&name, sysvar_name + nsi->first,
-		      count, sizeof *sysvar_name,
-		      string_ptr_compare);
-    if (!varname)
-	return 0;
-    return varname - sysvar_name;
-/* --- Initialization/reset to defaults --- */
-void sysvar_reset(size_t ns)
-    if (ns >= (size_t)sysvar_nscount)
-	return;
-    bool print_updates = sysvar_print_updates;
-    enum sysvar_enum i;
-    for (i = sysvar_ns[ns].first; i < sysvar_ns[ns+1].first; i++)
-	unsetvar(i);
-    sysvar_print_updates = print_updates;
-    if (sysvar_changed < i)
-	sysvar_changed = i;
-void sysvar_init(void)
-    sysvar_print_updates = false;
-    for (enum sysvar_enum i = sysvar_null+1; i < sysvar_count; i++)
-	unsetvar(i);
-    sysvar_changed = sysvar_count;

+ 0 - 121

@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef SYSVARS_H
-#define SYSVARS_H
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <stdbool.h>
-#include <inttypes.h>
-#ifndef extern_c
-# ifdef __cplusplus
-#  define extern_c extern "C"
-# else
-#  define extern_c extern
-# endif
-typedef union sysvar_value {
-    bool v_bool;
-    long int v_int;
-    unsigned long int v_uint;
-    const char *v_str;
-    const char *v_tz;		/* Timezone */
-    uint32_t v_ip;		/* IPv4 address */
-    const uint8_t *v_mac;	/* MAC address */
-    void *v_ptr;
-} sysvar_t;
-struct sysvar_ops {
-    bool (*set)(sysvar_t *, sysvar_t);
-    /* bool (*unset)(sysvar_t *); - not used */
-    const char * (*tostr)(sysvar_t, char *);
-    bool (*fromstr)(sysvar_t *, const char *);
-    void (*update)(sysvar_t, bool); /* Called after set or fromstr; bool = isset */
-    size_t (*datasize)(sysvar_t);   /* If pointer, return size of data */
-    size_t buflen;		/* Minimal buffer size for string if needed */
-typedef const struct sysvar_ops *sysvar_type_t;
-extern_c const struct sysvar_ops sysvar_bool_ops;
-extern_c const struct sysvar_ops sysvar_int_ops;
-extern_c const struct sysvar_ops sysvar_uint_ops;
-extern_c const struct sysvar_ops sysvar_str_ops;
-extern_c const struct sysvar_ops sysvar_tz_ops;
-extern_c const struct sysvar_ops sysvar_ip_ops;
-extern_c const struct sysvar_ops sysvar_mac_ops;
-#define SYSVAR_TYPE(x) (&sysvar ## x ## _ops)
-#include "sysvars_gen.h"
-typedef struct sysvar_namespace {
-    const char *name;
-    enum sysvar_enum first;
-} sysvar_ns_t;
-extern_c const sysvar_ns_t sysvar_ns[(size_t)sysvar_nscount+1];
-extern_c enum sysvar_enum sysvar_changed;
-extern_c bool sysvar_print_updates;
-/* Buffer size needed to represent some data types */
-#define BOOL_BUFLEN 2
-#define INT_BUFLEN  (3*sizeof(unsigned int)+2)
-#define IP_BUFLEN   (4*4)
-#define MAC_BUFLEN  (3*6)
-#define SYSVAR_BUFLEN	32	/* Conservative minimum */
-extern_c sysvar_t getvar(size_t var);
-extern_c bool setvar(size_t var, sysvar_t val);
-extern_c bool unsetvar(size_t var);
-extern_c const char *getvar_tostr(size_t var);
-extern_c const char *getvar_tostr_r(size_t var, char *buf);
-extern_c bool setvar_fromstr(size_t var, const char *str);
-extern_c void sysvar_init(void);
-extern_c void sysvar_reset(size_t ns);
-extern_c size_t sysvar_find(size_t ns, const char *name);
-extern_c size_t sysvar_marshall(enum sysvar_enum first, size_t count,
-				void *buf, size_t *buflen, uintptr_t extaddr);
-/* Type-specific definitions/getters/setters */
-/* Note that t contains a leading underscore to avoid bool/_Bool issues */
-#define const_assert(cond, str)					     \
-    do {							     \
-	extern void fail(void) __attribute__((error(str)));	     \
-	if (__builtin_constant_p(cond) && !(cond))		     \
-	    fail();						     \
-    } while (0)
-#define TRY_ASSERT_TYPE(var,t)						\
-    const_assert(sysvar_type(var) == SYSVAR_TYPE(t),			\
-	"invalid type for sysvar " #var)
-#define SYSVAR_MKTYPE(t,c_type)						\
-    static inline c_type getvar ## t (size_t var)			\
-    {									\
-	TRY_ASSERT_TYPE(var,t);						\
-	/* If var is constant and >= sysvar_count, TRY_ASSERT_TYPE() fails */ \
-	if (__builtin_constant_p(var < (size_t)sysvar_count))		\
-	    return sysvar_val[var].v ## t;				\
-	return getvar(var).v ## t ;					\
-    }									\
-    static inline bool setvar ## t (size_t var, c_type v)		\
-    {									\
-	sysvar_t vv;							\
-	TRY_ASSERT_TYPE(var,t);						\
-	vv.v ## t = v;							\
-	return setvar(var, vv);						\
-    }
-SYSVAR_MKTYPE(_bool, bool);
-SYSVAR_MKTYPE(_int, long int);
-SYSVAR_MKTYPE(_uint, unsigned long int);
-SYSVAR_MKTYPE(_str, const char *);
-SYSVAR_MKTYPE(_tz, const char *);
-SYSVAR_MKTYPE(_ip, uint32_t);
-SYSVAR_MKTYPE(_mac, const uint8_t *);
-#endif /* SYSVARS_H */