Pārlūkot izejas kodu

sdram: allow arbitrary alignments on port 1

Instead of bursting, make port 1 a port supporting arbitrarily
aligned 32-bit data.
H. Peter Anvin 3 gadi atpakaļ

+ 1 - 1

@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ set synchro_inputs [get_registers *|synchronizer:*|qreg0*]
 set_multicycle_path -from [all_clocks] -to $synchro_inputs \
     -start -setup 2
 set_multicycle_path -from [all_clocks] -to $synchro_inputs \
-    -start -hold -1
+    -start -hold 1
 # Don't report signaltap clock problems...
 set_false_path -to [get_registers sld_signaltap:*]

+ 2 - 2

@@ -379,11 +379,11 @@ module max80 (
 		.wack0    ( abc_wack ),
 		.a1       ( 24'hxxxxxx ),
+		.be1      ( 8'b0000_0000 ),
 		.rd1      ( ),
 		.rrq1     ( 1'b0 ),
 		.rack1    ( ),
-		.wd1      ( 16'hxxxx ),
-		.wbe1     ( 2'b00 ),
+		.wd1      ( 32'hxxxx_xxxx ),
 		.wrq1     ( 1'b0 ),
 		.wack1    ( )

Failā izmaiņas netiks attēlotas, jo tās ir par lielu
+ 1650 - 1565

Failā izmaiņas netiks attēlotas, jo tās ir par lielu
+ 688 - 713



+ 1 - 1

@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ Quad-Serial configuration device dummy clock cycle: 8
-- Data checksum for this conversion is 0xF75F578A
+- Data checksum for this conversion is 0xF760705C
 - All the addresses in this file are byte addresses

Failā izmaiņas netiks attēlotas, jo tās ir par lielu
+ 374 - 271



+ 216 - 184

@@ -45,7 +45,8 @@ module sdram
    //    tRFC	    60 ns       6       10    REFRESH to ACTIVE
    //    tRP        18 ns       2        3    PRECHARGE to ACTIVE/REFRESH
    //    tRAS	    42 ns       5        7    ACTIVE to PRECHARGE
-   //    tRC        60 ns       6       10    ACTIVE to ACTIVE
+   //    tRC        60 ns       6       10    ACTIVE to ACTIVE (same bank)
+   //    tRRD       12 ns       2        2    ACTICE to ACTIVE (different bank)
    //    tWR        12 ns       2        2    Last write data to PRECHARGE
    //    tMRD                   2	 2    MODE REGISTER to ACTIVE/REFRESH
@@ -59,53 +60,54 @@ module sdram
    t_rp		=  3,
    t_ras	=  7,
    t_rc		= 10,
+   t_rrd        =  2,
    t_wr		=  2,
    t_mrd	=  2,
-   t_refi_lg2	=  9,	// 512 cycles (extra conservative)
+   t_refi_lg2	= 10,	// 1024 cycles
    t_p_lg2	= 15,	// 32768 cycles
-   burst_lg2	=  3	// Burst length on port 1
+   burst_lg2	=  1	// Burst length on port 1
 	      // Reset and clock
-	      input		      rst_n,
-	      input		      clk,
+	      input			  rst_n,
+	      input			  clk,
 	      // SDRAM hardware interface
-	      output		      sr_clk, // SDRAM clock output buffer
-	      output		      sr_cke, // SDRAM clock enable
-	      output		      sr_cs_n, // SDRAM CS#
-	      output		      sr_ras_n, // SDRAM RAS#
-	      output		      sr_cas_n, // SDRAM CAS#
-	      output		      sr_we_n, // SDRAM WE#
-	      output [1:0]	      sr_dqm, // SDRAM DQM (per byte)
-	      output [1:0]	      sr_ba, // SDRAM bank selects
-	      output [12:0]	      sr_a, // SDRAM address bus
-	      inout [15:0]	      sr_dq, // SDRAM data bus
+	      output			  sr_clk, // SDRAM clock output buffer
+	      output			  sr_cke, // SDRAM clock enable
+	      output			  sr_cs_n, // SDRAM CS#
+	      output			  sr_ras_n, // SDRAM RAS#
+	      output			  sr_cas_n, // SDRAM CAS#
+	      output			  sr_we_n, // SDRAM WE#
+	      output [1:0]		  sr_dqm, // SDRAM DQM (per byte)
+	      output [1:0]		  sr_ba, // SDRAM bank selects
+	      output [12:0]		  sr_a, // SDRAM address bus
+	      inout [15:0]		  sr_dq, // SDRAM data bus
 	      // Port 0: single byte, high priority
-	      input [24:0]	      a0, // Address, must be stable until ack
+	      input [24:0]		  a0, // Address, must be stable until ack
-	      output [7:0]	      rd0, // Data from SDRAM
-	      input		      rrq0, // Read request
-	      output [t_rcd+t_cl+1:0] rack0, // Read ack
+	      output reg [7:0]		  rd0, // Data from SDRAM
+	      input			  rrq0, // Read request
+	      output reg [t_rcd+t_cl+3:0] rack0, // Read ack
-	      input [7:0]	      wd0, // Data to SDRAM
-	      input		      wrq0, // Write request
-	      output [t_rcd:0]	      wack0, // Write ack
+	      input [7:0]		  wd0, // Data to SDRAM
+	      input			  wrq0, // Write request
+	      output reg		  wack0, // Write ack (data latched)
 	      // Port 1
-	      input [24:1]	      a1,
+	      input [24:2]		  a1,
+	      input [7:0]		  be1, // Write byte enable
-	      output [15:0]	      rd1,
-	      input		      rrq1,
-	      output [t_rcd+t_cl+1:0] rack1,
+	      output reg [31:0]		  rd1,
+	      input			  rrq1,
+	      output reg [t_rcd+t_cl+3:0] rack1,
-	      input [15:0]	      wd1,
-	      input [1:0]	      wbe1, // Write byte enable
-	      input		      wrq1,
-	      output [t_rcd:0]	      wack1
+	      input [31:0]		  wd1,
+	      input			  wrq1,
+	      output reg		  wack1
    // Mode register data
@@ -142,7 +144,7 @@ module sdram
    localparam	cmd_ref  = 5'b1_0001;  // AUTO REFRESH
    localparam	cmd_mrd  = 5'b0_0000;  // LOAD MODE REGISTER
    reg [4:0]	dram_cmd;
-   wire		is_rfsh = dram_cmd[4];
+   wire		is_rfsh  = dram_cmd[4];
    assign	sr_cs_n  = dram_cmd[3];
    assign	sr_ras_n = dram_cmd[2];
    assign	sr_cas_n = dram_cmd[1];
@@ -177,30 +179,21 @@ module sdram
    reg			    dram_d_en; // Drive data out
    assign		    sr_dq = dram_d_en ? dram_d : 16'hzzzz;
-   // Input register for SDRAM data; a single register to make it
-   // possible to put it in the I/O register
+   // Input register for SDRAM data
    reg [15:0]		    dram_q;
-   // Port 0 output signals
-   assign                   rd0 = a0[0] ? dram_q[15:8] : dram_q[7:0];
-   reg [t_rcd+t_cl+1:0]     rack0_q;
-   assign                   rack0 = rack0_q;
-   reg [t_rcd:0]	    wack0_q;
-   assign                   wack0 = wack0_q;
-   // Port 1 output signals
-   assign                   rd1 = dram_q;
-   reg [t_rcd+t_cl+1:0]	    rack1_q;
-   assign                   rack1 = rack1_q;
-   reg [t_rcd:0]	    wack1_q;
-   assign                   wack1 = wack1_q;
    // State machine and counters
-   reg [t_refi_lg2:0]	    rfsh_ctr;  // Refresh timer
-   reg [t_p_lg2:t_refi_lg2] init_ctr;  // Reset to init counter
-   // XXX: compute the necessary width of this field elsewhere
-   reg [4:0]	            op_cycle;	// Cycles into the current operation
+   reg [t_refi_lg2-2:0]	      rfsh_ctr;  // Refresh timer
+   wire			      rfsh_ctr_msb = rfsh_ctr[t_refi_lg2-2];
+   reg			      rfsh_ctr_last_msb;
+   wire			      rfsh_tick = rfsh_ctr_last_msb & ~rfsh_ctr_msb;
+   reg [t_p_lg2:t_refi_lg2-1] init_ctr;  // Reset to init counter
+   reg [1:0]		      rfsh_prio; // Refresh priority
+					 // Bit 0 - refresh if opportune
+					 // Bit 1 - refresh urgent
+   reg			      port;	 // Port being serviced
+   reg [3:0]		      op_cycle;	// Cycles into the current operation
    // The actual values are unimportant; the compiler will optimize
    // the state machine implementation.
@@ -209,33 +202,60 @@ module sdram
 	 st_init,		// 1st refresh during initialization
 	 st_idle,		// Idle state: all banks precharged
-	 st_p0_rd,
-	 st_p0_wr,
-	 st_p1_rd,
-	 st_p1_wr
+	 st_rd,
+	 st_wr
    } state_t;
    state_t state = st_reset;
    always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n)
      if (~rst_n)
-	  rfsh_ctr <= 1'b0;
-	  init_ctr <= 1'b0;
+	  rfsh_ctr  <= 1'b0;
+	  init_ctr  <= 1'b0;
+	  rfsh_prio <= 2'b00;
-	  rfsh_ctr <= is_rfsh ? 1'b0 : rfsh_ctr + 1'b1;
+	  rfsh_ctr          <= rfsh_ctr + 1'b1;
+	  rfsh_ctr_last_msb <= rfsh_ctr_msb;
+	  // Refresh priority management
+	  if (is_rfsh)
+	    rfsh_prio <= 2'b00; // This is a refresh cycle
+	  else if (rfsh_tick)
+	    rfsh_prio <= { rfsh_prio[0], 1'b1 };
 	  // The refresh counter is also used as a prescaler
 	  // for the initialization counter.
-	  if (init_ctr[t_refi_lg2] ^ rfsh_ctr[t_refi_lg2])
+	  // Note that means init_ctr is two cycles "behind"
+	  // rfsh_ctr; this is totally fine.
+	  init_ctr <= init_ctr + rfsh_tick;
+       end // else: !if(~rst_n)
+   // Handle bank wraparound
+   reg			    last_dword; // This is the last dword in this bank
+   reg [14:0]		    next_bank;  // Row:bank for the next bank
+   reg [11:2]		    col_addr;	// Current bank:column
+   reg			    latch_next_bank;
+   always @(negedge rst_n or posedge clk)
+     if (~rst_n)
+       begin
+	  latch_next_bank <= 1'b0;
+       end
+     else
+       begin
+	  latch_next_bank <= st_idle;
+	  if (latch_next_bank)
-	       init_ctr[t_p_lg2:t_refi_lg2+1]
-		 <= init_ctr[t_p_lg2:t_refi_lg2+1] + 1'b1;
-	       init_ctr[t_refi_lg2] <= rfsh_ctr[t_refi_lg2];
+	       next_bank <= { dram_a, dram_ba } + 1'b1;
+	       last_dword <= &col_addr[9:2]; // last dword in bank?
        end // else: !if(~rst_n)
+   reg [31:0] wdata_q;
+   reg [ 6:0] be_q;
    // Careful with the timing here... there is one cycle between
    // registers and wires, and the DRAM observes the clock 1/2
@@ -246,38 +266,38 @@ module sdram
 	  dram_cke      <= 1'b0;
 	  dram_cmd      <= cmd_desl;
-	  dram_a        <= 13'h0000;
-	  dram_ba       <= 2'b00;
+	  dram_a        <= 13'hxxxx;
+	  dram_ba       <= 2'bxx;
 	  dram_dqm      <= 2'b00;
-	  dram_d        <= 16'h0000;
+	  dram_d        <= 16'hxxxx;
 	  dram_d_en     <= 1'b1; // Don't float except during read
 	  op_cycle      <= 1'b0;
 	  state         <= st_reset;
-	  rack0_q       <= 1'b0;
-	  wack0_q       <= 1'b0;
-	  rack1_q       <= 1'b0;
-	  wack1_q       <= 1'b0;
+	  rack0       <= 1'b0;
+	  wack0       <= 1'b0;
+	  rack1       <= 1'b0;
+	  wack1       <= 1'b0;
 	  dram_cke <= 1'b1;	// Always true once out of reset
 	  // Default values
-	  dram_a        <= 13'h0000;
-	  dram_ba       <= 2'b00;
+	  dram_ba       <= 2'bxx;
 	  dram_dqm      <= 2'b11;
-	  dram_d        <= 16'h0000;
+	  dram_d        <= 16'hxxxx;
+	  dram_cmd      <= cmd_nop;
-	  rack0_q       <= 1'b0;
-	  wack0_q       <= 1'b0;
-	  rack1_q       <= 1'b0;
-	  wack1_q       <= 1'b0;
+	  rack0		<= rack0 >> 1;
+	  wack0         <= 1'b0;
+	  rack1		<= rack1 >> 1;
+	  wack1         <= 1'b0;
 	  dram_d_en     <= 1'b1; // Don't float except during read
 	  if (state == st_reset || state == st_idle)
-	    op_cycle <= 1'b1;	// == 0 + 1
+	    op_cycle <= 1'b0;
 	    op_cycle <= op_cycle + 1'b1;
@@ -294,16 +314,18 @@ module sdram
-		 if ( op_cycle == t_rp || op_cycle == t_rp + t_rfc )
+		 // Add 3 to the count to account for skew between rfsh_ctr
+		 // and init_ctr
+		 if ( rfsh_ctr[4:0] == t_rp+3 || rfsh_ctr[4:0] == t_rp+t_rfc+3 )
 		      dram_cmd   <= cmd_ref;
-		 if ( op_cycle == t_rp + t_rfc*2 )
+		 if ( rfsh_ctr[4:0] == t_rp+t_rfc*2+3 )
 		      dram_cmd   <= cmd_mrd;
 		      dram_a     <= mrd_val;
-		 if ( op_cycle >= t_rp + t_rfc*2 + t_mrd - 1 )
+		 if ( rfsh_ctr[4:0] >= t_rp+t_rfc*2+t_mrd-1+3 )
 		   state <= st_idle;
 	      end // case: st_init
@@ -315,42 +337,50 @@ module sdram
 		 // is started opportunistically if nothing is
 		 // pending and the refresh counter is no less than
 		 // half expired.
-		 casez ( {rrq0|wrq0, rrq1|wrq1, rfsh_ctr[t_refi_lg2:t_refi_lg2-1]} )
-		   4'b1zzz:
+		 casez ( {rrq0|wrq0, rrq1|wrq1, rfsh_prio} )
+		   4'b1???:
 			// Begin port 0 transaction
 			dram_cmd    <= cmd_act;
 			dram_a      <= a0[24:12];
 			dram_ba     <= a0[11:10];
+			col_addr    <= a0[11:2];
+			be_q        <= 1'b1 << a0[1:0];
+			port        <= 1'b0;
 			if ( wrq0 )
-			     state  <= st_p0_wr;
-			     wack0_q[t_rcd] <= 1'b1;
+			     state   <= st_wr;
+			     wack0   <= 1'b1;
+			     wdata_q <= {4{wd0}};
-			     state  <= st_p0_rd;
-			     rack0_q[t_rcd + t_cl + 1] <= 1'b1;
+			     state  <= st_rd;
+			     rack0[t_rcd+t_cl+3] <= 1'b1;
-		   4'b010z:
+		   4'b010?:
 			// Begin port 1 transaction
 			dram_cmd    <= cmd_act;
 			dram_a      <= a1[24:12];
 			dram_ba     <= a1[11:10];
+			col_addr    <= a1[11:2];
+			be_q        <= be1;
+			port        <= 1'b1;
 			if ( wrq1 )
-			     state  <= st_p1_wr;
-			     wack1_q[t_rcd] <= 1'b1;
+			     state   <= st_wr;
+			     wack1   <= 1'b1;
+			     wdata_q <= wd1;
-			     state  <= st_p1_rd;
-			     rack1_q[t_rcd + t_cl + 1] <= 1'b1;
+			     state  <= st_rd;
+			     rack1[t_rcd+t_cl+3] <= 1'b1;
-		   4'b0z1z, 4'b0001:
+		   4'b0?1?, 4'b0001:
 			// Begin refresh transaction
 			dram_cmd    <= cmd_ref;
@@ -365,115 +395,117 @@ module sdram
 	      end // case: st_idle
-		 if (op_cycle >= t_rfc-1)
+		 if (op_cycle == t_rfc-2)
 		   state <= st_idle;
-	    st_p0_rd:
+	    st_rd:
 		 dram_d_en   <= 1'b0;		// Tristate our output
-		 dram_a[8:0] <= a0[9:1];
-		 dram_ba     <= a0[11:10];
-		 dram_a[10]  <= 1'b0;		// No auto precharge
 		 dram_dqm    <= 2'b00;
-		 if ( op_cycle == t_rcd )
-		   dram_cmd <= cmd_rd;
-		 if ( op_cycle == t_pre_rd_when )
-		   dram_cmd <= cmd_pre; // Precharge and stop burst
-		 // Latch and ack input data. There is an implicit
-		 // due to bus turnaround.
-		 for (int i = 0; i <= t_rcd + t_cl; i++)
-		   begin
-		      rack0_q[i] <= (op_cycle == t_rcd + t_cl + 1 - i);
+		 // Commands
+		 //
+		 // This assumes:
+		 // tRCD = 3
+		 // rRRD = 2
+		 // CL   = 3
+		 // tRC  = 10
+		 case (op_cycle)
+		   1: begin
+		      dram_a   <= next_bank[14:2];
+		      dram_ba  <= next_bank[1:0];
+		      dram_cmd <= last_dword ? cmd_act : cmd_nop;
-		 if ( op_cycle == t_rcd + t_cl + 1 )
-		   begin
-		      dram_q      <= sr_dq;
-		      rack0_q     <= 1'b1;
+		   2, 4: begin
+		      dram_a[12:9] <= 4'b0000;
+		      dram_a[8:1]  <= col_addr[9:2];
+		      dram_a[0]    <= 1'b0;
+		      dram_cmd     <= cmd_rd;
+		      col_addr     <= col_addr + 1'b1;
-		 if ( op_cycle >= max(t_rc, t_pre_rd_when + t_rp) - 1 )
-		   state <= st_idle;
-	      end // case: st_p0_rd
-	    st_p0_wr:
-	      begin
-		 dram_a[8:0]      <= a0[9:1];
-		 dram_ba          <= a0[11:10];
-		 dram_a[10]       <= 1'b0;  // No auto precharge
-		 dram_d           <= { wd0, wd0 };
-		 // Ack data
-		 for (int i = 0; i <= t_rcd; i++)
-		   begin
-		      wack0_q[i] <= (op_cycle == t_rcd - i);
+		   8: begin
+		      // Precharge all banks
+		      dram_a[12:9] <= 4'b0010;
+		      dram_cmd     <= cmd_pre;
-		 if ( op_cycle == t_rcd )
-		   begin
-		      dram_cmd <= cmd_wr;
-		      dram_dqm <= { ~a0[0], a0[0] };
+		   10: begin
+		      state <= st_idle;
+		 endcase // case (op_cycle)
-		 if ( op_cycle == t_pre_wr_when )
+		 // +2 for bus turnaround latencies
+		 if (op_cycle >= 2+t_cl+2)
-		      dram_cmd <= cmd_pre;
-		   end
-		 if ( op_cycle >= max(t_rc, t_pre_wr_when + t_rp) - 1 )
-		   state <= st_idle;
-	      end // case: st_p0_wr
-	    st_p1_rd:
+		      if (port == 1'b0)
+			begin
+			   if (be_q[0])
+			     rd0 <= dram_q[7:0];
+			   if (be_q[1])
+			     rd0 <= dram_q[15:8];
+			end
+		      else if (op_cycle[0] ^ ((2+t_cl+2) & 1'b1))
+			begin
+			   // Odd word
+			   if (be_q[0])
+			     rd1[23:16] <= dram_q[ 7:0];
+			   if (be_q[1])
+			     rd1[31:24] <= dram_q[15:8];
+			end
+		      else
+			begin
+			   // Even word
+			   if (be_q[0])
+			     rd1[ 7:0] <= dram_q[ 7:0];
+			   if (be_q[1])
+			     rd1[15:8] <= dram_q[15:8];
+			end // else: !if(op_cycle[0] ^ ((t_rcd-1+t_cl+2) & 1'b1))
+		      be_q >>= 2;
+		   end // if (op_cycle >= 2+t_cl+2)
+	      end // case: st_rd
+	    st_wr:
-		 dram_d_en   <= 1'b0;		// Tristate our output
-		 dram_a[8:0] <= a1[9:1];
-		 dram_ba     <= a1[11:10];
-		 dram_a[10]  <= 1'b1;		// Auto precharge
-		 dram_dqm    <= 2'b00;
-		 if ( op_cycle == t_rcd )
-		   dram_cmd <= cmd_rd;
-		 // Latch and ack input data. There is an implicit +1
-		 // due to bus turnaround.
-		 for (int i = 0; i <= t_rcd + t_cl + 1; i++)
-		   begin
-		      rack1_q[i] <= (op_cycle > t_rcd + t_cl - i &&
-				     op_cycle <= t_rcd + t_cl + burst_n - i);
+		 // Commands
+		 //
+		 // This assumes:
+		 // tRCD = 3
+		 // tRRD = 2
+		 // CL   = 3
+		 // tRC  = 10
+		 // tWR  = 2
+		 // tRP =  3
+		 case (op_cycle)
+		   1: begin
+		      dram_a   <= next_bank[14:2];
+		      dram_ba  <= next_bank[1:0];
+		      dram_cmd <= last_dword ? cmd_act : cmd_nop;
-		 if ( op_cycle > t_rcd + t_cl &&
-		      op_cycle <= t_rcd + t_cl + burst_n )
-		   begin
-		      dram_q      <= sr_dq;
+		   2, 4: begin
+		      dram_a[12:9] <= 4'b0000;
+		      dram_a[8:1]  <= col_addr[9:2];
+		      dram_a[0]    <= 1'b0;
+		      dram_cmd     <= cmd_wr;
+		      col_addr     <= col_addr + 1'b1;
+		   end
+		   7: begin
+		      // Precharge all banks
+		      dram_a[12:9] <= 4'b0010;
+		      dram_cmd     <= cmd_pre;
+		   end
+		   10: begin
+		      state <= st_idle;
+		 endcase // case (op_cycle)
-		 if ( op_cycle >= max(t_rc - 1, t_rcd + t_cl + burst_n) )
-		   state <= st_idle;
-	      end // case: st_p1_rd
-	    st_p1_wr:
-	      begin
-		 dram_a[8:0] <= a1[9:1];
-		 dram_ba     <= a1[11:10];
-		 dram_a[10]  <= 1'b1;		// Auto precharge
-		 dram_dqm    <= ~wbe1;
-		 dram_d      <= wd1;
-		 // Ack data
-		 for (int i = 0; i <= t_rcd; i++)
+		 if (op_cycle >= 2)
-		      wack1_q[i] <= (op_cycle >= t_rcd - i &&
-				     op_cycle < t_rcd + burst_n);
+		      dram_d  <= wdata_q[15:0];
+		      // Flip data between odd and even words
+		      wdata_q <= { wdata_q[15:0], wdata_q[31:16] };
+		      dram_dqm <= ~be_q[1:0];
+		      be_q >>= 2;
-		 if ( op_cycle == t_rcd )
-		   dram_cmd <= cmd_wr;
-		 if ( op_cycle >= max(t_rcd + burst_n + t_wr + t_rp, t_rc) - 1 )
-		   state <= st_idle;
-	      end // case: st_p1_wr
+	      end // case: st_wr
 	  endcase // case(state)
        end // else: !if(~rst_n)
 endmodule // dram

Daži faili netika attēloti, jo izmaiņu fails ir pārāk liels