@@ -2,16 +2,15 @@
use strict;
use integer;
+use IO::Handle;
use PerlIO::gzip;
use File::Temp;
use File::Spec;
+use File::HomeDir;
use Time::HiRes qw(usleep tv_interval);
use Digest::CRC qw(crc32);
use v5.10; # For "state"
-my $esptool = 'esptool';
-$esptool = $ENV{'ESPTOOL'} || $esptool;
my $esp_retries = 10;
my @FW_MAGIC = (undef, 0x7a07fbd6, 0xa924ed0b);
@@ -120,8 +119,10 @@ sub unquote_cmd($) {
my @a;
$s =~ s/[\r\n]+/ /g;
- while ($s =~ /^\s*(?:\"((?:[^\"]+|\"\")*)\"|(\S+))(\s.*)?$/) {
- push(@a, $1.$2);
+ while ($s =~ /^\s*(?:\"((?:[^\"]+|\"\")*)\"|([^\"]\S*))(\s.*)?$/) {
+ my $a = $1;
+ $a =~ s/\"\"/\"/g;
+ push(@a, $a.$2);
$s = $3;
@@ -145,12 +146,120 @@ sub hash2opt($)
return map { $h->{$_} ne '' ? ('--'.$_, $h->{$_}) : () } sort keys %{$h};
+my $esptool;
+# Try running esptool --help and look for a version string
+sub try_esptool($) {
+ use Data::Dump 'pp';
+ my($cmd) = @_;
+ return undef if ($cmd eq '');
+ my @espcmd = unquote_cmd($cmd);
+ # Make sure stderr is unbuffered
+ STDERR->autoflush(1);
+ open(my $old_stderr, '>&', \*STDERR) or die;
+ $old_stderr->autoflush(1);
+ open(STDERR, '>', File::Spec->devnull()) or return undef;
+ STDERR->autoflush(1);
+ my $ver;
+ my $espok = open(my $esp, '-|', @espcmd, '--help');
+ if ($espok) {
+ while (defined(my $l = <$esp>)) {
+ if (!defined($ver) &&
+ $l =~ /\besptool\S*\s+(v\S+)/) {
+ $ver = $1;
+ }
+ }
+ close($esp);
+ }
+ open(STDERR, '>&', $old_stderr) or die;
+ close($old_stderr);
+ if ($ver) {
+ $esptool = $cmd;
+ }
+ return $ver;
+sub updir($) {
+ my($dir) = @_;
+ return File::Spec->catdir($dir, File::Spec->updir());
+sub find_esptool() {
+ my $ver;
+ my $python = '"' . ($ENV{'PYTHON'} || 'python') . '"';
+ # The easy variants
+ foreach my $et ($ENV{'ESPTOOL'}, 'esptool', 'esptool.py') {
+ next unless ($et ne '');
+ $ver = try_esptool($et);
+ return $ver if ($ver);
+ }
+ # More complicated
+ foreach my $p ($ENV{'ESPTOOL'}, File::Spec->path()) {
+ next unless ($p ne '');
+ next unless ( -d $p );
+ my $et = File::Spec->catfile($p, 'esptool.py');
+ if ( -f $et ) {
+ $ver = try_esptool("${python} \"${et}\"");
+ return $ver if ($ver);
+ }
+ }
+ # Try to find it in an Arduino directory
+ foreach my $dp (File::HomeDir->my_data,
+ File::HomeDir->my_documents,
+ updir(File::HomeDir->my_data),
+ File::HomeDir->my_home) {
+ next unless ( -d $dp );
+ foreach my $dn ('.arduino15', 'Arduino15', 'ArduinoData') {
+ my $etr = File::Spec->catdir($dp, $dn,
+ qw(packages esp32 tools esptool_py));
+ opendir(my $dh, $etr) or next;
+ while (defined(my $sd = readdir($dh))) {
+ next if ($sd eq File::Spec->curdir);
+ next if ($sd eq File::Spec->updir);
+ my $etd = File::Spec->catdir($etr, $sd);
+ next unless ( -d $etd );
+ my $esppath = File::Spec->catfile($etd, 'esptool');
+ if ( ! -d $esppath ) {
+ $ver = try_esptool("\"$esppath\"");
+ last if ($ver);
+ }
+ $esppath .= '.py';
+ if ( -f $esppath ) {
+ $ver = try_esptool("${python} \"$esppath\"");
+ last if ($ver);
+ }
+ }
+ closedir($dh);
+ return $ver if ($ver);
+ }
+ }
+ return $ver;
sub run_esptool($$$$@)
my($port,$common_options,$cmd,$cmd_options,@args) = @_;
my @espcmd = unquote_cmd($esptool);
- push(@espcmd, '--port', $port);
+ if (defined($port) && $common_options->{'port'} ne '') {
+ push(@espcmd, '--port', $port);
+ }
push(@espcmd, hash2opt($common_options));
push(@espcmd, unquote_cmd($cmd));
push(@espcmd, hash2opt($cmd_options));
@@ -171,7 +280,8 @@ sub run_esptool($$$$@)
my $esp;
if (!open($esp, '-|', @espcmd)) {
print STDERR $!, "\n";
- exit 1;
+ exit 1 if (defined($port));
+ return undef;
while (defined(my $l = <$esp>)) {
@@ -198,7 +308,12 @@ sub run_esptool($$$$@)
print STDERR @output;
- die "$0: $espcmd[0] $cmd failed\n" unless ($ok);
+ if (!$ok) {
+ if (defined($port)) {
+ die "$0: $espcmd[0] $cmd failed\n";
+ }
+ return undef;
+ }
return %outinfo;
@@ -260,21 +375,36 @@ sub match_version($$)
my %espopt = ('before' => 'default_reset', 'after' => 'hard_reset',
'connect-attempts' => 8);
+my $tmpdir;
+# Get a filename in $tmpdir
+sub tmpfilename($) {
+ my($filename) = @_;
+ if (!defined($tmpdir)) {
+ die "$0: tmpfilename() called before tmpdir exists\n";
+ }
+ return File::Spec->catfile($tmpdir, $filename);
-sub get_target_board($$)
+sub get_target_board($)
- my($port,$boardinfo) = @_;
+ my($port) = @_;
+ my $boardinfo = tmpfilename('boardinfo.bin');
my %myespopt = (%espopt);
$myespopt{'after'} = 'no_reset';
- run_esptool($port, \%myespopt,
+ run_esptool($port, { hgrep {!/^flash_/} \%myespopt },
'read_flash', { },
- ''.$boardinfo_addr, ''.$boardinfo_len, $boardinfo);
+ sprintf('0x%x', $boardinfo_addr),
+ $boardinfo_len, $boardinfo);
open(my $bi, '<:raw', $boardinfo) or return undef;
my $bid;
read($bi, $bid, $boardinfo_len);
+ unlink($boardinfo);
return undef if (length($bid) != $boardinfo_len);
my @bh = unpack('VVVVZ[256]', $bid);
@@ -293,250 +423,126 @@ sub get_target_board($$)
return undef;
-my @args = @ARGV;
-my $esponly = 0;
-my $file;
-my $target_board = undef;
-my $setver = 0;
-while (1) {
- $file = shift(@args);
- last if ($file !~ /^\-/);
- if ($file eq '--esponly') {
- $esponly = 1;
- } elsif ($file eq '--setver') {
- $target_board = shift(@args);
- $setver = defined($target_board);
- } elsif ($file eq '--') {
- $file = shift(@args);
- last;
- } else {
- undef $file; # Invalid argument, print usage
- last;
- }
-my $port = shift(@args);
-if (!defined($port)) {
- die "Usage: $0 [--esponly][--setver versionoptions] file.fw port [esptool_options...]\n";
-if (!File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($port)) {
- if (-c "/dev/$port") {
- $port = "/dev/$port";
- } elsif (-c "/dev/tty$port") {
- $port = "/dev/tty$port";
- } elsif ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
- $port = "\\\\.\\$port";
- } else {
- die "$0: no such serial port: $port\n";
- }
-print STDERR "Using serial port device $port\n";
-my $td = File::Temp->newdir(CLEANUP => 1);
-my $boardinfo = File::Spec->catfile($td, 'boardinfo.bin');
-my @espfiles = ();
-if (defined($target_board)) {
- # Forcibly write target board version
- if (!target_string_valid($target_board)) {
- die "$0: $port: invalid firmware target string: $target_board\n";
- }
- open(my $bi, '>:raw', $boardinfo)
- or die "$0: $port: $boardinfo: $!\n";
- my $bid = $target_board . "\0";
- $bid .= "\xff" x ($boardinfo_len - length($bid));
- print $bi $bid;
- close($bi);
- push(@espfiles, ''.$boardinfo_addr, $boardinfo);
-} else {
- # Get the board version from target flash
+sub read_fwfile($$) {
+ my($file, $target_board) = @_;
- $target_board = get_target_board($port, $boardinfo);
- if (!defined($target_board) || !target_string_valid($target_board)) {
- die "$0: $port: board version not programmed, specify with --setver\n";
- }
+ return undef if (!defined($file));
-open(my $fw, '<:gzip', $file)
- or die "$0: $file: $!\n";
+ open(my $fw, '<:gzip', $file)
+ or die "$0: $file: $!\n";
-my @chunks = ();
-my $version_match = undef;
+ my @chunks = ();
+ my $version_match = undef;
-my $err = 0;
+ my $err = 0;
-my $hdr;
-while (read($fw, $hdr, 16) == 16) {
- # magic type flags data_len addr
- my @h = unpack('VvvVV', $hdr);
- my $c = { 'hdr' => $hdr, 'magic' => $h[0], 'type' => $h[1],
- 'flags' => $h[2], 'len' => $h[3], 'addr' => $h[4],
- 'vmatch' => 0, 'vmask' => 0, 'vmin' => 0, 'vmax' => 0xffff };
- if ($c->{'magic'} == $FW_MAGIC[2]) {
- if (read($fw, $hdr, 16) != 16) {
- print STDERR "$0: $file: short header read\n";
+ my $hdr;
+ while (read($fw, $hdr, 16) == 16) {
+ # magic type flags data_len addr
+ my @h = unpack('VvvVV', $hdr);
+ my $c = { 'hdr' => $hdr, 'magic' => $h[0], 'type' => $h[1],
+ 'flags' => $h[2], 'len' => $h[3], 'addr' => $h[4],
+ 'vmatch' => 0, 'vmask' => 0, 'vmin' => 0, 'vmax' => 0xffff };
+ if ($c->{'magic'} == $FW_MAGIC[2]) {
+ if (read($fw, $hdr, 16) != 16) {
+ print STDERR "$0: $file: short header read\n";
+ $err = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ my @h = unpack('VVvvV', $hdr);
+ $c->{'hdr'} .= $hdr;
+ $c->{'vmatch'} = $h[0];
+ $c->{'vmask'} = $h[1];
+ $c->{'vmin'} = $h[2];
+ $c->{'vmax'} = $h[3];
+ } elsif ($c->{'magic'} != $FW_MAGIC[1]) {
+ print STDERR "$0: $file: bad chunk magic\n";
$err = 1;
- my @h = unpack('VVvvV', $hdr);
- $c->{'hdr'} .= $hdr;
- $c->{'vmatch'} = $h[0];
- $c->{'vmask'} = $h[1];
- $c->{'vmin'} = $h[2];
- $c->{'vmax'} = $h[3];
- } elsif ($c->{'magic'} != $FW_MAGIC[1]) {
- print STDERR "$0: $file: bad chunk magic\n";
- $err = 1;
- last;
- }
- my $t = $type[$c->{'type'}];
- my $d;
- if (read($fw, $d, $c->{'len'}) != $c->{'len'}) {
- print STDERR "$0: $file: short chunk read\n";
- $err = 1;
- last;
- }
- $c->{'data'} = $d;
+ my $t = $type[$c->{'type'}];
- if ($t eq 'target') {
- my $is_match = match_version($target_board, $d);
- if ($c->{'magic'} == $FW_MAGIC[1] || $is_match) {
- $version_match = $c;
- }
- print STDERR "$0: $file: supports hardware: $d",
- ($is_match ? ' (match)' : ''), "\n";
- } elsif ($t eq 'end' || $t eq 'note' || ($c->{'flags'} & $FDF_PRETARGET)) {
- # Not filtered
- } else {
- if (!defined($version_match)) {
- print STDERR "$0: $file: hardware version $target_board not supported\n";
+ my $d;
+ if (read($fw, $d, $c->{'len'}) != $c->{'len'}) {
+ print STDERR "$0: $file: short chunk read\n";
$err = 1;
+ $c->{'data'} = $d;
- if ($c->{'vmin'} > $version_match->{'vmax'} ||
- $c->{'vmax'} < $version_match->{'vmin'} ||
- (($c->{'vmatch'} ^ $version_match->{'vmatch'}) & $c->{'vmask'})) {
- # Not applicable to this board
- next;
+ if ($t eq 'target') {
+ my $is_match = match_version($target_board, $d);
+ if ($c->{'magic'} == $FW_MAGIC[1] || $is_match) {
+ $version_match = $c;
+ }
+ print STDERR "$0: $file: supports hardware: $d",
+ ($is_match ? ' (match)' : ''), "\n";
+ } elsif ($t eq 'end' || $t eq 'note' || ($c->{'flags'} & $FDF_PRETARGET)) {
+ # Not filtered
+ } else {
+ if (!defined($version_match)) {
+ print STDERR "$0: $file: hardware version $target_board not supported\n";
+ $err = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ if ($c->{'vmin'} > $version_match->{'vmax'} ||
+ $c->{'vmax'} < $version_match->{'vmin'} ||
+ (($c->{'vmatch'} ^ $version_match->{'vmatch'}) & $c->{'vmask'})) {
+ # Not applicable to this board
+ next;
+ }
- }
- push(@chunks, $c);
+ push(@chunks, $c);
- last if ($t eq 'end'); # End of stream
+ last if ($t eq 'end'); # End of stream
+ }
-exit $err if ($err);
+ close($fw);
-%espopt = (%espopt,
- 'baud' => 115200, 'port' => undef, 'chip' => undef,
- 'flash_mode' => undef, 'flash_freq' => undef,
- 'flash_size' => undef);
+ exit 1 if ($err);
+ # Sort out the ESP chunks as files for esptool versus the ones
+ # that should be uploaded once the ESP software is running
+ my @espfiles;
+ my $raw_fpgadata;
-# Create a compressed data buffer without the ESP32 chunks
-my $fpgadata;
-open(my $fpgafh, '>:gzip', \$fpgadata) or die;
-my $nc = 0;
-foreach my $c ( @chunks ) {
- my $t = $type[$c->{'type'}];
- if ($t eq 'esptool') {
- my $s = $c->{'data'};
- $s =~ s/[\r\n]+/ /g;
- while ($s =~ /^\s*(\S+)\s+(\S+)(.*)/) {
- $espopt{$1} = $2;
- $s = $3;
+ my $nc = 0;
+ foreach my $c ( @chunks ) {
+ my $t = $type[$c->{'type'}];
+ if ($t eq 'esptool') {
+ my $s = $c->{'data'};
+ $s =~ s/[\r\n]+/ /g;
+ while ($s =~ /^\s*(\S+)\s+(\S+)(.*)/) {
+ $espopt{$1} = $2;
+ $s = $3;
+ }
+ } elsif ($t =~ /^esp/ && $c->{'addr'}) {
+ my $addr = sprintf('%x', $c->{'addr'});
+ my $tff = tmpfilename($t.$nc.'_'.$addr.'.bin');
+ open(my $tf, '>', $tff) or die "$0: $tff: $!\n";
+ print $tf $c->{'data'};
+ close($tf);
+ push(@espfiles, [$c->{'addr'}, $tff]);
+ } elsif ($t eq 'note' || ($t eq 'target' && $c != $version_match)) {
+ # Skip
+ } else {
+ $raw_fpgadata .= $c->{'hdr'};
+ $raw_fpgadata .= $c->{'data'};
- } elsif ($t =~ /^esp/ && $c->{'addr'}) {
- my $addr = sprintf('%x', $c->{'addr'});
- my $tff = File::Spec->catfile($td, $t.$nc.'_'.$addr.'.bin');
- open(my $tf, '>', $tff) or die "$0: $tff: $!\n";
- print $tf $c->{'data'};
- close($tf);
- push(@espfiles, '0x'.$addr, $tff);
- } elsif ($t eq 'note' || ($t eq 'target' && $c != $version_match)) {
- # Skip
- } else {
- print $fpgafh $c->{'hdr'};
- print $fpgafh $c->{'data'};
+ $nc++;
- $nc++;
-foreach my $e (keys %espopt) {
- my $ev = $ENV{"ESP\U$e"};
- if (defined($ev)) {
- $espopt{$e} = $ev;
+ my $fpgadata;
+ if (defined($raw_fpgadata)) {
+ open(my $fpgafh, '>:gzip', \$fpgadata) or die;
+ print $fpgafh $raw_fpgadata;
+ close($fpgafh);
-run_esptool($port, { hgrep {!/^flash_/} %espopt },
- 'write_flash', { hgrep {/^flash_/} %espopt },
- '-z', @espfiles);
-my $SerialPort = eval {
- require Device::SerialPort;
- Device::SerialPort->import(qw(:PARAM));
- 'Device::SerialPort';
-} || eval {
- require Win32::SerialPort;
- Win32::SerialPort->import(qw(:STAT));
- 'Win32::SerialPort';
-} || die "$0: need Device::SerialPort or Win32::SerialPort\n";
-print STDERR "Waiting for reinit...\n";
-my $tty = $SerialPort->new($port);
-die "$0: $port: $!\n" if (!$tty);
-# In case DTR and/or RTS was asserted on the physical serial port.
-# Note that DTR needs to be deasserted before RTS!
-# However, deasserting DTR on the ACM port prevents it from working,
-# so only do this if we don't see CTS (which is always enabled on ACM)...
-if ($tty->can_modemlines && !($tty->modemlines & $tty->MS_CTS_ON)) {
- usleep(100000);
- $tty->dtr_active(0);
- usleep(100000);
- $tty->rts_active(0);
- usleep(100000);
+ return ([@espfiles], $fpgadata);
sub tty_read {
@@ -559,7 +565,6 @@ sub tty_read {
return $r;
-my $ttybuf = '';
sub tty_write($$) {
my($tty,$data) = @_;
@@ -576,139 +581,333 @@ sub tty_write($$) {
return $offs;
-my $found = 0;
-my $tt = time();
-my $start_enq = $tt;
-tty_write($tty, "\005"); # ENQ
-while (($tt = time()) - $start_enq < 30) {
- my $d = tty_read($tty, \$ttybuf, 1000);
- if ($d eq '') {
- tty_write($tty, "\005"); # ENQ
- } else {
- my $ix = index("\026\004\027", $d);
- if ($ix < 0) {
- print STDERR $d;
- next;
+sub upload_fpgadata($$) {
+ my($port, $fpgadata) = @_;
+ my $SerialPort = eval {
+ require Device::SerialPort;
+ Device::SerialPort->import(qw(:PARAM));
+ 'Device::SerialPort';
+ } || eval {
+ require Win32::SerialPort;
+ Win32::SerialPort->import(qw(:STAT));
+ 'Win32::SerialPort';
+ } || die "$0: need Device::SerialPort or Win32::SerialPort\n";
+ print STDERR "Waiting for reinit...\n";
+ usleep(4000000);
+ my $tty = $SerialPort->new($port);
+ die "$0: $port: $!\n" if (!$tty);
+ $tty->buffers($tty->buffer_max);
+ $tty->reset_error;
+ $tty->user_msg(1);
+ $tty->error_msg(1);
+ $tty->handshake('none');
+ $tty->databits(8);
+ $tty->baudrate(115200);
+ $tty->stopbits(1);
+ $tty->parity('none');
+ $tty->stty_istrip(0);
+ $tty->stty_inpck(0);
+ $tty->datatype('raw');
+ $tty->stty_icanon(0);
+ $tty->stty_opost(0);
+ $tty->stty_ignbrk(0);
+ $tty->stty_inlcr(0);
+ $tty->stty_igncr(0);
+ $tty->stty_icrnl(0);
+ $tty->stty_echo(0);
+ $tty->stty_echonl(0);
+ $tty->stty_isig(0);
+ $tty->read_char_time(0);
+ $tty->write_settings;
+ # In case DTR and/or RTS was asserted on the physical serial port.
+ # Note that DTR needs to be deasserted before RTS!
+ # However, deasserting DTR on the ACM port prevents it from working,
+ # so only do this if we don't see CTS (which is always enabled on ACM)...
+ if ($tty->can_modemlines && !($tty->modemlines & $tty->MS_CTS_ON)) {
+ usleep(100000);
+ $tty->dtr_active(0);
+ usleep(100000);
+ $tty->rts_active(0);
+ usleep(100000);
+ }
+ my $ttybuf = '';
+ my $found = 0;
+ my $tt = time();
+ my $start_enq = $tt;
+ tty_write($tty, "\005"); # ENQ
+ while (($tt = time()) - $start_enq < 30) {
+ my $d = tty_read($tty, \$ttybuf, 1000);
+ if ($d eq '') {
+ tty_write($tty, "\005"); # ENQ
+ } else {
+ my $ix = index("\026\004\027", $d);
+ if ($ix < 0) {
+ print STDERR $d;
+ next;
+ }
+ $found = $found == $ix ? $found+1 : 0;
+ last if ($found == 3);
- $found = $found == $ix ? $found+1 : 0;
- last if ($found == 3);
-if ($found < 3) {
- die "$0: $port: no MAX80 ESP32 detected\n";
+ if ($found < 3) {
+ die "$0: $port: no MAX80 ESP32 detected\n";
+ }
-$start_enq = $tt;
-my $last_req;
-my $winspc;
-while (!defined($winspc)) {
- $tt = time();
- if ($tt - $start_enq >= 10) {
- die "$0: $port: failed to start FPGA firmware upload\n";
+ $start_enq = $tt;
+ my $last_req;
+ my $winspc;
+ while (!defined($winspc)) {
+ $tt = time();
+ if ($tt - $start_enq >= 10) {
+ die "$0: $port: failed to start FPGA firmware upload\n";
+ }
+ if ($tt != $last_req) {
+ tty_write($tty, "\034\001: /// MAX80 FW UPLOAD \~\@\~ \$\r\n\035");
+ $last_req = $tt;
+ }
+ my $d;
+ while (1) {
+ $d = tty_read($tty, \$ttybuf, 100);
+ last if ($d eq '');
+ my $dc = unpack('C', $d);
+ print STDERR $a[$dc];
+ if ($dc == 036) {
+ $winspc = 0;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
- if ($tt != $last_req) {
- tty_write($tty, "\034\001: /// MAX80 FW UPLOAD \~\@\~ \$\r\n\035");
- $last_req = $tt;
+ my $bytes = length($fpgadata);
+ my $offset = 0;
+ my $maxchunk = 64;
+ my $maxahead = 256;
+ my $last_ack = 0;
+ my @pktends = ();
+ my $last_enq = 0;
+ my $last_ack_time = 0;
+ print STDERR "\nStarting packet transmit...\n";
+ while ($last_ack < $bytes) {
+ my $chunk;
+ my $now;
+ while (1) {
+ $chunk = $bytes - $offset;
+ $chunk = $winspc if ($chunk > $winspc);
+ if ($offset + $chunk > $last_ack + $maxahead) {
+ $chunk = $last_ack + $maxahead - $offset;
+ }
+ $chunk = 0 if ($chunk <= 0);
+ $chunk = $maxchunk if ($chunk > $maxchunk);
+ my $d = tty_read($tty, \$ttybuf, $chunk ? 0 : $maxchunk/10);
+ $now = time();
+ last if ($d eq '');
+ my $dc = unpack('C', $d);
+ if ($dc == 022) {
+ $winspc = 0;
+ } elsif ($dc == 024) {
+ if (defined($winspc)) {
+ $winspc += 256;
+ }
+ } elsif ($dc == 006) {
+ $last_ack = shift(@pktends) || $last_ack;
+ if ($now != $last_ack_time) {
+ printf STDERR "%s: %s: %d/%d (%d%%) uploaded\n",
+ $0, $port, $last_ack, $bytes, $last_ack*100/$bytes;
+ $last_ack_time = $now;
+ }
+ } else {
+ print STDERR $a[$dc];
+ if ($dc == 025 || $dc == 031 || $dc == 037) {
+ $offset = $last_ack;
+ @pktends = ();
+ undef $winspc; # Wait for WRST before resuming
+ } elsif ($dc == 030) {
+ print STDERR "\n";
+ die "$0: $port: upload aborted by target system\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!$chunk) {
+ if ($bytes > $offset) {
+ if ($now != $last_enq) {
+ tty_write($tty, "\026"); # SYN: request window resync
+ $last_enq = $now;
+ }
+ }
+ next;
+ }
+ my $data = substr($fpgadata, $offset, $chunk);
+ my $hdr = pack("CvVV", $chunk-1, 0, $offset, crc32($data));
+ tty_write($tty, "\002".mybaseencode($hdr, $data));
+ push(@pktends, $offset + $chunk);
+ $offset += $chunk;
+ $winspc -= $chunk;
- my $d;
+ tty_write($tty, "\004"); # EOT
+ # Final messages out
while (1) {
- $d = tty_read($tty, \$ttybuf, 100);
+ my $d = tty_read($tty, \$ttybuf, 1000);
last if ($d eq '');
- my $dc = unpack('C', $d);
- print STDERR $a[$dc];
- if ($dc == 036) {
- $winspc = 0;
- last;
- }
+ print STDERR $d;
+ $tty->close;
+ return 0;
-my $bytes = length($fpgadata);
-my $offset = 0;
-my $maxchunk = 64;
-my $maxahead = 256;
-my $last_ack = 0;
-my @pktends = ();
-my $last_enq = 0;
-my $last_ack_time = 0;
+my @args = @ARGV;
+my $esponly = 0;
+my $file;
+my $target_board = undef;
+my $setver = 0;
+my $port = undef;
+my $which = 0;
-print STDERR "\nStarting packet transmit...\n";
+while (1) {
+ $file = shift(@args);
+ last if ($file !~ /^\-/);
-while ($last_ack < $bytes) {
- my $chunk;
- my $now;
+ if ($file eq '--esponly') {
+ $esponly = 1;
+ } elsif ($file eq '--which') {
+ $which = 1;
+ } elsif ($file eq '--setver') {
+ $target_board = shift(@args);
+ $setver = defined($target_board);
+ } elsif ($file eq '--port') {
+ $port = shift(@args);
+ } elsif ($file eq '--') {
+ $file = shift(@args);
+ last;
+ } else {
+ undef $file; # Invalid argument, print usage
+ last;
+ }
- while (1) {
- $chunk = $bytes - $offset;
- $chunk = $winspc if ($chunk > $winspc);
- if ($offset + $chunk > $last_ack + $maxahead) {
- $chunk = $last_ack + $maxahead - $offset;
- }
- $chunk = 0 if ($chunk <= 0);
- $chunk = $maxchunk if ($chunk > $maxchunk);
+# Legacy command line support: if no --port, specify port after firmware file
+if (defined($file) && !defined($port) && $args[0] ne '--esptool') {
+ $port = shift(@args);
- my $d = tty_read($tty, \$ttybuf, $chunk ? 0 : $maxchunk/10);
- $now = time();
- last if ($d eq '');
+$tmpdir = File::Temp->newdir(CLEANUP => 1);
+if (!defined($tmpdir)) {
+ die "$0: failed to create temporary directory: $!\n"
- my $dc = unpack('C', $d);
- if ($dc == 022) {
- $winspc = 0;
- } elsif ($dc == 024) {
- if (defined($winspc)) {
- $winspc += 256;
- }
- } elsif ($dc == 006) {
- $last_ack = shift(@pktends) || $last_ack;
- if ($now != $last_ack_time) {
- printf STDERR "%s: %s: %d/%d (%d%%) uploaded\n",
- $0, $port, $last_ack, $bytes, $last_ack*100/$bytes;
- $last_ack_time = $now;
- }
- } else {
- print STDERR $a[$dc];
- if ($dc == 025 || $dc == 031 || $dc == 037) {
- $offset = $last_ack;
- @pktends = ();
- undef $winspc; # Wait for WRST before resuming
- } elsif ($dc == 030) {
- print STDERR "\n";
- die "$0: $port: upload aborted by target system\n";
- }
- }
+my $espver = find_esptool();
+if (!$espver) {
+ die "$0: cannot find esptool, please set ESPTOOL in the environment\n";
+if ($which) {
+ print "esptool ${espver}\n";
+ print $esptool, "\n";
+ exit 0;
+print STDERR "esptool v${espver} found\n\n";
+if (!defined($port)) {
+ die "Usage: $0 [--which][--esponly][--setver version][--port port]\n".
+ " [file.fw] [--esptool esptool_options...]\n";
+if (!File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($port)) {
+ if (-c "/dev/$port") {
+ $port = "/dev/$port";
+ } elsif (-c "/dev/tty$port") {
+ $port = "/dev/tty$port";
+ } elsif ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
+ $port = "\\\\.\\$port";
+ } else {
+ die "$0: no such serial port: $port\n";
+print STDERR "Using serial port device $port\n";
- if (!$chunk) {
- if ($bytes > $offset) {
- if ($now != $last_enq) {
- tty_write($tty, "\026"); # SYN: request window resync
- $last_enq = $now;
- }
- }
- next;
+%espopt = (%espopt,
+ 'baud' => 115200, 'port' => undef, 'chip' => undef,
+ 'flash_mode' => undef, 'flash_freq' => undef,
+ 'flash_size' => undef);
+foreach my $e (keys %espopt) {
+ my $ev = $ENV{"ESP\U$e"};
+ if (defined($ev)) {
+ $espopt{$e} = $ev;
+ }
+while (defined(my $eo = shift(@args))) {
+ if ($eo =~ /^([^=]+)=(.*)$/) {
+ $espopt{$1} = $2;
+ } elsif ($args[0] !~ /^-/) {
+ $espopt{$eo} = shift(@args);
+ } else {
+ $espopt{$eo} = '';
- my $data = substr($fpgadata, $offset, $chunk);
- my $hdr = pack("CvVV", $chunk-1, 0, $offset, crc32($data));
+my @espfiles = ();
- tty_write($tty, "\002".mybaseencode($hdr, $data));
+if (defined($target_board)) {
+ # Forcibly write target board version
+ if (!target_string_valid($target_board)) {
+ die "$0: $port: invalid firmware target string: $target_board\n";
+ }
- push(@pktends, $offset + $chunk);
- $offset += $chunk;
- $winspc -= $chunk;
+ my $boardinfo = tmpfilename('boardinfo.bin');
+ open(my $bi, '>:raw', $boardinfo)
+ or die "$0: $port: $boardinfo: $!\n";
+ my $bid = $target_board . "\0";
+ $bid .= "\xff" x ($boardinfo_len - length($bid));
+ print $bi $bid;
+ close($bi);
+ push(@espfiles, [$boardinfo_addr, $boardinfo]);
+} else {
+ # Get the board version from target flash
+ $target_board = get_target_board($port);
+ if (!defined($target_board) || !target_string_valid($target_board)) {
+ die "$0: $port: board version not programmed, specify with --setver\n";
+ }
-tty_write($tty, "\004"); # EOT
+my($fwfiles, $fpgadata) = read_fwfile($file, $target_board);
+push(@espfiles, @$fwfiles);
-# Final messages out
-while (1) {
- my $d = tty_read($tty, \$ttybuf, 1000);
- last if ($d eq '');
- print STDERR $d;
+if (scalar(@espfiles)) {
+ run_esptool($port, { hgrep {!/^flash_/} %espopt },
+ 'write_flash', { hgrep {/^flash_/} %espopt },
+ '-z', map { (sprintf('0x%x', $_->[0]), $_->[1]) } @espfiles);
+if (defined($fpgadata)) {
+ upload_fpgadata($port, $fpgadata);
-print STDERR "\n$0: $port: firmware upload complete\n";
+print STDERR "\n$0: $port: update complete\n";
exit 0;