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Source code and build mechanism for ABC(80) ROMS

Source code and build mechanism for ABC80 ROMs, where source code is
available. This is not yet being used by the build.
H. Peter Anvin 1 anno fa

+ 0 - 1

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+# This now assumes GNU make or equivalent
+Z80ASM      = z80asm		# Get rid of these...
+PERL        = perl
+Z80_CPP     = gcc -E -x assembler-with-cpp
+CROSS       = ../../../../tools/gnu/bin/z80-none-elf-
+Z80_AS      = $(CROSS)as
+Z80_LD      = $(CROSS)ld
+Z80_OBJCOPY = $(CROSS)objcopy
+Z80_OBJDUMP = $(CROSS)objdump
+Z80_NM      = $(CROSS)nm
+INCLUDE = -I$(O) -I.
+SFLAGS  = $(INCLUDE) -undef -nostdinc -D__ASSEMBLER__ -D__Z80__
+ASFLAGS = $(INCLUDE) -ahlsgm=$*.lst --no-pad-sections -g
+# Used for make clean
+AUXRAM   = nvram_20k nvram_22k no_nvram
+UFDDOS   = ../$(O)/ufddos80.rom
+PRINT    = ../$(O)/print80_29.rom ../$(O)/print80_30.rom ../$(O)/print80_28.rom
+ROMS     = $(UFDDOS) $(PRINT)
+HDRS     = z80.inc abc80.inc auxram.inc $(O)/nvram.inc print80.inc
+	set -e; for r in $(AUXRAM); do $(MAKE) O=$$r all_O; done
+all_O: $(ROMS)
+# .asm rather than .S to avoid problems on monocase filesystems
+$(O)/%.s: %.asm $(HDRS)
+	$(Z80_CPP) $(SFLAGS) -o $@ $<
+%.o: %.s
+	$(Z80_AS) $(ASFLAGS) -o $@ $<
+%.elf: %.o z80.ld z80ld.conf
+	$(Z80_LD) @z80ld.conf -T z80.ld $(LDFLAGS) \
+		-Map=$*.map --cref -o $@ $<
+%.bin: %.elf
+	$(Z80_OBJCOPY) -O binary $< $@
+# Default rule
+../$(O)/%.rom: $(O)/%.bin
+	mkdir -p $(@D) && cp -f $< $@
+	for d in . $(AUXRAM); do \
+		rm -f $$d/*.err $$d/*.lis $$d/*.map $$d/*.sym $$d/*.def \
+			$$d/*.obj $$d/*.o $$d/*.reloc $$d/*.bin $$d/*.lst \
+			$$d/*.s $$d/*.elf ; \
+	done
+spotless: clean
+	$(MAKE) O=* spotless_O
+	rm -f $(ROMS)

+ 136 - 0

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+;; -*- mode: asm; comment-column: 36; comment-start: ";; "; -*-
+;; abc80.bxh
+;; Constants and some function definitions for ABC80
+;; System variables
+defc CLOCK		= 65008	    ;; Clock (3 bytes)
+defc CLOCK1		= 65009	    ;; Second two bytes of clock
+defc CURY		= 65011	    ;; Row
+defc CURX		= 65012	    ;; Column
+defc KEYFLAG		= 65013	    ;; Bit 7	= key pressed
+defc KEYTIMER		= 65014	    ;; Keyboard repeat timer
+defc CASBUF		= 65017	    ;; Pointer to current casbuf
+defc ALTINPUT		= 65019	    ;; "Pointer to alternate input getline"?
+defc CASBLK		= 65021	    ;; Current cassette block number
+defc CASPTR		= 65023	    ;; Pointer into current CASBUF
+defc CASBYTE		= 65025	    ;; Cassette byte in
+defc CASBITCNT		= 65026	    ;; Cassette bit count in
+defc CASCALLBK		= 65027	    ;; Callback after cassette byte read
+defc CASCSUM		= 65029	    ;; Cassette checksum
+defc CTRL_C		= 65031	    ;; Bit 7 = Ctrl-C pressed
+defc DEVLIST		= 65034	    ;; Device list start
+defc BACVER		= 65036	    ;; BASIC version number (new BASIC only)
+defc BASICERR		= 65039	    ;; BASICERR.SYS open
+defc IYBASE		= 65046	    ;; IY points here
+defc BOFA		= 65052	    ;; Start of BASIC program
+defc EOFA		= 65054	    ;; Last byte of BASIC program (01h)
+defc HEAP		= 65056	    ;; Current top of BASIC heap
+defc CURFILE		= 65059	    ;; Current BASIC file (PRINT/INPUT)
+defc RUNMODE		= 65060	    ;; 0 = run mode, 1 = command mode
+defc PROGFL		= 65061	    ;; Bit 4 = trace, 5 = run only
+defc FIXUP		= 65062	    ;; Program fixed up flag
+defc STACK		= 65063	    ;; Initial BASIC stack
+defc VARLIST		= 65065	    ;; Variable list start
+defc SELECT		= 65067	    ;; Currently selected bus device
+defc LINEADDR		= 65069	    ;; Address of current BASIC line
+defc DATAPTR		= 65070	    ;; Current DATA pointer
+defc DATALINE		= 65072	    ;; Current DATA line pointer
+defc FILELIST		= 65074	    ;; Open file list
+defc ONERROR		= 65076	    ;; ON ERROR GOTO address
+defc RUNSTACK		= 65078	    ;; Runtime stack pointer
+defc ERRCODE		= 65080	    ;; Current ERRCODE
+defc RNDSEED		= 65081	    ;; RND seed buffer (5 bytes)
+defc FNARGS		= 65086	    ;; FN function arguments on stack
+defc LINE_BUF		= 65088	    ;; Line input buffer
+defc LINE_SIZE		= 120	    ;; Size of LINEBUF
+defc PCODE_BUF		= 65208	    ;; Compilation time buffer
+defc PCODE_SIZE		= 208	    ;; Size of PCODE_BUF
+defc POKE_BUF		= 65408	    ;; Free POKE area
+defc POKE_LEN		= 128	    ;; Size of POKE_BUF
+;; Clock info
+defc TICK		= CLOCK	    ;; Fastest ticking byte
+defc HZ			= 50	    ;; Tick frequency
+;; BASIC subroutines (valid for all BASIC versions)
+defc S_ERROR		= 0x0012    ;; Error routine (A=error)
+defc S_NEW		= 0x00c6    ;; Delete program then command line
+defc S_CMD		= 0x00cc    ;; Go to command line
+defc S_RUNCMD		= 0x00f4    ;; Run command in HL -> RADBUF
+				    ;; RUNMODE must = 1 and CTRLC flag clear
+defc S_INLINE		= 0x0015    ;; Stock INPUT for a device with BLKRD
+defc S_OUTLI		= 0x001b    ;; Stock PRINT for a device with BLKWR
+defc S_CLOSEF		= 0x0023    ;; Stock CLOSE for a block device?
+defc S_OPENF		= 0x002d    ;; OPEN with filename convert
+defc S_OPENCMD		= 0x003e    ;; OPEN helper for commands
+defc S_FIXNAM		= 0x0041    ;; Format a variable name
+defc S_END		= 0x00c9    ;; Jump here to END
+defc S_CUR_MAX_X	= 0x0338    ;; A = current column, E = max column
+defc S_CHECKCTRLC	= 0x033e    ;; Checks (Z=0) and clears Ctrl-C flag
+				    ;; clobbers A
+defc S_CHAINPTR		= 0x0e64    ;; *Pointer* to executing CHAIN
+defc S_FNDLIN		= 0x0f39    ;; DE = line number -> HL = address
+defc S_CLOSEFILE	= 0x087f    ;; Close BASIC file from IX
+defc S_SCRATCH		= 0x0a70    ;; Delete program, clear runstate
+;; Error stubs (issue ERR xx)
+defc ERR_53		= 0x06F7    ;; Felaktig rad
+defc ERR_0		= 0x06F9    ;; Ej tillåtet öka DIM
+defc ERR_1		= 0x06FB    ;; Fel antal index
+defc ERR_2		= 0x06FD    ;; Ej tillåtet som kommand
+defc ERR_3		= 0x06FF    ;; Minnet fullt
+defc ERR_4		= 0x0701    ;; För stort flyttal
+defc ERR_5		= 0x0703    ;; För stort index
+defc ERR_6		= 0x0705    ;; Hittar ej detta radnummber
+defc ERR_7		= 0x0707    ;; För stort heltal
+defc ERR_8		= 0x0709    ;; Finns ej i detta system
+defc ERR_9		= 0x070B    ;; Index utanför strängen
+defc ERR_10		= 0x070D    ;; Texten får ej plats i strängen
+defc ERR_21		= 0x070F    ;; Hittar ej filen
+defc ERR_22		= 0x0711    ;; Otillåten sats
+defc ERR_12		= 0x0713    ;; Felaktigt tal
+defc ERR_24		= 0x0715    ;; NEXT saknas
+defc ERR_28		= 0x0717    ;; Felaktig variabel efter NEXT
+defc ERR_27		= 0x0719    ;; NEXT utan FOR
+defc ERR_29		= 0x071B    ;; RETURN utan GOSUB
+defc ERR_26		= 0x071D    ;; Fel i ON-uttryck
+defc ERR_30		= 0x071F    ;; DATA slut
+defc ERR_31		= 0x0721    ;; Fel data till kommando
+defc ERR_32		= 0x0723    ;; Filen ej öppnad
+defc ERR_50		= 0x0725    ;; Kvadratrot ur negativt tal
+defc ERR_52		= 0x0727    ;; Ej till denna enhet
+defc ERR_57		= 0x0729    ;; Funktionen ej definierad
+defc ERR_60		= 0x072B    ;; Bit address > 16 bitar
+;; Console subroutines
+defc CON_GET		= 0x0002    ;; Console get character
+defc CON_INPUT		= 0x0005    ;; Console INPUT LINE
+defc CON_PRINT		= 0x000b    ;; Console PRINT
+defc CON_CRLF		= 0x0742    ;; Print CR LF to console
+;; File I/O jump table calls (indirect via IX)
+defc IX_OPEN		= 0x088a + 3*0
+defc IX_PREPARE		= 0x088a + 3*1
+defc IX_CLOSE		= 0x088a + 3*2
+defc IX_INPUT		= 0x088a + 3*3
+defc IX_PRINT		= 0x088a + 3*4
+defc IX_BLKRD		= 0x088a + 3*5
+defc IX_BLKWR		= 0x088a + 3*6
+defc IX_KILL		= 0x088a + 3*7
+defc IX_NAME		= 0x088a + 3*8
+;; Entry points in the IEC ROM
+defc IEC_CCMD		= 0x7000    ;; Compile CMD to byte code
+defc IEC_ECMD		= 0x7003    ;; Execute CMD byte code
+defc IEC_EIEC		= 0x7006    ;; Evaluate IEC$(x)
+defc IEC_JPTABLE	= 0x7009    ;; IEC: device jump table
+;; BASIC data structures (all BASIC versions)
+defc SCRN_ROWTBL	= 0x0374    ;; Table of addresses for screen rows
+defc SCRN_WIDTH		= 0x033c    ;; Inside S_CUR_MAX_X routine
+;; ROM init vector offset, matches DOS
+defc INIT_OFFS		= 0x4b

+ 53 - 0

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+;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;;;  Base memory locations in auxiliary memory
+;;;  Make sure to set these here to avoid accidental overlap
+;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;;; Define AUXRAM_END and AUXRAM_SIZE to the appropriate values.
+;;; If no auxiliary RAM is available, AUXRAM_END can be set to 0xf500
+;;; (the address of DOSBUF0) and SP adjusted to AUXRAM_USED_BASE during.
+;;; initialization.
+	#include "nvram.inc"
+;;; UFD-DOS: 64 bytes at 0x57c0
+	defc AUXRAM_UFDDOS_SIZE	  = 64
+;;; printnet: 256 bytes at 0x56c0
+;;; MEG80 ramdisk: 32 bytes at 0x56a0
+	ifdef SUPPORT_MEG80
+	defc AUXRAM_MEG80_SIZE    = 32
+;;; TKN80 patch: 96 bytes at 0x5640
+	defc AUXRAM_TKN80_SIZE    = 96
+;;; The part of AUXRAM that is actually allocated
+	else
+	endif
+;;; Base, size, and free data in auxram, if available at all
+	ifndef AUXRAM_SIZE
+	endif

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+	;; No emulated NVRAM, below stack
+	defc AUXRAM_END   = 0xf500

+ 3 - 0

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+	;; Emulated NVRAM at 20-22K
+	defc AUXRAM_END   = 22*1024
+	defc AUXRAM_SIZE  = 2048

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+	;; Emulated NVRAM at 22-24K
+	defc AUXRAM_END   = 24*1024
+	defc AUXRAM_SIZE  = 2048

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+;;; -*- asm -*-
+;;; Simple option ROM for printer for ABC80; this is not authentic, but
+;;; uses a hardware interface implementable with an FT232H USB module.
+;;; It is (hopefully) at least similar to an ABC80 printer interface.
+;;; - ABC-bus select code 60 decimal;
+;;;   OUT 0 - (OUT)  output data
+;;;   IN  0 - (INP)  input data
+;;;   IN  1 - (STAT) bit 0 - Rx data available
+;;;                  bit 1 - Tx space available
+;;;                  bit 2 - USB suspended (not ready)
+;;;                  bit 3 - USB configured (host ready)
+;;;   OUT 2 - (C1)   flush Tx buffer immediately
+;;;   OUT 3 - (C2)   discard all input - only supported in some hw versions
+;;; FF is used as an escape character for the file I/O and console
+;;; interfaces (FF A0..BF for file, FF C0 for console)
+;;; FF FE is used to represent an FF character in the printer stream,
+;;; and FF FD is send on CLOSE (end of job).
+;;; For other escape sequences, see print.c.
+;;; To auto-initialize this, we need a modified DOS that looks for
+;;; additional ROM entry points (ABC800 has this, but not ABC80.)
+#include "z80.inc"
+#include "abc80.inc"
+#include "auxram.inc"
+	defc selcode=60			; ABC-bus select code
+	defc LARGE=(ROMSIZE >= 2048)
+	;; Maximum number of remote volumes
+	defc MAX_VOLS = 32
+	;; Console device, probably doesn't fit anymore
+	defc console_dev = LARGE
+	;; Support strict text file access
+	defc pra_dev = 0
+	;; ABC800-style CON: and NUL: devices
+	defc connul = LARGE
+	;; Quicklib routine
+	defc quicklib = 1
+	;; Return real error codes or always zero?
+	defc return_real_errors = 0	; Match UFD-DOS 80
+	;; PR: using raw protocol (not a chardev volume?)
+	defc raw_pr = 0
+	;; CMD routine if in IEC area?
+	defc have_cmd = LARGE && (ROMSTART == 0x7000)
+	if !have_cmd
+	defc c_cmd = ERR_8
+	defc e_cmd = ERR_8
+	defc e_iec = ERR_8
+	endif
+	;; Device timeout
+	defc timeout = 100		; 100/50 Hz = 2 s
+	.globl _org
+	_org = ROMSTART
+	.section .text
+	.globl _start
+	;; If in the IEC area, add the IEC area entry points
+	;; IEC: jump table follows; simply treat it as PR:
+	if ROMSTART == 0x7000
+	jp c_cmd
+	jp e_cmd
+	jp e_iec
+	endif
+	if raw_pr
+	; jp table for PR: (if in printer area, should be first)
+	jp trivial			; OPEN
+	jp trivial			; PREPARE
+	jp pr_close			; CLOSE
+	jp notforme			; INPUT
+	jp pr_print			; PRINT
+	jp notforme			; RDBLK
+	jp notforme			; WRBLK
+	jp notforme			; DELETE
+	jp notforme			; RENAME
+	endif
+	jp prb_open			; OPEN
+	jp prb_prepare			; PREPARE
+	jp prb_close			; CLOSE
+	jp prb_input			; INPUT - might be generally useful
+	jp prb_print			; PRINT
+	jp prb_rdblk			; RDBLK
+	jp prb_wrblk			; WRBLK
+	; Supporting DELETE and RENAME requires fixes to the DOS ROM;
+	; the DOS ROM contains the BASIC interpreter for these and
+	; it assumes it only applies to disk files.
+	jp prx_delete			; DELETE
+	jp prx_rename			; RENAME
+	;; Fixed entry points, reserved for future use
+	.org 0x4b, 0xff
+	;; Init entry point, same offset as in DOS
+	jp start
+	if pra_dev
+	; jp table for PRA:
+	jp pra_open			; OPEN
+	jp pra_prepare			; PREPARE
+	jp pra_close			; CLOSE
+	jp pra_input			; INPUT
+	jp pra_print			; PRINT
+	jp notforme			; RDBLK
+	jp notforme			; WRBLK
+	; Supporting DELETE and RENAME requires fixes to the DOS ROM;
+	; the DOS ROM contains the BASIC interpreter for these and
+	; it assumes it only applies to disk files.
+	jp prx_delete			; DELETE
+	jp prx_rename			; RENAME
+	endif
+	if raw_pr
+	call select
+	ld a,0F3h			; Printer data
+	call send_esc
+	ld a,b
+	or c
+	ld a,0EFh
+	jr z,done_esc
+	ld a,(hl)
+	call send_byte
+	inc a
+	jr nz,pr_not_ff
+	ld a,0FEh
+	call send_byte
+	dec bc
+	inc hl
+	jr pr_print_loop
+	call select
+	ld a,0FDh
+	jr done_esc
+	endif
+	;; Select the current device, and save the stack pointer
+	;; to allow for an error unwind. This should be called from the
+	;; topmost stack so that a RET on error returns to BASIC;
+	;; if called in a nested context that context will be returned
+	;; to on error. After an error the carry flag is set and only
+	;; A is defined.
+	ld (errsp),sp
+	push af
+	ld a,(SELECT)			; Old select code
+	ld (ram_select),a		; Save old select code
+	ld a,selcode			; Select code
+	ld (SELECT),a			; Is this correct?
+	out (1),a
+	pop af
+	ret
+	call send_esc
+	xor a
+	ld sp,(errsp)	; Restore stack
+	inc sp		; Drop return address from select
+	inc sp
+	push af
+	ld a,(ram_select)
+	ld (SELECT),a
+	out (1),a
+	pop af
+	rlca	; CF <- bit 7
+	if return_real_errors
+	srl a		; Strip bit 7 from result but is in CF
+	else
+	ld a,0		; This is what UFD-DOS 80 does?!
+	endif
+	ret
+	if pra_dev
+	ld a,0xA0
+	jr prx_open
+	ld a,0xA2
+	jr prx_open
+	endif
+	ld a,0xA3
+	jr prb_open_prepare
+	ld a,0xA1
+	call prb_setup_buf
+	;; Fall through...
+	;; ABC80-BASIC expects DE to be preserved across this routine,
+	;; otherwise .BAC -> .BAS searching does not work.
+	if pra_dev			; Handled by prb_setup_buf
+	ld (ix+7),132			; Line length, seems to be standard?
+	endif
+	call select
+	push af				; Save command code
+	call send_cmd			; Returns with CF = 0
+	ld l,(ix+3)			; Get volume name
+	ld h,(ix+4)
+	ld bc,3
+	sbc hl,bc
+	ld (ix+6),b			; 0
+	call send_buf
+	;; HL <- filename. Do not use EX DE,HL here: if send_buf
+	;; aborts we have to have DE intact on return to BASIC.
+	ld l,e
+	ld h,d
+	ld c,11				; B = 0 already
+	call send_buf
+	call recv_reply
+	pop hl				; H = command
+	if quicklib
+	and (iy+14)	; Bit 0 = command mode
+	add a		; Bit 0 -> bit 1
+	and h		; Check for PREPARE (bit 1)
+	;; bit 1 in A is now set if quicklib
+	endif
+	;; Mark buffer busy if successful, any value other than 0xff
+	;; works, so just use zero...
+	if pra_dev
+	bit 0,h				; PRA -> no buffer, no quicklib
+	jr z,nohazbuf
+	endif
+	call prb_dosfd
+	ld (hl),b			; B = 0 on exit here
+	if !quicklib
+	jr done
+	else
+	;; A is as set up above...
+	and 2
+	jr z,done	; Not quicklib (A = 0 here)
+	;; -------- Show library listing on screen --------
+	;; Restore the original select code in memory. It isn't
+	;; necessary to send the select code to the bus, because
+	;; the subsequent I/O operations will do that for us.
+	ld a,(ram_select)	; Restore original select code
+	ld (SELECT),a
+	call crlf
+	ld (ix+6),22		; 22 lines before wait
+	jr nz,ql_done
+	ld hl,PCODE_BUF
+	push hl
+	ld bc,PCODE_SIZE
+	call IX_INPUT
+	pop hl
+	jr c,ql_done
+	call S_CUR_MAX_X
+	ld bc,+(12 << 8) + 13
+	add c			; Space needed
+	sub e
+	jr c,ql_nocrlf
+	call crlf
+	dec (ix+6)
+	jr nz,ql_nocrlf
+	push ix
+	call CON_GET
+	pop ix
+	ld (ix+6),1		; <Return> = one line only
+	cp c
+	jr z,ql_nocrlf
+	ld (ix+6),22
+	push hl
+	ld a,(hl)
+	cp '.'			; Lowest valid filename character
+	jr c,ql_found_comma	; Comma, CR, or other non-filename character
+	inc hl
+	djnz ql_find_comma
+	inc b
+	ld (hl),' '
+	inc hl
+	djnz ql_pad_space
+	pop hl
+	; BC = 13 here
+	call CON_PRINT
+	jr ql_getline
+	jp S_CMD		; Forcible return to command loop -
+				; abort LIST command
+	push bc
+	call CON_CRLF
+	pop bc
+	ret
+	endif			; quicklib
+	call select
+	ld a,0xAA
+	call send_cmd
+	ex de,hl			; HL -> new filename
+	ld bc,11
+	call send_buf
+	jr prx_reply_done
+	call select
+	xor a
+	cp (ix+14)
+	jr z,pbc_noflush
+	call prb_getbufaddr
+	ld b,a
+	ld a,(ix+10)			; End data
+	sub l				; Skip non-data at start of buffer
+	ld c,a
+	call output_common
+	call prb_dosfd
+	ld (hl),255			; Buffer now free
+	;; Returns with B=0
+	ld (ix+14),b
+	if pra_dev
+	ld (ix+5),0
+	else
+	ld (ix+5),b
+	endif
+	ld a,0xA7
+prx_simple_command:			; Just command and response, no data
+	call send_cmd
+prx_reply_done:				; Reply, then done
+	call recv_reply
+	jp done
+	ld a,0xAB
+	call select
+	jr prx_simple_command
+	if pra_dev
+	call select
+	call output_common
+	jr done2
+	endif
+	ld a,0xA6
+	call send_cmd
+	call send_word
+	call send_buf
+	jp recv_reply
+	if pra_dev
+	call select
+	ld a,0xA4			; INPUT
+	endif
+	;; This routine can be called to handle a command with a
+	;; reply + len + data response.
+	;; HL -> target_buf, A = command, BC = buffer size
+	; XXX: USB is fast enough that INIR/OTIR should be possible
+	call send_cmd
+	call recv_reply
+	call recv_byte
+	ld e,a
+	call recv_byte
+	ld d,a
+	; Now HL -> target buf; DE -> expected byte count;
+	; BC -> buffer size
+	ld a,d
+	or e
+	ret z
+	dec de
+	ld a,b
+	or c
+	jr nz,prai_space
+	ld hl,ram_dummy
+	inc c
+	dec bc
+	call recv_byte
+	ld (hl),a
+	inc hl
+	jr prai_loop
+	ld a,128+37
+	jr done2
+	call select
+	ld a,0xA5
+	call send_cmd
+	ld b,253
+	ld a,b
+	call send_byte
+	xor a
+	call send_byte
+	call recv_reply
+	call recv_byte
+	cp b
+	jr nz,prbr_protoerr
+	call recv_byte
+	and a
+	jr nz,prbr_protoerr
+	call prb_getbufaddr
+	push hl
+	call recv_byte
+	ld (hl),a
+	inc hl
+	djnz prbr_recv
+	pop hl			; HL -> buf address
+	jp done_ok
+	;; This is a slightly modified version of the BLK_INPUT routine
+	;; in the BASIC ROM. It has the following modifications:
+	;;   1. Accept <LF> or <CR><LF> line endings as well as just <CR>
+	;;   2. Handle a block without an <ETX> terminator
+	;;   3. Handle a file without <NUL> terminator
+	;; These changes allow a text file in modern Unix/DOS format
+	;; to be parsed, as long as it does not have embedded <TAB>
+	;; characters. It would be possible to heuristically handle
+	;; <TAB> by looking for <LF> or <ETX>; the first block ought to have
+	;; at least one <LF> if "modern", or <ETX> if ABC.
+	;;
+	;; This is intended to be a general routine, usable for other
+	;; devices than these.
+	ex de,hl		; DE -> destination pointer
+	ld (ix+13),1		; Inhibit output
+	ld l,(ix+10)		; HL -> pointer into the buffer
+	ld h,(ix+11)
+	xor a
+	cp c
+	jr z,pbi_overlong	; Output buffer overflow?
+	call pbi_peekchar
+	cp 9			; TAB = compressed spaces
+	jr z,pbi_tab
+	cp 10			; LF = convert to CR
+	jr z,pbi_lf
+	and a
+	jr z,pbi_eof		; NUL = end of file
+	jp m,pbi_badchar	; >= 128 -> error
+	ldi			; (DE) <- (HL), DE++, HL++, BC--
+	cp 13			; CR = end of line
+	jr nz,pbi_nextchar
+	;; For a CR character, look to see if the next one if LF,
+	;; if so eat the LF rather than having it converted to CR next time.
+	;; Only do this exactly once, so <CR><LF><LF> = 2 lines.
+	call pbi_peekchar
+	cp 10
+	jr nz,pbi_done
+	inc hl			; Skip exactly one LF character
+	xor a
+	ld (ix+10),l
+	ld (ix+11),h
+	ret
+	scf
+	jr pbi_return
+	ld a,128 + 20	        ; Line too long
+	jr pbi_err
+	ld a,128 + 58	        ; Bad character
+	jr pbi_err
+pbi_lf:				; Convert to CR and EOL, but don't eat LF
+	ld (hl),13
+	ldi
+	jr pbi_done
+	inc l			; Next byte; note that 3 = ETX is valid
+	jr z,pbi_nextchar	; <TAB> at end of block -> ignore
+	ld b,(hl)
+	inc l
+	ld a,c
+	sub b
+	jr c,pbi_overlong
+	ld c,a
+	ld a,' '
+	ld (de),a
+	inc de
+	djnz pbi_tab_expand
+	jr pbi_nextchar
+	;; Get the next character, but don't advance HL beyond
+	;; it. However, handle ETX and buffer overrun here.
+	xor a
+	cp l			; 256-byte wrap: assume end of block
+	jr z,pbi_newblock
+	ld a,(hl)
+	cp 3
+	ret nz
+	call pbi_eofbuf		; Just in case IX_BLKRD fails silently...
+	push bc
+	push de
+	call IX_BLKRD
+	pop de
+	pop bc
+	;; HL points to start of buffer here (we hope)
+	jr nc,pbi_peekchar
+	;; On error, return EOF and also set the first byte in the buffer
+	;; to EOF in case input gets called again.
+	;; Fall through...
+	call prb_getbufaddr
+	xor a
+	ld (hl),a
+	ret
+	; Write a binary output block.  Similar to
+	; pra_print, but with a few different buffer
+	; management bits.
+	call select
+	call prb_getbufaddr
+	ld bc,253
+	call output_common
+	call prb_empty_buf
+	jp done
+	;; Blocking PRINT without converting to ABC-DOS text format.
+	;; This simply stuffs a buffer full of the PRINT contents;
+	;; it also assumes the buffer is full when there is a 256-byte
+	;; address wraparound as (ix+13) is not expected to reflect the
+	;; buffer length without space for ETX... and is set to 1 on
+	;; read (what?!)
+	ld a,c
+	or b
+	ret z				; Nothing to do...
+	ld e,(ix+10)
+	ld d,(ix+11)
+	xor a
+	sub e
+	jr z,pbp_nextbuf		; No space left in buffer
+	push bc
+	inc b
+	;; A now has the number of free bytes in the buffer
+	;; If BC > A need to use the rest of the buffer
+	djnz pbp_limitlen
+	cp c
+	jr c,pbp_limitlen
+	ld a,c
+	ld c,a
+	xor a				; Assume all good, clear carry
+	ld b,a
+	ex (sp),hl
+	sbc hl,bc			; Decrement bytes left to write
+	ex (sp),hl
+	ldir
+	ld (ix+10),e
+	ld (ix+11),d
+	ld (ix+14),1			; Buffer dirty
+	pop bc
+	ret z				; Z still set from SBC HL,BC
+	push hl
+	push bc
+	call IX_BLKWR
+	pop bc
+	pop hl
+	jr nc,pbp_output
+	ret			; Error
+	sub e
+	jr pbp_limitlen
+	;; Get the address of the DOS file description corresponding
+	;; to the allocated buffer.
+	;; Returns with B = 0, C = DOSBUF*16, HL = DOS file description
+	ld b,0
+	ld c,(ix+12)
+	ld hl,0xFD41
+	add hl,bc
+	ret
+	;; Set up a BUF for PRB: (open/prepare)
+	;; This uses routines from UFD-DOS due to space
+	push af
+	push bc
+	push hl
+	call 65F4h		; Allocate buffer
+	call 662Bh		; Initialize buffer pointers
+	pop hl
+	pop bc
+	pop af
+	ret
+	;; This returns with DE -> buffer start. It seems ABC80-BASIC
+	;; requires this to work...
+prb_empty_buf:			; Returns with A=0, HL->buf
+	push af
+	ex de,hl
+	ld a,(ix+12)
+	call 662Fh		; Returns with HL -> buffer
+	ex de,hl
+	pop af
+	ret
+;;; Load the address of the start of the current buffer into HL
+	ld l,3
+	ld h,(ix+9)
+	ret
+	;; Send a command header, A = command
+	;; Returns with CF = 0
+	push bc
+	ld (ram_cmd),a
+	call send_esc
+	ld a,(ram_serial)
+	call send_byte
+	push ix
+	pop bc
+	call send_word
+	pop bc
+	ret
+	;; Send a word in BC, preserves AF
+	push af
+	ld a,c
+	call send_byte
+	ld a,b
+	call send_byte
+	pop af
+	ret
+	;; Send FF + byte; reset running checksum
+	;; Returns with CF = 0!
+	push af
+	ld a,0FFh
+	call send_byte
+	ld (ram_csum),a
+	pop af
+	;; Fall through
+	;; Send a single byte and add to running checksum
+	;; Returns with CF = 0!
+	push hl
+	ld l,a
+	ld a,(ram_csum)
+	add l
+	ld (ram_csum),a
+	in a,(1)
+	and 2				; TX space available
+	call z,wait_for_tx
+	ld a,l
+	out (0),a
+	pop hl
+	ret
+	;; Send a buffer HL->data BC=count
+	;; On return HL advanced, BC=0, A clobbered
+	;;
+	; XXX: USB is fast enough that INIR/OTIR should be possible
+	ld a,b
+	or c
+	ret z
+	ld a,(hl)
+	call send_byte
+	dec bc
+	inc hl
+	jr send_buf
+	;; Receive a byte.  Return with C flag on timeout.
+	;; Optimistically...
+	in a,(1)
+	and 0Dh
+	cp 09h
+	call nz,wait_for_rx
+	in a,(0)		; Data immediately available
+	ret			; C=0 already
+	;; This routine waits until the status bit given in A is zero;
+	;; if the the high bits of the status are anything other than
+	;; xxxx10xx (configured, not suspended) then immediately issue
+	;; device not ready.
+	push hl
+	ld hl,0x0A0E
+	jr wait_for
+	push hl
+	ld hl,0x090D		; Mask, expected value
+	push bc
+	ld b,timeout
+	ld a,(CLOCK)
+	ld c,a
+	in a,(1)
+	and l
+	cp h
+	jr nz,wf_nope
+	pop bc
+	pop hl
+	ret
+	and 0x0C		; Invalid status bits?
+	cp 0x08
+	jr nz,wf_error		; Not connected
+	ld a,(CLOCK)
+	cp c
+	jr z,wf_loop
+	djnz wf_ctr
+	ld a,128+42		; Device not ready
+	jp done
+	ld a,0EFh		; End of frame
+	call send_byte
+	ld a,(ram_csum)
+	neg			; Total checksum = 0
+	call send_byte
+	out (2),a		; Immediately transmit any pending output
+	ret
+	;; Send end of frame, and receive a reply header.
+	;; If the reply is an error, terminate command and return
+	;; the error code to BASIC (or other caller) by calling done.
+	push bc
+	call send_endframe
+	ld bc,(ram_cmd)
+	call recv_byte
+	inc a			; FF?
+	jr nz,rr_loop
+	call recv_byte
+	cp c			; Command
+	jr nz,rr_isff
+	call recv_byte
+	cp b			; Serial
+	jr nz,rr_isff
+	call recv_byte		; Error code (if any)
+	;; Got this far, bump sequence number
+	inc b
+	ld (ram_cmd),bc
+	pop bc
+	and a
+	ret p			; Bit 7 = 0 -> no error
+	jr done4
+	dec b			; Drop the sequence number to allow resend
+	jr wf_error
+;;; Discard any (stale) input, if any. Terminate immediately if suspended,
+;;; not configured, or not present. Clobbers A.
+	in a,(1)
+	and 0Dh
+	sub 09h
+	ret nz
+	out (3),a		; Fast flush if supported by the hardware
+	in a,(0)		; Consume byte
+	jr flush_rx
+	if console_dev
+	jp trivial			; OPEN
+	jp trivial			; PREPARE
+	jp trivial			; CLOSE
+	jp notforme			; INPUT
+	jp prc_print			; PRINT
+	jp notforme			; RDBLK
+	jp notforme			; WRBLK
+	jp notforme			; DELETE
+	jp notforme			; RENAME
+	call select
+	ld a,0xFF
+	call send_byte
+	ld a,0xc0
+	call send_byte
+	ld a,b
+	or c
+	jr z,send_byte_done		; A=00 here
+	ld a,(hl)
+	and a
+	jr z,prc_skip
+	call send_byte
+	dec bc
+	inc hl
+	jr prc_print_loop
+	call send_byte
+	jp done_ok
+	endif			; console_dev
+	if have_cmd
+	ld hl,new_basic_jumps
+	ld bc,old_basic_jumps - new_basic_jumps
+	ld a,(65h)		; First byte different between old and new
+	and a
+	jr z,is_new_basic
+	add hl,bc
+	ld de,basic_jumps
+	ldir
+	endif
+	call init		; Unwind to here on error or return
+	ld hl,__end + INIT_OFFS	; Where to search next
+	ret
+	call select
+	ld hl,-256
+	add hl,sp
+	ld sp,hl
+	push hl
+	ld a,0xA9		; CLOSE ALL NO REPLY
+	call send_cmd
+	call recv_reply
+	ld a,0xBA		; LIST VOLUMES
+	pop hl
+	push hl
+	ld bc,4*MAX_VOLS+1	; B=0
+	call input_command
+	pop hl
+	;; Create device list entries
+	;; HL -> CRAD here, A = 0
+	push hl
+	ld bc,4*MAX_VOLS
+	add hl,bc
+	ld (hl),b		; Make sure it is null-terminated on overflow
+	pop hl
+	ld de,voldevs
+	ld a,(hl)
+	and a
+	jr z,link_volumes		; Done
+	inc hl
+	push hl
+	ld hl,7
+	add hl,de
+	ex de,hl
+	ld (hl),e
+	inc hl
+	ld (hl),d
+	inc hl
+	ex de,hl
+	pop hl
+	ld bc,3			; Copy volume name
+	ldir
+	if pra_dev
+	;; This requires pra_jptable and prb_jptable have the same upper bytes
+	dec a			; Z = 1 if A = 1 = text/PRA
+	ld a,pra_jptable & 0xff
+	jr z,have_voltype
+	endif
+	ld a,prb_jptable & 0xff
+	ld (de),a
+	inc de
+	ld a,prb_jptable >> 8
+	ld (de),a
+	inc de
+	jr mk_vols
+	;;  A = 0 here
+	ld hl,-7
+	add hl,de
+	ld de,(DEVLIST)
+	ld (hl),e
+	inc hl
+	ld (hl),d
+	ld hl,device_list
+	ld (DEVLIST),hl
+	jp done
+	ld a,128+52		; Ej till denna enhet
+	scf
+	ret
+	if connul
+	;; Be nice and initialize the position fields, even though
+	;; we aren't really able to keep them updated...
+	call S_CUR_MAX_X
+	ld (ix+6),a
+	ld (ix+7),e
+	;; Fall through
+	endif
+trivial:			; Trivially successful call
+	xor a			; A <- 0  carry <- 0
+	ret
+	if connul
+alwayseof:			; End of file or file not found
+	xor a
+	scf
+	ret
+;;; Simple CON and NUL devices for ABC800 compatibility
+	jp con_open			; OPEN
+	jp con_open			; PREPARE
+	jp trivial			; CLOSE
+	jp notforme			; RDBLK
+	jp notforme			; WRBLK
+	jp notforme			; DELETE
+	jp notforme			; RENAME
+	jp trivial			; OPEN
+	jp trivial			; PREPARE
+	jp trivial			; CLOSE
+	jp alwayseof			; INPUT
+	jp trivial			; PRINT
+	jp notforme			; RDBLK
+	jp notforme			; WRBLK
+	jp notforme			; DELETE
+	jp notforme			; RENAME
+	endif
+;;; Support for CMD (via the IEC area)
+;;; CMD [#device,] expr [,expr] ...
+;;; Similar to PRINT except that each argument is terminated by
+;;; a null byte before sending
+	if have_cmd
+	defc CMD_BUF     = LINE_BUF
+	;; Need 16 bytes of overflow space for numbers
+	defc e_iec = ERR_8	; Not implemented
+	ld l,0			; No file number
+	ld a,(de)		; Next byte code
+	cp '#'
+	jr nz,e_cmd_find_file
+	inc de
+	rst 56			; Compute expression
+	ld (iy+13),l
+	ld ix,0			; No file map
+	ld a,l
+	and a
+	jr z,e_cmd_start	; Device 0
+	;; L = file number to find
+	ld ix,FILELIST
+	ld c,(ix+0)		; Link
+	ld b,(ix+1)
+	ld a,c
+	or b
+	jp z,ERR_32		; File not open
+	push bc
+	pop ix
+	ld a,(ix+2)		; File number
+	cp l
+	jr nz,e_cmd_find_file_next
+	;; IX -> file map
+	push ix
+	ld hl,CMD_BUF
+	ld (e_cmd_buf_ptr),hl
+	ld (errsp),sp		; SAve stack pointer for reset
+	ld a,(de)
+	inc de
+	cp ','
+	jr z,e_cmd_start_expr
+	cp ';'
+	jr z,e_cmd_start_expr
+	dec de
+	cp 192			; Byte code for expression
+	jr c,e_cmd_done		; Not an expression?
+	rst 56			; Compute expression
+	push de			; Save P-code pointer
+	ld de,(e_cmd_buf_ptr)
+	dec b			; Integer?
+	jr nz,e_cmd_not_integer
+	call INT_TO_STR
+	jr e_cmd_finish_num
+	dec b			; String?
+	jr z,e_cmd_string
+e_cmd_float:			;; Floating point
+	ld hl,2
+	add hl,sp		; -> exponent on stack
+	call e_cmd_check_overflow
+	ld (de),a
+	inc de
+	ld (e_cmd_buf_ptr),de
+	pop de			; P-code pointer
+	ld sp,(errsp)		; Reset stack
+	jr e_cmd_start_expr
+	pop hl			; P-code pointer
+	pop bc			; Stack adjustment (not used)
+	pop bc			; String address
+	ex (sp),hl		; String length in HL, P-code pointer on stack
+	push bc			; String address
+	push hl			; String length
+	push de			; Output pointer
+	add hl,de		; End of string
+	ex de,hl
+	call e_cmd_check_overflow
+	pop de			; Output pointer
+	pop bc			; String length
+	pop hl			; String pointer
+	ldir
+	jr e_cmd_finish
+	;; Output generated, now send it
+	pop ix			; Restore IX map pointer
+	push de			; P-code pointer
+	ld hl,(e_cmd_buf_ptr)
+	ld de,CMD_BUF
+	xor a
+	sbc hl,de
+	ex de,hl
+	ld c,e
+	ld b,d
+	pop de
+	call select
+	call prx_length_command
+	jp done
+	;; DE -> end of string data
+	push hl
+	ld hl,CMD_BUF_END-1	; -1 for terminal null
+	xor a
+	sbc hl,de
+	pop hl
+	ret nc			; All good
+	rst 10h
+	defb 128 + 20		; "För lång rad"
+	endif			; have_cmd
+	defc need_device_list = console_dev | connul | raw_pr
+	if need_device_list
+	if console_dev
+	if connul | raw_pr
+	defw . + 7		; Next entry follows
+	else
+	defw voldevs
+	endif
+	defm "PRC"
+	defw prc_jptable
+	endif
+	if connul
+	defw . + 7		; Next entry follows
+	defm "CON"
+	defw con_jptable
+	if raw_pr
+	defw . + 7		; Next entry follows
+	else
+	defw voldevs
+	endif
+	defm "NUL"
+	defw nul_jptable
+	endif
+	if raw_pr
+	defw voldevs
+	defm "PR "
+	defw pr_jptable
+	endif
+	endif
+	;; Jump table for BASIC functions that are inconsistent
+new_basic_jumps:		; Checksum 9913, 10042
+	if have_cmd
+	jp 3392h		; Check space on stack
+	jp 1853h		; Integer to string
+	jp 1675h		; Float to string
+	jp 2152h		; Compile PRINT
+	endif
+old_basic_jumps:		; Checksum 11273
+	if have_cmd
+	jp 339Bh		; Check space on stack
+	jp 1855h		; Integer to string
+	jp 1679h		; Float to string
+	jp 2154h		; Compile PRINT
+	endif
+	;; Check for overflow and pad to desired ROM size
+	.org ROMSIZE, 0xff
+;; In RAM; this is assuming external SRAM or equivalent at 20-22K.
+;; The top 64 bytes are used by UFD-DOS.
+	defc ram_end   = AUXRAM_PRINTNET_END
+	defc ram_start = AUXRAM_PRINTNET_BASE
+	.globl _bss
+	section .bss
+	if !need_device_list
+	endif
+	defs 7*MAX_VOLS		; Up to 32 volume device entries
+	defs 2			; SP rollback on error return
+	defs 2			; Current data buffer pointer
+	defs 1			; Previous select code
+	defs 1			; Running output checksum
+	defs 1			; Latest sent command
+	defs 1			; Latest serial number (must be immediately after ram_cmd)
+	defs 1			; Scratch byte
+	if have_cmd
+CHECK_STACK_SPACE:	defs 3	; Check space on stack
+INT_TO_STR:		defs 3	; Integer to string
+FLOAT_TO_STR:		defs 3	; Float to string
+c_cmd:				; Compile CMD = same as PRINT
+C_PRINT:		defs 3	; Compile PRINT
+	endif
+;;; Check for overflow

+ 7 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+;;; Extra large printer/network ROM that occupies the 2K IEC area.
+;;; This allows for additional features to be included.
+	ROMSTART = 0x7000
+	ROMSIZE  = 2048
+#include "print80.inc"

+ 7 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+;;; Relocated printer ROM compatible with GeJo's version of TKN80
+;;; (which occupies the normal printer ROM slot at 0x7800)
+	ROMSTART = 0x7400
+	ROMSIZE  = 1024
+#include "print80.inc"

+ 6 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+;;; The "normal" location of the printer ROM - 0x7800
+	ROMSTART = 0x7800
+	ROMSIZE  = 1024
+#include "print80.inc"

+ 17 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+;; DOS variables
+defc DOSFD		= 64768	    ;; Current DOS file descriptor
+defc DRVSEL		= 64769	    ;; Selected drive no
+defc DOSBUF0		= 64786	    ;; Pointer to DOSBUF 0
+defc DISKERR		= 64789	    ;; Drive error (if any)
+defc BCSAVE		= 64797	    ;; Register save area
+defc DOSDEFDEV		= 64821	    ;; DOS default device ("   ") in RAM
+;; DOS subroutines and pointers
+defc DCWAI		= 24672	    ;; Select drive
+defc DW0		= 24675	    ;; Write sector to DOSBUF0
+defc DR0		= 24678	    ;; Read sector from DOSBUF0
+defc DDEVDES		= 24683	    ;; Pointer to DOS device type list
+defc DRDWRET		= 24689	    ;; Pointer to driver hook
+defc DRDWEND		= 25012	    ;; Driver hook exit (when claimed)
+defc DRDWERR		= 25011	    ;; Driver hook exit on error
+defc DGETBUF		= 25098	    ;; Get address of DOSBUF B[7:4]

+ 2904 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,2904 @@
+	.macro basic_err nerr:req
+		rst 16
+		defb \nerr
+	.endm
+#include "z80.inc"
+#include "abc80.inc"
+#include "auxram.inc"
+                .globl _org
+                .globl INIT800
+                .globl RUNX
+                .globl LOADX
+                .globl SELROUT
+                .globl GETNC
+                .globl DR
+                .globl DW
+                .globl PREP
+                .globl OPEN
+                .globl LOAD
+                .globl RUN
+                .globl CLOSE
+                .globl CHOP
+                .globl PROTE
+                .globl POSIT
+                .globl READ
+                .globl WRITE
+                .globl GET
+                .globl GETR
+                .globl PUT
+                .globl PUTR
+                .globl BSP
+                .globl BLKTF
+                .globl TRAP
+                .globl RENAM
+                .globl INIT80
+                .globl BYE
+                .globl BASERR
+                .globl DC_NAME
+                .globl DE_NAME
+                .globl UNSAVE
+                .globl DE_KILL
+                .globl DCWAI
+                .globl DW0
+                .globl DR0
+                .globl bufalloc
+                .globl bufinit
+                .globl bufreset
+                .globl RNDSETUP
+                .globl RNDREAD
+                .globl RNDWRITE
+CON_GET         = 0x0002
+CON_INPUT       = 0x0005
+S_DEBUG         = 0x0008
+CON_PRINT       = 0x000b
+S_ERROR         = 0x0012
+S_INLINE        = 0x0015
+S_OUTLI         = 0x001b
+S_SKIPSPC       = 0x0020
+S_CLOSEF        = 0x0023
+S_EVALHL_NR     = 0x0028
+S_EVALHL        = 0x002a
+S_OPENF         = 0x002d
+S_EVAL_NORET    = 0x0030
+HZ              = 0x0032
+S_EVAL          = 0x0038
+S_CSTRE         = 0x003b
+S_OPENCMD       = 0x003e
+S_FIXNAM        = 0x0041
+S_STRSCN        = 0x0044
+INIT_OFFS       = 0x004b
+S_NMI           = 0x0066
+LINE_SIZE       = 0x0078
+POKE_LEN        = 0x0080
+S_NEW           = 0x00c6
+S_END           = 0x00c9
+S_CMD           = 0x00cc
+PCODE_SIZE      = 0x00d0
+S_RUNCMD        = 0x00f4
+S_CUR_MAX_X     = 0x0338
+SCRN_WIDTH      = 0x033c
+S_CHECKCTRLC    = 0x033e
+SCRN_ROWTBL     = 0x0374
+ERR_53          = 0x06f7
+ERR_0           = 0x06f9
+ERR_1           = 0x06fb
+ERR_2           = 0x06fd
+ERR_3           = 0x06ff
+ERR_4           = 0x0701
+ERR_5           = 0x0703
+ERR_6           = 0x0705
+ERR_7           = 0x0707
+ERR_8           = 0x0709
+ERR_9           = 0x070b
+ERR_10          = 0x070d
+ERR_21          = 0x070f
+ERR_22          = 0x0711
+ERR_12          = 0x0713
+ERR_24          = 0x0715
+ERR_28          = 0x0717
+ERR_27          = 0x0719
+ERR_29          = 0x071b
+ERR_26          = 0x071d
+ERR_30          = 0x071f
+ERR_31          = 0x0721
+ERR_32          = 0x0723
+ERR_50          = 0x0725
+ERR_52          = 0x0727
+ERR_57          = 0x0729
+ERR_60          = 0x072b
+CON_CRLF        = 0x0742
+S_CLOSEFILE     = 0x087f
+IX_OPEN         = 0x088a
+IX_PREPARE      = 0x088d
+IX_CLOSE        = 0x0890
+IX_INPUT        = 0x0893
+IX_PRINT        = 0x0896
+IX_BLKRD        = 0x0899
+IX_BLKWR        = 0x089c
+IX_KILL         = 0x089f
+IX_NAME         = 0x08a2
+S_FINDOPEN      = 0x0901
+S_SCRATCH       = 0x0a70
+S_CHAINPTR      = 0x0e64
+S_FNDLIN        = 0x0f39
+S_FNDVARDOS     = 0x1074
+Q0S             = 0x5102
+devdes          = AUXRAM_UFDDOS_BASE
+rdwret          = devdes + 0x20
+ufdres          = devdes + 0x36
+ufdoffs         = devdes + 0x37
+ufddrive        = devdes + 0x39
+_org            = 0x6000
+IEC_CCMD        = 0x7000
+IEC_ECMD        = 0x7003
+IEC_EIEC        = 0x7006
+IEC_JPTABLE     = 0x7009
+_DOSBUF0        = 0xf500
+_DOSBUF1        = 0xf600
+F_FILENO        = 0xfd00
+F_DRVSEL        = 0xfd01
+F_NEXTREC       = 0xfd02
+F_SEGSTART      = 0xfd04
+F_SEGEND        = 0xfd06
+F_SEGREC        = 0xfd08
+F_MAXREC        = 0xfd0a
+F_FILELEN       = 0xfd0c
+F_BUFPTR        = 0xfd0e
+DOSBUFS         = 0xfd12
+DOSFILE         = 0xfd14
+DSKERR          = 0xfd15
+RANDIX          = 0xfd16
+DSKRETRY        = 0xfd18
+CMDSAVE         = 0xfd1c
+BCSAVE          = 0xfd1d
+HLSAVE          = 0xfd1e
+DOSERR35        = 0xfd21
+DOSERR36        = 0xfd23
+DOSERR37        = 0xfd25
+DOSERR38        = 0xfd27
+DOSERR39        = 0xfd29
+DOSERR40        = 0xfd2b
+DOSERR41        = 0xfd2d
+DOSERR42        = 0xfd2f
+DOSERR43        = 0xfd31
+DOSERRDEF       = 0xfd33
+DOSDEFDEV       = 0xfd35
+css             = 0xfd3d
+chann           = 0xfd3f
+F0_FILENO       = 0xfd40
+F0_DRVSEL       = 0xfd41
+F0_NEXTREC      = 0xfd42
+F0_SEGSTART     = 0xfd44
+F0_SEGEND       = 0xfd46
+F0_SEGREC       = 0xfd48
+F0_MAXREC       = 0xfd4a
+F0_FILELEN      = 0xfd4c
+F0_BUFPTR       = 0xfd4e
+F1_FILENO       = 0xfd50
+F1_DRVSEL       = 0xfd51
+F1_NEXTREC      = 0xfd52
+F1_SEGSTART     = 0xfd54
+F1_SEGEND       = 0xfd56
+F1_SEGREC       = 0xfd58
+F1_MAXREC       = 0xfd5a
+F1_FILELEN      = 0xfd5c
+F1_BUFPTR       = 0xfd5e
+F2_FILENO       = 0xfd60
+F2_DRVSEL       = 0xfd61
+F2_NEXTREC      = 0xfd62
+F2_SEGSTART     = 0xfd64
+F2_SEGEND       = 0xfd66
+F2_SEGREC       = 0xfd68
+F2_MAXREC       = 0xfd6a
+F2_FILELEN      = 0xfd6c
+F2_BUFPTR       = 0xfd6e
+F3_FILENO       = 0xfd70
+F3_DRVSEL       = 0xfd71
+F3_NEXTREC      = 0xfd72
+F3_SEGSTART     = 0xfd74
+F3_SEGEND       = 0xfd76
+F3_SEGREC       = 0xfd78
+F3_MAXREC       = 0xfd7a
+F3_FILELEN      = 0xfd7c
+F3_BUFPTR       = 0xfd7e
+F4_FILENO       = 0xfd80
+F4_DRVSEL       = 0xfd81
+F4_NEXTREC      = 0xfd82
+F4_SEGSTART     = 0xfd84
+F4_SEGEND       = 0xfd86
+F4_SEGREC       = 0xfd88
+F4_MAXREC       = 0xfd8a
+F4_FILELEN      = 0xfd8c
+F4_BUFPTR       = 0xfd8e
+F5_FILENO       = 0xfd90
+F5_DRVSEL       = 0xfd91
+F5_NEXTREC      = 0xfd92
+F5_SEGSTART     = 0xfd94
+F5_SEGEND       = 0xfd96
+F5_SEGREC       = 0xfd98
+F5_MAXREC       = 0xfd9a
+F5_FILELEN      = 0xfd9c
+F5_BUFPTR       = 0xfd9e
+F6_FILENO       = 0xfda0
+F6_DRVSEL       = 0xfda1
+F6_NEXTREC      = 0xfda2
+F6_SEGSTART     = 0xfda4
+F6_SEGEND       = 0xfda6
+F6_SEGREC       = 0xfda8
+F6_MAXREC       = 0xfdaa
+F6_FILELEN      = 0xfdac
+F6_BUFPTR       = 0xfdae
+F7_FILENO       = 0xfdb0
+F7_DRVSEL       = 0xfdb1
+F7_NEXTREC      = 0xfdb2
+F7_SEGSTART     = 0xfdb4
+F7_SEGEND       = 0xfdb6
+F7_SEGREC       = 0xfdb8
+F7_MAXREC       = 0xfdba
+F7_FILELEN      = 0xfdbc
+F7_BUFPTR       = 0xfdbe
+CLOCK           = 0xfdf0
+CLOCK1          = 0xfdf1
+CURY            = 0xfdf3
+CURX            = 0xfdf4
+KEYFLAG         = 0xfdf5
+KEYTIMER        = 0xfdf6
+CASBUF          = 0xfdf9
+ALTINPUT        = 0xfdfb
+CASBLK          = 0xfdfd
+CASPTR          = 0xfdff
+CASBYTE         = 0xfe01
+CASBITCNT       = 0xfe02
+CASCALLBK       = 0xfe03
+CASCSUM         = 0xfe05
+CTRL_C          = 0xfe07
+DEVLIST         = 0xfe0a
+BACVER          = 0xfe0c
+BASICERR        = 0xfe0f
+IYBASE          = 0xfe16
+BOFA            = 0xfe1c
+EOFA            = 0xfe1e
+HEAP            = 0xfe20
+CURFILE         = 0xfe23
+RUNMODE         = 0xfe24
+PROGFL          = 0xfe25
+FIXUP           = 0xfe26
+STACK           = 0xfe27
+VARLIST         = 0xfe29
+SELECT          = 0xfe2b
+LINEADDR        = 0xfe2d
+DATAPTR         = 0xfe2e
+DATALINE        = 0xfe30
+FILELIST        = 0xfe32
+ONERROR         = 0xfe34
+RUNSTACK        = 0xfe36
+ERRCODE         = 0xfe38
+RNDSEED         = 0xfe39
+FNARGS          = 0xfe3e
+LINE_BUF        = 0xfe40
+PCODE_BUF       = 0xfeb8
+POKE_BUF        = 0xff80
+INIT800:        jp _INIT800             ; 6000 ..d  c3 95 64
+RUNX:           jp _RUNX                ; 6003 ..`  c3 bd 60
+LOADX:          jp _LOADX               ; 6006 .w`  c3 77 60
+SELROUT:        ;; 6009 <- 6458 648a 64a8 64c5
+                jp _SELROUT             ; 6009 ..o  c3 1c 6f
+GETNC:          ;; 600c <- 6290 6296 62bb 62c1
+                jp _GETNC               ; 600c ..o  c3 11 6f
+DR:             jp _DR                  ; 600f ..`  c3 ca 60
+DW:             jp _DW                  ; 6012 ..`  c3 d7 60
+PREP:           ;; 6015 <- 6628
+                jp _PREP                ; 6015 .td  c3 74 64
+OPEN:           ;; 6018 <- 607c 658b 661d
+                jp _OPEN                ; 6018 .pd  c3 70 64
+LOAD:           jp _LOAD                ; 601b .`d  c3 60 64
+RUN:            ;; 601e <- 65f0
+                jp _RUN                 ; 601e .jd  c3 6a 64
+CLOSE:          ;; 6021 <- 6685
+                jp _CLOSE               ; 6021 ..d  c3 91 64
+CHOP:           ;; 6024 <- 6674
+                jp _CHOP                ; 6024 ..d  c3 cc 64
+                ;; PROTE: not supported
+PROTE:          jp _PROTE               ; 6027 ..d  c3 f1 64
+POSIT:          ;; 602a <- 66ae 66cc
+                jp _POSIT               ; 602a ..c  c3 bd 63
+READ:           ;; 602d <- 6084 668c 66cf
+                jp _READ                ; 602d ..c  c3 f3 63
+WRITE:          ;; 6030 <- 6696
+                jp _WRITE               ; 6030 .(d  c3 28 64
+GET:            jp _GET                 ; 6033 ..b  c3 e1 62
+GETR:           jp _GETR                ; 6036 ..b  c3 f7 62
+PUT:            jp _PUT                 ; 6039 ..c  c3 06 63
+PUTR:           jp _PUTR                ; 603c ..c  c3 1e 63
+BSP:            jp _BSP                 ; 603f ..c  c3 b4 63
+BLKTF:          ;; 6042 <- 6531
+                jp _BLKTF               ; 6042 .uo  c3 75 6f
+TRAP:           ;; 6045 <- 65ab
+                jp _TRAP                ; 6045 ..c  c3 a5 63
+RENAM:          jp _RENAM               ; 6048 ..d  c3 f5 64
+INIT80:         jp _INIT80              ; 604b .^h  c3 5e 68
+                ;; BYE command from BASIC (run CMDINT.SYS)
+BYE:            jp _BYE                 ; 604e ..e  c3 e7 65
+                ;; Get error string from BASICERR.SYS
+BASERR:         jp _BASERR              ; 6051 ..f  c3 b3 66
+                ;; Compile NAME ... AS ... from BASIC
+DC_NAME:        jp _DC_NAME             ; 6054 ..g  c3 c1 67
+                ;; Execute NAME ... AS ... from BASIC
+DE_NAME:        jp _DE_NAME             ; 6057 ..g  c3 da 67
+                ;; UNSAVE command from BASIC
+UNSAVE:         jp _UNSAVE              ; 605a ..g  c3 ab 67
+                ;; Execute KILL ... from BASIC
+                ;; Compilation is the same as CHAIN and is internal to BASIC
+DE_KILL:        jp _DE_KILL             ; 605d ..g  c3 b5 67
+DCWAI:          jp _DCWAI               ; 6060 ..a  c3 bb 61
+DW0:            jp _DW0                 ; 6063 ..`  c3 d5 60
+DR0:            jp _DR0                 ; 6066 ..`  c3 c8 60
+DEVDESP:        defw devdes_rom         ; 6069 .g   8a 67
+DEVDES:         defw devdes             ; 606b .W   c0 57
+UFDENT:         defw ufdoffs            ; 606d .W   f7 57
+DOSVER:         defb 20                 ; 606f .    14
+TYPE:           defb 1                  ; 6070 .    01
+DRDWRET:        defw rdwret             ; 6071 .W   e0 57
+CSS:            defw css                ; 6073 =.   3d fd
+CHANN:          defw chann              ; 6075 ?.   3f fd
+_LOADX:         ;; 6077 <- 6006 60bd
+                ld e,a                  ; 6077 _    5f
+                ld d,0                  ; 6078 ..   16 00
+.L607a:         ;; 607a <- 6460 646a
+                ld b,0                  ; 607a ..   06 00
+                call OPEN               ; 607c ..`  cd 18 60
+                ld a,0                  ; 607f >.   3e 00
+                ret c                   ; 6081 .    d8
+.L6082:         ;; 6082 <- 608e
+                ld b,0                  ; 6082 ..   06 00
+                call READ               ; 6084 .-`  cd 2d 60
+                ld hl,(DOSBUFS)         ; 6087 *..  2a 12 fd
+                ld l,3                  ; 608a ..   2e 03
+.L608c:         ;; 608c <- 60b4
+                ld a,(hl)               ; 608c ~    7e
+                inc a                   ; 608d <    3c
+                jr z,.L6082             ; 608e (.   28 f2
+                dec a                   ; 6090 =    3d
+                jr nz,.L60b6            ; 6091  #   20 23
+                inc l                   ; 6093 ,    2c
+                ld c,(hl)               ; 6094 N    4e
+                inc l                   ; 6095 ,    2c
+                inc l                   ; 6096 ,    2c
+                ld d,(hl)               ; 6097 V    56
+                inc l                   ; 6098 ,    2c
+                ld a,(hl)               ; 6099 ~    7e
+                cpl                     ; 609a /    2f
+                cp d                    ; 609b .    ba
+                jr nz,.L60b6            ; 609c  .   20 18
+                inc l                   ; 609e ,    2c
+                ld e,(hl)               ; 609f ^    5e
+                inc l                   ; 60a0 ,    2c
+                ld a,(hl)               ; 60a1 ~    7e
+                cpl                     ; 60a2 /    2f
+                xor e                   ; 60a3 .    ab
+                jr nz,.L60b6            ; 60a4  .   20 10
+                inc l                   ; 60a6 ,    2c
+                inc c                   ; 60a7 .    0c
+                dec c                   ; 60a8 .    0d
+                jr z,.L60ba             ; 60a9 (.   28 0f
+                ld b,a                  ; 60ab G    47
+.L60ac:         ;; 60ac <- 60af
+                add a,(hl)              ; 60ac .    86
+                ldi                     ; 60ad ..   ed a0
+                jp pe,.L60ac            ; 60af ..`  ea ac 60
+                xor (hl)                ; 60b2 .    ae
+                inc hl                  ; 60b3 #    23
+                jr z,.L608c             ; 60b4 (.   28 d6
+.L60b6:         ;; 60b6 <- 6091 609c 60a4
+                ld a,6                  ; 60b6 >.   3e 06
+                scf                     ; 60b8 7    37
+                ret                     ; 60b9 .    c9
+.L60ba:         ;; 60ba <- 60a9
+                ex de,hl                ; 60ba .    eb
+                xor a                   ; 60bb .    af
+                ret                     ; 60bc .    c9
+_RUNX:          ;; 60bd <- 6003
+                call _LOADX             ; 60bd .w`  cd 77 60
+                push hl                 ; 60c0 .    e5
+                ret nc                  ; 60c1 .    d0
+                rst 0                   ; 60c2 .    c7
+                ;; Like DR and DR0, but without incrementing B
+dr0_b:          ;; 60c3 <- 6278 651d 6882 689e 68b3 69bd 69d0 6a71 6a87 6b00
+                ;;         6b85 6baa 6c24 6c71 6cc7 6e2b 6e5c 6e7d
+                ld b,0                  ; 60c3 ..   06 00
+dr_b:           ;; 60c5 <- 63ff 6dde 6f80
+                push bc                 ; 60c5 .    c5
+                jr rd_io_cmd            ; 60c6 ..   18 04
+_DR0:           ;; 60c8 <- 6066
+                ld b,0                  ; 60c8 ..   06 00
+_DR:            ;; 60ca <- 600f
+                push bc                 ; 60ca .    c5
+                inc b                   ; 60cb .    04
+rd_io_cmd:      ;; 60cc <- 60c6
+                ld c,3                  ; 60cc ..   0e 03
+                jr io_cmd               ; 60ce ..   18 0b
+                ;; Like DW and _DW0, but without incrementing B
+dw0_b:          ;; 60d0 <- 6536 68a8 68d0 6a7f 6aa0 6ad4 6af7 6b31 6e3f 6e76
+                ;;         6ef1
+                ld b,0                  ; 60d0 ..   06 00
+dw_b:           ;; 60d2 <- 6448 69c4 6dbf 6dfb
+                push bc                 ; 60d2 .    c5
+                jr wr_io_cmd            ; 60d3 ..   18 04
+_DW0:           ;; 60d5 <- 6063
+                ld b,0                  ; 60d5 ..   06 00
+_DW:            ;; 60d7 <- 6012
+                push bc                 ; 60d7 .    c5
+                inc b                   ; 60d8 .    04
+wr_io_cmd:      ;; 60d9 <- 60d3
+                ld c,0x0c               ; 60d9 ..   0e 0c
+io_cmd:         ;; 60db <- 60ce
+                call rdwret             ; 60db ..W  cd e0 57
+                push de                 ; 60de .    d5
+                push hl                 ; 60df .    e5
+                ld hl,DSKRETRY          ; 60e0 !..  21 18 fd
+                ld (hl),3               ; 60e3 6.   36 03
+.L60e5:         ;; 60e5 <- 60f0
+                call _DCWAI             ; 60e5 ..a  cd bb 61
+                jr z,.L60f7             ; 60e8 (.   28 0d
+                out (4),a               ; 60ea ..   d3 04
+                ld hl,DSKRETRY          ; 60ec !..  21 18 fd
+                dec (hl)                ; 60ef 5    35
+                jr nz,.L60e5            ; 60f0  .   20 f3
+                ld a,0x80               ; 60f2 >.   3e 80
+                jp DRDWERR              ; 60f4 ..a  c3 b3 61
+.L60f7:         ;; 60f7 <- 60e8
+                out (2),a               ; 60f7 ..   d3 02
+                bit 0,b                 ; 60f9 .@   cb 40
+                jr z,.L6102             ; 60fb (.   28 05
+                inc hl                  ; 60fd #    23
+                bit 6,(hl)              ; 60fe .v   cb 76
+                jr nz,.L612d            ; 6100  +   20 2b
+.L6102:         ;; 6102 <- 60fb
+                and 0xc0                ; 6102 ..   e6 c0
+                jr z,.L612d             ; 6104 ('   28 27
+                ld h,4                  ; 6106 &.   26 04
+                cp 0x40                 ; 6108 .@   fe 40
+                jr z,.L6112             ; 610a (.   28 06
+                cp 0xc0                 ; 610c ..   fe c0
+                jr z,.L6112             ; 610e (.   28 02
+                ld h,1                  ; 6110 &.   26 01
+.L6112:         ;; 6112 <- 610a 610e
+                ld a,h                  ; 6112 |    7c
+                dec a                   ; 6113 =    3d
+                and e                   ; 6114 .    a3
+                ld l,a                  ; 6115 o    6f
+                ld a,h                  ; 6116 |    7c
+.L6117:         ;; 6117 <- 6121
+                cp 0x20                 ; 6117 .    fe 20
+                jr z,.L6128             ; 6119 (.   28 0d
+                sla a                   ; 611b .'   cb 27
+                sla e                   ; 611d .#   cb 23
+                rl d                    ; 611f ..   cb 12
+                jr nc,.L6117            ; 6121 0.   30 f4
+                ld a,2                  ; 6123 >.   3e 02
+                jp DRDWERR              ; 6125 ..a  c3 b3 61
+.L6128:         ;; 6128 <- 6119
+                ld a,0xe0               ; 6128 >.   3e e0
+                and e                   ; 612a .    a3
+                or l                    ; 612b .    b5
+                ld e,a                  ; 612c _    5f
+.L612d:         ;; 612d <- 6100 6104
+                call DGETBUF            ; 612d ..b  cd 0a 62
+                call .L61fe             ; 6130 ..a  cd fe 61
+                and 3                   ; 6133 ..   e6 03
+                ld b,a                  ; 6135 G    47
+.L6136:         ;; 6136 <- 61b1
+                push hl                 ; 6136 .    e5
+                ld hl,0x0103            ; 6137 !..  21 03 01
+                call io_wait            ; 613a ..a  cd e2 61
+                ld a,c                  ; 613d y    79
+                out (0),a               ; 613e ..   d3 00
+                call io_wait            ; 6140 ..a  cd e2 61
+                ld a,b                  ; 6143 x    78
+                out (0),a               ; 6144 ..   d3 00
+                call io_wait            ; 6146 ..a  cd e2 61
+                ld a,d                  ; 6149 z    7a
+                out (0),a               ; 614a ..   d3 00
+                call io_wait            ; 614c ..a  cd e2 61
+                ld a,e                  ; 614f {    7b
+                out (0),a               ; 6150 ..   d3 00
+                pop hl                  ; 6152 .    e1
+.L6153:         ;; 6153 <- 615d
+                in a,(1)                ; 6153 ..   db 01
+                bit 7,a                 ; 6155 ..   cb 7f
+                jr nz,.L61a2            ; 6157  I   20 49
+                and 5                   ; 6159 ..   e6 05
+                xor 1                   ; 615b ..   ee 01
+                jr nz,.L6153            ; 615d  .   20 f4
+                push bc                 ; 615f .    c5
+                ld b,0x10               ; 6160 ..   06 10
+.L6162:         ;; 6162 <- 6162
+                djnz .L6162             ; 6162 ..   10 fe
+                ld b,h                  ; 6164 D    44
+                call .L61d0             ; 6165 ..a  cd d0 61
+                ld h,b                  ; 6168 `    60
+                and 0xc0                ; 6169 ..   e6 c0
+                jr z,.L616f             ; 616b (.   28 02
+                cp 0xc0                 ; 616d ..   fe c0
+.L616f:         ;; 616f <- 616b
+                ld a,c                  ; 616f y    79
+                rrca                    ; 6170 .    0f
+                ld l,0                  ; 6171 ..   2e 00
+                ld b,l                  ; 6173 E    45
+                ld c,l                  ; 6174 M    4d
+                jr c,.L618a             ; 6175 8.   38 13
+                jr z,.L6186             ; 6177 (.   28 0d
+.L6179:         ;; 6179 <- 617c 6181
+                in a,(1)                ; 6179 ..   db 01
+                rrca                    ; 617b .    0f
+                jp nc,.L6179            ; 617c .ya  d2 79 61
+                outi                    ; 617f ..   ed a3
+                jp nz,.L6179            ; 6181 .ya  c2 79 61
+                jr .L619b               ; 6184 ..   18 15
+.L6186:         ;; 6186 <- 6177
+                otir                    ; 6186 ..   ed b3
+                jr .L619b               ; 6188 ..   18 11
+.L618a:         ;; 618a <- 6175
+                jr z,.L6199             ; 618a (.   28 0d
+.L618c:         ;; 618c <- 618f 6194
+                in a,(1)                ; 618c ..   db 01
+                rrca                    ; 618e .    0f
+                jp nc,.L618c            ; 618f ..a  d2 8c 61
+                ini                     ; 6192 ..   ed a2
+                jp nz,.L618c            ; 6194 ..a  c2 8c 61
+                jr .L619b               ; 6197 ..   18 02
+.L6199:         ;; 6199 <- 618a
+                inir                    ; 6199 ..   ed b2
+.L619b:         ;; 619b <- 6184 6188 6197
+                dec h                   ; 619b %    25
+                pop bc                  ; 619c .    c1
+.L619d:         ;; 619d <- 61a0
+                in a,(1)                ; 619d ..   db 01
+                rlca                    ; 619f .    07
+                jr nc,.L619d            ; 61a0 0.   30 fb
+.L61a2:         ;; 61a2 <- 6157
+                in a,(0)                ; 61a2 ..   db 00
+                or a                    ; 61a4 .    b7
+                jr z,DRDWEND            ; 61a5 (.   28 0d
+                push hl                 ; 61a7 .    e5
+                ld hl,DSKRETRY          ; 61a8 !..  21 18 fd
+                dec (hl)                ; 61ab 5    35
+                pop hl                  ; 61ac .    e1
+                jr z,DRDWERR            ; 61ad (.   28 04
+                out (2),a               ; 61af ..   d3 02
+                jr .L6136               ; 61b1 ..   18 83
+DRDWERR:        ;; 61b3 <- 60f4 6125 61ad
+                scf                     ; 61b3 7    37
+DRDWEND:        ;; 61b4 <- 61a5
+                ld (DSKERR),a           ; 61b4 2..  32 15 fd
+                pop hl                  ; 61b7 .    e1
+                pop de                  ; 61b8 .    d1
+                pop bc                  ; 61b9 .    c1
+                ret                     ; 61ba .    c9
+_DCWAI:         ;; 61bb <- 6060 60e5
+                call .L61d0             ; 61bb ..a  cd d0 61
+                and 0x3f                ; 61be .?   e6 3f
+                ld (chann),a            ; 61c0 2?.  32 3f fd
+                out (1),a               ; 61c3 ..   d3 01
+                push hl                 ; 61c5 .    e5
+                ld l,0x80               ; 61c6 ..   2e 80
+                ld h,l                  ; 61c8 e    65
+                call io_wait            ; 61c9 ..a  cd e2 61
+                pop hl                  ; 61cc .    e1
+                ret nz                  ; 61cd .    c0
+                ld a,(hl)               ; 61ce ~    7e
+                ret                     ; 61cf .    c9
+.L61d0:         ;; 61d0 <- 6165 61bb 6f02 6f5e
+                ld hl,devdes            ; 61d0 !.W  21 c0 57
+                call .L61fe             ; 61d3 ..a  cd fe 61
+                and 0x1c                ; 61d6 ..   e6 1c
+                jr nz,.L61db            ; 61d8  .   20 01
+                ld a,(hl)               ; 61da ~    7e
+.L61db:         ;; 61db <- 61d8
+                add a,l                 ; 61db .    85
+                ld l,a                  ; 61dc o    6f
+                jr nc,.L61e0            ; 61dd 0.   30 01
+                inc h                   ; 61df $    24
+.L61e0:         ;; 61e0 <- 61dd
+                ld a,(hl)               ; 61e0 ~    7e
+                ret                     ; 61e1 .    c9
+io_wait:        ;; 61e2 <- 613a 6140 6146 614c 61c9
+                push bc                 ; 61e2 .    c5
+                ld bc,0x0000            ; 61e3 ...  01 00 00
+.L61e6:         ;; 61e6 <- 61f9
+                in a,(1)                ; 61e6 ..   db 01
+                inc a                   ; 61e8 <    3c
+                jr z,.L61fb             ; 61e9 (.   28 10
+                dec a                   ; 61eb =    3d
+                jr z,.L61fb             ; 61ec (.   28 0d
+                and l                   ; 61ee .    a5
+                xor h                   ; 61ef .    ac
+                jr z,.L61fc             ; 61f0 (.   28 0a
+                ex (sp),hl              ; 61f2 .    e3
+                ex (sp),hl              ; 61f3 .    e3
+                ex (sp),hl              ; 61f4 .    e3
+                ex (sp),hl              ; 61f5 .    e3
+                dec bc                  ; 61f6 .    0b
+                ld a,b                  ; 61f7 x    78
+                or c                    ; 61f8 .    b1
+                jr nz,.L61e6            ; 61f9  .   20 eb
+.L61fb:         ;; 61fb <- 61e9 61ec
+                dec a                   ; 61fb =    3d
+.L61fc:         ;; 61fc <- 61f0
+                pop bc                  ; 61fc .    c1
+                ret                     ; 61fd .    c9
+.L61fe:         ;; 61fe <- 6130 61d3 69f4 6a67 6a7a 6b82 6beb 6e52 6e71 6f4b
+                ld a,(F_DRVSEL)         ; 61fe :..  3a 01 fd
+                and 0x1f                ; 6201 ..   e6 1f
+                cp 0x1e                 ; 6203 ..   fe 1e
+                ret nz                  ; 6205 .    c0
+                ld a,(ufddrive)         ; 6206 :.W  3a f9 57
+                ret                     ; 6209 .    c9
+DGETBUF:        ;; 620a <- 612d 62e2 62f8 6312 6320 6dea
+                push hl                 ; 620a .    e5
+                ld hl,(DOSBUFS)         ; 620b *..  2a 12 fd
+                ld a,b                  ; 620e x    78
+                srl a                   ; 620f .?   cb 3f
+                rrca                    ; 6211 .    0f
+                rrca                    ; 6212 .    0f
+                rrca                    ; 6213 .    0f
+                add a,h                 ; 6214 .    84
+                pop hl                  ; 6215 .    e1
+                ld h,a                  ; 6216 g    67
+                ret                     ; 6217 .    c9
+.L6218:         ;; 6218 <- 63f9 6432
+                ld a,b                  ; 6218 x    78
+                ld (DOSFILE),a          ; 6219 2..  32 14 fd
+                call .L6f68             ; 621c .ho  cd 68 6f
+.L621f:         ;; 621f <- 62d6
+                ld hl,DOSFILE           ; 621f !..  21 14 fd
+                ld b,(hl)               ; 6222 F    46
+                ld hl,(F_NEXTREC)       ; 6223 *..  2a 02 fd
+                ld de,(F_SEGSTART)      ; 6226 .[.. ed 5b 04 fd
+                or a                    ; 622a .    b7
+                sbc hl,de               ; 622b .R   ed 52
+                ex de,hl                ; 622d .    eb
+                jr c,.L6274             ; 622e 8D   38 44
+                ld a,(F_SEGEND+1)       ; 6230 :..  3a 07 fd
+                and 0x1f                ; 6233 ..   e6 1f
+                inc a                   ; 6235 <    3c
+                ld l,a                  ; 6236 o    6f
+                ld h,0                  ; 6237 &.   26 00
+                call .L6f93             ; 6239 ..o  cd 93 6f
+                or a                    ; 623c .    b7
+                dec hl                  ; 623d +    2b
+                sbc hl,de               ; 623e .R   ed 52
+                jr c,.L6274             ; 6240 82   38 32
+                push de                 ; 6242 .    d5
+                ld de,(F_NEXTREC)       ; 6243 .[.. ed 5b 02 fd
+                ld a,0x4b               ; 6247 >K   3e 4b
+                call .L6265             ; 6249 .eb  cd 65 62
+                ld a,0x4e               ; 624c >N   3e 4e
+                add a,b                 ; 624e .    80
+                ld l,a                  ; 624f o    6f
+                xor a                   ; 6250 .    af
+                ld (hl),a               ; 6251 w    77
+                ld l,6                  ; 6252 ..   2e 06
+                ld d,(hl)               ; 6254 V    56
+                inc hl                  ; 6255 #    23
+                ld a,(hl)               ; 6256 ~    7e
+                and 0xe0                ; 6257 ..   e6 e0
+                ld e,a                  ; 6259 _    5f
+                ex de,hl                ; 625a .    eb
+                call .L6f86             ; 625b ..o  cd 86 6f
+                pop de                  ; 625e .    d1
+                add hl,de               ; 625f .    19
+                ex de,hl                ; 6260 .    eb
+                ld h,0xfd               ; 6261 &.   26 fd
+                xor a                   ; 6263 .    af
+                ret                     ; 6264 .    c9
+.L6265:         ;; 6265 <- 6249
+                add a,b                 ; 6265 .    80
+                ld l,a                  ; 6266 o    6f
+                ld h,0xfd               ; 6267 &.   26 fd
+                ld c,(hl)               ; 6269 N    4e
+                ld a,e                  ; 626a {    7b
+                dec hl                  ; 626b +    2b
+                sub (hl)                ; 626c .    96
+                ld a,d                  ; 626d z    7a
+                sbc a,c                 ; 626e .    99
+                ret c                   ; 626f .    d8
+                ld (hl),e               ; 6270 s    73
+                inc hl                  ; 6271 #    23
+                ld (hl),d               ; 6272 r    72
+                ret                     ; 6273 .    c9
+.L6274:         ;; 6274 <- 622e 6240
+                ld de,(F_SEGREC)        ; 6274 .[.. ed 5b 08 fd
+                call dr0_b              ; 6278 ..`  cd c3 60
+                jp c,.L641f             ; 627b ..d  da 1f 64
+                ld hl,DOSBUFS           ; 627e !..  21 12 fd
+                ld (hl),4               ; 6281 6.   36 04
+                ld de,(F_NEXTREC)       ; 6283 .[.. ed 5b 02 fd
+                ld hl,0x0000            ; 6287 !..  21 00 00
+.L628a:         ;; 628a <- 62ae
+                ld a,(DOSBUFS)          ; 628a :..  3a 12 fd
+                or a                    ; 628d .    b7
+                jr z,.L62d9             ; 628e (I   28 49
+                call GETNC              ; 6290 ..`  cd 0c 60
+                inc a                   ; 6293 <    3c
+                jr z,.L62d9             ; 6294 (C   28 43
+                call GETNC              ; 6296 ..`  cd 0c 60
+                and 0x1f                ; 6299 ..   e6 1f
+                inc a                   ; 629b <    3c
+                push de                 ; 629c .    d5
+                ld e,a                  ; 629d _    5f
+                ld d,0                  ; 629e ..   16 00
+                ex de,hl                ; 62a0 .    eb
+                call .L6f93             ; 62a1 ..o  cd 93 6f
+                ex de,hl                ; 62a4 .    eb
+                ld (0xfd1a),hl          ; 62a5 "..  22 1a fd
+                add hl,de               ; 62a8 .    19
+                pop de                  ; 62a9 .    d1
+                ld a,e                  ; 62aa {    7b
+                sub l                   ; 62ab .    95
+                ld a,d                  ; 62ac z    7a
+                sbc a,h                 ; 62ad .    9c
+                jr nc,.L628a            ; 62ae 0.   30 da
+                ld hl,(0xfd1a)          ; 62b0 *..  2a 1a fd
+                ld (F_SEGSTART),hl      ; 62b3 "..  22 04 fd
+                ld hl,DOSBUFS           ; 62b6 !..  21 12 fd
+                dec (hl)                ; 62b9 5    35
+                dec (hl)                ; 62ba 5    35
+                call GETNC              ; 62bb ..`  cd 0c 60
+                ld l,6                  ; 62be ..   2e 06
+                ld (hl),a               ; 62c0 w    77
+                call GETNC              ; 62c1 ..`  cd 0c 60
+                inc l                   ; 62c4 ,    2c
+                ld (hl),a               ; 62c5 w    77
+                ld a,(DOSFILE)          ; 62c6 :..  3a 14 fd
+                add a,0x40              ; 62c9 .@   c6 40
+                ld e,a                  ; 62cb _    5f
+                ld d,0xfd               ; 62cc ..   16 fd
+                ld hl,F_FILENO          ; 62ce !..  21 00 fd
+                ld c,0x0e               ; 62d1 ..   0e 0e
+                call _BLKTF             ; 62d3 .uo  cd 75 6f
+                jp .L621f               ; 62d6 ..b  c3 1f 62
+.L62d9:         ;; 62d9 <- 628e 6294
+                ld hl,DOSFILE           ; 62d9 !..  21 14 fd
+                ld b,(hl)               ; 62dc F    46
+                xor a                   ; 62dd .    af
+                ccf                     ; 62de ?    3f
+                ret                     ; 62df .    c9
+                ; Possibly unreachable
+                ld b,h                  ; 62e0 D    44
+_GET:           ;; 62e1 <- 6033 6404 640b 6413
+                push hl                 ; 62e1 .    e5
+                call DGETBUF            ; 62e2 ..b  cd 0a 62
+                push hl                 ; 62e5 .    e5
+                ld a,b                  ; 62e6 x    78
+                add a,0x4e              ; 62e7 .N   c6 4e
+                ld l,a                  ; 62e9 o    6f
+                ld h,0xfd               ; 62ea &.   26 fd
+                inc (hl)                ; 62ec 4    34
+                ld a,(hl)               ; 62ed ~    7e
+                pop hl                  ; 62ee .    e1
+                ld l,a                  ; 62ef o    6f
+                dec l                   ; 62f0 -    2d
+                cp 3                    ; 62f1 ..   fe 03
+                ld a,(hl)               ; 62f3 ~    7e
+                pop hl                  ; 62f4 .    e1
+                ret                     ; 62f5 .    c9
+                ; Possibly unreachable
+                ld l,c                  ; 62f6 i    69
+_GETR:          ;; 62f7 <- 6036 6d15 6d1f 6d4c 6d52 6e69 6e8d 6e9a 6ed3
+                push hl                 ; 62f7 .    e5
+                call DGETBUF            ; 62f8 ..b  cd 0a 62
+                ld a,c                  ; 62fb y    79
+                add a,3                 ; 62fc ..   c6 03
+                ld l,a                  ; 62fe o    6f
+                sbc a,2                 ; 62ff ..   de 02
+                ld c,a                  ; 6301 O    4f
+                ld a,(hl)               ; 6302 ~    7e
+                pop hl                  ; 6303 .    e1
+                ret                     ; 6304 .    c9
+                ; Possibly unreachable
+                ld h,c                  ; 6305 a    61
+_PUT:           ;; 6306 <- 6039 643a 6440 6445
+                push hl                 ; 6306 .    e5
+                push af                 ; 6307 .    f5
+                ld a,b                  ; 6308 x    78
+                and 0x70                ; 6309 .p   e6 70
+                add a,0x4e              ; 630b .N   c6 4e
+                ld l,a                  ; 630d o    6f
+                ld h,0xfd               ; 630e &.   26 fd
+                inc (hl)                ; 6310 4    34
+                ld l,(hl)               ; 6311 n    6e
+                call DGETBUF            ; 6312 ..b  cd 0a 62
+                dec l                   ; 6315 -    2d
+                pop af                  ; 6316 .    f1
+                ld (hl),a               ; 6317 w    77
+                ld a,l                  ; 6318 }    7d
+                add a,1                 ; 6319 ..   c6 01
+                pop hl                  ; 631b .    e1
+                ret                     ; 631c .    c9
+                ; Possibly unreachable
+                ld h,d                  ; 631d b    62
+_PUTR:          ;; 631e <- 603c 6d0c 6d9b 6d9f 6dae 6db3 6e6e 6ea9 6eae 6efe
+                push hl                 ; 631e .    e5
+                ld l,a                  ; 631f o    6f
+                call DGETBUF            ; 6320 ..b  cd 0a 62
+                ld a,c                  ; 6323 y    79
+                add a,3                 ; 6324 ..   c6 03
+                ld c,l                  ; 6326 M    4d
+                ld l,a                  ; 6327 o    6f
+                ld (hl),c               ; 6328 q    71
+                sbc a,2                 ; 6329 ..   de 02
+                ld c,a                  ; 632b O    4f
+                pop hl                  ; 632c .    e1
+                ret                     ; 632d .    c9
+.L632e:         ;; 632e <- 641c 644b
+                ld a,b                  ; 632e x    78
+                and 0x70                ; 632f .p   e6 70
+                add a,0x42              ; 6331 .B   c6 42
+                ld l,a                  ; 6333 o    6f
+                ld h,0xfd               ; 6334 &.   26 fd
+                inc (hl)                ; 6336 4    34
+                inc hl                  ; 6337 #    23
+                ret nz                  ; 6338 .    c0
+                inc (hl)                ; 6339 4    34
+                ret                     ; 633a .    c9
+.L633b:         ;; 633b <- 6422
+                ld c,0                  ; 633b ..   0e 00
+                jr .L635b               ; 633d ..   18 1c
+.L633f:         ;; 633f <- 6450 653d
+                ld c,0x10               ; 633f ..   0e 10
+                ld a,(DSKERR)           ; 6341 :..  3a 15 fd
+                and 0x40                ; 6344 .@   e6 40
+                jr nz,.L635b            ; 6346  .   20 13
+                ld c,2                  ; 6348 ..   0e 02
+                defb 0x21               ; 634a !    21
+.L634b:         ;; 634b <- 6419 6467
+                ld c,4                  ; 634b ..   0e 04
+                jr .L635b               ; 634d ..   18 0c
+.L634f:         ;; 634f <- 63d9
+                pop hl                  ; 634f .    e1
+.L6350:         ;; 6350 <- 63fc
+                ld c,6                  ; 6350 ..   0e 06
+                defb 0x21               ; 6352 !    21
+.L6353:         ;; 6353 <- 642d 64d4
+                ld c,8                  ; 6353 ..   0e 08
+                defb 0x21               ; 6355 !    21
+.L6356:         ;; 6356 <- 64d0
+                ld c,0x0a               ; 6356 ..   0e 0a
+                defb 0x21               ; 6358 !    21
+.L6359:         ;; 6359 <- 6425 6453 6540
+                ld c,0x0e               ; 6359 ..   0e 0e
+.L635b:         ;; 635b <- 633d 6346 634d 6399
+                ld a,c                  ; 635b y    79
+                add a,0x21              ; 635c .!   c6 21
+                ld l,a                  ; 635e o    6f
+                ld h,0xfd               ; 635f &.   26 fd
+                xor a                   ; 6361 .    af
+                ld e,(hl)               ; 6362 ^    5e
+                ld (hl),a               ; 6363 w    77
+                inc l                   ; 6364 ,    2c
+                ld d,(hl)               ; 6365 V    56
+                ld (hl),a               ; 6366 w    77
+                ld a,e                  ; 6367 {    7b
+                or d                    ; 6368 .    b2
+                pop hl                  ; 6369 .    e1
+                jr z,.L639c             ; 636a (0   28 30
+                push de                 ; 636c .    d5
+                ret                     ; 636d .    c9
+;;; Take a DOS file number in B and point HL to the second byte
+;;; in the DOS file descriptor if valid. If the second byte is
+;;; 0xff (no file here) then do other things (figure out...)
+getbufptrs:     ;; 636e <- 63b4 63bd 63f3 6428 64cc 64f7 650d
+                ld a,b                  ; 636e x    78
+                and 0x70                ; 636f .p   e6 70
+                cp b                    ; 6371 .    b8
+                jr nz,.L6380            ; 6372  .   20 0c
+                add a,0x41              ; 6374 .A   c6 41
+                ld l,a                  ; 6376 o    6f
+                ld h,0xfd               ; 6377 &.   26 fd
+                ld a,(hl)               ; 6379 ~    7e
+                cp 0xff                 ; 637a ..   fe ff
+                ret nz                  ; 637c .    c0
+                ld c,0x12               ; 637d ..   0e 12
+                ; ld hl,0x140e -> 6382
+                defb 0x21               ; 637f !    21
+.L6380:         ;; 6380 <- 6372
+                ld c,0x14               ; 6380 ..   0e 14
+                jr .L638c               ; 6382 ..   18 08
+.L6384:         ;; 6384 <- 63a8
+                ld c,0x18               ; 6384 ..   0e 18
+                jr .L638d               ; 6386 ..   18 05
+                ; Possibly unreachable
+                ld c,0x1a               ; 6388 ..   0e 1a
+                defb 0x2e               ; 638a .    2e
+.L638b:         ;; 638b <- 64c9
+                pop hl                  ; 638b .    e1
+.L638c:         ;; 638c <- 6382 64af
+                pop hl                  ; 638c .    e1
+.L638d:         ;; 638d <- 6386 645b 6485 648e
+                ld a,(DSKERR)           ; 638d :..  3a 15 fd
+                and 0x40                ; 6390 .@   e6 40
+                jr z,.L6396             ; 6392 (.   28 02
+                ld c,0x10               ; 6394 ..   0e 10
+.L6396:         ;; 6396 <- 6392
+                ld a,c                  ; 6396 y    79
+                cp 0x12                 ; 6397 ..   fe 12
+                jr c,.L635b             ; 6399 8.   38 c0
+                pop hl                  ; 639b .    e1
+.L639c:         ;; 639c <- 636a
+                ex de,hl                ; 639c .    eb
+                ld hl,(DOSERRDEF)       ; 639d *3.  2a 33 fd
+                ld a,c                  ; 63a0 y    79
+                rrca                    ; 63a1 .    0f
+                add a,0xa3              ; 63a2 ..   c6 a3
+jphl:           ;; 63a4 <- 6834
+                jp (hl)                 ; 63a4 .    e9
+_TRAP:          ;; 63a5 <- 6045
+                ld a,c                  ; 63a5 y    79
+                cp 9                    ; 63a6 ..   fe 09
+                jr nc,.L6384            ; 63a8 0.   30 da
+                add a,a                 ; 63aa .    87
+                add a,0x21              ; 63ab .!   c6 21
+                ld l,a                  ; 63ad o    6f
+                ld h,0xfd               ; 63ae &.   26 fd
+                ld (hl),e               ; 63b0 s    73
+                inc l                   ; 63b1 ,    2c
+                ld (hl),d               ; 63b2 r    72
+                ret                     ; 63b3 .    c9
+_BSP:           ;; 63b4 <- 603f
+                call getbufptrs         ; 63b4 .nc  cd 6e 63
+                inc l                   ; 63b7 ,    2c
+                ld e,(hl)               ; 63b8 ^    5e
+                inc l                   ; 63b9 ,    2c
+                ld d,(hl)               ; 63ba V    56
+                dec de                  ; 63bb .    1b
+                dec de                  ; 63bc .    1b
+_POSIT:         ;; 63bd <- 602a
+                call getbufptrs         ; 63bd .nc  cd 6e 63
+                inc de                  ; 63c0 .    13
+                ld a,0x42               ; 63c1 >B   3e 42
+                add a,b                 ; 63c3 .    80
+                ld l,a                  ; 63c4 o    6f
+                ld (hl),e               ; 63c5 s    73
+                inc l                   ; 63c6 ,    2c
+                ld (hl),d               ; 63c7 r    72
+                ld a,0x4e               ; 63c8 >N   3e 4e
+                add a,b                 ; 63ca .    80
+                ld l,a                  ; 63cb o    6f
+                ld h,0xfd               ; 63cc &.   26 fd
+                ld (hl),3               ; 63ce 6.   36 03
+                ret                     ; 63d0 .    c9
+.L63d1:         ;; 63d1 <- 64de
+                add a,b                 ; 63d1 .    80
+                ld l,a                  ; 63d2 o    6f
+                ld c,(hl)               ; 63d3 N    4e
+                dec l                   ; 63d4 -    2d
+                ld a,e                  ; 63d5 {    7b
+                sub (hl)                ; 63d6 .    96
+                ld a,d                  ; 63d7 z    7a
+                sbc a,c                 ; 63d8 .    99
+                jp nc,.L634f            ; 63d9 .Oc  d2 4f 63
+                inc de                  ; 63dc .    13
+                ret                     ; 63dd .    c9
+.L63de:         ;; 63de <- 63f6
+                ld a,0x42               ; 63de >B   3e 42
+                add a,b                 ; 63e0 .    80
+                ld l,a                  ; 63e1 o    6f
+                ld e,(hl)               ; 63e2 ^    5e
+                inc l                   ; 63e3 ,    2c
+                ld d,(hl)               ; 63e4 V    56
+                push de                 ; 63e5 .    d5
+                ld a,0x4a               ; 63e6 >J   3e 4a
+                add a,b                 ; 63e8 .    80
+                ld l,a                  ; 63e9 o    6f
+                ld e,(hl)               ; 63ea ^    5e
+                inc l                   ; 63eb ,    2c
+                ld d,(hl)               ; 63ec V    56
+                pop hl                  ; 63ed .    e1
+                ex de,hl                ; 63ee .    eb
+                or a                    ; 63ef .    b7
+                sbc hl,de               ; 63f0 .R   ed 52
+                ret                     ; 63f2 .    c9
+_READ:          ;; 63f3 <- 602d
+                call getbufptrs         ; 63f3 .nc  cd 6e 63
+                call .L63de             ; 63f6 ..c  cd de 63
+                call nc,.L6218          ; 63f9 ..b  d4 18 62
+                jp c,.L6350             ; 63fc .Pc  da 50 63
+                call dr_b               ; 63ff ..`  cd c5 60
+                jr c,.L6420             ; 6402 8.   38 1c
+                call _GET               ; 6404 ..b  cd e1 62
+                ld l,0                  ; 6407 ..   2e 00
+                xor (hl)                ; 6409 .    ae
+                ld c,a                  ; 640a O    4f
+                call _GET               ; 640b ..b  cd e1 62
+                ld l,2                  ; 640e ..   2e 02
+                xor (hl)                ; 6410 .    ae
+                or c                    ; 6411 .    b1
+                ld c,a                  ; 6412 O    4f
+                call _GET               ; 6413 ..b  cd e1 62
+                inc l                   ; 6416 ,    2c
+                xor (hl)                ; 6417 .    ae
+                or c                    ; 6418 .    b1
+                jp nz,.L634b            ; 6419 .Kc  c2 4b 63
+                jp .L632e               ; 641c ..c  c3 2e 63
+.L641f:         ;; 641f <- 627b
+                pop hl                  ; 641f .    e1
+.L6420:         ;; 6420 <- 6402
+                and 0x80                ; 6420 ..   e6 80
+                jp z,.L633b             ; 6422 .;c  ca 3b 63
+                jp .L6359               ; 6425 .Yc  c3 59 63
+_WRITE:         ;; 6428 <- 6030
+                call getbufptrs         ; 6428 .nc  cd 6e 63
+                rlca                    ; 642b .    07
+                rlca                    ; 642c .    07
+                jp c,.L6353             ; 642d .Sc  da 53 63
+                set 5,(hl)              ; 6430 ..   cb ee
+.L6432:         ;; 6432 <- 645e
+                call .L6218             ; 6432 ..b  cd 18 62
+                jr c,.L6456             ; 6435 8.   38 1f
+                ld l,0                  ; 6437 ..   2e 00
+                ld a,(hl)               ; 6439 ~    7e
+                call _PUT               ; 643a ..c  cd 06 63
+                ld l,2                  ; 643d ..   2e 02
+                ld a,(hl)               ; 643f ~    7e
+                call _PUT               ; 6440 ..c  cd 06 63
+                inc l                   ; 6443 ,    2c
+                ld a,(hl)               ; 6444 ~    7e
+                call _PUT               ; 6445 ..c  cd 06 63
+                call dw_b               ; 6448 ..`  cd d2 60
+                jp nc,.L632e            ; 644b ..c  d2 2e 63
+                and 0x80                ; 644e ..   e6 80
+                jp z,.L633f             ; 6450 .?c  ca 3f 63
+                jp .L6359               ; 6453 .Yc  c3 59 63
+.L6456:         ;; 6456 <- 6435
+                ld a,4                  ; 6456 >.   3e 04
+                call SELROUT            ; 6458 ..`  cd 09 60
+                jp c,.L638d             ; 645b ..c  da 8d 63
+                jr .L6432               ; 645e ..   18 d2
+_LOAD:          ;; 6460 <- 601b
+                call .L607a             ; 6460 .z`  cd 7a 60
+                ret nc                  ; 6463 .    d0
+.L6464:         ;; 6464 <- 646d
+                and a                   ; 6464 .    a7
+                scf                     ; 6465 7    37
+                ret z                   ; 6466 .    c8
+                jp .L634b               ; 6467 .Kc  c3 4b 63
+_RUN:           ;; 646a <- 601e
+                call .L607a             ; 646a .z`  cd 7a 60
+                jr c,.L6464             ; 646d 8.   38 f5
+                jp (hl)                 ; 646f .    e9
+_OPEN:          ;; 6470 <- 6018 64ff
+                call .L64a3             ; 6470 ..d  cd a3 64
+                ret                     ; 6473 .    c9
+_PREP:          ;; 6474 <- 6015
+                ld a,c                  ; 6474 y    79
+                inc a                   ; 6475 <    3c
+                jr nz,.L6481            ; 6476  .   20 09
+                ld hl,(ufdoffs)         ; 6478 *.W  2a f7 57
+                ld a,h                  ; 647b |    7c
+                or l                    ; 647c .    b5
+                jr z,.L6481             ; 647d (.   28 02
+                ld c,0x1e               ; 647f ..   0e 1e
+.L6481:         ;; 6481 <- 6476 647d
+                call .L64a3             ; 6481 ..d  cd a3 64
+                ret nc                  ; 6484 .    d0
+                jp nz,.L638d            ; 6485 ..c  c2 8d 63
+                ld a,1                  ; 6488 >.   3e 01
+                call SELROUT            ; 648a ..`  cd 09 60
+                ret nc                  ; 648d .    d0
+                jp .L638d               ; 648e ..c  c3 8d 63
+_CLOSE:         ;; 6491 <- 6021
+                call .L64b2             ; 6491 ..d  cd b2 64
+                ret                     ; 6494 .    c9
+_INIT800:       ;; 6495 <- 6000
+                ld b,0x70               ; 6495 .p   06 70
+.L6497:         ;; 6497 <- 649e
+                call .L64b2             ; 6497 ..d  cd b2 64
+                ld a,b                  ; 649a x    78
+                sub 0x10                ; 649b ..   d6 10
+                ld b,a                  ; 649d G    47
+                jr nz,.L6497            ; 649e  .   20 f7
+                jp _BYE                 ; 64a0 ..e  c3 e7 65
+.L64a3:         ;; 64a3 <- 6470 6481
+                call .L64b6             ; 64a3 ..d  cd b6 64
+                ld a,3                  ; 64a6 >.   3e 03
+                call SELROUT            ; 64a8 ..`  cd 09 60
+                ld h,0xfd               ; 64ab &.   26 fd
+                ret nc                  ; 64ad .    d0
+                ret z                   ; 64ae .    c8
+                jp .L638c               ; 64af ..c  c3 8c 63
+.L64b2:         ;; 64b2 <- 6491 6497
+                call .L64b6             ; 64b2 ..d  cd b6 64
+                ret                     ; 64b5 .    c9
+.L64b6:         ;; 64b6 <- 64a3 64b2
+                ld a,b                  ; 64b6 x    78
+                and 0x70                ; 64b7 .p   e6 70
+                ret z                   ; 64b9 .    c8
+                ld b,a                  ; 64ba G    47
+                add a,0x41              ; 64bb .A   c6 41
+                ld l,a                  ; 64bd o    6f
+                ld h,0xfd               ; 64be &.   26 fd
+                ld a,(hl)               ; 64c0 ~    7e
+                inc a                   ; 64c1 <    3c
+                ret z                   ; 64c2 .    c8
+                ld a,2                  ; 64c3 >.   3e 02
+                call SELROUT            ; 64c5 ..`  cd 09 60
+                ret nc                  ; 64c8 .    d0
+                jp .L638b               ; 64c9 ..c  c3 8b 63
+_CHOP:          ;; 64cc <- 6024
+                call getbufptrs         ; 64cc .nc  cd 6e 63
+                rlca                    ; 64cf .    07
+                jp c,.L6356             ; 64d0 .Vc  da 56 63
+                rlca                    ; 64d3 .    07
+                jp c,.L6353             ; 64d4 .Sc  da 53 63
+                ld a,d                  ; 64d7 z    7a
+                inc a                   ; 64d8 <    3c
+                call z,.L64ee           ; 64d9 ..d  cc ee 64
+                ld a,0x4b               ; 64dc >K   3e 4b
+                call nz,.L63d1          ; 64de ..c  c4 d1 63
+                ld a,0x4a               ; 64e1 >J   3e 4a
+                add a,b                 ; 64e3 .    80
+                ld l,a                  ; 64e4 o    6f
+                ld (hl),e               ; 64e5 s    73
+                inc l                   ; 64e6 ,    2c
+                ld (hl),d               ; 64e7 r    72
+                ld a,0x41               ; 64e8 >A   3e 41
+                add a,b                 ; 64ea .    80
+                ld l,a                  ; 64eb o    6f
+                set 5,(hl)              ; 64ec ..   cb ee
+.L64ee:         ;; 64ee <- 64d9
+                ld de,0x0000            ; 64ee ...  11 00 00
+_PROTE:         ;; 64f1 <- 6027
+                ret                     ; 64f1 .    c9
+do_rename:      ;; 64f2 <- 666b
+                ld b,(ix+12)            ; 64f2 .F.  dd 46 0c
+_RENAM:         ;; 64f5 <- 6048
+                push de                 ; 64f5 .    d5
+                push bc                 ; 64f6 .    c5
+                call getbufptrs         ; 64f7 .nc  cd 6e 63
+                and 0x1f                ; 64fa ..   e6 1f
+                ld c,a                  ; 64fc O    4f
+                ld b,0                  ; 64fd ..   06 00
+                call _OPEN              ; 64ff .pd  cd 70 64
+                pop bc                  ; 6502 .    c1
+                ld a,0xff               ; 6503 >.   3e ff
+                ld (F0_DRVSEL),a        ; 6505 2A.  32 41 fd
+                jr c,.L650d             ; 6508 8.   38 03
+                pop de                  ; 650a .    d1
+                scf                     ; 650b 7    37
+                ret                     ; 650c .    c9
+.L650d:         ;; 650d <- 6508
+                call getbufptrs         ; 650d .nc  cd 6e 63
+                and 0x1f                ; 6510 ..   e6 1f
+                ld (F_DRVSEL),a         ; 6512 2..  32 01 fd
+                dec hl                  ; 6515 +    2b
+                ld a,(hl)               ; 6516 ~    7e
+                ld (F_FILENO),a         ; 6517 2..  32 00 fd
+                call .L6f47             ; 651a .Go  cd 47 6f
+                call dr0_b              ; 651d ..`  cd c3 60
+                jr c,.L6539             ; 6520 8.   38 17
+                ld a,(hl)               ; 6522 ~    7e
+                and 0xf0                ; 6523 ..   e6 f0
+                ex de,hl                ; 6525 .    eb
+                ex (sp),hl              ; 6526 .    e3
+                ex de,hl                ; 6527 .    eb
+                ld hl,(DOSBUFS)         ; 6528 *..  2a 12 fd
+                add a,4                 ; 652b ..   c6 04
+                ld l,a                  ; 652d o    6f
+                ld c,0x0b               ; 652e ..   0e 0b
+                ex de,hl                ; 6530 .    eb
+                call BLKTF              ; 6531 .B`  cd 42 60
+                pop de                  ; 6534 .    d1
+                push de                 ; 6535 .    d5
+                call dw0_b              ; 6536 ..`  cd d0 60
+.L6539:         ;; 6539 <- 6520
+                pop de                  ; 6539 .    d1
+                ret nc                  ; 653a .    d0
+                and 0x80                ; 653b ..   e6 80
+                jp z,.L633f             ; 653d .?c  ca 3f 63
+                jp .L6359               ; 6540 .Yc  c3 59 63
+dosinit80:      ;; 6543 <- 6862
+                ld hl,ufdres            ; 6543 !.W  21 f6 57
+                ld a,(hl)               ; 6546 ~    7e
+                cp 0xa5                 ; 6547 ..   fe a5
+                ld (hl),0               ; 6549 6.   36 00
+                jr z,.L6552             ; 654b (.   28 05
+                inc hl                  ; 654d #    23
+                xor a                   ; 654e .    af
+                ld (hl),a               ; 654f w    77
+                inc hl                  ; 6550 #    23
+                ld (hl),a               ; 6551 w    77
+.L6552:         ;; 6552 <- 654b
+                ld de,DOSDEFDEV         ; 6552 .5.  11 35 fd
+                ld bc,S_DEBUG           ; 6555 ...  01 08 00
+                ld hl,basdevtbl         ; 6558 !.f  21 e4 66
+                ldir                    ; 655b ..   ed b0
+                ld de,devdes            ; 655d ..W  11 c0 57
+                ld hl,devdes_rom        ; 6560 !.g  21 8a 67
+                ld c,0x21               ; 6563 .!   0e 21
+                ldir                    ; 6565 ..   ed b0
+                ld hl,(DEVLIST)         ; 6567 *..  2a 0a fe
+                ld (DOSDEFDEV),hl       ; 656a "5.  22 35 fd
+                ld hl,(basdevtbl)       ; 656d *.f  2a e4 66
+                ld (DEVLIST),hl         ; 6570 "..  22 0a fe
+setup_stack:    ld hl,_DOSBUF0          ; 6573 !..  21 00 f5
+                pop de                  ; 6576 .    d1
+                ld sp,hl                ; 6577 .    f9
+                ld (STACK),hl           ; 6578 "'.  22 27 fe
+                push de                 ; 657b .    d5
+                call setup_dosbufs      ; 657c ..h  cd 16 68
+                ld hl,.L65b2            ; 657f !.e  21 b2 65
+                call .L659a             ; 6582 ..e  cd 9a 65
+                ld de,basicerr_sys      ; 6585 .lg  11 6c 67
+                ld bc,0x10ff            ; 6588 ...  01 ff 10
+                call OPEN               ; 658b ..`  cd 18 60
+                ld a,0xff               ; 658e >.   3e ff
+                ret c                   ; 6590 .    d8
+                ld (BASICERR),a         ; 6591 2..  32 0f fe
+                ld (_DOSBUF1+3),a       ; 6594 2..  32 03 f6
+                jp autostart_setup      ; 6597 .=h  c3 3d 68
+.L659a:         ;; 659a <- 6582 65ea
+                ld (DOSERRDEF),hl       ; 659a "3.  22 33 fd
+                ld hl,F0_DRVSEL         ; 659d !A.  21 41 fd
+                ld b,0x71               ; 65a0 .q   06 71
+.L65a2:         ;; 65a2 <- 65a5
+                ld (hl),0xff            ; 65a2 6.   36 ff
+                inc hl                  ; 65a4 #    23
+                djnz .L65a2             ; 65a5 ..   10 fb
+                ld c,8                  ; 65a7 ..   0e 08
+                ld d,b                  ; 65a9 P    50
+                ld e,b                  ; 65aa X    58
+.L65ab:         ;; 65ab <- 65b0
+                call TRAP               ; 65ab .E`  cd 45 60
+                dec c                   ; 65ae .    0d
+                ret m                   ; 65af .    f8
+                jr .L65ab               ; 65b0 ..   18 f9
+.L65b2:         ;; 65b2 <- 657f
+                ld e,(ix+12)            ; 65b2 .^.  dd 5e 0c
+                ld d,0                  ; 65b5 ..   16 00
+                ld hl,F0_DRVSEL         ; 65b7 !A.  21 41 fd
+                add hl,de               ; 65ba .    19
+                ld (hl),0xff            ; 65bb 6.   36 ff
+                ld (ix+14),d            ; 65bd .r.  dd 72 0e
+                ld (ix+5),d             ; 65c0 .r.  dd 72 05
+                jp S_ERROR              ; 65c3 ...  c3 12 00
+.L65c6:         ;; 65c6 <- 65e7
+                push af                 ; 65c6 .    f5
+                ld hl,abort_msg         ; 65c7 !.g  21 82 67
+                ld bc,S_DEBUG           ; 65ca ...  01 08 00
+                call CON_PRINT          ; 65cd ...  cd 0b 00
+                pop af                  ; 65d0 .    f1
+                ld c,0x2f               ; 65d1 ./   0e 2f
+                and 0x7f                ; 65d3 ..   e6 7f
+.L65d5:         ;; 65d5 <- 65d8
+                inc c                   ; 65d5 .    0c
+                sub 0x0a                ; 65d6 ..   d6 0a
+                jr nc,.L65d5            ; 65d8 0.   30 fb
+                add a,0x3a              ; 65da .:   c6 3a
+                ld b,a                  ; 65dc G    47
+                push bc                 ; 65dd .    c5
+                ld bc,CON_GET           ; 65de ...  01 02 00
+                ld h,b                  ; 65e1 `    60
+                ld l,b                  ; 65e2 h    68
+                add hl,sp               ; 65e3 9    39
+                call CON_PRINT          ; 65e4 ...  cd 0b 00
+_BYE:           ;; 65e7 <- 604e 64a0
+                ld hl,.L65c6            ; 65e7 !.e  21 c6 65
+                call .L659a             ; 65ea ..e  cd 9a 65
+                ld de,cmdint_sys        ; 65ed .wg  11 77 67
+                call RUN                ; 65f0 ..`  cd 1e 60
+                rst 0                   ; 65f3 .    c7
+;;; Find a free DOSBUF/file descriptor and mark the allocated.
+;;; This routine is called by PUN80.
+bufalloc:       ;; 65f4 <- 661a 6625
+                ld hl,F1_DRVSEL         ; 65f4 !Q.  21 51 fd
+                ld bc,0x0010            ; 65f7 ...  01 10 00
+.L65fa:         ;; 65fa <- 6602
+                ld a,(hl)               ; 65fa ~    7e
+                inc a                   ; 65fb <    3c
+                jr z,.L6606             ; 65fc (.   28 08
+                add hl,bc               ; 65fe .    09
+                ld a,l                  ; 65ff }    7d
+                cp 0xc1                 ; 6600 ..   fe c1
+                jr nz,.L65fa            ; 6602  .   20 f6
+err19:          basic_err 128+19        ; 6604 ..   d7 93
+.L6606:         ;; 6606 <- 65fc
+                ld a,l                  ; 6606 }    7d
+                sub 0x41                ; 6607 .A   d6 41
+                ld (ix+12),a            ; 6609 .w.  dd 77 0c
+                ld b,a                  ; 660c G    47
+                ld l,(ix+3)             ; 660d .n.  dd 6e 03
+                ld h,(ix+4)             ; 6610 .f.  dd 66 04
+                inc hl                  ; 6613 #    23
+                inc hl                  ; 6614 #    23
+                ld c,(hl)               ; 6615 N    4e
+                xor a                   ; 6616 .    af
+                ret                     ; 6617 .    c9
+                ; Possibly unreachable
+                sbc a,a                 ; 6618 .    9f
+                ret                     ; 6619 .    c9
+do_open:        ;; 661a <- 6653
+                call bufalloc           ; 661a ..e  cd f4 65
+                call OPEN               ; 661d ..`  cd 18 60
+                ld a,0                  ; 6620 >.   3e 00
+                ret c                   ; 6622 .    d8
+                jr bufinit              ; 6623 ..   18 06
+do_prepare:     ;; 6625 <- 6656
+                call bufalloc           ; 6625 ..e  cd f4 65
+                call PREP               ; 6628 ..`  cd 15 60
+;;; Initialize an IX map and DOS file descriptor
+;;; Note: This function hard-codes 0xf500 as the base offset for DOSBUFs!
+;;; This routine is called by PUN80.
+bufinit:        ;; 662b <- 6623
+                ld (ix+12),b            ; 662b .p.  dd 70 0c
+                ld a,b                  ; 662e x    78
+                ;; PUN80 also calls here, so to not need to save/restore BC
+bufreset:       rrca                    ; 662f .    0f
+                rrca                    ; 6630 .    0f
+                rrca                    ; 6631 .    0f
+                rrca                    ; 6632 .    0f
+                add a,0xf5              ; 6633 ..   c6 f5
+                ld h,a                  ; 6635 g    67
+                ld l,3                  ; 6636 ..   2e 03
+                ld (hl),l               ; 6638 u    75
+                ld (ix+8),l             ; 6639 .u.  dd 75 08
+                ld (ix+9),h             ; 663c .t.  dd 74 09
+                ld (ix+10),l            ; 663f .u.  dd 75 0a
+                ld (ix+11),h            ; 6642 .t.  dd 74 0b
+                ld (ix+7),0x84          ; 6645 .6.. dd 36 07 84
+                xor a                   ; 6649 .    af
+.L664a:         ;; 664a <- 66a3
+                ld (ix+13),0xfc         ; 664a .6.. dd 36 0d fc
+                ld (ix+14),a            ; 664e .w.  dd 77 0e
+                ret                     ; 6651 .    c9
+                ; Possibly unreachable
+                ret                     ; 6652 .    c9
+;;; Jump table for BASIC device driver
+JP_OPEN:        ;; 6653 <- 66e9 66f1 66f9 6701 6709 6711 6719 6721 6729 6731
+                ;;         6739 6741 6749 6751 6759 6761 6769
+                jp do_open              ; 6653 ..f  c3 1a 66
+JP_PREP:        jp do_prepare           ; 6656 .%f  c3 25 66
+JP_CLOSE:       jp do_close             ; 6659 .wf  c3 77 66
+JP_INPUT:       jp S_INLINE             ; 665c ...  c3 15 00
+JP_PRINT:       jp S_OUTLI              ; 665f ...  c3 1b 00
+JP_BLKIN:       jp do_blkin             ; 6662 ..f  c3 88 66
+JP_BLKUT:       jp do_blkut             ; 6665 ..f  c3 92 66
+JP_KILL:        jp do_kill              ; 6668 .nf  c3 6e 66
+JP_RENAME:      jp do_rename            ; 666b ..d  c3 f2 64
+do_kill:        ;; 666e <- 6668
+                ld b,(ix+12)            ; 666e .F.  dd 46 0c
+                ld de,0xffff            ; 6671 ...  11 ff ff
+                call CHOP               ; 6674 .$`  cd 24 60
+do_close:       ;; 6677 <- 6659
+                ld a,(ix+14)            ; 6677 .~.  dd 7e 0e
+                ld b,(ix+12)            ; 667a .F.  dd 46 0c
+                and a                   ; 667d .    a7
+                jr z,.L6685             ; 667e (.   28 05
+                push bc                 ; 6680 .    c5
+                call m,S_CLOSEF         ; 6681 .#.  fc 23 00
+                pop bc                  ; 6684 .    c1
+.L6685:         ;; 6685 <- 667e
+                jp CLOSE                ; 6685 .!`  c3 21 60
+do_blkin:       ;; 6688 <- 6662
+                xor a                   ; 6688 .    af
+rd_blk:         ;; 6689 <- 6fbf
+                call posit_blk          ; 6689 ..f  cd a5 66
+                call READ               ; 668c .-`  cd 2d 60
+                and a                   ; 668f .    a7
+                jr .L669a               ; 6690 ..   18 08
+do_blkut:       ;; 6692 <- 6665
+                xor a                   ; 6692 .    af
+wr_blk:         ;; 6693 <- 6fc2
+                call posit_blk          ; 6693 ..f  cd a5 66
+                call WRITE              ; 6696 .0`  cd 30 60
+                scf                     ; 6699 7    37
+.L669a:         ;; 669a <- 6690
+                ld h,(ix+9)             ; 669a .f.  dd 66 09
+                ld l,3                  ; 669d ..   2e 03
+                ret nc                  ; 669f .    d0
+                ex de,hl                ; 66a0 .    eb
+                ld a,1                  ; 66a1 >.   3e 01
+                jr .L664a               ; 66a3 ..   18 a5
+                ;; A = 0 or DE = -1 for current block, otherwise DE
+posit_blk:      ;; 66a5 <- 6689 6693
+                ld b,(ix+12)            ; 66a5 .F.  dd 46 0c
+                and a                   ; 66a8 .    a7
+                ret z                   ; 66a9 .    c8
+                ld a,d                  ; 66aa z    7a
+                and e                   ; 66ab .    a3
+                inc a                   ; 66ac <    3c
+                ret z                   ; 66ad .    c8
+                jp POSIT                ; 66ae .*`  c3 2a 60
+                ; Possibly unreachable
+                defb 0x2a               ; 66b1 *    2a
+                ld h,b                  ; 66b2 `    60
+_BASERR:        ;; 66b3 <- 6051
+                ld hl,_DOSBUF1+3        ; 66b3 !..  21 03 f6
+                push af                 ; 66b6 .    f5
+                and 0xf8                ; 66b7 ..   e6 f8
+                cp (hl)                 ; 66b9 .    be
+                jr z,.L66d9             ; 66ba (.   28 1d
+                push de                 ; 66bc .    d5
+                rrca                    ; 66bd .    0f
+                rrca                    ; 66be .    0f
+                rrca                    ; 66bf .    0f
+                and 0x0f                ; 66c0 ..   e6 0f
+                ld e,a                  ; 66c2 _    5f
+                ld d,0                  ; 66c3 ..   16 00
+                ld b,0x10               ; 66c5 ..   06 10
+                xor a                   ; 66c7 .    af
+                ld (BASICERR),a         ; 66c8 2..  32 0f fe
+                push hl                 ; 66cb .    e5
+                call POSIT              ; 66cc .*`  cd 2a 60
+                call READ               ; 66cf .-`  cd 2d 60
+                ld a,1                  ; 66d2 >.   3e 01
+                ld (BASICERR),a         ; 66d4 2..  32 0f fe
+                pop hl                  ; 66d7 .    e1
+                pop de                  ; 66d8 .    d1
+.L66d9:         ;; 66d9 <- 66ba
+                pop af                  ; 66d9 .    f1
+                ld b,h                  ; 66da D    44
+                cpir                    ; 66db ..   ed b1
+.L66dd:         ;; 66dd <- 66e2
+                ld a,(hl)               ; 66dd ~    7e
+                and a                   ; 66de .    a7
+                ret m                   ; 66df .    f8
+                ldi                     ; 66e0 ..   ed a0
+                jr .L66dd               ; 66e2 ..   18 f9
+;;; BASIC device list
+basdevtbl:      ;; 66e4 <- 6558 656d
+                defw .+8                ; 66e4 .f   ec 66
+                .ascii "   "            ; 66e6      20 20 20
+                defw JP_OPEN            ; 66e9 Sf   53 66
+                defb 0xff               ; 66eb .    ff
+.L66ec:         ;; 66ec <- 66e4
+                defw .+8                ; 66ec .f   f4 66
+                .ascii "DR0"            ; 66ee DR0  44 52 30
+                defw JP_OPEN            ; 66f1 Sf   53 66
+                defb 0x00               ; 66f3 .    00
+.L66f4:         ;; 66f4 <- 66ec
+                defw .+8                ; 66f4 .f   fc 66
+                .ascii "DR1"            ; 66f6 DR1  44 52 31
+                defw JP_OPEN            ; 66f9 Sf   53 66
+                defb 0x01               ; 66fb .    01
+.L66fc:         ;; 66fc <- 66f4
+                defw .+8                ; 66fc .g   04 67
+                .ascii "DR2"            ; 66fe DR2  44 52 32
+                defw JP_OPEN            ; 6701 Sf   53 66
+                defb 0x02               ; 6703 .    02
+.L6704:         ;; 6704 <- 66fc
+                defw .+8                ; 6704 .g   0c 67
+                .ascii "UFD"            ; 6706 UFD  55 46 44
+                defw JP_OPEN            ; 6709 Sf   53 66
+                defb 0x1e               ; 670b .    1e
+.L670c:         ;; 670c <- 6704
+                defw .+8                ; 670c .g   14 67
+                .ascii "MF0"            ; 670e MF0  4d 46 30
+                defw JP_OPEN            ; 6711 Sf   53 66
+                defb 0x08               ; 6713 .    08
+.L6714:         ;; 6714 <- 670c
+                defw .+8                ; 6714 .g   1c 67
+                .ascii "MF1"            ; 6716 MF1  4d 46 31
+                defw JP_OPEN            ; 6719 Sf   53 66
+                defb 0x09               ; 671b .    09
+.L671c:         ;; 671c <- 6714
+                defw .+8                ; 671c $g   24 67
+                .ascii "MF2"            ; 671e MF2  4d 46 32
+                defw JP_OPEN            ; 6721 Sf   53 66
+                defb 0x0a               ; 6723 .    0a
+.L6724:         ;; 6724 <- 671c
+                defw .+8                ; 6724 ,g   2c 67
+                .ascii "MO0"            ; 6726 MO0  4d 4f 30
+                defw JP_OPEN            ; 6729 Sf   53 66
+                defb 0x0c               ; 672b .    0c
+.L672c:         ;; 672c <- 6724
+                defw .+8                ; 672c 4g   34 67
+                .ascii "MO1"            ; 672e MO1  4d 4f 31
+                defw JP_OPEN            ; 6731 Sf   53 66
+                defb 0x0d               ; 6733 .    0d
+.L6734:         ;; 6734 <- 672c
+                defw .+8                ; 6734 <g   3c 67
+                .ascii "SF0"            ; 6736 SF0  53 46 30
+                defw JP_OPEN            ; 6739 Sf   53 66
+                defb 0x10               ; 673b .    10
+.L673c:         ;; 673c <- 6734
+                defw .+8                ; 673c Dg   44 67
+                .ascii "SF1"            ; 673e SF1  53 46 31
+                defw JP_OPEN            ; 6741 Sf   53 66
+                defb 0x11               ; 6743 .    11
+.L6744:         ;; 6744 <- 673c
+                defw .+8                ; 6744 Lg   4c 67
+                .ascii "SF2"            ; 6746 SF2  53 46 32
+                defw JP_OPEN            ; 6749 Sf   53 66
+                defb 0x12               ; 674b .    12
+.L674c:         ;; 674c <- 6744
+                defw .+8                ; 674c Tg   54 67
+                .ascii "HD0"            ; 674e HD0  48 44 30
+                defw JP_OPEN            ; 6751 Sf   53 66
+                defb 0x04               ; 6753 .    04
+.L6754:         ;; 6754 <- 674c
+                defw .+8                ; 6754 \g   5c 67
+                .ascii "HD1"            ; 6756 HD1  48 44 31
+                defw JP_OPEN            ; 6759 Sf   53 66
+                defb 0x05               ; 675b .    05
+.L675c:         ;; 675c <- 6754
+                defw .+8                ; 675c dg   64 67
+                .ascii "HD2"            ; 675e HD2  48 44 32
+                defw JP_OPEN            ; 6761 Sf   53 66
+                defb 0x06               ; 6763 .    06
+.L6764:         ;; 6764 <- 675c
+                defw DOSDEFDEV          ; 6764 5.   35 fd
+                .ascii "HD3"            ; 6766 HD3  48 44 33
+                defw JP_OPEN            ; 6769 Sf   53 66
+                defb 0x07               ; 676b .    07
+basicerr_sys:   ;; 676c <- 6585
+                .ascii "BASICERRSYS"    ; 676c <11 bytes>
+cmdint_sys:     ;; 6777 <- 65ed
+                .ascii "CMDINT  SYS"    ; 6777 <11 bytes>
+abort_msg:      ;; 6782 <- 65c7
+                .ascii "\r\nAbort "     ; 6782 <8 bytes>
+;;; DOS device table (copied to RAM -> devdes)
+;;; Format:
+;;;    defb flags
+;;;    defb log2(cluster size)
+;;;    defm "XX ; 2-letter name
+devdes_rom:     ;; 678a <- 6069 6560
+                defb 0x0c               ; 678a .    0c
+                defb 0                  ; 678b .    00
+                .ascii "DR"             ; 678c DR   44 52
+                defb 0x24               ; 678e $    24
+                defb 5                  ; 678f .    05
+                .ascii "HD"             ; 6790 HD   48 44
+                defb 0x6c               ; 6792 l    6c
+                defb 2                  ; 6793 .    02
+                .ascii "MF"             ; 6794 MF   4d 46
+                defb 0xad               ; 6796 .    ad
+                defb 0                  ; 6797 .    00
+                .ascii "MO"             ; 6798 MO   4d 4f
+                defb 0x6e               ; 679a n    6e
+                defb 2                  ; 679b .    02
+                .ascii "SF"             ; 679c SF   53 46
+                defb 0x00               ; 679e .    00
+                defb 0                  ; 679f .    00
+                .ascii "??"             ; 67a0 ??   3f 3f
+                defb 0x00               ; 67a2 .    00
+                defb 0                  ; 67a3 .    00
+                .ascii "??"             ; 67a4 ??   3f 3f
+                defb 0x00               ; 67a6 .    00
+                defb 2                  ; 67a7 .    02
+                .ascii "RM"             ; 67a8 RM   52 4d
+                defb 0xc9               ; 67aa .    c9
+_UNSAVE:        ;; 67ab <- 605a
+                ex de,hl                ; 67ab .    eb
+                call tmpixmap           ; 67ac .+h  cd 2b 68
+                ex de,hl                ; 67af .    eb
+                call S_OPENCMD          ; 67b0 .>.  cd 3e 00
+                jr kill_ix              ; 67b3 ..   18 06
+_DE_KILL:       ;; 67b5 <- 605d
+                call tmpixmap           ; 67b5 .+h  cd 2b 68
+                call eval_open          ; 67b8 ..g  cd f9 67
+                ;; Delete the file referenced by the file map in IX
+kill_ix:        ;; 67bb <- 67b3
+                push de                 ; 67bb .    d5
+                call IX_KILL            ; 67bc ...  cd 9f 08
+                pop de                  ; 67bf .    d1
+                ret                     ; 67c0 .    c9
+_DC_NAME:       ;; 67c1 <- 6054
+                call S_CSTRE            ; 67c1 .;.  cd 3b 00
+                ret c                   ; 67c4 .    d8
+                push de                 ; 67c5 .    d5
+                ld de,as_token          ; 67c6 ..g  11 d6 67
+                call S_STRSCN           ; 67c9 .D.  cd 44 00
+                pop de                  ; 67cc .    d1
+                ld (de),a               ; 67cd .    12
+                inc de                  ; 67ce .    13
+                ld a,0xbf               ; 67cf >.   3e bf
+                scf                     ; 67d1 7    37
+                ret nz                  ; 67d2 .    c0
+                jp S_CSTRE              ; 67d3 .;.  c3 3b 00
+as_token:       ;; 67d6 <- 67c6
+                defb 0xb7               ; 67d6 .    b7
+                .ascii "AS"             ; 67d7 AS   41 53
+                defb 0xff               ; 67d9 .    ff
+_DE_NAME:       ;; 67da <- 6057
+                call tmpixmap           ; 67da .+h  cd 2b 68
+                call eval_open          ; 67dd ..g  cd f9 67
+                inc de                  ; 67e0 .    13
+                rst 56                  ; 67e1 .    ff
+                ld a,b                  ; 67e2 x    78
+                jr find_string          ; 67e3 ..   18 16
+rename_ix:      ;; 67e5 <- 6809
+                ld de,LINE_BUF          ; 67e5 .@.  11 40 fe
+                push de                 ; 67e8 .    d5
+                call S_FIXNAM           ; 67e9 .A.  cd 41 00
+                pop de                  ; 67ec .    d1
+                call nc,IX_NAME         ; 67ed ...  d4 a2 08
+                push af                 ; 67f0 .    f5
+                call IX_CLOSE           ; 67f1 ...  cd 90 08
+                pop af                  ; 67f4 .    f1
+                jr nc,.L6812            ; 67f5 0.   30 1b
+err64:          basic_err 128+64        ; 67f7 ..   d7 c0
+;;; Evaluate a string expression and open the named file
+eval_open:      ;; 67f9 <- 67b8 67dd
+                rst 56                  ; 67f9 .    ff
+                xor a                   ; 67fa .    af
+                ;; Find the evaluated string on the stack?
+find_string:    ;; 67fb <- 67e3
+                pop ix                  ; 67fb ..   dd e1
+                pop hl                  ; 67fd .    e1
+                pop bc                  ; 67fe .    c1
+                add ix,sp               ; 67ff .9   dd 39
+                push de                 ; 6801 .    d5
+                push ix                 ; 6802 ..   dd e5
+                inc ix                  ; 6804 .#   dd 23
+                inc ix                  ; 6806 .#   dd 23
+                and a                   ; 6808 .    a7
+                jr nz,rename_ix         ; 6809  .   20 da
+                inc ix                  ; 680b .#   dd 23
+                inc ix                  ; 680d .#   dd 23
+                call S_OPENF            ; 680f .-.  cd 2d 00
+.L6812:         ;; 6812 <- 67f5
+                pop hl                  ; 6812 .    e1
+                pop de                  ; 6813 .    d1
+                ld sp,hl                ; 6814 .    f9
+                ret                     ; 6815 .    c9
+setup_dosbufs:  ;; 6816 <- 657c
+                ld hl,_DOSBUF0          ; 6816 !..  21 00 f5
+                ld (DOSBUFS),hl         ; 6819 "..  22 12 fd
+                ret                     ; 681c .    c9
+try_init_rom:   ;; 681d <- 6869
+                ld a,(hl)               ; 681d ~    7e
+                inc h                   ; 681e $    24
+                cp 0xc3                 ; 681f ..   fe c3
+                ret nz                  ; 6821 .    c0
+                dec h                   ; 6822 %    25
+                jp (hl)                 ; 6823 .    e9
+                ; Possibly unreachable
+                rst 56                  ; 6824 .    ff
+                rst 56                  ; 6825 .    ff
+                rst 56                  ; 6826 .    ff
+                rst 56                  ; 6827 .    ff
+                rst 56                  ; 6828 .    ff
+err52:          ;; 6829 <- 6fdd
+                basic_err 128+52        ; 6829 ..   d7 b4
+;;; Make space for a 15-byte IX map on the stack,
+;;; and hack the stack so we return here and clean up
+;;; the stack.
+tmpixmap:       ;; 682b <- 67ac 67b5 67da
+                pop hl                  ; 682b .    e1
+                ld ix,-15               ; 682c .!.. dd 21 f1 ff
+                add ix,sp               ; 6830 .9   dd 39
+                ld sp,ix                ; 6832 ..   dd f9
+                call jphl               ; 6834 ..c  cd a4 63
+                ld hl,15                ; 6837 !..  21 0f 00
+                add hl,sp               ; 683a 9    39
+                ld sp,hl                ; 683b .    f9
+                ret                     ; 683c .    c9
+autostart_setup: ;; 683d <- 6597
+                ld hl,autostart_cmd     ; 683d !.o  21 9b 6f
+                ld de,LINE_BUF          ; 6840 .@.  11 40 fe
+                ld bc,0x0014            ; 6843 ...  01 14 00
+                ldir                    ; 6846 ..   ed b0
+                ret                     ; 6848 .    c9
+autostart:      ;; 6849 <- 686f
+                call S_SCRATCH          ; 6849 .p.  cd 70 0a
+                call S_CHECKCTRLC       ; 684c .>.  cd 3e 03
+                ld (iy+14),1            ; 684f .6.. fd 36 0e 01
+                ei                      ; 6853 .    fb
+                ld hl,LINE_BUF          ; 6854 !@.  21 40 fe
+                cp (hl)                 ; 6857 .    be
+                jp nz,S_RUNCMD          ; 6858 ...  c2 f4 00
+                jp S_CMD                ; 685b ...  c3 cc 00
+_INIT80:        ;; 685e <- 604b
+                ld (iy+42),0            ; 685e .6*. fd 36 2a 00
+                call dosinit80          ; 6862 .Ce  cd 43 65
+                ld h,0x40               ; 6865 &@   26 40
+.L_init_next:   ;; 6867 <- 6873 6877
+                ld l,0x4b               ; 6867 .K   2e 4b
+                call try_init_rom       ; 6869 ..h  cd 1d 68
+                ld a,h                  ; 686c |    7c
+                cp 0x7c                 ; 686d .|   fe 7c
+                jr nc,autostart         ; 686f 0.   30 d8
+                cp 0x60                 ; 6871 .`   fe 60
+                jr nz,.L_init_next      ; 6873  .   20 f2
+                ld h,0x70               ; 6875 &p   26 70
+                jr .L_init_next         ; 6877 ..   18 ee
+.L6879:         ;; 6879 <- 6f43
+                call .L6f68             ; 6879 .ho  cd 68 6f
+                ld hl,F_SEGREC+1        ; 687c !..  21 09 fd
+                ld d,(hl)               ; 687f V    56
+                dec l                   ; 6880 -    2d
+                ld e,(hl)               ; 6881 ^    5e
+                call dr0_b              ; 6882 ..`  cd c3 60
+                jr c,.L68e5             ; 6885 8^   38 5e
+                ld c,4                  ; 6887 ..   0e 04
+.L6889:         ;; 6889 <- 6893
+                call getc0              ; 6889 ..h  cd ff 68
+                cp 0xff                 ; 688c ..   fe ff
+                jr z,.L6897             ; 688e (.   28 07
+                call getc0              ; 6890 ..h  cd ff 68
+                jr nz,.L6889            ; 6893  .   20 f4
+                jr .L68e2               ; 6895 .K   18 4b
+.L6897:         ;; 6897 <- 688e
+                dec c                   ; 6897 .    0d
+                ld l,0x0e               ; 6898 ..   2e 0e
+                ld (hl),c               ; 689a q    71
+                call .L6f01             ; 689b ..o  cd 01 6f
+                call dr0_b              ; 689e ..`  cd c3 60
+                jr c,.L68ec             ; 68a1 8I   38 49
+                call .L6911             ; 68a3 ..i  cd 11 69
+                jr c,.L68e2             ; 68a6 8:   38 3a
+                call dw0_b              ; 68a8 ..`  cd d0 60
+                jr c,.L68ec             ; 68ab 8?   38 3f
+                ld hl,F_SEGREC          ; 68ad !..  21 08 fd
+                ld e,(hl)               ; 68b0 ^    5e
+                inc l                   ; 68b1 ,    2c
+                ld d,(hl)               ; 68b2 V    56
+                call dr0_b              ; 68b3 ..`  cd c3 60
+                jr c,.L68e5             ; 68b6 8-   38 2d
+                ld l,0x0e               ; 68b8 ..   2e 0e
+                ld c,(hl)               ; 68ba N    4e
+                ld l,6                  ; 68bb ..   2e 06
+                ld b,(hl)               ; 68bd F    46
+                call .L6908             ; 68be ..i  cd 08 69
+                inc l                   ; 68c1 ,    2c
+                ld b,(hl)               ; 68c2 F    46
+                call .L6908             ; 68c3 ..i  cd 08 69
+                jr z,.L68d0             ; 68c6 (.   28 08
+                ld b,0xff               ; 68c8 ..   06 ff
+                call .L6908             ; 68ca ..i  cd 08 69
+                call .L6908             ; 68cd ..i  cd 08 69
+.L68d0:         ;; 68d0 <- 68c6
+                call dw0_b              ; 68d0 ..`  cd d0 60
+                jr c,.L68e8             ; 68d3 8.   38 13
+                ld a,(HLSAVE)           ; 68d5 :..  3a 1e fd
+                add a,0x41              ; 68d8 .A   c6 41
+                ld l,a                  ; 68da o    6f
+                ld h,0xfd               ; 68db &.   26 fd
+                ld a,(hl)               ; 68dd ~    7e
+                or 0x20                 ; 68de .    f6 20
+                ld (hl),a               ; 68e0 w    77
+                ret                     ; 68e1 .    c9
+.L68e2:         ;; 68e2 <- 6895 68a6
+                ld a,0x0c               ; 68e2 >.   3e 0c
+                defb 0x01               ; 68e4 .    01
+.L68e5:         ;; 68e5 <- 6885 68b6
+                ld a,0                  ; 68e5 >.   3e 00
+                defb 0x01               ; 68e7 .    01
+.L68e8:         ;; 68e8 <- 68d3
+                ld a,2                  ; 68e8 >.   3e 02
+                jr .L68fc               ; 68ea ..   18 10
+.L68ec:         ;; 68ec <- 68a1 68ab 6aa3
+                ld b,a                  ; 68ec G    47
+                and 0x40                ; 68ed .@   e6 40
+                ld a,0x10               ; 68ef >.   3e 10
+                jr nz,.L68fc            ; 68f1  .   20 09
+                ld a,b                  ; 68f3 x    78
+                and 0x80                ; 68f4 ..   e6 80
+                ld a,0x1a               ; 68f6 >.   3e 1a
+                jr z,.L68fc             ; 68f8 (.   28 02
+                ld a,0x0e               ; 68fa >.   3e 0e
+.L68fc:         ;; 68fc <- 68ea 68f1 68f8
+                jp .L6a3c               ; 68fc .<j  c3 3c 6a
+;;; Load a byte indexed by C from DOSBUF0 into A, advance C
+getc0:          ;; 68ff <- 6889 6890 6924 694f 698f 69d8 6a55 6b91 6bbb 6c2e
+                ;;         6c35 6c3d 6c54 6c58 6c7b 6c83
+                push hl                 ; 68ff .    e5
+                ld hl,(DOSBUFS)         ; 6900 *..  2a 12 fd
+                ld l,c                  ; 6903 i    69
+                ld a,(hl)               ; 6904 ~    7e
+                inc c                   ; 6905 .    0c
+                pop hl                  ; 6906 .    e1
+                ret                     ; 6907 .    c9
+.L6908:         ;; 6908 <- 68be 68c3 68ca 68cd 69a0 6a77 6aad 6ab1 6ab6 6aba
+                ;;         6ac0 6ac5 6aca 6acd 6adf 6ae4 6ae9 6af3 6b11 6b18
+                ;;         6b1d 6b20 6b2d 6b63 6e38 6e3c
+                push hl                 ; 6908 .    e5
+                ld hl,(DOSBUFS)         ; 6909 *..  2a 12 fd
+                ld l,c                  ; 690c i    69
+                ld (hl),b               ; 690d p    70
+                inc c                   ; 690e .    0c
+                pop hl                  ; 690f .    e1
+                ret                     ; 6910 .    c9
+.L6911:         ;; 6911 <- 68a3 6a8c
+                ld e,0                  ; 6911 ..   1e 00
+                ld h,0xff               ; 6913 &.   26 ff
+                ld b,0x80               ; 6915 ..   06 80
+                ld c,1                  ; 6917 ..   0e 01
+                push hl                 ; 6919 .    e5
+                push hl                 ; 691a .    e5
+.L691b:         ;; 691b <- 6956
+                pop hl                  ; 691b .    e1
+                pop hl                  ; 691c .    e1
+.L691d:         ;; 691d <- 695c
+                dec c                   ; 691d .    0d
+                ld a,c                  ; 691e y    79
+                cp 0xef                 ; 691f ..   fe ef
+                jr nc,.L695e            ; 6921 0;   30 3b
+                push hl                 ; 6923 .    e5
+.L6924:         ;; 6924 <- 6935
+                call getc0              ; 6924 ..h  cd ff 68
+                ld l,a                  ; 6927 o    6f
+.L6928:         ;; 6928 <- 692e
+                ld a,l                  ; 6928 }    7d
+                and b                   ; 6929 .    a0
+                jr z,.L693a             ; 692a (.   28 0e
+                rrca                    ; 692c .    0f
+                ld b,a                  ; 692d G    47
+                jr nc,.L6928            ; 692e 0.   30 f8
+                ld b,0x80               ; 6930 ..   06 80
+                ld a,c                  ; 6932 y    79
+                cp 0xef                 ; 6933 ..   fe ef
+                jr nz,.L6924            ; 6935  .   20 ed
+                pop hl                  ; 6937 .    e1
+                jr .L695e               ; 6938 .$   18 24
+.L693a:         ;; 693a <- 692a
+                ld a,l                  ; 693a }    7d
+                push bc                 ; 693b .    c5
+                ld d,0                  ; 693c ..   16 00
+.L693e:         ;; 693e <- 6952
+                ld l,a                  ; 693e o    6f
+.L693f:         ;; 693f <- 694b
+                ld a,l                  ; 693f }    7d
+                and b                   ; 6940 .    a0
+                jr nz,.L6954            ; 6941  .   20 11
+                inc d                   ; 6943 .    14
+                ld a,d                  ; 6944 z    7a
+                cp 0x10                 ; 6945 ..   fe 10
+                jr z,.L6958             ; 6947 (.   28 0f
+                rrc b                   ; 6949 ..   cb 08
+                jr nc,.L693f            ; 694b 0.   30 f2
+                ld b,0x80               ; 694d ..   06 80
+                call getc0              ; 694f ..h  cd ff 68
+                jr .L693e               ; 6952 ..   18 ea
+.L6954:         ;; 6954 <- 6941
+                ld a,e                  ; 6954 {    7b
+                cp d                    ; 6955 .    ba
+                jr nc,.L691b            ; 6956 0.   30 c3
+.L6958:         ;; 6958 <- 6947
+                ld e,d                  ; 6958 Z    5a
+                pop hl                  ; 6959 .    e1
+                ex (sp),hl              ; 695a .    e3
+                pop hl                  ; 695b .    e1
+                jr nz,.L691d            ; 695c  .   20 bf
+.L695e:         ;; 695e <- 6921 6938
+                ld a,0xff               ; 695e >.   3e ff
+                cp h                    ; 6960 .    bc
+                scf                     ; 6961 7    37
+                ret z                   ; 6962 .    c8
+                add a,l                 ; 6963 .    85
+                ld l,a                  ; 6964 o    6f
+                ld b,a                  ; 6965 G    47
+                push hl                 ; 6966 .    e5
+                ld c,0                  ; 6967 ..   0e 00
+.L6969:         ;; 6969 <- 6972
+                ld a,h                  ; 6969 |    7c
+                rlca                    ; 696a .    07
+                jr c,.L6974             ; 696b 8.   38 07
+                ld h,a                  ; 696d g    67
+                ld a,0x20               ; 696e >    3e 20
+                add a,c                 ; 6970 .    81
+                ld c,a                  ; 6971 O    4f
+                jr .L6969               ; 6972 ..   18 f5
+.L6974:         ;; 6974 <- 696b
+                ld a,e                  ; 6974 {    7b
+                dec a                   ; 6975 =    3d
+                or c                    ; 6976 .    b1
+                ld hl,F_SEGEND          ; 6977 !..  21 06 fd
+                ld (hl),b               ; 697a p    70
+                inc l                   ; 697b ,    2c
+                ld (hl),a               ; 697c w    77
+                ld a,(CMDSAVE)          ; 697d :..  3a 1c fd
+                cp 1                    ; 6980 ..   fe 01
+                jr nz,.L698c            ; 6982  .   20 08
+                ld h,b                  ; 6984 `    60
+                ld l,c                  ; 6985 i    69
+                call .L6f86             ; 6986 ..o  cd 86 6f
+                ld (F_SEGREC),hl        ; 6989 "..  22 08 fd
+.L698c:         ;; 698c <- 6982
+                pop hl                  ; 698c .    e1
+                ld d,h                  ; 698d T    54
+                ld c,l                  ; 698e M    4d
+.L698f:         ;; 698f <- 69a5
+                call getc0              ; 698f ..h  cd ff 68
+                ld b,a                  ; 6992 G    47
+                dec c                   ; 6993 .    0d
+.L6994:         ;; 6994 <- 699c
+                ld a,d                  ; 6994 z    7a
+                or b                    ; 6995 .    b0
+                ld b,a                  ; 6996 G    47
+                dec e                   ; 6997 .    1d
+                jr z,.L69a0             ; 6998 (.   28 06
+                rrc d                   ; 699a ..   cb 0a
+                jr nc,.L6994            ; 699c 0.   30 f6
+                ld d,0x80               ; 699e ..   16 80
+.L69a0:         ;; 69a0 <- 6998
+                call .L6908             ; 69a0 ..i  cd 08 69
+                ld a,e                  ; 69a3 {    7b
+                or a                    ; 69a4 .    b7
+                jr nz,.L698f            ; 69a5  .   20 e8
+                call .L6f01             ; 69a7 ..o  cd 01 6f
+                xor a                   ; 69aa .    af
+                ret                     ; 69ab .    c9
+.L69ac:         ;; 69ac <- 6f37
+                call .L6ca0             ; 69ac ..l  cd a0 6c
+                ld hl,css+1             ; 69af !>.  21 3e fd
+                ld (hl),0               ; 69b2 6.   36 00
+                ld a,0x16               ; 69b4 >.   3e 16
+                jp c,.L6a3c             ; 69b6 .<j  da 3c 6a
+                xor a                   ; 69b9 .    af
+                ld (F_FILENO),a         ; 69ba 2..  32 00 fd
+.L69bd:         ;; 69bd <- 6a10
+                call dr0_b              ; 69bd ..`  cd c3 60
+                jr c,.L69ea             ; 69c0 8(   38 28
+                set 0,(hl)              ; 69c2 ..   cb c6
+                call dw_b               ; 69c4 ..`  cd d2 60
+                jr c,.L69ea             ; 69c7 8!   38 21
+                set 1,(hl)              ; 69c9 ..   cb ce
+                ld b,0x10               ; 69cb ..   06 10
+                jr .L69d6               ; 69cd ..   18 07
+.L69cf:         ;; 69cf <- 69e6
+                push bc                 ; 69cf .    c5
+                call dr0_b              ; 69d0 ..`  cd c3 60
+                pop bc                  ; 69d3 .    c1
+                jr c,.L6a2b             ; 69d4 8U   38 55
+.L69d6:         ;; 69d6 <- 69cd
+                ld c,0                  ; 69d6 ..   0e 00
+.L69d8:         ;; 69d8 <- 69e3
+                call getc0              ; 69d8 ..h  cd ff 68
+                inc a                   ; 69db <    3c
+                jp z,.L6a43             ; 69dc .Cj  ca 43 6a
+                ld a,0x0f               ; 69df >.   3e 0f
+                add a,c                 ; 69e1 .    81
+                ld c,a                  ; 69e2 O    4f
+                jr nc,.L69d8            ; 69e3 0.   30 f3
+                inc de                  ; 69e5 .    13
+                djnz .L69cf             ; 69e6 ..   10 e7
+                jr .L69f4               ; 69e8 ..   18 0a
+.L69ea:         ;; 69ea <- 69c0 69c7
+                and 0xc0                ; 69ea ..   e6 c0
+                jr z,.L6a2b             ; 69ec (=   28 3d
+                ld a,(BCSAVE)           ; 69ee :..  3a 1d fd
+                inc a                   ; 69f1 <    3c
+                jr nz,.L6a2b            ; 69f2  7   20 37
+.L69f4:         ;; 69f4 <- 69e8 6a8f 6a9d
+                call .L61fe             ; 69f4 ..a  cd fe 61
+                ld a,(BCSAVE)           ; 69f7 :..  3a 1d fd
+                jr nz,.L6a01            ; 69fa  .   20 05
+                inc a                   ; 69fc <    3c
+                ld a,4                  ; 69fd >.   3e 04
+                jr z,.L6a08             ; 69ff (.   28 07
+.L6a01:         ;; 6a01 <- 69fa
+                inc a                   ; 6a01 <    3c
+                jr nz,.L6a21            ; 6a02  .   20 1d
+                ld a,(F_DRVSEL)         ; 6a04 :..  3a 01 fd
+                inc a                   ; 6a07 <    3c
+.L6a08:         ;; 6a08 <- 69ff
+                ld de,0x0010            ; 6a08 ...  11 10 00
+                cp 0x1d                 ; 6a0b ..   fe 1d
+                ld (F_DRVSEL),a         ; 6a0d 2..  32 01 fd
+                jr nz,.L69bd            ; 6a10  .   20 ab
+                ld hl,css+1             ; 6a12 !>.  21 3e fd
+                bit 0,(hl)              ; 6a15 .F   cb 46
+                ld a,0x0e               ; 6a17 >.   3e 0e
+                jr z,.L6a3c             ; 6a19 (!   28 21
+                bit 1,(hl)              ; 6a1b .N   cb 4e
+                ld a,0x10               ; 6a1d >.   3e 10
+                jr z,.L6a3c             ; 6a1f (.   28 1b
+.L6a21:         ;; 6a21 <- 6a02
+                ld a,0x0c               ; 6a21 >.   3e 0c
+                jr .L6a3c               ; 6a23 ..   18 17
+.L6a25:         ;; 6a25 <- 6ad7 6afa
+                and 0x80                ; 6a25 ..   e6 80
+                ld a,2                  ; 6a27 >.   3e 02
+                jr z,.L6a3c             ; 6a29 (.   28 11
+.L6a2b:         ;; 6a2b <- 69d4 69ec 69f2 6a75 6a82 6a8a 6b03 6b34
+                ld a,(DSKERR)           ; 6a2b :..  3a 15 fd
+                and 0xc0                ; 6a2e ..   e6 c0
+                ld a,0x1a               ; 6a30 >.   3e 1a
+                jr z,.L6a3c             ; 6a32 (.   28 08
+                and 0x40                ; 6a34 .@   e6 40
+                ld a,0x10               ; 6a36 >.   3e 10
+                jr nz,.L6a3c            ; 6a38  .   20 02
+                ld a,0x0e               ; 6a3a >.   3e 0e
+.L6a3c:         ;; 6a3c <- 68fc 69b6 6a19 6a1f 6a23 6a29 6a32 6a38 6c12 6e21
+                ld (BCSAVE),a           ; 6a3c 2..  32 1d fd
+                ld a,0x81               ; 6a3f >.   3e 81
+                add a,a                 ; 6a41 .    87
+                ret                     ; 6a42 .    c9
+.L6a43:         ;; 6a43 <- 69dc
+                dec c                   ; 6a43 .    0d
+                ld a,0x10               ; 6a44 >.   3e 10
+                sub b                   ; 6a46 .    90
+                or c                    ; 6a47 .    b1
+                ld (F_FILENO),a         ; 6a48 2..  32 00 fd
+                and 0x0f                ; 6a4b ..   e6 0f
+                add a,0xef              ; 6a4d ..   c6 ef
+                ld c,a                  ; 6a4f O    4f
+                push bc                 ; 6a50 .    c5
+                ld b,1                  ; 6a51 ..   06 01
+                ld c,0                  ; 6a53 ..   0e 00
+.L6a55:         ;; 6a55 <- 6a60
+                call getc0              ; 6a55 ..h  cd ff 68
+                inc a                   ; 6a58 <    3c
+                jr z,.L6a5c             ; 6a59 (.   28 01
+                inc b                   ; 6a5b .    04
+.L6a5c:         ;; 6a5c <- 6a59
+                ld a,0x0f               ; 6a5c >.   3e 0f
+                add a,c                 ; 6a5e .    81
+                ld c,a                  ; 6a5f O    4f
+                jr nc,.L6a55            ; 6a60 0.   30 f3
+                ld h,b                  ; 6a62 `    60
+                pop bc                  ; 6a63 .    c1
+                call .L6f01             ; 6a64 ..o  cd 01 6f
+                call .L61fe             ; 6a67 ..a  cd fe 61
+                jr nz,.L6a71            ; 6a6a  .   20 05
+                ld de,(ufdoffs)         ; 6a6c .[.W ed 5b f7 57
+                dec de                  ; 6a70 .    1b
+.L6a71:         ;; 6a71 <- 6a6a
+                call dr0_b              ; 6a71 ..`  cd c3 60
+                ld b,h                  ; 6a74 D    44
+                jr c,.L6a2b             ; 6a75 8.   38 b4
+                call .L6908             ; 6a77 ..i  cd 08 69
+                call .L61fe             ; 6a7a ..a  cd fe 61
+                jr nz,.L6a8c            ; 6a7d  .   20 0d
+                call dw0_b              ; 6a7f ..`  cd d0 60
+                jr c,.L6a2b             ; 6a82 8.   38 a7
+                call .L6f01             ; 6a84 ..o  cd 01 6f
+                call dr0_b              ; 6a87 ..`  cd c3 60
+                jr c,.L6a2b             ; 6a8a 8.   38 9f
+.L6a8c:         ;; 6a8c <- 6a7d
+                call .L6911             ; 6a8c ..i  cd 11 69
+                jp c,.L69f4             ; 6a8f ..i  da f4 69
+                call .L6f5d             ; 6a92 .]o  cd 5d 6f
+                dec a                   ; 6a95 =    3d
+                jr nz,.L6aa0            ; 6a96  .   20 08
+                ld a,(F_SEGEND+1)       ; 6a98 :..  3a 07 fd
+                and 0x1f                ; 6a9b ..   e6 1f
+                jp z,.L69f4             ; 6a9d ..i  ca f4 69
+.L6aa0:         ;; 6aa0 <- 6a96
+                call dw0_b              ; 6aa0 ..`  cd d0 60
+                jp c,.L68ec             ; 6aa3 ..h  da ec 68
+                ld d,0                  ; 6aa6 ..   16 00
+                ld c,d                  ; 6aa8 J    4a
+                ld hl,F_FILENO          ; 6aa9 !..  21 00 fd
+                ld b,(hl)               ; 6aac F    46
+                call .L6908             ; 6aad ..i  cd 08 69
+                ld b,d                  ; 6ab0 B    42
+                call .L6908             ; 6ab1 ..i  cd 08 69
+                ld b,0                  ; 6ab4 ..   06 00
+                call .L6908             ; 6ab6 ..i  cd 08 69
+                dec b                   ; 6ab9 .    05
+                call .L6908             ; 6aba ..i  cd 08 69
+                ld l,6                  ; 6abd ..   2e 06
+                ld b,(hl)               ; 6abf F    46
+                call .L6908             ; 6ac0 ..i  cd 08 69
+                inc l                   ; 6ac3 ,    2c
+                ld b,(hl)               ; 6ac4 F    46
+                call .L6908             ; 6ac5 ..i  cd 08 69
+                ld b,0xff               ; 6ac8 ..   06 ff
+                call .L6908             ; 6aca ..i  cd 08 69
+                call .L6908             ; 6acd ..i  cd 08 69
+                ld de,(F_SEGREC)        ; 6ad0 .[.. ed 5b 08 fd
+                call dw0_b              ; 6ad4 ..`  cd d0 60
+                jp c,.L6a25             ; 6ad7 .%j  da 25 6a
+                ld c,0                  ; 6ada ..   0e 00
+                ld l,0                  ; 6adc ..   2e 00
+                ld b,(hl)               ; 6ade F    46
+                call .L6908             ; 6adf ..i  cd 08 69
+                ld b,1                  ; 6ae2 ..   06 01
+                call .L6908             ; 6ae4 ..i  cd 08 69
+                ld b,0                  ; 6ae7 ..   06 00
+.L6ae9:         ;; 6ae9 <- 6aef
+                call .L6908             ; 6ae9 ..i  cd 08 69
+                ld a,c                  ; 6aec y    79
+                cp 9                    ; 6aed ..   fe 09
+                jr nz,.L6ae9            ; 6aef  .   20 f8
+                ld b,3                  ; 6af1 ..   06 03
+                call .L6908             ; 6af3 ..i  cd 08 69
+                inc de                  ; 6af6 .    13
+                call dw0_b              ; 6af7 ..`  cd d0 60
+                jp c,.L6a25             ; 6afa .%j  da 25 6a
+                call .L6f47             ; 6afd .Go  cd 47 6f
+                call dr0_b              ; 6b00 ..`  cd c3 60
+                jp c,.L6a2b             ; 6b03 .+j  da 2b 6a
+                push de                 ; 6b06 .    d5
+                ld l,0                  ; 6b07 ..   2e 00
+                ld a,(hl)               ; 6b09 ~    7e
+                and 0xf0                ; 6b0a ..   e6 f0
+                ld c,a                  ; 6b0c O    4f
+                ld hl,(F_SEGEND)        ; 6b0d *..  2a 06 fd
+                ld b,l                  ; 6b10 E    45
+                call .L6908             ; 6b11 ..i  cd 08 69
+                ld a,0xe0               ; 6b14 >.   3e e0
+                and h                   ; 6b16 .    a4
+                ld b,a                  ; 6b17 G    47
+                call .L6908             ; 6b18 ..i  cd 08 69
+                ld b,0                  ; 6b1b ..   06 00
+                call .L6908             ; 6b1d ..i  cd 08 69
+                call .L6908             ; 6b20 ..i  cd 08 69
+                ld hl,(HLSAVE+1)        ; 6b23 *..  2a 1f fd
+                ld a,0x0b               ; 6b26 >.   3e 0b
+                call .L6b60             ; 6b28 .`k  cd 60 6b
+                ld b,0xff               ; 6b2b ..   06 ff
+                call .L6908             ; 6b2d ..i  cd 08 69
+                pop de                  ; 6b30 .    d1
+                call dw0_b              ; 6b31 ..`  cd d0 60
+                jp c,.L6a2b             ; 6b34 .+j  da 2b 6a
+                ld hl,0x0000            ; 6b37 !..  21 00 00
+                ld (F_SEGSTART),hl      ; 6b3a "..  22 04 fd
+                ld (F_FILELEN),hl       ; 6b3d "..  22 0c fd
+                inc hl                  ; 6b40 #    23
+                ld (F_MAXREC),hl        ; 6b41 "..  22 0a fd
+                ld (F_NEXTREC),hl       ; 6b44 "..  22 02 fd
+                ld hl,F_BUFPTR          ; 6b47 !..  21 0e fd
+                ld (hl),3               ; 6b4a 6.   36 03
+                ld l,1                  ; 6b4c ..   2e 01
+                set 5,(hl)              ; 6b4e ..   cb ee
+                ld a,(HLSAVE)           ; 6b50 :..  3a 1e fd
+                add a,0x40              ; 6b53 .@   c6 40
+                ld e,a                  ; 6b55 _    5f
+                ld d,0xfd               ; 6b56 ..   16 fd
+                dec l                   ; 6b58 -    2d
+                ld c,0x0f               ; 6b59 ..   0e 0f
+                call _BLKTF             ; 6b5b .uo  cd 75 6f
+                xor a                   ; 6b5e .    af
+                ret                     ; 6b5f .    c9
+.L6b60:         ;; 6b60 <- 6b28
+                add a,c                 ; 6b60 .    81
+                ld e,a                  ; 6b61 _    5f
+.L6b62:         ;; 6b62 <- 6b69
+                ld b,(hl)               ; 6b62 F    46
+                call .L6908             ; 6b63 ..i  cd 08 69
+                inc hl                  ; 6b66 #    23
+                ld a,c                  ; 6b67 y    79
+                cp e                    ; 6b68 .    bb
+                jr nz,.L6b62            ; 6b69  .   20 f7
+                ret                     ; 6b6b .    c9
+.L6b6c:         ;; 6b6c <- 6f3f
+                call .L6ca0             ; 6b6c ..l  cd a0 6c
+                jp c,.L6c0d             ; 6b6f ..l  da 0d 6c
+                ld hl,(HLSAVE+1)        ; 6b72 *..  2a 1f fd
+                ld a,h                  ; 6b75 |    7c
+                or a                    ; 6b76 .    b7
+                jp z,.L6c15             ; 6b77 ..l  ca 15 6c
+                ld a,(hl)               ; 6b7a ~    7e
+                add a,1                 ; 6b7b ..   c6 01
+                ret c                   ; 6b7d .    d8
+.L6b7e:         ;; 6b7e <- 6c07
+                push de                 ; 6b7e .    d5
+                call .L6f01             ; 6b7f ..o  cd 01 6f
+                call .L61fe             ; 6b82 ..a  cd fe 61
+                call nz,dr0_b           ; 6b85 ..`  c4 c3 60
+                pop de                  ; 6b88 .    d1
+                jr c,.L6be1             ; 6b89 8V   38 56
+                ld hl,0xfdc0            ; 6b8b !..  21 c0 fd
+                ld bc,0x10ef            ; 6b8e ...  01 ef 10
+.L6b91:         ;; 6b91 <- 6b96
+                call getc0              ; 6b91 ..h  cd ff 68
+                ld (hl),a               ; 6b94 w    77
+                inc hl                  ; 6b95 #    23
+                djnz .L6b91             ; 6b96 ..   10 f9
+                xor a                   ; 6b98 .    af
+                ld (F_FILENO),a         ; 6b99 2..  32 00 fd
+.L6b9c:         ;; 6b9c <- 6bde
+                ld hl,0xfdc0            ; 6b9c !..  21 c0 fd
+                and 0x0f                ; 6b9f ..   e6 0f
+                add a,l                 ; 6ba1 .    85
+                ld l,a                  ; 6ba2 o    6f
+                jr nc,.L6ba6            ; 6ba3 0.   30 01
+                inc h                   ; 6ba5 $    24
+.L6ba6:         ;; 6ba6 <- 6ba3
+                ld a,(hl)               ; 6ba6 ~    7e
+                or a                    ; 6ba7 .    b7
+                jr z,.L6bd6             ; 6ba8 (,   28 2c
+                call dr0_b              ; 6baa ..`  cd c3 60
+                jr c,.L6be1             ; 6bad 82   38 32
+                xor a                   ; 6baf .    af
+.L6bb0:         ;; 6bb0 <- 6bd4
+                and 0xf0                ; 6bb0 ..   e6 f0
+                add a,4                 ; 6bb2 ..   c6 04
+                ld c,a                  ; 6bb4 O    4f
+                add a,0x0b              ; 6bb5 ..   c6 0b
+                ld b,a                  ; 6bb7 G    47
+                ld hl,(HLSAVE+1)        ; 6bb8 *..  2a 1f fd
+.L6bbb:         ;; 6bbb <- 6bc4
+                call getc0              ; 6bbb ..h  cd ff 68
+                cp (hl)                 ; 6bbe .    be
+                jr nz,.L6bcd            ; 6bbf  .   20 0c
+                inc hl                  ; 6bc1 #    23
+                ld a,c                  ; 6bc2 y    79
+                cp b                    ; 6bc3 .    b8
+                jr nz,.L6bbb            ; 6bc4  .   20 f5
+                ld a,c                  ; 6bc6 y    79
+                dec a                   ; 6bc7 =    3d
+                and 0xf0                ; 6bc8 ..   e6 f0
+                ld c,a                  ; 6bca O    4f
+                jr .L6c35               ; 6bcb .h   18 68
+.L6bcd:         ;; 6bcd <- 6bbf
+                ld hl,F_FILENO          ; 6bcd !..  21 00 fd
+                ld a,0x10               ; 6bd0 >.   3e 10
+                add a,(hl)              ; 6bd2 .    86
+                ld (hl),a               ; 6bd3 w    77
+                jr nc,.L6bb0            ; 6bd4 0.   30 da
+.L6bd6:         ;; 6bd6 <- 6ba8
+                inc de                  ; 6bd6 .    13
+                ld hl,F_FILENO          ; 6bd7 !..  21 00 fd
+                inc (hl)                ; 6bda 4    34
+                ld a,(hl)               ; 6bdb ~    7e
+                add a,0xf0              ; 6bdc ..   c6 f0
+                jr nc,.L6b9c            ; 6bde 0.   30 bc
+                or a                    ; 6be0 .    b7
+.L6be1:         ;; 6be1 <- 6b89 6bad 6c27 6c74
+                ld a,(DSKERR)           ; 6be1 :..  3a 15 fd
+                or a                    ; 6be4 .    b7
+                jr z,.L6beb             ; 6be5 (.   28 04
+                and 0x80                ; 6be7 ..   e6 80
+                jr z,.L6c10             ; 6be9 (%   28 25
+.L6beb:         ;; 6beb <- 6be5
+                call .L61fe             ; 6beb ..a  cd fe 61
+                ld a,(BCSAVE)           ; 6bee :..  3a 1d fd
+                jr nz,.L6bf8            ; 6bf1  .   20 05
+                inc a                   ; 6bf3 <    3c
+                ld a,4                  ; 6bf4 >.   3e 04
+                jr z,.L6bff             ; 6bf6 (.   28 07
+.L6bf8:         ;; 6bf8 <- 6bf1
+                inc a                   ; 6bf8 <    3c
+                jr nz,.L6c0a            ; 6bf9  .   20 0f
+                ld a,(F_DRVSEL)         ; 6bfb :..  3a 01 fd
+                inc a                   ; 6bfe <    3c
+.L6bff:         ;; 6bff <- 6bf6
+                cp 0x1c                 ; 6bff ..   fe 1c
+                ld (F_DRVSEL),a         ; 6c01 2..  32 01 fd
+                ld de,0x0010            ; 6c04 ...  11 10 00
+                jp nz,.L6b7e            ; 6c07 .~k  c2 7e 6b
+.L6c0a:         ;; 6c0a <- 6bf9
+                xor a                   ; 6c0a .    af
+                scf                     ; 6c0b 7    37
+                ret                     ; 6c0c .    c9
+.L6c0d:         ;; 6c0d <- 6b6f 6c18
+                ld a,0x16               ; 6c0d >.   3e 16
+                defb 0x01               ; 6c0f .    01
+.L6c10:         ;; 6c10 <- 6be9 6c7f
+                ld a,0x1a               ; 6c10 >.   3e 1a
+                jp .L6a3c               ; 6c12 .<j  c3 3c 6a
+.L6c15:         ;; 6c15 <- 6b77
+                ld a,1                  ; 6c15 >.   3e 01
+                add a,b                 ; 6c17 .    80
+                jr c,.L6c0d             ; 6c18 8.   38 f3
+                ld a,(HLSAVE+1)         ; 6c1a :..  3a 1f fd
+                ld hl,F_FILENO          ; 6c1d !..  21 00 fd
+                ld (hl),a               ; 6c20 w    77
+                call .L6f47             ; 6c21 .Go  cd 47 6f
+                call dr0_b              ; 6c24 ..`  cd c3 60
+                jr c,.L6be1             ; 6c27 8.   38 b8
+                ld a,(hl)               ; 6c29 ~    7e
+                and 0xf0                ; 6c2a ..   e6 f0
+                ld c,a                  ; 6c2c O    4f
+                ld e,a                  ; 6c2d _    5f
+                call getc0              ; 6c2e ..h  cd ff 68
+                add a,1                 ; 6c31 ..   c6 01
+                ret c                   ; 6c33 .    d8
+                ld c,e                  ; 6c34 K    4b
+.L6c35:         ;; 6c35 <- 6bcb
+                call getc0              ; 6c35 ..h  cd ff 68
+                ld d,a                  ; 6c38 W    57
+                ld hl,F_SEGEND          ; 6c39 !..  21 06 fd
+                ld (hl),a               ; 6c3c w    77
+                call getc0              ; 6c3d ..h  cd ff 68
+                ld e,a                  ; 6c40 _    5f
+                rrca                    ; 6c41 .    0f
+                rrca                    ; 6c42 .    0f
+                and 0xc0                ; 6c43 ..   e6 c0
+                ld l,1                  ; 6c45 ..   2e 01
+                or (hl)                 ; 6c47 .    b6
+                ld (hl),a               ; 6c48 w    77
+                ld a,0xe0               ; 6c49 >.   3e e0
+                and e                   ; 6c4b .    a3
+                ld e,a                  ; 6c4c _    5f
+                ex de,hl                ; 6c4d .    eb
+                call .L6f86             ; 6c4e ..o  cd 86 6f
+                ld (F_SEGREC),hl        ; 6c51 "..  22 08 fd
+                call getc0              ; 6c54 ..h  cd ff 68
+                ld l,a                  ; 6c57 o    6f
+                call getc0              ; 6c58 ..h  cd ff 68
+                ld h,a                  ; 6c5b g    67
+                dec hl                  ; 6c5c +    2b
+                ld (F_MAXREC),hl        ; 6c5d "..  22 0a fd
+                ex de,hl                ; 6c60 .    eb
+                ld hl,0x0000            ; 6c61 !..  21 00 00
+                ld (F_SEGSTART),hl      ; 6c64 "..  22 04 fd
+                inc hl                  ; 6c67 #    23
+                ld (F_NEXTREC),hl       ; 6c68 "..  22 02 fd
+                ld hl,F_SEGREC          ; 6c6b !..  21 08 fd
+                ld e,(hl)               ; 6c6e ^    5e
+                inc l                   ; 6c6f ,    2c
+                ld d,(hl)               ; 6c70 V    56
+                call dr0_b              ; 6c71 ..`  cd c3 60
+                jp c,.L6be1             ; 6c74 ..k  da e1 6b
+                ld l,0                  ; 6c77 ..   2e 00
+                ld c,0                  ; 6c79 ..   0e 00
+                call getc0              ; 6c7b ..h  cd ff 68
+                cp (hl)                 ; 6c7e .    be
+                jr nz,.L6c10            ; 6c7f  .   20 8f
+                ld c,5                  ; 6c81 ..   0e 05
+                call getc0              ; 6c83 ..h  cd ff 68
+                ld l,7                  ; 6c86 ..   2e 07
+                ld (hl),a               ; 6c88 w    77
+                ld a,3                  ; 6c89 >.   3e 03
+                ld l,0x0e               ; 6c8b ..   2e 0e
+                ld (hl),a               ; 6c8d w    77
+                ld a,(HLSAVE)           ; 6c8e :..  3a 1e fd
+                add a,0x40              ; 6c91 .@   c6 40
+                ld e,a                  ; 6c93 _    5f
+                ld d,0xfd               ; 6c94 ..   16 fd
+                ld hl,F_FILENO          ; 6c96 !..  21 00 fd
+                ld c,0x0f               ; 6c99 ..   0e 0f
+                call _BLKTF             ; 6c9b .uo  cd 75 6f
+                xor a                   ; 6c9e .    af
+                ret                     ; 6c9f .    c9
+.L6ca0:         ;; 6ca0 <- 69ac 6b6c
+                ld b,c                  ; 6ca0 A    41
+                inc c                   ; 6ca1 .    0c
+                jr z,.L6ca9             ; 6ca2 (.   28 05
+                dec c                   ; 6ca4 .    0d
+                ld a,c                  ; 6ca5 y    79
+                and 0x1f                ; 6ca6 ..   e6 1f
+                ld c,a                  ; 6ca8 O    4f
+.L6ca9:         ;; 6ca9 <- 6ca2
+                ld a,c                  ; 6ca9 y    79
+                ld de,(ufdoffs)         ; 6caa .[.W ed 5b f7 57
+                cp 0x1e                 ; 6cae ..   fe 1e
+                jr z,.L6cbd             ; 6cb0 (.   28 0b
+                ld a,b                  ; 6cb2 x    78
+                inc a                   ; 6cb3 <    3c
+                ld a,c                  ; 6cb4 y    79
+                jr nz,.L6cde            ; 6cb5  '   20 27
+                ld a,d                  ; 6cb7 z    7a
+                or e                    ; 6cb8 .    b3
+                ld a,4                  ; 6cb9 >.   3e 04
+                jr z,.L6cde             ; 6cbb (!   28 21
+.L6cbd:         ;; 6cbd <- 6cb0
+                ld a,d                  ; 6cbd z    7a
+                or e                    ; 6cbe .    b3
+                scf                     ; 6cbf 7    37
+                ret z                   ; 6cc0 .    c8
+                ld a,0x1e               ; 6cc1 >.   3e 1e
+                ld (F_DRVSEL),a         ; 6cc3 2..  32 01 fd
+                dec de                  ; 6cc6 .    1b
+                call dr0_b              ; 6cc7 ..`  cd c3 60
+                ccf                     ; 6cca ?    3f
+                ret nc                  ; 6ccb .    d0
+                inc de                  ; 6ccc .    13
+                ld hl,(DOSBUFS)         ; 6ccd *..  2a 12 fd
+                ld l,0                  ; 6cd0 ..   2e 00
+                ld a,(hl)               ; 6cd2 ~    7e
+                inc l                   ; 6cd3 ,    2c
+                inc l                   ; 6cd4 ,    2c
+                inc l                   ; 6cd5 ,    2c
+                inc l                   ; 6cd6 ,    2c
+                inc l                   ; 6cd7 ,    2c
+                xor (hl)                ; 6cd8 .    ae
+                inc l                   ; 6cd9 ,    2c
+                xor (hl)                ; 6cda .    ae
+                ret z                   ; 6cdb .    c8
+                scf                     ; 6cdc 7    37
+                ret                     ; 6cdd .    c9
+.L6cde:         ;; 6cde <- 6cb5 6cbb
+                ld de,0x0010            ; 6cde ...  11 10 00
+                ld (F_DRVSEL),a         ; 6ce1 2..  32 01 fd
+                or a                    ; 6ce4 .    b7
+                ret                     ; 6ce5 .    c9
+.L6ce6:         ;; 6ce6 <- 6f3b
+                call .L6f68             ; 6ce6 .ho  cd 68 6f
+                ld de,0xfff3            ; 6ce9 ...  11 f3 ff
+                add hl,de               ; 6cec .    19
+                ld (hl),0xff            ; 6ced 6.   36 ff
+                ld l,1                  ; 6cef ..   2e 01
+                ld a,(hl)               ; 6cf1 ~    7e
+                and 0x20                ; 6cf2 .    e6 20
+                ret z                   ; 6cf4 .    c8
+                nop                     ; 6cf5 .    00
+                ld l,0x0a               ; 6cf6 ..   2e 0a
+                ld a,(hl)               ; 6cf8 ~    7e
+                inc l                   ; 6cf9 ,    2c
+                or (hl)                 ; 6cfa .    b6
+                jp z,.L6ddb             ; 6cfb ..m  ca db 6d
+                call .L6f7c             ; 6cfe .|o  cd 7c 6f
+                jp c,.L6e19             ; 6d01 ..n  da 19 6e
+                ld de,(F_MAXREC)        ; 6d04 .[.. ed 5b 0a fd
+                ld c,0                  ; 6d08 ..   0e 00
+                ld a,0xff               ; 6d0a >.   3e ff
+                call _PUTR              ; 6d0c ..c  cd 1e 63
+                xor a                   ; 6d0f .    af
+                ld l,0x0c               ; 6d10 ..   2e 0c
+                ld (hl),a               ; 6d12 w    77
+                inc l                   ; 6d13 ,    2c
+                ld (hl),a               ; 6d14 w    77
+.L6d15:         ;; 6d15 <- 6d3a
+                call _GETR              ; 6d15 ..b  cd f7 62
+                jp c,.L6dc6             ; 6d18 ..m  da c6 6d
+                inc a                   ; 6d1b <    3c
+                jp z,.L6dc6             ; 6d1c ..m  ca c6 6d
+                call _GETR              ; 6d1f ..b  cd f7 62
+                and 0x1f                ; 6d22 ..   e6 1f
+                inc a                   ; 6d24 <    3c
+                ld h,0                  ; 6d25 &.   26 00
+                ld l,a                  ; 6d27 o    6f
+                call .L6f93             ; 6d28 ..o  cd 93 6f
+                push hl                 ; 6d2b .    e5
+                push de                 ; 6d2c .    d5
+                ld de,(F_FILELEN)       ; 6d2d .[.. ed 5b 0c fd
+                add hl,de               ; 6d31 .    19
+                ld (F_FILELEN),hl       ; 6d32 "..  22 0c fd
+                pop de                  ; 6d35 .    d1
+                scf                     ; 6d36 7    37
+                sbc hl,de               ; 6d37 .R   ed 52
+                pop hl                  ; 6d39 .    e1
+                jr c,.L6d15             ; 6d3a 8.   38 d9
+                ex de,hl                ; 6d3c .    eb
+                ld hl,(F_FILELEN)       ; 6d3d *..  2a 0c fd
+                or a                    ; 6d40 .    b7
+                sbc hl,de               ; 6d41 .R   ed 52
+                ld (F_FILELEN),hl       ; 6d43 "..  22 0c fd
+                dec c                   ; 6d46 .    0d
+                dec c                   ; 6d47 .    0d
+                ld hl,F_BUFPTR          ; 6d48 !..  21 0e fd
+                ld (hl),c               ; 6d4b q    71
+                call _GETR              ; 6d4c ..b  cd f7 62
+                ld l,6                  ; 6d4f ..   2e 06
+                ld (hl),a               ; 6d51 w    77
+                call _GETR              ; 6d52 ..b  cd f7 62
+                inc l                   ; 6d55 ,    2c
+                ld (hl),a               ; 6d56 w    77
+                ld hl,(F_MAXREC)        ; 6d57 *..  2a 0a fd
+                ld de,(F_FILELEN)       ; 6d5a .[.. ed 5b 0c fd
+                or a                    ; 6d5e .    b7
+                sbc hl,de               ; 6d5f .R   ed 52
+                call .L6f5d             ; 6d61 .]o  cd 5d 6f
+.L6d64:         ;; 6d64 <- 6d6b
+                dec a                   ; 6d64 =    3d
+                jr z,.L6d6d             ; 6d65 (.   28 06
+                srl h                   ; 6d67 .<   cb 3c
+                rr l                    ; 6d69 ..   cb 1d
+                jr .L6d64               ; 6d6b ..   18 f7
+.L6d6d:         ;; 6d6d <- 6d65
+                ld c,l                  ; 6d6d M    4d
+                ld hl,F_SEGEND+1        ; 6d6e !..  21 07 fd
+                ld a,(hl)               ; 6d71 ~    7e
+                and 0x1f                ; 6d72 ..   e6 1f
+                sub c                   ; 6d74 .    91
+                jr z,.L6dd0             ; 6d75 (Y   28 59
+                ld d,a                  ; 6d77 W    57
+                ld a,(hl)               ; 6d78 ~    7e
+                and 0xe0                ; 6d79 ..   e6 e0
+                or c                    ; 6d7b .    b1
+                ld (hl),a               ; 6d7c w    77
+                and 0xe0                ; 6d7d ..   e6 e0
+                ld e,a                  ; 6d7f _    5f
+                dec l                   ; 6d80 -    2d
+                ld a,(hl)               ; 6d81 ~    7e
+                ld l,0x10               ; 6d82 ..   2e 10
+                ld (hl),a               ; 6d84 w    77
+.L6d85:         ;; 6d85 <- 6d91
+                ld a,0x20               ; 6d85 >    3e 20
+                add a,e                 ; 6d87 .    83
+                ld e,a                  ; 6d88 _    5f
+                ld a,0                  ; 6d89 >.   3e 00
+                adc a,(hl)              ; 6d8b .    8e
+                ld (hl),a               ; 6d8c w    77
+                ld a,c                  ; 6d8d y    79
+                sub 1                   ; 6d8e ..   d6 01
+                ld c,a                  ; 6d90 O    4f
+                jr nc,.L6d85            ; 6d91 0.   30 f2
+                ld a,d                  ; 6d93 z    7a
+                or e                    ; 6d94 .    b3
+                dec a                   ; 6d95 =    3d
+                ld e,a                  ; 6d96 _    5f
+                ld a,(hl)               ; 6d97 ~    7e
+                ld l,0x0e               ; 6d98 ..   2e 0e
+                ld c,(hl)               ; 6d9a N    4e
+                call _PUTR              ; 6d9b ..c  cd 1e 63
+                ld a,e                  ; 6d9e {    7b
+                call _PUTR              ; 6d9f ..c  cd 1e 63
+                call .L6e42             ; 6da2 .Bn  cd 42 6e
+                jp c,.L6e19             ; 6da5 ..n  da 19 6e
+                ld l,0x0e               ; 6da8 ..   2e 0e
+                ld c,(hl)               ; 6daa N    4e
+                ld l,6                  ; 6dab ..   2e 06
+                ld a,(hl)               ; 6dad ~    7e
+                call _PUTR              ; 6dae ..c  cd 1e 63
+                inc l                   ; 6db1 ,    2c
+                ld a,(hl)               ; 6db2 ~    7e
+                call _PUTR              ; 6db3 ..c  cd 1e 63
+.L6db6:         ;; 6db6 <- 6dd9
+                push bc                 ; 6db6 .    c5
+                call .L6e24             ; 6db7 .$n  cd 24 6e
+                pop bc                  ; 6dba .    c1
+                ld de,(F_SEGREC)        ; 6dbb .[.. ed 5b 08 fd
+                call nc,dw_b            ; 6dbf ..`  d4 d2 60
+                jr c,.L6e19             ; 6dc2 8U   38 55
+                xor a                   ; 6dc4 .    af
+                ret                     ; 6dc5 .    c9
+.L6dc6:         ;; 6dc6 <- 6d18 6d1c
+                ld hl,(F_FILELEN)       ; 6dc6 *..  2a 0c fd
+                call .L6e28             ; 6dc9 .(n  cd 28 6e
+                jr c,.L6e19             ; 6dcc 8K   38 4b
+                xor a                   ; 6dce .    af
+                ret                     ; 6dcf .    c9
+.L6dd0:         ;; 6dd0 <- 6d75
+                ld l,0x0e               ; 6dd0 ..   2e 0e
+                inc (hl)                ; 6dd2 4    34
+                inc (hl)                ; 6dd3 4    34
+                call .L6e42             ; 6dd4 .Bn  cd 42 6e
+                jr c,.L6e19             ; 6dd7 8@   38 40
+                jr .L6db6               ; 6dd9 ..   18 db
+.L6ddb:         ;; 6ddb <- 6cfb
+                call .L6f47             ; 6ddb .Go  cd 47 6f
+                call dr_b               ; 6dde ..`  cd c5 60
+                jr c,.L6e19             ; 6de1 86   38 36
+                ld a,(F_DRVSEL)         ; 6de3 :..  3a 01 fd
+                and 0xc0                ; 6de6 ..   e6 c0
+                jr nz,.L6e10            ; 6de8  &   20 26
+                call DGETBUF            ; 6dea ..b  cd 0a 62
+                ld a,(F_FILENO)         ; 6ded :..  3a 00 fd
+                and 0xf0                ; 6df0 ..   e6 f0
+                ld l,a                  ; 6df2 o    6f
+                ld a,0x10               ; 6df3 >.   3e 10
+.L6df5:         ;; 6df5 <- 6df9
+                ld (hl),0xff            ; 6df5 6.   36 ff
+                inc l                   ; 6df7 ,    2c
+                dec a                   ; 6df8 =    3d
+                jr nz,.L6df5            ; 6df9  .   20 fa
+                call dw_b               ; 6dfb ..`  cd d2 60
+                jr c,.L6e19             ; 6dfe 8.   38 19
+                call .L6f7c             ; 6e00 .|o  cd 7c 6f
+                jr c,.L6e19             ; 6e03 8.   38 14
+                ld a,1                  ; 6e05 >.   3e 01
+                ld (F_BUFPTR),a         ; 6e07 2..  32 0e fd
+                call .L6e42             ; 6e0a .Bn  cd 42 6e
+                jr c,.L6e19             ; 6e0d 8.   38 0a
+                ret                     ; 6e0f .    c9
+.L6e10:         ;; 6e10 <- 6de8
+                ld a,0x0a               ; 6e10 >.   3e 0a
+                jr .L6e21               ; 6e12 ..   18 0d
+.L6e14:         ;; 6e14 <- 6e87
+                pop hl                  ; 6e14 .    e1
+                ld a,0x14               ; 6e15 >.   3e 14
+                jr .L6e21               ; 6e17 ..   18 08
+.L6e19:         ;; 6e19 <- 6d01 6da5 6dc2 6dcc 6dd7 6de1 6dfe 6e03 6e0d
+                and 0x80                ; 6e19 ..   e6 80
+                ld a,0x0e               ; 6e1b >.   3e 0e
+                jr nz,.L6e21            ; 6e1d  .   20 02
+                ld a,0x1a               ; 6e1f >.   3e 1a
+.L6e21:         ;; 6e21 <- 6e12 6e17 6e1d
+                jp .L6a3c               ; 6e21 .<j  c3 3c 6a
+.L6e24:         ;; 6e24 <- 6db7
+                ld hl,(F_MAXREC)        ; 6e24 *..  2a 0a fd
+                inc hl                  ; 6e27 #    23
+.L6e28:         ;; 6e28 <- 6dc9
+                call .L6f47             ; 6e28 .Go  cd 47 6f
+                call dr0_b              ; 6e2b ..`  cd c3 60
+                ret c                   ; 6e2e .    d8
+                ld a,(F_FILENO)         ; 6e2f :..  3a 00 fd
+                and 0xf0                ; 6e32 ..   e6 f0
+                add a,2                 ; 6e34 ..   c6 02
+                ld c,a                  ; 6e36 O    4f
+                ld b,l                  ; 6e37 E    45
+                call .L6908             ; 6e38 ..i  cd 08 69
+                ld b,h                  ; 6e3b D    44
+                call .L6908             ; 6e3c ..i  cd 08 69
+                jp dw0_b                ; 6e3f ..`  c3 d0 60
+.L6e42:         ;; 6e42 <- 6da2 6dd4 6e0a
+                call .L6f01             ; 6e42 ..o  cd 01 6f
+                ld a,(F_BUFPTR)         ; 6e45 :..  3a 0e fd
+                ld (DOSBUFS),a          ; 6e48 2..  32 12 fd
+                pop hl                  ; 6e4b .    e1
+                push hl                 ; 6e4c .    e5
+                ld a,l                  ; 6e4d }    7d
+                cp 0x0d                 ; 6e4e ..   fe 0d
+                jr nz,.L6e7d            ; 6e50  +   20 2b
+                call .L61fe             ; 6e52 ..a  cd fe 61
+                jr nz,.L6e5c            ; 6e55  .   20 05
+                ld de,(ufdoffs)         ; 6e57 .[.W ed 5b f7 57
+                dec de                  ; 6e5b .    1b
+.L6e5c:         ;; 6e5c <- 6e55
+                call dr0_b              ; 6e5c ..`  cd c3 60
+                ret c                   ; 6e5f .    d8
+                ld hl,F_FILENO          ; 6e60 !..  21 00 fd
+                ld a,(hl)               ; 6e63 ~    7e
+                and 0x0f                ; 6e64 ..   e6 0f
+                add a,0xec              ; 6e66 ..   c6 ec
+                ld c,a                  ; 6e68 O    4f
+                call _GETR              ; 6e69 ..b  cd f7 62
+                dec a                   ; 6e6c =    3d
+                dec c                   ; 6e6d .    0d
+                call _PUTR              ; 6e6e ..c  cd 1e 63
+                call .L61fe             ; 6e71 ..a  cd fe 61
+                jr nz,.L6e81            ; 6e74  .   20 0b
+                call dw0_b              ; 6e76 ..`  cd d0 60
+                ret c                   ; 6e79 .    d8
+                call .L6f01             ; 6e7a ..o  cd 01 6f
+.L6e7d:         ;; 6e7d <- 6e50
+                call dr0_b              ; 6e7d ..`  cd c3 60
+                ret c                   ; 6e80 .    d8
+.L6e81:         ;; 6e81 <- 6e74 6eec
+                ld hl,HLSAVE            ; 6e81 !..  21 1e fd
+                ld b,(hl)               ; 6e84 F    46
+                ld a,b                  ; 6e85 x    78
+                or a                    ; 6e86 .    b7
+                jr z,.L6e14             ; 6e87 (.   28 8b
+                ld hl,DOSBUFS           ; 6e89 !..  21 12 fd
+                ld c,(hl)               ; 6e8c N    4e
+                call _GETR              ; 6e8d ..b  cd f7 62
+                jr c,.L6eee             ; 6e90 8\   38 5c
+                inc a                   ; 6e92 <    3c
+                jr z,.L6eee             ; 6e93 (Y   28 59
+                sub 4                   ; 6e95 ..   d6 04
+                ld l,0x10               ; 6e97 ..   2e 10
+                ld (hl),a               ; 6e99 w    77
+                call _GETR              ; 6e9a ..b  cd f7 62
+                inc l                   ; 6e9d ,    2c
+                ld (hl),a               ; 6e9e w    77
+                and 0x1f                ; 6e9f ..   e6 1f
+                ld l,0x0f               ; 6ea1 ..   2e 0f
+                ld (hl),a               ; 6ea3 w    77
+                ld l,0x12               ; 6ea4 ..   2e 12
+                ld c,(hl)               ; 6ea6 N    4e
+                ld a,0xff               ; 6ea7 >.   3e ff
+                call _PUTR              ; 6ea9 ..c  cd 1e 63
+                ld a,0xff               ; 6eac >.   3e ff
+                call _PUTR              ; 6eae ..c  cd 1e 63
+                ld (hl),c               ; 6eb1 q    71
+                ld b,0                  ; 6eb2 ..   06 00
+                ld l,0x11               ; 6eb4 ..   2e 11
+                ld a,(hl)               ; 6eb6 ~    7e
+                and 0xe0                ; 6eb7 ..   e6 e0
+                rlca                    ; 6eb9 .    07
+                rlca                    ; 6eba .    07
+                rlca                    ; 6ebb .    07
+                ld c,a                  ; 6ebc O    4f
+                ld d,0x7f               ; 6ebd ..   16 7f
+.L6ebf:         ;; 6ebf <- 6ec8
+                ld a,c                  ; 6ebf y    79
+                sub 1                   ; 6ec0 ..   d6 01
+                jr c,.L6ed0             ; 6ec2 8.   38 0c
+                ld c,a                  ; 6ec4 O    4f
+                ld a,d                  ; 6ec5 z    7a
+                rrca                    ; 6ec6 .    0f
+                ld d,a                  ; 6ec7 W    57
+                jr .L6ebf               ; 6ec8 ..   18 f5
+.L6eca:         ;; 6eca <- 6ee4
+                call .L6efb             ; 6eca ..n  cd fb 6e
+                inc (hl)                ; 6ecd 4    34
+                ld d,0x7f               ; 6ece ..   16 7f
+.L6ed0:         ;; 6ed0 <- 6ec2
+                ld l,0x10               ; 6ed0 ..   2e 10
+                ld c,(hl)               ; 6ed2 N    4e
+                call _GETR              ; 6ed3 ..b  cd f7 62
+.L6ed6:         ;; 6ed6 <- 6ee6
+                and d                   ; 6ed6 .    a2
+                ld e,a                  ; 6ed7 _    5f
+                ld l,0x0f               ; 6ed8 ..   2e 0f
+                ld a,(hl)               ; 6eda ~    7e
+                sub 1                   ; 6edb ..   d6 01
+                jr c,.L6ee8             ; 6edd 8.   38 09
+                ld (hl),a               ; 6edf w    77
+                ld a,d                  ; 6ee0 z    7a
+                rrca                    ; 6ee1 .    0f
+                ld d,a                  ; 6ee2 W    57
+                ld a,e                  ; 6ee3 {    7b
+                jr nc,.L6eca            ; 6ee4 0.   30 e4
+                jr .L6ed6               ; 6ee6 ..   18 ee
+.L6ee8:         ;; 6ee8 <- 6edd
+                ld a,e                  ; 6ee8 {    7b
+                call .L6efb             ; 6ee9 ..n  cd fb 6e
+                jr .L6e81               ; 6eec ..   18 93
+.L6eee:         ;; 6eee <- 6e90 6e93
+                call .L6f01             ; 6eee ..o  cd 01 6f
+                call dw0_b              ; 6ef1 ..`  cd d0 60
+                ld hl,HLSAVE            ; 6ef4 !..  21 1e fd
+                ld b,(hl)               ; 6ef7 F    46
+                ld h,0xfd               ; 6ef8 &.   26 fd
+                ret                     ; 6efa .    c9
+.L6efb:         ;; 6efb <- 6eca 6ee9
+                ld l,0x10               ; 6efb ..   2e 10
+                ld c,(hl)               ; 6efd N    4e
+                jp _PUTR                ; 6efe ..c  c3 1e 63
+.L6f01:         ;; 6f01 <- 689b 69a7 6a64 6a84 6b7f 6e42 6e7a 6eee
+                push hl                 ; 6f01 .    e5
+                call .L61d0             ; 6f02 ..a  cd d0 61
+                pop hl                  ; 6f05 .    e1
+                ld de,0x000e            ; 6f06 ...  11 0e 00
+                and 0xc0                ; 6f09 ..   e6 c0
+                cp 0x80                 ; 6f0b ..   fe 80
+                ret nz                  ; 6f0d .    c0
+                ld e,6                  ; 6f0e ..   1e 06
+                ret                     ; 6f10 .    c9
+_GETNC:         ;; 6f11 <- 600c
+                push hl                 ; 6f11 .    e5
+                ld hl,(DOSBUFS)         ; 6f12 *..  2a 12 fd
+                ld a,(hl)               ; 6f15 ~    7e
+                inc l                   ; 6f16 ,    2c
+                ld (DOSBUFS),hl         ; 6f17 "..  22 12 fd
+                pop hl                  ; 6f1a .    e1
+                ret                     ; 6f1b .    c9
+_SELROUT:       ;; 6f1c <- 6009
+                ld (BCSAVE),bc          ; 6f1c .C.. ed 43 1d fd
+                ld (HLSAVE+1),de        ; 6f20 .S.. ed 53 1f fd
+                ld (CMDSAVE),a          ; 6f24 2..  32 1c fd
+                call .L6f36             ; 6f27 .6o  cd 36 6f
+                ld bc,(BCSAVE)          ; 6f2a .K.. ed 4b 1d fd
+                ld de,(HLSAVE+1)        ; 6f2e .[.. ed 5b 1f fd
+                ld a,(CMDSAVE)          ; 6f32 :..  3a 1c fd
+                ret                     ; 6f35 .    c9
+.L6f36:         ;; 6f36 <- 6f27
+                dec a                   ; 6f36 =    3d
+                jp z,.L69ac             ; 6f37 ..i  ca ac 69
+                dec a                   ; 6f3a =    3d
+                jp z,.L6ce6             ; 6f3b ..l  ca e6 6c
+                dec a                   ; 6f3e =    3d
+                jp z,.L6b6c             ; 6f3f .lk  ca 6c 6b
+                dec a                   ; 6f42 =    3d
+                jp z,.L6879             ; 6f43 .yh  ca 79 68
+                ret                     ; 6f46 .    c9
+.L6f47:         ;; 6f47 <- 651a 6afd 6c21 6ddb 6e28
+                ld de,(ufdoffs)         ; 6f47 .[.W ed 5b f7 57
+                call .L61fe             ; 6f4b ..a  cd fe 61
+                jr z,.L6f53             ; 6f4e (.   28 03
+                ld de,0x0010            ; 6f50 ...  11 10 00
+.L6f53:         ;; 6f53 <- 6f4e
+                ld a,(F_FILENO)         ; 6f53 :..  3a 00 fd
+                and 0x0f                ; 6f56 ..   e6 0f
+                add a,e                 ; 6f58 .    83
+                ld e,a                  ; 6f59 _    5f
+                ret nc                  ; 6f5a .    d0
+                inc d                   ; 6f5b .    14
+                ret                     ; 6f5c .    c9
+.L6f5d:         ;; 6f5d <- 6a92 6d61 6f86 6f93
+                push hl                 ; 6f5d .    e5
+                call .L61d0             ; 6f5e ..a  cd d0 61
+                inc hl                  ; 6f61 #    23
+                ld a,(hl)               ; 6f62 ~    7e
+                and 7                   ; 6f63 ..   e6 07
+                inc a                   ; 6f65 <    3c
+                pop hl                  ; 6f66 .    e1
+                ret                     ; 6f67 .    c9
+.L6f68:         ;; 6f68 <- 621c 6879 6ce6
+                ld a,b                  ; 6f68 x    78
+                and 0x70                ; 6f69 .p   e6 70
+                add a,0x40              ; 6f6b .@   c6 40
+                ld l,a                  ; 6f6d o    6f
+                ld h,0xfd               ; 6f6e &.   26 fd
+                ld de,F_FILENO          ; 6f70 ...  11 00 fd
+                ld c,0x0e               ; 6f73 ..   0e 0e
+_BLKTF:         ;; 6f75 <- 6042 62d3 6b5b 6c9b 6f79
+                ldi                     ; 6f75 ..   ed a0
+                xor a                   ; 6f77 .    af
+                or c                    ; 6f78 .    b1
+                jr nz,_BLKTF            ; 6f79  .   20 fa
+                ret                     ; 6f7b .    c9
+.L6f7c:         ;; 6f7c <- 6cfe 6e00
+                ld de,(F_SEGREC)        ; 6f7c .[.. ed 5b 08 fd
+                call dr_b               ; 6f80 ..`  cd c5 60
+                ret c                   ; 6f83 .    d8
+                xor a                   ; 6f84 .    af
+                ret                     ; 6f85 .    c9
+.L6f86:         ;; 6f86 <- 625b 6986 6c4e
+                call .L6f5d             ; 6f86 .]o  cd 5d 6f
+.L6f89:         ;; 6f89 <- 6f91
+                cp 6                    ; 6f89 ..   fe 06
+                ret z                   ; 6f8b .    c8
+                srl h                   ; 6f8c .<   cb 3c
+                rr l                    ; 6f8e ..   cb 1d
+                inc a                   ; 6f90 <    3c
+                jr .L6f89               ; 6f91 ..   18 f6
+.L6f93:         ;; 6f93 <- 6239 62a1 6d28
+                call .L6f5d             ; 6f93 .]o  cd 5d 6f
+.L6f96:         ;; 6f96 <- 6f99
+                dec a                   ; 6f96 =    3d
+                ret z                   ; 6f97 .    c8
+                add hl,hl               ; 6f98 )    29
+                jr .L6f96               ; 6f99 ..   18 fb
+autostart_cmd:  ;; 6f9b <- 683d
+                .ascii "RUN START80\r\r\r\r\r\r\r\r\r" ; 6f9b <20 bytes>
+;;; Formatting information for DOSGEN
+;;; No SF, and referencing select 37?
+DOSGEN_MF:      defb 44                 ; 6faf ,    2c
+                defb 4                  ; 6fb0 .    04
+DOSGEN_MO:      defb 45                 ; 6fb1 -    2d
+                defb 4                  ; 6fb2 .    04
+DOSGEN_HD:      defb 36                 ; 6fb3 $    24
+                defb 32                 ; 6fb4      20
+DOSGEN_XD:      defb 37                 ; 6fb5 %    25
+                defb 1                  ; 6fb6 .    01
+                defb 0                  ; 6fb7 .    00
+_RNDREAD:       ;; 6fb8 <- 6ffc
+                scf                     ; 6fb8 7    37
+                ; ld a,0xb4 -> 6fbb
+                defb 0x3e               ; 6fb9 >    3e
+_RNDWRITE:      ;; 6fba <- 6ffe
+                or h                    ; 6fba .    b4
+                ld ix,(RANDIX)          ; 6fbb .*.. dd 2a 16 fd
+                jp c,rd_blk             ; 6fbf ..f  da 89 66
+                jp wr_blk               ; 6fc2 ..f  c3 93 66
+_RNDSETUP:      ;; 6fc5 <- 6ffa
+                ld hl,0x00be            ; 6fc5 !..  21 be 00
+                push hl                 ; 6fc8 .    e5
+                ld l,h                  ; 6fc9 l    6c
+                push hl                 ; 6fca .    e5
+                add hl,sp               ; 6fcb 9    39
+                push de                 ; 6fcc .    d5
+                call find_q0s           ; 6fcd ..o  cd f0 6f
+                pop de                  ; 6fd0 .    d1
+                ld a,e                  ; 6fd1 {    7b
+                call S_FINDOPEN         ; 6fd2 ...  cd 01 09
+                ld (RANDIX),ix          ; 6fd5 .".. dd 22 16 fd
+                ld a,(ix+9)             ; 6fd9 .~.  dd 7e 09
+                and a                   ; 6fdc .    a7
+                jp z,err52              ; 6fdd .)h  ca 29 68
+                pop hl                  ; 6fe0 .    e1
+                pop de                  ; 6fe1 .    d1
+                call .L_q0len           ; 6fe2 ..o  cd eb 6f
+                inc hl                  ; 6fe5 #    23
+                ; Point Q0$ to at the DOSBUF itself
+.L_q0ptr:       ld (hl),3               ; 6fe6 6.   36 03
+                inc hl                  ; 6fe8 #    23
+                ld (hl),a               ; 6fe9 w    77
+                inc hl                  ; 6fea #    23
+                ; fall through...
+                ;; Write length and DIM of Q0$
+.L_q0len:       ;; 6feb <- 6fe2
+                ld (hl),0xfd            ; 6feb 6.   36 fd
+                inc hl                  ; 6fed #    23
+                ld (hl),d               ; 6fee r    72
+                ret                     ; 6fef .    c9
+;;; Find Q0$ in the BASIC variable list
+;;; The push and load hl could be skipped by jumping to 0x106d
+;;; rather than 0x1074 in BASIC...
+find_q0s:       ;; 6ff0 <- 6fcd
+                ld bc,Q0S               ; 6ff0 ..Q  01 02 51
+                push hl                 ; 6ff3 .    e5
+                ld hl,VARLIST-1         ; 6ff4 !(.  21 28 fe
+                jp S_FNDVARDOS          ; 6ff7 .t.  c3 74 10
+;;; CALL entry points for random access on ABC80
+RNDSETUP:       jr _RNDSETUP            ; 6ffa ..   18 c9
+RNDREAD:        jr _RNDREAD             ; 6ffc ..   18 ba
+RNDWRITE:       jr _RNDWRITE            ; 6ffe ..   18 ba

+ 60 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+#ifndef __Z80_INC
+#define __Z80_INC
+;;; Common defines
+#ifndef __Z80__
+# define __Z80__ 1
+;;; Macros to allow common simplified Z80 syntax
+	.macro _M_add dst:req, src
+	.ifb \src
+	add a,\dst
+	.else
+	add \dst,\src
+	.endif
+	.endm
+#define add _M_add
+	.macro _M_adc dst:req, src
+	.ifb \src
+	adc a,\dst
+	.else
+	adc \dst,\src
+	.endif
+	.endm
+#define adc _M_adc
+	.macro _M_sbc dst:req, src
+	.ifb \src
+	sbc a,\dst
+	.else
+	sbc \dst,\src
+	.endif
+	.endm
+#define sbc _M_sbc
+;;; Macro for optional byte argument after RST
+	.macro _M_rst dst:req, arg
+	rst \dst
+	.ifnb \arg
+	defb \arg
+	.endif
+	.endm
+#define rst _M_rst
+;;; Hacks to simplify porting from z80asm
+#define defc			/* Decays to a simple sym = val */
+#define ASMPC .
+#endif /* __Z80_INC */

+ 123 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+OUTPUT_FORMAT("elf32-z80", "elf32-z80", "elf32-z80")
+	text PT_LOAD ;
+	rodata PT_LOAD ;
+	data PT_LOAD ;
+	bss PT_LOAD ;
+	/* Main binary */
+	PROVIDE(_org = .);
+	. = _org;
+	PROVIDE(_text = _org);
+	__text = SEGMENT_START("text", _text);
+	".init$absolute"   = __text != .;
+	".text$absolute"   = __text != .;
+	".rodata$absolute" = __text != .;
+	. = __text;
+	.init	    : {
+		    __init_start = .;
+		    KEEP(*(SORT_BY_NAME(.init*)))
+		    __init_end = .;
+		    } /*:text*/
+	.text	    : {
+		    __text_start = .;
+		    *(.text*)
+		    __text_end = .;
+		    } /*:text*/
+	.rodata	    : {
+		    __rodata_start = .;
+		    *(.rodata*)
+		    __rodata_end = .;
+		    } /*:rodata*/
+	PROVIDE(_data = .);
+	__data = SEGMENT_START("data", _data);
+	".data$absolute" = __data != .;
+	. = __data;
+	.data	    : {
+		    __data_start = .;
+		    *(.data*)
+		    __data_end = .;
+		    } /*:data*/
+	PROVIDE(_bss = .);
+	__bss = SEGMENT_START("bss", _bss);
+	".bss$absolute" = __bss != .;
+	. = __bss;
+	.bss (NOLOAD) : {
+		    __bss_start = .;
+		    *(.bss*)
+		    __bss_end = .;
+		    } /*:bss*/
+	PROVIDE(_brk = .);
+	__brk = SEGMENT_START("brk", _brk);
+	".brk$absolute" = __brk != .;
+	. = __brk;
+	/* .brk is like .bss, except will always be last for grow-up data */
+	.brk (NOLOAD) : {
+		    __brk_start = .;
+		    *(.brk*)
+		    __brk_end = .;
+		    } /*:bss*/
+	_end = .; PROVIDE (end = .);
+	/* Stabs debugging sections.  */
+	.stab          0 : { *(.stab) }
+	.stabstr       0 : { *(.stabstr) }
+	.stab.excl     0 : { *(.stab.excl) }
+	.stab.exclstr  0 : { *(.stab.exclstr) }
+	.stab.index    0 : { *(.stab.index) }
+	.stab.indexstr 0 : { *(.stab.indexstr) }
+	.comment       0 : { *(.comment) }
+	.gnu.build.attributes : { *(.gnu.build.attributes .gnu.build.attributes.*) }
+	/* DWARF debug sections.
+	Symbols in the DWARF debugging sections are relative to the beginning
+	of the section so we begin them at 0.  */
+	/* DWARF 1.  */
+	.debug          0 : { *(.debug) }
+	.line           0 : { *(.line) }
+	/* GNU DWARF 1 extensions.  */
+	.debug_srcinfo  0 : { *(.debug_srcinfo) }
+	.debug_sfnames  0 : { *(.debug_sfnames) }
+	/* DWARF 1.1 and DWARF 2.  */
+	.debug_aranges  0 : { *(.debug_aranges) }
+	.debug_pubnames 0 : { *(.debug_pubnames) }
+	/* DWARF 2.  */
+	.debug_info     0 : { *(.debug_info .gnu.linkonce.wi.*) }
+	.debug_abbrev   0 : { *(.debug_abbrev) }
+	.debug_line     0 : { *(.debug_line .debug_line.* .debug_line_end) }
+	.debug_frame    0 : { *(.debug_frame) }
+	.debug_str      0 : { *(.debug_str) }
+	.debug_loc      0 : { *(.debug_loc) }
+	.debug_macinfo  0 : { *(.debug_macinfo) }
+	/* SGI/MIPS DWARF 2 extensions.  */
+	.debug_weaknames 0 : { *(.debug_weaknames) }
+	.debug_funcnames 0 : { *(.debug_funcnames) }
+	.debug_typenames 0 : { *(.debug_typenames) }
+	.debug_varnames  0 : { *(.debug_varnames) }
+	/* DWARF 3.  */
+	.debug_pubtypes 0 : { *(.debug_pubtypes) }
+	.debug_ranges   0 : { *(.debug_ranges) }
+	/* DWARF 5.  */
+	.debug_addr     0 : { *(.debug_addr) }
+	.debug_line_str 0 : { *(.debug_line_str) }
+	.debug_loclists 0 : { *(.debug_loclists) }
+	.debug_macro    0 : { *(.debug_macro) }
+	.debug_names    0 : { *(.debug_names) }
+	.debug_rnglists 0 : { *(.debug_rnglists) }
+	.debug_str_offsets 0 : { *(.debug_str_offsets) }
+	.debug_sup      0 : { *(.debug_sup) }
+	.gnu.attributes 0 : { KEEP (*(.gnu.attributes)) }
+	/DISCARD/ : { *(.note.GNU-stack) *(.gnu_debuglink) *(.gnu.lto_*) }

+ 5 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+-z max-page-size=1
+-z common-page-size=1