We are making a relative zero-page reference; make sure the linker doesn't try to turn it into an absolute one (which would mean always pointing to the base of the table.)
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ CONTENT BEGIN
0019 : 9563001D;
001A : DD930002;
001B : 0491001D;
-001C : 08C02283;
+001C : 08C4A283;
001D : 0024D513;
001E : DD939282;
001F : 0491001D;
@@ -40,7 +40,12 @@ _irq:
addi s1,s1,1*4
// __irq_handler_table must be in the zero page
+ // However, prevent the linker from incorrectly relaxing
+ // this instruction.
+ .option push
+ .option norelax
lw t0,%lo(__irq_handler_table)(s1)
+ .option pop
srli a0,s1,2
jalr t0
srli s11,s11,1