@@ -853,6 +853,12 @@ module picorv32 #(
+ // hpa: allow mret as an alias for retirq, so that
+ // __attribute__((interrupt)) works in gcc
+ wire instr_la_retirq = ENABLE_IRQ &&
+ ((mem_rdata_latched[6:0] == 7'b0001011 && mem_rdata_latched[31:25] == 7'b0000010) ||
+ (mem_rdata_latched[6:0] == 7'b1110011 && mem_rdata_latched[31:25] == 7'b0011000));
always @(posedge clk) begin
is_lui_auipc_jal <= |{instr_lui, instr_auipc, instr_jal};
is_lui_auipc_jal_jalr_addi_add_sub <= |{instr_lui, instr_auipc, instr_jal, instr_jalr, instr_addi, instr_add, instr_sub};
@@ -866,11 +872,7 @@ module picorv32 #(
instr_auipc <= mem_rdata_latched[6:0] == 7'b0010111;
instr_jal <= mem_rdata_latched[6:0] == 7'b1101111;
instr_jalr <= mem_rdata_latched[6:0] == 7'b1100111 && mem_rdata_latched[14:12] == 3'b000;
- // hpa: allow mret as an alias for retirq, so that
- // __attribute__((interrupt)) works in gcc
- instr_retirq <= ENABLE_IRQ &&
- ((mem_rdata_latched[6:0] == 7'b0001011 && mem_rdata_latched[31:25] == 7'b0000010) ||
- (mem_rdata_latched[6:0] == 7'b0000111 && mem_rdata_latched[31:25] == 7'b0011000));
+ instr_retirq <= instr_la_retirq;
instr_waitirq <= mem_rdata_latched[6:0] == 7'b0001011 && mem_rdata_latched[31:25] == 7'b0000100 && ENABLE_IRQ;
is_beq_bne_blt_bge_bltu_bgeu <= mem_rdata_latched[6:0] == 7'b1100011;
@@ -888,7 +890,7 @@ module picorv32 #(
if (mem_rdata_latched[6:0] == 7'b0001011 && mem_rdata_latched[31:25] == 7'b0000000 && ENABLE_IRQ && ENABLE_IRQ_QREGS)
decoded_rs1[regindex_bits-1] <= 1; // instr_getq
- if (mem_rdata_latched[6:0] == 7'b0001011 && mem_rdata_latched[31:25] == 7'b0000010 && ENABLE_IRQ)
+ if (instr_la_retirq)
decoded_rs1 <= ENABLE_IRQ_QREGS ? irqregs_offset : 3; // instr_retirq
compressed_instr <= 0;
@@ -1436,7 +1438,7 @@ module picorv32 #(
count_instr <= 'bx;
- next_irq_pending = ENABLE_IRQ ? irq_pending & LATCHED_IRQ : 'bx;
+ next_irq_pending = ENABLE_IRQ ? (irq_pending & LATCHED_IRQ & ~MASKED_IRQ) : 'bx;
if (ENABLE_IRQ && ENABLE_IRQ_TIMER && timer) begin
timer <= timer - 1;
@@ -1680,7 +1682,7 @@ module picorv32 #(
`debug($display("LD_RS1: %2d 0x%08x", decoded_rs1, cpuregs_rs1);)
// hpa: allow rs2 to specify bits to be preserved
`debug($display("LD_RS2: %2d 0x%08x", decoded_rs2, cpuregs_rs2);)
- irq_mask <= ((irq_mask & ~cpuregs_rs2) ^ cpuregs_rs1) | MASKED_IRQ;
+ irq_mask <= ((irq_mask & cpuregs_rs2) ^ cpuregs_rs1) | MASKED_IRQ;
dbg_rs1val <= cpuregs_rs1;
dbg_rs1val_valid <= 1;
cpu_state <= cpu_state_fetch;