@@ -0,0 +1,754 @@
+ * Simple JTAG interface using ESP32S2 SPI3
+ *
+ * This implements both JTAG and plain SPI functionality. It uses
+ * programmed I/O (CPU control) using notifications from an interrupt
+ * handler to wake up the active thread; fractional words and
+ * TMS-changing transactions are bit banged. This is not particularly
+ * fast (especially since this code does not currently do double
+ * buffering), but it allows for arbitrary bit shifts and works around
+ * some bugs in ESP32/ESP32-S2 silicon, possibly other versions as well.
+ *
+ * For SPI functionality, the TMS pin represents CS#.
+ *
+ * Note: this uses direct register access for some things that are
+ * normally abstracted in Arduino and ESP-IDF; this greatly reduces
+ * overhead in those cases.
+ */
+#define MODULE "jtag-esp32"
+#define DEBUG 0
+#include "common.h"
+#include "jtag.h"
+#include <esp_intr_alloc.h>
+#include <esp32-hal-spi.h>
+#include <driver/spi_common.h>
+#include <driver/spi_common_internal.h> /* spicommon_*() */
+#include <soc/soc.h>
+#include <soc/spi_struct.h>
+#include <soc/spi_reg.h>
+#include <soc/periph_defs.h>
+#include <soc/gpio_struct.h>
+#include <soc/gpio_sig_map.h>
+#define JTAG_SPI_HOST HSPI /* == SPI3 */
+typedef struct spi_struct_t {
+ volatile spi_dev_t *dev;
+ /* Other fields are HAL-specific */
+} spi_t;
+/* Return a mask of the <bits> least signficant bits */
+static inline uint32_t LMASK(unsigned int bits)
+ return (UINT32_C(1) << bits) - 1;
+static inline void set_gpio_mask(uint32_t mask, bool val)
+ volatile uint32_t *reg = val ? &GPIO.out_w1ts : &GPIO.out_w1tc;
+ *reg = mask;
+static inline void set_gpio(unsigned int pin, bool val)
+ set_gpio_mask(1U << pin, val);
+static inline uint32_t get_gpio_mask(uint32_t mask)
+ return GPIO.in & mask;
+static inline unsigned int get_gpio(unsigned int pin)
+ if (__builtin_constant_p(pin)) {
+ return (GPIO.in >> pin) & 1; /* More efficient on Xtensa */
+ } else {
+ return !!get_gpio_mask(1U << pin);
+ }
+static struct jtag_state {
+ spi_t *spi;
+ intr_handle_t intr_handle;
+ TaskHandle_t task;
+ struct jtag_config config;
+ uint32_t pin_tdi_mask;
+ uint32_t pin_tdo_mask;
+ uint32_t pin_tms_mask;
+ uint32_t pin_tck_mask;
+ unsigned int hz; /* Actual frequency */
+ unsigned int clkdiv;
+ unsigned int bitbang_loops; /* Delay loop count in bitbang driver */
+ uint64_t us_to_clocks_multiplier;
+ unsigned int spi_timeout_ticks;
+ unsigned int bits;
+ unsigned int tdo_bits_read;
+ const uint32_t *tdi;
+ uint32_t *tdo;
+ uint8_t tdi_bitoffs;
+ uint8_t tdo_bitoffs;
+ enum TAP_STATE tap_state;
+ bool configured;
+} jtag;
+#define NOTIFY_INDEX 0 /* Seems to be the only available... */
+static void ARDUINO_ISR_ATTR jtag_isr(void *);
+const unsigned int spi_mosi_src = SPI3_D_OUT_IDX;
+const unsigned int spi_sclk_src = SPI3_CLK_OUT_MUX_IDX;
+const unsigned int gpio_src = SIG_GPIO_OUT_IDX;
+ * Switch the output lines between SPI (true) or GPIO (false).
+ */
+static inline void jtag_config_tdi(bool attach)
+ GPIO.func_out_sel_cfg[jtag.config.pin_tdi].val =
+ attach ? spi_mosi_src : gpio_src;
+static inline void jtag_config_tck(bool attach)
+ GPIO.func_out_sel_cfg[jtag.config.pin_tck].val
+ = attach ? spi_sclk_src : gpio_src;
+ * If hz != 0 then set to the closest supported frequency and return
+ * the true frequency.
+ *
+ * This precalculates a bunch of parameters dependent on the JTAG
+ * frequency.
+ */
+#define APB_CLK_PER_READ 2 /* Pure guess, but probably conservative */
+static unsigned int jtag_set_hz(unsigned int hz)
+ /*
+ * If we waited this long poll to see if we lost an interrupt.
+ * spi_irq_timeout is the number of times the *maximum* chunk
+ * transmission time.
+ */
+ const unsigned int spi_irq_timeout = 4;
+ if (hz) {
+ jtag.clkdiv = spiFrequencyToClockDiv(hz);
+ jtag.hz = spiClockDivToFrequency(jtag.clkdiv);
+ jtag.bitbang_loops =
+ (APB_CLK_FREQ)/(APB_CLK_PER_READ*2*jtag.hz);
+ jtag.us_to_clocks_multiplier = ((uint64_t)jtag.hz << 32)/1000000;
+ jtag.spi_timeout_ticks =
+ (spi_irq_timeout * (sizeof jtag.spi->dev->data_buf << 3)
+ * configTICK_RATE_HZ) / (jtag.hz+1) + 1;
+ MSG("SPI: JTAG frequency set to %u Hz\n", jtag.hz);
+ }
+ return jtag.hz;
+/* Set pins to the default output values and let them stabilize */
+static void jtag_idle_pins(void)
+ set_gpio_mask(jtag.pin_tck_mask, 0);
+ set_gpio_mask(jtag.pin_tdi_mask|jtag.pin_tms_mask, 1);
+ jtag_config_tck(false);
+ jtag_config_tdi(false);
+ jtag_delay(1000); /* 1 ms */
+int jtag_disable(const struct jtag_config *config)
+ /* Tristate all JTAG pins and stop SPI engine */
+ const char *act = "initialized";
+ if (jtag.spi) {
+ jtag.spi->dev->slave.val = 0; /* Disable all interrupt sources */
+ jtag_idle_pins();
+ spiDetachMISO(jtag.spi, jtag.config.pin_tdo);
+#if 0
+ spiEndTransaction(jtag.spi);
+ spiStopBus(jtag.spi);
+ if (jtag.intr_handle)
+ esp_intr_free(jtag.intr_handle);
+ jtag.spi = NULL;
+ act = "disabled";
+ }
+ if (config) {
+ jtag.config = *config;
+ jtag.configured = true;
+ }
+ /* Tristate all signal pins */
+ if (jtag.configured) {
+ pinMode(jtag.config.pin_tdi, INPUT);
+ pinMode(jtag.config.pin_tdo, INPUT);
+ pinMode(jtag.config.pin_tms, INPUT);
+ pinMode(jtag.config.pin_tck, INPUT);
+ }
+ printf("[JTAG] JTAG %s\n", act);
+ return 0;
+#if DEBUG > 2
+static void dump_spi_regs(void)
+ const volatile uint32_t *spiregs =
+ (const volatile uint32_t *)jtag.spi->dev;
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i <= 0x100; i += 4) {
+ uint32_t v = *spiregs++;
+ MSG("SPI: reg 0x%03x = 0x%08x %u\n", i, v, v);
+ }
+#define dump_spi_regs() ((void)0)
+static inline unsigned int jtag_us_to_clocks(unsigned int us)
+ return (us * jtag.us_to_clocks_multiplier) >> 32;
+int jtag_enable(const struct jtag_config *config)
+ if (jtag.spi)
+ return -1;
+ jtag.task = xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle();
+ if (config) {
+ jtag.config = *config;
+ jtag.configured = true;
+ }
+ if (!jtag.configured)
+ return -1;
+ jtag.pin_tdi_mask = 1U << jtag.config.pin_tdi;
+ jtag.pin_tdo_mask = 1U << jtag.config.pin_tdo;
+ jtag.pin_tms_mask = 1U << jtag.config.pin_tms;
+ jtag.pin_tck_mask = 1U << jtag.config.pin_tck;
+ pinMode(jtag.config.pin_tdo, INPUT);
+ pinMode(jtag.config.pin_tdi, OUTPUT);
+ pinMode(jtag.config.pin_tms, OUTPUT);
+ pinMode(jtag.config.pin_tck, OUTPUT);
+ jtag_set_hz(jtag.config.hz);
+ printf("[JTAG] starting bus, clkdiv = 0x%08x (%u Hz)\n",
+ jtag.clkdiv, jtag.hz);
+ jtag.spi = spiStartBus(JTAG_SPI_HOST, jtag.clkdiv, SPI_MODE0, SPI_LSBFIRST);
+ if (!jtag.spi) {
+ printf("[JTAG] failed to start bus\n");
+ jtag_disable(NULL);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /* spiStartBus resets the bus and sets the frequency */
+ spi_dev_t * const hw = jtag.spi->dev;
+#if 0
+ MSG("SPI: acquiring lock\n");
+ spiSimpleTransaction(jtag.spi); /* Lock bus */
+ spiAttachMISO(jtag.spi, jtag.config.pin_tdo);
+ jtag_idle_pins();
+ /* Initialize all buffers to a canary */
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 18; i++)
+ hw->data_buf[i] = (i+1) * 0x01010101;
+ /* Set bit order. Byte order is always littleendian. */
+ uint32_t spi_ctrl_reg = 0;
+ if (!jtag.config.be)
+ spi_ctrl_reg |= SPI_RD_BIT_ORDER_M | SPI_WR_BIT_ORDER_M;
+ hw->ctrl.val = spi_ctrl_reg;
+ /* Enable buffers 16 & 17 */
+ hw->ctrl1.val = SPI_W16_17_WR_ENA_M;
+ /*
+ * Hack: set 8 cycles of CS HOLD at the end of each SPI transaction;
+ * this appears needed to flush out any fractional TDO bits.
+ */
+ /*
+ * Register is called "slave" but interrupt control applies
+ * to master mode too:
+ * Disable all SPI interrupts sources
+ */
+ hw->slave.val = 0;
+ /*
+ * Allocate and enable the interrupt.
+ * We want this to be a low priority interrupt (level 1).
+ */
+ const int spi_irq = spicommon_irqsource_for_host(JTAG_SPI_HOST);
+ esp_intr_alloc(spi_irq, ESP_INTR_FLAG_LEVEL1,
+ jtag_isr, &jtag, &jtag.intr_handle);
+ /*
+ * enable trans_done IRQ
+ */
+ hw->slave.val = SPI_INT_TRANS_DONE_EN_M;
+#if DEBUG > 1
+ dump_spi_regs();
+ jtag.tap_state = TAP_RUN_TEST_IDLE; /* Pure guess */
+ printf("[JTAG] JTAG enabled\n");
+ return 0;
+int jtag_init(void)
+ jtag.configured = false;
+ return 0;
+ * The Arduino HAL API uses busy wait, so here is our own routine:
+ * it can transfer up to 72 bytes at a time at arbitrary bit offsets
+ * but requires that the actual state pointers are 32-bit aligned;
+ * this is handled in jtag_io().
+ *
+ * In bigendian mode, this treats the input as a stream of *bytes*; a
+ * bit offset or length that is not a multiple of 8 will result in
+ * garbage data. The hardware always uses litteendian byte ordering,
+ * but the bit ordering is set as appropriate.
+ *
+ * This is event driven, with the ISR simply unblocking the JTAG thread
+ * via notifications. This isn't particularly fast, but avoids starving
+ * higher-priority processes; it is assumed that the JTAG/SPI transactions
+ * are not particularly performance critical and, being selectively
+ * clocked, can handle significant pauses.
+ *
+ * Using DMA and/or double-buffering would reduce CPU overhead and/or
+ * improve performance, but this is very simple especially with
+ * arbitrary bit offsets and lengths.
+ */
+static int jtag_do_chunk(void)
+ spi_dev_t * const hw = jtag.spi->dev;
+ unsigned int bits;
+ unsigned int tdo_bits_read;
+ unsigned int words;
+ unsigned int i;
+ const uint32_t *tdi = jtag.tdi;
+ uint32_t *tdo = jtag.tdo;
+ if (hw->cmd.usr)
+ return -1; /* Missed interrupt? */
+ xTaskNotifyStateClearIndexed(jtag.task, NOTIFY_INDEX);
+#if DEBUG > 1
+ MSG("SPI: in jtag_do_chunk\n");
+ tdo_bits_read = jtag.tdo_bits_read;
+ if (tdo_bits_read) {
+ /* Copy output data from SPI buffers */
+ unsigned int tdo_offs = jtag.tdo_bitoffs;
+#if DEBUG > 1
+ MSG("SPI: *** After\n");
+ dump_spi_regs();
+ MSG("TDO: %u bits @ %p[%u]", tdo_bits_read, tdo, tdo_offs);
+ const unsigned int fullwords = (tdo_bits_read + tdo_offs) >> 5;
+ const unsigned int trailing = (tdo_bits_read + tdo_offs) & 31;
+ const volatile uint32_t *p = hw->data_buf;
+ uint32_t o;
+ if (!tdo_offs) {
+ for (i = 0; i < fullwords; i++)
+ *tdo++ = *p++;
+ o = 0;
+ } else {
+ o = *tdo & LMASK(tdo_offs);
+ for (i = 0; i < fullwords; i++) {
+ uint32_t w = *p++;
+ *tdo++ = (w << tdo_offs) | o;
+ o = w >> tdo_offs;
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * o here has tdo_offs == 0..31 bits of valid data,
+ * but we might need more than that.
+ */
+ if (trailing > tdo_offs)
+ o |= *p << tdo_offs;
+ const unsigned int trail_mask = LMASK(trailing);
+ const unsigned int trail_omask = ~LMASK((trailing+7) & ~7);
+ *tdo = (*tdo & trail_omask) | (o & trail_mask);
+ MSG(" -> %p[%u]\n", tdo, trailing);
+ jtag.tdo_bits_read = 0;
+ jtag.tdo = tdo;
+ jtag.tdo_bitoffs = trailing;
+ }
+ /* Now the previous chunk, if any, is complete */
+ bits = jtag.bits;
+ if (!bits)
+ return 0; /* Done */
+ /*
+ * Clamp the SPI transaction size to the size of the buffers;
+ * for a totally dummy transaction just let the hardware run
+ * until it's done.
+ */
+ const unsigned int max_bits = (sizeof hw->data_buf) << 3;
+ if (tdo) {
+ if (bits > max_bits)
+ bits = max_bits;
+ }
+ if (tdi) {
+ /* Copy input data to SPI buffers */
+ unsigned int tdi_offs = jtag.tdi_bitoffs;
+ /* Clamp to max_bits-tdi_offs in the hope of future good alignment */
+ if (bits > max_bits - tdi_offs)
+ bits = max_bits - tdi_offs;
+ const unsigned int words = (bits+31) >> 5;
+ const uint32_t *p = tdi;
+ volatile uint32_t *q = hw->data_buf;
+ MSG("TDI: %u bits @ %p[%u]", bits, tdi, tdi_offs);
+ if (!tdi_offs) {
+ for (i = 0; i < words; i++)
+ *q++ = *p++;
+ } else {
+ const unsigned int inv_offs = 32 - tdi_offs;
+ uint32_t o;
+ o = *p++;
+ for (i = 0; i < words; i++) {
+ uint32_t w = *p++;
+ *q++ = (w << inv_offs) | (o >> tdi_offs);
+ o = w;
+ }
+ }
+ tdi += (bits + tdi_offs) >> 5;
+ tdi_offs = (bits + tdi_offs) & 31;
+ CMSG(" -> %p[%u]\n", tdi, tdi_offs);
+ jtag.tdi = tdi;
+ jtag.tdi_bitoffs = tdi_offs;
+ }
+ /*
+ * No command, address, or dummy phases. Byte order is always
+ * littleendian.
+ */
+ hw->miso_dlen.val = bits-1;
+ hw->mosi_dlen.val = bits-1; /* Regardless of if there is a tdi or not */
+ uint32_t spi_user_reg = SPI_DOUTDIN | SPI_USR_MOSI; /* Per ESP-IDF HAL */
+ if (tdo)
+ spi_user_reg |= SPI_USR_MISO;
+ hw->user.val = spi_user_reg;
+#if DEBUG > 1
+ MSG("SPI: *** Before\n");
+ dump_spi_regs();
+ jtag.bits -= bits;
+ jtag.tdo_bits_read = tdo ? bits : 0;
+ if (jtag.tdo_bits_read) {
+ MSG("SPI: reading %u bits, %u left\n",
+ jtag.tdo_bits_read, jtag.bits);
+ }
+ hw->cmd.val = SPI_USR_M; /* Start! */
+ return bits;
+static void ARDUINO_ISR_ATTR jtag_isr(void *jtag_p)
+ struct jtag_state * const jtag = (struct jtag_state *)jtag_p;
+ spi_dev_t * const hw = jtag->spi->dev;
+ uint32_t spi_slave_reg = hw->slave.val;
+ if (!(spi_slave_reg & SPI_TRANS_DONE_M))
+ return; /* Spurious/shared interrupt? */
+ hw->slave.val = spi_slave_reg & ~SPI_TRANS_DONE_M;
+ BaseType_t do_wakeup = pdFALSE;
+ xTaskNotifyIndexedFromISR(jtag->task, NOTIFY_INDEX, 1,
+ eSetBits, &do_wakeup);
+ if (do_wakeup)
+ portYIELD_FROM_ISR(do_wakeup);
+static inline bool spi_running(void)
+ return jtag.spi->dev->cmd.usr;
+#define APB_CLK_PER_READ 2 /* Plain guess */
+ * Set the value of the TMS/CS# line without any clocks.
+ */
+int jtag_set_tms(bool tms)
+ set_gpio_mask(jtag.pin_tms_mask, tms);
+ return 0;
+ * Bitbang up to 32 bits with TDI and TMS support; returns TDO.
+ *
+ * In bigendian mode, the whole value is treated as bigendian, including
+ * byte order, but is still expected to be right-justified if bits < 32;
+ * e.g. if the expected output is the 16-bit value 0x1234
+ * (transmitted as 0001001000110100), tdi should be 0x1234, not
+ * 0x12340000 or 0x3412.
+ */
+static inline void jtag_pulse_sleep(void)
+ unsigned int loops = jtag.bitbang_loops;
+ while (loops--)
+ (void)GPIO.in;
+uint32_t jtag_pulse(unsigned int bits, uint32_t tdi, uint32_t tms)
+ unsigned int i;
+ uint32_t gpio_in;
+ uint32_t tdo = 0;
+ uint32_t bit_val;
+ MSG("SPI: bitbang %u bits TDI 0x%x TMS 0x%x", bits, tdi, tms);
+ jtag_config_tck(false);
+ jtag_config_tdi(false);
+ /* PIN_TCK is always 0 between transactions */
+ if (!jtag.config.be) {
+ /* Littleendian */
+ bit_val = 1;
+ while (bits--) {
+ set_gpio_mask(jtag.pin_tms_mask, tms & 1); tms >>= 1;
+ set_gpio_mask(jtag.pin_tdi_mask, tdi & 1); tdi >>= 1;
+ jtag_pulse_sleep();
+ set_gpio_mask(jtag.pin_tck_mask, 1);
+ if (get_gpio_mask(jtag.pin_tdo_mask))
+ tdo |= bit_val;
+ bit_val <<= 1;
+ jtag_pulse_sleep();
+ set_gpio_mask(jtag.pin_tck_mask, 0);
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* Bigendian */
+ bit_val = 1U << (bits-1);
+ while (bits--) {
+ set_gpio_mask(jtag.pin_tms_mask, tms & bit_val);
+ set_gpio_mask(jtag.pin_tdi_mask, tdi & bit_val);
+ bit_val >>= 1;
+ jtag_pulse_sleep();
+ set_gpio_mask(jtag.pin_tck_mask, 1);
+ tdo = (tdo << 1) | !!get_gpio_mask(jtag.pin_tdo_mask);
+ jtag_pulse_sleep();
+ set_gpio_mask(jtag.pin_tck_mask, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ CMSG(" -> TDO 0x%x\n", tdo);
+ return tdo;
+static void jtag_go(unsigned int bits)
+ int chunk;
+ MSG("SPI: jtag_go bits %u, tms 0, tdi %p[%u], tdo %p[%u]\n",
+ bits, jtag.tdi, jtag.tdi_bitoffs, jtag.tdo, jtag.tdo_bitoffs);
+ jtag.bits = bits;
+ jtag.tdo_bits_read = 0;
+ while ((chunk = jtag_do_chunk())) {
+ MSG("SPI: started chunk of %u bits\n", chunk);
+ while (spi_running())
+ xTaskNotifyWaitIndexed(NOTIFY_INDEX, 0, 1, NULL,
+ jtag.spi_timeout_ticks);
+ }
+void jtag_delay(unsigned int us)
+ jtag_config_tck(false); /* Don't emit a clock signal */
+ jtag_config_tdi(false);
+ jtag.tdi = jtag.tdo = NULL;
+ jtag_go(jtag_us_to_clocks(us));
+ * Transmit an arbitrary number of bits. In bigendian mode,
+ * the bytes will be transferred in the order presented, but
+ * with the most significant bit first; if there is a fractional
+ * byte at the end it should be right-justified.
+ */
+int jtag_io(unsigned int bits, enum jtag_io_flags flags,
+ const void *tdi, void *tdo)
+ unsigned int s_bits; /* Bits for SPI engine */
+ unsigned int b_bits; /* Bits to bitbang */
+#if DEBUG > 1
+ MSG("SPI: jtag_io bits %u, tms %u, tdi %p, tdo %p\n",
+ bits, tms, tdi, tdo);
+ if (!bits) {
+ jtag_set_tms(!!(flags & (JIO_TMS|JIO_CS)));
+ jtag_pulse_sleep();
+ return 0;
+ }
+ unsigned int tms = !!(flags & JIO_TMS);
+ /*
+ * Bitbang fractional bytes and TMS cycles; this works around some
+ * bugs in ESP32-S2 and makes the rest of the logic simpler.
+ */
+ s_bits = (bits - tms) & ~7;
+ b_bits = bits - s_bits;
+ MSG("jtag_io s_bits = %u, b_bits = %u, tms = %u\n",
+ s_bits, b_bits, tms);
+ if (s_bits) {
+ /* Align pointers and set the bit offset accordingly. */
+ jtag.tdi = (const uint32_t *)((size_t)tdi & ~3);
+ jtag.tdo = (uint32_t *)((size_t)tdo & ~3);
+ jtag.tdi_bitoffs = ((size_t)tdi & 3) << 3;
+ jtag.tdo_bitoffs = ((size_t)tdo & 3) << 3;
+ jtag_config_tck(true);
+ jtag_config_tdi(!!tdi);
+ jtag_set_tms(0);
+ /* Default TDI value if !tdi */
+ set_gpio_mask(jtag.pin_tdi_mask, !!(flags & JIO_TDI));
+ jtag_go(s_bits);
+ MSG("jtag_io: tdi = %p[%u], tdo = %p[%u]\n",
+ jtag.tdi, jtag.tdi_bitoffs, jtag.tdo, jtag.tdo_bitoffs);
+ }
+ if (b_bits) {
+ unsigned int s_bytes = s_bits >> 3;
+ const uint8_t * const tdi_p = (const uint8_t *)tdi;
+ uint8_t * const tdo_p = (uint8_t *)tdo;
+ uint32_t tdi_d, tdo_d;
+ tdi_d = tdi ? tdi_p[s_bytes] : -!!(flags & JIO_TDI);
+ tdo_d = jtag_pulse(b_bits, tdi_d, (uint32_t)tms << (b_bits-1));
+ if (tdo)
+ tdo_p[s_bytes] = tdo_d;
+ }
+ jtag.tap_state += tms; /* SHIFT_DR/IR -> EXIT1_DR/IR */
+ if (flags & JIO_CS) {
+ jtag_set_tms(true);
+ jtag_pulse_sleep();
+ }
+ return bits;
+int tap_goto_state(enum TAP_STATE to_state)
+ enum TAP_STATE current = jtag.tap_state;
+ uint16_t tms_map = tap_state_route[to_state];
+ int bits = 0;
+ uint32_t tms = 0;
+ MSG("~~~ moving to TAP state %s %2u from %s %2u, TMS = ",
+ tap_state_names[to_state], to_state,
+ tap_state_names[current], current);
+ if (current == to_state)
+ return 0;
+ while (current != to_state) {
+ uint32_t next_tms = (tms_map >> current) & 1;
+ CMSG("%u", next_tms);
+ tms |= next_tms << bits++;
+ enum TAP_STATE next_state = tap_state_next[current][next_tms];
+ current = next_state;
+ }
+ CMSG("\n");
+ jtag_pulse(bits, -1, tms);
+ jtag.tap_state = current;
+ return 0;
+/* Force the TAP into the TEST_LOGIC_RESET state */
+int tap_reset(void)
+ /* Per spec, only 5 pulses with TMS = 1 are needed */
+ jtag_pulse(5, -1, -1);
+ jtag.tap_state = TAP_TEST_LOGIC_RESET;
+ return 0;
+ * Set the IR register
+ */
+void tap_set_ir(uint32_t ir, unsigned int bits)
+ tap_goto_state(TAP_SHIFT_IR);
+ jtag_pulse(bits, ir, 1U << (bits-1));
+ jtag.tap_state = TAP_EXIT1_IR;
+ tap_goto_state(TAP_UPDATE_IR);
+ * Issue a certain number of clocks in the RUN_TEST state
+ */
+void tap_run_test_idle(unsigned int clocks)
+ tap_goto_state(TAP_RUN_TEST_IDLE);
+ jtag_io(clocks, JIO_TDI, NULL, NULL);