// // 7474 flip flop emulation using a fast clock to emulate asynchronous logic // module ff_7474s #( parameter logic init = 1'b1 ) ( input fast_clk, input d, input c, input s_n, input r_n, output q_p, output q_n ); reg c_q = 1'b1; wire strobe = c & ~c_q; // Handle the transient state, too (R# = S# = 0 => Q = Q# = 1) reg q; wire transient = ~r_n & ~s_n; assign q_p = q | transient; assign q_n = ~q | transient; always @(posedge fast_clk) begin // Clock edge detect c_q <= c; if (~r_n) q <= 1'b0; else if (~s_n) q <= 1'b1; else if (strobe) q <= d; end endmodule // ff_7474s // // 74393 counter emulation using a fast clock to emulate a gated ripple clock // module ctr_74393s #( parameter bits = 4 ) ( input fast_clk, input cp_n, input mr, output reg [bits-1:0] q ); reg cp_n_q = 1'b0; // Edge detect wire strobe = cp_n_q & ~cp_n; always @(posedge fast_clk) begin cp_n_q <= cp_n; if (mr) // Asynchronous reset q <= 'b0; else q <= q + strobe; end endmodule // ctr_74393s // // 74155 decoder emulation // module dc_74155 #( parameter bits = 2, parameter outs = 1 << bits ) ( input e, input [bits-1:0] a, output reg [outs-1:0] q_n ); always_comb begin for (int i = 0; i < outs; i++) begin logic [bits-1:0] ii; ii = i; q_n[i] = ~(e && a == ii); ii++; end end endmodule // dc_74155 // // Smartaid Magnum asynchronous ROM // Open-coded to allow synthesis as random logic // module samu15 ( input [8:0] a, output reg [3:0] q ); always_comb casez (a[5:0]) 6'b0100_00: q = { 2'b11, ~a[6], 1'b1 }; // F, D 6'b0100_?1: q = 4'b1001; // 9 6'b0100_10: q = { 3'b100, a[8:7] == 2'b10 }; // 8, 9 6'b0101_0?: q = 4'b1110; // E 6'b0110_00: q = ~a[6] ? 4'hD : 4'h4; // D, 4 6'b0111_10: q = { 3'b110, a[8:7] != 2'b10 }; // D, C default: q = 4'b0100; // 4 endcase // casez (a[5:0]) endmodule // samu15 // // Smartaid Magnum; SRAM not included // module samagnum ( input fast_clk, input stb_50us, // ~50 us fast_clk strobe input clk, input xmemwr_n, input xmemfl_n, output xmemfl_out_n, output resin_n, input [15:0] a, // Address from ABC-bus output reg [15:0] a_out, // Possibly modified address output a_map, // Use this map output [7:0] dout, output dout_oe // Use the data from dout ); wire out_dir; // "Real life" bus switch (0 = out) wire sram_we = xmemwr_n; wire sram_oe; wire sram_ce; wire pwrgood_n = 1'b0; // From Q1/Q2 wire [1:0] eprom_ce; wire eprom_oe; wire [8:0] prom_a; wire [3:0] prom_q; assign prom_a[5:0] = a[15:10]; wire bank_sel; wire [1:0] bank; // Memory address translation (the actual memory is external) assign a_map = (~xmemfl_n & ~out_dir) | (~sram_ce & ~sram_oe); always_comb begin a_out = a; if (a_map) begin a_out[15:14] = bank; if (~eprom_ce[1]) a_out[13:10] = 4'b1110; else if (~sram_ce) a_out[13:11] = 3'b010; else if (~eprom_ce[0]) a_out[13:12] = 2'b00; end end // always_comb wire [7:0] u5_q; wire [3:0] u7a_qn; wire [3:0] u7b_qn; wire nor_in_9_2; wire nor_in_10_2; wire nor_in_12_1; wire u6d5a_q, u6d5a_qn; wire u6d5b_q, u6d5b_qn; wire u9e2l1a_q, u9e2l1a_qn; wire u9e2l1b_q, u9e2l1b_qn; wire u9e2h1a_q, u9e2h1a_qn; wire u9e2h1b_q, u9e2h1b_qn; wire u9e3a_q, u9e3a_qn; wire u9e3b_q, u9e3b_qn; // U3 74LS245 // Emulated using an output enable assign dout_oe = ~out_dir & (~&eprom_ce | eprom_oe) & (~sram_ce | sram_oe); // U4 74LS126 // Emulated by using OR with the tristate component assign dout[7:5] = 3'b111; assign dout[4] = ~nor_out2 | u5_q[2]; // U4A assign dout[3] = ~nor_out2 | u5_q[3]; // U4C assign dout[2] = ~nor_out2 | u5_q[1]; // U4B assign dout[1] = 1'b1; assign dout[0] = ~nor_out2 | u5_q[4]; // U4D // U5 74LS393 ctr_74393s u5a(.fast_clk(fast_clk), .cp_n(clk), .mr(u9e3a_q), .q(u5_q[3:0])); ctr_74393s u5b(.fast_clk(fast_clk), .cp_n(u5_q[3]), .mr(u10c), .q(u5_q[7:4])); // U7 74LS155 dc_74155 u7a(.e(prom_q[3]), .a(prom_q[1:0]), .q_n(u7a_qn)); dc_74155 u7b(.e(~sram_we), .a(prom_q[1:0]), .q_n(u7b_qn)); assign eprom_ce[1] = u7a_qn[0]; // 64 kbit assign eprom_ce[0] = u7a_qn[1]; // 128 kbit assign bank_sel = u7b_qn[3]; // U9 74LS260 wire u9a = ~(a[5] | a[7] | a[8] | a[9] | nor_in_12_1); wire u9b = ~(xmemfl_n | nor_in_9_2 | nor_in_10_2 | prom_q[2]); wire nor_out2 = u9b; // U10 74LS00 wire u10a = ~prom_q[3]; wire u10b = ~(u5_q[2] & u5_q[4]); wire u10c = ~(u9e3b_qn & u9e3a_qn); wire u10d = ~(a[6] & u9a); assign prom_a[6] = u10d; // U11 74LS32 wire u11a = prom_q[3] | xmemfl_n; wire u11b = nor_out2 | xmemfl_n; wire u11c = xmemfl_n | u10a; wire u11d = prom_q[2] | xmemfl_n; assign xmemfl_out_n = u11a; assign eprom_oe = u11b; // U12 74LS08 // This is an RC delay in the original; emulated here using // an up/down counter reg [2:0] u12b_rc_ctr = 3'd7; reg u12b_rc = 1'b1; wire u12b_rc_in = u9e2l1b_q; always @(posedge fast_clk) if (stb_50us) begin if (u12b_rc_in & ~u12b_rc) begin if (&u12b_rc_ctr) u12b_rc <= 1'b1; else u12b_rc_ctr <= u12b_rc_ctr + 1'b1; end else if (~u12b_rc_in & u12b_rc) begin if (~|u12b_rc_ctr) u12b_rc <= 1'b0; else u12b_rc_ctr <= u12b_rc_ctr - 1'b1; end end //wire u12a = xmemfl_n & xmemfl_out_n; // Dead wire u12b = u12b_rc & u9e3b_q; wire u12c = u11c; //wire u12d = 1'bx; // Unconnected assign out_dir = u12c; // U13 74HC32 (HC!) wire u13a = pwrgood_n | u7a_qn[2]; //wire u13b = sram_we; // Dead //wire u13c = pwrgood_n; // Dead wire u13d = pwrgood_n | xmemfl_n; assign sram_ce = u13a; assign sram_oe = u13d; // U15 82S131 decode PROM assign prom_a[8:7] = bank; samu15 u15 (.a(prom_a), .q(prom_q)); // U6_D5 74LS74 ff_7474s u6d5a(.fast_clk (fast_clk), .d (xmemfl_n), .c (clk), .s_n (u9e3b_q), .r_n (1'b1), .q_p(u6d5a_q), .q_n ()); assign nor_in_10_2 = u6d5a_q; ff_7474s u6d5b(.fast_clk (fast_clk), .d (nor_in_10_2), .c (clk), .s_n (u9e3b_q), .r_n (1'b1), .q_p (u6d5b_q), .q_n()); assign nor_in_9_2 = u6d5b_q; wire reset_bank = 1'b1; // U9_E2_L1 74LS74 ff_7474s u9e2l1a(.fast_clk (fast_clk), .d(a[1]), .c(bank_sel), .s_n(1'b1), .r_n(reset_bank), .q_p(u9e2l1a_q), .q_n()); assign bank[0] = u9e2l1a_q; ff_7474s u9e2l1b(.fast_clk (fast_clk), .d(clk), .c(u11d), .s_n(u12b), .r_n(1'b1), .q_p(u9e2l1b_q), .q_n(u9e2l1b_qn)); assign resin_n = ~u9e2l1b_qn; // U9_E2_H1 74LS74 ff_7474s u9e2h1a(.fast_clk (fast_clk), .d(a[0]), .c(bank_sel), .s_n(1'b1), .r_n(reset_bank), .q_p(u9e2h1a_q), .q_n()); assign bank[1] = u9e2h1a_q; // U9_E2_H1B unconnected // U9_E3 74LS74 ff_7474s u9e3a(.fast_clk (fast_clk), .d(clk), .c(u11d), .s_n(1'b1), .r_n(clk), .q_p(u9e3a_q), .q_n(u9e3a_qn)); ff_7474s u9e3b(.fast_clk (fast_clk), .d(1'b0), .c(u9e3a_q), .s_n(u10b), .r_n(1'b1), .q_p(u9e3b_q), .q_n(u9e3b_qn)); assign nor_in_12_1 = u9e3b_qn; endmodule // samagnum