<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" href="max80.css" /> <title class="abcbus">MAX80: ABC Bus</title> <script src="max80.js"></script> </head> <body> <x-inc src="head.html"></x-inc> <h1 class="abcbus">ABC Bus</h1> <form id="abcconfig" class="setconfig" action="sys/setconfig" method="post" onsubmit="uploadform()" data-ref="10" data-ref-url="abcbus.html"> <fieldset class="abchost"> <legend>Host system</legend> <div class="radio"> <b>Host system type</b> <div> <label class="auto"> <input type="radio" name="abc.hosttype" value="0" /> <span>Autodetect</span> </label> <label class="abc80"> <input type="radio" name="abc.hosttype" value="1" /> <span>ABC80</span> </label> <label class="abc80-4680"> <input type="radio" name="abc.hosttype" value="2" /> <span>ABC80/4680 (expansion box)</span> </label> <label class="abc800"> <input type="radio" name="abc.hosttype" value="3" /> <span>ABC800C/M</span> </label> <label class="abc802"> <input type="radio" name="abc.hosttype" value="4" /> <span>ABC802/806</span> </label> </div> </div> <p class="help">Autodetection can fail in some type of expansion boxes, possibly depending on jumpering.</p> </fieldset> <fieldset class="disk"> <legend>Emulated disk controllers</legend> <div class="mo"> <b>MO floppy</b> <div class="iodev"> <label class="enabled"> <span>Enabled</span>: <input type="checkbox" name="abc.io.mo.enable" value="1" /> </label> <label class="devsel"> <span>Device select:</span> <input type="number" name="abc.io.mo.devsel" min="0" max="63" value="45" /> </label> (45) </div> </div> <p class="help,mo">40 track floppies (80-320K): ABC830, FD2, FD4, DD80, DD82, DD84, DD52, DD54</p> <hr /> <div class="mf"> <b>MF floppy</b> <div class="iodev"> <label class="enabled"> <span>Enabled</span>: <input type="checkbox" name="abc.io.mf.enable" value="1" /> </label> <label class="devsel"> <span>Device select:</span> <input type="number" name="abc.io.mf.devsel" min="0" max="63" value="44" /> </label> (44) </div> </div> <p class="help,mf">80 track floppies (640K): ABC832, DD12, DD56</p> <hr /> <div class="sf"> <b>SF floppy</b> <div class="iodev"> <label class="enabled"> <span>Enabled</span>: <input type="checkbox" name="abc.io.sf.enable" value="1" /> </label> <label class="devsel"> <span>Device select:</span> <input type="number" name="abc.io.sf.devsel" min="0" max="63" value="44" /> </label> (44) </div> </div> <p class="help,sf">8″ floppies: ABC838, DD8, DD88<br /> Some older (non-UFD) DOS may need device select 44.</p> <hr /> <div class="hd"> <b>HD winchester</b> <div class="iodev"> <label class="enabled"> <span>Enabled</span>: <input type="checkbox" name="abc.io.hd.enable" value="1" /> </label> <label class="devsel"> <span>Device select:</span> <input type="number" name="abc.io.hd.devsel" min="0" max="63" value="36" /> </label> (36) </div> </div> <p class="help,hd">15232K emulated winchester drive</p> <hr /> <div class="xd"> <b>XD winchester</b> <div class="iodev"> <label class="enabled"> <span>Enabled</span>: <input type="checkbox" name="abc.io.xd.enable" value="1" /> </label> <label class="devsel"> <span>Device select:</span> <input type="number" name="abc.io.xd.devsel" min="0" max="63" value="37" /> </label> (37) </div> </div> <p class="help,xd">15232K emulated winchester drive (secondary controller)<br /> Requires patched UFD-DOS device table.</p> </fieldset> <fieldset class="pun80"> <legend>PUN80 network</legend> <div class="busconfig"> <b>Bus configuration</b> <div class="iodev"> <label class="enabled"> <span>Enabled</span>: <input type="checkbox" name="abc.io.pun80.enable" value="1" /> </label> <label class="devsel"> <span>Device select:</span> <input type="number" name="abc.io.pun80.devsel" min="0" max="63" value="60" /> </label> (60) </div> </div> <label class="serv"> <b>Network server</b> <input type="text" class="host" name="abc.netserv.addr" /> <span class="sep">:</span> <input type="text" class="port" name="abc.netserv.port" placeholder="4680" /> </label> <p class="help">The network server software is integrated with <a href="https://www.abc80.org/pub/abc80sim/">abc80sim</a> version 3.7.5 or later.</p> </fieldset> <fieldset class="other"> <legend>Other devices</legend> <div class="rtc"> <b>Real time clock</b> <div class="iodev"> <label class="enabled"> <span>Enabled</span>: <input type="checkbox" name="abc.io.rtc.enable" value="1" /> </label> <label class="devsel"> <span>Device select:</span> <input type="number" name="abc.io.rtc.devsel" min="0" max="63" value="54" /> </label> (54) </div> </div> </fieldset> <fieldset class="reset"> <legend>Reset when updating configuration</legend> <label class="fpga"> <b>Reset MAX80</b> <input type="checkbox" name="fpga.reset" value="1" /> </label> <label class="abc"> <b>Reset ABC</b> <input type="checkbox" name="abc.reset" value="1" /> </label> </fieldset> <button class="submit" type="submit" disabled>Update configuration</button> </form> <script>loadform('abcconfig','sys/getconfig');</script> </body> </html>