#include "fw.h" #include "io.h" #include "sys.h" #include "console.h" static unsigned int errors = 0; static unsigned int rate_limit; static char err_char; static void data_check(volatile uint32_t *p, uint32_t expect) { uint32_t readback = *p; if (readback != expect) { if (rate_limit) { con_printf("\n%p : read %08x expected %08x\n", p, readback, expect); rate_limit--; } err_char = 'X'; errors++; } } static inline void write_check(volatile uint32_t *p, uint32_t v) { *p = v; data_check(p, v); } #define ERROR_RATELIMIT 8 #define A 0x45c11ba1 /* Arbitrary odd constant */ #define B 0x78dacecb /* Arbitrary constant */ static void test_sdram(void) { const unsigned int sdram_words = SDRAM_SIZE >> 2; static unsigned int stride = 4; uint32_t start_time = rdtime(); uint32_t w = 0; uint32_t n; con_printf("Testing SDRAM from 0x%08x to 0x%08x, stride 0x%08x...\n", SDRAM_ADDR, SDRAM_END, stride); err_char = '-'; rate_limit = ERROR_RATELIMIT; for (n = 1, w = 0; n <= sdram_words; n++) { uint32_t a = w + SDRAM_ADDR; volatile uint32_t *p = (volatile uint32_t *)a; write_check(p, 0); write_check(p, ~0); write_check(p, ~w); write_check(p, w); write_check(p, A*w + B); if (!(n & 0x3ffff)) { CONSOLE = err_char; err_char = '-'; } w = (w + stride) & SDRAM_MASK; } con_puts("\nReading back to check for aliases...\n"); rate_limit = ERROR_RATELIMIT; for (n = 1, w = 0; n <= sdram_words; n++) { uint32_t a = w + SDRAM_ADDR; volatile uint32_t *p = (volatile uint32_t *)a; data_check(p, A*w + B); if (!(n & 0x3ffff)) { CONSOLE = err_char; err_char = '-'; } w = (w - stride) & SDRAM_MASK; } con_printf("\nSDRAM test complete, time = %u ms\n", (rdtime() - start_time)/(CPU_HZ/1000)); stride *= 3; stride = (stride & SDRAM_MASK) ^ (stride >> (SDRAM_ADDR_BITS-2)); stride = (stride & ~3) | 4; } static void test_download(void) { volatile uint32_t *p = (uint32_t *)SDRAM_ADDR; const unsigned int words = 128*1024; unsigned int ok = words; uint32_t val = 0x00001111; unsigned int ratelimit = ERROR_RATELIMIT; for (unsigned int w = 0; w < words; w++) { uint32_t ram = *p; if (ram != val) { ok--; if (ratelimit) { ratelimit--; con_printf("%p : 0x%08x expected 0x%08x\n", p, ram, val); } } p++; val = (val * 0x89abcdef) + (uint32_t)((val * 0x89abcdefULL) >> 32) + (w * 0x76543210); } con_printf("%u/%u words OK\n\n", ok, words); for (unsigned int o = 0; o < (512*1024); o += (64*1024)) { volatile uint16_t *hp = (uint16_t *)(SDRAM_ADDR + o); p = (uint32_t *)(SDRAM_ADDR + o); for (unsigned int w = 0; w < 8; w++) { uint16_t l = *hp++; uint16_t h = *hp++; con_printf(" %04x.%04x", l, h); } con_putc('\n'); } } /* Make sure we don't leave anything in SDRAM that could be a false negative */ static void scrub_sdram(void) { volatile uint32_t *p; for (p = (uint32_t *)SDRAM_ADDR; p < (uint32_t *)SDRAM_END; p++) *p = 0xdeadbeef; } static volatile uint32_t timer_irq_count; IRQHANDLER(sysclock) { uint32_t count = timer_irq_count; count++; timer_irq_count = count; set_led(count >> 3); /* 4 Hz */ } static uint32_t timer_irq_start; static void init(void) { static const char hello[] = "\n*** Hello, World! ***\n" "Firmware compiled on: " __DATE__ " " __TIME__ "\n\n"; con_set_baudrate(115000); set_led(0); con_puts(hello); timer_irq_count = 0; timer_irq_start = rdtime(); unmask_irq(SYSCLOCK_IRQ); } void main(void) { /* The data section is not reinitialized on reset */ static unsigned int loops = 1; uint32_t done; uint32_t irq_count; while (!ROMCOPY_DONE) pause(); done = rdtime() - time_zero; init(); con_printf("This is loop: %u\n", loops++); con_printf("SDRAM download took %u us\n", done/(CPU_HZ/1000000)); test_download(); disk_init(); test_sdram(); scrub_sdram(); irq_count = timer_irq_count; done = rdtime() - timer_irq_start; con_printf("%u timer interrupts received in %u us\n", irq_count, done/(CPU_HZ/1000000)); udelay(1000000); con_puts("*** Doing reset ***\n"); con_flush(); while ( 1 ) RESET_CMD = 1; }