const PassiveListener = { passive: true }; const LocalGet = { method: 'GET', mode: 'same-origin', redirect: 'follow' }; // Get an element by id or an Element object function getelem(id) { return (id instanceof Element) ? id : document.getElementById(id); } // Find a child with a specific tag function chi(me,tag) { return me.getElementsByTagName(tag)[0]; } // Find a sibling element with a specific tag function sib(me,tag) { return chi(me.parentElement, tag); } // Add/remove class entries in bulk; tags is an Array each containing // an Array of arguments to toggle. On return the second element of // each Array will be updated to the current value. function classmod(elem,tags) { for (var i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) tags[i][1] = elem.classList.toggle(...tags[i]); return tags; } // Read a key=value text file and return it as a Promise of a Map function fetchconfig(url) { return fetch(url, LocalGet) .then(res => { if (!res.ok) { throw new Error('HTTP error '+response.status); } else { return res.text(); } }) .then(text => { var map = new Map(); for (const c of text.split(/[\r\n]+/)) { var m = c.match(/^\s*([\;\/]?)((?:"[^"]*"|[^"])*?)\s*=(.*)$/); if (m && m[1] == "") { var k = m[2].replaceAll(/(^"|"$|(")")/g, "$2"); map.set(k, m[3]); } } return map; }); } // Get the value from an input field if valid, otherwise its default function valval(ie) { return ie.checkValidity() ? ie.value : ie.defaultValue; } // Parse a string for a valid boolean truth value function cfgbool(str) { return !!str && !str.match(/^([0fnd]|of)/i); } // Initialize a form from a map. Checkboxes take a cfgbool string; // if in the HTML their value is set to a false cfgbool string then // the checkbox is inverted logic. function initform(form,map,ro = false) { form = getelem(form); for (var e of form.elements) { if (e.classList.contains('noinit') || e instanceof HTMLFieldSetElement) continue; if (ro && e.disabled != undefined && !e.classList.contains('noro')) e.disabled = true; if (e instanceof HTMLInputElement || e instanceof HTMLSelectElement) { const val = map.get(; if (val == null) continue; if (e.type == 'checkbox') { e.checked = cfgbool(val) == cfgbool(e.value); } else if (e.type == 'radio') { e.checked = (val == e.value); } else { e.value = val; } } else if (e instanceof HTMLButtonElement) { e.disabled = ro; } } } // Load form initialization data function loadform(form,url,ro = false) { fetchconfig(url) .then((map) => {initform(form,map,ro); }) .catch(() => {}); } // Replace the contents of selected HTML elements based on a map with // selectors. function fillin(map,html = false,top = document) { for (const [key,val] of map) { try { const m = key.match(/(.*?)(?:\;([\w.-]*)(\??))?$/); for (var e of top.querySelectorAll(m[1])) { try { if (!html) e.textContents = val; else if (!m[2]) e.innerHTML = val; else if (!m[3]) e.setAttribute(m[2],val); else if (!cfgbool(val)) e.removeAttribute(m[2]); else e.setAttribute(m[2],''); } catch(e) { }; } } catch(e) { }; } } // Load status or HTML data function load(url,html = false) { fetchconfig(url) .then(map => fillin(map,html)) .catch(() => {}); } // POST upload of data from within a form, with (optional) // progress and response text, and redirect after success function upload(form,data) { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); var progress = chi(form,'progress'); if (progress) { progress.value = 0; xhr.upload.addEventListener('progress', (e) => { if (!e.lengthComputable) return; progress.max = * 1.05; progress.value = e.loaded; }, PassiveListener); } classmod(form, [['started',1],['done',0],['ok',0],['err',0],['running',1]]); xhr.addEventListener('loadend', (e) => { const ok = xhr.status >= 200 && xhr.status < 400; if (progress && ok) progress.value = progress.max; var result = chi(form,'output'); if (result) { var msg = xhr.responseText.trimEnd(); if (!msg) msg = xhr.status + ' ' + xhr.statusText; result.textContent = msg; } classmod(form, [['ok',ok],['err',!ok],['running',0],['done',1]]); // Optionally redirect elsewhere after success const reft = parseFloat(form.dataset.ref) * 1000; if (ok && reft >= 0.0) { const refh = form.dataset.refUrl || window.location.href; setTimeout(() => { window.location.href = refh; }, reft); } }, PassiveListener);, form.action); xhr.responseType = 'text'; xhr.send(data); return xhr; } // key=value formatting of form data; including inverted checkboxes function textformdata(form) { var data = ''; for (var e of form.elements) { var val = e.value; if (val == undefined || ! || e instanceof HTMLButtonElement) { continue; } else if (e instanceof HTMLInputElement) { if (e.type == 'checkbox') val = e.checked == cfgbool(val) ? '1' : '0'; else if (e.type == 'radio' && !e.checked) continue; } data += + '=' + val + "\r\n"; } return data; } // POST form contents upload with response text function uploadform() { event.preventDefault(); const form = ||; var files = form.elements['file']; if (files == undefined) return upload(form,textformdata(form)); else if (files.files.length == 1) return upload(form,files.files[0]); else return; } // Flip the status of an INPUT element between text and password function showpwd(me = event.currentTarget) { const now_visible = me.classList.toggle('hide'); const new_type = now_visible ? 'text' : 'password'; me.classList.toggle('show',!now_visible); sib(me,'input').setAttribute('type', new_type); } // Insert translations as needed var translations = null; var delay_translate = false; function translate(top = document) { delay_translate = (!translations || document.readyState != 'complete'); if (!delay_translate) fillin(translations, true, top); } document.addEventListener('load', (e) => translate(), PassiveListener); var lang_styleobj = document.createElement('style'); document.head.append(lang_styleobj); function setlang(l = null) { l = l || document.documentElement.lang; if (!l.match(/^\w+(?:-\w+)*$/)) return; // Invalid language tag var sty = lang_styleobj.sheet; while (sty.rules.length) sty.deleteRule(0); sty.insertRule('[lang]:not(:lang('+l+')):not(:last-child),[lang]:lang('+l+')~[lang] {display: none}', 0); document.documentElement.lang = l; } setlang(); fetchconfig('/sys/lang') .then((map) => { setlang(map.get('LANG')); translations = map; if (delay_translate) translate(); }) .catch(() => {}); // HTML include hack class IncHTML extends HTMLElement { constructor() { self = super(); } connectedCallback() { fetch(self.getAttribute('src'), LocalGet) .then ((r) => r.text()) .then ((text) => { const p = self.parentElement; self.outerHTML = text; translate(p); }); } } customElements.define('x-inc', IncHTML);