#include "common.h" #include "WiFi.h" #include "wifi.h" #include "config.h" #include "httpd.h" #include "led.h" #include #include #include #include #include static String ssid, password, hostname, dnsserver, sntpserver; static TimerHandle_t sta_failure_timer; static bool sta_timeout_enabled; static void sta_timeout(void) { // Enable the AP if the STA doesn't connect after a timeout WiFi.enableAP(true); } static void sta_timeout_enable(void) { if (!sta_failure_timer || sta_timeout_enabled) return; sta_timeout_enabled = xTimerStart(sta_failure_timer, 1); } static void sta_timeout_disable(void) { if (!sta_failure_timer || !sta_timeout_enabled) return; sta_timeout_enabled = !xTimerStop(sta_failure_timer, 1); } static void sntp_sync_cb(struct timeval *tv) { static uint8_t prev_sync_status = SNTP_SYNC_STATUS_RESET; uint8_t sync_status = sntp_get_sync_status(); switch (sync_status) { case SNTP_SYNC_STATUS_RESET: sntp_set_sync_mode(SNTP_SYNC_MODE_IMMED); // Until first sync if (prev_sync_status != sync_status) { printf("[SNTP] time synchronization lost\n"); } break; case SNTP_SYNC_STATUS_COMPLETED: sntp_set_sync_mode(SNTP_SYNC_MODE_SMOOTH); // After successful sync if (prev_sync_status != sync_status) { char timebuf[64]; const struct tm *tm = localtime(&tv->tv_sec); strftime(timebuf, sizeof timebuf, "%a %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z", tm); printf("[SNTP] Time synchronized: %s\n", timebuf); } break; default: break; } prev_sync_status = sync_status; } static void my_sntp_start() { sntp_set_time_sync_notification_cb(sntp_sync_cb); sntp_setoperatingmode(SNTP_OPMODE_POLL); sntp_servermode_dhcp(1); sntp_set_sync_mode(SNTP_SYNC_MODE_IMMED); // Until first sync sntp_init(); } static bool services_started; static void stop_services(void) { if (services_started) { esp_unregister_shutdown_handler(stop_services); my_httpd_stop(); services_started = false; } } static inline bool invalid_ip(const ip_addr_t *ip) { return !memcmp(ip, &ip_addr_any, sizeof *ip); } static void start_services(void) { /* Always run after (re)connect */ const ip_addr_t *dns_ip = dns_getserver(0); if (invalid_ip(dns_ip) || getenv_bool("ip4.dhcp.nodns")) { /* Static DNS server configuration */ ip_addr_t addr; if (dnsserver != "" && inet_aton(dnsserver.c_str(), &addr)) { dns_setserver(0, &addr); } } dns_ip = dns_getserver(0); printf("[DNS] DNS server: %s\n", inet_ntoa(*dns_ip)); // If Arduino supported both of these at the same that would be // awesome, but it requires ESP-IDF reconfiguration... const ip_addr_t *sntp_ip = sntp_getserver(0); if (invalid_ip(sntp_ip) || getenv_bool("ip4.dhcp.nosntp")) { if (sntpserver != "") sntp_setservername(0, sntpserver.c_str()); } sntp_ip = sntp_getserver(0); printf("[SNTP] Time server: %s\n", inet_ntoa(*sntp_ip)); /* Only run on first start */ if (!services_started) { services_started = true; my_httpd_start(); esp_register_shutdown_handler(stop_services); } } static String wifi_local_ip(void) { return WiFi.localIP().toString(); } static void WiFiEvent(WiFiEvent_t event, WiFiEventInfo_t info) { bool retry_sta = false; bool is_connect = false; enum connected { CON_STA = 1, CON_ETH = 2, CON_AP = 4 }; static int connected; static int ap_clients = 0; switch (event) { case ARDUINO_EVENT_WIFI_READY: printf("[WIFI] Interface ready\n"); break; case ARDUINO_EVENT_WIFI_SCAN_DONE: printf("[WIFI] Completed scan for access points\n"); break; case ARDUINO_EVENT_WIFI_STA_START: printf("[WIFI] Client started\n"); break; case ARDUINO_EVENT_WIFI_STA_STOP: printf("[WIFI] Clients stopped\n"); connected &= ~CON_STA; break; case ARDUINO_EVENT_WIFI_STA_CONNECTED: printf("[WIFI] Connected to access point\n"); break; case ARDUINO_EVENT_WIFI_STA_DISCONNECTED: printf("[WIFI] Disconnected from WiFi access point\n"); connected &= ~CON_STA; retry_sta = true; break; case ARDUINO_EVENT_WIFI_STA_AUTHMODE_CHANGE: printf("[WIFI] Authentication mode of access point has changed\n"); break; case ARDUINO_EVENT_WIFI_STA_GOT_IP: printf("[WIFI] Obtained IP address: %s\n", wifi_local_ip().c_str()); connected |= CON_STA; is_connect = true; break; case ARDUINO_EVENT_WIFI_STA_LOST_IP: printf("[WIFI] Lost IP address and IP address is reset to 0\n"); connected &= ~CON_STA; retry_sta = true; break; case ARDUINO_EVENT_WPS_ER_SUCCESS: printf("[WIFI] WiFi Protected Setup (WPS): succeeded in enrollee mode\n"); break; case ARDUINO_EVENT_WPS_ER_FAILED: printf("[WIFI] WiFi Protected Setup (WPS): failed in enrollee mode\n"); break; case ARDUINO_EVENT_WPS_ER_TIMEOUT: printf("[WIFI] WiFi Protected Setup (WPS): timeout in enrollee mode\n"); break; case ARDUINO_EVENT_WPS_ER_PIN: printf("[WIFI] WiFi Protected Setup (WPS): pin code in enrollee mode\n"); break; case ARDUINO_EVENT_WIFI_AP_START: printf("[WIFI] Access point started\n"); ap_clients = 0; connected |= CON_AP; is_connect = true; break; case ARDUINO_EVENT_WIFI_AP_STOP: printf("[WIFI] Access point stopped\n"); connected &= ~CON_AP; ap_clients = 0; break; case ARDUINO_EVENT_WIFI_AP_STACONNECTED: printf("[WIFI] Client connected\n"); ap_clients++; break; case ARDUINO_EVENT_WIFI_AP_STADISCONNECTED: printf("[WIFI] Client disconnected\n"); ap_clients--; break; case ARDUINO_EVENT_WIFI_AP_STAIPASSIGNED: printf("[WIFI] Assigned IP address %s to client\n", inet_ntoa(info.wifi_ap_staipassigned.ip)); break; case ARDUINO_EVENT_WIFI_AP_PROBEREQRECVED: printf("[WIFI] Received probe request\n"); break; case ARDUINO_EVENT_WIFI_AP_GOT_IP6: printf("[WIFI] AP IPv6 is preferred\n"); break; case ARDUINO_EVENT_WIFI_STA_GOT_IP6: printf("[WIFI] STA IPv6 is preferred\n"); is_connect = true; break; case ARDUINO_EVENT_ETH_GOT_IP6: printf("[ETH] Ethernet IPv6 is preferred\n"); is_connect = true; break; case ARDUINO_EVENT_ETH_START: printf("[ETH] Ethernet started\n"); break; case ARDUINO_EVENT_ETH_STOP: printf("[ETH] Ethernet stopped\n"); connected &= ~CON_ETH; break; case ARDUINO_EVENT_ETH_CONNECTED: printf("[ETH] Ethernet connected\n"); break; case ARDUINO_EVENT_ETH_DISCONNECTED: printf("[ETH] Ethernet disconnected\n"); connected &= ~CON_ETH; retry_sta = true; break; case ARDUINO_EVENT_ETH_GOT_IP: printf("[ETH] Obtained IP address: %s\n", wifi_local_ip().c_str()); connected |= CON_ETH; is_connect = true; default: break; } if (connected & ~CON_AP) { sta_timeout_disable(); if (!ap_clients) WiFi.enableAP(false); } else if (ssid != "") { sta_timeout_enable(); } if (ssid == "") { // No network configured led_set(LED_GREEN, connected & CON_AP ? LED_FLASH_SLOW : LED_OFF); } else { led_set(LED_GREEN, connected & CON_AP ? LED_FLASH_FAST : LED_ON); } /* Maybe need to do these in a different thread? */ if (is_connect) { start_services(); } if (retry_sta) { WiFi.disconnect(); WiFi.begin(); } } static void wifi_config_ap(void) { /* No network configuration set */ IPAddress AP_IP = IPAddress(192,168,0,1); IPAddress AP_Netmask = IPAddress(255,255,255,0); IPAddress AP_Gateway = IPAddress(0,0,0,0); // No gateway unsigned int channel = time(NULL) % 11; // Pseudo-random uint8_t mac[6]; char ap_ssid[64]; WiFi.macAddress(mac); /* The last two bytes of the MAC */ snprintf(ap_ssid, sizeof ap_ssid, "MAX80_%02X%02X", mac[4], mac[5]); printf("[WIFI] AP SSID %s IP %s netmask %s channel %u\n", ap_ssid, AP_IP.toString(), AP_Netmask.toString(), channel+1); printf("WiFi.softAP\n"); WiFi.softAP(ap_ssid, NULL, channel+1, 0, 4, true); printf("WiFi.softAPConfig\n"); WiFi.softAPConfig(AP_IP, AP_Gateway, AP_Netmask); printf("WiFi.softAPsetHostname\n"); WiFi.softAPsetHostname(ap_ssid); // Conservative setting: 20 MHz (single channel) only; this is for // reliability, not performance. printf("esp_wifi_set_bandwidth\n"); esp_wifi_set_bandwidth((wifi_interface_t)ESP_IF_WIFI_AP, WIFI_BW_HT20); printf("WiFi.enableAP\n"); WiFi.enableAP(ssid == ""); printf("wifi_config_ap done\n"); } static void wifi_config_sta(void) { if (ssid == "") { WiFi.enableSTA(false); return; } sta_failure_timer = xTimerCreate("wifi_sta", configTICK_RATE_HZ*30, pdFALSE, NULL, (TimerCallbackFunction_t)sta_timeout); sta_timeout_enable(); WiFi.begin(ssid.c_str(), password.c_str()); WiFi.setAutoConnect(true); WiFi.setAutoReconnect(true); WiFi.enableSTA(true); } static void wifi_config(void) { ssid = getenv("wifi.ssid"); password = getenv("wifi.psk"); hostname = getenv("hostname"); sntpserver = getenv_bool("sntp") ? getenv("sntp.server") : ""; dnsserver = getenv("ip4.dns"); WiFi.persistent(false); WiFi.setSleep(false); if (hostname != "") WiFi.hostname(hostname); wifi_config_sta(); wifi_config_ap(); } void SetupWiFi() { services_started = false; WiFi.onEvent(WiFiEvent); my_sntp_start(); printf("[INFO] Setting up WiFi\n"); wifi_config(); }