flashesp.pl 11 KB

  1. #!/usr/bin/perl
  2. use strict;
  3. use integer;
  4. use PerlIO::gzip;
  5. use File::Temp;
  6. use File::Spec;
  7. use Time::HiRes qw(usleep tv_interval);
  8. use Digest::CRC qw(crc32);
  9. use v5.10; # For "state"
  10. my $esptool = ($^O eq 'MSWin32') ? 'esptool.exe' : 'esptool.py';
  11. $esptool = $ENV{'ESPTOOL'} || $esptool;
  12. my $FW_MAGIC = 0x7a07fbd6;
  13. my %datatypes = (
  14. 'end' => 0, # End of data
  15. 'data' => 1, # FPGA flash data
  16. 'target' => 2, # Firmware target string
  17. 'note' => 3, # Informative string
  18. 'espota' => 4, # ESP32 OTA image
  19. 'fpgainit' => 5, # FPGA bypass (transient) image during update
  20. 'esppart' => 6, # ESP32 partition table
  21. 'espsys' => 7, # ESP32 boot loader, OTA control partition...
  22. 'esptool' => 8 # esptool.py options for flashing
  23. );
  24. my @type;
  25. foreach my $t (keys(%datatypes)) {
  26. $type[$datatypes{$t}] = $t;
  27. }
  28. my $FDF_OPTIONAL = 0x0001;
  29. my $STRING_MAX_LEN = 4095;
  30. # For debug; DC1-4 replaced with functional names
  33. foreach my $i (9, 10, 13, 32..126) {
  34. $ascii[$i] = chr($i);
  35. }
  36. $ascii[127] = 'DEL';
  37. for (my $i = 128; $i < 256; $i++) {
  38. $ascii[$i] = sprintf("%02X", $i);
  39. }
  40. my @a = map { length($_) == 1 ? $_ : '<'.$_.'>' } @ascii;
  41. # Simple base64 encode using 3F-7E, bytewise bigendian
  42. sub mybaseencode {
  43. my $nbits = 0;
  44. my $bitbuf = 0;
  45. my $out = '';
  46. foreach my $s (@_) {
  47. foreach my $c (unpack('C*', $s)) {
  48. $nbits += 8;
  49. $bitbuf = ($bitbuf << 8) + $c;
  50. while ($nbits >= 6) {
  51. $nbits -= 6;
  52. $out .= pack('C', 63 + (($bitbuf >> $nbits) & 63));
  53. }
  54. }
  55. }
  56. if ($nbits) {
  57. $out .= pack('C', 63 + ($bitbuf & ((1 << $nbits) - 1)));
  58. }
  59. return $out;
  60. }
  61. sub getint($) {
  62. my($s) = @_;
  63. return undef
  64. unless ($s =~ /^(([1-9][0-9]+)|(0(x[0-9a-f]+|[0-7]*)))([kmgtpe]?)$/i);
  65. my $o = oct($3) + $2;
  66. my $p = lc($5);
  67. if ($p eq 'k') {
  68. $o <<= 10;
  69. } elsif ($p eq 'm') {
  70. $o <<= 20;
  71. } elsif ($p eq 'g') {
  72. $o <<= 30;
  73. } elsif ($p eq 't') {
  74. $o <<= 40;
  75. } elsif ($p eq 'p') {
  76. $o <<= 50;
  77. } elsif ($p eq 'e') {
  78. $o <<= 60;
  79. }
  80. return $o;
  81. }
  82. sub filelen($) {
  83. my($f) = @_;
  84. my @s = stat($f);
  85. return $s[7];
  86. }
  87. sub unquote_cmd($) {
  88. my($s) = @_;
  89. my @a;
  90. $s =~ s/[\r\n]+/ /g;
  91. while ($s =~ /^\s*(?:\"((?:[^\"]+|\"\")*)\"|(\S+))(\s.*)?$/) {
  92. push(@a, $1.$2);
  93. $s = $3;
  94. }
  95. return @a;
  96. }
  97. my @args = @ARGV;
  98. my $esponly = 0;
  99. my $file;
  100. while (1) {
  101. $file = shift(@args);
  102. last if ($file !~ /^\-/);
  103. if ($file eq '--esponly') {
  104. $esponly = 1;
  105. } elsif ($file eq '--') {
  106. $file = shift(@args);
  107. last;
  108. } else {
  109. undef $file; # Invalid argument, print usage
  110. last;
  111. }
  112. }
  113. my $port = shift(@args);
  114. if (!defined($port)) {
  115. die "Usage: $0 file.fw port [esptool options...]\n";
  116. }
  117. if (!File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($port)) {
  118. if (-c "/dev/$port") {
  119. $port = "/dev/$port";
  120. } elsif (-c "/dev/tty$port") {
  121. $port = "/dev/tty$port";
  122. } elsif ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
  123. $port = "\\\\.\\$port";
  124. } else {
  125. die "$0: no such serial port: $port\n";
  126. }
  127. }
  128. print STDERR "Using serial port device $port\n";
  129. open(my $fw, '<:gzip', $file)
  130. or die "$0: $file: $!\n";
  131. my @chunks = ();
  132. my $err = 0;
  133. my $hdr;
  134. while (read($fw, $hdr, 16) == 16) {
  135. # magic type flags data_len addr
  136. my @h = unpack('VvvVV', $hdr);
  137. my $c = { 'hdr' => $hdr, 'magic' => $h[0], 'type' => $h[1],
  138. 'flags' => $h[2], 'len' => $h[3], 'addr' => $h[4] };
  139. if ($c->{'magic'} != $FW_MAGIC) {
  140. print STDERR "$0: $file: bad chunk magic\n";
  141. $err = 1;
  142. last;
  143. }
  144. my $t = $type[$c->{'type'}];
  145. my $d;
  146. if (read($fw, $d, $c->{'len'}) != $c->{'len'}) {
  147. print STDERR "$0: $file: short chunk read\n";
  148. $err = 1;
  149. last;
  150. }
  151. $c->{'data'} = $d;
  152. push(@chunks, $c);
  153. last if ($t eq 'end'); # End of stream
  154. }
  155. close($fw);
  156. exit $err if ($err);
  157. my $td = File::Temp->newdir(CLEANUP => 1);
  158. my @espfiles = ();
  159. my %espopt = ('before' => 'default_reset', 'after' => 'hard_reset',
  160. 'baud' => 115200, 'port' => undef, 'chip' => undef,
  161. 'flash_mode' => undef, 'flash_freq' => undef,
  162. 'flash_size' => undef);
  163. # Create a compressed data buffer without the ESP32 chunks
  164. my $fpgadata;
  165. open(my $fpgafh, '>:gzip', \$fpgadata) or die;
  166. my $nc = 0;
  167. foreach my $c ( @chunks ) {
  168. my $t = $type[$c->{'type'}];
  169. if ($t eq 'esptool') {
  170. my $s = $c->{'data'};
  171. $s =~ s/[\r\n]+/ /g;
  172. while ($s =~ /^\s*(\S+)\s+(\S+)(.*)/) {
  173. $espopt{$1} = $2;
  174. $s = $3;
  175. }
  176. } elsif ($t =~ /^esp/ && $c->{'addr'}) {
  177. my $addr = sprintf('%x', $c->{'addr'});
  178. my $tff = File::Spec->catfile($td, $t.$nc.'_'.$addr.'.bin');
  179. open(my $tf, '>', $tff) or die "$0: $tff: $!\n";
  180. print $tf $c->{'data'};
  181. close($tf);
  182. push(@espfiles, '0x'.$addr, $tff);
  183. } else {
  184. print $fpgafh $c->{'hdr'};
  185. print $fpgafh $c->{'data'};
  186. }
  187. $nc++;
  188. }
  189. close($fpgafh);
  190. foreach my $e (keys %espopt) {
  191. my $ev = $ENV{"ESP\U$e"};
  192. if (defined($ev)) {
  193. $espopt{$e} = $ev;
  194. }
  195. }
  196. $espopt{'port'} = $port;
  197. my @espcmd = unquote_cmd($esptool);
  198. foreach my $o (sort grep (!/^flash_/, keys %espopt)) {
  199. if (defined($espopt{$o})) {
  200. push(@espcmd, "--$o", $espopt{$o});
  201. }
  202. }
  203. push(@espcmd, 'write_flash', '-z');
  204. foreach my $o (sort grep (/^flash_/, keys %espopt)) {
  205. if (defined($espopt{$o})) {
  206. push(@espcmd, "--$o", $espopt{$o});
  207. }
  208. }
  209. push(@espcmd, @espfiles);
  210. print STDERR join(' ', @espcmd), "\n";
  211. my $retries = 4;
  212. my $err = 0;
  213. while ($retries--) {
  214. # Sometimes esptool tanks out for no reason, with error 256
  215. $err = system(@espcmd);
  216. last if ($err != 256);
  217. usleep(1000000);
  218. }
  219. if ($err == -1) {
  220. print STDERR "$0: $espcmd[0]: $!\n";
  221. } elsif ($err) {
  222. print STDERR "$0: $espcmd[0]: exit $err\n";
  223. }
  224. exit $err if ($err || $esponly);
  225. my $SerialPort = eval {
  226. require Device::SerialPort;
  227. Device::SerialPort->import(qw(:PARAM));
  228. 'Device::SerialPort';
  229. } || eval {
  230. require Win32::SerialPort;
  231. Win32::SerialPort->import(qw(:STAT));
  232. 'Win32::SerialPort';
  233. } || die "$0: need Device::SerialPort or Win32::SerialPort\n";
  234. print STDERR "Waiting for reinit...\n";
  235. usleep(4000000);
  236. my $tty = $SerialPort->new($port);
  237. die "$0: $port: $!\n" if (!$tty);
  238. $tty->buffers($tty->buffer_max);
  239. $tty->reset_error;
  240. $tty->user_msg(1);
  241. $tty->error_msg(1);
  242. $tty->handshake('none');
  243. $tty->databits(8);
  244. $tty->baudrate(115200);
  245. $tty->stopbits(1);
  246. $tty->parity('none');
  247. $tty->stty_istrip(0);
  248. $tty->stty_inpck(0);
  249. $tty->datatype('raw');
  250. $tty->stty_icanon(0);
  251. $tty->stty_opost(0);
  252. $tty->stty_ignbrk(0);
  253. $tty->stty_inlcr(0);
  254. $tty->stty_igncr(0);
  255. $tty->stty_icrnl(0);
  256. $tty->stty_echo(0);
  257. $tty->stty_echonl(0);
  258. $tty->stty_isig(0);
  259. $tty->read_char_time(0);
  260. $tty->write_settings;
  261. # In case DTR and/or RTS was asserted on the physical serial port.
  262. # Note that DTR needs to be deasserted before RTS!
  263. # However, deasserting DTR on the ACM port prevents it from working,
  264. # so only do this if we don't see CTS (which is always enabled on ACM)...
  265. if ($tty->can_modemlines && !($tty->modemlines & $tty->MS_CTS_ON)) {
  266. usleep(100000);
  267. $tty->dtr_active(0);
  268. usleep(100000);
  269. $tty->rts_active(0);
  270. usleep(100000);
  271. }
  272. sub tty_read {
  273. state %old_timeout;
  274. my($tty,$bufref,$timeout) = @_;
  275. my $d = $$bufref;
  276. if ($d eq '') {
  277. my $c;
  278. if (!defined($old_timeout{$tty}) || $timeout != $old_timeout{$tty}) {
  279. $tty->read_const_time($timeout);
  280. $old_timeout{$tty} = $timeout;
  281. }
  282. ($c,$d) = $tty->read(256);
  283. return '' if (!$c);
  284. }
  285. my $r = substr($d,0,1);
  286. $$bufref = substr($d,1);
  287. return $r;
  288. }
  289. my $ttybuf = '';
  290. sub tty_write($$) {
  291. my($tty,$data) = @_;
  292. my $bytes = length($data);
  293. my $offs = 0;
  294. while ($bytes) {
  295. my $cnt = $tty->write(substr($data,$offs,$bytes));
  296. usleep(10000) unless ($cnt);
  297. $offs += $cnt;
  298. $bytes -= $cnt;
  299. }
  300. return $offs;
  301. }
  302. my $found = 0;
  303. my $tt = time();
  304. my $start_enq = $tt;
  305. tty_write($tty, "\005"); # ENQ
  306. while (($tt = time()) - $start_enq < 30) {
  307. my $d = tty_read($tty, \$ttybuf, 1000);
  308. if ($d eq '') {
  309. tty_write($tty, "\005"); # ENQ
  310. } else {
  311. my $ix = index("\026\004\027", $d);
  312. if ($ix < 0) {
  313. print STDERR $d;
  314. next;
  315. }
  316. $found = $found == $ix ? $found+1 : 0;
  317. last if ($found == 3);
  318. }
  319. }
  320. if ($found < 3) {
  321. die "$0: $port: no MAX80 ESP32 detected\n";
  322. }
  323. $start_enq = $tt;
  324. my $winspc;
  325. while (!defined($winspc)) {
  326. $tt = time();
  327. if ($tt - $start_enq >= 10) {
  328. die "$0: $port: failed to start FPGA firmware upload\n";
  329. }
  330. tty_write($tty, "\034\001: /// MAX80 FW UPLOAD \~\@\~ \$\r\n\035");
  331. my $d;
  332. while (1) {
  333. $d = tty_read($tty, \$ttybuf, 1000);
  334. last if ($d eq '');
  335. my $dc = unpack('C', $d);
  336. if ($dc == 036) {
  337. $winspc = 0;
  338. last;
  339. } else {
  340. print STDERR $a[$dc];
  341. }
  342. }
  343. }
  344. my $bytes = length($fpgadata);
  345. my $offset = 0;
  346. my $maxchunk = 64;
  347. my $maxahead = 256;
  348. my $last_ack = 0;
  349. my @pktends = ();
  350. my $last_enq = 0;
  351. print STDERR "\nStarting packet transmit...\n";
  352. while ($last_ack < $bytes) {
  353. my $chunk;
  354. while (1) {
  355. $chunk = $bytes - $offset;
  356. $chunk = $winspc if ($chunk > $winspc);
  357. if ($offset + $chunk > $last_ack + $maxahead) {
  358. $chunk = $last_ack + $maxahead - $offset;
  359. }
  360. $chunk = 0 if ($chunk <= 0);
  361. $chunk = $maxchunk if ($chunk > $maxchunk);
  362. my $d = tty_read($tty, \$ttybuf, $chunk ? 0 : $maxchunk/10);
  363. last if ($d eq '');
  364. my $dc = unpack('C', $d);
  365. if ($dc == 022) {
  366. $winspc = 0;
  367. print STDERR "WRST, window: $winspc\n";
  368. } elsif ($dc == 024) {
  369. if (defined($winspc)) {
  370. $winspc += 256;
  371. print STDERR "WGO, window: $winspc\n";
  372. }
  373. } elsif ($dc == 006) {
  374. $last_ack = shift(@pktends) || $last_ack;
  375. print STDERR "ACK to $last_ack\n";
  376. } else {
  377. print STDERR $a[$dc];
  378. if ($dc == 025 || $dc == 031 || $dc == 037) {
  379. print STDERR "\n$0: $port: resetting upload to $last_ack\n";
  380. $offset = $last_ack;
  381. @pktends = ();
  382. undef $winspc; # Wait for WRST before resuming
  383. } elsif ($dc == 030) {
  384. print STDERR "\n";
  385. die "$0: $port: upload aborted by target system\n";
  386. }
  387. }
  388. }
  389. print STDERR "Send offset: $offset, last ack: $last_ack, window: $winspc, chunk: $chunk\n";
  390. if (!$chunk) {
  391. if ($bytes > $offset) {
  392. my $now = time();
  393. if ($now != $last_enq) {
  394. tty_write($tty, "\026"); # SYN: request window resync
  395. print STDERR "Trying to resynchronize window\n";
  396. $last_enq = $now;
  397. }
  398. }
  399. next;
  400. }
  401. my $data = substr($fpgadata, $offset, $chunk);
  402. my $hdr = pack("CvVV", $chunk-1, 0, $offset, crc32($data));
  403. tty_write($tty, "\002".mybaseencode($hdr, $data));
  404. push(@pktends, $offset + $chunk);
  405. $offset += $chunk;
  406. $winspc -= $chunk;
  407. }
  408. tty_write($tty, "\004"); # EOT
  409. # Final messages out
  410. while (1) {
  411. my $d = tty_read($tty, \$ttybuf, 1000);
  412. last if ($d eq '');
  413. print STDERR $d;
  414. }
  415. $tty->close;
  416. print STDERR "\n$0: $port: firmware upload complete\n";
  417. exit 0;