max80.map.rpt 160 KB

  1. Analysis & Synthesis report for max80
  2. Fri Aug 6 20:12:40 2021
  3. Quartus Prime Version 20.1.1 Build 720 11/11/2020 SJ Lite Edition
  4. ---------------------
  5. ; Table of Contents ;
  6. ---------------------
  7. 1. Legal Notice
  8. 2. Analysis & Synthesis Summary
  9. 3. Analysis & Synthesis Settings
  10. 4. Parallel Compilation
  11. 5. Analysis & Synthesis Source Files Read
  12. 6. Analysis & Synthesis Resource Usage Summary
  13. 7. Analysis & Synthesis Resource Utilization by Entity
  14. 8. Registers Removed During Synthesis
  15. 9. Removed Registers Triggering Further Register Optimizations
  16. 10. General Register Statistics
  17. 11. Inverted Register Statistics
  18. 12. Multiplexer Restructuring Statistics (Restructuring Performed)
  19. 13. Source assignments for pll:pll|altpll:altpll_component|pll_altpll:auto_generated
  20. 14. Source assignments for pll:pll|altpll:altpll_component|pll_altpll:auto_generated|pll_altpll_dyn_phase_le:altpll_dyn_phase_le2
  21. 15. Source assignments for pll:pll|altpll:altpll_component|pll_altpll:auto_generated|pll_altpll_dyn_phase_le1:altpll_dyn_phase_le4
  22. 16. Source assignments for pll:pll|altpll:altpll_component|pll_altpll:auto_generated|pll_altpll_dyn_phase_le12:altpll_dyn_phase_le5
  23. 17. Source assignments for hdmitx:hdmitx|altlvds_tx:ALTLVDS_TX_component|hdmitx_lvds_tx:auto_generated
  24. 18. Source assignments for hdmitx:hdmitx|altlvds_tx:ALTLVDS_TX_component|hdmitx_lvds_tx:auto_generated|hdmitx_ddio_out:ddio_out
  25. 19. Source assignments for hdmitx:hdmitx|altlvds_tx:ALTLVDS_TX_component|hdmitx_lvds_tx:auto_generated|hdmitx_ddio_out1:outclock_ddio
  26. 20. Parameter Settings for User Entity Instance: Top-level Entity: |max80
  27. 21. Parameter Settings for User Entity Instance: pll:pll|altpll:altpll_component
  28. 22. Parameter Settings for User Entity Instance: transpose:hdmitranspose
  29. 23. Parameter Settings for User Entity Instance: transpose:hdmitranspose|condreg:dreg
  30. 24. Parameter Settings for User Entity Instance: transpose:hdmitranspose|condreg:qreg
  31. 25. Parameter Settings for User Entity Instance: hdmitx:hdmitx|altlvds_tx:ALTLVDS_TX_component
  32. 26. altpll Parameter Settings by Entity Instance
  33. 27. Port Connectivity Checks: "hdmitx:hdmitx"
  34. 28. Port Connectivity Checks: "transpose:hdmitranspose"
  35. 29. Port Connectivity Checks: "tmdsenc:hdmitmds[2].enc"
  36. 30. Port Connectivity Checks: "tmdsenc:hdmitmds[1].enc"
  37. 31. Port Connectivity Checks: "tmdsenc:hdmitmds[0].enc"
  38. 32. Port Connectivity Checks: "pll:pll"
  39. 33. Post-Synthesis Netlist Statistics for Top Partition
  40. 34. Elapsed Time Per Partition
  41. 35. Analysis & Synthesis Equations
  42. 36. Analysis & Synthesis Messages
  43. ----------------
  44. ; Legal Notice ;
  45. ----------------
  46. Copyright (C) 2020 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
  47. Your use of Intel Corporation's design tools, logic functions
  48. and other software and tools, and any partner logic
  49. functions, and any output files from any of the foregoing
  50. (including device programming or simulation files), and any
  51. associated documentation or information are expressly subject
  52. to the terms and conditions of the Intel Program License
  53. Subscription Agreement, the Intel Quartus Prime License Agreement,
  54. the Intel FPGA IP License Agreement, or other applicable license
  55. agreement, including, without limitation, that your use is for
  56. the sole purpose of programming logic devices manufactured by
  57. Intel and sold by Intel or its authorized distributors. Please
  58. refer to the applicable agreement for further details, at
  59. https://fpgasoftware.intel.com/eula.
  60. +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  61. ; Analysis & Synthesis Summary ;
  62. +------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+
  63. ; Analysis & Synthesis Status ; Successful - Fri Aug 6 20:12:40 2021 ;
  64. ; Quartus Prime Version ; 20.1.1 Build 720 11/11/2020 SJ Lite Edition ;
  65. ; Revision Name ; max80 ;
  66. ; Top-level Entity Name ; max80 ;
  67. ; Family ; Cyclone IV E ;
  68. ; Total logic elements ; 337 ;
  69. ; Total combinational functions ; 274 ;
  70. ; Dedicated logic registers ; 218 ;
  71. ; Total registers ; 226 ;
  72. ; Total pins ; 139 ;
  73. ; Total virtual pins ; 0 ;
  74. ; Total memory bits ; 0 ;
  75. ; Embedded Multiplier 9-bit elements ; 0 ;
  76. ; Total PLLs ; 2 ;
  77. +------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+
  78. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  79. ; Analysis & Synthesis Settings ;
  80. +------------------------------------------------------------------+--------------------+--------------------+
  81. ; Option ; Setting ; Default Value ;
  82. +------------------------------------------------------------------+--------------------+--------------------+
  83. ; Device ; EP4CE15F17C8 ; ;
  84. ; Top-level entity name ; max80 ; max80 ;
  85. ; Family name ; Cyclone IV E ; Cyclone V ;
  86. ; VHDL Show LMF Mapping Messages ; Off ; ;
  87. ; Verilog Show LMF Mapping Messages ; Off ; ;
  88. ; Verilog Version ; SystemVerilog_2005 ; Verilog_2001 ;
  89. ; VHDL Version ; VHDL_2008 ; VHDL_1993 ;
  90. ; Safe State Machine ; On ; Off ;
  91. ; Remove Redundant Logic Cells ; On ; Off ;
  92. ; HDL message level ; Level3 ; Level2 ;
  93. ; SDC constraint protection ; On ; Off ;
  94. ; Analysis & Synthesis Message Level ; High ; Medium ;
  95. ; Use smart compilation ; Off ; Off ;
  96. ; Enable parallel Assembler and Timing Analyzer during compilation ; On ; On ;
  97. ; Enable compact report table ; Off ; Off ;
  98. ; Restructure Multiplexers ; Auto ; Auto ;
  99. ; Create Debugging Nodes for IP Cores ; Off ; Off ;
  100. ; Preserve fewer node names ; On ; On ;
  101. ; Intel FPGA IP Evaluation Mode ; Enable ; Enable ;
  102. ; State Machine Processing ; Auto ; Auto ;
  103. ; Extract Verilog State Machines ; On ; On ;
  104. ; Extract VHDL State Machines ; On ; On ;
  105. ; Ignore Verilog initial constructs ; Off ; Off ;
  106. ; Iteration limit for constant Verilog loops ; 5000 ; 5000 ;
  107. ; Iteration limit for non-constant Verilog loops ; 250 ; 250 ;
  108. ; Add Pass-Through Logic to Inferred RAMs ; On ; On ;
  109. ; Infer RAMs from Raw Logic ; On ; On ;
  110. ; Parallel Synthesis ; On ; On ;
  111. ; DSP Block Balancing ; Auto ; Auto ;
  112. ; NOT Gate Push-Back ; On ; On ;
  113. ; Power-Up Don't Care ; On ; On ;
  114. ; Remove Duplicate Registers ; On ; On ;
  115. ; Ignore CARRY Buffers ; Off ; Off ;
  116. ; Ignore CASCADE Buffers ; Off ; Off ;
  117. ; Ignore GLOBAL Buffers ; Off ; Off ;
  118. ; Ignore ROW GLOBAL Buffers ; Off ; Off ;
  119. ; Ignore LCELL Buffers ; Off ; Off ;
  120. ; Ignore SOFT Buffers ; On ; On ;
  121. ; Limit AHDL Integers to 32 Bits ; Off ; Off ;
  122. ; Optimization Technique ; Balanced ; Balanced ;
  123. ; Carry Chain Length ; 70 ; 70 ;
  124. ; Auto Carry Chains ; On ; On ;
  125. ; Auto Open-Drain Pins ; On ; On ;
  126. ; Perform WYSIWYG Primitive Resynthesis ; Off ; Off ;
  127. ; Auto ROM Replacement ; On ; On ;
  128. ; Auto RAM Replacement ; On ; On ;
  129. ; Auto DSP Block Replacement ; On ; On ;
  130. ; Auto Shift Register Replacement ; Auto ; Auto ;
  131. ; Allow Shift Register Merging across Hierarchies ; Auto ; Auto ;
  132. ; Auto Clock Enable Replacement ; On ; On ;
  133. ; Strict RAM Replacement ; Off ; Off ;
  134. ; Allow Synchronous Control Signals ; On ; On ;
  135. ; Force Use of Synchronous Clear Signals ; Off ; Off ;
  136. ; Auto RAM Block Balancing ; On ; On ;
  137. ; Auto RAM to Logic Cell Conversion ; Off ; Off ;
  138. ; Auto Resource Sharing ; Off ; Off ;
  139. ; Allow Any RAM Size For Recognition ; Off ; Off ;
  140. ; Allow Any ROM Size For Recognition ; Off ; Off ;
  141. ; Allow Any Shift Register Size For Recognition ; Off ; Off ;
  142. ; Use LogicLock Constraints during Resource Balancing ; On ; On ;
  143. ; Ignore translate_off and synthesis_off directives ; Off ; Off ;
  144. ; Timing-Driven Synthesis ; On ; On ;
  145. ; Report Parameter Settings ; On ; On ;
  146. ; Report Source Assignments ; On ; On ;
  147. ; Report Connectivity Checks ; On ; On ;
  148. ; Ignore Maximum Fan-Out Assignments ; Off ; Off ;
  149. ; Synchronization Register Chain Length ; 2 ; 2 ;
  150. ; Power Optimization During Synthesis ; Normal compilation ; Normal compilation ;
  151. ; Suppress Register Optimization Related Messages ; Off ; Off ;
  152. ; Number of Removed Registers Reported in Synthesis Report ; 5000 ; 5000 ;
  153. ; Number of Swept Nodes Reported in Synthesis Report ; 5000 ; 5000 ;
  154. ; Number of Inverted Registers Reported in Synthesis Report ; 100 ; 100 ;
  155. ; Clock MUX Protection ; On ; On ;
  156. ; Auto Gated Clock Conversion ; Off ; Off ;
  157. ; Block Design Naming ; Auto ; Auto ;
  158. ; Synthesis Effort ; Auto ; Auto ;
  159. ; Shift Register Replacement - Allow Asynchronous Clear Signal ; On ; On ;
  160. ; Pre-Mapping Resynthesis Optimization ; Off ; Off ;
  161. ; Disable Register Merging Across Hierarchies ; Auto ; Auto ;
  162. ; Resource Aware Inference For Block RAM ; On ; On ;
  163. +------------------------------------------------------------------+--------------------+--------------------+
  164. +------------------------------------------+
  165. ; Parallel Compilation ;
  166. +----------------------------+-------------+
  167. ; Processors ; Number ;
  168. +----------------------------+-------------+
  169. ; Number detected on machine ; 16 ;
  170. ; Maximum allowed ; 8 ;
  171. ; ; ;
  172. ; Average used ; 1.00 ;
  173. ; Maximum used ; 8 ;
  174. ; ; ;
  175. ; Usage by Processor ; % Time Used ;
  176. ; Processor 1 ; 100.0% ;
  177. ; Processors 2-8 ; 0.0% ;
  178. +----------------------------+-------------+
  179. +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  180. ; Analysis & Synthesis Source Files Read ;
  181. +----------------------------------+-----------------+------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------+
  182. ; File Name with User-Entered Path ; Used in Netlist ; File Type ; File Name with Absolute Path ; Library ;
  183. +----------------------------------+-----------------+------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------+
  184. ; ip/hdmitx.v ; yes ; User Wizard-Generated File ; /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/ip/hdmitx.v ; ;
  185. ; ip/pll.v ; yes ; User Wizard-Generated File ; /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/ip/pll.v ; ;
  186. ; transpose.sv ; yes ; User SystemVerilog HDL File ; /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/transpose.sv ; ;
  187. ; tmdsenc.sv ; yes ; User SystemVerilog HDL File ; /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/tmdsenc.sv ; ;
  188. ; max80.sv ; yes ; User SystemVerilog HDL File ; /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv ; ;
  189. ; altpll.tdf ; yes ; Megafunction ; /opt/altera/20.1/quartus/libraries/megafunctions/altpll.tdf ; ;
  190. ; aglobal201.inc ; yes ; Megafunction ; /opt/altera/20.1/quartus/libraries/megafunctions/aglobal201.inc ; ;
  191. ; stratix_pll.inc ; yes ; Megafunction ; /opt/altera/20.1/quartus/libraries/megafunctions/stratix_pll.inc ; ;
  192. ; stratixii_pll.inc ; yes ; Megafunction ; /opt/altera/20.1/quartus/libraries/megafunctions/stratixii_pll.inc ; ;
  193. ; cycloneii_pll.inc ; yes ; Megafunction ; /opt/altera/20.1/quartus/libraries/megafunctions/cycloneii_pll.inc ; ;
  194. ; db/pll_altpll.v ; yes ; Auto-Generated Megafunction ; /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/db/pll_altpll.v ; ;
  195. ; altlvds_tx.tdf ; yes ; Megafunction ; /opt/altera/20.1/quartus/libraries/megafunctions/altlvds_tx.tdf ; ;
  196. ; stratix_lvds_transmitter.inc ; yes ; Megafunction ; /opt/altera/20.1/quartus/libraries/megafunctions/stratix_lvds_transmitter.inc ; ;
  197. ; stratixii_lvds_transmitter.inc ; yes ; Megafunction ; /opt/altera/20.1/quartus/libraries/megafunctions/stratixii_lvds_transmitter.inc ; ;
  198. ; stratixgx_lvds_transmitter.inc ; yes ; Megafunction ; /opt/altera/20.1/quartus/libraries/megafunctions/stratixgx_lvds_transmitter.inc ; ;
  199. ; stratixgx_pll.inc ; yes ; Megafunction ; /opt/altera/20.1/quartus/libraries/megafunctions/stratixgx_pll.inc ; ;
  200. ; stratixii_clkctrl.inc ; yes ; Megafunction ; /opt/altera/20.1/quartus/libraries/megafunctions/stratixii_clkctrl.inc ; ;
  201. ; altddio_out.inc ; yes ; Megafunction ; /opt/altera/20.1/quartus/libraries/megafunctions/altddio_out.inc ; ;
  202. ; db/hdmitx_lvds_tx.v ; yes ; Auto-Generated Megafunction ; /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/db/hdmitx_lvds_tx.v ; ;
  203. +----------------------------------+-----------------+------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------+
  204. +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  205. ; Analysis & Synthesis Resource Usage Summary ;
  206. +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  207. ; Resource ; Usage ;
  208. +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  209. ; Estimated Total logic elements ; 337 ;
  210. ; ; ;
  211. ; Total combinational functions ; 274 ;
  212. ; Logic element usage by number of LUT inputs ; ;
  213. ; -- 4 input functions ; 102 ;
  214. ; -- 3 input functions ; 65 ;
  215. ; -- <=2 input functions ; 107 ;
  216. ; ; ;
  217. ; Logic elements by mode ; ;
  218. ; -- normal mode ; 218 ;
  219. ; -- arithmetic mode ; 56 ;
  220. ; ; ;
  221. ; Total registers ; 226 ;
  222. ; -- Dedicated logic registers ; 218 ;
  223. ; -- I/O registers ; 16 ;
  224. ; ; ;
  225. ; I/O pins ; 139 ;
  226. ; ; ;
  227. ; Embedded Multiplier 9-bit elements ; 0 ;
  228. ; ; ;
  229. ; Total PLLs ; 2 ;
  230. ; -- PLLs ; 2 ;
  231. ; ; ;
  232. ; Maximum fan-out node ; hdmitx:hdmitx|altlvds_tx:ALTLVDS_TX_component|hdmitx_lvds_tx:auto_generated|fast_clock ;
  233. ; Maximum fan-out ; 114 ;
  234. ; Total fan-out ; 1582 ;
  235. ; Average fan-out ; 1.90 ;
  236. +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  237. +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  238. ; Analysis & Synthesis Resource Utilization by Entity ;
  239. +--------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------+---------------------------+-------------+--------------+---------+-----------+------+--------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------+--------------+
  240. ; Compilation Hierarchy Node ; Combinational ALUTs ; Dedicated Logic Registers ; Memory Bits ; DSP Elements ; DSP 9x9 ; DSP 18x18 ; Pins ; Virtual Pins ; Full Hierarchy Name ; Entity Name ; Library Name ;
  241. +--------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------+---------------------------+-------------+--------------+---------+-----------+------+--------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------+--------------+
  242. ; |max80 ; 274 (52) ; 218 (66) ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 139 ; 0 ; |max80 ; max80 ; work ;
  243. ; |hdmitx:hdmitx| ; 78 (0) ; 109 (0) ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; |max80|hdmitx:hdmitx ; hdmitx ; work ;
  244. ; |altlvds_tx:ALTLVDS_TX_component| ; 78 (0) ; 109 (0) ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; |max80|hdmitx:hdmitx|altlvds_tx:ALTLVDS_TX_component ; altlvds_tx ; work ;
  245. ; |hdmitx_lvds_tx:auto_generated| ; 78 (20) ; 109 (60) ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; |max80|hdmitx:hdmitx|altlvds_tx:ALTLVDS_TX_component|hdmitx_lvds_tx:auto_generated ; hdmitx_lvds_tx ; work ;
  246. ; |hdmitx_cntr:cntr13| ; 8 (8) ; 3 (3) ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; |max80|hdmitx:hdmitx|altlvds_tx:ALTLVDS_TX_component|hdmitx_lvds_tx:auto_generated|hdmitx_cntr:cntr13 ; hdmitx_cntr ; work ;
  247. ; |hdmitx_cntr:cntr2| ; 8 (8) ; 3 (3) ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; |max80|hdmitx:hdmitx|altlvds_tx:ALTLVDS_TX_component|hdmitx_lvds_tx:auto_generated|hdmitx_cntr:cntr2 ; hdmitx_cntr ; work ;
  248. ; |hdmitx_ddio_out1:outclock_ddio| ; 0 (0) ; 0 (0) ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; |max80|hdmitx:hdmitx|altlvds_tx:ALTLVDS_TX_component|hdmitx_lvds_tx:auto_generated|hdmitx_ddio_out1:outclock_ddio ; hdmitx_ddio_out1 ; work ;
  249. ; |hdmitx_ddio_out:ddio_out| ; 0 (0) ; 0 (0) ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; |max80|hdmitx:hdmitx|altlvds_tx:ALTLVDS_TX_component|hdmitx_lvds_tx:auto_generated|hdmitx_ddio_out:ddio_out ; hdmitx_ddio_out ; work ;
  250. ; |hdmitx_shift_reg1:shift_reg23| ; 5 (5) ; 5 (5) ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; |max80|hdmitx:hdmitx|altlvds_tx:ALTLVDS_TX_component|hdmitx_lvds_tx:auto_generated|hdmitx_shift_reg1:shift_reg23 ; hdmitx_shift_reg1 ; work ;
  251. ; |hdmitx_shift_reg1:shift_reg24| ; 5 (5) ; 5 (5) ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; |max80|hdmitx:hdmitx|altlvds_tx:ALTLVDS_TX_component|hdmitx_lvds_tx:auto_generated|hdmitx_shift_reg1:shift_reg24 ; hdmitx_shift_reg1 ; work ;
  252. ; |hdmitx_shift_reg1:shift_reg25| ; 5 (5) ; 5 (5) ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; |max80|hdmitx:hdmitx|altlvds_tx:ALTLVDS_TX_component|hdmitx_lvds_tx:auto_generated|hdmitx_shift_reg1:shift_reg25 ; hdmitx_shift_reg1 ; work ;
  253. ; |hdmitx_shift_reg1:shift_reg26| ; 5 (5) ; 5 (5) ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; |max80|hdmitx:hdmitx|altlvds_tx:ALTLVDS_TX_component|hdmitx_lvds_tx:auto_generated|hdmitx_shift_reg1:shift_reg26 ; hdmitx_shift_reg1 ; work ;
  254. ; |hdmitx_shift_reg1:shift_reg27| ; 5 (5) ; 5 (5) ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; |max80|hdmitx:hdmitx|altlvds_tx:ALTLVDS_TX_component|hdmitx_lvds_tx:auto_generated|hdmitx_shift_reg1:shift_reg27 ; hdmitx_shift_reg1 ; work ;
  255. ; |hdmitx_shift_reg1:shift_reg28| ; 5 (5) ; 5 (5) ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; |max80|hdmitx:hdmitx|altlvds_tx:ALTLVDS_TX_component|hdmitx_lvds_tx:auto_generated|hdmitx_shift_reg1:shift_reg28 ; hdmitx_shift_reg1 ; work ;
  256. ; |hdmitx_shift_reg:outclk_shift_h| ; 7 (7) ; 7 (7) ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; |max80|hdmitx:hdmitx|altlvds_tx:ALTLVDS_TX_component|hdmitx_lvds_tx:auto_generated|hdmitx_shift_reg:outclk_shift_h ; hdmitx_shift_reg ; work ;
  257. ; |hdmitx_shift_reg:outclk_shift_l| ; 5 (5) ; 6 (6) ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; |max80|hdmitx:hdmitx|altlvds_tx:ALTLVDS_TX_component|hdmitx_lvds_tx:auto_generated|hdmitx_shift_reg:outclk_shift_l ; hdmitx_shift_reg ; work ;
  258. ; |pll:pll| ; 3 (0) ; 0 (0) ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; |max80|pll:pll ; pll ; work ;
  259. ; |altpll:altpll_component| ; 3 (0) ; 0 (0) ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; |max80|pll:pll|altpll:altpll_component ; altpll ; work ;
  260. ; |pll_altpll:auto_generated| ; 3 (3) ; 0 (0) ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; |max80|pll:pll|altpll:altpll_component|pll_altpll:auto_generated ; pll_altpll ; work ;
  261. ; |pll_altpll_dyn_phase_le12:altpll_dyn_phase_le5| ; 0 (0) ; 0 (0) ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; |max80|pll:pll|altpll:altpll_component|pll_altpll:auto_generated|pll_altpll_dyn_phase_le12:altpll_dyn_phase_le5 ; pll_altpll_dyn_phase_le12 ; work ;
  262. ; |pll_altpll_dyn_phase_le1:altpll_dyn_phase_le4| ; 0 (0) ; 0 (0) ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; |max80|pll:pll|altpll:altpll_component|pll_altpll:auto_generated|pll_altpll_dyn_phase_le1:altpll_dyn_phase_le4 ; pll_altpll_dyn_phase_le1 ; work ;
  263. ; |pll_altpll_dyn_phase_le:altpll_dyn_phase_le2| ; 0 (0) ; 0 (0) ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; |max80|pll:pll|altpll:altpll_component|pll_altpll:auto_generated|pll_altpll_dyn_phase_le:altpll_dyn_phase_le2 ; pll_altpll_dyn_phase_le ; work ;
  264. ; |tmdsenc:hdmitmds[0].enc| ; 47 (47) ; 15 (15) ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; |max80|tmdsenc:hdmitmds[0].enc ; tmdsenc ; work ;
  265. ; |tmdsenc:hdmitmds[1].enc| ; 47 (47) ; 14 (14) ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; |max80|tmdsenc:hdmitmds[1].enc ; tmdsenc ; work ;
  266. ; |tmdsenc:hdmitmds[2].enc| ; 47 (47) ; 14 (14) ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; |max80|tmdsenc:hdmitmds[2].enc ; tmdsenc ; work ;
  267. +--------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------+---------------------------+-------------+--------------+---------+-----------+------+--------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------+--------------+
  268. Note: For table entries with two numbers listed, the numbers in parentheses indicate the number of resources of the given type used by the specific entity alone. The numbers listed outside of parentheses indicate the total resources of the given type used by the specific entity and all of its sub-entities in the hierarchy.
  269. +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  270. ; Registers Removed During Synthesis ;
  271. +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  272. ; Register name ; Reason for Removal ;
  273. +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  274. ; hdmitx:hdmitx|altlvds_tx:ALTLVDS_TX_component|hdmitx_lvds_tx:auto_generated|hdmitx_shift_reg:outclk_shift_l|shift_reg[9] ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port data_in ;
  275. ; hdmitx:hdmitx|altlvds_tx:ALTLVDS_TX_component|hdmitx_lvds_tx:auto_generated|hdmitx_shift_reg:outclk_shift_h|shift_reg[9] ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port data_in ;
  276. ; tmdsenc:hdmitmds[2].enc|creg[0,1] ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port data_in ;
  277. ; tmdsenc:hdmitmds[1].enc|creg[0,1] ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port data_in ;
  278. ; tmdsenc:hdmitmds[0].enc|creg[0,1] ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port data_in ;
  279. ; pll:pll|altpll:altpll_component|pll_altpll:auto_generated|internal_phasestep ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port clock ;
  280. ; pll:pll|altpll:altpll_component|pll_altpll:auto_generated|phasedone_state ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port clock ;
  281. ; pll:pll|altpll:altpll_component|pll_altpll:auto_generated|pll_internal_phasestep_reg ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port clock ;
  282. ; pll:pll|altpll:altpll_component|pll_altpll:auto_generated|pll_lock_sync ; Stuck at VCC due to stuck port data_in ;
  283. ; pll:pll|altpll:altpll_component|pll_altpll:auto_generated|pll_cntr1:pll_internal_phasestep|counter_reg_bit[0..2] ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port clock ;
  284. ; pll:pll|altpll:altpll_component|pll_altpll:auto_generated|pll_cntr:phasestep_counter|counter_reg_bit[0,1] ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port clock ;
  285. ; hdmitx:hdmitx|altlvds_tx:ALTLVDS_TX_component|hdmitx_lvds_tx:auto_generated|hdmitx_shift_reg:outclk_shift_l|shift_reg[8] ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port data_in ;
  286. ; hdmitx:hdmitx|altlvds_tx:ALTLVDS_TX_component|hdmitx_lvds_tx:auto_generated|hdmitx_shift_reg:outclk_shift_h|shift_reg[8] ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port data_in ;
  287. ; hdmitx:hdmitx|altlvds_tx:ALTLVDS_TX_component|hdmitx_lvds_tx:auto_generated|hdmitx_shift_reg:outclk_shift_l|shift_reg[7] ; Stuck at GND due to stuck port data_in ;
  288. ; tmdsenc:hdmitmds[2].enc|dreg[7] ; Merged with dummydata[0] ;
  289. ; tmdsenc:hdmitmds[0].enc|dreg[0] ; Merged with dummydata[1] ;
  290. ; tmdsenc:hdmitmds[0].enc|dreg[1] ; Merged with dummydata[2] ;
  291. ; tmdsenc:hdmitmds[0].enc|dreg[2] ; Merged with dummydata[3] ;
  292. ; tmdsenc:hdmitmds[0].enc|dreg[3] ; Merged with dummydata[4] ;
  293. ; tmdsenc:hdmitmds[0].enc|dreg[4] ; Merged with dummydata[5] ;
  294. ; tmdsenc:hdmitmds[0].enc|dreg[5] ; Merged with dummydata[6] ;
  295. ; tmdsenc:hdmitmds[0].enc|dreg[6] ; Merged with dummydata[7] ;
  296. ; tmdsenc:hdmitmds[0].enc|dreg[7] ; Merged with dummydata[8] ;
  297. ; tmdsenc:hdmitmds[1].enc|dreg[0] ; Merged with dummydata[9] ;
  298. ; tmdsenc:hdmitmds[1].enc|dreg[1] ; Merged with dummydata[10] ;
  299. ; tmdsenc:hdmitmds[1].enc|dreg[2] ; Merged with dummydata[11] ;
  300. ; tmdsenc:hdmitmds[1].enc|dreg[3] ; Merged with dummydata[12] ;
  301. ; tmdsenc:hdmitmds[1].enc|dreg[4] ; Merged with dummydata[13] ;
  302. ; tmdsenc:hdmitmds[1].enc|dreg[5] ; Merged with dummydata[14] ;
  303. ; tmdsenc:hdmitmds[1].enc|dreg[6] ; Merged with dummydata[15] ;
  304. ; tmdsenc:hdmitmds[1].enc|dreg[7] ; Merged with dummydata[16] ;
  305. ; tmdsenc:hdmitmds[2].enc|dreg[0] ; Merged with dummydata[17] ;
  306. ; tmdsenc:hdmitmds[2].enc|dreg[1] ; Merged with dummydata[18] ;
  307. ; tmdsenc:hdmitmds[2].enc|dreg[2] ; Merged with dummydata[19] ;
  308. ; tmdsenc:hdmitmds[2].enc|dreg[3] ; Merged with dummydata[20] ;
  309. ; tmdsenc:hdmitmds[2].enc|dreg[4] ; Merged with dummydata[21] ;
  310. ; tmdsenc:hdmitmds[2].enc|dreg[5] ; Merged with dummydata[22] ;
  311. ; tmdsenc:hdmitmds[2].enc|dreg[6] ; Merged with dummydata[23] ;
  312. ; hdmitx:hdmitx|altlvds_tx:ALTLVDS_TX_component|hdmitx_lvds_tx:auto_generated|sync_dffe1a ; Merged with hdmitx:hdmitx|altlvds_tx:ALTLVDS_TX_component|hdmitx_lvds_tx:auto_generated|sync_dffe12a ;
  313. ; hdmitx:hdmitx|altlvds_tx:ALTLVDS_TX_component|hdmitx_lvds_tx:auto_generated|hdmitx_shift_reg:outclk_shift_h|shift_reg[7] ; Merged with hdmitx:hdmitx|altlvds_tx:ALTLVDS_TX_component|hdmitx_lvds_tx:auto_generated|hdmitx_shift_reg:outclk_shift_l|shift_reg[6] ;
  314. ; tmdsenc:hdmitmds[1].enc|denreg ; Merged with tmdsenc:hdmitmds[0].enc|denreg ;
  315. ; tmdsenc:hdmitmds[2].enc|denreg ; Merged with tmdsenc:hdmitmds[0].enc|denreg ;
  316. ; hdmitx:hdmitx|altlvds_tx:ALTLVDS_TX_component|hdmitx_lvds_tx:auto_generated|hdmitx_shift_reg:outclk_shift_l|shift_reg[5] ; Merged with hdmitx:hdmitx|altlvds_tx:ALTLVDS_TX_component|hdmitx_lvds_tx:auto_generated|hdmitx_shift_reg:outclk_shift_h|shift_reg[6] ;
  317. ; Total Number of Removed Registers = 49 ; ;
  318. +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  319. +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  320. ; Removed Registers Triggering Further Register Optimizations ;
  321. +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  322. ; Register name ; Reason for Removal ; Registers Removed due to This Register ;
  323. +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  324. ; pll:pll|altpll:altpll_component|pll_altpll:auto_generated|internal_phasestep ; Stuck at GND ; pll:pll|altpll:altpll_component|pll_altpll:auto_generated|pll_internal_phasestep_reg, ;
  325. ; ; due to stuck port clock ; pll:pll|altpll:altpll_component|pll_altpll:auto_generated|pll_cntr1:pll_internal_phasestep|counter_reg_bit[2], ;
  326. ; ; ; pll:pll|altpll:altpll_component|pll_altpll:auto_generated|pll_cntr1:pll_internal_phasestep|counter_reg_bit[0], ;
  327. ; ; ; hdmitx:hdmitx|altlvds_tx:ALTLVDS_TX_component|hdmitx_lvds_tx:auto_generated|hdmitx_shift_reg:outclk_shift_l|shift_reg[7] ;
  328. ; hdmitx:hdmitx|altlvds_tx:ALTLVDS_TX_component|hdmitx_lvds_tx:auto_generated|hdmitx_shift_reg:outclk_shift_l|shift_reg[9] ; Stuck at GND ; hdmitx:hdmitx|altlvds_tx:ALTLVDS_TX_component|hdmitx_lvds_tx:auto_generated|hdmitx_shift_reg:outclk_shift_l|shift_reg[8] ;
  329. ; ; due to stuck port data_in ; ;
  330. ; hdmitx:hdmitx|altlvds_tx:ALTLVDS_TX_component|hdmitx_lvds_tx:auto_generated|hdmitx_shift_reg:outclk_shift_h|shift_reg[9] ; Stuck at GND ; hdmitx:hdmitx|altlvds_tx:ALTLVDS_TX_component|hdmitx_lvds_tx:auto_generated|hdmitx_shift_reg:outclk_shift_h|shift_reg[8] ;
  331. ; ; due to stuck port data_in ; ;
  332. +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  333. +------------------------------------------------------+
  334. ; General Register Statistics ;
  335. +----------------------------------------------+-------+
  336. ; Statistic ; Value ;
  337. +----------------------------------------------+-------+
  338. ; Total registers ; 218 ;
  339. ; Number of registers using Synchronous Clear ; 18 ;
  340. ; Number of registers using Synchronous Load ; 9 ;
  341. ; Number of registers using Asynchronous Clear ; 85 ;
  342. ; Number of registers using Asynchronous Load ; 0 ;
  343. ; Number of registers using Clock Enable ; 39 ;
  344. ; Number of registers using Preset ; 0 ;
  345. +----------------------------------------------+-------+
  346. +---------------------------------------------------+
  347. ; Inverted Register Statistics ;
  348. +-----------------------------------------+---------+
  349. ; Inverted Register ; Fan out ;
  350. +-----------------------------------------+---------+
  351. ; tmdsenc:hdmitmds[2].enc|qreg[7] ; 1 ;
  352. ; tmdsenc:hdmitmds[0].enc|qreg[3] ; 1 ;
  353. ; tmdsenc:hdmitmds[1].enc|qreg[3] ; 1 ;
  354. ; dummydata[0] ; 5 ;
  355. ; dummydata[23] ; 5 ;
  356. ; dummydata[22] ; 6 ;
  357. ; dummydata[19] ; 7 ;
  358. ; tmdsenc:hdmitmds[0].enc|qreg[7] ; 1 ;
  359. ; dummydata[7] ; 5 ;
  360. ; dummydata[8] ; 5 ;
  361. ; dummydata[1] ; 11 ;
  362. ; dummydata[2] ; 6 ;
  363. ; tmdsenc:hdmitmds[1].enc|qreg[7] ; 1 ;
  364. ; dummydata[11] ; 7 ;
  365. ; dummydata[12] ; 6 ;
  366. ; dummydata[9] ; 11 ;
  367. ; dummydata[15] ; 5 ;
  368. ; dummydata[13] ; 7 ;
  369. ; dummydata[14] ; 6 ;
  370. ; tmdsenc:hdmitmds[2].enc|qreg[5] ; 1 ;
  371. ; tmdsenc:hdmitmds[2].enc|qreg[9] ; 1 ;
  372. ; tmdsenc:hdmitmds[0].enc|qreg[5] ; 1 ;
  373. ; tmdsenc:hdmitmds[1].enc|qreg[5] ; 1 ;
  374. ; tmdsenc:hdmitmds[0].enc|qreg[9] ; 1 ;
  375. ; tmdsenc:hdmitmds[1].enc|qreg[9] ; 1 ;
  376. ; tmdsenc:hdmitmds[2].enc|qreg[3] ; 1 ;
  377. ; Total number of inverted registers = 26 ; ;
  378. +-----------------------------------------+---------+
  379. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  380. ; Multiplexer Restructuring Statistics (Restructuring Performed) ;
  381. +--------------------+-----------+---------------+----------------------+------------------------+------------+----------------------------------------+
  382. ; Multiplexer Inputs ; Bus Width ; Baseline Area ; Area if Restructured ; Saving if Restructured ; Registered ; Example Multiplexer Output ;
  383. +--------------------+-----------+---------------+----------------------+------------------------+------------+----------------------------------------+
  384. ; 3:1 ; 5 bits ; 10 LEs ; 10 LEs ; 0 LEs ; Yes ; |max80|tmdsenc:hdmitmds[2].enc|qreg[4] ;
  385. ; 3:1 ; 5 bits ; 10 LEs ; 10 LEs ; 0 LEs ; Yes ; |max80|tmdsenc:hdmitmds[0].enc|qreg[2] ;
  386. ; 3:1 ; 5 bits ; 10 LEs ; 10 LEs ; 0 LEs ; Yes ; |max80|tmdsenc:hdmitmds[1].enc|qreg[4] ;
  387. ; 3:1 ; 3 bits ; 6 LEs ; 6 LEs ; 0 LEs ; Yes ; |max80|tmdsenc:hdmitmds[2].enc|qreg[5] ;
  388. ; 3:1 ; 3 bits ; 6 LEs ; 6 LEs ; 0 LEs ; Yes ; |max80|tmdsenc:hdmitmds[0].enc|qreg[5] ;
  389. ; 3:1 ; 3 bits ; 6 LEs ; 6 LEs ; 0 LEs ; Yes ; |max80|tmdsenc:hdmitmds[1].enc|qreg[7] ;
  390. ; 3:1 ; 2 bits ; 4 LEs ; 4 LEs ; 0 LEs ; No ; |max80|tmdsenc:hdmitmds[2].enc|Add8 ;
  391. ; 3:1 ; 2 bits ; 4 LEs ; 4 LEs ; 0 LEs ; No ; |max80|tmdsenc:hdmitmds[0].enc|Add8 ;
  392. ; 3:1 ; 2 bits ; 4 LEs ; 4 LEs ; 0 LEs ; No ; |max80|tmdsenc:hdmitmds[1].enc|Add8 ;
  393. ; 4:1 ; 2 bits ; 4 LEs ; 4 LEs ; 0 LEs ; No ; |max80|tmdsenc:hdmitmds[2].enc|Add8 ;
  394. ; 4:1 ; 2 bits ; 4 LEs ; 4 LEs ; 0 LEs ; No ; |max80|tmdsenc:hdmitmds[0].enc|Add8 ;
  395. ; 4:1 ; 2 bits ; 4 LEs ; 4 LEs ; 0 LEs ; No ; |max80|tmdsenc:hdmitmds[1].enc|Add8 ;
  396. +--------------------+-----------+---------------+----------------------+------------------------+------------+----------------------------------------+
  397. +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  398. ; Source assignments for pll:pll|altpll:altpll_component|pll_altpll:auto_generated ;
  399. +------------------------------+-------------+------+------------------------------+
  400. ; Assignment ; Value ; From ; To ;
  401. +------------------------------+-------------+------+------------------------------+
  402. ; ADV_NETLIST_OPT_ALLOWED ; NEVER_ALLOW ; - ; remap_decoy_le3a_0 ;
  403. ; ADV_NETLIST_OPT_ALLOWED ; NEVER_ALLOW ; - ; remap_decoy_le3a_1 ;
  404. ; ADV_NETLIST_OPT_ALLOWED ; NEVER_ALLOW ; - ; remap_decoy_le3a_2 ;
  405. ; IGNORE_LCELL_BUFFERS ; OFF ; - ; remap_decoy_le3a_0 ;
  406. ; IGNORE_LCELL_BUFFERS ; OFF ; - ; remap_decoy_le3a_1 ;
  407. ; IGNORE_LCELL_BUFFERS ; OFF ; - ; remap_decoy_le3a_2 ;
  408. ; REMOVE_REDUNDANT_LOGIC_CELLS ; OFF ; - ; remap_decoy_le3a_0 ;
  409. ; REMOVE_REDUNDANT_LOGIC_CELLS ; OFF ; - ; remap_decoy_le3a_1 ;
  410. ; REMOVE_REDUNDANT_LOGIC_CELLS ; OFF ; - ; remap_decoy_le3a_2 ;
  411. +------------------------------+-------------+------+------------------------------+
  412. +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  413. ; Source assignments for pll:pll|altpll:altpll_component|pll_altpll:auto_generated|pll_altpll_dyn_phase_le:altpll_dyn_phase_le2 ;
  414. +------------------------------+-------------+------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  415. ; Assignment ; Value ; From ; To ;
  416. +------------------------------+-------------+------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  419. ; IGNORE_LCELL_BUFFERS ; OFF ; - ; - ;
  420. +------------------------------+-------------+------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  421. +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  422. ; Source assignments for pll:pll|altpll:altpll_component|pll_altpll:auto_generated|pll_altpll_dyn_phase_le1:altpll_dyn_phase_le4 ;
  423. +------------------------------+-------------+------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  424. ; Assignment ; Value ; From ; To ;
  425. +------------------------------+-------------+------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  428. ; IGNORE_LCELL_BUFFERS ; OFF ; - ; - ;
  429. +------------------------------+-------------+------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  430. +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  431. ; Source assignments for pll:pll|altpll:altpll_component|pll_altpll:auto_generated|pll_altpll_dyn_phase_le12:altpll_dyn_phase_le5 ;
  432. +------------------------------+-------------+------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  433. ; Assignment ; Value ; From ; To ;
  434. +------------------------------+-------------+------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  437. ; IGNORE_LCELL_BUFFERS ; OFF ; - ; - ;
  438. +------------------------------+-------------+------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  439. +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  440. ; Source assignments for hdmitx:hdmitx|altlvds_tx:ALTLVDS_TX_component|hdmitx_lvds_tx:auto_generated ;
  441. +-----------------+-------+------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+
  442. ; Assignment ; Value ; From ; To ;
  443. +-----------------+-------+------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+
  444. ; AUTO_MERGE_PLLS ; OFF ; - ; lvds_tx_pll ;
  445. +-----------------+-------+------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+
  446. +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  447. ; Source assignments for hdmitx:hdmitx|altlvds_tx:ALTLVDS_TX_component|hdmitx_lvds_tx:auto_generated|hdmitx_ddio_out:ddio_out ;
  448. +-----------------------------+---------+------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  449. ; Assignment ; Value ; From ; To ;
  450. +-----------------------------+---------+------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  453. +-----------------------------+---------+------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  454. +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  455. ; Source assignments for hdmitx:hdmitx|altlvds_tx:ALTLVDS_TX_component|hdmitx_lvds_tx:auto_generated|hdmitx_ddio_out1:outclock_ddio ;
  456. +-----------------------------+---------+------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  457. ; Assignment ; Value ; From ; To ;
  458. +-----------------------------+---------+------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  461. +-----------------------------+---------+------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  462. +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
  463. ; Parameter Settings for User Entity Instance: Top-level Entity: |max80 ;
  464. +------------------+--------+-------------------------------------------+
  465. ; Parameter Name ; Value ; Type ;
  466. +------------------+--------+-------------------------------------------+
  467. ; mosfet_installed ; 000000 ; Unsigned Binary ;
  468. ; reset_pow2 ; 12 ; Signed Integer ;
  469. +------------------+--------+-------------------------------------------+
  470. Note: In order to hide this table in the UI and the text report file, please set the "Show Parameter Settings in Synthesis Report" option in "Analysis and Synthesis Settings -> More Settings" to "Off".
  471. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  472. ; Parameter Settings for User Entity Instance: pll:pll|altpll:altpll_component ;
  473. +-------------------------------+-----------------------+----------------------+
  474. ; Parameter Name ; Value ; Type ;
  475. +-------------------------------+-----------------------+----------------------+
  476. ; OPERATION_MODE ; NORMAL ; Untyped ;
  477. ; PLL_TYPE ; AUTO ; Untyped ;
  478. ; LPM_HINT ; CBX_MODULE_PREFIX=pll ; Untyped ;
  479. ; QUALIFY_CONF_DONE ; OFF ; Untyped ;
  480. ; COMPENSATE_CLOCK ; CLK0 ; Untyped ;
  481. ; SCAN_CHAIN ; LONG ; Untyped ;
  482. ; PRIMARY_CLOCK ; INCLK0 ; Untyped ;
  483. ; INCLK0_INPUT_FREQUENCY ; 20833 ; Signed Integer ;
  484. ; INCLK1_INPUT_FREQUENCY ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  485. ; GATE_LOCK_SIGNAL ; NO ; Untyped ;
  486. ; GATE_LOCK_COUNTER ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  487. ; LOCK_HIGH ; 1 ; Untyped ;
  488. ; LOCK_LOW ; 1 ; Untyped ;
  489. ; VALID_LOCK_MULTIPLIER ; 1 ; Untyped ;
  490. ; INVALID_LOCK_MULTIPLIER ; 5 ; Untyped ;
  491. ; SWITCH_OVER_ON_LOSSCLK ; OFF ; Untyped ;
  492. ; SWITCH_OVER_ON_GATED_LOCK ; OFF ; Untyped ;
  494. ; SKIP_VCO ; OFF ; Untyped ;
  495. ; SWITCH_OVER_COUNTER ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  496. ; SWITCH_OVER_TYPE ; AUTO ; Untyped ;
  497. ; FEEDBACK_SOURCE ; EXTCLK0 ; Untyped ;
  498. ; BANDWIDTH ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  499. ; BANDWIDTH_TYPE ; HIGH ; Untyped ;
  500. ; SPREAD_FREQUENCY ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  501. ; DOWN_SPREAD ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  502. ; SELF_RESET_ON_GATED_LOSS_LOCK ; OFF ; Untyped ;
  503. ; SELF_RESET_ON_LOSS_LOCK ; ON ; Untyped ;
  504. ; CLK9_MULTIPLY_BY ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  505. ; CLK8_MULTIPLY_BY ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  506. ; CLK7_MULTIPLY_BY ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  507. ; CLK6_MULTIPLY_BY ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  508. ; CLK5_MULTIPLY_BY ; 1 ; Untyped ;
  509. ; CLK4_MULTIPLY_BY ; 1 ; Untyped ;
  510. ; CLK3_MULTIPLY_BY ; 1 ; Untyped ;
  511. ; CLK2_MULTIPLY_BY ; 3 ; Signed Integer ;
  512. ; CLK1_MULTIPLY_BY ; 2 ; Signed Integer ;
  513. ; CLK0_MULTIPLY_BY ; 2 ; Signed Integer ;
  514. ; CLK9_DIVIDE_BY ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  515. ; CLK8_DIVIDE_BY ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  516. ; CLK7_DIVIDE_BY ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  517. ; CLK6_DIVIDE_BY ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  518. ; CLK5_DIVIDE_BY ; 1 ; Untyped ;
  519. ; CLK4_DIVIDE_BY ; 1 ; Untyped ;
  520. ; CLK3_DIVIDE_BY ; 1 ; Untyped ;
  521. ; CLK2_DIVIDE_BY ; 4 ; Signed Integer ;
  522. ; CLK1_DIVIDE_BY ; 1 ; Signed Integer ;
  523. ; CLK0_DIVIDE_BY ; 1 ; Signed Integer ;
  524. ; CLK9_PHASE_SHIFT ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  525. ; CLK8_PHASE_SHIFT ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  526. ; CLK7_PHASE_SHIFT ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  527. ; CLK6_PHASE_SHIFT ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  528. ; CLK5_PHASE_SHIFT ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  529. ; CLK4_PHASE_SHIFT ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  530. ; CLK3_PHASE_SHIFT ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  531. ; CLK2_PHASE_SHIFT ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  532. ; CLK1_PHASE_SHIFT ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  533. ; CLK0_PHASE_SHIFT ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  534. ; CLK5_TIME_DELAY ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  535. ; CLK4_TIME_DELAY ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  536. ; CLK3_TIME_DELAY ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  537. ; CLK2_TIME_DELAY ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  538. ; CLK1_TIME_DELAY ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  539. ; CLK0_TIME_DELAY ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  540. ; CLK9_DUTY_CYCLE ; 50 ; Untyped ;
  541. ; CLK8_DUTY_CYCLE ; 50 ; Untyped ;
  542. ; CLK7_DUTY_CYCLE ; 50 ; Untyped ;
  543. ; CLK6_DUTY_CYCLE ; 50 ; Untyped ;
  544. ; CLK5_DUTY_CYCLE ; 50 ; Untyped ;
  545. ; CLK4_DUTY_CYCLE ; 50 ; Untyped ;
  546. ; CLK3_DUTY_CYCLE ; 50 ; Untyped ;
  547. ; CLK2_DUTY_CYCLE ; 50 ; Signed Integer ;
  548. ; CLK1_DUTY_CYCLE ; 50 ; Signed Integer ;
  549. ; CLK0_DUTY_CYCLE ; 50 ; Signed Integer ;
  550. ; CLK9_USE_EVEN_COUNTER_MODE ; OFF ; Untyped ;
  551. ; CLK8_USE_EVEN_COUNTER_MODE ; OFF ; Untyped ;
  552. ; CLK7_USE_EVEN_COUNTER_MODE ; OFF ; Untyped ;
  553. ; CLK6_USE_EVEN_COUNTER_MODE ; OFF ; Untyped ;
  554. ; CLK5_USE_EVEN_COUNTER_MODE ; OFF ; Untyped ;
  555. ; CLK4_USE_EVEN_COUNTER_MODE ; OFF ; Untyped ;
  556. ; CLK3_USE_EVEN_COUNTER_MODE ; OFF ; Untyped ;
  557. ; CLK2_USE_EVEN_COUNTER_MODE ; OFF ; Untyped ;
  558. ; CLK1_USE_EVEN_COUNTER_MODE ; OFF ; Untyped ;
  559. ; CLK0_USE_EVEN_COUNTER_MODE ; OFF ; Untyped ;
  560. ; CLK9_USE_EVEN_COUNTER_VALUE ; OFF ; Untyped ;
  561. ; CLK8_USE_EVEN_COUNTER_VALUE ; OFF ; Untyped ;
  562. ; CLK7_USE_EVEN_COUNTER_VALUE ; OFF ; Untyped ;
  563. ; CLK6_USE_EVEN_COUNTER_VALUE ; OFF ; Untyped ;
  564. ; CLK5_USE_EVEN_COUNTER_VALUE ; OFF ; Untyped ;
  565. ; CLK4_USE_EVEN_COUNTER_VALUE ; OFF ; Untyped ;
  566. ; CLK3_USE_EVEN_COUNTER_VALUE ; OFF ; Untyped ;
  567. ; CLK2_USE_EVEN_COUNTER_VALUE ; OFF ; Untyped ;
  568. ; CLK1_USE_EVEN_COUNTER_VALUE ; OFF ; Untyped ;
  569. ; CLK0_USE_EVEN_COUNTER_VALUE ; OFF ; Untyped ;
  570. ; LOCK_WINDOW_UI ; 0.05 ; Untyped ;
  571. ; LOCK_WINDOW_UI_BITS ; UNUSED ; Untyped ;
  574. ; DPA_MULTIPLY_BY ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  575. ; DPA_DIVIDE_BY ; 1 ; Untyped ;
  576. ; DPA_DIVIDER ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  577. ; EXTCLK3_MULTIPLY_BY ; 1 ; Untyped ;
  578. ; EXTCLK2_MULTIPLY_BY ; 1 ; Untyped ;
  579. ; EXTCLK1_MULTIPLY_BY ; 1 ; Untyped ;
  580. ; EXTCLK0_MULTIPLY_BY ; 1 ; Untyped ;
  581. ; EXTCLK3_DIVIDE_BY ; 1 ; Untyped ;
  582. ; EXTCLK2_DIVIDE_BY ; 1 ; Untyped ;
  583. ; EXTCLK1_DIVIDE_BY ; 1 ; Untyped ;
  584. ; EXTCLK0_DIVIDE_BY ; 1 ; Untyped ;
  585. ; EXTCLK3_PHASE_SHIFT ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  586. ; EXTCLK2_PHASE_SHIFT ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  587. ; EXTCLK1_PHASE_SHIFT ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  588. ; EXTCLK0_PHASE_SHIFT ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  589. ; EXTCLK3_TIME_DELAY ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  590. ; EXTCLK2_TIME_DELAY ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  591. ; EXTCLK1_TIME_DELAY ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  592. ; EXTCLK0_TIME_DELAY ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  593. ; EXTCLK3_DUTY_CYCLE ; 50 ; Untyped ;
  594. ; EXTCLK2_DUTY_CYCLE ; 50 ; Untyped ;
  595. ; EXTCLK1_DUTY_CYCLE ; 50 ; Untyped ;
  596. ; EXTCLK0_DUTY_CYCLE ; 50 ; Untyped ;
  597. ; VCO_MULTIPLY_BY ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  598. ; VCO_DIVIDE_BY ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  599. ; SCLKOUT0_PHASE_SHIFT ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  600. ; SCLKOUT1_PHASE_SHIFT ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  601. ; VCO_MIN ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  602. ; VCO_MAX ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  603. ; VCO_CENTER ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  604. ; PFD_MIN ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  605. ; PFD_MAX ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  606. ; M_INITIAL ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  607. ; M ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  608. ; N ; 1 ; Untyped ;
  609. ; M2 ; 1 ; Untyped ;
  610. ; N2 ; 1 ; Untyped ;
  611. ; SS ; 1 ; Untyped ;
  612. ; C0_HIGH ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  613. ; C1_HIGH ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  614. ; C2_HIGH ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  615. ; C3_HIGH ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  616. ; C4_HIGH ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  617. ; C5_HIGH ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  618. ; C6_HIGH ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  619. ; C7_HIGH ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  620. ; C8_HIGH ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  621. ; C9_HIGH ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  622. ; C0_LOW ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  623. ; C1_LOW ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  624. ; C2_LOW ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  625. ; C3_LOW ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  626. ; C4_LOW ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  627. ; C5_LOW ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  628. ; C6_LOW ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  629. ; C7_LOW ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  630. ; C8_LOW ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  631. ; C9_LOW ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  632. ; C0_INITIAL ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  633. ; C1_INITIAL ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  634. ; C2_INITIAL ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  635. ; C3_INITIAL ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  636. ; C4_INITIAL ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  637. ; C5_INITIAL ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  638. ; C6_INITIAL ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  639. ; C7_INITIAL ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  640. ; C8_INITIAL ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  641. ; C9_INITIAL ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  642. ; C0_MODE ; BYPASS ; Untyped ;
  643. ; C1_MODE ; BYPASS ; Untyped ;
  644. ; C2_MODE ; BYPASS ; Untyped ;
  645. ; C3_MODE ; BYPASS ; Untyped ;
  646. ; C4_MODE ; BYPASS ; Untyped ;
  647. ; C5_MODE ; BYPASS ; Untyped ;
  648. ; C6_MODE ; BYPASS ; Untyped ;
  649. ; C7_MODE ; BYPASS ; Untyped ;
  650. ; C8_MODE ; BYPASS ; Untyped ;
  651. ; C9_MODE ; BYPASS ; Untyped ;
  652. ; C0_PH ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  653. ; C1_PH ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  654. ; C2_PH ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  655. ; C3_PH ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  656. ; C4_PH ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  657. ; C5_PH ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  658. ; C6_PH ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  659. ; C7_PH ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  660. ; C8_PH ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  661. ; C9_PH ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  662. ; L0_HIGH ; 1 ; Untyped ;
  663. ; L1_HIGH ; 1 ; Untyped ;
  664. ; G0_HIGH ; 1 ; Untyped ;
  665. ; G1_HIGH ; 1 ; Untyped ;
  666. ; G2_HIGH ; 1 ; Untyped ;
  667. ; G3_HIGH ; 1 ; Untyped ;
  668. ; E0_HIGH ; 1 ; Untyped ;
  669. ; E1_HIGH ; 1 ; Untyped ;
  670. ; E2_HIGH ; 1 ; Untyped ;
  671. ; E3_HIGH ; 1 ; Untyped ;
  672. ; L0_LOW ; 1 ; Untyped ;
  673. ; L1_LOW ; 1 ; Untyped ;
  674. ; G0_LOW ; 1 ; Untyped ;
  675. ; G1_LOW ; 1 ; Untyped ;
  676. ; G2_LOW ; 1 ; Untyped ;
  677. ; G3_LOW ; 1 ; Untyped ;
  678. ; E0_LOW ; 1 ; Untyped ;
  679. ; E1_LOW ; 1 ; Untyped ;
  680. ; E2_LOW ; 1 ; Untyped ;
  681. ; E3_LOW ; 1 ; Untyped ;
  682. ; L0_INITIAL ; 1 ; Untyped ;
  683. ; L1_INITIAL ; 1 ; Untyped ;
  684. ; G0_INITIAL ; 1 ; Untyped ;
  685. ; G1_INITIAL ; 1 ; Untyped ;
  686. ; G2_INITIAL ; 1 ; Untyped ;
  687. ; G3_INITIAL ; 1 ; Untyped ;
  688. ; E0_INITIAL ; 1 ; Untyped ;
  689. ; E1_INITIAL ; 1 ; Untyped ;
  690. ; E2_INITIAL ; 1 ; Untyped ;
  691. ; E3_INITIAL ; 1 ; Untyped ;
  692. ; L0_MODE ; BYPASS ; Untyped ;
  693. ; L1_MODE ; BYPASS ; Untyped ;
  694. ; G0_MODE ; BYPASS ; Untyped ;
  695. ; G1_MODE ; BYPASS ; Untyped ;
  696. ; G2_MODE ; BYPASS ; Untyped ;
  697. ; G3_MODE ; BYPASS ; Untyped ;
  698. ; E0_MODE ; BYPASS ; Untyped ;
  699. ; E1_MODE ; BYPASS ; Untyped ;
  700. ; E2_MODE ; BYPASS ; Untyped ;
  701. ; E3_MODE ; BYPASS ; Untyped ;
  702. ; L0_PH ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  703. ; L1_PH ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  704. ; G0_PH ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  705. ; G1_PH ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  706. ; G2_PH ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  707. ; G3_PH ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  708. ; E0_PH ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  709. ; E1_PH ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  710. ; E2_PH ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  711. ; E3_PH ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  712. ; M_PH ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  713. ; C1_USE_CASC_IN ; OFF ; Untyped ;
  714. ; C2_USE_CASC_IN ; OFF ; Untyped ;
  715. ; C3_USE_CASC_IN ; OFF ; Untyped ;
  716. ; C4_USE_CASC_IN ; OFF ; Untyped ;
  717. ; C5_USE_CASC_IN ; OFF ; Untyped ;
  718. ; C6_USE_CASC_IN ; OFF ; Untyped ;
  719. ; C7_USE_CASC_IN ; OFF ; Untyped ;
  720. ; C8_USE_CASC_IN ; OFF ; Untyped ;
  721. ; C9_USE_CASC_IN ; OFF ; Untyped ;
  722. ; CLK0_COUNTER ; G0 ; Untyped ;
  723. ; CLK1_COUNTER ; G0 ; Untyped ;
  724. ; CLK2_COUNTER ; G0 ; Untyped ;
  725. ; CLK3_COUNTER ; G0 ; Untyped ;
  726. ; CLK4_COUNTER ; G0 ; Untyped ;
  727. ; CLK5_COUNTER ; G0 ; Untyped ;
  728. ; CLK6_COUNTER ; E0 ; Untyped ;
  729. ; CLK7_COUNTER ; E1 ; Untyped ;
  730. ; CLK8_COUNTER ; E2 ; Untyped ;
  731. ; CLK9_COUNTER ; E3 ; Untyped ;
  732. ; L0_TIME_DELAY ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  733. ; L1_TIME_DELAY ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  734. ; G0_TIME_DELAY ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  735. ; G1_TIME_DELAY ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  736. ; G2_TIME_DELAY ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  737. ; G3_TIME_DELAY ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  738. ; E0_TIME_DELAY ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  739. ; E1_TIME_DELAY ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  740. ; E2_TIME_DELAY ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  741. ; E3_TIME_DELAY ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  742. ; M_TIME_DELAY ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  743. ; N_TIME_DELAY ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  744. ; EXTCLK3_COUNTER ; E3 ; Untyped ;
  745. ; EXTCLK2_COUNTER ; E2 ; Untyped ;
  746. ; EXTCLK1_COUNTER ; E1 ; Untyped ;
  747. ; EXTCLK0_COUNTER ; E0 ; Untyped ;
  748. ; ENABLE0_COUNTER ; L0 ; Untyped ;
  749. ; ENABLE1_COUNTER ; L0 ; Untyped ;
  750. ; CHARGE_PUMP_CURRENT ; 2 ; Untyped ;
  751. ; LOOP_FILTER_R ; 1.000000 ; Untyped ;
  752. ; LOOP_FILTER_C ; 5 ; Untyped ;
  753. ; CHARGE_PUMP_CURRENT_BITS ; 9999 ; Untyped ;
  754. ; LOOP_FILTER_R_BITS ; 9999 ; Untyped ;
  755. ; LOOP_FILTER_C_BITS ; 9999 ; Untyped ;
  756. ; VCO_POST_SCALE ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  757. ; CLK2_OUTPUT_FREQUENCY ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  758. ; CLK1_OUTPUT_FREQUENCY ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  759. ; CLK0_OUTPUT_FREQUENCY ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  760. ; INTENDED_DEVICE_FAMILY ; Cyclone IV E ; Untyped ;
  761. ; PORT_CLKENA0 ; PORT_UNUSED ; Untyped ;
  762. ; PORT_CLKENA1 ; PORT_UNUSED ; Untyped ;
  763. ; PORT_CLKENA2 ; PORT_UNUSED ; Untyped ;
  764. ; PORT_CLKENA3 ; PORT_UNUSED ; Untyped ;
  765. ; PORT_CLKENA4 ; PORT_UNUSED ; Untyped ;
  766. ; PORT_CLKENA5 ; PORT_UNUSED ; Untyped ;
  771. ; PORT_EXTCLK0 ; PORT_UNUSED ; Untyped ;
  772. ; PORT_EXTCLK1 ; PORT_UNUSED ; Untyped ;
  773. ; PORT_EXTCLK2 ; PORT_UNUSED ; Untyped ;
  774. ; PORT_EXTCLK3 ; PORT_UNUSED ; Untyped ;
  775. ; PORT_CLKBAD0 ; PORT_UNUSED ; Untyped ;
  776. ; PORT_CLKBAD1 ; PORT_UNUSED ; Untyped ;
  777. ; PORT_CLK0 ; PORT_USED ; Untyped ;
  778. ; PORT_CLK1 ; PORT_USED ; Untyped ;
  779. ; PORT_CLK2 ; PORT_USED ; Untyped ;
  780. ; PORT_CLK3 ; PORT_UNUSED ; Untyped ;
  781. ; PORT_CLK4 ; PORT_UNUSED ; Untyped ;
  782. ; PORT_CLK5 ; PORT_UNUSED ; Untyped ;
  783. ; PORT_CLK6 ; PORT_UNUSED ; Untyped ;
  784. ; PORT_CLK7 ; PORT_UNUSED ; Untyped ;
  785. ; PORT_CLK8 ; PORT_UNUSED ; Untyped ;
  786. ; PORT_CLK9 ; PORT_UNUSED ; Untyped ;
  787. ; PORT_SCANDATA ; PORT_UNUSED ; Untyped ;
  789. ; PORT_SCANDONE ; PORT_UNUSED ; Untyped ;
  793. ; PORT_CLKLOSS ; PORT_UNUSED ; Untyped ;
  794. ; PORT_INCLK1 ; PORT_UNUSED ; Untyped ;
  795. ; PORT_INCLK0 ; PORT_USED ; Untyped ;
  796. ; PORT_FBIN ; PORT_UNUSED ; Untyped ;
  797. ; PORT_PLLENA ; PORT_UNUSED ; Untyped ;
  798. ; PORT_CLKSWITCH ; PORT_UNUSED ; Untyped ;
  799. ; PORT_ARESET ; PORT_USED ; Untyped ;
  800. ; PORT_PFDENA ; PORT_UNUSED ; Untyped ;
  801. ; PORT_SCANCLK ; PORT_USED ; Untyped ;
  802. ; PORT_SCANACLR ; PORT_UNUSED ; Untyped ;
  803. ; PORT_SCANREAD ; PORT_UNUSED ; Untyped ;
  804. ; PORT_SCANWRITE ; PORT_UNUSED ; Untyped ;
  807. ; PORT_LOCKED ; PORT_USED ; Untyped ;
  810. ; PORT_PHASEDONE ; PORT_USED ; Untyped ;
  811. ; PORT_PHASESTEP ; PORT_USED ; Untyped ;
  812. ; PORT_PHASEUPDOWN ; PORT_USED ; Untyped ;
  813. ; PORT_SCANCLKENA ; PORT_UNUSED ; Untyped ;
  817. ; M_TEST_SOURCE ; 5 ; Untyped ;
  818. ; C0_TEST_SOURCE ; 5 ; Untyped ;
  819. ; C1_TEST_SOURCE ; 5 ; Untyped ;
  820. ; C2_TEST_SOURCE ; 5 ; Untyped ;
  821. ; C3_TEST_SOURCE ; 5 ; Untyped ;
  822. ; C4_TEST_SOURCE ; 5 ; Untyped ;
  823. ; C5_TEST_SOURCE ; 5 ; Untyped ;
  824. ; C6_TEST_SOURCE ; 5 ; Untyped ;
  825. ; C7_TEST_SOURCE ; 5 ; Untyped ;
  826. ; C8_TEST_SOURCE ; 5 ; Untyped ;
  827. ; C9_TEST_SOURCE ; 5 ; Untyped ;
  828. ; CBXI_PARAMETER ; pll_altpll ; Untyped ;
  829. ; VCO_FREQUENCY_CONTROL ; AUTO ; Untyped ;
  830. ; VCO_PHASE_SHIFT_STEP ; 0 ; Untyped ;
  831. ; WIDTH_CLOCK ; 5 ; Signed Integer ;
  832. ; WIDTH_PHASECOUNTERSELECT ; 3 ; Signed Integer ;
  833. ; USING_FBMIMICBIDIR_PORT ; OFF ; Untyped ;
  834. ; DEVICE_FAMILY ; Cyclone IV E ; Untyped ;
  835. ; SCAN_CHAIN_MIF_FILE ; UNUSED ; Untyped ;
  841. +-------------------------------+-----------------------+----------------------+
  842. Note: In order to hide this table in the UI and the text report file, please set the "Show Parameter Settings in Synthesis Report" option in "Analysis and Synthesis Settings -> More Settings" to "Off".
  843. +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
  844. ; Parameter Settings for User Entity Instance: transpose:hdmitranspose ;
  845. +----------------+-------+---------------------------------------------+
  846. ; Parameter Name ; Value ; Type ;
  847. +----------------+-------+---------------------------------------------+
  848. ; words ; 3 ; Signed Integer ;
  849. ; bits ; 10 ; Signed Integer ;
  850. ; reverse_w ; 0 ; Signed Integer ;
  851. ; reverse_b ; 1 ; Signed Integer ;
  852. ; reg_d ; 0 ; Signed Integer ;
  853. ; reg_q ; 0 ; Signed Integer ;
  854. ; transpose ; 1 ; Signed Integer ;
  855. +----------------+-------+---------------------------------------------+
  856. Note: In order to hide this table in the UI and the text report file, please set the "Show Parameter Settings in Synthesis Report" option in "Analysis and Synthesis Settings -> More Settings" to "Off".
  857. +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  858. ; Parameter Settings for User Entity Instance: transpose:hdmitranspose|condreg:dreg ;
  859. +----------------+-------+----------------------------------------------------------+
  860. ; Parameter Name ; Value ; Type ;
  861. +----------------+-------+----------------------------------------------------------+
  862. ; bits ; 30 ; Signed Integer ;
  863. ; register ; 0 ; Signed Integer ;
  864. +----------------+-------+----------------------------------------------------------+
  865. Note: In order to hide this table in the UI and the text report file, please set the "Show Parameter Settings in Synthesis Report" option in "Analysis and Synthesis Settings -> More Settings" to "Off".
  866. +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  867. ; Parameter Settings for User Entity Instance: transpose:hdmitranspose|condreg:qreg ;
  868. +----------------+-------+----------------------------------------------------------+
  869. ; Parameter Name ; Value ; Type ;
  870. +----------------+-------+----------------------------------------------------------+
  871. ; bits ; 30 ; Signed Integer ;
  872. ; register ; 0 ; Signed Integer ;
  873. +----------------+-------+----------------------------------------------------------+
  874. Note: In order to hide this table in the UI and the text report file, please set the "Show Parameter Settings in Synthesis Report" option in "Analysis and Synthesis Settings -> More Settings" to "Off".
  875. +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  876. ; Parameter Settings for User Entity Instance: hdmitx:hdmitx|altlvds_tx:ALTLVDS_TX_component ;
  877. +-----------------------------+----------------+---------------------------------------------+
  878. ; Parameter Name ; Value ; Type ;
  879. +-----------------------------+----------------+---------------------------------------------+
  884. ; NUMBER_OF_CHANNELS ; 3 ; Signed Integer ;
  885. ; DESERIALIZATION_FACTOR ; 10 ; Signed Integer ;
  886. ; REGISTERED_INPUT ; TX_CORECLK ; Untyped ;
  887. ; MULTI_CLOCK ; OFF ; Untyped ;
  888. ; INCLOCK_PERIOD ; 27778 ; Signed Integer ;
  889. ; OUTCLOCK_DIVIDE_BY ; 10 ; Signed Integer ;
  890. ; INCLOCK_BOOST ; 0 ; Signed Integer ;
  891. ; CENTER_ALIGN_MSB ; UNUSED ; Untyped ;
  892. ; INTENDED_DEVICE_FAMILY ; Cyclone IV E ; Untyped ;
  893. ; DEVICE_FAMILY ; Cyclone IV E ; Untyped ;
  894. ; OUTPUT_DATA_RATE ; 360 ; Signed Integer ;
  897. ; INCLOCK_PHASE_SHIFT ; 0 ; Signed Integer ;
  898. ; OUTCLOCK_PHASE_SHIFT ; 0 ; Signed Integer ;
  899. ; COMMON_RX_TX_PLL ; OFF ; Untyped ;
  900. ; OUTCLOCK_RESOURCE ; AUTO ; Untyped ;
  901. ; USE_EXTERNAL_PLL ; OFF ; Untyped ;
  902. ; PREEMPHASIS_SETTING ; 0 ; Signed Integer ;
  903. ; VOD_SETTING ; 0 ; Signed Integer ;
  904. ; DIFFERENTIAL_DRIVE ; 0 ; Signed Integer ;
  905. ; CORECLOCK_DIVIDE_BY ; 2 ; Signed Integer ;
  906. ; ENABLE_CLK_LATENCY ; OFF ; Untyped ;
  907. ; OUTCLOCK_DUTY_CYCLE ; 50 ; Signed Integer ;
  908. ; PLL_BANDWIDTH_TYPE ; AUTO ; Untyped ;
  909. ; IMPLEMENT_IN_LES ; ON ; Untyped ;
  910. ; PLL_SELF_RESET_ON_LOSS_LOCK ; ON ; Untyped ;
  911. ; CBXI_PARAMETER ; hdmitx_lvds_tx ; Untyped ;
  912. +-----------------------------+----------------+---------------------------------------------+
  913. Note: In order to hide this table in the UI and the text report file, please set the "Show Parameter Settings in Synthesis Report" option in "Analysis and Synthesis Settings -> More Settings" to "Off".
  914. +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
  915. ; altpll Parameter Settings by Entity Instance ;
  916. +-------------------------------+---------------------------------+
  917. ; Name ; Value ;
  918. +-------------------------------+---------------------------------+
  919. ; Number of entity instances ; 1 ;
  920. ; Entity Instance ; pll:pll|altpll:altpll_component ;
  922. ; -- PLL_TYPE ; AUTO ;
  923. ; -- PRIMARY_CLOCK ; INCLK0 ;
  924. ; -- INCLK0_INPUT_FREQUENCY ; 20833 ;
  925. ; -- INCLK1_INPUT_FREQUENCY ; 0 ;
  926. ; -- VCO_MULTIPLY_BY ; 0 ;
  927. ; -- VCO_DIVIDE_BY ; 0 ;
  928. +-------------------------------+---------------------------------+
  929. +---------------------------------------------------------+
  930. ; Port Connectivity Checks: "hdmitx:hdmitx" ;
  931. +------------+--------+----------+------------------------+
  932. ; Port ; Type ; Severity ; Details ;
  933. +------------+--------+----------+------------------------+
  934. ; pll_areset ; Input ; Info ; Stuck at GND ;
  935. ; tx_locked ; Output ; Info ; Explicitly unconnected ;
  936. +------------+--------+----------+------------------------+
  937. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  938. ; Port Connectivity Checks: "transpose:hdmitranspose" ;
  939. +------+-------+----------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  940. ; Port ; Type ; Severity ; Details ;
  941. +------+-------+----------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  942. ; clk ; Input ; Warning ; Declared by entity but not connected by instance. If a default value exists, it will be used. Otherwise, the port will be connected to GND. ;
  943. +------+-------+----------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  944. +-----------------------------------------------------+
  945. ; Port Connectivity Checks: "tmdsenc:hdmitmds[2].enc" ;
  946. +------+-------+----------+---------------------------+
  947. ; Port ; Type ; Severity ; Details ;
  948. +------+-------+----------+---------------------------+
  949. ; den ; Input ; Info ; Stuck at VCC ;
  950. ; c ; Input ; Info ; Stuck at GND ;
  951. +------+-------+----------+---------------------------+
  952. +-----------------------------------------------------+
  953. ; Port Connectivity Checks: "tmdsenc:hdmitmds[1].enc" ;
  954. +------+-------+----------+---------------------------+
  955. ; Port ; Type ; Severity ; Details ;
  956. +------+-------+----------+---------------------------+
  957. ; den ; Input ; Info ; Stuck at VCC ;
  958. ; c ; Input ; Info ; Stuck at GND ;
  959. +------+-------+----------+---------------------------+
  960. +-----------------------------------------------------+
  961. ; Port Connectivity Checks: "tmdsenc:hdmitmds[0].enc" ;
  962. +------+-------+----------+---------------------------+
  963. ; Port ; Type ; Severity ; Details ;
  964. +------+-------+----------+---------------------------+
  965. ; den ; Input ; Info ; Stuck at VCC ;
  966. ; c ; Input ; Info ; Stuck at GND ;
  967. +------+-------+----------+---------------------------+
  968. +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
  969. ; Port Connectivity Checks: "pll:pll" ;
  970. +--------------------+--------+----------+------------------------+
  971. ; Port ; Type ; Severity ; Details ;
  972. +--------------------+--------+----------+------------------------+
  973. ; areset ; Input ; Info ; Stuck at GND ;
  974. ; phasestep ; Input ; Info ; Stuck at GND ;
  975. ; phasecounterselect ; Input ; Info ; Stuck at GND ;
  976. ; phaseupdown ; Input ; Info ; Stuck at VCC ;
  977. ; scanclk ; Input ; Info ; Stuck at GND ;
  978. ; phasedone ; Output ; Info ; Explicitly unconnected ;
  979. +--------------------+--------+----------+------------------------+
  980. +-----------------------------------------------------+
  981. ; Post-Synthesis Netlist Statistics for Top Partition ;
  982. +-----------------------+-----------------------------+
  983. ; Type ; Count ;
  984. +-----------------------+-----------------------------+
  985. ; boundary_port ; 139 ;
  986. ; cycloneiii_ddio_out ; 4 ;
  987. ; cycloneiii_ff ; 218 ;
  988. ; CLR ; 46 ;
  989. ; CLR SCLR ; 18 ;
  990. ; CLR SLD ; 9 ;
  991. ; ENA ; 27 ;
  992. ; ENA CLR ; 12 ;
  993. ; plain ; 106 ;
  994. ; cycloneiii_io_obuf ; 58 ;
  995. ; cycloneiii_lcell_comb ; 278 ;
  996. ; arith ; 56 ;
  997. ; 2 data inputs ; 39 ;
  998. ; 3 data inputs ; 17 ;
  999. ; normal ; 222 ;
  1000. ; 0 data inputs ; 8 ;
  1001. ; 1 data inputs ; 24 ;
  1002. ; 2 data inputs ; 37 ;
  1003. ; 3 data inputs ; 48 ;
  1004. ; 4 data inputs ; 105 ;
  1005. ; cycloneiii_pll ; 2 ;
  1006. ; ; ;
  1007. ; Max LUT depth ; 7.20 ;
  1008. ; Average LUT depth ; 2.81 ;
  1009. +-----------------------+-----------------------------+
  1010. +-------------------------------+
  1011. ; Elapsed Time Per Partition ;
  1012. +----------------+--------------+
  1013. ; Partition Name ; Elapsed Time ;
  1014. +----------------+--------------+
  1015. ; Top ; 00:00:00 ;
  1016. +----------------+--------------+
  1017. +--------------------------------+
  1018. ; Analysis & Synthesis Equations ;
  1019. +--------------------------------+
  1020. The equations can be found in /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/output_files/max80.map.eqn.
  1021. +-------------------------------+
  1022. ; Analysis & Synthesis Messages ;
  1023. +-------------------------------+
  1024. Info: *******************************************************************
  1025. Info: Running Quartus Prime Analysis & Synthesis
  1026. Info: Version 20.1.1 Build 720 11/11/2020 SJ Lite Edition
  1027. Info: Processing started: Fri Aug 6 20:12:35 2021
  1028. Info: Command: quartus_map --lower_priority --read_settings_files=on --write_settings_files=off max80 -c max80
  1029. Warning (18236): Number of processors has not been specified which may cause overloading on shared machines. Set the global assignment NUM_PARALLEL_PROCESSORS in your QSF to an appropriate value for best performance.
  1030. Info (20030): Parallel compilation is enabled and will use 8 of the 8 processors detected
  1031. Info (12021): Found 1 design units, including 1 entities, in source file ip/hdmitx.v
  1032. Info (12023): Found entity 1: hdmitx File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/ip/hdmitx.v Line: 40
  1033. Info (12021): Found 1 design units, including 1 entities, in source file ip/pll.v
  1034. Info (12023): Found entity 1: pll File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/ip/pll.v Line: 40
  1035. Info (12021): Found 3 design units, including 3 entities, in source file transpose.sv
  1036. Info (12023): Found entity 1: condreg File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/transpose.sv Line: 4
  1037. Info (12023): Found entity 2: transpose File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/transpose.sv Line: 35
  1038. Info (12023): Found entity 3: reverse File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/transpose.sv Line: 79
  1039. Warning (12019): Can't analyze file -- file syncho.sv is missing
  1040. Warning (10229): Verilog HDL Expression warning at tmdsenc.sv(84): truncated literal to match 10 bits File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/tmdsenc.sv Line: 84
  1041. Warning (10259): Verilog HDL error at tmdsenc.sv(93): constant value overflow File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/tmdsenc.sv Line: 93
  1042. Warning (10229): Verilog HDL Expression warning at tmdsenc.sv(117): truncated literal to match 10 bits File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/tmdsenc.sv Line: 117
  1043. Info (12021): Found 1 design units, including 1 entities, in source file tmdsenc.sv
  1044. Info (12023): Found entity 1: tmdsenc File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/tmdsenc.sv Line: 73
  1045. Info (12021): Found 1 design units, including 1 entities, in source file max80.sv
  1046. Info (12023): Found entity 1: max80 File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 11
  1047. Warning (10236): Verilog HDL Implicit Net warning at max80.sv(185): created implicit net for "hdmi_sck" File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 185
  1048. Info (12127): Elaborating entity "max80" for the top level hierarchy
  1049. Warning (10036): Verilog HDL or VHDL warning at max80.sv(185): object "hdmi_sck" assigned a value but never read File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 185
  1050. Warning (10036): Verilog HDL or VHDL warning at max80.sv(217): object "abc_xmemrd" assigned a value but never read File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 217
  1051. Warning (10036): Verilog HDL or VHDL warning at max80.sv(218): object "abc_xmemwr" assigned a value but never read File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 218
  1052. Warning (10036): Verilog HDL or VHDL warning at max80.sv(221): object "abc_iord" assigned a value but never read File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 221
  1053. Warning (10036): Verilog HDL or VHDL warning at max80.sv(222): object "abc_iowr" assigned a value but never read File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 222
  1054. Warning (10858): Verilog HDL warning at max80.sv(225): object abc_wait used but never assigned File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 225
  1055. Warning (10858): Verilog HDL warning at max80.sv(226): object abc_resin used but never assigned File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 226
  1056. Warning (10858): Verilog HDL warning at max80.sv(227): object abc_int used but never assigned File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 227
  1057. Warning (10858): Verilog HDL warning at max80.sv(228): object abc_nmi used but never assigned File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 228
  1058. Warning (10858): Verilog HDL warning at max80.sv(229): object abc_xm used but never assigned File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 229
  1059. Warning (10036): Verilog HDL or VHDL warning at max80.sv(268): object "exth_d" assigned a value but never read File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 268
  1060. Warning (10230): Verilog HDL assignment warning at max80.sv(156): truncated value with size 30 to match size of target (24) File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 156
  1061. Warning (10040): Verilog HDL or VHDL arithmetic warning at max80.sv(299): loss of carry in addition or borrow in subtraction File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 299
  1062. Warning (10030): Net "abc_wait" at max80.sv(225) has no driver or initial value, using a default initial value '0' File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 225
  1063. Warning (10030): Net "abc_resin" at max80.sv(226) has no driver or initial value, using a default initial value '0' File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 226
  1064. Warning (10030): Net "abc_int" at max80.sv(227) has no driver or initial value, using a default initial value '0' File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 227
  1065. Warning (10030): Net "abc_nmi" at max80.sv(228) has no driver or initial value, using a default initial value '0' File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 228
  1066. Warning (10030): Net "abc_xm" at max80.sv(229) has no driver or initial value, using a default initial value '0' File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 229
  1067. Warning (10034): Output port "abc_d_oe" at max80.sv(19) has no driver File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 19
  1068. Warning (10034): Output port "abc_master" at max80.sv(38) has no driver File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 38
  1069. Warning (10034): Output port "abc_a_oe" at max80.sv(39) has no driver File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 39
  1070. Warning (10034): Output port "abc_d_ce_n" at max80.sv(41) has no driver File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 41
  1071. Warning (10034): Output port "flash_cs_n" at max80.sv(80) has no driver File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 80
  1072. Warning (10034): Output port "flash_clk" at max80.sv(81) has no driver File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 81
  1073. Warning (10034): Output port "flash_mosi" at max80.sv(82) has no driver File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 82
  1074. Warning (10862): input port "abc_a" at max80.sv(17) has no fan-out File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 17
  1075. Warning (10863): bidir port "abc_d" at max80.sv(18) has no fan-in File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 18
  1076. Warning (10862): bidir port "abc_d" at max80.sv(18) has no fan-out File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 18
  1077. Warning (10862): input port "abc_out_n" at max80.sv(22) has no fan-out File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 22
  1078. Warning (10862): input port "abc_inp_n" at max80.sv(23) has no fan-out File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 23
  1079. Warning (10862): bidir port "sr_dq" at max80.sv(60) has no fan-out File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 60
  1080. Warning (10862): bidir port "sd_dat" at max80.sv(70) has no fan-out File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 70
  1081. Warning (10862): bidir port "gpio" at max80.sv(106) has no fan-out File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 106
  1082. Warning (10862): input port "abc_clk" at max80.sv(16) has no fan-out File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 16
  1083. Warning (10862): input port "abc_rst_n" at max80.sv(20) has no fan-out File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 20
  1084. Warning (10862): input port "abc_cs_n" at max80.sv(21) has no fan-out File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 21
  1085. Warning (10862): input port "abc_xmemfl_n" at max80.sv(24) has no fan-out File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 24
  1086. Warning (10862): input port "abc_xmemw800_n" at max80.sv(25) has no fan-out File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 25
  1087. Warning (10862): input port "abc_xmemw80_n" at max80.sv(26) has no fan-out File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 26
  1088. Warning (10862): bidir port "exth_ha" at max80.sv(46) has no fan-out File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 46
  1089. Warning (10862): bidir port "exth_hb" at max80.sv(47) has no fan-out File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 47
  1090. Warning (10862): input port "exth_hc" at max80.sv(48) has no fan-out File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 48
  1091. Warning (10862): bidir port "exth_hd" at max80.sv(49) has no fan-out File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 49
  1092. Warning (10862): bidir port "exth_he" at max80.sv(50) has no fan-out File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 50
  1093. Warning (10862): bidir port "exth_hf" at max80.sv(51) has no fan-out File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 51
  1094. Warning (10862): bidir port "exth_hg" at max80.sv(52) has no fan-out File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 52
  1095. Warning (10862): input port "exth_hh" at max80.sv(53) has no fan-out File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 53
  1096. Warning (10862): input port "tty_txd" at max80.sv(73) has no fan-out File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 73
  1097. Warning (10862): input port "tty_rts" at max80.sv(75) has no fan-out File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 75
  1098. Warning (10862): input port "tty_dtr" at max80.sv(77) has no fan-out File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 77
  1099. Warning (10862): input port "flash_miso" at max80.sv(83) has no fan-out File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 83
  1100. Warning (10862): bidir port "spi_clk" at max80.sv(86) has no fan-out File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 86
  1101. Warning (10862): bidir port "spi_miso" at max80.sv(87) has no fan-out File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 87
  1102. Warning (10862): bidir port "spi_mosi" at max80.sv(88) has no fan-out File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 88
  1103. Warning (10862): bidir port "spi_cs_esp_n" at max80.sv(89) has no fan-out File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 89
  1104. Warning (10862): bidir port "spi_cs_flash_n" at max80.sv(90) has no fan-out File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 90
  1105. Warning (10862): bidir port "esp_io0" at max80.sv(93) has no fan-out File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 93
  1106. Warning (10862): bidir port "esp_int" at max80.sv(94) has no fan-out File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 94
  1107. Warning (10862): bidir port "i2c_scl" at max80.sv(97) has no fan-out File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 97
  1108. Warning (10862): bidir port "i2c_sda" at max80.sv(98) has no fan-out File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 98
  1109. Warning (10862): input port "rtc_32khz" at max80.sv(99) has no fan-out File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 99
  1110. Warning (10862): input port "rtc_int_n" at max80.sv(100) has no fan-out File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 100
  1111. Warning (10862): bidir port "hdmi_scl" at max80.sv(111) has no fan-out File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 111
  1112. Warning (10863): bidir port "hdmi_sda" at max80.sv(112) has no fan-in File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 112
  1113. Warning (10862): bidir port "hdmi_sda" at max80.sv(112) has no fan-out File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 112
  1114. Warning (10862): bidir port "hdmi_hpd" at max80.sv(114) has no fan-out File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 114
  1115. Info (12128): Elaborating entity "pll" for hierarchy "pll:pll" File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 140
  1116. Info (12128): Elaborating entity "altpll" for hierarchy "pll:pll|altpll:altpll_component" File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/ip/pll.v Line: 127
  1117. Info (12130): Elaborated megafunction instantiation "pll:pll|altpll:altpll_component" File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/ip/pll.v Line: 127
  1118. Info (12133): Instantiated megafunction "pll:pll|altpll:altpll_component" with the following parameter: File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/ip/pll.v Line: 127
  1119. Info (12134): Parameter "bandwidth_type" = "HIGH"
  1120. Info (12134): Parameter "clk0_divide_by" = "1"
  1121. Info (12134): Parameter "clk0_duty_cycle" = "50"
  1122. Info (12134): Parameter "clk0_multiply_by" = "2"
  1123. Info (12134): Parameter "clk0_phase_shift" = "0"
  1124. Info (12134): Parameter "clk1_divide_by" = "1"
  1125. Info (12134): Parameter "clk1_duty_cycle" = "50"
  1126. Info (12134): Parameter "clk1_multiply_by" = "2"
  1127. Info (12134): Parameter "clk1_phase_shift" = "0"
  1128. Info (12134): Parameter "clk2_divide_by" = "4"
  1129. Info (12134): Parameter "clk2_duty_cycle" = "50"
  1130. Info (12134): Parameter "clk2_multiply_by" = "3"
  1131. Info (12134): Parameter "clk2_phase_shift" = "0"
  1132. Info (12134): Parameter "compensate_clock" = "CLK0"
  1133. Info (12134): Parameter "inclk0_input_frequency" = "20833"
  1134. Info (12134): Parameter "intended_device_family" = "Cyclone IV E"
  1135. Info (12134): Parameter "lpm_hint" = "CBX_MODULE_PREFIX=pll"
  1136. Info (12134): Parameter "lpm_type" = "altpll"
  1137. Info (12134): Parameter "operation_mode" = "NORMAL"
  1138. Info (12134): Parameter "pll_type" = "AUTO"
  1139. Info (12134): Parameter "port_activeclock" = "PORT_UNUSED"
  1140. Info (12134): Parameter "port_areset" = "PORT_USED"
  1141. Info (12134): Parameter "port_clkbad0" = "PORT_UNUSED"
  1142. Info (12134): Parameter "port_clkbad1" = "PORT_UNUSED"
  1143. Info (12134): Parameter "port_clkloss" = "PORT_UNUSED"
  1144. Info (12134): Parameter "port_clkswitch" = "PORT_UNUSED"
  1145. Info (12134): Parameter "port_configupdate" = "PORT_UNUSED"
  1146. Info (12134): Parameter "port_fbin" = "PORT_UNUSED"
  1147. Info (12134): Parameter "port_inclk0" = "PORT_USED"
  1148. Info (12134): Parameter "port_inclk1" = "PORT_UNUSED"
  1149. Info (12134): Parameter "port_locked" = "PORT_USED"
  1150. Info (12134): Parameter "port_pfdena" = "PORT_UNUSED"
  1151. Info (12134): Parameter "port_phasecounterselect" = "PORT_USED"
  1152. Info (12134): Parameter "port_phasedone" = "PORT_USED"
  1153. Info (12134): Parameter "port_phasestep" = "PORT_USED"
  1154. Info (12134): Parameter "port_phaseupdown" = "PORT_USED"
  1155. Info (12134): Parameter "port_pllena" = "PORT_UNUSED"
  1156. Info (12134): Parameter "port_scanaclr" = "PORT_UNUSED"
  1157. Info (12134): Parameter "port_scanclk" = "PORT_USED"
  1158. Info (12134): Parameter "port_scanclkena" = "PORT_UNUSED"
  1159. Info (12134): Parameter "port_scandata" = "PORT_UNUSED"
  1160. Info (12134): Parameter "port_scandataout" = "PORT_UNUSED"
  1161. Info (12134): Parameter "port_scandone" = "PORT_UNUSED"
  1162. Info (12134): Parameter "port_scanread" = "PORT_UNUSED"
  1163. Info (12134): Parameter "port_scanwrite" = "PORT_UNUSED"
  1164. Info (12134): Parameter "port_clk0" = "PORT_USED"
  1165. Info (12134): Parameter "port_clk1" = "PORT_USED"
  1166. Info (12134): Parameter "port_clk2" = "PORT_USED"
  1167. Info (12134): Parameter "port_clk3" = "PORT_UNUSED"
  1168. Info (12134): Parameter "port_clk4" = "PORT_UNUSED"
  1169. Info (12134): Parameter "port_clk5" = "PORT_UNUSED"
  1170. Info (12134): Parameter "port_clkena0" = "PORT_UNUSED"
  1171. Info (12134): Parameter "port_clkena1" = "PORT_UNUSED"
  1172. Info (12134): Parameter "port_clkena2" = "PORT_UNUSED"
  1173. Info (12134): Parameter "port_clkena3" = "PORT_UNUSED"
  1174. Info (12134): Parameter "port_clkena4" = "PORT_UNUSED"
  1175. Info (12134): Parameter "port_clkena5" = "PORT_UNUSED"
  1176. Info (12134): Parameter "port_extclk0" = "PORT_UNUSED"
  1177. Info (12134): Parameter "port_extclk1" = "PORT_UNUSED"
  1178. Info (12134): Parameter "port_extclk2" = "PORT_UNUSED"
  1179. Info (12134): Parameter "port_extclk3" = "PORT_UNUSED"
  1180. Info (12134): Parameter "self_reset_on_loss_lock" = "ON"
  1181. Info (12134): Parameter "width_clock" = "5"
  1182. Info (12134): Parameter "width_phasecounterselect" = "3"
  1183. Info (12021): Found 8 design units, including 8 entities, in source file db/pll_altpll.v
  1184. Info (12023): Found entity 1: pll_altpll_dyn_phase_le File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/db/pll_altpll.v Line: 35
  1185. Info (12023): Found entity 2: pll_altpll_dyn_phase_le1 File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/db/pll_altpll.v Line: 78
  1186. Info (12023): Found entity 3: pll_altpll_dyn_phase_le12 File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/db/pll_altpll.v Line: 121
  1187. Info (12023): Found entity 4: pll_cmpr File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/db/pll_altpll.v Line: 171
  1188. Info (12023): Found entity 5: pll_cntr File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/db/pll_altpll.v Line: 205
  1189. Info (12023): Found entity 6: pll_cmpr1 File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/db/pll_altpll.v Line: 309
  1190. Info (12023): Found entity 7: pll_cntr1 File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/db/pll_altpll.v Line: 343
  1191. Info (12023): Found entity 8: pll_altpll File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/db/pll_altpll.v Line: 446
  1192. Info (12128): Elaborating entity "pll_altpll" for hierarchy "pll:pll|altpll:altpll_component|pll_altpll:auto_generated" File: /opt/altera/20.1/quartus/libraries/megafunctions/altpll.tdf Line: 898
  1193. Info (12128): Elaborating entity "pll_altpll_dyn_phase_le" for hierarchy "pll:pll|altpll:altpll_component|pll_altpll:auto_generated|pll_altpll_dyn_phase_le:altpll_dyn_phase_le2" File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/db/pll_altpll.v Line: 509
  1194. Warning (10862): input port "datad" at pll_altpll.v(46) has no fan-out File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/db/pll_altpll.v Line: 46
  1195. Info (12128): Elaborating entity "pll_altpll_dyn_phase_le1" for hierarchy "pll:pll|altpll:altpll_component|pll_altpll:auto_generated|pll_altpll_dyn_phase_le1:altpll_dyn_phase_le4" File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/db/pll_altpll.v Line: 516
  1196. Warning (10862): input port "datad" at pll_altpll.v(89) has no fan-out File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/db/pll_altpll.v Line: 89
  1197. Info (12128): Elaborating entity "pll_altpll_dyn_phase_le12" for hierarchy "pll:pll|altpll:altpll_component|pll_altpll:auto_generated|pll_altpll_dyn_phase_le12:altpll_dyn_phase_le5" File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/db/pll_altpll.v Line: 523
  1198. Warning (10862): input port "datad" at pll_altpll.v(132) has no fan-out File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/db/pll_altpll.v Line: 132
  1199. Info (12128): Elaborating entity "pll_cntr" for hierarchy "pll:pll|altpll:altpll_component|pll_altpll:auto_generated|pll_cntr:phasestep_counter" File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/db/pll_altpll.v Line: 567
  1200. Info (12128): Elaborating entity "pll_cmpr" for hierarchy "pll:pll|altpll:altpll_component|pll_altpll:auto_generated|pll_cntr:phasestep_counter|pll_cmpr:cmpr12" File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/db/pll_altpll.v Line: 273
  1201. Info (12128): Elaborating entity "pll_cntr1" for hierarchy "pll:pll|altpll:altpll_component|pll_altpll:auto_generated|pll_cntr1:pll_internal_phasestep" File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/db/pll_altpll.v Line: 573
  1202. Info (12128): Elaborating entity "pll_cmpr1" for hierarchy "pll:pll|altpll:altpll_component|pll_altpll:auto_generated|pll_cntr1:pll_internal_phasestep|pll_cmpr1:cmpr14" File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/db/pll_altpll.v Line: 421
  1203. Info (12128): Elaborating entity "tmdsenc" for hierarchy "tmdsenc:hdmitmds[0].enc" File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 180
  1204. Warning (10040): Verilog HDL or VHDL arithmetic warning at tmdsenc.sv(92): loss of carry in addition or borrow in subtraction File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/tmdsenc.sv Line: 92
  1205. Warning (10040): Verilog HDL or VHDL arithmetic warning at tmdsenc.sv(134): loss of carry in addition or borrow in subtraction File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/tmdsenc.sv Line: 134
  1206. Warning (10040): Verilog HDL or VHDL arithmetic warning at tmdsenc.sv(135): loss of carry in addition or borrow in subtraction File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/tmdsenc.sv Line: 135
  1207. Warning (10040): Verilog HDL or VHDL arithmetic warning at tmdsenc.sv(140): loss of carry in addition or borrow in subtraction File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/tmdsenc.sv Line: 140
  1208. Warning (10040): Verilog HDL or VHDL arithmetic warning at tmdsenc.sv(145): loss of carry in addition or borrow in subtraction File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/tmdsenc.sv Line: 145
  1209. Info (12128): Elaborating entity "transpose" for hierarchy "transpose:hdmitranspose" File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 197
  1210. Warning (10269): Verilog HDL conditional expression warning at transpose.sv(64): expression is wider than one bit File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/transpose.sv Line: 64
  1211. Warning (10269): Verilog HDL conditional expression warning at transpose.sv(65): expression is wider than one bit File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/transpose.sv Line: 65
  1212. Warning (10269): Verilog HDL conditional expression warning at transpose.sv(67): expression is wider than one bit File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/transpose.sv Line: 67
  1213. Info (12128): Elaborating entity "condreg" for hierarchy "transpose:hdmitranspose|condreg:dreg" File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/transpose.sv Line: 53
  1214. Warning (10269): Verilog HDL conditional expression warning at transpose.sv(14): expression is wider than one bit File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/transpose.sv Line: 14
  1215. Warning (10269): Verilog HDL conditional expression warning at transpose.sv(15): expression is wider than one bit File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/transpose.sv Line: 15
  1216. Warning (10862): input port "clk" at transpose.sv(8) has no fan-out File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/transpose.sv Line: 8
  1217. Info (12128): Elaborating entity "hdmitx" for hierarchy "hdmitx:hdmitx" File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 206
  1218. Info (12128): Elaborating entity "altlvds_tx" for hierarchy "hdmitx:hdmitx|altlvds_tx:ALTLVDS_TX_component" File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/ip/hdmitx.v Line: 74
  1219. Info (12130): Elaborated megafunction instantiation "hdmitx:hdmitx|altlvds_tx:ALTLVDS_TX_component" File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/ip/hdmitx.v Line: 74
  1220. Info (12133): Instantiated megafunction "hdmitx:hdmitx|altlvds_tx:ALTLVDS_TX_component" with the following parameter: File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/ip/hdmitx.v Line: 74
  1221. Info (12134): Parameter "center_align_msb" = "UNUSED"
  1222. Info (12134): Parameter "common_rx_tx_pll" = "OFF"
  1223. Info (12134): Parameter "coreclock_divide_by" = "2"
  1224. Info (12134): Parameter "data_rate" = "360.0 Mbps"
  1225. Info (12134): Parameter "deserialization_factor" = "10"
  1226. Info (12134): Parameter "differential_drive" = "0"
  1227. Info (12134): Parameter "enable_clock_pin_mode" = "UNUSED"
  1228. Info (12134): Parameter "implement_in_les" = "ON"
  1229. Info (12134): Parameter "inclock_boost" = "0"
  1230. Info (12134): Parameter "inclock_data_alignment" = "EDGE_ALIGNED"
  1231. Info (12134): Parameter "inclock_period" = "27778"
  1232. Info (12134): Parameter "inclock_phase_shift" = "0"
  1233. Info (12134): Parameter "intended_device_family" = "Cyclone IV E"
  1234. Info (12134): Parameter "lpm_hint" = "CBX_MODULE_PREFIX=hdmitx"
  1235. Info (12134): Parameter "lpm_type" = "altlvds_tx"
  1236. Info (12134): Parameter "multi_clock" = "OFF"
  1237. Info (12134): Parameter "number_of_channels" = "3"
  1238. Info (12134): Parameter "outclock_alignment" = "EDGE_ALIGNED"
  1239. Info (12134): Parameter "outclock_divide_by" = "10"
  1240. Info (12134): Parameter "outclock_duty_cycle" = "50"
  1241. Info (12134): Parameter "outclock_multiply_by" = "2"
  1242. Info (12134): Parameter "outclock_phase_shift" = "0"
  1243. Info (12134): Parameter "outclock_resource" = "AUTO"
  1244. Info (12134): Parameter "output_data_rate" = "360"
  1245. Info (12134): Parameter "pll_compensation_mode" = "AUTO"
  1246. Info (12134): Parameter "pll_self_reset_on_loss_lock" = "ON"
  1247. Info (12134): Parameter "preemphasis_setting" = "0"
  1248. Info (12134): Parameter "refclk_frequency" = "UNUSED"
  1249. Info (12134): Parameter "registered_input" = "TX_CORECLK"
  1250. Info (12134): Parameter "use_external_pll" = "OFF"
  1251. Info (12134): Parameter "use_no_phase_shift" = "ON"
  1252. Info (12134): Parameter "vod_setting" = "0"
  1253. Info (12134): Parameter "clk_src_is_pll" = "off"
  1254. Info (12021): Found 8 design units, including 8 entities, in source file db/hdmitx_lvds_tx.v
  1255. Info (12023): Found entity 1: hdmitx_ddio_out File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/db/hdmitx_lvds_tx.v Line: 35
  1256. Info (12023): Found entity 2: hdmitx_ddio_out1 File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/db/hdmitx_lvds_tx.v Line: 174
  1257. Info (12023): Found entity 3: hdmitx_cmpr File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/db/hdmitx_lvds_tx.v Line: 241
  1258. Info (12023): Found entity 4: hdmitx_cmpr1 File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/db/hdmitx_lvds_tx.v Line: 287
  1259. Info (12023): Found entity 5: hdmitx_cntr File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/db/hdmitx_lvds_tx.v Line: 321
  1260. Info (12023): Found entity 6: hdmitx_shift_reg File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/db/hdmitx_lvds_tx.v Line: 477
  1261. Info (12023): Found entity 7: hdmitx_shift_reg1 File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/db/hdmitx_lvds_tx.v Line: 527
  1262. Info (12023): Found entity 8: hdmitx_lvds_tx File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/db/hdmitx_lvds_tx.v Line: 574
  1263. Info (12128): Elaborating entity "hdmitx_lvds_tx" for hierarchy "hdmitx:hdmitx|altlvds_tx:ALTLVDS_TX_component|hdmitx_lvds_tx:auto_generated" File: /opt/altera/20.1/quartus/libraries/megafunctions/altlvds_tx.tdf Line: 263
  1264. Warning (10036): Verilog HDL or VHDL warning at hdmitx_lvds_tx.v(604): object "dffe19a" assigned a value but never read File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/db/hdmitx_lvds_tx.v Line: 604
  1265. Info (12128): Elaborating entity "hdmitx_ddio_out" for hierarchy "hdmitx:hdmitx|altlvds_tx:ALTLVDS_TX_component|hdmitx_lvds_tx:auto_generated|hdmitx_ddio_out:ddio_out" File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/db/hdmitx_lvds_tx.v Line: 649
  1266. Info (12128): Elaborating entity "hdmitx_ddio_out1" for hierarchy "hdmitx:hdmitx|altlvds_tx:ALTLVDS_TX_component|hdmitx_lvds_tx:auto_generated|hdmitx_ddio_out1:outclock_ddio" File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/db/hdmitx_lvds_tx.v Line: 656
  1267. Info (12128): Elaborating entity "hdmitx_cmpr" for hierarchy "hdmitx:hdmitx|altlvds_tx:ALTLVDS_TX_component|hdmitx_lvds_tx:auto_generated|hdmitx_cmpr:cmpr10" File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/db/hdmitx_lvds_tx.v Line: 773
  1268. Info (12128): Elaborating entity "hdmitx_cntr" for hierarchy "hdmitx:hdmitx|altlvds_tx:ALTLVDS_TX_component|hdmitx_lvds_tx:auto_generated|hdmitx_cntr:cntr13" File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/db/hdmitx_lvds_tx.v Line: 789
  1269. Info (12128): Elaborating entity "hdmitx_cmpr1" for hierarchy "hdmitx:hdmitx|altlvds_tx:ALTLVDS_TX_component|hdmitx_lvds_tx:auto_generated|hdmitx_cntr:cntr13|hdmitx_cmpr1:cmpr29" File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/db/hdmitx_lvds_tx.v Line: 448
  1270. Info (12128): Elaborating entity "hdmitx_shift_reg" for hierarchy "hdmitx:hdmitx|altlvds_tx:ALTLVDS_TX_component|hdmitx_lvds_tx:auto_generated|hdmitx_shift_reg:outclk_shift_h" File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/db/hdmitx_lvds_tx.v Line: 803
  1271. Info (12128): Elaborating entity "hdmitx_shift_reg1" for hierarchy "hdmitx:hdmitx|altlvds_tx:ALTLVDS_TX_component|hdmitx_lvds_tx:auto_generated|hdmitx_shift_reg1:shift_reg23" File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/db/hdmitx_lvds_tx.v Line: 819
  1272. Warning (14130): Reduced register "hdmitx:hdmitx|altlvds_tx:ALTLVDS_TX_component|hdmitx_lvds_tx:auto_generated|hdmitx_shift_reg:outclk_shift_l|shift_reg[9]" with stuck data_in port to stuck value GND File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/db/hdmitx_lvds_tx.v Line: 512
  1273. Warning (14130): Reduced register "hdmitx:hdmitx|altlvds_tx:ALTLVDS_TX_component|hdmitx_lvds_tx:auto_generated|hdmitx_shift_reg:outclk_shift_h|shift_reg[9]" with stuck data_in port to stuck value GND File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/db/hdmitx_lvds_tx.v Line: 512
  1274. Warning (14130): Reduced register "tmdsenc:hdmitmds[2].enc|creg[0]" with stuck data_in port to stuck value GND File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/tmdsenc.sv Line: 89
  1275. Warning (14130): Reduced register "tmdsenc:hdmitmds[2].enc|creg[1]" with stuck data_in port to stuck value GND File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/tmdsenc.sv Line: 124
  1276. Warning (14130): Reduced register "tmdsenc:hdmitmds[1].enc|creg[0]" with stuck data_in port to stuck value GND File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/tmdsenc.sv Line: 89
  1277. Warning (14130): Reduced register "tmdsenc:hdmitmds[1].enc|creg[1]" with stuck data_in port to stuck value GND File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/tmdsenc.sv Line: 124
  1278. Warning (14130): Reduced register "tmdsenc:hdmitmds[0].enc|creg[0]" with stuck data_in port to stuck value GND File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/tmdsenc.sv Line: 89
  1279. Warning (14130): Reduced register "tmdsenc:hdmitmds[0].enc|creg[1]" with stuck data_in port to stuck value GND File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/tmdsenc.sv Line: 124
  1280. Warning (14110): No clock transition on "pll:pll|altpll:altpll_component|pll_altpll:auto_generated|internal_phasestep" register due to stuck clock or clock enable File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/db/pll_altpll.v Line: 482
  1281. Warning (14130): Reduced register "pll:pll|altpll:altpll_component|pll_altpll:auto_generated|internal_phasestep" with stuck clock port to stuck value GND File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/db/pll_altpll.v Line: 482
  1282. Warning (14110): No clock transition on "pll:pll|altpll:altpll_component|pll_altpll:auto_generated|phasedone_state" register due to stuck clock or clock enable File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/db/pll_altpll.v Line: 537
  1283. Warning (14130): Reduced register "pll:pll|altpll:altpll_component|pll_altpll:auto_generated|phasedone_state" with stuck clock port to stuck value GND File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/db/pll_altpll.v Line: 537
  1284. Warning (14110): No clock transition on "pll:pll|altpll:altpll_component|pll_altpll:auto_generated|pll_internal_phasestep_reg" register due to stuck clock or clock enable File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/db/pll_altpll.v Line: 484
  1285. Warning (14130): Reduced register "pll:pll|altpll:altpll_component|pll_altpll:auto_generated|pll_internal_phasestep_reg" with stuck clock port to stuck value GND File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/db/pll_altpll.v Line: 484
  1286. Warning (14131): Reduced register "pll:pll|altpll:altpll_component|pll_altpll:auto_generated|pll_lock_sync" with stuck data_in port to stuck value VCC -- power-up level has changed File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/db/pll_altpll.v Line: 485
  1287. Warning (14110): No clock transition on "pll:pll|altpll:altpll_component|pll_altpll:auto_generated|pll_cntr1:pll_internal_phasestep|counter_reg_bit[2]" register due to stuck clock or clock enable File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/db/pll_altpll.v Line: 406
  1288. Warning (14130): Reduced register "pll:pll|altpll:altpll_component|pll_altpll:auto_generated|pll_cntr1:pll_internal_phasestep|counter_reg_bit[2]" with stuck clock port to stuck value GND File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/db/pll_altpll.v Line: 406
  1289. Warning (14110): No clock transition on "pll:pll|altpll:altpll_component|pll_altpll:auto_generated|pll_cntr1:pll_internal_phasestep|counter_reg_bit[0]" register due to stuck clock or clock enable File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/db/pll_altpll.v Line: 392
  1290. Warning (14130): Reduced register "pll:pll|altpll:altpll_component|pll_altpll:auto_generated|pll_cntr1:pll_internal_phasestep|counter_reg_bit[0]" with stuck clock port to stuck value GND File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/db/pll_altpll.v Line: 392
  1291. Warning (14110): No clock transition on "pll:pll|altpll:altpll_component|pll_altpll:auto_generated|pll_cntr1:pll_internal_phasestep|counter_reg_bit[1]" register due to stuck clock or clock enable File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/db/pll_altpll.v Line: 399
  1292. Warning (14130): Reduced register "pll:pll|altpll:altpll_component|pll_altpll:auto_generated|pll_cntr1:pll_internal_phasestep|counter_reg_bit[1]" with stuck clock port to stuck value GND File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/db/pll_altpll.v Line: 399
  1293. Warning (14110): No clock transition on "pll:pll|altpll:altpll_component|pll_altpll:auto_generated|pll_cntr:phasestep_counter|counter_reg_bit[1]" register due to stuck clock or clock enable File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/db/pll_altpll.v Line: 258
  1294. Warning (14130): Reduced register "pll:pll|altpll:altpll_component|pll_altpll:auto_generated|pll_cntr:phasestep_counter|counter_reg_bit[1]" with stuck clock port to stuck value GND File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/db/pll_altpll.v Line: 258
  1295. Warning (14110): No clock transition on "pll:pll|altpll:altpll_component|pll_altpll:auto_generated|pll_cntr:phasestep_counter|counter_reg_bit[0]" register due to stuck clock or clock enable File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/db/pll_altpll.v Line: 251
  1296. Warning (14130): Reduced register "pll:pll|altpll:altpll_component|pll_altpll:auto_generated|pll_cntr:phasestep_counter|counter_reg_bit[0]" with stuck clock port to stuck value GND File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/db/pll_altpll.v Line: 251
  1297. Warning (14130): Reduced register "hdmitx:hdmitx|altlvds_tx:ALTLVDS_TX_component|hdmitx_lvds_tx:auto_generated|hdmitx_shift_reg:outclk_shift_l|shift_reg[8]" with stuck data_in port to stuck value GND File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/db/hdmitx_lvds_tx.v Line: 512
  1298. Warning (14130): Reduced register "hdmitx:hdmitx|altlvds_tx:ALTLVDS_TX_component|hdmitx_lvds_tx:auto_generated|hdmitx_shift_reg:outclk_shift_h|shift_reg[8]" with stuck data_in port to stuck value GND File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/db/hdmitx_lvds_tx.v Line: 512
  1299. Warning (14130): Reduced register "hdmitx:hdmitx|altlvds_tx:ALTLVDS_TX_component|hdmitx_lvds_tx:auto_generated|hdmitx_shift_reg:outclk_shift_l|shift_reg[7]" with stuck data_in port to stuck value GND File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/db/hdmitx_lvds_tx.v Line: 512
  1300. Info (13005): Duplicate registers merged to single register
  1301. Info (13360): Duplicate register "tmdsenc:hdmitmds[2].enc|dreg[7]" merged to single register "dummydata[0]", power-up level changed File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/tmdsenc.sv Line: 124
  1302. Info (13360): Duplicate register "tmdsenc:hdmitmds[0].enc|dreg[0]" merged to single register "dummydata[1]", power-up level changed File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/tmdsenc.sv Line: 124
  1303. Info (13360): Duplicate register "tmdsenc:hdmitmds[0].enc|dreg[1]" merged to single register "dummydata[2]", power-up level changed File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/tmdsenc.sv Line: 124
  1304. Info (13350): Duplicate register "tmdsenc:hdmitmds[0].enc|dreg[2]" merged to single register "dummydata[3]" File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/tmdsenc.sv Line: 124
  1305. Info (13350): Duplicate register "tmdsenc:hdmitmds[0].enc|dreg[3]" merged to single register "dummydata[4]" File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/tmdsenc.sv Line: 124
  1306. Info (13350): Duplicate register "tmdsenc:hdmitmds[0].enc|dreg[4]" merged to single register "dummydata[5]" File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/tmdsenc.sv Line: 124
  1307. Info (13350): Duplicate register "tmdsenc:hdmitmds[0].enc|dreg[5]" merged to single register "dummydata[6]" File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/tmdsenc.sv Line: 124
  1308. Info (13360): Duplicate register "tmdsenc:hdmitmds[0].enc|dreg[6]" merged to single register "dummydata[7]", power-up level changed File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/tmdsenc.sv Line: 124
  1309. Info (13360): Duplicate register "tmdsenc:hdmitmds[0].enc|dreg[7]" merged to single register "dummydata[8]", power-up level changed File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/tmdsenc.sv Line: 124
  1310. Info (13360): Duplicate register "tmdsenc:hdmitmds[1].enc|dreg[0]" merged to single register "dummydata[9]", power-up level changed File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/tmdsenc.sv Line: 124
  1311. Info (13350): Duplicate register "tmdsenc:hdmitmds[1].enc|dreg[1]" merged to single register "dummydata[10]" File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/tmdsenc.sv Line: 124
  1312. Info (13360): Duplicate register "tmdsenc:hdmitmds[1].enc|dreg[2]" merged to single register "dummydata[11]", power-up level changed File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/tmdsenc.sv Line: 124
  1313. Info (13360): Duplicate register "tmdsenc:hdmitmds[1].enc|dreg[3]" merged to single register "dummydata[12]", power-up level changed File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/tmdsenc.sv Line: 124
  1314. Info (13360): Duplicate register "tmdsenc:hdmitmds[1].enc|dreg[4]" merged to single register "dummydata[13]", power-up level changed File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/tmdsenc.sv Line: 124
  1315. Info (13360): Duplicate register "tmdsenc:hdmitmds[1].enc|dreg[5]" merged to single register "dummydata[14]", power-up level changed File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/tmdsenc.sv Line: 124
  1316. Info (13360): Duplicate register "tmdsenc:hdmitmds[1].enc|dreg[6]" merged to single register "dummydata[15]", power-up level changed File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/tmdsenc.sv Line: 124
  1317. Info (13350): Duplicate register "tmdsenc:hdmitmds[1].enc|dreg[7]" merged to single register "dummydata[16]" File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/tmdsenc.sv Line: 124
  1318. Info (13350): Duplicate register "tmdsenc:hdmitmds[2].enc|dreg[0]" merged to single register "dummydata[17]" File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/tmdsenc.sv Line: 124
  1319. Info (13350): Duplicate register "tmdsenc:hdmitmds[2].enc|dreg[1]" merged to single register "dummydata[18]" File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/tmdsenc.sv Line: 124
  1320. Info (13360): Duplicate register "tmdsenc:hdmitmds[2].enc|dreg[2]" merged to single register "dummydata[19]", power-up level changed File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/tmdsenc.sv Line: 124
  1321. Info (13350): Duplicate register "tmdsenc:hdmitmds[2].enc|dreg[3]" merged to single register "dummydata[20]" File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/tmdsenc.sv Line: 124
  1322. Info (13350): Duplicate register "tmdsenc:hdmitmds[2].enc|dreg[4]" merged to single register "dummydata[21]" File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/tmdsenc.sv Line: 124
  1323. Info (13360): Duplicate register "tmdsenc:hdmitmds[2].enc|dreg[5]" merged to single register "dummydata[22]", power-up level changed File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/tmdsenc.sv Line: 124
  1324. Info (13360): Duplicate register "tmdsenc:hdmitmds[2].enc|dreg[6]" merged to single register "dummydata[23]", power-up level changed File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/tmdsenc.sv Line: 124
  1325. Info (13350): Duplicate register "hdmitx:hdmitx|altlvds_tx:ALTLVDS_TX_component|hdmitx_lvds_tx:auto_generated|sync_dffe1a" merged to single register "hdmitx:hdmitx|altlvds_tx:ALTLVDS_TX_component|hdmitx_lvds_tx:auto_generated|sync_dffe12a" File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/db/hdmitx_lvds_tx.v Line: 615
  1326. Info (13350): Duplicate register "hdmitx:hdmitx|altlvds_tx:ALTLVDS_TX_component|hdmitx_lvds_tx:auto_generated|hdmitx_shift_reg:outclk_shift_h|shift_reg[7]" merged to single register "hdmitx:hdmitx|altlvds_tx:ALTLVDS_TX_component|hdmitx_lvds_tx:auto_generated|hdmitx_shift_reg:outclk_shift_l|shift_reg[6]" File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/db/hdmitx_lvds_tx.v Line: 512
  1327. Info (13005): Duplicate registers merged to single register
  1328. Info (13350): Duplicate register "tmdsenc:hdmitmds[1].enc|denreg" merged to single register "tmdsenc:hdmitmds[0].enc|denreg" File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/tmdsenc.sv Line: 88
  1329. Info (13350): Duplicate register "tmdsenc:hdmitmds[2].enc|denreg" merged to single register "tmdsenc:hdmitmds[0].enc|denreg" File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/tmdsenc.sv Line: 88
  1330. Info (13350): Duplicate register "hdmitx:hdmitx|altlvds_tx:ALTLVDS_TX_component|hdmitx_lvds_tx:auto_generated|hdmitx_shift_reg:outclk_shift_l|shift_reg[5]" merged to single register "hdmitx:hdmitx|altlvds_tx:ALTLVDS_TX_component|hdmitx_lvds_tx:auto_generated|hdmitx_shift_reg:outclk_shift_h|shift_reg[6]" File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/db/hdmitx_lvds_tx.v Line: 512
  1331. Warning (12241): 1 hierarchies have connectivity warnings - see the Connectivity Checks report folder
  1332. Warning (13039): The following bidirectional pins have no drivers
  1333. Warning (13040): bidirectional pin "abc_d[0]" has no driver File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 18
  1334. Warning (13040): bidirectional pin "abc_d[1]" has no driver File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 18
  1335. Warning (13040): bidirectional pin "abc_d[2]" has no driver File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 18
  1336. Warning (13040): bidirectional pin "abc_d[3]" has no driver File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 18
  1337. Warning (13040): bidirectional pin "abc_d[4]" has no driver File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 18
  1338. Warning (13040): bidirectional pin "abc_d[5]" has no driver File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 18
  1339. Warning (13040): bidirectional pin "abc_d[6]" has no driver File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 18
  1340. Warning (13040): bidirectional pin "abc_d[7]" has no driver File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 18
  1341. Warning (13040): bidirectional pin "hdmi_sda" has no driver File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 112
  1342. Warning (13032): The following tri-state nodes are fed by constants
  1343. Warning (13033): The pin "sr_dq[0]" is fed by GND File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 60
  1344. Warning (13033): The pin "sr_dq[1]" is fed by GND File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 60
  1345. Warning (13033): The pin "sr_dq[2]" is fed by GND File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 60
  1346. Warning (13033): The pin "sr_dq[3]" is fed by GND File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 60
  1347. Warning (13033): The pin "sr_dq[4]" is fed by GND File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 60
  1348. Warning (13033): The pin "sr_dq[5]" is fed by GND File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 60
  1349. Warning (13033): The pin "sr_dq[6]" is fed by GND File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 60
  1350. Warning (13033): The pin "sr_dq[7]" is fed by GND File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 60
  1351. Warning (13033): The pin "sr_dq[8]" is fed by GND File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 60
  1352. Warning (13033): The pin "sr_dq[9]" is fed by GND File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 60
  1353. Warning (13033): The pin "sr_dq[10]" is fed by GND File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 60
  1354. Warning (13033): The pin "sr_dq[11]" is fed by GND File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 60
  1355. Warning (13033): The pin "sr_dq[12]" is fed by GND File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 60
  1356. Warning (13033): The pin "sr_dq[13]" is fed by GND File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 60
  1357. Warning (13033): The pin "sr_dq[14]" is fed by GND File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 60
  1358. Warning (13033): The pin "sr_dq[15]" is fed by GND File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 60
  1359. Info (13000): Registers with preset signals will power-up high File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/tmdsenc.sv Line: 124
  1360. Info (13003): DEV_CLRn pin will set, and not reset, register with preset signal due to NOT Gate Push-Back
  1361. Warning (13024): Output pins are stuck at VCC or GND
  1362. Warning (13410): Pin "abc_d_oe" is stuck at GND File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 19
  1363. Warning (13410): Pin "abc_master" is stuck at GND File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 38
  1364. Warning (13410): Pin "abc_a_oe" is stuck at GND File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 39
  1365. Warning (13410): Pin "abc_d_ce_n" is stuck at GND File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 41
  1366. Warning (13410): Pin "sr_cke" is stuck at GND File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 57
  1367. Warning (13410): Pin "sr_ba[0]" is stuck at GND File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 58
  1368. Warning (13410): Pin "sr_ba[1]" is stuck at GND File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 58
  1369. Warning (13410): Pin "sr_a[0]" is stuck at GND File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 59
  1370. Warning (13410): Pin "sr_a[1]" is stuck at GND File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 59
  1371. Warning (13410): Pin "sr_a[2]" is stuck at GND File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 59
  1372. Warning (13410): Pin "sr_a[3]" is stuck at GND File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 59
  1373. Warning (13410): Pin "sr_a[4]" is stuck at GND File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 59
  1374. Warning (13410): Pin "sr_a[5]" is stuck at GND File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 59
  1375. Warning (13410): Pin "sr_a[6]" is stuck at GND File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 59
  1376. Warning (13410): Pin "sr_a[7]" is stuck at GND File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 59
  1377. Warning (13410): Pin "sr_a[8]" is stuck at GND File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 59
  1378. Warning (13410): Pin "sr_a[9]" is stuck at GND File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 59
  1379. Warning (13410): Pin "sr_a[10]" is stuck at GND File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 59
  1380. Warning (13410): Pin "sr_a[11]" is stuck at GND File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 59
  1381. Warning (13410): Pin "sr_a[12]" is stuck at GND File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 59
  1382. Warning (13410): Pin "sr_dqm[0]" is stuck at VCC File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 61
  1383. Warning (13410): Pin "sr_dqm[1]" is stuck at VCC File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 61
  1384. Warning (13410): Pin "sr_cs_n" is stuck at VCC File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 62
  1385. Warning (13410): Pin "sr_we_n" is stuck at VCC File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 63
  1386. Warning (13410): Pin "sr_cas_n" is stuck at VCC File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 64
  1387. Warning (13410): Pin "sr_ras_n" is stuck at VCC File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 65
  1388. Warning (13410): Pin "sd_clk" is stuck at VCC File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 68
  1389. Warning (13410): Pin "sd_cmd" is stuck at VCC File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 69
  1390. Warning (13410): Pin "tty_rxd" is stuck at VCC File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 74
  1391. Warning (13410): Pin "tty_cts" is stuck at VCC File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 76
  1392. Warning (13410): Pin "flash_cs_n" is stuck at GND File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 80
  1393. Warning (13410): Pin "flash_clk" is stuck at GND File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 81
  1394. Warning (13410): Pin "flash_mosi" is stuck at GND File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 82
  1395. Info (286030): Timing-Driven Synthesis is running
  1396. Info (17016): Found the following redundant logic cells in design
  1397. Info (17048): Logic cell "pll:pll|altpll:altpll_component|pll_altpll:auto_generated|pll_altpll_dyn_phase_le:altpll_dyn_phase_le2|wire_le_comb8_combout" File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/db/pll_altpll.v Line: 59
  1398. Info (17048): Logic cell "pll:pll|altpll:altpll_component|pll_altpll:auto_generated|pll_altpll_dyn_phase_le1:altpll_dyn_phase_le4|wire_le_comb9_combout" File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/db/pll_altpll.v Line: 102
  1399. Info (17048): Logic cell "pll:pll|altpll:altpll_component|pll_altpll:auto_generated|pll_altpll_dyn_phase_le12:altpll_dyn_phase_le5|wire_le_comb10_combout" File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/db/pll_altpll.v Line: 145
  1400. Info (17048): Logic cell "pll:pll|altpll:altpll_component|pll_altpll:auto_generated|remap_decoy_le3a_0" File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/db/pll_altpll.v Line: 554
  1401. Info (17048): Logic cell "pll:pll|altpll:altpll_component|pll_altpll:auto_generated|remap_decoy_le3a_1" File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/db/pll_altpll.v Line: 558
  1402. Info (17048): Logic cell "pll:pll|altpll:altpll_component|pll_altpll:auto_generated|remap_decoy_le3a_2" File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/db/pll_altpll.v Line: 562
  1403. Info (16010): Generating hard_block partition "hard_block:auto_generated_inst"
  1404. Info (16011): Adding 20 node(s), including 4 DDIO, 2 PLL, 0 transceiver and 6 LCELL
  1405. Warning (21074): Design contains 39 input pin(s) that do not drive logic
  1406. Warning (15610): No output dependent on input pin "abc_clk" File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 16
  1407. Warning (15610): No output dependent on input pin "abc_a[0]" File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 17
  1408. Warning (15610): No output dependent on input pin "abc_a[1]" File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 17
  1409. Warning (15610): No output dependent on input pin "abc_a[2]" File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 17
  1410. Warning (15610): No output dependent on input pin "abc_a[3]" File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 17
  1411. Warning (15610): No output dependent on input pin "abc_a[4]" File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 17
  1412. Warning (15610): No output dependent on input pin "abc_a[5]" File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 17
  1413. Warning (15610): No output dependent on input pin "abc_a[6]" File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 17
  1414. Warning (15610): No output dependent on input pin "abc_a[7]" File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 17
  1415. Warning (15610): No output dependent on input pin "abc_a[8]" File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 17
  1416. Warning (15610): No output dependent on input pin "abc_a[9]" File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 17
  1417. Warning (15610): No output dependent on input pin "abc_a[10]" File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 17
  1418. Warning (15610): No output dependent on input pin "abc_a[11]" File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 17
  1419. Warning (15610): No output dependent on input pin "abc_a[12]" File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 17
  1420. Warning (15610): No output dependent on input pin "abc_a[13]" File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 17
  1421. Warning (15610): No output dependent on input pin "abc_a[14]" File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 17
  1422. Warning (15610): No output dependent on input pin "abc_a[15]" File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 17
  1423. Warning (15610): No output dependent on input pin "abc_rst_n" File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 20
  1424. Warning (15610): No output dependent on input pin "abc_cs_n" File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 21
  1425. Warning (15610): No output dependent on input pin "abc_out_n[0]" File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 22
  1426. Warning (15610): No output dependent on input pin "abc_out_n[1]" File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 22
  1427. Warning (15610): No output dependent on input pin "abc_out_n[2]" File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 22
  1428. Warning (15610): No output dependent on input pin "abc_out_n[3]" File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 22
  1429. Warning (15610): No output dependent on input pin "abc_out_n[4]" File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 22
  1430. Warning (15610): No output dependent on input pin "abc_inp_n[0]" File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 23
  1431. Warning (15610): No output dependent on input pin "abc_inp_n[1]" File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 23
  1432. Warning (15610): No output dependent on input pin "abc_xmemfl_n" File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 24
  1433. Warning (15610): No output dependent on input pin "abc_xmemw800_n" File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 25
  1434. Warning (15610): No output dependent on input pin "abc_xmemw80_n" File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 26
  1435. Warning (15610): No output dependent on input pin "abc_xinpstb_n" File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 27
  1436. Warning (15610): No output dependent on input pin "abc_xoutpstb_n" File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 28
  1437. Warning (15610): No output dependent on input pin "exth_hc" File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 48
  1438. Warning (15610): No output dependent on input pin "exth_hh" File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 53
  1439. Warning (15610): No output dependent on input pin "tty_txd" File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 73
  1440. Warning (15610): No output dependent on input pin "tty_rts" File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 75
  1441. Warning (15610): No output dependent on input pin "tty_dtr" File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 77
  1442. Warning (15610): No output dependent on input pin "flash_miso" File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 83
  1443. Warning (15610): No output dependent on input pin "rtc_32khz" File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 99
  1444. Warning (15610): No output dependent on input pin "rtc_int_n" File: /home/hpa/abc80/max80/blinktest/max80.sv Line: 100
  1445. Info (21057): Implemented 485 device resources after synthesis - the final resource count might be different
  1446. Info (21058): Implemented 40 input pins
  1447. Info (21059): Implemented 47 output pins
  1448. Info (21060): Implemented 52 bidirectional pins
  1449. Info (21061): Implemented 340 logic cells
  1450. Info (21065): Implemented 2 PLLs
  1451. Info: Quartus Prime Analysis & Synthesis was successful. 0 errors, 217 warnings
  1452. Info: Peak virtual memory: 679 megabytes
  1453. Info: Processing ended: Fri Aug 6 20:12:40 2021
  1454. Info: Elapsed time: 00:00:05
  1455. Info: Total CPU time (on all processors): 00:00:15