1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435363738394041424344454647484950515253545556575859606162636465666768697071727374757677787980818283848586878889909192939495969798991001011021031041051061071081091101111121131141151161171181191201211221231241251261271281291301311321331341351361371381391401411421431441451461471481491501511521531541551561571581591601611621631641651661671681691701711721731741751761771781791801811821831841851861871881891901911921931941951961971981992002012022032042052062072082092102112122132142152162172182192202212222232242252262272282292302312322332342352362372382392402412422432442452462472482492502512522532542552562572582592602612622632642652662672682692702712722732742752762772782792802812822832842852862872882892902912922932942952962972982993003013023033043053063073083093103113123133143153163173183193203213223233243253263273283293303313323333343353363373383393403413423433443453463473483493503513523533543553563573583593603613623633643653663673683693703713723733743753763773783793803813823833843853863873883893903913923933943953963973983994004014024034044054064074084094104114124134144154164174184194204214224234244254264274284294304314324334344354364374384394404414424434444454464474484494504514524534544554564574584594604614624634644654664674684694704714724734744754764774784794804814824834844854864874884894904914924934944954964974984995005015025035045055065075085095105115125135145155165175185195205215225235245255265275285295305315325335345355365375385395405415425435445455465475485495505515525535545555565575585595605615625635645655665675685695705715725735745755765775785795805815825835845855865875885895905915925935945955965975985996006016026036046056066076086096106116126136146156166176186196206216226236246256266276286296306316326336346356366376386396406416426436446456466476486496506516526536546556566576586596606616626636646656666676686696706716726736746756766776786796806816826836846856866876886896906916926936946956966976986997007017027037047057067077087097107117127137147157167177187197207217227237247257267277287297307317327337347357367377387397407417427437447457467477487497507517527537547557567577587597607617627637647657667677687697707717727737747757767777787797807817827837847857867877887897907917927937947957967977987998008018028038048058068078088098108118128138148158168178188198208218228238248258268278288298308318328338348358368378388398408418428438448458468478488498508518528538548558568578588598608618628638648658668678688698708718728738748758768778788798808818828838848858868878888898908918928938948958968978988999009019029039049059069079089099109119129139149159169179189199209219229239249259269279289299309319329339349359369379389399409419429439449459469479489499509519529539549559569579589599609619629639649659669679689699709719729739749759769779789799809819829839849859869879889899909919929939949959969979989991000100110021003100410051006100710081009101010111012101310141015101610171018101910201021102210231024102510261027102810291030103110321033103410351036103710381039104010411042104310441045104610471048104910501051105210531054105510561057105810591060106110621063 |
- # -*- shell-script -*-
- #
- # Copyright (C) 1996-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- #
- # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
- # any later version.
- #
- # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- # GNU General Public License for more details.
- #
- # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- ########################################################
- ### IMPORTANT NOTE: keep this file 'set -e' clean. ###
- ########################################################
- # Do not source several times.
- test ${am_test_lib_sourced-no} = yes && return 0
- am_test_lib_sourced=yes
- # A literal escape character. Used by test checking colored output.
- esc=''
- # This might be used in testcases checking distribution-related features.
- # Test scripts are free to override this if they need to.
- distdir=$me-1.0
- ## ---------------------- ##
- ## Environment cleanup. ##
- ## ---------------------- ##
- # Unset some make-related variables that may cause $MAKE to act like
- # a recursively invoked sub-make. Any $MAKE invocation in a test is
- # conceptually an independent invocation, not part of the main
- # 'automake' build.
- unset __MKLVL__ MAKE_JOBS_FIFO # For BSD make.
- # Unset verbosity flag.
- unset V
- # Also unset variables that might influence "make install".
- unset DESTDIR
- unset prefix exec_prefix bindir datarootdir datadir docdir dvidir
- unset htmldir includedir infodir libdir libexecdir localedir mandir
- unset oldincludedir pdfdir psdir sbindir sharedstatedir sysconfdir
- # Unset variables that might influence "make distcheck".
- # Used by install rules for info files.
- # We don't want to use the $srcdir value exported by the test driver.
- unset srcdir
- # Also unset variables that control our test driver. While not
- # conceptually independent, they cause some changed semantics we
- # need to control (and test for) in some of the tests to ensure
- # backward-compatible behavior.
- unset TESTS
- unset TEST_LOGS
- unset VERBOSE
- for pfx in TEST_ SH_ TAP_ ''; do
- unset ${pfx}LOG_COMPILER
- unset ${pfx}LOG_COMPILE # Not a typo!
- unset ${pfx}LOG_FLAGS
- unset AM_${pfx}LOG_FLAGS
- unset ${pfx}LOG_DRIVER
- unset ${pfx}LOG_DRIVER_FLAGS
- unset AM_${pfx}LOG_DRIVER_FLAGS
- done
- unset pfx
- # cross_compiling
- # ---------------
- # Tell whether we are cross-compiling. This is especially useful to skip
- # tests (or portions of them) that requires a native compiler.
- cross_compiling ()
- {
- # Quoting from the autoconf manual:
- # ... [$host_alias and $build both] default to the result of running
- # config.guess, unless you specify either --build or --host. In
- # this case, the default becomes the system type you specified.
- # If you specify both, *and they're different*, configure enters
- # cross compilation mode (so it doesn't run any tests that require
- # execution).
- test x"$host_alias" != x && test x"$build_alias" != x"$host_alias"
- }
- # is_blocked_signal SIGNAL-NUMBER
- # --------------------------------
- # Return success if the given signal number is blocked in the shell,
- # return a non-zero exit status and print a proper diagnostic otherwise.
- is_blocked_signal ()
- {
- # Use perl, since trying to do this portably in the shell can be
- # very tricky, if not downright impossible. For reference, see:
- # <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-autoconf/2011-09/msg00004.html>
- if $PERL -w -e '
- use strict;
- use warnings FATAL => "all";
- use POSIX;
- my %oldsigaction = ();
- sigaction('"$1"', 0, \%oldsigaction);
- exit ($oldsigaction{"HANDLER"} eq "IGNORE" ? 0 : 77);
- '; then
- return 0
- elif test $? -eq 77; then
- return 1
- else
- fatal_ "couldn't determine whether signal $1 is blocked"
- fi
- }
- # single_quote STRING
- # -------------------
- # Single-quote STRING for the shell, also dealing with embedded single
- # quotes. Place the result in the '$am_result', that is thus to be
- # considered public.
- single_quote ()
- {
- am_result=$1
- case $am_result in
- *\'*) am_result=$(printf '%s\n' "$*" | sed -e "s/'/'\\\\''/g");;
- esac
- am_result="'$am_result'"
- }
- # append_single_quoted VARIABLE STRING
- # ------------------------------------
- append_single_quoted ()
- {
- am__var=$1; shift
- single_quote "$1" # Sets 'am_result'.
- eval "${am__var}=\${$am__var:+\"\${$am__var} \"}\$am_result"
- unset am__var am_result
- }
- # is_valid_varname STRING
- # -----------------------
- # Tell whether STRING is a valid name for a shell variable. Return 0
- # if yes, return 1 if not.
- is_valid_varname ()
- {
- # FIXME: is the below truly portable even for LC_COLLATE != "C" ?
- case $1 in
- [0-9]*) return 1;;
- *[!a-zA-Z0-9_]*) return 1;;
- esac
- return 0
- }
- # run_make [-e STATUS] [-O] [-E] [-M] [--] [VAR=VAL ...] [MAKE-ARGS...]
- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- # Run $MAKE with the given command-line, and fail if it doesn't exit with
- # STATUS (default: 0). If STATUS is "FAIL", then any exit status > 0 is
- # acceptable. If STATUS is "IGNORE", any exit value is acceptable.
- #
- # Other options:
- #
- # -O save the standard output from make on disk, in a regular file
- # named 'stdout'.
- #
- # -E save the standard error from make on disk, in a regular file
- # named 'stderr'.
- #
- # -M save both the standard output and standard error from make on
- # disk, in a regular file named 'output'. This option supersedes
- # both the '-O' and '-E' options.
- #
- # This function also handle command-line override of variable definition
- # in a smart way, using AM_MAKEFLAGS if a non-GNU make implementation
- # is in use.
- #
- run_make ()
- {
- am__make_redirect_stdout=no
- am__make_redirect_stderr=no
- am__make_redirect_stdall=no
- am__make_flags=
- am__make_rc_exp=0
- # Follow-up code might want to analyse this, so mark is as
- # publicly accessible (no double undesrscore).
- am_make_rc=0
- # Parse options for this function.
- while test $# -gt 0; do
- case $1 in
- -e) am__make_rc_exp=$2; shift;;
- -O) am__make_redirect_stdout=yes;;
- -E) am__make_redirect_stderr=yes;;
- -M) am__make_redirect_stdall=yes;;
- --) shift; break;;
- *) break;;
- esac
- shift
- done
- # Use append mode here to avoid dropping output. See automake bug#11413
- if using_gmake; then
- # We can trust GNU make to correctly pass macro definitions given
- # on the command line down to sub-make invocations, and this allow
- # us to have a vary simple implementation: delegate all the work
- # to GNU make.
- :
- else
- # We have to explicitly parse arguments passed to make. Not 100%
- # safe w.r.t. options like '-I' that can have an argument, but
- # should be good enough for our usages so far.
- for am__x
- do
- case $am__x in
- *=*)
- am__maybe_var=${am__x%%=*}
- am__maybe_val=${am__x#*=}
- am__maybe_def="${am__maybe_var}=${am__maybe_val}"
- # Some variables should be portably overridable from the command
- # line, even when using non-GNU make.
- case $am__maybe_var in
- V|\
- ;;
- *)
- if is_valid_varname "$am__maybe_var"; then
- append_single_quoted am__make_flags "$am__maybe_def"
- fi
- esac
- unset am__maybe_var am__maybe_val am__maybe_def
- ;;
- esac
- done
- unset am__x
- fi
- if test x"$am__make_flags" != x; then
- set AM_MAKEFLAGS="$am__make_flags" ${1+"$@"}
- unset am__make_flags
- fi
- # In redirecting make output below, use append mode, to avoid
- # dropping output. See automake bug#11413 for details.
- # The exit status of 253 is a more-or-less random choice, to
- # help us catch possible errors in redirections and error out
- # accordingly.
- (
- : exec $MAKE ${1+"$@"} # Display traces for future command.
- set +x # We need to remove them now, not to pollute redirected stderr.
- if test $am__make_redirect_stdall = yes; then
- : > output && exec 1>>output 2>&1 || exit 253
- else
- if test $am__make_redirect_stdout = yes; then
- : > stdout && exec 1>>stdout || exit 253
- fi
- if test $am__make_redirect_stderr = yes; then
- : > stderr && exec 2>>stderr || exit 253
- fi
- fi
- exec $MAKE ${1+"$@"}
- ) || am_make_rc=$?
- if test $am_make_rc -eq 253; then
- fatal_ "run_make: problems in redirecting make output"
- fi
- if test $am__make_redirect_stdall = yes; then
- cat output || fatal_ "displaying make output"
- else
- if test $am__make_redirect_stdout = yes; then
- cat stdout || fatal_ "displaying make output"
- fi
- if test $am__make_redirect_stderr = yes; then
- cat stderr >&2 || fatal_ "displaying make output"
- fi
- fi
- case $am__make_rc_exp in
- : Ignore exit status
- ;;
- test $am_make_rc -gt 0 || return 1
- ;;
- *)
- test $am__make_rc_exp -ge 0 && test $am__make_rc_exp -le 255 \
- || fatal_ "invalid expected exit status: '$am__make_rc_exp'"
- test $am_make_rc -eq $am__make_rc_exp || return 1
- ;;
- esac
- }
- # -----------------------------------------------------------------
- # Run automake with AUTOMAKE-ARGS, and fail if it doesn't exit with
- # STATUS. Should be polymorphic for TAP and "plain" tests. The
- # DESCRIPTION, when provided, is used for console reporting, only if
- # the TAP protocol is in use in the current test script.
- AUTOMAKE_run ()
- {
- am__desc=
- am__exp_rc=0
- while test $# -gt 0; do
- case $1 in
- -d) am__desc=$2; shift;;
- -e) am__exp_rc=$2; shift;;
- --) shift; break;;
- # Don't fail on unknown option: assume they (and the rest of the
- # command line) are to be passed verbatim to automake (so stop our
- # own option parsing).
- *) break;;
- esac
- shift
- done
- am__got_rc=0
- $AUTOMAKE ${1+"$@"} >stdout 2>stderr || am__got_rc=$?
- cat stderr >&2
- cat stdout
- if test $am_test_protocol = none; then
- test $am__got_rc -eq $am__exp_rc || exit 1
- return
- fi
- if test -z "$am__desc"; then
- if test $am__got_rc -eq $am__exp_rc; then
- am__desc="automake exited $am__got_rc"
- else
- am__desc="automake exited $am__got_rc, expecting $am__exp_rc"
- fi
- fi
- command_ok_ "$am__desc" test $am__got_rc -eq $am__exp_rc
- }
- # --------------------------------------------
- # Run automake with OPTIONS, and fail if doesn't exit with status 1.
- # Should be polymorphic for TAP and "plain" tests. The DESCRIPTION,
- # when provided, is used for console reporting, only if the TAP
- # protocol is in use in the current test script.
- AUTOMAKE_fails ()
- {
- AUTOMAKE_run -e 1 ${1+"$@"}
- }
- # extract_configure_help { --OPTION | VARIABLE-NAME } [FILES]
- # -----------------------------------------------------------
- # Use this to extract from the output of "./configure --help" (or similar)
- # the description or help message associated to the given --OPTION or
- extract_configure_help ()
- {
- am__opt_re='' am__var_re=''
- case $1 in
- --*'=') am__opt_re="^ $1";;
- --*'[=]') am__opt_re='^ '$(printf '%s\n' "$1" | sed 's/...$//')'\[=';;
- --*) am__opt_re="^ $1( .*|$)";;
- *) am__var_re="^ $1( .*|$)";;
- esac
- shift
- if test x"$am__opt_re" != x; then
- LC_ALL=C awk '
- /'"$am__opt_re"'/ { print; do_print = 1; next; }
- /^$/ { do_print = 0; next }
- /^ --/ { do_print = 0; next }
- (do_print == 1) { print }
- ' ${1+"$@"}
- else
- LC_ALL=C awk '
- /'"$am__var_re"'/ { print; do_print = 1; next; }
- /^$/ { do_print = 0; next }
- /^ [A-Z][A-Z0-9_]* / { do_print = 0; next }
- /^ [A-Z][A-Z0-9_]*$/ { do_print = 0; next }
- (do_print == 1) { print }
- ' ${1+"$@"}
- fi
- }
- # grep_configure_help { --OPTION | VARIABLE-NAME } REGEXP
- # -------------------------------------------------------
- # Grep the section of "./configure --help" output associated with either
- # --OPTION or VARIABLE-NAME for the given *extended* regular expression.
- grep_configure_help ()
- {
- ./configure --help > am--all-help \
- || { cat am--all-help; exit 1; }
- cat am--all-help
- extract_configure_help "$1" am--all-help > am--our-help \
- || { cat am--our-help; exit 1; }
- cat am--our-help
- $EGREP "$2" am--our-help || exit 1
- }
- # using_gmake
- # -----------
- # Return success if $MAKE is GNU make, return failure otherwise.
- # Caches the result for speed reasons.
- using_gmake ()
- {
- case $am__using_gmake in
- yes)
- return 0;;
- no)
- return 1;;
- '')
- # Use --version AND -v, because SGI Make doesn't fail on --version.
- # Also grep for GNU because newer versions of FreeBSD make do
- # not complain about --version (they seem to silently ignore it).
- if $MAKE --version -v | grep GNU; then
- am__using_gmake=yes
- return 0
- else
- am__using_gmake=no
- return 1
- fi;;
- *)
- fatal_ "invalid value for \$am__using_gmake: '$am__using_gmake'";;
- esac
- }
- am__using_gmake="" # Avoid interferences from the environment.
- # make_can_chain_suffix_rules
- # ---------------------------
- # Return 0 if $MAKE is a make implementation that can chain suffix rules
- # automatically, return 1 otherwise. Caches the result for speed reasons.
- make_can_chain_suffix_rules ()
- {
- if test -z "$am__can_chain_suffix_rules"; then
- if using_gmake; then
- am__can_chain_suffix_rules=yes
- return 0
- else
- mkdir am__chain.dir$$
- cd am__chain.dir$$
- unindent > Makefile << 'END'
- .SUFFIXES: .u .v .w
- .u.v: ; cp $< $@
- .v.w: ; cp $< $@
- echo make can chain suffix rules > foo.u
- if $MAKE foo.w && diff foo.u foo.w; then
- am__can_chain_suffix_rules=yes
- else
- am__can_chain_suffix_rules=no
- fi
- cd ..
- rm -rf am__chain.dir$$
- fi
- fi
- case $am__can_chain_suffix_rules in
- yes) return 0;;
- no) return 1;;
- *) fatal_ "make_can_chain_suffix_rules: internal error";;
- esac
- }
- am__can_chain_suffix_rules="" # Avoid interferences from the environment.
- # useless_vpath_rebuild
- # ---------------------
- # Tell whether $MAKE suffers of the bug triggering automake bug#7884.
- # For example, this happens with FreeBSD make, since in a VPATH build
- # it tends to rebuilt files for which there is an explicit or even just
- # a suffix rule, even if said files are already available in the VPATH
- # directory.
- useless_vpath_rebuild ()
- {
- if test -z "$am__useless_vpath_rebuild"; then
- if using_gmake; then
- am__useless_vpath_rebuild=no
- return 1
- fi
- mkdir am__vpath.dir$$
- cd am__vpath.dir$$
- touch foo.a foo.b bar baz
- mkdir build
- cd build
- unindent > Makefile << 'END'
- .SUFFIXES: .a .b
- VPATH = ..
- all: foo.b baz
- .PHONY: all
- .a.b: ; cp $< $@
- baz: bar ; cp ../baz bar
- if run_make all && test ! -e foo.b && test ! -e bar; then
- am__useless_vpath_rebuild=no
- else
- am__useless_vpath_rebuild=yes
- fi
- cd ../..
- rm -rf am__vpath.dir$$
- fi
- case $am__useless_vpath_rebuild in
- yes) return 0;;
- no) return 1;;
- "") ;;
- *) fatal_ "useless_vpath_rebuild: internal error";;
- esac
- }
- am__useless_vpath_rebuild=""
- yl_distcheck () { useless_vpath_rebuild || run_make distcheck ${1+"$@"}; }
- null_install ()
- {
- for am__v in nulldirs destdir instdir; do
- if ! eval 'test -n "$'$am__v'"'; then
- fatal_ "null_install() invoked with \$$am__v unset"
- fi
- done
- unset am__v
- case $#,$1 in
- 0,)
- am__inst='install';;
- 1,-t|1,--texi)
- am__inst='install install-html install-dvi install-ps install-pdf';;
- *)
- fatal_ "null_install(): invalid usage";;
- esac
- run_make $nulldirs $am__inst
- test ! -e "$instdir"
- run_make $nulldirs $am__inst DESTDIR="$destdir"
- test ! -e "$instdir"
- test ! -e "$destdir"
- run_make -M $nulldirs uninstall
- # Creative quoting below to please maintainer-check.
- grep 'rm'' ' output && exit 1
- run_make -M $nulldirs uninstall DESTDIR="$destdir"
- # Creative quoting below to please maintainer-check.
- grep 'rm'' ' output && exit 1
- : # For 'set -e'.
- }
- # count_test_results total=N pass=N fail=N xpass=N xfail=N skip=N error=N
- # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Check that a testsuite run driven by the parallel-tests harness has
- # had the specified numbers of test results (specified by kind).
- # This function assumes that the output of "make check" or "make recheck"
- # has been saved in the 'stdout' file in the current directory, and its
- # log in the 'test-suite.log' file.
- count_test_results ()
- {
- # Use a subshell so that we won't pollute the script namespace.
- (
- # TODO: Do proper checks on the arguments?
- total=ERR pass=ERR fail=ERR xpass=ERR xfail=ERR skip=ERR error=ERR
- eval "$@"
- # For debugging.
- $EGREP -i '(total|x?pass|x?fail|skip|error)' stdout || :
- rc=0
- # Avoid spurious failures with shells with "overly sensible"
- # errexit shell flag, such as e.g., Solaris /bin/sh.
- set +e
- test $(grep -c '^PASS:' stdout) -eq $pass || rc=1
- test $(grep -c '^XFAIL:' stdout) -eq $xfail || rc=1
- test $(grep -c '^SKIP:' stdout) -eq $skip || rc=1
- test $(grep -c '^FAIL:' stdout) -eq $fail || rc=1
- test $(grep -c '^XPASS:' stdout) -eq $xpass || rc=1
- test $(grep -c '^ERROR:' stdout) -eq $error || rc=1
- grep "^# TOTAL: *$total$" stdout || rc=1
- grep "^# PASS: *$pass$" stdout || rc=1
- grep "^# XFAIL: *$xfail$" stdout || rc=1
- grep "^# SKIP: *$skip$" stdout || rc=1
- grep "^# FAIL: *$fail$" stdout || rc=1
- grep "^# XPASS: *$xpass$" stdout || rc=1
- grep "^# ERROR: *$error$" stdout || rc=1
- test $rc -eq 0
- )
- }
- # get_shell_script SCRIPT-NAME
- # -----------------------------
- # Fetch an Automake-provided shell script from the 'lib/' directory into
- # the current directory, and, if the '$am_test_prefer_config_shell'
- # variable is set to "yes", modify its shebang line to use $SHELL instead
- # of /bin/sh.
- get_shell_script ()
- {
- am_source=$1 am_target=${2-$1}
- test ! -f "$am_target" || rm -f "$am_target" || return 99
- if test x"$am_test_prefer_config_shell" = x"yes"; then
- sed "1s|#!.*|#! $SHELL|" "$am_scriptdir/$am_source" > "$am_target" \
- && chmod a+x "$am_target" \
- || return 99
- else
- cp -f "$am_scriptdir/$am_source" "$am_target" || return 99
- fi
- sed 10q "$am_target" # For debugging.
- unset am_target am_source
- }
- # fetch_tap_driver
- # ----------------
- # Fetch the Automake-provided TAP driver from the 'lib/' directory into
- # the current directory, and edit its shebang line so that it will be
- # run with the proper shell.
- fetch_tap_driver ()
- {
- get_shell_script tap-driver.sh tap-driver
- }
- # require_xsi SHELL
- # -----------------
- # Skip the test if the given shell fails to support common XSI constructs.
- require_xsi ()
- {
- test $# -eq 1 || fatal_ "require_xsi needs exactly one argument"
- echo "$me: trying some XSI constructs with $1"
- $1 -c "$xsi_shell_code" || skip_all_ "$1 lacks XSI features"
- }
- # Shell code supposed to work only with XSI shells. Keep this in sync
- # with libtool.m4:_LT_CHECK_SHELL_FEATURES.
- xsi_shell_code='
- _lt_dummy="a/b/c"
- test "${_lt_dummy##*/},${_lt_dummy%/*},${_lt_dummy#??}"${_lt_dummy%"$_lt_dummy"}, \
- = c,a/b,b/c, \
- && eval '\''test $(( 1 + 1 )) -eq 2 \
- && test "${#_lt_dummy}" -eq 5'\'
- # $PYTHON and support for PEP-3147. Needed to check our python-related
- # install rules.
- python_has_pep3147 ()
- {
- if test -z "$am_pep3147_tag"; then
- am_pep3147_tag=$($PYTHON -c 'import imp; print(imp.get_tag())') \
- || am_pep3147_tag=none
- fi
- test $am_pep3147_tag != none
- }
- am_pep3147_tag=
- # pyc_location [-p] [FILE]
- # ------------------------
- # Determine what the actual location of the given '.pyc' or '.pyo'
- # byte-compiled file should be, taking into account PEP-3147. Save
- # the location in the '$am_pyc_file' variable. If the '-p' option
- # is given, print the location on the standard output as well.
- pyc_location ()
- {
- case $#,$1 in
- 2,-p) am_pyc_print=yes; shift;;
- 1,*) am_pyc_print=no;;
- *) fatal_ "pyc_location: invalid usage";;
- esac
- if python_has_pep3147; then
- case $1 in
- */*) am_pyc_dir=${1%/*} am_pyc_base=${1##*/};;
- *) am_pyc_dir=. am_pyc_base=$1;;
- esac
- am_pyc_ext=${am_pyc_base##*.}
- am_pyc_base=${am_pyc_base%.py?}
- am_pyc_file=$am_pyc_dir/__pycache__/$am_pyc_base.$am_pep3147_tag.$am_pyc_ext
- else
- am_pyc_file=$1
- fi
- test $am_pyc_print = no || printf '%s\n' "$am_pyc_file"
- }
- # py_installed [--not] FILE
- # --------------------------
- # Check that the given python FILE has been installed (resp. *not*
- # installed, if the '--not' option is specified). If FILE is a
- # byte-compiled '.pyc' file, the new installation layout specified
- # by PEP-3147 will be taken into account.
- py_installed ()
- {
- case $#,$1 in
- 1,*) am_test_py_file='test -f';;
- 2,--not) am_test_py_file='test ! -e'; shift;;
- *) fatal_ "pyc_installed: invalid usage";;
- esac
- case $1 in
- *.py[co]) pyc_location "$1"; am_target_py_file=$am_pyc_file;;
- *) am_target_py_file=$1;;
- esac
- $am_test_py_file "$am_target_py_file"
- }
- # Usage: require_compiler_ {cc|c++|fortran|fortran77}
- require_compiler_ ()
- {
- case $# in
- 0) fatal_ "require_compiler_: missing argument";;
- 1) ;;
- *) fatal_ "require_compiler_: too many arguments";;
- esac
- case $1 in
- cc)
- am__comp_lang="C"
- am__comp_var=CC
- am__comp_flag_vars='CFLAGS CPPFLAGS'
- ;;
- c++)
- am__comp_lang="C++"
- am__comp_var=CXX
- am__comp_flag_vars='CXXFLAGS CPPFLAGS'
- ;;
- fortran)
- am__comp_lang="Fortran"
- am__comp_var=FC
- am__comp_flag_vars='FCFLAGS'
- ;;
- fortran77)
- am__comp_lang="Fortran 77"
- am__comp_var=F77
- am__comp_flag_vars='FFLAGS'
- ;;
- esac
- shift
- eval "am__comp_prog=\${$am__comp_var}" \
- || fatal_ "expanding \${$am__comp_var} in require_compiler_"
- case $am__comp_prog in
- "")
- fatal_ "botched configuration: \$$am__comp_var is empty";;
- false)
- skip_all_ "no $am__comp_lang compiler available";;
- autodetect|autodetected)
- # Let the ./configure commands in the test script try to determine
- # these automatically.
- unset $am__comp_var $am__comp_flag_vars;;
- *)
- # Pre-set these for the ./configure commands in the test script.
- export $am__comp_var $am__comp_flag_vars;;
- esac
- # Delete private variables.
- unset am__comp_lang am__comp_prog am__comp_var am__comp_flag_vars
- }
- ## ----------------------------------------------------------- ##
- ## Checks for required tools, and additional setups (if any) ##
- ## required by them. ##
- ## ----------------------------------------------------------- ##
- require_tool ()
- {
- am_tool=$1
- case $1 in
- cc|c++|fortran|fortran77)
- require_compiler_ $1;;
- -c-o)
- if test x"$AM_TESTSUITE_SIMULATING_NO_CC_C_O" = x"yes"; then
- skip_all_ "need a C compiler that grasps -c and -o together"
- fi
- ;;
- xsi-lib-shell)
- if test x"$am_test_prefer_config_shell" = x"yes"; then
- require_xsi "$SHELL"
- else
- require_xsi "/bin/sh"
- fi
- ;;
- bzip2)
- # Do not use --version, older versions bzip2 still tries to compress
- # stdin.
- echo "$me: running bzip2 --help"
- bzip2 --help \
- || skip_all_ "required program 'bzip2' not available"
- ;;
- cl)
- CC=cl
- # Don't export CFLAGS, as that could have been initialized to only
- # work with the C compiler detected at configure time. If the user
- # wants CFLAGS to also influence 'cl', he can still export CFLAGS
- # in the environment "by hand" before calling the testsuite.
- export CC CPPFLAGS
- echo "$me: running $CC -?"
- # The IRAF package (http://iraf.noao.edu/) contains a 'cl' program
- # which is interactive, and which could cause the testsuite to hang
- # if its standard input is not redirected. See automake bug#14707.
- $CC -? </dev/null \
- || skip_all_ "Microsoft C compiler '$CC' not available"
- ;;
- icl)
- CC=icl
- # Don't export CFLAGS, as that could have been initialized to only
- # work with the C compiler detected at configure time. If the user
- # wants CFLAGS to also influence 'icl', he can still export CFLAGS
- # in the environment "by hand" before calling the testsuite.
- export CC CPPFLAGS
- echo "$me: running $CC -?"
- $CC -? >/dev/null \
- || skip_all_ "Intel C compiler '$CC' not available"
- ;;
- etags)
- # Exuberant Ctags will create a TAGS file even
- # when asked for --help or --version. (Emacs's etags
- # does not have such problem.) Use -o /dev/null
- # to make sure we do not pollute the build directory.
- echo "$me: running etags --version -o /dev/null"
- etags --version -o /dev/null \
- || skip_all_ "required program 'etags' not available"
- ;;
- GNUmake)
- for am_make in "$MAKE" gmake gnumake :; do
- MAKE=$am_make
- am__using_gmake= # Invalidate cache used by 'using_gmake()'.
- test "$MAKE" = : && break
- echo "$me: determine whether $MAKE is GNU make"
- using_gmake && break
- : For shells with busted 'set -e'.
- done
- test "$MAKE" = : && skip_all_ "this test requires GNU make"
- export MAKE
- unset am_make
- ;;
- gcj)
- test "$GCJ" = false && skip_all_ "GNU Java compiler unavailable"
- : For shells with busted 'set -e'.
- ;;
- gcc)
- test "$CC" = false && skip_all_ "GNU C compiler unavailable"
- : For shells with busted 'set -e'.
- ;;
- g++)
- test "$CXX" = false && skip_all_ "GNU C++ compiler unavailable"
- : For shells with busted 'set -e'.
- ;;
- gfortran)
- test "$FC" = false && skip_all_ "GNU Fortran compiler unavailable"
- case " $required " in
- *\ g77\ *) ;;
- *) F77=$FC FFLAGS=$FCFLAGS; export F77 FFLAGS;;
- esac
- ;;
- g77)
- test "$F77" = false && skip_all_ "GNU Fortran 77 compiler unavailable"
- case " $required " in
- *\ gfortran\ *) ;;
- esac
- ;;
- grep-nonprint)
- # Check that grep can parse nonprinting characters correctly.
- # BSD 'grep' works from a pipe, but not a seekable file.
- # GNU or BSD 'grep -a' works on files, but is not portable.
- case $(echo "$esc" | grep .)$(echo "$esc" | grep "$esc") in
- "$esc$esc") ;;
- *) skip_ "grep can't handle nonprinting characters correctly";;
- esac
- ;;
- javac)
- # The Java compiler from JDK 1.5 (and presumably earlier versions)
- # cannot handle the '-version' option by itself: it bails out
- # telling that source files are missing. Adding also the '-help'
- # option seems to solve the problem.
- echo "$me: running javac -version -help"
- javac -version -help || skip_all_ "Sun Java compiler not available"
- ;;
- java)
- # See the comments above about 'javac' for why we use also '-help'.
- echo "$me: running java -version -help"
- java -version -help || skip_all_ "Sun Java interpreter not found"
- ;;
- lib)
- AR=lib; export AR
- # Attempting to create an empty archive will actually not
- # create the archive, but lib will output its version.
- echo "$me: running $AR -out:defstest.lib"
- $AR -out:defstest.lib \
- || skip_all_ "Microsoft 'lib' utility not available"
- ;;
- makedepend)
- echo "$me: running makedepend -f-"
- makedepend -f- \
- || skip_all_ "required program 'makedepend' not available"
- ;;
- mingw)
- uname_s=$(uname -s || echo UNKNOWN)
- echo "$me: system name: $uname_s"
- case $uname_s in
- MINGW*) ;;
- *) skip_all_ "this test requires MSYS in MinGW mode" ;;
- esac
- unset uname_s
- ;;
- non-root)
- # Skip this test case if the user is root.
- # We try to append to a read-only file to detect this.
- priv_check_temp=am--priv-check.$$
- touch $priv_check_temp && chmod a-w $priv_check_temp \
- || framework_failure_ "creating unwritable file $priv_check_temp"
- # Not a useless use of subshell: lesser shells might bail
- # out if a builtin fails.
- overwrite_status=0
- (echo foo >> $priv_check_temp) || overwrite_status=$?
- rm -f $priv_check_temp
- if test $overwrite_status -eq 0; then
- skip_all_ "cannot drop file write permissions"
- fi
- unset priv_check_temp overwrite_status
- ;;
- # Extra quoting required to avoid maintainer-check spurious failures.
- 'perl-threads')
- if test "$WANT_NO_THREADS" = "yes"; then
- skip_all_ "Devel::Cover cannot cope with threads"
- fi
- ;;
- native)
- # Don't use "&&" here, to avoid a bug of 'set -e' present in
- # some (even relatively recent) versions of the BSD shell.
- # We add the dummy "else" branch for extra safety.
- ! cross_compiling || skip_all_ "doesn't work in cross-compile mode"
- ;;
- python)
- PYTHON=${PYTHON-python}
- # Older python versions don't support --version, they have -V.
- echo "$me: running $PYTHON -V"
- $PYTHON -V || skip_all_ "python interpreter not available"
- ;;
- ro-dir)
- # Skip this test case if read-only directories aren't supported
- # (e.g., under DOS.)
- ro_dir_temp=ro_dir.$$
- mkdir $ro_dir_temp && chmod a-w $ro_dir_temp \
- || framework_failure_ "creating unwritable directory $ro_dir_temp"
- # Not a useless use of subshell: lesser shells might bail
- # out if a builtin fails.
- create_status=0
- (: > $ro_dir_temp/probe) || create_status=$?
- rm -rf $ro_dir_temp
- if test $create_status -eq 0; then
- skip_all_ "cannot drop directory write permissions"
- fi
- unset ro_dir_temp create_status
- ;;
- runtest)
- # DejaGnu's runtest program. We rely on being able to specify
- # the program on the runtest command-line. This requires
- # DejaGnu 1.4.3 or later.
- echo "$me: running runtest SOMEPROGRAM=someprogram --version"
- runtest SOMEPROGRAM=someprogram --version \
- || skip_all_ "DejaGnu is not available"
- ;;
- tex)
- # No all versions of Tex support '--version', so we use
- # a configure check.
- if test -z "$TEX"; then
- skip_all_ "TeX is required, but it wasn't found by configure"
- fi
- ;;
- lex)
- test x"$LEX" = x"false" && skip_all_ "lex not found or disabled"
- export LEX
- ;;
- yacc)
- test x"$YACC" = x"false" && skip_all_ "yacc not found or disabled"
- export YACC
- ;;
- flex)
- LEX=flex; export LEX
- echo "$me: running flex --version"
- flex --version || skip_all_ "required program 'flex' not available"
- ;;
- bison)
- YACC='bison -y'; export YACC
- echo "$me: running bison --version"
- bison --version || skip_all_ "required program 'bison' not available"
- ;;
- valac)
- echo "$me: running valac --version"
- if ! valac --version; then
- skip_all_ "required program 'valac' not available"
- elif cross_compiling; then
- skip_all_ "cross-compiling valac-generated C files is brittle"
- fi
- # TODO: We also know we need GNU make, the C compiler, and pkg-config
- # here, but there is no easy way to express this with the current
- # code organization. We should improve the situation, sooner or
- # later. At which point the tests requiring 'valac' can drop the
- # explicit requirements for those tools.
- ;;
- *)
- # Generic case: the tool must support --version.
- echo "$me: running $1 --version"
- # It is not likely but possible that the required tool is a special
- # builtin, in which case the shell is allowed to exit after an error.
- # So we need the subshell here. Also, some tools, like Sun cscope,
- # can be interactive without redirection.
- ($1 --version) </dev/null \
- || skip_all_ "required program '$1' not available"
- ;;
- esac
- }
- process_requirements ()
- {
- # Look for (and maybe set up) required tools and/or system features;
- # skip the current test if they are not found.
- for am_tool in $*; do
- require_tool $am_tool
- done
- # We might need extra m4 macros, e.g., for Libtool or Gettext.
- for am_tool in gettext libtool pkg-config; do
- case " $required " in
- # The lack of whitespace after $am_tool is intended.
- *" $am_tool"*) . ./t/$am_tool-macros.dir/get.sh;;
- esac
- done
- unset am_tool
- }
- ## ---------------------------------------------------------------- ##
- ## Create and set up of the temporary directory used by the test. ##
- ## ---------------------------------------------------------------- ##
- am_setup_testdir ()
- {
- # The subdirectory where the current test script will run and write its
- # temporary/data files. This will be created shortly, and will be removed
- # by the cleanup trap below if the test passes. If the test doesn't pass,
- # this directory will be kept, to facilitate debugging.
- am_test_subdir=${argv0#$am_rel_srcdir/}
- case $am_test_subdir in
- */*) am_test_subdir=${am_test_subdir%/*}/$me.dir;;
- *) am_test_subdir=$me.dir;;
- esac
- test ! -e $am_test_subdir || rm_rf_ $am_test_subdir \
- || framework_failure_ "removing old test subdirectory"
- $MKDIR_P $am_test_subdir \
- || framework_failure_ "creating test subdirectory"
- cd $am_test_subdir \
- || framework_failure_ "cannot chdir into test subdirectory"
- if test x"$am_create_testdir" != x"empty"; then
- cp "$am_scriptdir"/install-sh "$am_scriptdir"/missing \
- "$am_scriptdir"/compile "$am_scriptdir"/depcomp . \
- || framework_failure_ "fetching common files from $am_scriptdir"
- # Build appropriate environment in test directory. E.g., create
- # configure.ac, touch all necessary files, etc. Don't use AC_OUTPUT,
- # but AC_CONFIG_FILES so that appending still produces a valid
- # configure.ac. But then, tests running config.status really need
- # to append AC_OUTPUT.
- {
- echo "AC_INIT([$me], [1.0])"
- if test x"$am_serial_tests" = x"yes"; then
- echo "AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([serial-tests])"
- else
- fi
- echo "AC_CONFIG_FILES([Makefile])"
- } >configure.ac || framework_failure_ "creating configure.ac skeleton"
- fi
- }
- am_extra_info ()
- {
- echo "Running from installcheck: $am_running_installcheck"
- echo "Test Protocol: $am_test_protocol"
- echo "PATH = $PATH"
- }