123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204 |
- //
- // Simple I2C master devic, controlled by programmed I/O.
- //
- // Registers:
- // 0 - write data/command
- // [15:8] - data bits (must be 1 for read)
- // [7] - ACK bit (must be 1 for write)
- // [2] - follow with P condition
- // [1] - follow with Sr condition
- //
- // 1 - read data/status
- // [15:8] - data bits
- // [7] - ack bit
- // [1] - bus idle (after P condition)
- // [0] - busy
- //
- // 2 - baud rate divisor (f = clk/(4*(divisor+1)))
- //
- // This unit handles S(r) and P conditions by considering two classes of
- // symbols: "normal", when SCL is asserted at the end of the
- module i2c (
- input rst_n,
- input clk,
- input valid,
- input [1:0] addr,
- input [31:0] wdata,
- input [3:0] wstrb,
- output reg [31:0] rdata,
- output irq,
- inout i2c_scl,
- inout i2c_sda
- );
- reg [7:0] divisor;
- reg [7:0] baudctr;
- reg [3:0] bitctr;
- reg [1:0] phase;
- reg [8:0] wreg; // Output shift register
- reg [8:0] rreg; // Input shift register
- reg do_read; // Shift in a data bit next cycle
- reg busy; // Data received, running
- reg end_s, end_p; // Trailing S(r) or P
- reg [1:0] outsymb; // Output symbol [abnormal, data]
- reg scl_out = 1'b1;
- reg sda_out = 1'b1;
- assign i2c_scl = scl_out ? 1'bz : 1'b0;
- assign i2c_sda = sda_out ? 1'bz : 1'b0;
- always @(negedge rst_n or posedge clk)
- if (~rst_n)
- begin
- bitctr <= 4'd14; // Idle line - wait for start condition
- busy <= 1'b0;
- outsymb <= 2'b11; // A1
- baudctr <= 8'd0;
- divisor <= 8'd209; // 84 MHz -> 100 kHz
- scl_out <= 1'b1;
- sda_out <= 1'b1;
- phase <= 2'b00;
- do_read <= 1'b0;
- end
- else
- begin
- //
- // I2C state machine
- //
- if (|baudctr)
- begin
- baudctr <= baudctr - 1'b1;
- end
- else
- begin
- // I2C clock event
- baudctr <= divisor;
- phase <= phase + 1'b1;
- if ((phase == 2'b10) & ~i2c_scl)
- phase <= 2'b10; // Clock stretch
- // Phase 0: data is shifted out
- // Phase 1: SCL goes high
- // Phase 2: if SCL is low, hold
- // Phase 3: SCL does low if symbol is normal,
- // sample SDA on read
- if (phase[0])
- scl_out <= outsymb[1] | ~phase[1];
- sda_out <= outsymb[0];
- if (phase == 2'b11)
- begin
- // Sample input and set up for the next cycle
- if (do_read)
- rreg <= { rreg[7:0], i2c_sda };
- do_read <= 1'b0;
- // Unit idle; send A0 or A1 depending on if we are
- // started or not.
- if (~busy)
- begin
- outsymb[1] <= 1'b1;
- end
- else
- begin
- bitctr <= bitctr + 1'b1;
- case (bitctr)
- 4'd0, 4'd1, 4'd2, 4'd3, 4'd4,
- 4'd5, 4'd6, 4'd7, 4'd8:
- begin
- outsymb <= { 1'b0, wreg[8] }; // Nx
- wreg <= { wreg[7:0], 1'b1 };
- do_read <= 1'b1;
- if (bitctr[3])
- begin
- bitctr <= end_p ? 4'd12 :
- end_s ? 4'd14 : 4'd0;
- busy <= end_p;
- end
- end // case: 4'd0, 4'd1, 4'd2, 4'd3, 4'd4,...
- // Stop condition
- 4'd12: begin
- outsymb <= 2'b10; // A0
- end
- 4'd13: begin
- outsymb <= 2'b11; // A1
- busy <= 1'b0;
- end
- // Start condition
- 4'd14: begin
- outsymb <= 2'b11; // A1
- end
- 4'd15: begin
- outsymb <= 2'b00; // N0
- end
- default: begin
- outsymb <= 2'bxx;
- end
- endcase // case (bitctr)
- end // else: !if(~busy)
- end // if (phase == 2'b11)
- end // else: !if(|baudctr)
- //
- // CPU write interface
- //
- if (valid)
- case (addr)
- 2'b00:
- if (~busy)
- begin
- if (wstrb[1])
- wreg[8:1] <= wdata[15:8];
- if (wstrb[0])
- begin
- wreg[0] <= wdata[7];
- end_p <= wdata[2];
- end_s <= wdata[1];
- busy <= 1'b1;
- end
- end // if (~busy)
- 2'b10: begin
- if (wstrb[0])
- divisor <= wdata[7:0];
- end
- default: begin
- // Do nothing
- end
- endcase // case (addr)
- end // else: !if(~rst_n)
- //
- // CPU read interface
- //
- always_comb
- case (addr)
- 2'b00: rdata = { 16'b0, wreg, 4'b0, end_p, end_s, busy | do_read };
- 2'b01: rdata = { 16'b0, rreg, 4'b0, end_p, end_s, busy | do_read };
- 2'b10: rdata = { 24'b0, divisor };
- default: rdata = 32'b0;
- endcase // casez (addr)
- //
- // IRQ (edge) when unit idle
- //
- assign irq = ~(busy | do_read);
- endmodule // i2c