123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697698699700701702703704705706707708709710711712713714715716717718719720721722723724725726 |
- #!/usr/bin/python3.0
- # Copyright 2008, SoftPLC Corporation http://softplc.com
- # Dick Hollenbeck dick@softplc.com
- # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- # of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- #
- # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- # GNU General Public License for more details.
- #
- # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- # along with this program; if not, you may find one here:
- # http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html
- # or you may search the http://www.gnu.org website for the version 2 license,
- # or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
- # A python program to convert an SVF file to an XSVF file. There is an
- # option to include comments containing the source file line number from the origin
- # SVF file before each outputted XSVF statement.
- #
- # We deviate from the XSVF spec in that we introduce a new command called
- # XWAITSTATE which directly flows from the SVF RUNTEST command. Unfortunately
- # XRUNSTATE was ill conceived and is not used here. We also add support for the
- # three Lattice extensions to SVF: LCOUNT, LDELAY, and LSDR. The xsvf file
- # generated from this program is suitable for use with the xsvf player in
- # OpenOCD with my modifications to xsvf.c.
- #
- # This program is written for python 3.0, and it is not easy to change this
- # back to 2.x. You may find it easier to use python 3.x even if that means
- # building it.
- import re
- import sys
- import struct
- # There are both ---<Lexer>--- and ---<Parser>--- sections to this program
- if len( sys.argv ) < 3:
- print("usage %s <svf_filename> <xsvf_filename>" % sys.argv[0])
- exit(1)
- inputFilename = sys.argv[1]
- outputFilename = sys.argv[2]
- #doCOMMENTs = True # Save XCOMMENTs in the output xsvf file
- doCOMMENTs = False # Save XCOMMENTs in the output xsvf file
- # pick your file encoding
- #file_encoding = 'ISO-8859-1'
- file_encoding = 'utf-8'
- xrepeat = 0 # argument to XREPEAT, gives retry count for masked compares
- #-----< Lexer >---------------------------------------------------------------
- StateBin = (RESET,IDLE,
- # Any integer index into this tuple will be equal to its corresponding StateBin value
- StateTxt = ("RESET","IDLE",
- #Note: LCOUNT, LDELAY, and LSDR are Lattice extensions to SVF and provide a way to loop back
- # and check a completion status, essentially waiting on a part until it signals that it is done.
- # For example below: loop 25 times, each time through the loop do a LDELAY (same as a true RUNTEST)
- # and exit loop when LSDR compares match.
- """
- LCOUNT 25;
- ! Step to DRPAUSE give 5 clocks and wait for 1.00e+000 SEC.
- ! Test for the completed status. Match means pass.
- ! Loop back to LDELAY line if not match and loop count less than 25.
- LSDR 1 TDI (0)
- TDO (1);
- """
- #XTRST is an opcode Xilinx seemed to have missed and it comes from the SVF TRST statement.
- LineNumber = 1
- def s_ident(scanner, token): return ("ident", token.upper(), LineNumber)
- def s_hex(scanner, token):
- global LineNumber
- LineNumber = LineNumber + token.count('\n')
- token = ''.join(token.split())
- return ("hex", token[1:-1], LineNumber)
- def s_int(scanner, token): return ("int", int(token), LineNumber)
- def s_float(scanner, token): return ("float", float(token), LineNumber)
- #def s_comment(scanner, token): return ("comment", token, LineNumber)
- def s_semicolon(scanner, token): return ("semi", token, LineNumber)
- def s_nl(scanner,token):
- global LineNumber
- LineNumber = LineNumber + 1
- #print( 'LineNumber=', LineNumber, file=sys.stderr )
- return None
- #2.00E-002
- scanner = re.Scanner([
- (r"[a-zA-Z]\w*", s_ident),
- # (r"[-+]?[0-9]+[.]?[0-9]*([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?", s_float),
- (r"[-+]?[0-9]+(([.][0-9eE+-]*)|([eE]+[-+]?[0-9]+))", s_float),
- (r"\d+", s_int),
- (r"\(([0-9a-fA-F]|\s)*\)", s_hex),
- (r"(!|//).*$", None),
- (r";", s_semicolon),
- (r"\n",s_nl),
- (r"\s*", None),
- ],
- )
- # open the file using the given encoding
- file = open( sys.argv[1], encoding=file_encoding )
- # read all svf file input into string "input"
- input = file.read()
- file.close()
- # Lexer:
- # create a list of tuples containing (tokenType, tokenValue, LineNumber)
- tokens = scanner.scan( input )[0]
- input = None # allow gc to reclaim memory holding file
- #for tokenType, tokenValue, ln in tokens: print( "line %d: %s" % (ln, tokenType), tokenValue )
- #-----<parser>-----------------------------------------------------------------
- tokVal = tokType = tokLn = None
- tup = iter( tokens )
- def nextTok():
- """
- Function to read the next token from tup into tokType, tokVal, tokLn (linenumber)
- which are globals.
- """
- global tokType, tokVal, tokLn, tup
- tokType, tokVal, tokLn = tup.__next__()
- class ParseError(Exception):
- """A class to hold a parsing error message"""
- def __init__(self, linenumber, token, message):
- self.linenumber = linenumber
- self.token = token
- self.message = message
- def __str__(self):
- global inputFilename
- return "Error in file \'%s\' at line %d near token %s\n %s" % (
- inputFilename, self.linenumber, repr(self.token), self.message)
- class MASKSET(object):
- """
- Class MASKSET holds a set of bit vectors, all of which are related, will all
- have the same length, and are associated with one of the seven shiftOps:
- HIR, HDR, TIR, TDR, SIR, SDR, LSDR. One of these holds a mask, smask, tdi, tdo, and a
- size.
- """
- def __init__(self, name):
- self.empty()
- self.name = name
- def empty(self):
- self.mask = bytearray()
- self.smask = bytearray()
- self.tdi = bytearray()
- self.tdo = bytearray()
- self.size = 0
- def syncLengths( self, sawTDI, sawTDO, sawMASK, sawSMASK, newSize ):
- """
- Set all the lengths equal in the event some of the masks were
- not seen as part of the last change set.
- """
- if self.size == newSize:
- return
- if newSize == 0:
- self.empty()
- return
- # If an SIR was given without a MASK(), then use a mask of all zeros.
- # this is not consistent with the SVF spec, but it makes sense because
- # it would be odd to be testing an instruction register read out of a
- # tap without giving a mask for it. Also, lattice seems to agree and is
- # generating SVF files that comply with this philosophy.
- if self.name == 'SIR' and not sawMASK:
- self.mask = bytearray( newSize )
- if newSize != len(self.mask):
- self.mask = bytearray( newSize )
- if self.name == 'SDR': # leave mask for HIR,HDR,TIR,TDR,SIR zeros
- for i in range( newSize ):
- self.mask[i] = 1
- if newSize != len(self.tdo):
- self.tdo = bytearray( newSize )
- if newSize != len(self.tdi):
- self.tdi = bytearray( newSize )
- if newSize != len(self.smask):
- self.smask = bytearray( newSize )
- self.size = newSize
- #-----</MASKSET>-----
- def makeBitArray( hexString, bitCount ):
- """
- Converts a packed sequence of hex ascii characters into a bytearray where
- each element in the array holds exactly one bit. Only "bitCount" bits are
- scanned and these must be the least significant bits in the hex number. That
- is, it is legal to have some unused bits in the must significant hex nibble
- of the input "hexString". The string is scanned starting from the backend,
- then just before returning we reverse the array. This way the append()
- method can be used, which I assume is faster than an insert.
- """
- global tokLn
- a = bytearray()
- length = bitCount
- hexString = list(hexString)
- hexString.reverse()
- #print(hexString)
- for c in hexString:
- if length <= 0:
- break;
- c = int(c, 16)
- for mask in [1,2,4,8]:
- if length <= 0:
- break;
- length = length - 1
- a.append( (c & mask) != 0 )
- if length > 0:
- raise ParseError( tokLn, hexString, "Insufficient hex characters for given length of %d" % bitCount )
- a.reverse()
- #print(a)
- return a
- def makeXSVFbytes( bitarray ):
- """
- Make a bytearray which is contains the XSVF bits which will be written
- directly to disk. The number of bytes needed is calculated from the size
- of the argument bitarray.
- """
- bitCount = len(bitarray)
- byteCount = (bitCount+7)//8
- ba = bytearray( byteCount )
- firstBit = (bitCount % 8) - 1
- if firstBit == -1:
- firstBit = 7
- bitNdx = 0
- for byteNdx in range(byteCount):
- mask = 1<<firstBit
- byte = 0
- while mask:
- if bitarray[bitNdx]:
- byte |= mask;
- mask = mask >> 1
- bitNdx = bitNdx + 1
- ba[byteNdx] = byte
- firstBit = 7
- return ba
- def writeComment( outputFile, shiftOp_linenum, shiftOp ):
- """
- Write an XCOMMENT record to outputFile
- """
- comment = "%s @%d\0" % (shiftOp, shiftOp_linenum) # \0 is terminating nul
- ba = bytearray(1)
- ba[0] = XCOMMENT
- ba += comment.encode()
- outputFile.write( ba )
- def combineBitVectors( trailer, meat, header ):
- """
- Combine the 3 bit vectors comprizing a transmission. Since the least
- significant bits are sent first, the header is put onto the list last so
- they are sent first from that least significant position.
- """
- ret = bytearray()
- ret.extend( trailer )
- ret.extend( meat )
- ret.extend( header )
- return ret
- def writeRUNTEST( outputFile, run_state, end_state, run_count, min_time, tokenTxt ):
- """
- Write the output for the SVF RUNTEST command.
- run_count - the number of clocks
- min_time - the number of seconds
- tokenTxt - either RUNTEST or LDELAY
- """
- # convert from secs to usecs
- min_time = int( min_time * 1000000)
- # the SVF RUNTEST command does NOT map to the XSVF XRUNTEST command. Check the SVF spec, then
- # read the XSVF command. They are not the same. Use an XSVF XWAITSTATE to
- # implement the required behavior of the SVF RUNTEST command.
- if doCOMMENTs:
- writeComment( output, tokLn, tokenTxt )
- if tokenTxt == 'RUNTEST':
- obuf = bytearray(11)
- obuf[0] = XWAITSTATE
- obuf[1] = run_state
- obuf[2] = end_state
- struct.pack_into(">i", obuf, 3, run_count ) # big endian 4 byte int to obuf
- struct.pack_into(">i", obuf, 7, min_time ) # big endian 4 byte int to obuf
- outputFile.write( obuf )
- else: # == 'LDELAY'
- obuf = bytearray(10)
- obuf[0] = LDELAY
- obuf[1] = run_state
- # LDELAY has no end_state
- struct.pack_into(">i", obuf, 2, run_count ) # big endian 4 byte int to obuf
- struct.pack_into(">i", obuf, 6, min_time ) # big endian 4 byte int to obuf
- outputFile.write( obuf )
- output = open( outputFilename, mode='wb' )
- hir = MASKSET('HIR')
- hdr = MASKSET('HDR')
- tir = MASKSET('TIR')
- tdr = MASKSET('TDR')
- sir = MASKSET('SIR')
- sdr = MASKSET('SDR')
- expecting_eof = True
- # one of the commands that take the shiftParts after the length, the parse
- # template for all of these commands is identical
- shiftOps = ('SDR', 'SIR', 'LSDR', 'HDR', 'HIR', 'TDR', 'TIR')
- # the order must correspond to shiftOps, this holds the MASKSETS. 'LSDR' shares sdr with 'SDR'
- shiftSets = (sdr, sir, sdr, hdr, hir, tdr, tir )
- # what to expect as parameters to a shiftOp, i.e. after a SDR length or SIR length
- shiftParts = ('TDI', 'TDO', 'MASK', 'SMASK')
- # the set of legal states which can trail the RUNTEST command
- run_state_allowed = ('IRPAUSE', 'DRPAUSE', 'RESET', 'IDLE')
- enddr_state_allowed = ('DRPAUSE', 'IDLE')
- endir_state_allowed = ('IRPAUSE', 'IDLE')
- trst_mode_allowed = ('ON', 'OFF', 'Z', 'ABSENT')
- enddr_state = IDLE
- endir_state = IDLE
- frequency = 1.00e+006 # HZ;
- # change detection for xsdrsize and xtdomask
- xsdrsize = -1 # the last one sent, send only on change
- xtdomask = bytearray() # the last one sent, send only on change
- # we use a number of single byte writes for the XSVF command below
- cmdbuf = bytearray(1)
- # Save the XREPEAT setting into the file as first thing.
- obuf = bytearray(2)
- obuf[0] = XREPEAT
- obuf[1] = xrepeat
- output.write( obuf )
- try:
- while 1:
- expecting_eof = True
- nextTok()
- expecting_eof = False
- # print( tokType, tokVal, tokLn )
- if tokVal in shiftOps:
- shiftOp_linenum = tokLn
- shiftOp = tokVal
- set = shiftSets[shiftOps.index(shiftOp)]
- # set flags false, if we see one later, set that one true later
- sawTDI = sawTDO = sawMASK = sawSMASK = False
- nextTok()
- if tokType != 'int':
- raise ParseError( tokLn, tokVal, "Expecting 'int' giving %s length, got '%s'" % (shiftOp, tokType) )
- length = tokVal
- nextTok()
- while tokVal != ';':
- if tokVal not in shiftParts:
- raise ParseError( tokLn, tokVal, "Expecting TDI, TDO, MASK, SMASK, or ';'")
- shiftPart = tokVal
- nextTok()
- if tokType != 'hex':
- raise ParseError( tokLn, tokVal, "Expecting hex bits" )
- bits = makeBitArray( tokVal, length )
- if shiftPart == 'TDI':
- sawTDI = True
- set.tdi = bits
- elif shiftPart == 'TDO':
- sawTDO = True
- set.tdo = bits
- elif shiftPart == 'MASK':
- sawMASK = True
- set.mask = bits
- elif shiftPart == 'SMASK':
- sawSMASK = True
- set.smask = bits
- nextTok()
- set.syncLengths( sawTDI, sawTDO, sawMASK, sawSMASK, length )
- # process all the gathered parameters and generate outputs here
- if shiftOp == 'SIR':
- if doCOMMENTs:
- writeComment( output, shiftOp_linenum, 'SIR' )
- tdi = combineBitVectors( tir.tdi, sir.tdi, hir.tdi )
- if len(tdi) > 255:
- obuf = bytearray(3)
- obuf[0] = XSIR2
- struct.pack_into( ">h", obuf, 1, len(tdi) )
- else:
- obuf = bytearray(2)
- obuf[0] = XSIR
- obuf[1] = len(tdi)
- output.write( obuf )
- obuf = makeXSVFbytes( tdi )
- output.write( obuf )
- elif shiftOp == 'SDR':
- if doCOMMENTs:
- writeComment( output, shiftOp_linenum, shiftOp )
- if not sawTDO:
- # The XSDRE instruction has an implicit zero mask,
- # but it also leaves the xtdomask set to whatever its
- # previous value, so do not modify xtdomask here.
- #
- # The difference between XSDRB and XSDRC seems to imply
- # that the user needs to force the shift-DR state first.
- tdi = combineBitVectors( tdr.tdi, sdr.tdi, hdr.tdi )
- if xsdrsize != len(tdi):
- xsdrsize = len(tdi)
- cmdbuf[0] = XSDRSIZE
- output.write( cmdbuf )
- obuf = bytearray(4)
- struct.pack_into( ">i", obuf, 0, xsdrsize ) # big endian 4 byte int to obuf
- output.write( obuf )
- cmdbuf[0] = XSDRE
- output.write( cmdbuf )
- obuf = makeXSVFbytes( tdi )
- output.write( obuf )
- else:
- mask = combineBitVectors( tdr.mask, sdr.mask, hdr.mask )
- tdi = combineBitVectors( tdr.tdi, sdr.tdi, hdr.tdi )
- tdo = combineBitVectors( tdr.tdo, sdr.tdo, hdr.tdo )
- if xsdrsize != len(tdi):
- xsdrsize = len(tdi)
- cmdbuf[0] = XSDRSIZE
- output.write( cmdbuf )
- obuf = bytearray(4)
- struct.pack_into(">i", obuf, 0, xsdrsize ) # big endian 4 byte int to obuf
- output.write( obuf )
- if xtdomask != mask:
- xtdomask = mask
- cmdbuf[0] = XTDOMASK
- output.write( cmdbuf )
- obuf = makeXSVFbytes( mask )
- output.write( obuf )
- cmdbuf[0] = XSDRTDO
- output.write( cmdbuf )
- obuf = makeXSVFbytes( tdi )
- output.write( obuf )
- obuf = makeXSVFbytes( tdo )
- output.write( obuf )
- #print( "len(tdo)=", len(tdo), "len(tdr.tdo)=", len(tdr.tdo), "len(sdr.tdo)=", len(sdr.tdo), "len(hdr.tdo)=", len(hdr.tdo) )
- elif shiftOp == 'LSDR':
- if doCOMMENTs:
- writeComment( output, shiftOp_linenum, shiftOp )
- mask = combineBitVectors( tdr.mask, sdr.mask, hdr.mask )
- tdi = combineBitVectors( tdr.tdi, sdr.tdi, hdr.tdi )
- tdo = combineBitVectors( tdr.tdo, sdr.tdo, hdr.tdo )
- if xsdrsize != len(tdi):
- xsdrsize = len(tdi)
- cmdbuf[0] = XSDRSIZE
- output.write( cmdbuf )
- obuf = bytearray(4)
- struct.pack_into(">i", obuf, 0, xsdrsize ) # big endian 4 byte int to obuf
- output.write( obuf )
- if xtdomask != mask:
- xtdomask = mask
- cmdbuf[0] = XTDOMASK
- output.write( cmdbuf )
- obuf = makeXSVFbytes( mask )
- output.write( obuf )
- cmdbuf[0] = LSDR
- output.write( cmdbuf )
- obuf = makeXSVFbytes( tdi )
- output.write( obuf )
- obuf = makeXSVFbytes( tdo )
- output.write( obuf )
- #print( "len(tdo)=", len(tdo), "len(tdr.tdo)=", len(tdr.tdo), "len(sdr.tdo)=", len(sdr.tdo), "len(hdr.tdo)=", len(hdr.tdo) )
- elif tokVal == 'RUNTEST' or tokVal == 'LDELAY':
- # e.g. from lattice tools:
- # "RUNTEST IDLE 5 TCK 1.00E-003 SEC;"
- saveTok = tokVal
- nextTok()
- min_time = 0
- run_count = 0
- max_time = 600 # ten minutes
- if tokVal in run_state_allowed:
- run_state = StateTxt.index(tokVal)
- end_state = run_state # bottom of page 17 of SVF spec
- nextTok()
- if tokType != 'int' and tokType != 'float':
- raise ParseError( tokLn, tokVal, "Expecting 'int' or 'float' after RUNTEST [run_state]")
- timeval = tokVal;
- nextTok()
- if tokVal != 'TCK' and tokVal != 'SEC' and tokVal != 'SCK':
- raise ParseError( tokLn, tokVal, "Expecting 'TCK' or 'SEC' or 'SCK' after RUNTEST [run_state] (run_count|min_time)")
- if tokVal == 'TCK' or tokVal == 'SCK':
- run_count = int( timeval )
- else:
- min_time = timeval
- nextTok()
- if tokType == 'int' or tokType == 'float':
- min_time = tokVal
- nextTok()
- if tokVal != 'SEC':
- raise ParseError( tokLn, tokVal, "Expecting 'SEC' after RUNTEST [run_state] run_count min_time")
- nextTok()
- if tokVal == 'MAXIMUM':
- nextTok()
- if tokType != 'int' and tokType != 'float':
- raise ParseError( tokLn, tokVal, "Expecting 'max_time' after RUNTEST [run_state] min_time SEC MAXIMUM")
- max_time = tokVal
- nextTok()
- if tokVal != 'SEC':
- raise ParseError( tokLn, tokVal, "Expecting 'max_time' after RUNTEST [run_state] min_time SEC MAXIMUM max_time")
- nextTok()
- if tokVal == 'ENDSTATE':
- nextTok()
- if tokVal not in run_state_allowed:
- raise ParseError( tokLn, tokVal, "Expecting 'run_state' after RUNTEST .... ENDSTATE")
- end_state = StateTxt.index(tokVal)
- nextTok()
- if tokVal != ';':
- raise ParseError( tokLn, tokVal, "Expecting ';' after RUNTEST ....")
- # print( "run_count=", run_count, "min_time=", min_time,
- # "max_time=", max_time, "run_state=", State[run_state], "end_state=", State[end_state] )
- writeRUNTEST( output, run_state, end_state, run_count, min_time, saveTok )
- elif tokVal == 'LCOUNT':
- nextTok()
- if tokType != 'int':
- raise ParseError( tokLn, tokVal, "Expecting integer 'count' after LCOUNT")
- loopCount = tokVal
- nextTok()
- if tokVal != ';':
- raise ParseError( tokLn, tokVal, "Expecting ';' after LCOUNT count")
- if doCOMMENTs:
- writeComment( output, tokLn, 'LCOUNT' )
- obuf = bytearray(5)
- obuf[0] = LCOUNT
- struct.pack_into(">i", obuf, 1, loopCount ) # big endian 4 byte int to obuf
- output.write( obuf )
- elif tokVal == 'ENDDR':
- nextTok()
- if tokVal not in enddr_state_allowed:
- raise ParseError( tokLn, tokVal, "Expecting 'stable_state' after ENDDR. (one of: DRPAUSE, IDLE)")
- enddr_state = StateTxt.index(tokVal)
- nextTok()
- if tokVal != ';':
- raise ParseError( tokLn, tokVal, "Expecting ';' after ENDDR stable_state")
- if doCOMMENTs:
- writeComment( output, tokLn, 'ENDDR' )
- obuf = bytearray(2)
- obuf[0] = XENDDR
- # Page 10 of the March 1999 SVF spec shows that RESET is also allowed here.
- # Yet the XSVF spec has no provision for that, and uses a non-standard, i.e.
- # boolean argument to XENDDR which only handles two of the 3 intended states.
- obuf[1] = 1 if enddr_state == DRPAUSE else 0
- output.write( obuf )
- elif tokVal == 'ENDIR':
- nextTok()
- if tokVal not in endir_state_allowed:
- raise ParseError( tokLn, tokVal, "Expecting 'stable_state' after ENDIR. (one of: IRPAUSE, IDLE)")
- endir_state = StateTxt.index(tokVal)
- nextTok()
- if tokVal != ';':
- raise ParseError( tokLn, tokVal, "Expecting ';' after ENDIR stable_state")
- if doCOMMENTs:
- writeComment( output, tokLn, 'ENDIR' )
- obuf = bytearray(2)
- obuf[0] = XENDIR
- # Page 10 of the March 1999 SVF spec shows that RESET is also allowed here.
- # Yet the XSVF spec has no provision for that, and uses a non-standard, i.e.
- # boolean argument to XENDDR which only handles two of the 3 intended states.
- obuf[1] = 1 if endir_state == IRPAUSE else 0
- output.write( obuf )
- elif tokVal == 'STATE':
- nextTok()
- ln = tokLn
- while tokVal != ';':
- if tokVal not in StateTxt:
- raise ParseError( tokLn, tokVal, "Expecting 'stable_state' after STATE")
- stable_state = StateTxt.index( tokVal )
- if doCOMMENTs and ln != -1:
- writeComment( output, ln, 'STATE' )
- ln = -1 # save comment only once
- obuf = bytearray(2)
- obuf[0] = XSTATE
- obuf[1] = stable_state
- output.write( obuf )
- nextTok()
- elif tokVal == 'FREQUENCY':
- nextTok()
- if tokVal != ';':
- if tokType != 'int' and tokType != 'float':
- raise ParseError( tokLn, tokVal, "Expecting 'cycles HZ' after FREQUENCY")
- frequency = tokVal
- nextTok()
- if tokVal != 'HZ':
- raise ParseError( tokLn, tokVal, "Expecting 'HZ' after FREQUENCY cycles")
- nextTok()
- if tokVal != ';':
- raise ParseError( tokLn, tokVal, "Expecting ';' after FREQUENCY cycles HZ")
- elif tokVal == 'TRST':
- nextTok()
- if tokVal not in trst_mode_allowed:
- raise ParseError( tokLn, tokVal, "Expecting 'ON|OFF|Z|ABSENT' after TRST")
- trst_mode = tokVal
- nextTok()
- if tokVal != ';':
- raise ParseError( tokLn, tokVal, "Expecting ';' after TRST trst_mode")
- if doCOMMENTs:
- writeComment( output, tokLn, 'TRST %s' % trst_mode )
- obuf = bytearray( 2 )
- obuf[0] = XTRST
- obuf[1] = trst_mode_allowed.index( trst_mode ) # use the index as the binary argument to XTRST opcode
- output.write( obuf )
- else:
- raise ParseError( tokLn, tokVal, "Unknown token '%s'" % tokVal)
- except StopIteration:
- if not expecting_eof:
- print( "Unexpected End of File at line ", tokLn )
- except ParseError as pe:
- print( "\n", pe )
- finally:
- # print( "closing file" )
- cmdbuf[0] = XCOMPLETE
- output.write( cmdbuf )
- output.close()