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  1. <!DOCTYPE html>
  2. <html lang="en">
  3. <head>
  4. <link rel="stylesheet" href="max80.css" />
  5. <title class="abcbus">MAX80: ABC memories</title>
  6. <script src="max80.js"></script>
  7. </head>
  8. <body>
  9. <x-inc src="head.html"></x-inc>
  10. <h1 class="abcmem">Memories</h1>
  11. <form id="memconfig" class="setconfig" action="sys/setconfig" method="post"
  12. onsubmit="uploadform()" data-ref="10" data-ref-url="abcmem.html">
  13. <fieldset class="abc80mem">
  14. <legend>Emulated memories for ABC80</legend>
  15. <label class="ram">
  16. <b>Expansion RAM</b>
  17. <input is="x-box" name="abc.mem.abc80.ram" />
  18. <span class="help">Expand RAM to 32K (32-48K)</span>
  19. </label>
  20. <label class="nvram">
  21. <b>Simulated "NVRAM"</b>
  22. <input is="x-box" name="abc.mem.abc80.nvram.20k"
  23. conflicts="abc.mem.abc80.smartaid3;abc.mem.abc80.superbasic" />
  24. <span class="help">20-22K (matches MyAB)</span>
  25. <input is="x-box" name="abc.mem.abc80.nvram.22k" />
  26. <span class="help">22-24K (incompatible with TKN80)</span>
  27. </label>
  28. <p class="nvram,help">If simulated NVRAM is present, it is used for
  29. UFD-DOS and PUN80 system variables; otherwise up to 320
  30. bytes of BASIC memory may be consumed.</p>
  31. <label class="ufddos">
  32. <b>UFD-DOS ROM</b>
  33. <input is="x-box" name="abc.mem.abc80.ufddos" />
  34. <span class="help">24-28K (DOS)</span>
  35. </label>
  36. <label class="pun80">
  37. <b>PUN80 network ROM</b>
  38. <input is="x-box" name="abc.mem.abc80.pun80.29k"
  39. needs="abc.mem.abc80.ufddos"
  40. conflicts="abc.mem.abc80.pun80.30k;abc.mem.abc80.superbasic" />
  41. <span class="help">29-30K (½ IEC)</span>
  42. <input is="x-box" name="abc.mem.abc80.pun80.30k"
  43. needs="abc.mem.abc80.ufddos"
  44. conflicts="abc.mem.abc80.pun80.29k" />
  45. <span class="help">30-31K (PR)</span>
  46. </label>
  47. <label class="smartaid">
  48. <b>Smartaid III</b>
  49. <input is="x-box" name="abc.mem.abc80.smartaid3"
  50. conflicts="abc.mem.abc80.superbasic;abc.mem.abc80.nvram.20k" />
  51. <span class="help">16-22K</span>
  52. </label>
  53. <label class="superbasic">
  54. <b>SuperBASIC</b>
  55. <input is="x-box" name="abc.mem.abc80.superbasic"
  56. conflicts="abc.mem.abc80.smartaid3;abc.mem.abc80.nvram.20k;abc.mem.abc80.pun80.29k" />
  57. <span class="help">16-22K, 28-30K (IEC)</span>
  58. </label>
  59. <p class="abc80box,help"><span>If MAX80 is used in a Luxor
  60. expansion box ABC, the expansion box needs to be rejumpered to
  61. support external memories on the I/O side of the
  62. box.</span><br />
  63. <a class="seemanual" href="">See manual.</a></p>
  64. </fieldset>
  65. <fieldset class="abc800mem">
  66. <legend>Emulated memories for ABC800</legend>
  67. <label class="ufddos">
  68. <b>UFD-DOS ROM</b>
  69. <input is="x-box" name="abc.mem.abc800.ufddos" />
  70. <span class="help">UFD-DOS 19 for ABC800 (24-28K)</span>
  71. </label>
  72. <p class="abc800mem,help">ABC800 needs jumper configuration to access external ROM.</p>
  73. </fieldset>
  74. <fieldset class="reset">
  75. <legend>Reset when updating configuration</legend>
  76. <label class="fpga">
  77. <b>Reset MAX80</b>
  78. <input is="x-box" name="fpga.reset" />
  79. </label>
  80. <label class="abc">
  81. <b>Reset ABC</b>
  82. <input is="x-box" name="abc.reset" />
  83. </label>
  84. </fieldset>
  85. <button class="submit" type="submit" disabled>Update configuration</button>
  86. </form>
  87. <script>loadform('memconfig','sys/getconfig');</script>
  88. </body>
  89. </html>