max80.inf 3.5 KB

  1. ; Windows USB CDC ACM Setup File
  2. ; Based on INF template which was:
  3. ; Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation
  4. ; Copyright (c) 2007 Microchip Technology Inc.
  5. ; likely to be covered by the MLPL as found at:
  6. ; <http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/cc300389.aspx#MLPL>.
  7. ; For use only on Windows operating systems.
  8. ;
  9. ; Windows 10+ detects CDC ACM drivers by class
  10. ;
  11. [Version]
  12. Signature="$Windows NT$"
  13. Class=Ports
  14. ClassGuid={4D36E978-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}
  15. Provider=%MFGNAME%
  16. DriverVer=11/15/2007,5.1.2600.0
  17. [Manufacturer]
  18. %MFGNAME%=DeviceList, NTx86, NTamd64
  19. [DestinationDirs]
  20. DefaultDestDir=12
  21. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  22. ; Windows 2000/XP/Vista-32bit Sections
  23. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  24. [DriverInstall.nt]
  25. include=mdmcpq.inf
  26. CopyFiles=DriverCopyFiles.nt
  27. AddReg=DriverInstall.nt.AddReg
  28. [DriverCopyFiles.nt]
  29. usbser.sys,,,0x20
  30. [DriverInstall.nt.AddReg]
  31. HKR,,DevLoader,,*ntkern
  32. HKR,,NTMPDriver,,USBSER.sys
  33. HKR,,EnumPropPages32,,"MsPorts.dll,SerialPortPropPageProvider"
  34. [DriverInstall.nt.Services]
  35. AddService=usbser, 0x00000002, DriverService.nt
  36. [DriverService.nt]
  37. DisplayName=%SERVICE%
  38. ServiceType=1
  39. StartType=3
  40. ErrorControl=1
  41. ServiceBinary=%12%\USBSER.sys
  42. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  43. ; Vista-64bit Sections
  44. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  45. [DriverInstall.NTamd64]
  46. include=mdmcpq.inf
  47. CopyFiles=DriverCopyFiles.NTamd64
  48. AddReg=DriverInstall.NTamd64.AddReg
  49. [DriverCopyFiles.NTamd64]
  50. USBSER.sys,,,0x20
  51. [DriverInstall.NTamd64.AddReg]
  52. HKR,,DevLoader,,*ntkern
  53. HKR,,NTMPDriver,,USBSER.sys
  54. HKR,,EnumPropPages32,,"MsPorts.dll,SerialPortPropPageProvider"
  55. [DriverInstall.NTamd64.Services]
  56. AddService=usbser, 0x00000002, DriverService.NTamd64
  57. [DriverService.NTamd64]
  58. DisplayName=%SERVICE%
  59. ServiceType=1
  60. StartType=3
  61. ErrorControl=1
  62. ServiceBinary=%12%\USBSER.sys
  63. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  64. ; Vendor and Product ID Definitions
  65. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  66. ; When developing your USB device, the VID and PID used in the PC side
  67. ; application program and the firmware on the microcontroller must match.
  68. ; Modify the below line to use your VID and PID. Use the format as shown
  69. ; below.
  70. ; Note: One INF file can be used for multiple devices with different
  71. ; VID and PIDs. For each supported device, append
  72. ; ",USB\VID_xxxx&PID_yyyy" to the end of the line.
  73. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  74. [SourceDisksFiles]
  75. [SourceDisksNames]
  76. [DeviceList]
  77. %FPGA_CONSOLE%=DriverInstall, USB\VID_4680&PID_0881&MI_00
  78. %FPGA_PUN80%=DriverInstall, USB\VID_4680&PID_0881&MI_02
  79. %ESP_CONSOLE%=DriverInstall, USB\VID_4680&PID_0882&MI_00
  80. [DeviceList.NTamd64]
  81. %FPGA_CONSOLE%=DriverInstall, USB\VID_4680&PID_0881&MI_00
  82. %FPGA_PUN80%=DriverInstall, USB\VID_4680&PID_0881&MI_02
  83. %ESP_CONSOLE%=DriverInstall, USB\VID_4680&PID_0882&MI_00
  84. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  85. ; String Definitions
  86. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  87. ;Modify these strings to customize your device
  88. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  89. [Strings]
  90. MFGNAME = "Peter & Per"
  91. FPGA_CONSOLE = "MAX80 FPGA console"
  92. FPGA_PUN80 = "MAX80 PUN80 network interface"
  93. ESP_CONSOLE = "MAX80 ESP console"
  94. SERVICE = "USB CDC-ACM Serial Port"