@@ -23,21 +23,21 @@
xor a
- ld e,a ; reset error accumulator
+ ld e,a ; reset error accumulator
ld b,h
ld c,1
- cpl ; A := FF
- .redo ld (hl),a ; write FF to base
- cpl ; A := 0
+ cpl ; A := FF
+ .redo ld (hl),a ; write FF to base
+ cpl ; A := 0
ld (bc),a ; write 00 to base+1
cp (hl) ; compare to base (should be FF, should not match)
jr z,.allbad ; if they match, all bits are bad, but double-check
- cp 0 ; are we on the first round?
+ cp 0 ; are we on the first round?
jr z,.redo ; yes, redo with reversed bits
- ret ; didn't find missing ram, exit without error
+ ret ; didn't find missing ram, exit without error
ld e,$FF ; report all bits bad
@@ -55,14 +55,14 @@ memtest_march_w_up:
ld a,(hl)
- cp d ; compare to value
+ cp d ; compare to value
jr z, .cont ; memory changed, report
- xor d ; calculate errored bits
+ xor d ; calculate errored bits
or e
- ld e,a ; save error bits to e
- ld a,d ; reload a with correct value
+ ld e,a ; save error bits to e
+ ld a,d ; reload a with correct value
- cpl ; take the complement
+ cpl ; take the complement
ld (hl),a ; write the complement
inc hl
dec bc
@@ -76,14 +76,14 @@ memtest_march_rw_dn:
dec hl
ld a,(hl)
- cp d ; compare to value
+ cp d ; compare to value
jr z, .cont
- xor d ; calculate errored bits
+ xor d ; calculate errored bits
or e
- ld e,a ; save error bits to e
- ld a,d ; reload a with correct value
+ ld e,a ; save error bits to e
+ ld a,d ; reload a with correct value
- cpl ; take the complement
+ cpl ; take the complement
ld (hl),a ; write complement
dec hl
dec bc
@@ -99,10 +99,10 @@ memtest_march_r_dn:
ld a,(hl)
cp d
jr z,.cont
- xor d ; calculate errored bits
+ xor d ; calculate errored bits
or e
- ld e,a ; save error bits to e
- ld a,d ; reload a with correct value
+ ld e,a ; save error bits to e
+ ld a,d ; reload a with correct value
dec hl
dec bc
@@ -114,12 +114,12 @@ memtest_march_r_dn:
ld a,d
- cp 0 ; if our test value is 0
+ cp 0 ; if our test value is 0
ld d,$55
- jr z,mtm1_bounce ; then rerun the tests with value $55
+ jr z,mtm1_bounce ; then rerun the tests with value $55
- sub a ; set carry flag if e is nonzero
+ sub a ; set carry flag if e is nonzero
or e
ret z
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ memtest_march_r_dn:
xor a
- ld e,a ; reset error accumulator
+ ld e,a ; reset error accumulator
push hl ; save the test regs
push bc