; code: language=asm-collection tabSize=8 ; Requirements: ; This function must be RELOCATABLE (only relative jumps), and use NO RAM or STACK. ; These restrictions lead to somewhat long-winded, repetative code. ;; March C- algorithm: ;; 1: (up w0) write each location bottom to top with test value ;; 2: (up r0,w1) read each location bottom to top, compare to test value, then write complement ;; 3: (up r1,w0) read each location bottom to top, compare to complement, then write test value ;; 4: (dn r0,w1) read each location top to bottom, compare to test value, then write complement ;; 5: (dn r1,w0) read each location top to bottom, compare to complement, then write test value ;; 6: (dn r0) read each location top to bottom, compare to test value ; Arguments: ; hl = current memory position under test ; bc = bytes remaining to test ; iy = test data structure ; returns: ; e = all errored bits found in this block/bank/range of memory ; destroys: a,bc,d,hl ; preserves: ix memtestmarch2: ld a,0f0h ;00b0 ????? out (0c8h),a spt_ld_iya7 out (0c5h),a ;00bf Program map B base spt_ld_iya6 out (0c0h),a ;00bf Program map B base memtestmarch: xor a ld e,a ; reset error accumulator ld d,a ; set the first testing value to 0 checkabsent: ; quick test for completely missing bank memtest_ld_hl_base ld b,h ld c,1 cpl ; A := FF .redo ld (hl),a ; write FF to base cpl ; A := 0 ld (bc),a ; write 00 to base+1 cp (hl) ; compare to base (should be FF, should not match) jr z,.allbad ; if they match, all bits are bad, but double-check cp 0 ; are we on the first round? jr z,.redo ; yes, redo with reversed bits jr mtm1 .allbad: ld e,$FF ; report all bits bad jr mtm_done_bounce mtm1: memtest_loadregs mtm1loop: ; fill initial value upwards ld (hl),d inc hl dec bc ld a,c or b jr nz,mtm1loop mtm2: ; read value, write complement upwards memtest_loadregs mtm2loop: ld a,(hl) cp d ; compare to value jr z, mtm2cont ; memory changed, report xor d ; calculate errored bits or e ld e,a ; save error bits to e ld a,d ; reload a with correct value mtm2cont: cpl ; take the complement ld (hl),a ; write the complement inc hl dec bc ld a,c or b jr nz,mtm2loop mtm3: ; read complement, write original value upwards memtest_loadregs mtm3loop: ld a,(hl) cpl cp d ; compare to the complement jr z, mtm3cont ; memory changed, report xor d ; calculate errored bits or e ld e,a ; save error bits to e ld a,d ; reload a with correct value mtm3cont: ld (hl),d ; fill with test value inc hl dec bc ld a,c or b jr nz,mtm3loop jr mtm4 mtm_done_bounce: jr mtm_done mtm1_bounce: jr mtm1 mtm4: ; read test value, write complement downwards memtest_loadregs add hl,bc ; move to end of the test area dec hl mtm4loop: ld a,(hl) cp d ; compare to value jr z, mtm4cont xor d ; calculate errored bits or e ld e,a ; save error bits to e ld a,d ; reload a with correct value mtm4cont: cpl ; take the complement ld (hl),a ; write complement dec hl dec bc ld a,c or b jr nz,mtm4loop mtm5: ; read complement, write value downwards memtest_loadregs add hl,bc ; move to end of the test area dec hl mtm5loop: ld a,(hl) cpl cp d jr z, mtm5cont xor d ; calculate errored bits or e ld e,a ; save error bits to e ld a,d ; reload a with correct value mtm5cont: ld (hl),d dec hl dec bc ld a,c or b jr nz,mtm5loop mtm6: ; final check that all are zero memtest_loadregs add hl,bc ; move to end of the test area dec hl mtm6loop: ld a,(hl) cp d jr z,mtm6cont xor d ; calculate errored bits or e ld e,a ; save error bits to e ld a,d ; reload a with correct value mtm6cont: dec hl dec bc ld a,c or b jr nz,mtm6loop mtmredo: ld a,d cp 0 ; if our test value is 0 ld d,$55 jr z,mtm1_bounce ; then rerun the tests with value $55 mtm_done: sub a ; set carry flag if e is nonzero or e mtm_return: ret z scf ret memtestmarch_end equ $ ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------