(version 20240108)
(generator "pcbnew")
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(paper "A4")
(title "DataBoard 5076-00")
(date "2024-11-23")
(rev "v1.02")
(company "SweProj")
(comment 1 "Monty to 4680 int")
(0 "F.Cu" signal)
(31 "B.Cu" signal)
(32 "B.Adhes" user "B.Adhesive")
(33 "F.Adhes" user "F.Adhesive")
(34 "B.Paste" user)
(35 "F.Paste" user)
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(38 "B.Mask" user)
(39 "F.Mask" user)
(40 "Dwgs.User" user "User.Drawings")
(41 "Cmts.User" user "User.Comments")
(42 "Eco1.User" user "User.Eco1")
(43 "Eco2.User" user "User.Eco2")
(44 "Edge.Cuts" user)
(45 "Margin" user)
(46 "B.CrtYd" user "B.Courtyard")
(47 "F.CrtYd" user "F.Courtyard")
(48 "B.Fab" user)
(49 "F.Fab" user)
(50 "User.1" user)
(51 "User.2" user)
(52 "User.3" user)
(53 "User.4" user)
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(55 "User.6" user)
(56 "User.7" user)
(57 "User.8" user)
(58 "User.9" user)
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(net 0 "")
(net 1 "unconnected-(X1A-1-PadA1)")
(net 2 "Net-(U5-COMREF)")
(net 3 "Net-(U5-1OUT)")
(net 4 "unconnected-(X1A-5-PadA5)")
(net 5 "/~{BUSRST}")
(net 6 "/D0")
(net 7 "/D2")
(net 8 "/D1")
(net 9 "/D4")
(net 10 "Net-(U3-~{Y6})")
(net 11 "Net-(U8-~{Y6})")
(net 12 "unconnected-(X1A-15-PadA15)")
(net 13 "Net-(U7-E01)")
(net 14 "unconnected-(X1A-17-PadA17)")
(net 15 "unconnected-(X1A-18-PadA18)")
(net 16 "Net-(U1-Pad11)")
(net 17 "unconnected-(X1A-20-PadA20)")
(net 18 "Net-(U5-2OUT)")
(net 19 "/D3")
(net 20 "unconnected-(X1A-23-PadA23)")
(net 21 "unconnected-(X1A-26-PadA26)")
(net 22 "unconnected-(X1A-27-PadA27)")
(net 23 "unconnected-(X1A-29-PadA29)")
(net 24 "unconnected-(X1A-30-PadA30)")
(net 25 "unconnected-(X1B-1-PadB1)")
(net 26 "unconnected-(X1B-3-PadB3)")
(net 27 "unconnected-(X1B-4-PadB4)")
(net 28 "unconnected-(X1B-5-PadB5)")
(net 29 "unconnected-(X1B-6-PadB6)")
(net 30 "/D6")
(net 31 "/D5")
(net 32 "unconnected-(X1B-9-PadB9)")
(net 33 "/D7")
(net 34 "unconnected-(X1B-12-PadB12)")
(net 35 "unconnected-(X1B-14-PadB14)")
(net 36 "unconnected-(X1B-15-PadB15)")
(net 37 "unconnected-(X1B-17-PadB17)")
(net 38 "unconnected-(X1B-18-PadB18)")
(net 39 "/~{PREN}")
(net 40 "unconnected-(X1B-21-PadB21)")
(net 41 "/~{R{slash}W}")
(net 42 "/~{INT7}")
(net 43 "/~{INT6}")
(net 44 "VCC")
(net 45 "/~{INT4}")
(net 46 "unconnected-(X1B-29-PadB29)")
(net 47 "unconnected-(X1B-30-PadB30)")
(net 48 "/~{INT3}")
(net 49 "unconnected-(X1B-32-PadB32)")
(net 50 "/~{INT2}")
(net 51 "Net-(U12-OEb)")
(net 52 "/~{INT1}")
(net 53 "Net-(U4-D0)")
(net 54 "Net-(U3-~{E2})")
(net 55 "/~{INT0}")
(net 56 "Net-(U1-Pad3)")
(net 57 "Net-(U3-A0)")
(net 58 "/~{TREN}")
(net 59 "/~{PRAC}")
(net 60 "Net-(U12-OEa)")
(net 61 "unconnected-(U7-~{Q1}-Pad6)")
(net 62 "Net-(U3-A1)")
(net 63 "Net-(U3-A2)")
(net 64 "Net-(U3-~{E1})")
(net 65 "Net-(U3-E3)")
(net 66 "Net-(R1-Pad2)")
(net 67 "GND")
(net 68 "/~{STR_OUT}")
(net 69 "Net-(C7-Pad1)")
(net 70 "/~{STRINP}")
(net 71 "/~{C4}")
(net 72 "/~{C3}")
(net 73 "/~{C2}")
(net 74 "/~{C1}")
(net 75 "+5V")
(net 76 "unconnected-(U4-~{Q1}-Pad6)")
(net 77 "/OUT_X1")
(net 78 "/5V_NC2")
(net 79 "unconnected-(U4-~{Q2}-Pad10)")
(net 80 "unconnected-(U4-~{Q3}-Pad14)")
(net 81 "/5V_NC1")
(net 82 "unconnected-(U7-~{Q2}-Pad10)")
(net 83 "Net-(U7-Q2)")
(net 84 "Net-(U7-Q3)")
(net 85 "Net-(U9A-~{Q})")
(net 86 "Net-(U3-~{Y7})")
(net 87 "/XA10")
(net 88 "unconnected-(U7-~{Q3}-Pad14)")
(net 89 "Net-(U11-Pad12)")
(net 90 "Net-(U9A-~{R})")
(net 91 "Net-(U11-Pad1)")
(net 92 "Net-(U11-Pad5)")
(net 93 "unconnected-(U9A-Q-Pad5)")
(net 94 "Net-(U7-Q1)")
(net 95 "Net-(U7-~{Q0})")
(net 96 "Net-(U7-Q0)")
(net 97 "/XA14")
(net 98 "Net-(U8-~{Y4})")
(net 99 "Net-(U8-~{Y3})")
(net 100 "/~{OUT}")
(net 101 "/~{OPS}")
(net 102 "/~{STAT}")
(net 103 "Net-(U13-EI)")
(net 104 "unconnected-(U9B-Q-Pad9)")
(net 105 "Net-(U12-I1)")
(net 106 "/~{INP}")
(net 107 "Net-(U12-I2)")
(net 108 "Net-(U12-I3)")
(net 109 "Net-(U12-I4)")
(net 110 "/~{3MHz} ")
(net 111 "Net-(U13-I4)")
(net 112 "Net-(U13-I5)")
(net 113 "Net-(U13-I6)")
(net 114 "Net-(U13-I7)")
(net 115 "Net-(U13-IO)")
(net 116 "Net-(U13-I1)")
(net 117 "Net-(U13-I2)")
(net 118 "Net-(U13-I3)")
(net 119 "unconnected-(U13-EO-Pad15)")
(net 120 "/XA8")
(net 121 "/INP_X1")
(net 122 "/XA12")
(net 123 "/XA13")
(net 124 "/OUT_X2")
(net 125 "/XA11")
(net 126 "/XA9")
(net 127 "/XA15")
(net 128 "/3MHz_I")
(net 129 "unconnected-(J3-Pin_50-Pad50)")
(net 130 "unconnected-(X1A-10-PadA10)")
(net 131 "/~{XINPSTB}")
(net 132 "/~{XOUTSTB}")
(net 133 "/XA5")
(net 134 "/~{DMARQ}")
(net 135 "/XA3")
(net 136 "/XA4")
(net 137 "/XA1")
(net 138 "/~{BUSINT}")
(net 139 "/XA6")
(net 140 "/XA0")
(net 141 "/XA7")
(net 142 "/XA2")
(net 143 "/~{CS}")
(net 144 "/~{INT5}")
(net 145 "/-12V")
(net 146 "/~{TRRQ}")
(net 147 "/~{BPCLK}")
(net 148 "/GNDB")
(net 149 "/~{INT}")
(net 150 "/~{CSB}")
(net 151 "/~{NMI}")
(net 152 "/12V")
(net 153 "/~{XMEMWR}")
(net 154 "/~{XMEMFL}")
(net 155 "/3MHz")
(net 156 "/~{XCSB2}")
(net 157 "/~{XCSB3}")
(net 158 "/~{XCSB4}")
(net 159 "/~{XCSB5}")
(net 160 "/A11")
(net 161 "/A10")
(net 162 "/A9")
(net 163 "/~{EXP}")
(net 164 "/~{BUSEN}")
(net 165 "/~{DSTB}")
(net 166 "/A5")
(net 167 "/A4")
(net 168 "/A1")
(net 169 "/A0")
(net 170 "/~{DIRW{slash}R}")
(net 171 "/5+")
(footprint "Package_DIP:DIP-16_W7.62mm"
(layer "F.Cu")
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(descr "16-lead though-hole mounted DIP package, row spacing 7.62 mm (300 mils)")
(tags "THT DIP DIL PDIP 2.54mm 7.62mm 300mil")
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(net 53 "Net-(U4-D0)")
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(uuid "ed2a59a5-34da-40c3-8669-c702b39cea49")
(pad "2" thru_hole oval
(at 0 2.54 270)
(size 1.6 1.6)
(drill 0.8)
(layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask")
(remove_unused_layers no)
(net 95 "Net-(U7-~{Q0})")
(pinfunction "~{Q0}")
(pintype "output")
(uuid "99dabd44-8373-40c5-93d6-084007da10e0")
(pad "3" thru_hole oval
(at 0 5.08 270)
(size 1.6 1.6)
(drill 0.8)
(layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask")
(remove_unused_layers no)
(net 96 "Net-(U7-Q0)")
(pinfunction "Q0")
(pintype "output")
(uuid "ea927903-8c9a-4fd1-a2a7-4fb79bac430b")
(pad "4" thru_hole oval
(at 0 7.62 270)
(size 1.6 1.6)
(drill 0.8)
(layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask")
(remove_unused_layers no)
(net 13 "Net-(U7-E01)")
(pinfunction "E01")
(pintype "input")
(uuid "9996997b-bf22-4209-84f6-f641ac9cb936")
(pad "5" thru_hole oval
(at 0 10.16 270)
(size 1.6 1.6)
(drill 0.8)
(layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask")
(remove_unused_layers no)
(net 94 "Net-(U7-Q1)")
(pinfunction "Q1")
(pintype "output")
(uuid "c0c022d9-f873-451c-abbd-d3288eccb0ae")
(pad "6" thru_hole oval
(at 0 12.7 270)
(size 1.6 1.6)
(drill 0.8)
(layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask")
(remove_unused_layers no)
(net 61 "unconnected-(U7-~{Q1}-Pad6)")
(pinfunction "~{Q1}")
(pintype "output+no_connect")
(uuid "e72f064b-2b29-4a0c-873e-5ae62fc25766")
(pad "7" thru_hole oval
(at 0 15.24 270)
(size 1.6 1.6)
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(uuid "24ec8371-5d5d-4b5f-988a-7905b04017e9")
(pad "8" thru_hole oval
(at 0 17.78 270)
(size 1.6 1.6)
(drill 0.8)
(layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask")
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(net 67 "GND")
(pinfunction "GND")
(pintype "power_in")
(uuid "f5b851fd-3f1f-4260-a58b-0bc37f8cd7ae")
(pad "9" thru_hole oval
(at 7.62 17.78 270)
(size 1.6 1.6)
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(net 82 "unconnected-(U7-~{Q2}-Pad10)")
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(uuid "434c96bc-8bbb-4fbb-9373-f42445cc5ad9")
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(pinfunction "VCC")
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(model "${KICAD6_3DMODEL_DIR}/Package_DIP.3dshapes/DIP-16_W7.62mm.wrl"
(xyz 0 0 0)
(xyz 1 1 1)
(xyz 0 0 0)
(footprint "Resistor_THT:R_Axial_DIN0204_L3.6mm_D1.6mm_P7.62mm_Horizontal"
(layer "F.Cu")
(uuid "0957f32b-62d1-45a4-b93b-bcaf171e810e")
(at 159.766 116.586 90)
(descr "Resistor, Axial_DIN0204 series, Axial, Horizontal, pin pitch=7.62mm, 0.167W, length*diameter=3.6*1.6mm^2, http://cdn-reichelt.de/documents/datenblatt/B400/1_4W%23YAG.pdf")
(tags "Resistor Axial_DIN0204 series Axial Horizontal pin pitch 7.62mm 0.167W length 3.6mm diameter 1.6mm")
(property "Reference" "R9"
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(uuid "2a5439c4-141d-4f9e-8386-60933bee68be")
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(at 0 0 90)
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(uuid "5888b0f4-2118-45bc-a9d4-fb3f7ce977d3")
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(uuid "ab9c8431-e59e-4301-ac76-c7051c246a67")
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\nMale, 64 pins, type B, rows ab, grid 2.54 mm
\nFemale, 64 bits, type Q, rows ab, grid 2.54 mm
\nB mates with Q, but pin numbers reversed\n
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\nFemale, 64 bits, type Q, rows ab, grid 2.54 mm
\nB mates with Q, but pin numbers reversed\n
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(net 6 "/D0")
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(uuid "01e9823e-ad37-408e-bb8e-ecbab929e6b3")
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(at -2.54 -11.43 180)
(size 1.4224 1.4224)
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(layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask")
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(net 140 "/XA0")
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(uuid "4a42ed4e-159c-4f2b-b2a1-be7206333a6b")
(pad "A13" thru_hole circle
(at -2.54 -8.89 180)
(size 1.4224 1.4224)
(drill 0.9144)
(layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask")
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(net 138 "/~{BUSINT}")
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(at -2.54 -6.35 180)
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(net 137 "/XA1")
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(uuid "71230d4c-fc7d-4253-83ce-1eb69d2b5afc")
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(size 1.4224 1.4224)
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(size 1.4224 1.4224)
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(uuid "ae380c29-626a-4b51-ab5f-9069f25c38aa")
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(size 1.4224 1.4224)
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(layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask")
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(size 1.4224 1.4224)
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(net 32 "unconnected-(X1B-9-PadB9)")
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(net 34 "unconnected-(X1B-12-PadB12)")
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(size 1.4224 1.4224)
(drill 0.9144)
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(net 139 "/XA6")
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(net 35 "unconnected-(X1B-14-PadB14)")
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(net 36 "unconnected-(X1B-15-PadB15)")
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(size 1.4224 1.4224)
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(layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask")
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(net 142 "/XA2")
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(net 40 "unconnected-(X1B-21-PadB21)")
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(size 1.4224 1.4224)
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(net 67 "GND")
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(layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask")
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(net 134 "/~{DMARQ}")
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(size 1.4224 1.4224)
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(net 67 "GND")
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(pad "B26" thru_hole circle
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(size 1.4224 1.4224)
(drill 0.9144)
(layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask")
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(net 5 "/~{BUSRST}")
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(net 132 "/~{XOUTSTB}")
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(uuid "8b4ffec9-a961-48b8-8033-2b5efe4ae082")
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(size 1.4224 1.4224)
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(layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask")
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(net 67 "GND")
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(size 1.4224 1.4224)
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(net 46 "unconnected-(X1B-29-PadB29)")
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(solder_mask_margin 0.1016)
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(size 1.4224 1.4224)
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(net 44 "VCC")
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(uuid "6bd76b50-0d0d-4dfb-be15-9ba176e25122")
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(size 1.4224 1.4224)
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(layers "*.Cu" "*.Mask")
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(net 49 "unconnected-(X1B-32-PadB32)")
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(uuid "0416723b-1d91-4a20-a77c-4048ca5e5cf5")
(model "${KIPRJMOD}/3d_models/din_41612_male_b-64abr.stp"
(xyz 10.2 0 3)
(xyz 1 1 1)
(xyz 90 0 90)
(footprint "Package_DIP:DIP-16_W7.62mm"
(layer "F.Cu")
(uuid "a20ba1ee-2377-4607-9e72-202a5d96c1ab")
(at 184.15 91.186 -90)
(descr "16-lead though-hole mounted DIP package, row spacing 7.62 mm (300 mils)")
(tags "THT DIP DIL PDIP 2.54mm 7.62mm 300mil")
(property "Reference" "U8"
(at -2.286 0 180)
(layer "F.SilkS")
(uuid "79a81d6a-efb1-4e97-98e9-23258e34b671")
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(pinfunction "~{Q}")
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