@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
const static char tag[] = "telnet";
static int uart_fd=0;
RingbufHandle_t buf_handle;
-SemaphoreHandle_t xSemaphore = NULL;
+//static SemaphoreHandle_t xSemaphore = NULL;
static size_t send_chunk=300;
static size_t log_buf_size=2000; //32-bit aligned size
static bool bIsEnabled=false;
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ static int stdout_fstat(int fd, struct stat * st);
static ssize_t stdout_write(int fd, const void * data, size_t size);
static char *eventToString(telnet_event_type_t type);
static void handle_telnet_conn();
-static void process_logs( UBaseType_t bytes);
+static void process_logs( UBaseType_t bytes, bool is_write_op);
static bool bMirrorToUART=false;
struct telnetUserData {
int sockfd;
@@ -76,7 +76,9 @@ struct telnetUserData {
char * rxbuf;
+bool is_serial_suppressed(){
+ return !bIsEnabled || !bMirrorToUART ;
void init_telnet(){
char *val= get_nvs_value_alloc(NVS_TYPE_STR, "telnet_enable");
if (!val || strlen(val) == 0 || !strcasestr("YXD",val) ) {
@@ -100,11 +102,12 @@ void init_telnet(){
// Create the semaphore to guard a shared resource.
- vSemaphoreCreateBinary( xSemaphore );
+ //vSemaphoreCreateBinary( xSemaphore );
// Redirect the output to our telnet handler as soon as possible
- StaticRingbuffer_t *buffer_struct = (StaticRingbuffer_t *)heap_caps_malloc(sizeof(StaticRingbuffer_t), MALLOC_CAP_SPIRAM | MALLOC_CAP_8BIT);
- uint8_t *buffer_storage = (uint8_t *)heap_caps_malloc(sizeof(uint8_t)*log_buf_size, MALLOC_CAP_SPIRAM | MALLOC_CAP_8BIT);
+ StaticRingbuffer_t *buffer_struct = (StaticRingbuffer_t *)malloc(sizeof(StaticRingbuffer_t) );
+ // All non-split ring buffer must have their memory alignment set to 32 bits.
+ uint8_t *buffer_storage = (uint8_t *)heap_caps_malloc(sizeof(uint8_t)*log_buf_size, MALLOC_CAP_SPIRAM | MALLOC_CAP_8BIT );
buf_handle = xRingbufferCreateStatic(log_buf_size, RINGBUF_TYPE_BYTEBUF, buffer_storage, buffer_struct);
if (buf_handle == NULL) {
ESP_LOGE(tag,"Failed to create ring buffer for telnet!");
@@ -119,7 +122,9 @@ void init_telnet(){
.fstat = &stdout_fstat,
.close = &stdout_close,
.read = &stdout_read,
uart_fd=open("/dev/uart/0", O_RDWR);
@@ -130,11 +135,11 @@ void init_telnet(){
void start_telnet(void * pvParameter){
static bool isStarted=false;
- StaticTask_t *xTaskBuffer = (StaticTask_t*) heap_caps_malloc(sizeof(StaticTask_t), MALLOC_CAP_SPIRAM | MALLOC_CAP_8BIT);
- StackType_t *xStack = malloc(TELNET_STACK_SIZE);
+ StaticTask_t *xTaskBuffer = (StaticTask_t*) heap_caps_malloc(sizeof(StaticTask_t), (MALLOC_CAP_INTERNAL|MALLOC_CAP_8BIT));
+ StackType_t *xStack = heap_caps_malloc(TELNET_STACK_SIZE,(MALLOC_CAP_INTERNAL|MALLOC_CAP_8BIT));
if(!isStarted && bIsEnabled) {
- xTaskCreateStatic( (TaskFunction_t) &telnet_task, "telnet", TELNET_STACK_SIZE, NULL, ESP_TASK_PRIO_MIN + 1, xStack, xTaskBuffer);
+ xTaskCreateStatic( (TaskFunction_t) &telnet_task, "telnet", TELNET_STACK_SIZE, NULL, ESP_TASK_MAIN_PRIO , xStack, xTaskBuffer);
@@ -275,23 +280,23 @@ static void handle_telnet_events(
} // myhandle_telnet_events
-static void process_logs(UBaseType_t count){
+static void process_logs( UBaseType_t bytes, bool is_write_op){
//Receive an item from no-split ring buffer
size_t item_size;
- UBaseType_t uxItemsWaiting;
- UBaseType_t uxBytesToSend=count;
- vRingbufferGetInfo(buf_handle, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &uxItemsWaiting);
- if(count == 0){
- // this sends the entire buffer to the remote client
- uxBytesToSend = uxItemsWaiting;
- }
- if( partnerSocket ==0 && (uxItemsWaiting*100 / log_buf_size) <75){
- // We still have some room in the ringbuffer and there's no telnet
- // connection yet, so bail out for now.
- //printf("%s() Log buffer used %u of %u bytes used\n", __FUNCTION__, uxItemsWaiting, log_buf_size);
+ UBaseType_t uxItemsWaiting;
+ UBaseType_t uxBytesToSend=bytes;
+ vRingbufferGetInfo(buf_handle, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &uxItemsWaiting);
+ bool is_space_available = ((log_buf_size-uxItemsWaiting)>=bytes && log_buf_size>uxItemsWaiting);
+ if( is_space_available && (is_write_op || partnerSocket == 0) ){
+ // there's still some room left in the buffer, and we're either
+ // processing a write operation or telnet isn't connected yet.
+ if(is_write_op && !is_space_available && uxBytesToSend==0){
+ // flush at least the size of a full chunk
+ uxBytesToSend = send_chunk;
+ }
char *item = (char *)xRingbufferReceiveUpTo(buf_handle, &item_size, pdMS_TO_TICKS(50), uxBytesToSend);
@@ -327,12 +332,12 @@ static void handle_telnet_conn() {
struct telnetUserData *pTelnetUserData = (struct telnetUserData *)malloc(sizeof(struct telnetUserData));
tnHandle = telnet_init(my_telopts, handle_telnet_events, 0, pTelnetUserData);
- pTelnetUserData->rxbuf = (char *) heap_caps_malloc(TELNET_RX_BUF, MALLOC_CAP_SPIRAM | MALLOC_CAP_8BIT);
+ pTelnetUserData->rxbuf = (char *) heap_caps_malloc(TELNET_RX_BUF, MALLOC_CAP_INTERNAL | MALLOC_CAP_8BIT);
pTelnetUserData->tnHandle = tnHandle;
pTelnetUserData->sockfd = partnerSocket;
// flush all the log buffer on connect
- process_logs(0);
+ process_logs(log_buf_size, false);
while(1) {
//ESP_LOGD(tag, "waiting for data");
@@ -349,7 +354,7 @@ static void handle_telnet_conn() {
partnerSocket = 0;
- process_logs(send_chunk);
+ process_logs(send_chunk, false);
@@ -358,37 +363,24 @@ static void handle_telnet_conn() {
// ******************* stdout/stderr Redirection to ringbuffer
static ssize_t stdout_write(int fd, const void * data, size_t size) {
- if (xSemaphoreTake(xSemaphore, (TickType_t) 10) == pdTRUE) {
- // #1 Write to ringbuffer
- if (buf_handle == NULL) {
- printf("%s() ABORT. file handle _log_remote_fp is NULL\n",
- __FUNCTION__);
- } else {
- //Send an item
- UBaseType_t res = xRingbufferSend(buf_handle, data, size,
- pdMS_TO_TICKS(100));
- if (res != pdTRUE) {
- // flush some entries
- process_logs(size);
- res = xRingbufferSend(buf_handle, data, size,
- pdMS_TO_TICKS(100));
- if (res != pdTRUE) {
- printf("%s() ABORT. Unable to store log entry in buffer\n",
- __FUNCTION__);
- }
- }
- }
- xSemaphoreGive(xSemaphore);
+ // #1 Write to ringbuffer
+ if (buf_handle == NULL) {
+ printf("%s() ABORT. file handle _log_remote_fp is NULL\n",
+ __FUNCTION__);
} else {
- // We could not obtain the semaphore and can therefore not access
- // the shared resource safely.
+ // flush the buffer if needed
+ process_logs(size, true);
+ //Send an item
+ UBaseType_t res = xRingbufferSend(buf_handle, data, size, pdMS_TO_TICKS(10));
+ assert(res == pdTRUE);
- return bMirrorToUART?write(uart_fd, data, size):true;
+ return bMirrorToUART?write(uart_fd, data, size):size;
static ssize_t stdout_read(int fd, void* data, size_t size) {
- return read(fd, data, size);
+ //return read(fd, data, size);
+ return 0;
static int stdout_open(const char * path, int flags, int mode) {