@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ static raop_event_t raop_state;
static EXT_RAM_ATTR struct {
bool enabled;
int sum, count, win, errors[SYNC_WIN_RUN];
- u32_t len;
+ s32_t len;
u32_t start_time, playtime;
} raop_sync;
@@ -209,20 +209,21 @@ static bool raop_sink_cmd_handler(raop_event_t event, va_list args)
// how many ms have we really played
ms = now - output.updated + ((u64_t) (output.frames_played_dmp - output.device_frames) * 1000) / RAOP_SAMPLE_RATE;
error = ms - (now - raop_sync.start_time);
LOG_INFO("backend played %u, desired %u, (delta:%d)", ms, now - raop_sync.start_time, ms - (now - raop_sync.start_time));
} else {
+ u32_t level = _buf_used(outputbuf);
// in how many ms will the most recent block play
- ms = ((u64_t) ((_buf_used(outputbuf) - raop_sync.len) / BYTES_PER_FRAME + output.device_frames + output.frames_in_process) * 1000) / RAOP_SAMPLE_RATE - (now - output.updated);
- error = (raop_sync.playtime - now) - ms;
+ ms = (((s32_t)(level - raop_sync.len) / BYTES_PER_FRAME + output.device_frames + output.frames_in_process) * 10) / (RAOP_SAMPLE_RATE / 100) - (s32_t) (now - output.updated);
- // make sure impact of erroneous point is limited, but taken into account
- if (abs(error) > 1000) {
- LOG_INFO("limiting erroneous sync point %d", error);
- error = (error > 0) ? SYNC_WIN_RUN : -SYNC_WIN_RUN;
- }
- LOG_DEBUG("head local:%u, remote:%u (delta:%d)", ms, raop_sync.playtime - now, error);
- LOG_DEBUG("obuf:%u, sync_len:%u, devframes:%u, inproc:%u", _buf_used(outputbuf), raop_sync.len, output.device_frames, output.frames_in_process);
+ // when outputbuf is empty, it means we have a network black-out or something
+ error = level ? (raop_sync.playtime - now) - ms : 0;
+ if (loglevel == lDEBUG || !level) {
+ LOG_INFO("head local:%d, remote:%d (delta:%d)", ms, raop_sync.playtime - now, error);
+ LOG_INFO("obuf:%u, sync_len:%u, devframes:%u, inproc:%u", _buf_used(outputbuf), raop_sync.len, output.device_frames, output.frames_in_process);
+ }
// calculate sum, error and update sliding window
@@ -231,7 +232,10 @@ static bool raop_sink_cmd_handler(raop_event_t event, va_list args)
error = raop_sync.sum / min(raop_sync.count, raop_sync.win);
// move to normal mode if possible
- if (raop_sync.win == SYNC_WIN_START && raop_sync.count >= SYNC_WIN_START && abs(error) < 10) raop_sync.win = SYNC_WIN_RUN;
+ if (raop_sync.win == SYNC_WIN_START && raop_sync.count >= SYNC_WIN_START && abs(error) < 10) {
+ raop_sync.win = SYNC_WIN_RUN;
+ LOG_INFO("switching to slow sync mode %u", raop_sync.win);
+ }
// wait till e have enough data or there is a strong deviation
if ((raop_sync.count >= raop_sync.win && abs(error) > 10) || (raop_sync.count >= SYNC_WIN_CHECK && abs(error) > 100)) {
@@ -240,11 +244,11 @@ static bool raop_sink_cmd_handler(raop_event_t event, va_list args)
if (error < 0) {
output.skip_frames = -(error * RAOP_SAMPLE_RATE) / 1000;
output.state = OUTPUT_SKIP_FRAMES;
- LOG_INFO("skipping %u frames", output.skip_frames);
+ LOG_INFO("skipping %u frames (count:%d)", output.skip_frames, raop_sync.count);
} else {
output.pause_frames = (error * RAOP_SAMPLE_RATE) / 1000;
output.state = OUTPUT_PAUSE_FRAMES;
- LOG_INFO("pausing for %u frames", output.pause_frames);
+ LOG_INFO("pausing for %u frames (count: %d)", output.pause_frames, raop_sync.count);
// reset sliding window