@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+#include <string.h>
+#include "math.h"
+#include "esp32/rom/tjpgd.h"
+#include "esp_log.h"
+#include "gds.h"
+#include "gds_private.h"
+#include "gds_image.h"
+const char TAG[] = "ImageDec";
+#define SCRATCH_SIZE 3100
+//Data that is passed from the decoder function to the infunc/outfunc functions.
+typedef struct {
+ const unsigned char *InData; // Pointer to jpeg data
+ int InPos; // Current position in jpeg data
+ int Width, Height;
+ union {
+ uint16_t *OutData; // Decompress
+ struct { // DirectDraw
+ struct GDS_Device * Device;
+ int XOfs, YOfs;
+ int Depth;
+ };
+ };
+} JpegCtx;
+static unsigned InHandler(JDEC *Decoder, uint8_t *Buf, unsigned Len) {
+ JpegCtx *Context = (JpegCtx*) Decoder->device;
+ if (Buf) memcpy(Buf, Context->InData + Context->InPos, Len);
+ Context->InPos += Len;
+ return Len;
+static unsigned OutHandler(JDEC *Decoder, void *Bitmap, JRECT *Frame) {
+ JpegCtx *Context = (JpegCtx*) Decoder->device;
+ uint8_t *Pixels = (uint8_t*) Bitmap;
+ for (int y = Frame->top; y <= Frame->bottom; y++) {
+ if (y < Context->YOfs) continue;
+ for (int x = Frame->left; x <= Frame->right; x++) {
+ if (x < Context->XOfs) continue;
+ // Convert the 888 to RGB565
+ uint16_t Value = (*Pixels++ & ~0x07) << 8;
+ Value |= (*Pixels++ & ~0x03) << 3;
+ Value |= *Pixels++ >> 3;
+ Context->OutData[Context->Width * y + x] = Value;
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
+static unsigned OutHandlerDirect(JDEC *Decoder, void *Bitmap, JRECT *Frame) {
+ JpegCtx *Context = (JpegCtx*) Decoder->device;
+ uint8_t *Pixels = (uint8_t*) Bitmap;
+ int Shift = 8 - Context->Depth;
+ for (int y = Frame->top; y <= Frame->bottom; y++) {
+ for (int x = Frame->left; x <= Frame->right; x++) {
+ // Convert the 888 to RGB565
+ int Value = ((Pixels[0]*11 + Pixels[1]*59 + Pixels[2]*30) / 100) >> Shift;
+ Pixels += 3;
+ // used DrawPixel and not "fast" version as X,Y may be beyond screen
+ GDS_DrawPixel( Context->Device, Context->XOfs + x, Context->YOfs + y, Value);
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
+//Decode the embedded image into pixel lines that can be used with the rest of the logic.
+static uint16_t* DecodeJPEG(uint8_t *Source, int *Width, int *Height, float Scale, bool SizeOnly) {
+ JDEC Decoder;
+ JpegCtx Context;
+ char *Scratch = calloc(SCRATCH_SIZE, 1);
+ if (!Scratch) {
+ ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Cannot allocate workspace");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ Context.OutData = NULL;
+ Context.InData = Source;
+ Context.InPos = 0;
+ //Prepare and decode the jpeg.
+ int Res = jd_prepare(&Decoder, InHandler, Scratch, SCRATCH_SIZE, (void*) &Context);
+ if (Width) *Width = Decoder.width;
+ if (Height) *Height = Decoder.height;
+ Decoder.scale = Scale;
+ if (Res == JDR_OK && !SizeOnly) {
+ // ready to decode
+ Context.OutData = malloc(Decoder.width * Decoder.height * sizeof(uint16_t));
+ uint8_t N = 0, iScale = 1.0 / Scale;
+ while (iScale >>= 1) N++;
+ if (Context.OutData) {
+ Context.Width = Decoder.width / (1 << N);
+ Context.Height = Decoder.height / (1 << N);
+ if (Width) *Width = Context.Width;
+ if (Height) *Height = Context.Height;
+ Res = jd_decomp(&Decoder, OutHandler, N > 3 ? 3 : N);
+ if (Res != JDR_OK) {
+ ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Image decoder: jd_decode failed (%d)", Res);
+ }
+ } else {
+ ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Can't allocate bitmap %dx%d", Decoder.width, Decoder.height);
+ }
+ } else if (!SizeOnly) {
+ ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Image decoder: jd_prepare failed (%d)", Res);
+ }
+ // free scratch area
+ if (Scratch) free(Scratch);
+ return Context.OutData;
+uint16_t* GDS_DecodeJPEG(uint8_t *Source, int *Width, int *Height, float Scale) {
+ return DecodeJPEG(Source, Width, Height, Scale, false);
+void GDS_GetJPEGSize(uint8_t *Source, int *Width, int *Height) {
+ DecodeJPEG(Source, Width, Height, 1, true);
+ * Simply draw a RGB565 image
+ * monoschrome (0.2125 * color.r) + (0.7154 * color.g) + (0.0721 * color.b)
+ * grayscale (0.3 * R) + (0.59 * G) + (0.11 * B) )
+ */
+void GDS_DrawRGB16( struct GDS_Device* Device, uint16_t *Image, int x, int y, int Width, int Height, int RGB_Mode ) {
+ if (Device->DrawRGB16) {
+ Device->DrawRGB16( Device, x, y, Width, Height, RGB_Mode, Image );
+ } else {
+ int Scale = Device->Depth < 5 ? 5 - Device->Depth : 0;
+ switch(RGB_Mode) {
+ case GDS_RGB565:
+ for (int c = 0; c < Width; c++) {
+ for (int r = 0; r < Height; r++) {
+ int pixel = Image[Width*r + c];
+ pixel = ((pixel & 0x1f) * 11 + ((((pixel >> 5) & 0x3f) * 59) >> 1) + (pixel >> 11) * 30) / 100;
+ GDS_DrawPixel( Device, c + x, r + y, pixel >> Scale);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case GDS_RGB555:
+ for (int c = 0; c < Width; c++) {
+ for (int r = 0; r < Height; r++) {
+ int pixel = Image[Width*r + c];
+ pixel = ((pixel & 0x1f) * 11 + ((pixel >> 5) & 0x1f) * 59 + (pixel >> 10) * 30) / 100;
+ GDS_DrawPixel( Device, c + x, r + y, pixel >> Scale);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case GDS_RGB444:
+ for (int c = 0; c < Width; c++) {
+ for (int r = 0; r < Height; r++) {
+ int pixel = Image[Width*r + c];
+ pixel = (pixel & 0x0f) * 11 + ((pixel >> 4) & 0x0f) * 59 + (pixel >> 8) * 30;
+ GDS_DrawPixel( Device, c + x, r + y, pixel >> (Scale - 1));
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+//Decode the embedded image into pixel lines that can be used with the rest of the logic.
+bool GDS_DrawJPEG( struct GDS_Device* Device, uint8_t *Source, int x, int y, int Fit) {
+ JDEC Decoder;
+ JpegCtx Context;
+ bool Ret = false;
+ char *Scratch = calloc(SCRATCH_SIZE, 1);
+ if (!Scratch) {
+ ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Cannot allocate workspace");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ // Populate fields of the JpegCtx struct.
+ Context.InData = Source;
+ Context.InPos = 0;
+ Context.XOfs = x;
+ Context.YOfs = y;
+ Context.Device = Device;
+ Context.Depth = Device->Depth;
+ //Prepare and decode the jpeg.
+ int Res = jd_prepare(&Decoder, InHandler, Scratch, SCRATCH_SIZE, (void*) &Context);
+ Context.Width = Decoder.width;
+ Context.Height = Decoder.height;
+ if (Res == JDR_OK) {
+ uint8_t N = 0;
+ // do we need to fit the image
+ if (Fit & GDS_IMAGE_FIT) {
+ float XRatio = (Device->Width - x) / (float) Decoder.width, YRatio = (Device->Height - y) / (float) Decoder.height;
+ uint8_t Ratio = XRatio < YRatio ? ceil(1/XRatio) : ceil(1/YRatio);
+ Ratio--; Ratio |= Ratio >> 1; Ratio |= Ratio >> 2; Ratio++;
+ while (Ratio >>= 1) N++;
+ Context.Width /= 1 << N;
+ Context.Height /= 1 << N;
+ }
+ // then place it
+ if (Fit & GDS_IMAGE_CENTER_X) Context.XOfs = x + ((Device->Width - x) - Context.Width) / 2;
+ if (Fit & GDS_IMAGE_CENTER_Y) Context.YOfs = y + ((Device->Height - y) - Context.Height) / 2;
+ // do decompress & draw
+ Res = jd_decomp(&Decoder, OutHandlerDirect, N > 3 ? 3 : N);
+ if (Res == JDR_OK) {
+ Ret = true;
+ } else {
+ ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Image decoder: jd_decode failed (%d)", Res);
+ }
+ } else {
+ ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Image decoder: jd_prepare failed (%d)", Res);
+ }
+ // free scratch area
+ if (Scratch) free(Scratch);
+ return Ret;