@@ -1,807 +1,807 @@
- * HairTunes - RAOP packet handler and slave-clocked replay engine
- * Copyright (c) James Laird 2011
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Modularisation: philippe_44@outlook.com, 2019
- *
- * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
- * obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
- * files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
- * restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
- * copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or
- * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
- * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
- *
- * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
- * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
- *
- */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <pthread.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include "platform.h"
-#include "rtp.h"
-#include "raop_sink.h"
-#include "log_util.h"
-#include "util.h"
-#ifdef WIN32
-#include <openssl/aes.h>
-#include "alac_wrapper.h"
-#include "assert.h"
-#define MSG_DONTWAIT 0
-#include "esp_pthread.h"
-#include "esp_system.h"
-#include "esp_assert.h"
-#include <mbedtls/version.h>
-#include <mbedtls/aes.h>
-#include "alac_wrapper.h"
-#define NTP2MS(ntp) ((((ntp) >> 10) * 1000L) >> 22)
-#define MS2NTP(ms) (((((u64_t) (ms)) << 22) / 1000) << 10)
-#define NTP2TS(ntp, rate) ((((ntp) >> 16) * (rate)) >> 16)
-#define TS2NTP(ts, rate) (((((u64_t) (ts)) << 16) / (rate)) << 16)
-#define MS2TS(ms, rate) ((((u64_t) (ms)) * (rate)) / 1000)
-#define TS2MS(ts, rate) NTP2MS(TS2NTP(ts,rate))
extern log_level raop_loglevel;
static log_level *loglevel = &raop_loglevel;
-//#define __RTP_STORE
-// default buffer size
-#define BUFFER_FRAMES ( (150 * RAOP_SAMPLE_RATE * 2) / (352 * 100) )
-#define MAX_PACKET 1408
-#define MIN_LATENCY 11025
-#define MAX_LATENCY ( (120 * RAOP_SAMPLE_RATE * 2) / 100 )
-#define RTP_STACK_SIZE (4*1024)
-#define RTP_SYNC (0x01)
-#define NTP_SYNC (0x02)
-#define RESEND_TO 200
-enum { DATA = 0, CONTROL, TIMING };
-static const u8_t silence_frame[MAX_PACKET] = { 0 };
-typedef u16_t seq_t;
-typedef struct audio_buffer_entry { // decoded audio packets
- int ready;
- u32_t rtptime, last_resend;
- s16_t *data;
- int len;
-} abuf_t;
-typedef struct rtp_s {
-#ifdef __RTP_STORE
- FILE *rtpIN, *rtpOUT;
- bool running;
- unsigned char aesiv[16];
-#ifdef WIN32
- AES_KEY aes;
- mbedtls_aes_context aes;
- bool decrypt;
- u8_t *decrypt_buf;
- u32_t frame_size, frame_duration;
- u32_t in_frames, out_frames;
- struct in_addr host;
- struct sockaddr_in rtp_host;
- struct {
- unsigned short rport, lport;
- int sock;
- } rtp_sockets[3]; // data, control, timing
- struct timing_s {
- u64_t local, remote;
- } timing;
- struct {
- u32_t rtp, time;
- u8_t status;
- } synchro;
- struct {
- u32_t time;
- seq_t seqno;
- u32_t rtptime;
- } record;
- int latency; // rtp hold depth in samples
- u32_t resent_req, resent_rec; // total resent + recovered frames
- u32_t silent_frames; // total silence frames
- u32_t discarded;
- abuf_t audio_buffer[BUFFER_FRAMES];
- seq_t ab_read, ab_write;
- pthread_mutex_t ab_mutex;
-#ifdef WIN32
- pthread_t thread;
- TaskHandle_t thread, joiner;
- StaticTask_t *xTaskBuffer;
- StackType_t xStack[RTP_STACK_SIZE] __attribute__ ((aligned (4)));
- struct alac_codec_s *alac_codec;
- int flush_seqno;
- bool playing;
- raop_data_cb_t data_cb;
- raop_cmd_cb_t cmd_cb;
-} rtp_t;
-#define BUFIDX(seqno) ((seq_t)(seqno) % BUFFER_FRAMES)
-static void buffer_alloc(abuf_t *audio_buffer, int size);
-static void buffer_release(abuf_t *audio_buffer);
-static void buffer_reset(abuf_t *audio_buffer);
-static void buffer_push_packet(rtp_t *ctx);
-static bool rtp_request_resend(rtp_t *ctx, seq_t first, seq_t last);
-static bool rtp_request_timing(rtp_t *ctx);
-static void* rtp_thread_func(void *arg);
-static int seq_order(seq_t a, seq_t b);
-static struct alac_codec_s* alac_init(int fmtp[32]) {
- struct alac_codec_s *alac;
- unsigned sample_rate;
- unsigned char sample_size, channels;
- struct {
- uint32_t frameLength;
- uint8_t compatibleVersion;
- uint8_t bitDepth;
- uint8_t pb;
- uint8_t mb;
- uint8_t kb;
- uint8_t numChannels;
- uint16_t maxRun;
- uint32_t maxFrameBytes;
- uint32_t avgBitRate;
- uint32_t sampleRate;
- } config;
- config.frameLength = htonl(fmtp[1]);
- config.compatibleVersion = fmtp[2];
- config.bitDepth = fmtp[3];
- config.pb = fmtp[4];
- config.mb = fmtp[5];
- config.kb = fmtp[6];
- config.numChannels = fmtp[7];
- config.maxRun = htons(fmtp[8]);
- config.maxFrameBytes = htonl(fmtp[9]);
- config.avgBitRate = htonl(fmtp[10]);
- config.sampleRate = htonl(fmtp[11]);
- alac = alac_create_decoder(sizeof(config), (unsigned char*) &config, &sample_size, &sample_rate, &channels);
- if (!alac) {
- LOG_ERROR("cannot create alac codec", NULL);
- return NULL;
- }
- return alac;
-rtp_resp_t rtp_init(struct in_addr host, int latency, char *aeskey, char *aesiv, char *fmtpstr,
- short unsigned pCtrlPort, short unsigned pTimingPort,
- raop_cmd_cb_t cmd_cb, raop_data_cb_t data_cb)
- int i = 0;
- char *arg;
- int fmtp[12];
- bool rc = true;
- rtp_t *ctx = calloc(1, sizeof(rtp_t));
- rtp_resp_t resp = { 0, 0, 0, NULL };
- if (!ctx) return resp;
- ctx->host = host;
- ctx->decrypt = false;
- ctx->cmd_cb = cmd_cb;
- ctx->data_cb = data_cb;
- ctx->rtp_host.sin_family = AF_INET;
- ctx->rtp_host.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
- pthread_mutex_init(&ctx->ab_mutex, 0);
- ctx->flush_seqno = -1;
- ctx->latency = latency;
- ctx->ab_read = ctx->ab_write;
-#ifdef __RTP_STORE
- ctx->rtpIN = fopen("airplay.rtpin", "wb");
- ctx->rtpOUT = fopen("airplay.rtpout", "wb");
- ctx->rtp_sockets[CONTROL].rport = pCtrlPort;
- ctx->rtp_sockets[TIMING].rport = pTimingPort;
- if (aesiv && aeskey) {
- memcpy(ctx->aesiv, aesiv, 16);
-#ifdef WIN32
- AES_set_decrypt_key((unsigned char*) aeskey, 128, &ctx->aes);
- memset(&ctx->aes, 0, sizeof(mbedtls_aes_context));
- mbedtls_aes_setkey_dec(&ctx->aes, (unsigned char*) aeskey, 128);
- ctx->decrypt = true;
- ctx->decrypt_buf = malloc(MAX_PACKET);
- }
- memset(fmtp, 0, sizeof(fmtp));
- while ((arg = strsep(&fmtpstr, " \t")) != NULL) fmtp[i++] = atoi(arg);
- ctx->frame_size = fmtp[1];
- ctx->frame_duration = (ctx->frame_size * 1000) / RAOP_SAMPLE_RATE;
- // alac decoder
- ctx->alac_codec = alac_init(fmtp);
- rc &= ctx->alac_codec != NULL;
- buffer_alloc(ctx->audio_buffer, ctx->frame_size*4);
- // create rtp ports
- for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
- ctx->rtp_sockets[i].sock = bind_socket(&ctx->rtp_sockets[i].lport, SOCK_DGRAM);
- rc &= ctx->rtp_sockets[i].sock > 0;
- }
- // create http port and start listening
- resp.cport = ctx->rtp_sockets[CONTROL].lport;
- resp.tport = ctx->rtp_sockets[TIMING].lport;
- resp.aport = ctx->rtp_sockets[DATA].lport;
- ctx->running = true;
-#ifdef WIN32
- pthread_create(&ctx->thread, NULL, rtp_thread_func, (void *) ctx);
- ctx->xTaskBuffer = (StaticTask_t*) heap_caps_malloc(sizeof(StaticTask_t), MALLOC_CAP_INTERNAL | MALLOC_CAP_8BIT);
- ctx->thread = xTaskCreateStatic( (TaskFunction_t) rtp_thread_func, "RTP_thread", RTP_STACK_SIZE, ctx,
- CONFIG_ESP32_PTHREAD_TASK_PRIO_DEFAULT + 1, ctx->xStack, ctx->xTaskBuffer );
- // cleanup everything if we failed
- if (!rc) {
- LOG_ERROR("[%p]: cannot start RTP", ctx);
- rtp_end(ctx);
- ctx = NULL;
- }
- resp.ctx = ctx;
- return resp;
-void rtp_end(rtp_t *ctx)
- int i;
- if (!ctx) return;
- if (ctx->running) {
-#if !defined WIN32
- ctx->joiner = xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle();
- ctx->running = false;
-#ifdef WIN32
- pthread_join(ctx->thread, NULL);
- ulTaskNotifyTake(pdFALSE, portMAX_DELAY);
- vTaskDelete(ctx->thread);
- heap_caps_free(ctx->xTaskBuffer);
- }
- for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) closesocket(ctx->rtp_sockets[i].sock);
- if (ctx->alac_codec) alac_delete_decoder(ctx->alac_codec);
- if (ctx->decrypt_buf) free(ctx->decrypt_buf);
- pthread_mutex_destroy(&ctx->ab_mutex);
- buffer_release(ctx->audio_buffer);
- free(ctx);
-#ifdef __RTP_STORE
- fclose(ctx->rtpIN);
- fclose(ctx->rtpOUT);
-bool rtp_flush(rtp_t *ctx, unsigned short seqno, unsigned int rtptime, bool exit_locked)
- bool rc = true;
- u32_t now = gettime_ms();
- if (now < ctx->record.time + 250 || (ctx->record.seqno == seqno && ctx->record.rtptime == rtptime)) {
- rc = false;
- LOG_ERROR("[%p]: FLUSH ignored as same as RECORD (%hu - %u)", ctx, seqno, rtptime);
- } else {
- pthread_mutex_lock(&ctx->ab_mutex);
- buffer_reset(ctx->audio_buffer);
- ctx->playing = false;
- ctx->flush_seqno = seqno;
- if (!exit_locked) pthread_mutex_unlock(&ctx->ab_mutex);
- }
- LOG_INFO("[%p]: flush %hu %u", ctx, seqno, rtptime);
- return rc;
-void rtp_flush_release(rtp_t *ctx) {
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&ctx->ab_mutex);
-void rtp_record(rtp_t *ctx, unsigned short seqno, unsigned rtptime) {
- ctx->record.seqno = seqno;
- ctx->record.rtptime = rtptime;
- ctx->record.time = gettime_ms();
- LOG_INFO("[%p]: record %hu %u", ctx, seqno, rtptime);
-static void buffer_alloc(abuf_t *audio_buffer, int size) {
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < BUFFER_FRAMES; i++) {
- audio_buffer[i].data = malloc(size);
- audio_buffer[i].ready = 0;
- }
-static void buffer_release(abuf_t *audio_buffer) {
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < BUFFER_FRAMES; i++) {
- free(audio_buffer[i].data);
- }
-static void buffer_reset(abuf_t *audio_buffer) {
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < BUFFER_FRAMES; i++) audio_buffer[i].ready = 0;
-// the sequence numbers will wrap pretty often.
-// this returns true if the second arg is after the first
-static int seq_order(seq_t a, seq_t b) {
- s16_t d = b - a;
- return d > 0;
-static void alac_decode(rtp_t *ctx, s16_t *dest, char *buf, int len, int *outsize) {
- unsigned char iv[16];
- int aeslen;
- assert(len<=MAX_PACKET);
- if (ctx->decrypt) {
- aeslen = len & ~0xf;
- memcpy(iv, ctx->aesiv, sizeof(iv));
-#ifdef WIN32
- AES_cbc_encrypt((unsigned char*)buf, ctx->decrypt_buf, aeslen, &ctx->aes, iv, AES_DECRYPT);
- mbedtls_aes_crypt_cbc(&ctx->aes, MBEDTLS_AES_DECRYPT, aeslen, iv, (unsigned char*) buf, ctx->decrypt_buf);
- memcpy(ctx->decrypt_buf+aeslen, buf+aeslen, len-aeslen);
- alac_to_pcm(ctx->alac_codec, (unsigned char*) ctx->decrypt_buf, (unsigned char*) dest, 2, (unsigned int*) outsize);
- } else {
- alac_to_pcm(ctx->alac_codec, (unsigned char*) buf, (unsigned char*) dest, 2, (unsigned int*) outsize);
- }
- *outsize *= 4;
-static void buffer_put_packet(rtp_t *ctx, seq_t seqno, unsigned rtptime, bool first, char *data, int len) {
- abuf_t *abuf = NULL;
- u32_t playtime;
- pthread_mutex_lock(&ctx->ab_mutex);
- if (!ctx->playing) {
- if ((ctx->flush_seqno == -1 || seq_order(ctx->flush_seqno, seqno)) &&
- (ctx->synchro.status & RTP_SYNC) && (ctx->synchro.status & NTP_SYNC)) {
- ctx->ab_write = seqno-1;
- ctx->ab_read = seqno;
- ctx->flush_seqno = -1;
- ctx->playing = true;
- ctx->resent_req = ctx->resent_rec = ctx->silent_frames = ctx->discarded = 0;
- playtime = ctx->synchro.time + (((s32_t)(rtptime - ctx->synchro.rtp)) * 1000) / RAOP_SAMPLE_RATE;
- ctx->cmd_cb(RAOP_PLAY, playtime);
- } else {
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&ctx->ab_mutex);
- return;
- }
- }
- if (seqno == (u16_t) (ctx->ab_write+1)) {
- // expected packet
- abuf = ctx->audio_buffer + BUFIDX(seqno);
- ctx->ab_write = seqno;
- LOG_SDEBUG("packet expected seqno:%hu rtptime:%u (W:%hu R:%hu)", seqno, rtptime, ctx->ab_write, ctx->ab_read);
- } else if (seq_order(ctx->ab_write, seqno)) {
- seq_t i;
- u32_t now;
- // newer than expected
- if (ctx->latency && seq_order(ctx->latency / ctx->frame_size, seqno - ctx->ab_write - 1)) {
- // only get rtp latency-1 frames back (last one is seqno)
- LOG_WARN("[%p] too many missing frames %hu seq: %hu, (W:%hu R:%hu)", ctx, seqno - ctx->ab_write - 1, seqno, ctx->ab_write, ctx->ab_read);
- ctx->ab_write = seqno - ctx->latency / ctx->frame_size;
- }
- // need to request re-send and adjust timing of gaps
- rtp_request_resend(ctx, ctx->ab_write + 1, seqno-1);
- for (now = gettime_ms(), i = ctx->ab_write + 1; seq_order(i, seqno); i++) {
- ctx->audio_buffer[BUFIDX(i)].rtptime = rtptime - (seqno-i)*ctx->frame_size;
- ctx->audio_buffer[BUFIDX(i)].last_resend = now;
- }
- LOG_DEBUG("[%p]: packet newer seqno:%hu rtptime:%u (W:%hu R:%hu)", ctx, seqno, rtptime, ctx->ab_write, ctx->ab_read);
- abuf = ctx->audio_buffer + BUFIDX(seqno);
- ctx->ab_write = seqno;
- } else if (seq_order(ctx->ab_read, seqno + 1)) {
- // recovered packet, not yet sent
- abuf = ctx->audio_buffer + BUFIDX(seqno);
- ctx->resent_rec++;
- LOG_DEBUG("[%p]: packet recovered seqno:%hu rtptime:%u (W:%hu R:%hu)", ctx, seqno, rtptime, ctx->ab_write, ctx->ab_read);
- } else {
- // too late
- LOG_DEBUG("[%p]: packet too late seqno:%hu rtptime:%u (W:%hu R:%hu)", ctx, seqno, rtptime, ctx->ab_write, ctx->ab_read);
- }
- if (ctx->in_frames++ > 1000) {
- LOG_INFO("[%p]: fill [level:%hu rec:%u] [W:%hu R:%hu]", ctx, ctx->ab_write - ctx->ab_read, ctx->resent_rec, ctx->ab_write, ctx->ab_read);
- ctx->in_frames = 0;
- }
- if (abuf) {
- alac_decode(ctx, abuf->data, data, len, &abuf->len);
- abuf->ready = 1;
- // this is the local rtptime when this frame is expected to play
- abuf->rtptime = rtptime;
- buffer_push_packet(ctx);
-#ifdef __RTP_STORE
- fwrite(data, len, 1, ctx->rtpIN);
- fwrite(abuf->data, abuf->len, 1, ctx->rtpOUT);
- }
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&ctx->ab_mutex);
-// push as many frames as possible through callback
-static void buffer_push_packet(rtp_t *ctx) {
- abuf_t *curframe = NULL;
- u32_t now, playtime, hold = max((ctx->latency * 1000) / (8 * RAOP_SAMPLE_RATE), 100);
- int i;
- // not ready to play yet
- if (!ctx->playing || ctx->synchro.status != (RTP_SYNC | NTP_SYNC)) return;
- // maybe re-evaluate time in loop in case data callback blocks ...
- now = gettime_ms();
- // there is always at least one frame in the buffer
- do {
- curframe = ctx->audio_buffer + BUFIDX(ctx->ab_read);
- playtime = ctx->synchro.time + (((s32_t)(curframe->rtptime - ctx->synchro.rtp)) * 1000) / RAOP_SAMPLE_RATE;
- if (now > playtime) {
- LOG_DEBUG("[%p]: discarded frame now:%u missed by:%d (W:%hu R:%hu)", ctx, now, now - playtime, ctx->ab_write, ctx->ab_read);
- ctx->discarded++;
- curframe->ready = 0;
- } else if (playtime - now <= hold) {
- if (curframe->ready) {
- ctx->data_cb((const u8_t*) curframe->data, curframe->len, playtime);
- curframe->ready = 0;
- } else {
- LOG_DEBUG("[%p]: created zero frame (W:%hu R:%hu)", ctx, ctx->ab_write, ctx->ab_read);
- ctx->data_cb(silence_frame, ctx->frame_size * 4, playtime);
- ctx->silent_frames++;
- }
- } else if (curframe->ready) {
- ctx->data_cb((const u8_t*) curframe->data, curframe->len, playtime);
- curframe->ready = 0;
- } else {
- break;
- }
- ctx->ab_read++;
- ctx->out_frames++;
- } while (seq_order(ctx->ab_read, ctx->ab_write));
- if (ctx->out_frames > 1000) {
- LOG_INFO("[%p]: drain [level:%hd head:%d ms] [W:%hu R:%hu] [req:%u sil:%u dis:%u]",
- ctx, ctx->ab_write - ctx->ab_read, playtime - now, ctx->ab_write, ctx->ab_read,
- ctx->resent_req, ctx->silent_frames, ctx->discarded);
- ctx->out_frames = 0;
- }
- LOG_SDEBUG("playtime %u %d [W:%hu R:%hu] %d", playtime, playtime - now, ctx->ab_write, ctx->ab_read, curframe->ready);
- // each missing packet will be requested up to (latency_frames / 16) times
- for (i = 0; seq_order(ctx->ab_read + i, ctx->ab_write); i += 16) {
- abuf_t *frame = ctx->audio_buffer + BUFIDX(ctx->ab_read + i);
- if (!frame->ready && now - frame->last_resend > RESEND_TO) {
- rtp_request_resend(ctx, ctx->ab_read + i, ctx->ab_read + i);
- frame->last_resend = now;
- }
- }
-static void *rtp_thread_func(void *arg) {
- fd_set fds;
- int i, sock = -1;
- int count = 0;
- bool ntp_sent;
- char *packet = malloc(MAX_PACKET);
- rtp_t *ctx = (rtp_t*) arg;
- for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
- if (ctx->rtp_sockets[i].sock > sock) sock = ctx->rtp_sockets[i].sock;
- // send synchro request 3 times
- ntp_sent = rtp_request_timing(ctx);
- }
- while (ctx->running) {
- ssize_t plen;
- char type;
- socklen_t rtp_client_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
- int idx = 0;
- char *pktp = packet;
- struct timeval timeout = {0, 100*1000};
- FD_ZERO(&fds);
- for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { FD_SET(ctx->rtp_sockets[i].sock, &fds); }
- if (select(sock + 1, &fds, NULL, NULL, &timeout) <= 0) continue;
- for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
- if (FD_ISSET(ctx->rtp_sockets[i].sock, &fds)) idx = i;
- plen = recvfrom(ctx->rtp_sockets[idx].sock, packet, MAX_PACKET, MSG_DONTWAIT, (struct sockaddr*) &ctx->rtp_host, &rtp_client_len);
- if (!ntp_sent) {
- LOG_WARN("[%p]: NTP request not send yet", ctx);
- ntp_sent = rtp_request_timing(ctx);
- }
- if (plen <= 0) {
- LOG_WARN("Nothing received on a readable socket %d", plen);
- continue;
- }
- assert(plen <= MAX_PACKET);
- type = packet[1] & ~0x80;
- pktp = packet;
- switch (type) {
- seq_t seqno;
- unsigned rtptime;
- // re-sent packet
- case 0x56: {
- pktp += 4;
- plen -= 4;
- }
- // data packet
- case 0x60: {
- seqno = ntohs(*(u16_t*)(pktp+2));
- rtptime = ntohl(*(u32_t*)(pktp+4));
- // adjust pointer and length
- pktp += 12;
- plen -= 12;
- LOG_SDEBUG("[%p]: seqno:%hu rtp:%u (type: %x, first: %u)", ctx, seqno, rtptime, type, packet[1] & 0x80);
- // check if packet contains enough content to be reasonable
- if (plen < 16) break;
- if ((packet[1] & 0x80) && (type != 0x56)) {
- LOG_INFO("[%p]: 1st audio packet received", ctx);
- }
- buffer_put_packet(ctx, seqno, rtptime, packet[1] & 0x80, pktp, plen);
- break;
- }
- // sync packet
- case 0x54: {
- u32_t rtp_now_latency = ntohl(*(u32_t*)(pktp+4));
- u64_t remote = (((u64_t) ntohl(*(u32_t*)(pktp+8))) << 32) + ntohl(*(u32_t*)(pktp+12));
- u32_t rtp_now = ntohl(*(u32_t*)(pktp+16));
- u16_t flags = ntohs(*(u16_t*)(pktp+2));
- u32_t remote_gap = NTP2MS(remote - ctx->timing.remote);
- // something is wrong and if we are supposed to be NTP synced, better ask for re-sync
- if (remote_gap > 10000) {
- if (ctx->synchro.status & NTP_SYNC) rtp_request_timing(ctx);
- LOG_WARN("discarding remote timing information %u", remote_gap);
- break;
- }
- pthread_mutex_lock(&ctx->ab_mutex);
- // re-align timestamp and expected local playback time (and magic 11025 latency)
- ctx->latency = rtp_now - rtp_now_latency;
- if (flags == 7 || flags == 4) ctx->latency += 11025;
- if (ctx->latency < MIN_LATENCY) ctx->latency = MIN_LATENCY;
- else if (ctx->latency > MAX_LATENCY) ctx->latency = MAX_LATENCY;
- ctx->synchro.rtp = rtp_now - ctx->latency;
- ctx->synchro.time = ctx->timing.local + remote_gap;
- // now we are synced on RTP frames
- ctx->synchro.status |= RTP_SYNC;
- // 1st sync packet received (signals a restart of playback)
- if (packet[0] & 0x10) {
- LOG_INFO("[%p]: 1st sync packet received", ctx);
- }
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&ctx->ab_mutex);
- LOG_DEBUG("[%p]: sync packet latency:%d rtp_latency:%u rtp:%u remote ntp:%llx, local time:%u local rtp:%u (now:%u)",
- ctx, ctx->latency, rtp_now_latency, rtp_now, remote, ctx->synchro.time, ctx->synchro.rtp, gettime_ms());
- if (!count--) {
- rtp_request_timing(ctx);
- count = 3;
- }
- if ((ctx->synchro.status & RTP_SYNC) && (ctx->synchro.status & NTP_SYNC)) ctx->cmd_cb(RAOP_TIMING);
- break;
- }
- // NTP timing packet
- case 0x53: {
- u64_t expected;
- u32_t reference = ntohl(*(u32_t*)(pktp+12)); // only low 32 bits in our case
- u64_t remote =(((u64_t) ntohl(*(u32_t*)(pktp+16))) << 32) + ntohl(*(u32_t*)(pktp+20));
- u32_t roundtrip = gettime_ms() - reference;
- // better discard sync packets when roundtrip is suspicious and ask for another one
- if (roundtrip > 100) {
- rtp_request_timing(ctx);
- LOG_WARN("[%p]: discarding NTP roundtrip of %u ms", ctx, roundtrip);
- break;
- }
- /*
- The expected elapsed remote time should be exactly the same as
- elapsed local time between the two request, corrected by the
- drifting
- */
- expected = ctx->timing.remote + MS2NTP(reference - ctx->timing.local);
- ctx->timing.remote = remote;
- ctx->timing.local = reference;
- // now we are synced on NTP (mutex not needed)
- ctx->synchro.status |= NTP_SYNC;
- LOG_DEBUG("[%p]: Timing references local:%llu, remote:%llx (delta:%lld, sum:%lld, adjust:%lld, gaps:%d)",
- ctx, ctx->timing.local, ctx->timing.remote);
- break;
- }
- default: {
- LOG_WARN("Unknown packet received %x", (int) type);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- free(packet);
- LOG_INFO("[%p]: terminating", ctx);
-#ifndef WIN32
- xTaskNotifyGive(ctx->joiner);
- vTaskSuspend(NULL);
- return NULL;
-static bool rtp_request_timing(rtp_t *ctx) {
- unsigned char req[32];
- u32_t now = gettime_ms();
- int i;
- struct sockaddr_in host;
- LOG_DEBUG("[%p]: timing request now:%u (port: %hu)", ctx, now, ctx->rtp_sockets[TIMING].rport);
- req[0] = 0x80;
- req[1] = 0x52|0x80;
- *(u16_t*)(req+2) = htons(7);
- *(u32_t*)(req+4) = htonl(0); // dummy
- for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) req[i+8] = 0;
- *(u32_t*)(req+24) = 0;
- *(u32_t*)(req+28) = htonl(now); // this is not a real NTP, but a 32 ms counter in the low part of the NTP
- if (ctx->host.s_addr != INADDR_ANY) {
- host.sin_family = AF_INET;
- host.sin_addr = ctx->host;
- } else host = ctx->rtp_host;
- // no address from sender, need to wait for 1st packet to be received
- if (host.sin_addr.s_addr == INADDR_ANY) return false;
- host.sin_port = htons(ctx->rtp_sockets[TIMING].rport);
- if (sizeof(req) != sendto(ctx->rtp_sockets[TIMING].sock, req, sizeof(req), MSG_DONTWAIT, (struct sockaddr*) &host, sizeof(host))) {
- LOG_WARN("[%p]: SENDTO failed (%s)", ctx, strerror(errno));
- }
- return true;
-static bool rtp_request_resend(rtp_t *ctx, seq_t first, seq_t last) {
- unsigned char req[8]; // *not* a standard RTCP NACK
- // do not request silly ranges (happens in case of network large blackouts)
- if (seq_order(last, first) || last - first > BUFFER_FRAMES / 2) return false;
- ctx->resent_req += last - first + 1;
- LOG_DEBUG("resend request [W:%hu R:%hu first=%hu last=%hu]", ctx->ab_write, ctx->ab_read, first, last);
- req[0] = 0x80;
- req[1] = 0x55|0x80; // Apple 'resend'
- *(u16_t*)(req+2) = htons(1); // our seqnum
- *(u16_t*)(req+4) = htons(first); // missed seqnum
- *(u16_t*)(req+6) = htons(last-first+1); // count
- ctx->rtp_host.sin_port = htons(ctx->rtp_sockets[CONTROL].rport);
- if (sizeof(req) != sendto(ctx->rtp_sockets[CONTROL].sock, req, sizeof(req), MSG_DONTWAIT, (struct sockaddr*) &ctx->rtp_host, sizeof(ctx->rtp_host))) {
- LOG_WARN("[%p]: SENDTO failed (%s)", ctx, strerror(errno));
- }
- return true;
+ * HairTunes - RAOP packet handler and slave-clocked replay engine
+ * Copyright (c) James Laird 2011
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Modularisation: philippe_44@outlook.com, 2019
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
+ * obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
+ * files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
+ * restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
+ * copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or
+ * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
+ * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+ *
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+ * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ *
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <pthread.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include "platform.h"
+#include "rtp.h"
+#include "raop_sink.h"
+#include "log_util.h"
+#include "util.h"
+#ifdef WIN32
+#include <openssl/aes.h>
+#include "alac_wrapper.h"
+#include "assert.h"
+#define MSG_DONTWAIT 0
+#include "esp_pthread.h"
+#include "esp_system.h"
+#include "esp_assert.h"
+#include <mbedtls/version.h>
+#include <mbedtls/aes.h>
+#include "alac_wrapper.h"
+#define NTP2MS(ntp) ((((ntp) >> 10) * 1000L) >> 22)
+#define MS2NTP(ms) (((((u64_t) (ms)) << 22) / 1000) << 10)
+#define NTP2TS(ntp, rate) ((((ntp) >> 16) * (rate)) >> 16)
+#define TS2NTP(ts, rate) (((((u64_t) (ts)) << 16) / (rate)) << 16)
+#define MS2TS(ms, rate) ((((u64_t) (ms)) * (rate)) / 1000)
+#define TS2MS(ts, rate) NTP2MS(TS2NTP(ts,rate))
extern log_level raop_loglevel;
static log_level *loglevel = &raop_loglevel;
+//#define __RTP_STORE
+// default buffer size
+#define BUFFER_FRAMES ( (150 * RAOP_SAMPLE_RATE * 2) / (352 * 100) )
+#define MAX_PACKET 1408
+#define MIN_LATENCY 11025
+#define MAX_LATENCY ( (120 * RAOP_SAMPLE_RATE * 2) / 100 )
+#define RTP_STACK_SIZE (4*1024)
+#define RTP_SYNC (0x01)
+#define NTP_SYNC (0x02)
+#define RESEND_TO 200
+enum { DATA = 0, CONTROL, TIMING };
+static const u8_t silence_frame[MAX_PACKET] = { 0 };
+typedef u16_t seq_t;
+typedef struct audio_buffer_entry { // decoded audio packets
+ int ready;
+ u32_t rtptime, last_resend;
+ s16_t *data;
+ int len;
+} abuf_t;
+typedef struct rtp_s {
+#ifdef __RTP_STORE
+ FILE *rtpIN, *rtpOUT;
+ bool running;
+ unsigned char aesiv[16];
+#ifdef WIN32
+ AES_KEY aes;
+ mbedtls_aes_context aes;
+ bool decrypt;
+ u8_t *decrypt_buf;
+ u32_t frame_size, frame_duration;
+ u32_t in_frames, out_frames;
+ struct in_addr host;
+ struct sockaddr_in rtp_host;
+ struct {
+ unsigned short rport, lport;
+ int sock;
+ } rtp_sockets[3]; // data, control, timing
+ struct timing_s {
+ u64_t local, remote;
+ } timing;
+ struct {
+ u32_t rtp, time;
+ u8_t status;
+ } synchro;
+ struct {
+ u32_t time;
+ seq_t seqno;
+ u32_t rtptime;
+ } record;
+ int latency; // rtp hold depth in samples
+ u32_t resent_req, resent_rec; // total resent + recovered frames
+ u32_t silent_frames; // total silence frames
+ u32_t discarded;
+ abuf_t audio_buffer[BUFFER_FRAMES];
+ seq_t ab_read, ab_write;
+ pthread_mutex_t ab_mutex;
+#ifdef WIN32
+ pthread_t thread;
+ TaskHandle_t thread, joiner;
+ StaticTask_t *xTaskBuffer;
+ StackType_t xStack[RTP_STACK_SIZE] __attribute__ ((aligned (4)));
+ struct alac_codec_s *alac_codec;
+ int flush_seqno;
+ bool playing;
+ raop_data_cb_t data_cb;
+ raop_cmd_cb_t cmd_cb;
+} rtp_t;
+#define BUFIDX(seqno) ((seq_t)(seqno) % BUFFER_FRAMES)
+static void buffer_alloc(abuf_t *audio_buffer, int size);
+static void buffer_release(abuf_t *audio_buffer);
+static void buffer_reset(abuf_t *audio_buffer);
+static void buffer_push_packet(rtp_t *ctx);
+static bool rtp_request_resend(rtp_t *ctx, seq_t first, seq_t last);
+static bool rtp_request_timing(rtp_t *ctx);
+static void* rtp_thread_func(void *arg);
+static int seq_order(seq_t a, seq_t b);
+static struct alac_codec_s* alac_init(int fmtp[32]) {
+ struct alac_codec_s *alac;
+ unsigned sample_rate;
+ unsigned char sample_size, channels;
+ struct {
+ uint32_t frameLength;
+ uint8_t compatibleVersion;
+ uint8_t bitDepth;
+ uint8_t pb;
+ uint8_t mb;
+ uint8_t kb;
+ uint8_t numChannels;
+ uint16_t maxRun;
+ uint32_t maxFrameBytes;
+ uint32_t avgBitRate;
+ uint32_t sampleRate;
+ } config;
+ config.frameLength = htonl(fmtp[1]);
+ config.compatibleVersion = fmtp[2];
+ config.bitDepth = fmtp[3];
+ config.pb = fmtp[4];
+ config.mb = fmtp[5];
+ config.kb = fmtp[6];
+ config.numChannels = fmtp[7];
+ config.maxRun = htons(fmtp[8]);
+ config.maxFrameBytes = htonl(fmtp[9]);
+ config.avgBitRate = htonl(fmtp[10]);
+ config.sampleRate = htonl(fmtp[11]);
+ alac = alac_create_decoder(sizeof(config), (unsigned char*) &config, &sample_size, &sample_rate, &channels);
+ if (!alac) {
+ LOG_ERROR("cannot create alac codec", NULL);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return alac;
+rtp_resp_t rtp_init(struct in_addr host, int latency, char *aeskey, char *aesiv, char *fmtpstr,
+ short unsigned pCtrlPort, short unsigned pTimingPort,
+ raop_cmd_cb_t cmd_cb, raop_data_cb_t data_cb)
+ int i = 0;
+ char *arg;
+ int fmtp[12];
+ bool rc = true;
+ rtp_t *ctx = calloc(1, sizeof(rtp_t));
+ rtp_resp_t resp = { 0, 0, 0, NULL };
+ if (!ctx) return resp;
+ ctx->host = host;
+ ctx->decrypt = false;
+ ctx->cmd_cb = cmd_cb;
+ ctx->data_cb = data_cb;
+ ctx->rtp_host.sin_family = AF_INET;
+ ctx->rtp_host.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
+ pthread_mutex_init(&ctx->ab_mutex, 0);
+ ctx->flush_seqno = -1;
+ ctx->latency = latency;
+ ctx->ab_read = ctx->ab_write;
+#ifdef __RTP_STORE
+ ctx->rtpIN = fopen("airplay.rtpin", "wb");
+ ctx->rtpOUT = fopen("airplay.rtpout", "wb");
+ ctx->rtp_sockets[CONTROL].rport = pCtrlPort;
+ ctx->rtp_sockets[TIMING].rport = pTimingPort;
+ if (aesiv && aeskey) {
+ memcpy(ctx->aesiv, aesiv, 16);
+#ifdef WIN32
+ AES_set_decrypt_key((unsigned char*) aeskey, 128, &ctx->aes);
+ memset(&ctx->aes, 0, sizeof(mbedtls_aes_context));
+ mbedtls_aes_setkey_dec(&ctx->aes, (unsigned char*) aeskey, 128);
+ ctx->decrypt = true;
+ ctx->decrypt_buf = malloc(MAX_PACKET);
+ }
+ memset(fmtp, 0, sizeof(fmtp));
+ while ((arg = strsep(&fmtpstr, " \t")) != NULL) fmtp[i++] = atoi(arg);
+ ctx->frame_size = fmtp[1];
+ ctx->frame_duration = (ctx->frame_size * 1000) / RAOP_SAMPLE_RATE;
+ // alac decoder
+ ctx->alac_codec = alac_init(fmtp);
+ rc &= ctx->alac_codec != NULL;
+ buffer_alloc(ctx->audio_buffer, ctx->frame_size*4);
+ // create rtp ports
+ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+ ctx->rtp_sockets[i].sock = bind_socket(&ctx->rtp_sockets[i].lport, SOCK_DGRAM);
+ rc &= ctx->rtp_sockets[i].sock > 0;
+ }
+ // create http port and start listening
+ resp.cport = ctx->rtp_sockets[CONTROL].lport;
+ resp.tport = ctx->rtp_sockets[TIMING].lport;
+ resp.aport = ctx->rtp_sockets[DATA].lport;
+ ctx->running = true;
+#ifdef WIN32
+ pthread_create(&ctx->thread, NULL, rtp_thread_func, (void *) ctx);
+ ctx->xTaskBuffer = (StaticTask_t*) heap_caps_malloc(sizeof(StaticTask_t), MALLOC_CAP_INTERNAL | MALLOC_CAP_8BIT);
+ ctx->thread = xTaskCreateStatic( (TaskFunction_t) rtp_thread_func, "RTP_thread", RTP_STACK_SIZE, ctx,
+ CONFIG_ESP32_PTHREAD_TASK_PRIO_DEFAULT + 1, ctx->xStack, ctx->xTaskBuffer );
+ // cleanup everything if we failed
+ if (!rc) {
+ LOG_ERROR("[%p]: cannot start RTP", ctx);
+ rtp_end(ctx);
+ ctx = NULL;
+ }
+ resp.ctx = ctx;
+ return resp;
+void rtp_end(rtp_t *ctx)
+ int i;
+ if (!ctx) return;
+ if (ctx->running) {
+#if !defined WIN32
+ ctx->joiner = xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle();
+ ctx->running = false;
+#ifdef WIN32
+ pthread_join(ctx->thread, NULL);
+ ulTaskNotifyTake(pdFALSE, portMAX_DELAY);
+ vTaskDelete(ctx->thread);
+ heap_caps_free(ctx->xTaskBuffer);
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) closesocket(ctx->rtp_sockets[i].sock);
+ if (ctx->alac_codec) alac_delete_decoder(ctx->alac_codec);
+ if (ctx->decrypt_buf) free(ctx->decrypt_buf);
+ pthread_mutex_destroy(&ctx->ab_mutex);
+ buffer_release(ctx->audio_buffer);
+ free(ctx);
+#ifdef __RTP_STORE
+ fclose(ctx->rtpIN);
+ fclose(ctx->rtpOUT);
+bool rtp_flush(rtp_t *ctx, unsigned short seqno, unsigned int rtptime, bool exit_locked)
+ bool rc = true;
+ u32_t now = gettime_ms();
+ if (now < ctx->record.time + 250 || (ctx->record.seqno == seqno && ctx->record.rtptime == rtptime)) {
+ rc = false;
+ LOG_ERROR("[%p]: FLUSH ignored as same as RECORD (%hu - %u)", ctx, seqno, rtptime);
+ } else {
+ pthread_mutex_lock(&ctx->ab_mutex);
+ buffer_reset(ctx->audio_buffer);
+ ctx->playing = false;
+ ctx->flush_seqno = seqno;
+ if (!exit_locked) pthread_mutex_unlock(&ctx->ab_mutex);
+ }
+ LOG_INFO("[%p]: flush %hu %u", ctx, seqno, rtptime);
+ return rc;
+void rtp_flush_release(rtp_t *ctx) {
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&ctx->ab_mutex);
+void rtp_record(rtp_t *ctx, unsigned short seqno, unsigned rtptime) {
+ ctx->record.seqno = seqno;
+ ctx->record.rtptime = rtptime;
+ ctx->record.time = gettime_ms();
+ LOG_INFO("[%p]: record %hu %u", ctx, seqno, rtptime);
+static void buffer_alloc(abuf_t *audio_buffer, int size) {
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < BUFFER_FRAMES; i++) {
+ audio_buffer[i].data = malloc(size);
+ audio_buffer[i].ready = 0;
+ }
+static void buffer_release(abuf_t *audio_buffer) {
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < BUFFER_FRAMES; i++) {
+ free(audio_buffer[i].data);
+ }
+static void buffer_reset(abuf_t *audio_buffer) {
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < BUFFER_FRAMES; i++) audio_buffer[i].ready = 0;
+// the sequence numbers will wrap pretty often.
+// this returns true if the second arg is after the first
+static int seq_order(seq_t a, seq_t b) {
+ s16_t d = b - a;
+ return d > 0;
+static void alac_decode(rtp_t *ctx, s16_t *dest, char *buf, int len, int *outsize) {
+ unsigned char iv[16];
+ int aeslen;
+ assert(len<=MAX_PACKET);
+ if (ctx->decrypt) {
+ aeslen = len & ~0xf;
+ memcpy(iv, ctx->aesiv, sizeof(iv));
+#ifdef WIN32
+ AES_cbc_encrypt((unsigned char*)buf, ctx->decrypt_buf, aeslen, &ctx->aes, iv, AES_DECRYPT);
+ mbedtls_aes_crypt_cbc(&ctx->aes, MBEDTLS_AES_DECRYPT, aeslen, iv, (unsigned char*) buf, ctx->decrypt_buf);
+ memcpy(ctx->decrypt_buf+aeslen, buf+aeslen, len-aeslen);
+ alac_to_pcm(ctx->alac_codec, (unsigned char*) ctx->decrypt_buf, (unsigned char*) dest, 2, (unsigned int*) outsize);
+ } else {
+ alac_to_pcm(ctx->alac_codec, (unsigned char*) buf, (unsigned char*) dest, 2, (unsigned int*) outsize);
+ }
+ *outsize *= 4;
+static void buffer_put_packet(rtp_t *ctx, seq_t seqno, unsigned rtptime, bool first, char *data, int len) {
+ abuf_t *abuf = NULL;
+ u32_t playtime;
+ pthread_mutex_lock(&ctx->ab_mutex);
+ if (!ctx->playing) {
+ if ((ctx->flush_seqno == -1 || seq_order(ctx->flush_seqno, seqno)) &&
+ (ctx->synchro.status & RTP_SYNC) && (ctx->synchro.status & NTP_SYNC)) {
+ ctx->ab_write = seqno-1;
+ ctx->ab_read = seqno;
+ ctx->flush_seqno = -1;
+ ctx->playing = true;
+ ctx->resent_req = ctx->resent_rec = ctx->silent_frames = ctx->discarded = 0;
+ playtime = ctx->synchro.time + (((s32_t)(rtptime - ctx->synchro.rtp)) * 1000) / RAOP_SAMPLE_RATE;
+ ctx->cmd_cb(RAOP_PLAY, playtime);
+ } else {
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&ctx->ab_mutex);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if (seqno == (u16_t) (ctx->ab_write+1)) {
+ // expected packet
+ abuf = ctx->audio_buffer + BUFIDX(seqno);
+ ctx->ab_write = seqno;
+ LOG_SDEBUG("packet expected seqno:%hu rtptime:%u (W:%hu R:%hu)", seqno, rtptime, ctx->ab_write, ctx->ab_read);
+ } else if (seq_order(ctx->ab_write, seqno)) {
+ seq_t i;
+ u32_t now;
+ // newer than expected
+ if (ctx->latency && seq_order(ctx->latency / ctx->frame_size, seqno - ctx->ab_write - 1)) {
+ // only get rtp latency-1 frames back (last one is seqno)
+ LOG_WARN("[%p] too many missing frames %hu seq: %hu, (W:%hu R:%hu)", ctx, seqno - ctx->ab_write - 1, seqno, ctx->ab_write, ctx->ab_read);
+ ctx->ab_write = seqno - ctx->latency / ctx->frame_size;
+ }
+ // need to request re-send and adjust timing of gaps
+ rtp_request_resend(ctx, ctx->ab_write + 1, seqno-1);
+ for (now = gettime_ms(), i = ctx->ab_write + 1; seq_order(i, seqno); i++) {
+ ctx->audio_buffer[BUFIDX(i)].rtptime = rtptime - (seqno-i)*ctx->frame_size;
+ ctx->audio_buffer[BUFIDX(i)].last_resend = now;
+ }
+ LOG_DEBUG("[%p]: packet newer seqno:%hu rtptime:%u (W:%hu R:%hu)", ctx, seqno, rtptime, ctx->ab_write, ctx->ab_read);
+ abuf = ctx->audio_buffer + BUFIDX(seqno);
+ ctx->ab_write = seqno;
+ } else if (seq_order(ctx->ab_read, seqno + 1)) {
+ // recovered packet, not yet sent
+ abuf = ctx->audio_buffer + BUFIDX(seqno);
+ ctx->resent_rec++;
+ LOG_DEBUG("[%p]: packet recovered seqno:%hu rtptime:%u (W:%hu R:%hu)", ctx, seqno, rtptime, ctx->ab_write, ctx->ab_read);
+ } else {
+ // too late
+ LOG_DEBUG("[%p]: packet too late seqno:%hu rtptime:%u (W:%hu R:%hu)", ctx, seqno, rtptime, ctx->ab_write, ctx->ab_read);
+ }
+ if (ctx->in_frames++ > 1000) {
+ LOG_INFO("[%p]: fill [level:%hu rec:%u] [W:%hu R:%hu]", ctx, ctx->ab_write - ctx->ab_read, ctx->resent_rec, ctx->ab_write, ctx->ab_read);
+ ctx->in_frames = 0;
+ }
+ if (abuf) {
+ alac_decode(ctx, abuf->data, data, len, &abuf->len);
+ abuf->ready = 1;
+ // this is the local rtptime when this frame is expected to play
+ abuf->rtptime = rtptime;
+ buffer_push_packet(ctx);
+#ifdef __RTP_STORE
+ fwrite(data, len, 1, ctx->rtpIN);
+ fwrite(abuf->data, abuf->len, 1, ctx->rtpOUT);
+ }
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&ctx->ab_mutex);
+// push as many frames as possible through callback
+static void buffer_push_packet(rtp_t *ctx) {
+ abuf_t *curframe = NULL;
+ u32_t now, playtime, hold = max((ctx->latency * 1000) / (8 * RAOP_SAMPLE_RATE), 100);
+ int i;
+ // not ready to play yet
+ if (!ctx->playing || ctx->synchro.status != (RTP_SYNC | NTP_SYNC)) return;
+ // there is always at least one frame in the buffer
+ do {
+ // re-evaluate time in loop in case data callback blocks ...
+ now = gettime_ms();
+ // try to manage playtime so that we overflow as late as possible if we miss NTP (2^31 / 10 / 44100)
+ curframe = ctx->audio_buffer + BUFIDX(ctx->ab_read);
+ playtime = ctx->synchro.time + (((s32_t)(curframe->rtptime - ctx->synchro.rtp)) * 10) / (RAOP_SAMPLE_RATE / 100);
+ if (now > playtime) {
+ LOG_DEBUG("[%p]: discarded frame now:%u missed by:%d (W:%hu R:%hu)", ctx, now, now - playtime, ctx->ab_write, ctx->ab_read);
+ ctx->discarded++;
+ curframe->ready = 0;
+ } else if (playtime - now <= hold) {
+ if (curframe->ready) {
+ ctx->data_cb((const u8_t*) curframe->data, curframe->len, playtime);
+ curframe->ready = 0;
+ } else {
+ LOG_DEBUG("[%p]: created zero frame (W:%hu R:%hu)", ctx, ctx->ab_write, ctx->ab_read);
+ ctx->data_cb(silence_frame, ctx->frame_size * 4, playtime);
+ ctx->silent_frames++;
+ }
+ } else if (curframe->ready) {
+ ctx->data_cb((const u8_t*) curframe->data, curframe->len, playtime);
+ curframe->ready = 0;
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ ctx->ab_read++;
+ ctx->out_frames++;
+ } while (seq_order(ctx->ab_read, ctx->ab_write));
+ if (ctx->out_frames > 1000) {
+ LOG_INFO("[%p]: drain [level:%hd head:%d ms] [W:%hu R:%hu] [req:%u sil:%u dis:%u]",
+ ctx, ctx->ab_write - ctx->ab_read, playtime - now, ctx->ab_write, ctx->ab_read,
+ ctx->resent_req, ctx->silent_frames, ctx->discarded);
+ ctx->out_frames = 0;
+ }
+ LOG_SDEBUG("playtime %u %d [W:%hu R:%hu] %d", playtime, playtime - now, ctx->ab_write, ctx->ab_read, curframe->ready);
+ // each missing packet will be requested up to (latency_frames / 16) times
+ for (i = 0; seq_order(ctx->ab_read + i, ctx->ab_write); i += 16) {
+ abuf_t *frame = ctx->audio_buffer + BUFIDX(ctx->ab_read + i);
+ if (!frame->ready && now - frame->last_resend > RESEND_TO) {
+ rtp_request_resend(ctx, ctx->ab_read + i, ctx->ab_read + i);
+ frame->last_resend = now;
+ }
+ }
+static void *rtp_thread_func(void *arg) {
+ fd_set fds;
+ int i, sock = -1;
+ int count = 0;
+ bool ntp_sent;
+ char *packet = malloc(MAX_PACKET);
+ rtp_t *ctx = (rtp_t*) arg;
+ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+ if (ctx->rtp_sockets[i].sock > sock) sock = ctx->rtp_sockets[i].sock;
+ // send synchro request 3 times
+ ntp_sent = rtp_request_timing(ctx);
+ }
+ while (ctx->running) {
+ ssize_t plen;
+ char type;
+ socklen_t rtp_client_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
+ int idx = 0;
+ char *pktp = packet;
+ struct timeval timeout = {0, 100*1000};
+ FD_ZERO(&fds);
+ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { FD_SET(ctx->rtp_sockets[i].sock, &fds); }
+ if (select(sock + 1, &fds, NULL, NULL, &timeout) <= 0) continue;
+ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
+ if (FD_ISSET(ctx->rtp_sockets[i].sock, &fds)) idx = i;
+ plen = recvfrom(ctx->rtp_sockets[idx].sock, packet, MAX_PACKET, MSG_DONTWAIT, (struct sockaddr*) &ctx->rtp_host, &rtp_client_len);
+ if (!ntp_sent) {
+ LOG_WARN("[%p]: NTP request not send yet", ctx);
+ ntp_sent = rtp_request_timing(ctx);
+ }
+ if (plen <= 0) {
+ LOG_WARN("Nothing received on a readable socket %d", plen);
+ continue;
+ }
+ assert(plen <= MAX_PACKET);
+ type = packet[1] & ~0x80;
+ pktp = packet;
+ switch (type) {
+ seq_t seqno;
+ unsigned rtptime;
+ // re-sent packet
+ case 0x56: {
+ pktp += 4;
+ plen -= 4;
+ }
+ // data packet
+ case 0x60: {
+ seqno = ntohs(*(u16_t*)(pktp+2));
+ rtptime = ntohl(*(u32_t*)(pktp+4));
+ // adjust pointer and length
+ pktp += 12;
+ plen -= 12;
+ LOG_SDEBUG("[%p]: seqno:%hu rtp:%u (type: %x, first: %u)", ctx, seqno, rtptime, type, packet[1] & 0x80);
+ // check if packet contains enough content to be reasonable
+ if (plen < 16) break;
+ if ((packet[1] & 0x80) && (type != 0x56)) {
+ LOG_INFO("[%p]: 1st audio packet received", ctx);
+ }
+ buffer_put_packet(ctx, seqno, rtptime, packet[1] & 0x80, pktp, plen);
+ break;
+ }
+ // sync packet
+ case 0x54: {
+ u32_t rtp_now_latency = ntohl(*(u32_t*)(pktp+4));
+ u64_t remote = (((u64_t) ntohl(*(u32_t*)(pktp+8))) << 32) + ntohl(*(u32_t*)(pktp+12));
+ u32_t rtp_now = ntohl(*(u32_t*)(pktp+16));
+ u16_t flags = ntohs(*(u16_t*)(pktp+2));
+ u32_t remote_gap = NTP2MS(remote - ctx->timing.remote);
+ // try to get NTP every 3 sec or every time if we are not synced
+ if (!count-- || !(ctx->synchro.status && NTP_SYNC)) {
+ rtp_request_timing(ctx);
+ count = 3;
+ }
+ // something is wrong, we should not have such gap
+ if (remote_gap > 10000) {
+ LOG_WARN("discarding remote timing information %u", remote_gap);
+ break;
+ }
+ pthread_mutex_lock(&ctx->ab_mutex);
+ // re-align timestamp and expected local playback time (and magic 11025 latency)
+ ctx->latency = rtp_now - rtp_now_latency;
+ if (flags == 7 || flags == 4) ctx->latency += 11025;
+ if (ctx->latency < MIN_LATENCY) ctx->latency = MIN_LATENCY;
+ else if (ctx->latency > MAX_LATENCY) ctx->latency = MAX_LATENCY;
+ ctx->synchro.rtp = rtp_now - ctx->latency;
+ ctx->synchro.time = ctx->timing.local + remote_gap;
+ // now we are synced on RTP frames
+ ctx->synchro.status |= RTP_SYNC;
+ // 1st sync packet received (signals a restart of playback)
+ if (packet[0] & 0x10) {
+ LOG_INFO("[%p]: 1st sync packet received", ctx);
+ }
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&ctx->ab_mutex);
+ LOG_DEBUG("[%p]: sync packet latency:%d rtp_latency:%u rtp:%u remote ntp:%llx, local time:%u local rtp:%u (now:%u)",
+ ctx, ctx->latency, rtp_now_latency, rtp_now, remote, ctx->synchro.time, ctx->synchro.rtp, gettime_ms());
+ if ((ctx->synchro.status & RTP_SYNC) && (ctx->synchro.status & NTP_SYNC)) ctx->cmd_cb(RAOP_TIMING);
+ break;
+ }
+ // NTP timing packet
+ case 0x53: {
+ u64_t expected;
+ u32_t reference = ntohl(*(u32_t*)(pktp+12)); // only low 32 bits in our case
+ u64_t remote =(((u64_t) ntohl(*(u32_t*)(pktp+16))) << 32) + ntohl(*(u32_t*)(pktp+20));
+ u32_t roundtrip = gettime_ms() - reference;
+ // better discard sync packets when roundtrip is suspicious and ask for another one
+ if (roundtrip > 100) {
+ rtp_request_timing(ctx);
+ LOG_WARN("[%p]: discarding NTP roundtrip of %u ms", ctx, roundtrip);
+ break;
+ }
+ /*
+ The expected elapsed remote time should be exactly the same as
+ elapsed local time between the two request, corrected by the
+ drifting
+ */
+ expected = ctx->timing.remote + MS2NTP(reference - ctx->timing.local);
+ ctx->timing.remote = remote;
+ ctx->timing.local = reference;
+ // now we are synced on NTP (mutex not needed)
+ ctx->synchro.status |= NTP_SYNC;
+ LOG_DEBUG("[%p]: Timing references local:%llu, remote:%llx (delta:%lld, sum:%lld, adjust:%lld, gaps:%d)",
+ ctx, ctx->timing.local, ctx->timing.remote);
+ break;
+ }
+ default: {
+ LOG_WARN("Unknown packet received %x", (int) type);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ free(packet);
+ LOG_INFO("[%p]: terminating", ctx);
+#ifndef WIN32
+ xTaskNotifyGive(ctx->joiner);
+ vTaskSuspend(NULL);
+ return NULL;
+static bool rtp_request_timing(rtp_t *ctx) {
+ unsigned char req[32];
+ u32_t now = gettime_ms();
+ int i;
+ struct sockaddr_in host;
+ LOG_DEBUG("[%p]: timing request now:%u (port: %hu)", ctx, now, ctx->rtp_sockets[TIMING].rport);
+ req[0] = 0x80;
+ req[1] = 0x52|0x80;
+ *(u16_t*)(req+2) = htons(7);
+ *(u32_t*)(req+4) = htonl(0); // dummy
+ for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) req[i+8] = 0;
+ *(u32_t*)(req+24) = 0;
+ *(u32_t*)(req+28) = htonl(now); // this is not a real NTP, but a 32 ms counter in the low part of the NTP
+ if (ctx->host.s_addr != INADDR_ANY) {
+ host.sin_family = AF_INET;
+ host.sin_addr = ctx->host;
+ } else host = ctx->rtp_host;
+ // no address from sender, need to wait for 1st packet to be received
+ if (host.sin_addr.s_addr == INADDR_ANY) return false;
+ host.sin_port = htons(ctx->rtp_sockets[TIMING].rport);
+ if (sizeof(req) != sendto(ctx->rtp_sockets[TIMING].sock, req, sizeof(req), MSG_DONTWAIT, (struct sockaddr*) &host, sizeof(host))) {
+ LOG_WARN("[%p]: SENDTO failed (%s)", ctx, strerror(errno));
+ }
+ return true;
+static bool rtp_request_resend(rtp_t *ctx, seq_t first, seq_t last) {
+ unsigned char req[8]; // *not* a standard RTCP NACK
+ // do not request silly ranges (happens in case of network large blackouts)
+ if (seq_order(last, first) || last - first > BUFFER_FRAMES / 2) return false;
+ ctx->resent_req += (seq_t) (last - first) + 1;
+ LOG_DEBUG("resend request [W:%hu R:%hu first=%hu last=%hu]", ctx->ab_write, ctx->ab_read, first, last);
+ req[0] = 0x80;
+ req[1] = 0x55|0x80; // Apple 'resend'
+ *(u16_t*)(req+2) = htons(1); // our seqnum
+ *(u16_t*)(req+4) = htons(first); // missed seqnum
+ *(u16_t*)(req+6) = htons(last-first+1); // count
+ ctx->rtp_host.sin_port = htons(ctx->rtp_sockets[CONTROL].rport);
+ if (sizeof(req) != sendto(ctx->rtp_sockets[CONTROL].sock, req, sizeof(req), MSG_DONTWAIT, (struct sockaddr*) &ctx->rtp_host, sizeof(ctx->rtp_host))) {
+ LOG_WARN("[%p]: SENDTO failed (%s)", ctx, strerror(errno));
+ }
+ return true;