
Updates to driver for rebase

Wizmo2 4 年之前
共有 2 個文件被更改,包括 36 次插入142 次删除
  1. 1 1
  2. 35 141

+ 1 - 1

@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ typedef enum {
 } parse_state_t;
 static const char *TAG = "cmd_config";
 extern struct arg_end *getParmsEnd(struct arg_hdr * * argtable);
 static struct {
 	struct arg_str *model_name;
     struct arg_int *clock;

+ 35 - 141

@@ -9,43 +9,31 @@
  *  https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
 #include <freertos/FreeRTOS.h>
 #include <freertos/task.h>
 #include <driver/i2s.h>
 #include "driver/i2c.h"
 #include "esp_log.h"
-#include "cJSON.h"
-#include "platform_config.h"
 #include "adac.h"
+#define WM8978	0x1A	// for TTGO TAudio
 static const char TAG[] = "WM8978";
-static void deinit(void) { }
-static void speaker(bool active);
-static void headset(bool active);
+static void speaker(bool active) { }
+static void headset(bool active) { }
 static bool volume(unsigned left, unsigned right) { return false; }
 static void power(adac_power_e mode);
 static bool init(char *config, int i2c_port_num, i2s_config_t *i2s_config);
-static bool i2c_json_execute(char *set);
-static esp_err_t i2c_write_reg(uint8_t reg, uint16_t val);
-static uint16_t i2c_read_reg(uint8_t reg);
+static esp_err_t i2c_write_shadow(uint8_t reg, uint16_t val);
+static uint16_t i2c_read_shadow(uint8_t reg);
-const struct adac_s dac_wm8978 = { "WM8978", init, deinit, power, speaker, headset, volume };
-static int i2c_port, i2c_addr;
-static cJSON *i2c_json;
-// default dac_controlset
-static char* default_controlset = "{\"init\": [ {\"reg\":0,\"val\":0},{\"reg\":4,\"val\":16},{\"reg\":6,\"val\":0},{\"reg\":10,\"val\":8},{\"reg\":43,\"val\":16},{\"reg\":49,\"val\":102} ], \"poweron\": [ {\"reg\":1,\"val\":11},{\"reg\":2,\"val\":384},{\"reg\":3,\"val\":111} ], \"poweroff\": [ {\"reg\":1,\"val\":0},{\"reg\":2,\"val\":0},{\"reg\":3,\"val\":0} ]}";
-/* Note: Device supports headset and speaker volume/mute, but jack
-//   insertion is conrolled internaly and not connected gpio on t-audio to monitor.
-//   (currently jack_handler mutes headset at all times) 
-//  "headseton": [ {"reg":52,"val":57},{"reg":53,"val":319} ], "headsetoff": [  {"reg":52,"val":121},{"reg":53,"val":383} ], "speakeron": [ {"reg":54,"val":57},{"reg":55,"val":319} ], "speakeroff": [ {"reg":54,"val":121},{"reg":55,"val":383} ]}"; 
+const struct adac_s dac_wm8978 = { "WM8978", init, adac_deinit, power, speaker, headset, volume };
 // initiation table for non-readbale 9-bit i2c registers
-static uint16_t WM8978_REGVAL_TBL[58] =
-	{
+static uint16_t WM8978_REGVAL_TBL[58] =	{
 		0X0000, 0X0000, 0X0000, 0X0000, 0X0050, 0X0000, 0X0140, 0X0000,
 		0X0000, 0X0000, 0X0000, 0X00FF, 0X00FF, 0X0000, 0X0100, 0X00FF,
 		0X00FF, 0X0000, 0X012C, 0X002C, 0X002C, 0X002C, 0X002C, 0X0000,
@@ -53,50 +41,26 @@ static uint16_t WM8978_REGVAL_TBL[58] =
 		0X0038, 0X000B, 0X0032, 0X0000, 0X0008, 0X000C, 0X0093, 0X00E9,
 		0X0000, 0X0000, 0X0000, 0X0000, 0X0003, 0X0010, 0X0010, 0X0100,
 		0X0100, 0X0002, 0X0001, 0X0001, 0X0039, 0X0039, 0X0039, 0X0039,
-		0X0001, 0X0001};
+		0X0001, 0X0001
  * init
-static bool init(char *config, int i2c_port_num, i2s_config_t *i2s_config) {	 
-	char *p;	
-	i2c_port = i2c_port_num;
-	// configure i2c
-	i2c_config_t i2c_config = {
-			.mode = I2C_MODE_MASTER,
-			.sda_io_num = -1,
-			.sda_pullup_en = GPIO_PULLUP_ENABLE,
-			.scl_io_num = -1,
-			.scl_pullup_en = GPIO_PULLUP_ENABLE,
-			.master.clk_speed = 250000,
-		};
-	if ((p = strcasestr(config, "i2c")) != NULL) i2c_addr = atoi(strchr(p, '=') + 1);
-	if ((p = strcasestr(config, "sda")) != NULL) i2c_config.sda_io_num = atoi(strchr(p, '=') + 1);
-	if ((p = strcasestr(config, "scl")) != NULL) i2c_config.scl_io_num = atoi(strchr(p, '=') + 1);
-	p = config_alloc_get_str("dac_controlset", CONFIG_DAC_CONTROLSET, default_controlset);
-	i2c_json = cJSON_Parse(p);
+static bool init(char *config, int i2c_port, i2s_config_t *i2s_config) {	 
+	// TODO: maybe add something here to confirm it is actually detected? 
+	adac_init(config, i2c_port);
-	if (!i2c_addr || !i2c_json || i2c_config.sda_io_num == -1 || i2c_config.scl_io_num == -1) {
-		if (p) free(p);
-		ESP_LOGW(TAG, "No i2c controlset found");
-		return true;
-	}	
+	ESP_LOGI(TAG, "WM8978 detected");
+	// init sequence
+	i2c_write_shadow(0, 0);
+	i2c_write_shadow(4, 16);
+	i2c_write_shadow(6, 0);
+	i2c_write_shadow(10, 8);
+	i2c_write_shadow(43, 16);
+	i2c_write_shadow(49, 102);
-	ESP_LOGI(TAG, "WM8978 uses IC2 @%d with sda:%d, scl:%d", i2c_addr, i2c_config.sda_io_num, i2c_config.scl_io_num);
-	// we have an I2C configured	
-	i2c_param_config(i2c_port, &i2c_config);
-	i2c_driver_install(i2c_port, I2C_MODE_MASTER, false, false, false);
-	if (!i2c_json_execute("init")) {	
-		ESP_LOGE(TAG, "could not intialize DAC");
-		return false;
-	}	
 	// Configure system clk to GPIO0 for DAC MCLK input
     ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Configuring MCLK on pin:%d", 0);
@@ -109,96 +73,26 @@ static bool init(char *config, int i2c_port_num, i2s_config_t *i2s_config) {
  * power
 static void power(adac_power_e mode) {
-	if (mode == ADAC_STANDBY || mode == ADAC_OFF) i2c_json_execute("poweroff");
-	else i2c_json_execute("poweron");
+	uint16_t *data, off[] = {0, 0, 0}, on[] = {11, 384, 111};
+	data = (mode == ADAC_STANDBY || mode == ADAC_OFF) ? off : on;
+	i2c_write_shadow(1, data[0]);
+	i2c_write_shadow(2, data[1]);
+	i2c_write_shadow(3, data[2]);
- * speaker
- */
-static void speaker(bool active) {
-	if (active) i2c_json_execute("speakeron");
-	else i2c_json_execute("speakeroff");
- * headset
- */
-static void headset(bool active) {
-	if (active) i2c_json_execute("headseton");
-	else i2c_json_execute("headsetoff");
- * 
- */
-bool i2c_json_execute(char *set) {
-	cJSON *json_set = cJSON_GetObjectItemCaseSensitive(i2c_json, set);
-	cJSON *item;
-	if (!json_set) return true;
-	cJSON_ArrayForEach(item, json_set)
-	{
-		cJSON *reg = cJSON_GetObjectItemCaseSensitive(item, "reg");
-		cJSON *val = cJSON_GetObjectItemCaseSensitive(item, "val");
-		cJSON *mode = cJSON_GetObjectItemCaseSensitive(item, "mode");
-		if (!reg || !val) continue;
-		if (!mode) {
-			i2c_write_reg(reg->valueint, val->valueint);
-		} else if (!strcasecmp(mode->valuestring, "or")) {
-			uint16_t data = i2c_read_reg(reg->valueint);
-			data |= (uint16_t) val->valueint;
-			i2c_write_reg(reg->valueint, data);
-		} else if (!strcasecmp(mode->valuestring, "and")) {
-			uint16_t data = i2c_read_reg(reg->valueint);
-			data &= (uint16_t) val->valueint;
-			i2c_write_reg(reg->valueint, data);
-        }
-	}
-	return true;
- * 
+ *  Write with custom reg/value structure
-static esp_err_t i2c_write_reg(uint8_t reg, uint16_t val) {
-	esp_err_t ret;
-	uint8_t msb;
-	uint8_t lsb;
-    msb = (reg << 1) | ((val >> 8) & 0X01);
-    lsb = val & 0XFF;
-    i2c_cmd_handle_t cmd = i2c_cmd_link_create();
-    i2c_master_start(cmd);
-	i2c_master_write_byte(cmd, (i2c_addr << 1) | I2C_MASTER_WRITE, I2C_MASTER_NACK);
-	i2c_master_write_byte(cmd, msb, I2C_MASTER_NACK);
-	i2c_master_write_byte(cmd, lsb, I2C_MASTER_NACK);
-	i2c_master_stop(cmd);
-    ret = i2c_master_cmd_begin(i2c_port, cmd, 100 / portTICK_RATE_MS);
-    i2c_cmd_link_delete(cmd);
-	if (ret != ESP_OK) {
-		ESP_LOGW(TAG, "I2C write failed");
-	} else {
-		// update local register
-		WM8978_REGVAL_TBL[reg] = val;
-        ESP_LOGD(TAG, "I2C Write OK %d=%d (bytes %d %d)", reg, val, msb, lsb);
-    }
-	return ret;
+ static esp_err_t i2c_write_shadow(uint8_t reg, uint16_t val) {
+	WM8978_REGVAL_TBL[reg] = val;
+	reg = (reg << 1) | ((val >> 8) & 0x01);
+    val &= 0xff;  
+	return adac_write_byte(WM8978, reg, val);
  *  Return local register value
-static uint16_t i2c_read_reg(uint8_t reg) {
+static uint16_t i2c_read_shadow(uint8_t reg) {
 	return WM8978_REGVAL_TBL[reg];