@@ -108,11 +108,11 @@ static TaskHandle_t task_wifi_manager = NULL;
* The actual WiFi settings in use
-struct wifi_settings_t wifi_settings = {
- .sta_only = DEFAULT_STA_ONLY,
- .sta_power_save = DEFAULT_STA_POWER_SAVE,
- .sta_static_ip = 0
+//struct wifi_settings_t wifi_settings = {
+// .sta_only = DEFAULT_STA_ONLY,
+// .sta_power_save = DEFAULT_STA_POWER_SAVE,
+// .sta_static_ip = 0
/* wifi scanner config */
@@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ void wifi_manager_start(){
ESP_LOGD(TAG, "wifi_manager_start. Allocating memory for wifi configuration structure");
wifi_manager_config_sta = (wifi_config_t*)malloc(sizeof(wifi_config_t));
memset(wifi_manager_config_sta, 0x00, sizeof(wifi_config_t));
- memset(&wifi_settings, 0x00, sizeof(wifi_settings));
+// memset(&wifi_settings, 0x00, sizeof(wifi_settings));
ESP_LOGD(TAG, "wifi_manager_start. Allocating memory for callback functions registration");
cb_ptr_arr = malloc( sizeof( sizeof( void (*)( void* ) )) * MESSAGE_CODE_COUNT);
@@ -286,11 +286,6 @@ void wifi_manager_start(){
ESP_LOGD(TAG, "About to call init wifi");
- /* Fetch configuration from nvs */
- ESP_LOGD(TAG, "About to fetch wifi sta config structure");
- wifi_manager_fetch_wifi_sta_config();
/* start wifi manager task */
ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Creating wifi manager task");
xTaskCreate(&wifi_manager, "wifi_manager", 4096, NULL, WIFI_MANAGER_TASK_PRIORITY, &task_wifi_manager);
@@ -321,11 +316,11 @@ esp_err_t wifi_manager_save_sta_config(){
return esp_err;
- esp_err = nvs_set_blob(handle, "settings", &wifi_settings, sizeof(wifi_settings));
- if (esp_err != ESP_OK) {
- ESP_LOGE(TAG,"Unable to save wifi_settings in name namespace %s. Error %s", wifi_manager_nvs_namespace, esp_err_to_name(esp_err));
- return esp_err;
- }
+// esp_err = nvs_set_blob(handle, "settings", &wifi_settings, sizeof(wifi_settings));
+// if (esp_err != ESP_OK) {
+// ESP_LOGE(TAG,"Unable to save wifi_settings in name namespace %s. Error %s", wifi_manager_nvs_namespace, esp_err_to_name(esp_err));
+// return esp_err;
+// }
esp_err = nvs_commit(handle);
if (esp_err != ESP_OK) {
@@ -335,10 +330,10 @@ esp_err_t wifi_manager_save_sta_config(){
ESP_LOGD(TAG, "wifi_manager_wrote wifi_sta_config: ssid:%s password:%s",wifi_manager_config_sta->sta.ssid,wifi_manager_config_sta->sta.password);
- ESP_LOGD(TAG, "wifi_manager_wrote wifi_settings: sta_static_ip (0 = dhcp client, 1 = static ip): %i",wifi_settings.sta_static_ip);
- ESP_LOGD(TAG, "wifi_manager_wrote wifi_settings: sta_ip_addr: %s", ip4addr_ntoa(&wifi_settings.sta_static_ip_config.ip));
- ESP_LOGD(TAG, "wifi_manager_wrote wifi_settings: sta_gw_addr: %s", ip4addr_ntoa(&wifi_settings.sta_static_ip_config.gw));
- ESP_LOGD(TAG, "wifi_manager_wrote wifi_settings: sta_netmask: %s", ip4addr_ntoa(&wifi_settings.sta_static_ip_config.netmask));
+// ESP_LOGD(TAG, "wifi_manager_wrote wifi_settings: sta_static_ip (0 = dhcp client, 1 = static ip): %i",wifi_settings.sta_static_ip);
+// ESP_LOGD(TAG, "wifi_manager_wrote wifi_settings: sta_ip_addr: %s", ip4addr_ntoa(&wifi_settings.sta_static_ip_config.ip));
+// ESP_LOGD(TAG, "wifi_manager_wrote wifi_settings: sta_gw_addr: %s", ip4addr_ntoa(&wifi_settings.sta_static_ip_config.gw));
+// ESP_LOGD(TAG, "wifi_manager_wrote wifi_settings: sta_netmask: %s", ip4addr_ntoa(&wifi_settings.sta_static_ip_config.netmask));
@@ -353,15 +348,17 @@ bool wifi_manager_fetch_wifi_sta_config(){
ESP_LOGD(TAG,"Fetching wifi sta config.");
if(nvs_open(wifi_manager_nvs_namespace, NVS_READONLY, &handle) == ESP_OK){
if(wifi_manager_config_sta == NULL){
+ ESP_LOGD(TAG,"Allocating memory for structure.");
wifi_manager_config_sta = (wifi_config_t*)malloc(sizeof(wifi_config_t));
memset(wifi_manager_config_sta, 0x00, sizeof(wifi_config_t));
/* ssid */
+ ESP_LOGD(TAG,"Fetching value for ssid.");
size_t sz = sizeof(wifi_manager_config_sta->sta.ssid);
uint8_t *buff = (uint8_t*)malloc(sizeof(uint8_t) * sz);
+ memset(buff,0x00,sizeof(uint8_t) * sz);
esp_err = nvs_get_blob(handle, "ssid", buff, &sz);
if(esp_err != ESP_OK){
ESP_LOGI(TAG,"No ssid found in nvs.");
@@ -369,52 +366,24 @@ bool wifi_manager_fetch_wifi_sta_config(){
return false;
- memcpy(wifi_manager_config_sta->sta.ssid, buff, sz);
+ memcpy(wifi_manager_config_sta->sta.ssid, buff, sizeof(wifi_manager_config_sta->sta.ssid));
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "wifi_manager_fetch_wifi_sta_config: ssid:%s ",wifi_manager_config_sta->sta.ssid);
/* password */
sz = sizeof(wifi_manager_config_sta->sta.password);
buff = (uint8_t*)malloc(sizeof(uint8_t) * sz);
+ memset(buff,0x00,sizeof(uint8_t) * sz);
esp_err = nvs_get_blob(handle, "password", buff, &sz);
if(esp_err != ESP_OK){
// Don't take this as an error. This could be an opened access point?
ESP_LOGW(TAG,"No wifi password found in nvs");
else {
- memcpy(wifi_manager_config_sta->sta.password, buff, sz);
+ memcpy(wifi_manager_config_sta->sta.password, buff, sizeof(wifi_manager_config_sta->sta.password));
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "wifi_manager_fetch_wifi_sta_config: password:%s",wifi_manager_config_sta->sta.password);
- /* settings */
-// sz = sizeof(wifi_settings);
-// buff = (uint8_t*)malloc(sizeof(uint8_t) * sz);
-// esp_err = nvs_get_blob(handle, "settings", buff, &sz);
-// if(esp_err != ESP_OK){
-// // SSID was found, we should have some settings as well. Log this as an error
-// ESP_LOGW(TAG,"No wifi settings found in nvs. Freeing nvs buffer");
-// FREE_AND_NULL(buff);
-// ESP_LOGD(TAG,"Closing nvs Handle");
-// nvs_close(handle);
-// ESP_LOGD(TAG,"load sta config done");
-// return wifi_manager_config_sta->sta.ssid[0] != '\0';
-// }
-// if(sz!=sizeof(wifi_settings)){
-// ESP_LOGW(TAG,"Unable to retrieve settings buffer from nvs. Size did not match");
-// }
-// else {
-// ESP_LOGD(TAG,"Copying configuration restored from nvs");
-// memcpy(&wifi_settings, buff, sz);
-// ESP_LOGI(TAG, "wifi_manager_fetch_wifi_settings: sta_only (0 = APSTA, 1 = STA when connected):%i",wifi_settings.sta_only);
-// ESP_LOGI(TAG, "wifi_manager_fetch_wifi_settings: sta_power_save (1 = yes):%i",wifi_settings.sta_power_save);
-// ESP_LOGI(TAG, "wifi_manager_fetch_wifi_settings: sta_static_ip (0 = dhcp client, 1 = static ip):%i",wifi_settings.sta_static_ip);
-// ESP_LOGI(TAG, "wifi_manager_fetch_wifi_settings: sta_static_ip_config: IP: %s , GW: %s , Mask: %s", ip4addr_ntoa(&wifi_settings.sta_static_ip_config.ip), ip4addr_ntoa(&wifi_settings.sta_static_ip_config.gw), ip4addr_ntoa(&wifi_settings.sta_static_ip_config.netmask));
-// ESP_LOGI(TAG, "wifi_manager_fetch_wifi_settings: sta_ip_addr: %s", ip4addr_ntoa(&wifi_settings.sta_static_ip_config.ip));
-// ESP_LOGI(TAG, "wifi_manager_fetch_wifi_settings: sta_gw_addr: %s", ip4addr_ntoa(&wifi_settings.sta_static_ip_config.gw));
-// ESP_LOGI(TAG, "wifi_manager_fetch_wifi_settings: sta_netmask: %s", ip4addr_ntoa(&wifi_settings.sta_static_ip_config.netmask));
-// }
-// FREE_AND_NULL(buff);
return wifi_manager_config_sta->sta.ssid[0] != '\0';
@@ -1159,7 +1128,7 @@ void wifi_manager( void * pvParameters ){
+ ESP_LOGI(TAG, "MESSAGE: ORDER_LOAD_AND_RESTORE_STA. About to fetch wifi STA configuration");
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Saved wifi found on startup. Will attempt to connect.");
@@ -1191,19 +1160,20 @@ void wifi_manager( void * pvParameters ){
xEventGroupSetBits(wifi_manager_event_group, WIFI_MANAGER_REQUEST_RESTORE_STA_BIT);
/* STA - Wifi Station configuration setup */
- if(wifi_settings.sta_static_ip) {
- // There's a static ip address configured, so
- ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Assigning static ip to STA interface. IP: %s , GW: %s , Mask: %s",
- ip4addr_ntoa(&wifi_settings.sta_static_ip_config.ip),
- ip4addr_ntoa(&wifi_settings.sta_static_ip_config.gw),
- ip4addr_ntoa(&wifi_settings.sta_static_ip_config.netmask));
- /* stop DHCP client*/
- ESP_ERROR_CHECK(tcpip_adapter_dhcpc_stop(TCPIP_ADAPTER_IF_STA));
- /* assign a static IP to the STA network interface */
- ESP_ERROR_CHECK(tcpip_adapter_set_ip_info(TCPIP_ADAPTER_IF_STA, &wifi_settings.sta_static_ip_config));
- }
- else {
+ //todo: support static ip address
+// if(wifi_settings.sta_static_ip) {
+// // There's a static ip address configured, so
+// ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Assigning static ip to STA interface. IP: %s , GW: %s , Mask: %s",
+// ip4addr_ntoa(&wifi_settings.sta_static_ip_config.ip),
+// ip4addr_ntoa(&wifi_settings.sta_static_ip_config.gw),
+// ip4addr_ntoa(&wifi_settings.sta_static_ip_config.netmask));
+// /* stop DHCP client*/
+// ESP_ERROR_CHECK(tcpip_adapter_dhcpc_stop(TCPIP_ADAPTER_IF_STA));
+// /* assign a static IP to the STA network interface */
+// ESP_ERROR_CHECK(tcpip_adapter_set_ip_info(TCPIP_ADAPTER_IF_STA, &wifi_settings.sta_static_ip_config));
+// }
+// else {
/* start DHCP client if not started*/
tcpip_adapter_dhcp_status_t status;
ESP_LOGD(TAG, "wifi_manager: Checking if DHCP client for STA interface is running");
@@ -1211,7 +1181,7 @@ void wifi_manager( void * pvParameters ){
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "wifi_manager: Start DHCP client for STA interface");
- }
+// }