
more crap

Philippe G 3 年之前

+ 21 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+// Copyright (c) Kuba Szczodrzyński 2021-12-21.
+#include "BellSocket.h"
+#include <cstring>
+void bell::Socket::open(const std::string &url) {
+	auto *urlStr = url.c_str();
+	bool https = urlStr[4] == 's';
+	uint16_t port = https ? 443 : 80;
+	auto *hostname = urlStr + (https ? 8 : 7);
+	auto *hostnameEnd = strchr(hostname, ':');
+	auto *path = strchr(hostname, '/');
+	if (hostnameEnd == nullptr) {
+		hostnameEnd = path;
+	} else {
+		port = strtol(hostnameEnd + 1, nullptr, 10);
+	}
+	auto hostnameStr = std::string(hostname, (const char *)hostnameEnd);
+	this->open(hostnameStr, port);

+ 273 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
+// Copyright (c) Kuba Szczodrzyński 2021-12-21.
+#include "HTTPClient.h"
+#include "TCPSocket.h"
+using namespace bell;
+struct HTTPClient::HTTPResponse *HTTPClient::execute(const struct HTTPRequest &request) {
+	auto *response = new HTTPResponse();
+	auto *url = request.url.c_str();
+	HTTPClient::executeImpl(request, url, response);
+	return response;
+void HTTPClient::executeImpl(const struct HTTPRequest &request, const char *url, struct HTTPResponse *&response) {
+	bool https = url[4] == 's';
+	uint16_t port = https ? 443 : 80;
+	auto *hostname = url + (https ? 8 : 7);
+	auto *hostnameEnd = strchr(hostname, ':');
+	auto *path = strchr(hostname, '/');
+	if (hostnameEnd == nullptr) {
+		hostnameEnd = path;
+	} else {
+		port = strtol(hostnameEnd + 1, nullptr, 10);
+	}
+	auto hostnameStr = std::string(hostname, (const char *)hostnameEnd);
+	if (https) {
+		response->socket = std::make_shared<TLSSocket>();
+	} else {
+		response->socket = std::make_shared<TCPSocket>();
+	}
+	response->socket->open(hostnameStr, port);
+	const char *endl = "\r\n";
+	std::stringstream stream;
+	switch (request.method) {
+		case HTTPMethod::GET:
+			stream << "GET ";
+			break;
+		case HTTPMethod::POST:
+			stream << "POST ";
+			break;
+	}
+	stream << path << " HTTP/1.1" << endl;
+	stream << "Host: " << hostnameStr << ":" << port << endl;
+	stream << "Accept: */*" << endl;
+	if (!request.body.empty()) {
+		stream << "Content-Type: " << request.contentType << endl;
+		stream << "Content-Length: " << request.body.size() << endl;
+	}
+	for (const auto &header : request.headers) {
+		stream << header.first << ": " << header.second << endl;
+	}
+	stream << endl;
+	stream << request.body;
+	std::string data = stream.str();
+	size_t len = response->socket->write((uint8_t *)data.c_str(), data.size());
+	if (len != data.size()) {
+		response->close();
+		BELL_LOG(error, "http", "Writing failed: wrote %d of %d bytes", len, data.size());
+		free(response);
+		response = nullptr;
+		return;
+	}
+	response->readHeaders();
+	if (response->isRedirect && (request.maxRedirects < 0 || response->redirectCount < request.maxRedirects)) {
+		response->redirectCount++;
+		response->close(); // close the previous socket
+		HTTPClient::executeImpl(request, response->location.c_str(), response);
+	}
+bool HTTPClient::readHeader(const char *&header, const char *name) {
+	size_t len = strlen(name);
+	if (strncasecmp(header, name, len) == 0) {
+		header += len;
+		while (*header == ' ')
+			header++;
+		return true;
+	}
+	return false;
+size_t HTTPClient::HTTPResponse::readRaw(char *dst) {
+	size_t len = this->socket->read((uint8_t *)dst, BUF_SIZE);
+	//	BELL_LOG(debug, "http", "Read %d bytes", len);
+	this->bodyRead += len; // after reading headers this gets overwritten
+	dst[len] = '\0';
+	return len;
+void HTTPClient::HTTPResponse::readHeaders() {
+	size_t len;
+	char *line, *lineEnd;
+	bool complete = false;
+	std::string lineBuf;
+	if (this->buf == nullptr) { // allocate a buffer
+		this->buf = static_cast<char *>(malloc(BUF_SIZE + 1));
+		this->bufPtr = this->buf;
+	}
+	// reset everything after a redirect
+	this->statusCode = 0;
+	this->contentLength = 0;
+	this->isChunked = false;
+	this->isGzip = false;
+	this->isComplete = false;
+	this->isRedirect = false;
+	this->isStreaming = false;
+	do {
+		len = this->readRaw(this->buf);
+		line = this->buf;
+		do {
+			lineEnd = strstr(line, "\r\n");
+			if (!lineEnd) {
+				lineBuf += std::string(line, this->buf + len);
+				break;
+			}
+			lineBuf += std::string(line, lineEnd);
+			if (lineBuf.empty()) {
+				complete = true;
+				// if body is present in buf, move the reading pointer
+				if (lineEnd + 2 < this->buf + len) {
+					this->bufPtr = lineEnd + 2;
+					this->bufRemaining = len - (this->bufPtr - this->buf);
+					this->bodyRead = this->bufRemaining;
+					this->isStreaming =
+						!this->isComplete && !this->contentLength && (len < BUF_SIZE || this->socket->poll() == 0);
+				}
+				break;
+			}
+			auto *header = lineBuf.c_str();
+			if (strncmp(header, "HTTP/", 5) == 0) {
+				header += 9; // skip "1.1 "
+				this->statusCode = strtol(header, nullptr, 10);
+			} else if (readHeader(header, "content-type:")) {
+				this->contentType = std::string(header);
+			} else if (readHeader(header, "content-length:")) {
+				this->contentLength = strtol(header, nullptr, 10);
+				if (!this->contentLength)
+					this->isComplete = true; // forbid reading of the body
+			} else if (readHeader(header, "transfer-encoding:")) {
+				this->isChunked = strncmp(header, "chunked", 7) == 0;
+			} else if (readHeader(header, "location:")) {
+				this->isRedirect = true;
+				this->location = std::string(header);
+			} else {
+				char *colonPtr = (char*) strchr(header, ':');
+				if (colonPtr) {
+					auto *valuePtr = colonPtr + 1;
+					while (*valuePtr == ' ')
+						valuePtr++;
+					*colonPtr = '\0';
+					for (auto *p = (char *)header; *p; ++p) // convert header name to lower case
+						*p = (char)tolower(*p);
+					this->headers[std::string(header)] = std::string(valuePtr);
+				}
+			}
+			lineBuf.clear();
+			line = lineEnd + 2; // skip \r\n
+		} while (true);
+	} while (!complete);
+bool HTTPClient::HTTPResponse::skip(size_t len, bool dontRead) {
+	size_t skip = 0;
+	if (len > bufRemaining) {
+		skip = len - bufRemaining;
+		len = bufRemaining;
+	}
+	bufRemaining -= len;
+	bufPtr += len;
+	if (!bufRemaining && !dontRead) { // don't read more data after a chunk's \r\n
+		if (isComplete || (contentLength && bodyRead >= contentLength && !chunkRemaining)) {
+			isComplete = true;
+			return false;
+		}
+		bufRemaining = this->readRaw(this->buf);
+		if (!bufRemaining)
+			return false; // no more data - shouldn't happen for valid responses
+		bufPtr = this->buf + skip;
+		bufRemaining -= skip;
+		if (!contentLength && bufRemaining < BUF_SIZE) {
+			// no content length set and the TCP buffer is not yielding more data, yet
+			isStreaming = true;
+		}
+	}
+	return true;
+size_t HTTPClient::HTTPResponse::read(char *dst, size_t toRead) {
+	if (isComplete) {
+		// end of chunked stream was found OR complete body was read
+		dst[0] = '\0';
+		return 0;
+	}
+	auto *dstStart = dst;
+	size_t read = 0;
+	while (toRead) { // this loop ends after original toRead
+		skip(0);	 // ensure the buffer contains data, wait if necessary
+		if (isChunked && !chunkRemaining) {
+			if (*bufPtr == '0') { // all chunks were read *and emitted*
+				isComplete = true;
+				break;
+			}
+			auto *endPtr = bufPtr;
+			if (strchr(bufPtr, '\r') == nullptr) {						// buf doesn't contain complete chunk size
+				auto size = std::string(bufPtr, bufPtr + bufRemaining); // take the rest of the buffer
+				if (!skip(bufRemaining))								// skip the rest, read another buf
+					break;												// -> no more data
+				endPtr = strchr(bufPtr, '\r');							// find the end of the actual number
+				if (endPtr == nullptr)									// something's wrong
+					break;												//  - give up
+				size += std::string(bufPtr, endPtr);					// append the newly read size
+				chunkRemaining = std::stoul(size, nullptr, 16);			// read the hex size
+			} else {
+				chunkRemaining = strtol(bufPtr, &endPtr, 16); // read the hex size
+			}
+			if (!skip(endPtr - bufPtr + 2)) // skip the size and \r\n
+				break;						// -> no more data, break out of main loop
+		} else if (contentLength && !chunkRemaining) {
+			chunkRemaining = contentLength;
+		}
+		while (chunkRemaining && toRead) {
+			size_t count = std::min(toRead, std::min(bufRemaining, chunkRemaining));
+			strncpy(dst, bufPtr, count);
+			dst += count;			 // move the dst pointer
+			read += count;			 // increment read counter
+			chunkRemaining -= count; // decrease chunk remaining size
+			toRead -= count;		 // decrease local remaining size
+			if (!skip(count)) {		 // eat some buffer
+				toRead = 0;			 // -> no more data, break out of main loop
+				break;
+			}
+			if (isChunked && !chunkRemaining && !skip(2, isStreaming)) // skip the \r\n for chunked encoding
+				toRead = 0;											   // -> no more data, break out of main loop
+		}
+		if (isStreaming && !bufRemaining) { // stream with no buffer available, just yield the current chunk
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	if (!isChunked && contentLength && !chunkRemaining)
+		isComplete = true;
+	// BELL_LOG(debug, "http", "Read %d of %d bytes", bodyRead, contentLength);
+	dstStart[read] = '\0';
+	return read;
+std::string HTTPClient::HTTPResponse::readToString() {
+	if (this->contentLength) {
+		std::string result(this->contentLength, '\0');
+		this->read(result.data(), this->contentLength);
+		this->close();
+		return result;
+	}
+	std::string result;
+	char buffer[BUF_SIZE];
+	size_t len;
+	do {
+		len = this->read(buffer, BUF_SIZE);
+		result += std::string(buffer);
+	} while (len);
+	this->close();
+	return result;

+ 0 - 42

@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef PBCOMMON_H
-#define PBCOMMON_H
-#include <cstdint>
-#include <PbWriter.h>
-#include <optional>
-#include <PbReader.h>
-class BaseProtobufMessage
-    bool firstField = true;
-    uint32_t lastMessagePosition;
-    void parseFromVector(std::vector<uint8_t> const &rawData)
-    {
-        auto reader = std::make_shared<PbReader>(rawData);
-        parseWithReader(reader);
-    }
-    void encodeToVector(std::vector<uint8_t> &rawData)
-    {
-        auto writer = std::make_shared<PbWriter>(rawData);
-        encodeWithWriter(writer);
-    }
-    void parseWithReader(std::shared_ptr<PbReader> reader)
-    {
-        firstField = true;
-        while (reader->next())
-        {
-            if (!decodeField(reader))
-            {
-                reader->skip();
-            } else {
-                firstField = false;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    virtual void encodeWithWriter(std::shared_ptr<PbWriter> writer) = 0;
-    virtual bool decodeField(std::shared_ptr<PbReader> reader) = 0;

+ 0 - 42

@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef PBREADER_H
-#define PBREADER_H
-#include <vector>
-#include <string>
-#include <memory>
-#include <PbWireType.h>
-class PbReader
-    std::vector<uint8_t> const &rawData;
-    uint32_t currentWireValue = 0;
-    uint64_t skipVarIntDump = 0;
-    uint32_t nextFieldLength = 0;
-    int64_t decodeZigzag(uint64_t value);
-    PbReader(std::vector<uint8_t> const &rawData);
-    uint32_t maxPosition = 0;
-    PbWireType currentWireType = PbWireType::unknown;
-    uint32_t currentTag = 0;
-    uint32_t pos = 0;
-    template <typename T>
-    T decodeVarInt();
-    template <typename T>
-    T decodeFixed();
-    template <typename T>
-    T decodeSVarInt();
-    void decodeString(std::string &target);
-    void decodeVector(std::vector<uint8_t> &target);
-    bool next();
-    void skip();
-    void resetMaxPosition();

+ 0 - 15

@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-#include <cstdint>
-enum class PbWireType : uint32_t
-    varint = 0,           // int32/64, uint32/64, sint32/64, bool, enum
-    fixed64 = 1,          // fixed64, sfixed64, double
-    length_delimited = 2, // string, bytes, nested messages, packed repeated fields
-    fixed32 = 5,          // fixed32, sfixed32, float
-    unknown = 99

+ 0 - 39

@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef PBWRITER_H
-#define PBWRITER_H
-#include <vector>
-#include <string>
-#include <memory>
-#include <PbWireType.h>
-class PbWriter
-    std::vector<uint8_t> &rawData;
-    uint32_t pos;
-    uint32_t msgStartPos = 0;
-    void encodeVarInt(uint32_t low, uint32_t high, int32_t atIndex = 0);
-    uint32_t encodeZigzag32(int32_t value);
-    uint64_t encodeZigzag64(int64_t value);
-    PbWriter(std::vector<uint8_t> &rawData);
-    template <typename T>
-    void encodeVarInt(T, int32_t atIndex = 0);
-    template <typename T>
-    void encodeFixed(T);
-    void addSVarInt32(uint32_t tag, int32_t);
-    void addSVarInt64(uint32_t tag, int64_t);
-    void addString(uint32_t tag, std::string &target);
-    void addVector(uint32_t tag, std::vector<uint8_t> &target);
-    template <typename T>
-    void addVarInt(uint32_t tag, T intType);
-    void addBool(uint32_t tag, bool value);
-    void addField(uint32_t tag, PbWireType wiretype);
-    uint32_t startMessage();
-    void finishMessage(uint32_t tag, uint32_t pos);

+ 0 - 37

@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef PROTOBUF_H
-#define PROTOBUF_H
-#include <iostream>
-#include <memory>
-#include "protobuf.h"
-#include <PbReader.h>
-#include <PbCommon.h>
-std::optional<AnyRef> findFieldWithProtobufTag(AnyRef ref, uint32_t tag);
-void decodeField(std::shared_ptr<PbReader> reader, AnyRef any);
-void decodeProtobuf(std::shared_ptr<PbReader> reader, AnyRef any);
-void encodeProtobuf(std::shared_ptr<PbWriter> writer, AnyRef any, uint32_t protobufTag = 0);
-template <typename T>
-std::vector<uint8_t> encodePb(T & data)
-    auto ref = AnyRef::of(&data);
-    std::vector<uint8_t> rawData;;
-    auto writer = std::make_shared<PbWriter>(rawData);
-    encodeProtobuf(writer, ref);
-     return rawData;
-template <typename T>
-T decodePb(std::vector<uint8_t> & bytes)
-    T data = {};
-    auto ref = AnyRef::of(&data);
-    auto writer = std::make_shared<PbReader>(bytes);
-    decodeProtobuf(writer, ref);
-     return data;

+ 0 - 116

@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-#include "PbReader.h"
-#include <iostream>
-PbReader::PbReader(std::vector<uint8_t> const &rawData) : rawData(rawData)
-    maxPosition = rawData.size();
-template <typename T>
-T PbReader::decodeVarInt()
-    uint8_t byte;
-    uint_fast8_t bitpos = 0;
-    uint64_t storago = 0;
-    do
-    {
-        byte = this->rawData[pos];
-        pos++;
-        storago |= (uint64_t)(byte & 0x7F) << bitpos;
-        bitpos = (uint_fast8_t)(bitpos + 7);
-    } while (byte & 0x80);
-    return static_cast<T>(storago);
-template <typename T>
-T PbReader::decodeFixed()
-    pos += sizeof(T);
-    return *(T*)(&this->rawData[pos - sizeof(T)]);
-template int32_t PbReader::decodeFixed();
-template int64_t PbReader::decodeFixed();
-template uint32_t PbReader::decodeVarInt();
-template int64_t PbReader::decodeVarInt();
-template int32_t PbReader::decodeVarInt();
-template bool PbReader::decodeVarInt();
-void PbReader::resetMaxPosition()
-    maxPosition = rawData.size();
-void PbReader::decodeString(std::string &target)
-    nextFieldLength = decodeVarInt<uint32_t>();
-    target.resize(nextFieldLength);
-    // std::cout << "rawData.size() = " << rawData.size() << " pos = " << pos << " nextFieldLength =" << nextFieldLength;
-    // printf("\n%d, \n", currentTag);
-    // if (pos + nextFieldLength >= rawData.size())
-    // {
-    //     std::cout << " \nBAD --  pos + nextFieldLength >= rawData.size()  MSVC IS LITERLALLY SHAKING AND CRYING RN";
-    // }
-    // std::cout << std::endl;
-    std::copy(rawData.begin() + pos, rawData.begin() + pos + nextFieldLength, target.begin());
-    pos += nextFieldLength;
-void PbReader::decodeVector(std::vector<uint8_t> &target)
-    nextFieldLength = decodeVarInt<uint32_t>();
-    target.resize(nextFieldLength);
-    std::copy(rawData.begin() + pos, rawData.begin() + pos + nextFieldLength, target.begin());
-    pos += nextFieldLength;
-bool PbReader::next()
-    if (pos >= maxPosition)
-        return false;
-    currentWireValue = decodeVarInt<uint32_t>();
-    currentTag = currentWireValue >> 3U;
-    currentWireType = PbWireType(currentWireValue & 0x07U);
-    return true;
-int64_t PbReader::decodeZigzag(uint64_t value)
-    return static_cast<int64_t>((value >> 1U) ^ static_cast<uint64_t>(-static_cast<int64_t>(value & 1U)));
-template <typename T>
-T PbReader::decodeSVarInt()
-    skipVarIntDump = decodeVarInt<uint64_t>();
-    return static_cast<T>(decodeZigzag(skipVarIntDump));
-template int32_t PbReader::decodeSVarInt();
-template int64_t PbReader::decodeSVarInt();
-void PbReader::skip()
-    switch (currentWireType)
-    {
-    case PbWireType::varint:
-        skipVarIntDump = decodeVarInt<uint64_t>();
-        break;
-    case PbWireType::fixed64:
-        pos += 8;
-        break;
-    case PbWireType::length_delimited:
-        nextFieldLength = decodeVarInt<uint32_t>();
-        pos += nextFieldLength;
-        break;
-    case PbWireType::fixed32:
-        pos += 4;
-        break;
-    default:
-        break;
-    }

+ 0 - 142

@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
-#include "PbWriter.h"
-PbWriter::PbWriter(std::vector<uint8_t> &rawData) : rawData(rawData)
-void PbWriter::encodeVarInt(uint32_t low, uint32_t high, int32_t indexOffset)
-    size_t i = 0;
-    uint8_t byte = (uint8_t)(low & 0x7F);
-    low >>= 7;
-    while (i < 4 && (low != 0 || high != 0))
-    {
-        byte |= 0x80;
-        rawData.insert(rawData.end() + indexOffset, byte);
-        i++;
-        byte = (uint8_t)(low & 0x7F);
-        low >>= 7;
-    }
-    if (high)
-    {
-        byte = (uint8_t)(byte | ((high & 0x07) << 4));
-        high >>= 3;
-        while (high)
-        {
-            byte |= 0x80;
-            rawData.insert(rawData.end() + indexOffset, byte);
-            i++;
-            byte = (uint8_t)(high & 0x7F);
-            high >>= 7;
-        }
-    }
-    rawData.insert(rawData.end() + indexOffset, byte);
-template void PbWriter::encodeVarInt(uint8_t, int32_t);
-template void PbWriter::encodeVarInt(uint32_t, int32_t);
-template void PbWriter::encodeVarInt(uint64_t, int32_t);
-template void PbWriter::encodeVarInt(long long, int32_t);
-template <typename T>
-void PbWriter::encodeVarInt(T data, int32_t offset)
-    auto value = static_cast<uint64_t>(data);
-    if (value <= 0x7F)
-    {
-        rawData.insert(rawData.end() + offset, (uint8_t)value);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        encodeVarInt((uint32_t)value, (uint32_t)(value >> 32), offset);
-    }
-uint32_t PbWriter::encodeZigzag32(int32_t value) {
-    return (static_cast<uint32_t>(value) << 1U) ^ static_cast<uint32_t>(-static_cast<int32_t>(static_cast<uint32_t>(value) >> 31U));
-uint64_t PbWriter::encodeZigzag64(int64_t value) {
-    return (static_cast<uint64_t>(value) << 1U) ^ static_cast<uint64_t>(-static_cast<int64_t>(static_cast<uint64_t>(value) >> 63U));
-void PbWriter::addSVarInt32(uint32_t tag, int32_t data) {
-    auto val = encodeZigzag32(data);
-    addVarInt(tag, val);
-template <typename T>
-void PbWriter::encodeFixed(T data) {
-    auto val = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&data);
-    rawData.insert(rawData.end(), val, val + sizeof(T));
-template void PbWriter::encodeFixed(int64_t);
-template void PbWriter::encodeFixed(int32_t);
-void PbWriter::addSVarInt64(uint32_t tag, int64_t data) {
-    auto val = encodeZigzag64(data);
-    addVarInt(tag, val);
-void PbWriter::addString(uint32_t tag, std::string &target)
-    addField(tag, PbWireType::length_delimited);
-    uint32_t stringSize = target.size();
-    encodeVarInt(stringSize);
-    rawData.insert(rawData.end(), target.begin(), target.end());
-void PbWriter::addVector(uint32_t tag, std::vector<uint8_t> &target)
-    addField(tag, PbWireType::length_delimited);
-    uint32_t vectorSize = target.size();
-    encodeVarInt(vectorSize);
-    rawData.insert(rawData.end(), target.begin(), target.end());
-template <typename T>
-void PbWriter::addVarInt(uint32_t tag, T intType)
-    addField(tag, PbWireType::varint);
-    encodeVarInt(intType);
-void PbWriter::addBool(uint32_t tag, bool value)
-    addField(tag, PbWireType::varint);
-    rawData.push_back(char(value));
-template void PbWriter::addVarInt(uint32_t, uint8_t);
-template void PbWriter::addVarInt(uint32_t, uint32_t);
-template void PbWriter::addVarInt(uint32_t, uint64_t);
-template void PbWriter::addVarInt(uint32_t, int64_t);
-template void PbWriter::addVarInt(uint32_t, bool);
-void PbWriter::addField(uint32_t tag, PbWireType wiretype)
-    const uint32_t value = (tag << 3U) | uint32_t(wiretype);
-    encodeVarInt(value);
-uint32_t PbWriter::startMessage()
-    return rawData.size();
-void PbWriter::finishMessage(uint32_t tag, uint32_t lastMessagePosition)
-    uint32_t finalMessageSize = rawData.size() - lastMessagePosition;
-    uint32_t msgHeader = (tag << 3U) | uint32_t(PbWireType::length_delimited);
-    int32_t offset = -finalMessageSize;
-    encodeVarInt(msgHeader, offset);
-    encodeVarInt(finalMessageSize, offset);

+ 0 - 193

@@ -1,193 +0,0 @@
-#include "ProtoHelper.h"
-std::optional<AnyRef> findFieldWithProtobufTag(AnyRef ref, uint32_t tag)
-    auto info = ref.reflectType();
-    for (int i = 0; i < info->fields.size(); i++)
-    {
-        if (tag == info->fields[i].protobufTag)
-        {
-            return std::make_optional(ref.getField(i));
-        }
-    }
-    return std::nullopt;
-void decodeField(std::shared_ptr<PbReader> reader, AnyRef any)
-    auto fieldInfo = any.reflectType();
-    if (fieldInfo->kind == ReflectTypeKind::Optional)
-    {
-        auto optionalRef = AnyOptionalRef(any);
-        optionalRef.emplaceEmpty();
-        return decodeField(reader, optionalRef.get());
-    }
-    if (fieldInfo->kind == ReflectTypeKind::Class)
-    {
-        // Handle submessage
-        auto lastMaxPosition = reader->maxPosition;
-        auto messageSize = reader->decodeVarInt<uint32_t>();
-        reader->maxPosition = messageSize + reader->pos;
-        while (reader->next())
-        {
-            auto res = findFieldWithProtobufTag(any, reader->currentTag);
-            if (res.has_value())
-            {
-                decodeField(reader, res.value());
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                reader->skip();
-            }
-        }
-        reader->maxPosition = lastMaxPosition;
-        return;
-    } else if (any.is<std::vector<uint8_t>>())
-    {
-        reader->decodeVector(*any.as<std::vector<uint8_t>>());
-    }
-    // Handle repeated
-    else if (fieldInfo->kind == ReflectTypeKind::Vector)
-    {
-        auto aVec = AnyVectorRef(any);
-        aVec.emplace_back();
-        auto value = aVec.at(aVec.size() - 1);
-        auto valInfo = value.reflectType();
-        // Represents packed repeated encoding
-        if (valInfo->kind == ReflectTypeKind::Primitive && !value.is<std::string>() && !value.is<std::vector<uint8_t>>())
-        {
-            // *any.as<int64_t>() = reader->decodeVarInt<int64_t>();
-            reader->skip();
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            decodeField(reader, value);
-        }
-    }
-    else if (fieldInfo->kind == ReflectTypeKind::Enum)
-    {
-        *any.as<uint32_t>() = reader->decodeVarInt<uint32_t>();
-    }
-    else if (any.is<std::string>())
-    {
-        reader->decodeString(*any.as<std::string>());
-    }
-    else if (any.is<bool>())
-    {
-        *any.as<bool>() = reader->decodeVarInt<bool>();
-    }
-    else if (any.is<uint32_t>())
-    {
-        *any.as<uint32_t>() = reader->decodeVarInt<uint32_t>();
-    }
-    else if (any.is<int64_t>())
-    {
-        *any.as<int64_t>() = reader->decodeVarInt<int64_t>();
-    }
-    else if (any.is<int32_t>())
-    {
-        *any.as<int32_t>() = reader->decodeVarInt<int32_t>();
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        reader->skip();
-    }
-void decodeProtobuf(std::shared_ptr<PbReader> reader, AnyRef any)
-    while (reader->next())
-    {
-        auto res = findFieldWithProtobufTag(any, reader->currentTag);
-        if (res.has_value())
-        {
-            decodeField(reader, res.value());
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            reader->skip();
-        }
-    }
-void encodeProtobuf(std::shared_ptr<PbWriter> writer, AnyRef any, uint32_t protobufTag)
-    auto info = any.reflectType();
-    // Handle optionals, only encode if have value
-    if (info->kind == ReflectTypeKind::Optional)
-    {
-        auto optionalRef = AnyOptionalRef(any);
-        if (!optionalRef.has_value())
-        {
-            return;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            return encodeProtobuf(writer, optionalRef.get(), protobufTag);
-        }
-    }
-    if (info->kind == ReflectTypeKind::Class)
-    {
-        uint32_t startMsgPosition;
-        // 0 - default value, indicating top level message
-        if (protobufTag > 0)
-        {
-            startMsgPosition = writer->startMessage();
-        }
-        for (int i = 0; i < info->fields.size(); i++)
-        {
-            auto field = any.getField(i);
-            encodeProtobuf(writer, field, info->fields[i].protobufTag);
-        }
-        if (protobufTag > 0)
-        {
-            writer->finishMessage(protobufTag, startMsgPosition);
-        }
-    } else if (any.is<std::vector<uint8_t>>())
-    {
-        writer->addVector(protobufTag, *any.as<std::vector<uint8_t>>());
-    }
-    else if (info->kind == ReflectTypeKind::Vector) {
-        auto aVec = AnyVectorRef(any);
-        auto size = aVec.size();
-        for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++)
-        {
-            auto valueAt = aVec.at(i);
-            encodeProtobuf(writer, valueAt, protobufTag);
-        }
-    }
-    else if (info->kind == ReflectTypeKind::Enum) {
-        writer->addVarInt<uint32_t>(protobufTag, *any.as<uint32_t>());
-    }
-    else if (info->kind == ReflectTypeKind::Primitive)
-    {
-        if (any.is<std::string>())
-        {
-            writer->addString(protobufTag, *any.as<std::string>());
-        }
-        else if (any.is<uint32_t>())
-        {
-            writer->addVarInt<uint32_t>(protobufTag, *any.as<uint32_t>());
-        }
-        else if (any.is<uint64_t>())
-        {
-            writer->addVarInt<uint64_t>(protobufTag, *any.as<uint64_t>());
-        }
-        else if (any.is<int64_t>()) {
-            writer->addVarInt<int64_t>(protobufTag, *any.as<int64_t>());
-        } else if (any.is<bool>())
-        {
-            writer->addVarInt<bool>(protobufTag, *any.as<bool>());
-        }
-    }