
WIP - Rework UI, add new commands for SPI and device name

Sebastien 4 年之前

+ 165 - 44

@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
 #include "trace.h"
 #include "messaging.h"
 #include "display.h"
 #define I2C_MASTER_TX_BUF_DISABLE 0 /*!< I2C master doesn't need buffer */
 #define I2C_MASTER_RX_BUF_DISABLE 0 /*!< I2C master doesn't need buffer */
 #define WRITE_BIT I2C_MASTER_WRITE  /*!< I2C master write */
@@ -28,6 +29,8 @@
 #define ACK_CHECK_DIS 0x0           /*!< I2C master will not check ack from slave */
 #define ACK_VAL 0x0                 /*!< I2C ack value */
 #define NACK_VAL 0x1                /*!< I2C nack value */
+extern int spi_system_host;
+extern int spi_system_dc_gpio;
 static const char *TAG = "cmd_i2ctools";
 #define NOT_OUTPUT "has input capabilities only"
@@ -72,6 +75,14 @@ static struct {
     struct arg_end *end;
 } i2cconfig_args;
+static struct {
+    struct arg_int *data;
+    struct arg_int *clk;
+    struct arg_int *dc;
+    struct arg_int *host;
+	struct arg_lit *clear;
+    struct arg_end *end;
+} spiconfig_args;
 static struct {
     struct arg_int *port;
@@ -97,8 +108,39 @@ static struct {
 	struct arg_lit *clear;
 	struct arg_end *end;
 } i2cdisp_args;
+char * gpio_list = NULL;
+const char * get_gpio_list(){
+	if(!gpio_list){
+		gpio_list = malloc(GPIO_PIN_COUNT*3+1);
+		memset(gpio_list,0x00,GPIO_PIN_COUNT*3+1);
+		for(int i = 0;i<GPIO_PIN_COUNT;i++){
+				sprintf(gpio_list+strlen(gpio_list),"%u|",i);
+			}
+		}
+		gpio_list[strlen(gpio_list)-1]='\0';
+		ESP_LOGI(TAG,"Initialized gpio list: %s",gpio_list);
+	}
+	return gpio_list;
+int is_output_gpio(struct arg_int * gpio, FILE * f, int * gpio_out){
+	int res = 0;
+	const char * name = gpio->hdr.longopts?gpio->hdr.longopts:gpio->hdr.glossary;
+	*gpio_out=-1;
+	int t_gpio=gpio->ival[0];
+	if(gpio->count==0){
+		fprintf(f,"Missing: %s\n", name);
+		res++;
+	} else  if(!GPIO_IS_VALID_OUTPUT_GPIO(t_gpio)){
+		fprintf(f,"Invalid %s gpio: [%d] %s\n",name, t_gpio, GPIO_IS_VALID_GPIO(t_gpio)?NOT_OUTPUT:NOT_GPIO );
+		res++;
+	}
+	else{
+		*gpio_out = t_gpio;
+	}
+	return res;
 bool is_i2c_started(i2c_port_t port){
 	esp_err_t ret = ESP_OK;
 	ESP_LOGD(TAG,"Determining if i2c is started on port %u", port);
@@ -118,7 +160,6 @@ bool is_i2c_started(i2c_port_t port){
     return (ret!=ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE);
 typedef struct {
 	uint8_t address;
 	char * description;
@@ -442,14 +483,7 @@ static int do_i2c_set_display(int argc, char **argv)
 	/* Check "--back" option */
-	if (i2cdisp_args.back->count) {
-		back=i2cdisp_args.back->ival[0];
-			fprintf(f,"Invalid GPIO for back light: %d %s\n", back, GPIO_IS_VALID_GPIO(back)?NOT_OUTPUT:NOT_GPIO );
-			back=-1;
-			nerrors ++;
-		}
-	}
+	nerrors +=is_output_gpio(i2cdisp_args.back,f,&back);
 	if(!name) name = strdup("I2C");
@@ -502,6 +536,69 @@ static int do_i2c_set_display(int argc, char **argv)
 	return nerrors==0;
+static int do_spiconfig_cmd(int argc, char **argv){
+	static spi_bus_config_t spi_config = {
+			.mosi_io_num = -1,
+	        .sclk_io_num = -1,
+	        .miso_io_num = -1,
+	        .quadwp_io_num = -1,
+	        .quadhd_io_num = -1
+	    };
+	int data, clk, dc, host = 0;
+	esp_err_t err=ESP_OK;
+	int nerrors = arg_parse_msg(argc, argv,(struct arg_hdr **)&spiconfig_args);
+	if (nerrors != 0) {
+		return 0;
+	}
+	/* Check "--clear" option */
+	if (spiconfig_args.clear->count) {
+		log_send_messaging(MESSAGING_WARNING,"spi config cleared");
+		config_set_value(NVS_TYPE_STR, "spi_config", "");
+		return 0;
+	}
+	char *buf = NULL;
+	size_t buf_size = 0;
+	FILE *f = open_memstream(&buf, &buf_size);
+	if (f == NULL) {
+		log_send_messaging(MESSAGING_ERROR,"Unable to open memory stream.");
+		return 0;
+	}
+	/* Check "--clk" option */
+	nerrors+=is_output_gpio(spiconfig_args.clk, f, &clk);
+	nerrors+=is_output_gpio(spiconfig_args.data, f, &data);
+	nerrors+=is_output_gpio(spiconfig_args.dc, f, &dc);
+	nerrors+=is_output_gpio(spiconfig_args.host, f, &host);
+	if(!nerrors){
+		spi_config.mosi_io_num=data;
+		spi_config.sclk_io_num=clk;
+		fprintf(f,"Configuring SPI data:%d clk:%d host:%u dc:%d", spi_config.mosi_io_num, spi_config.sclk_io_num, host, dc);
+		if((err=spi_bus_initialize( host, &spi_config, 1 ))!=ESP_OK){
+			fprintf(f,"SPI bus initialization failed. %s\n", esp_err_to_name(err));
+			nerrors++;
+		}
+	}
+	if(!nerrors){
+		fprintf(f,"Storing SPI parameters.\n");
+		config_spi_set(&spi_config, host, dc);
+	}
+	fflush (f);
+	log_send_messaging(nerrors>0?MESSAGING_ERROR:MESSAGING_INFO,"%s", buf);
+	fclose(f);
+	return nerrors==0;
 static int do_i2cconfig_cmd(int argc, char **argv)
 	esp_err_t err=ESP_OK;
@@ -542,30 +639,9 @@ static int do_i2cconfig_cmd(int argc, char **argv)
 		if (i2cconfig_args.freq->count) {
 			i2c_frequency = i2cconfig_args.freq->ival[0];
-		if (i2cconfig_args.sda->count){
-			/* Check "--sda" option */
-			i2c_gpio_sda = i2cconfig_args.sda->ival[0];
-			if(!GPIO_IS_VALID_OUTPUT_GPIO(i2c_gpio_sda )){
-				fprintf(f,"Invalid SDA gpio: %d %s\n", i2c_gpio_sda , GPIO_IS_VALID_GPIO(i2c_gpio_sda )?NOT_OUTPUT:NOT_GPIO );
-				nerrors ++;
-			}
-		}
-		else {
-			fprintf(f,"Missing SDA GPIO\n");
-			nerrors ++;
-		}
-		if (i2cconfig_args.scl->count){
-			/* Check "--scl" option */
-			i2c_gpio_scl = i2cconfig_args.scl->ival[0];
-			if(!GPIO_IS_VALID_OUTPUT_GPIO(i2c_gpio_scl )){
-				fprintf(f,"Invalid SCL gpio: %d %s\n", i2c_gpio_scl , GPIO_IS_VALID_GPIO(i2c_gpio_scl )?NOT_OUTPUT:NOT_GPIO );
-				nerrors ++;
-			}
-		}
-		else {
-			fprintf(f,"Missing SCL GPIO\n");
-			nerrors ++;
-		}
+		nerrors +=is_output_gpio(i2cconfig_args.sda,f,&i2c_gpio_sda);
+		nerrors +=is_output_gpio(i2cconfig_args.scl,f,&i2c_gpio_scl);
@@ -957,12 +1033,12 @@ static void register_i2c_set_display(){
 	i2cdisp_args.hflip = arg_lit0(NULL, "hf", "Flip picture horizontally");
 	i2cdisp_args.vflip = arg_lit0(NULL, "vf", "Flip picture vertically");
 	i2cdisp_args.rotate = arg_lit0("r", "rotate", "Rotate the picture 180 deg");
-	i2cdisp_args.back = arg_int0("b", "back", "<n>","Backlight GPIO (if applicable)");
+	i2cdisp_args.back = arg_int0("b", "back", get_gpio_list(),"Backlight GPIO (if applicable)");
 	i2cdisp_args.speed = arg_int0("s", "speed", "<n>","Default speed is 8000000 (8MHz) for SPI and 250000 for I2C. The SPI interface can work up to 26MHz~40MHz");
 	i2cdisp_args.end = arg_end(8);
 	const esp_console_cmd_t i2c_set_display= {
 	 		.command = "setdisplay",
-			.help="Sets the display options for the board",
+			.help="Sets the display options",
 			.hint = NULL,
 			.func = &do_i2c_set_display,
 			.argtable = &i2cdisp_args
@@ -1083,19 +1159,63 @@ cJSON * i2config_cb(){
 	cJSON * values = cJSON_CreateObject();
 	int i2c_port;
 	const i2c_config_t * i2c= config_i2c_get(&i2c_port);
-	cJSON_AddNumberToObject(values,"scl",i2c->scl_io_num);
-	cJSON_AddNumberToObject(values,"sda",i2c->sda_io_num);
-	cJSON_AddNumberToObject(values,"freq",i2c->master.clk_speed);
-	cJSON_AddNumberToObject(values,"port",i2c_port);
+	if(i2c->scl_io_num>0) {
+		cJSON_AddNumberToObject(values,"scl",i2c->scl_io_num);
+	}
+	if(i2c->sda_io_num>0) {
+		cJSON_AddNumberToObject(values,"sda",i2c->sda_io_num);
+	}
+	if(i2c->master.clk_speed>0) {
+		cJSON_AddNumberToObject(values,"freq",i2c->master.clk_speed);
+	}
+	if(i2c_port>0) {
+		cJSON_AddNumberToObject(values,"port",i2c_port);
+	}
+	return values;
+cJSON * spiconfig_cb(){
+	cJSON * values = cJSON_CreateObject();
+	const spi_bus_config_t * spi_config= config_spi_get(NULL);
+	if(spi_config->mosi_io_num>0){
+		cJSON_AddNumberToObject(values,"data",spi_config->mosi_io_num);
+	}
+	if(spi_config->sclk_io_num>0){
+		cJSON_AddNumberToObject(values,"clk",spi_config->sclk_io_num);
+	}
+	if(spi_system_dc_gpio>0){
+		cJSON_AddNumberToObject(values,"dc",spi_system_dc_gpio);
+	}
+	if(spi_system_host>0){
+		cJSON_AddNumberToObject(values,"host",spi_system_host);
+	}
 	return values;
+static void register_spiconfig(void)
+	spiconfig_args.clear = arg_lit0(NULL, "clear", "clear configuration");
+	spiconfig_args.clk = arg_int0("k", "clock", get_gpio_list(), "Set the gpio for SPI clock");
+	spiconfig_args.data = arg_int0("d","data", get_gpio_list(),"Set the gpio for SPI data");
+	spiconfig_args.dc = arg_int0("c","dc", get_gpio_list(), "Set the gpio for SPI dc");
+	spiconfig_args.host= arg_int0("h", "host", "int", "Set the SPI host number to use");
+	spiconfig_args.end = arg_end(4);
+    const esp_console_cmd_t spiconfig_cmd = {
+        .command = "spiconfig",
+        .help = "Config SPI bus",
+        .hint = NULL,
+        .func = &do_spiconfig_cmd,
+        .argtable = &spiconfig_args
+    };
+    cmd_to_json_with_cb(&spiconfig_cmd,&spiconfig_cb);
+    ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_console_cmd_register(&spiconfig_cmd));
 static void register_i2cconfig(void)
-	i2cconfig_args.clear = arg_lit0(NULL, "clear", "clear configuration and return");
+	i2cconfig_args.clear = arg_lit0(NULL, "clear", "clear configuration");
     i2cconfig_args.port = arg_int0("p", "port", "0|1", "Set the I2C bus port number");
     i2cconfig_args.freq = arg_int0("f", "freq", "int", "Set the frequency(Hz) of I2C bus. e.g. 100000");
-    i2cconfig_args.sda = arg_int0("d", "sda", "int", "Set the gpio for I2C SDA. e.g. 19");
-    i2cconfig_args.scl = arg_int0("c", "scl", "int", "Set the gpio for I2C SCL. e.g. 18");
+    i2cconfig_args.sda = arg_int0("d", "sda", get_gpio_list(), "Set the gpio for I2C SDA. e.g. 19");
+    i2cconfig_args.scl = arg_int0("c", "scl", get_gpio_list(), "Set the gpio for I2C SCL. e.g. 18");
     i2cconfig_args.load = arg_lit0("l", "load", "load existing configuration and return");
     i2cconfig_args.end = arg_end(4);
     const esp_console_cmd_t i2cconfig_cmd = {
@@ -1112,6 +1232,7 @@ static void register_i2cconfig(void)
 void register_i2ctools(void)
+    register_spiconfig();

+ 78 - 1

@@ -31,17 +31,22 @@
 #include "driver/uart.h"            // for the uart driver access
 #include "messaging.h"				  
 #include "platform_console.h"
+#include "trace.h"
 #define WITH_TASKS_INFO 1
+static struct {
+	struct arg_str *name;
+	struct arg_end *end;
+} name_args;
 static const char * TAG = "cmd_system";
 static void register_setbtsource();
 static void register_free();
+static void register_setdevicename();
 static void register_heap();
 static void register_version();
 static void register_restart();
@@ -59,6 +64,7 @@ void register_system()
+    register_setdevicename();
@@ -372,6 +378,61 @@ static int heap_size(int argc, char **argv)
     log_send_messaging(MESSAGING_INFO, "min heap size: %u", heap_size);
     return 0;
+cJSON * setdevicename_cb(){
+	char * default_host_name = config_alloc_get_str("host_name",NULL,"Squeezelite");
+	cJSON * values = cJSON_CreateObject();
+	cJSON_AddStringToObject(values,"name",default_host_name);
+	free(default_host_name);
+	return values;
+static int setnamevar(char * nvsname, FILE *f, char * value){
+	esp_err_t err=ESP_OK;
+	if((err=config_set_value(NVS_TYPE_STR, nvsname, value))!=ESP_OK){
+		fprintf(f,"Unable to set %s=%s. %s\n",nvsname,value,esp_err_to_name(err));
+	}
+	return err==ESP_OK?0:1;
+static int setdevicename(int argc, char **argv)
+	char * name = NULL;
+    int nerrors = arg_parse_msg(argc, argv,(struct arg_hdr **)&name_args);
+    if (nerrors != 0) {
+        return 0;
+    }
+	/* Check "--name" option */
+	if (name_args.name->count) {
+		name=strdup(name_args.name->sval[0]);
+	}
+	else {
+		log_send_messaging(MESSAGING_ERROR,"Name must be specified.");
+		return 0;
+	}
+	char *buf = NULL;
+	size_t buf_size = 0;
+	FILE *f = open_memstream(&buf, &buf_size);
+	if (f == NULL) {
+		log_send_messaging(MESSAGING_ERROR,"Unable to open memory stream.");
+		return 0;
+	}
+	nerrors+=setnamevar("a2dp_dev_name", f, name);
+	nerrors+=setnamevar("airplay_name", f, name);
+	nerrors+=setnamevar("ap_ssid", f, name);
+	nerrors+=setnamevar("bt_name", f, name);
+	nerrors+=setnamevar("host_name", f, name);
+	if(nerrors==0){
+		fprintf(f,"Device name changed to %s\n",name);
+	}
+	FREE_AND_NULL(name);
+	fflush (f);
+	log_send_messaging(nerrors>0?MESSAGING_ERROR:MESSAGING_INFO,"%s", buf);
+	fclose(f);
+	return nerrors==0;
 static void register_heap()
@@ -386,6 +447,22 @@ static void register_heap()
+static void register_setdevicename()
+	char * default_host_name = config_alloc_get_str("host_name",NULL,"Squeezelite");
+	name_args.name = arg_str0("n", "name", default_host_name, "Device name");
+	name_args.end = arg_end(8);
+	const esp_console_cmd_t set_name= {
+	 		.command = "setname",
+			.help="Sets the name of the device (host, bluetooth, etc)",
+			.hint = NULL,
+			.func = &setdevicename,
+			.argtable = &name_args
+	};
+	cmd_to_json_with_cb(&set_name,&setdevicename_cb);
+	ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_console_cmd_register(&set_name));
 /** 'tasks' command prints the list of tasks and related information */

+ 14 - 0

@@ -36,6 +36,20 @@ esp_err_t config_i2c_set(const i2c_config_t * config, int port){
 	return ESP_OK;
+ *
+ */
+esp_err_t config_spi_set(const spi_bus_config_t * config, int host, int dc){
+	int buffer_size=255;
+	char * config_buffer=calloc(buffer_size,1);
+	if(config_buffer)  {
+		snprintf(config_buffer,buffer_size,"data=%u,clk=%u,dc=%u,host=%u",config->mosi_io_num,config->sclk_io_num,dc,host);
+		ESP_LOGI(TAG,"Updating SPI configuration to %s",config_buffer);
+		config_set_value(NVS_TYPE_STR, "spi_config", config_buffer);
+		free(config_buffer);
+	}
+	return ESP_OK;

+ 1 - 0

@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ typedef struct {
 } display_config_t;
 const display_config_t * config_display_get();
 esp_err_t 					config_i2c_set(const i2c_config_t * config, int port);
+esp_err_t 					config_spi_set(const spi_bus_config_t * config, int host, int dc);
 const i2c_config_t * 		config_i2c_get(int * i2c_port);
 const spi_bus_config_t * 	config_spi_get(spi_host_device_t * spi_host);
 void 						parse_set_GPIO(void (*cb)(int gpio, char *value));

+ 38 - 46

@@ -1033,12 +1033,10 @@ function checkStatus(){
 function runCommand(button,reboot) {
-	pardiv = button.parentNode.parentNode;
 	cmdstring = button.attributes.cmdname.value;
 	cmdstring+=' ';
-		hint = pardiv.hint;
 		for (i = 0; i < allfields.length; i++) {
@@ -1122,79 +1120,69 @@ function runCommand(button,reboot) {
 function getCommands() {
     $.getJSON("/commands.json", function(data) {
-		var advancedtabhtml='';
 		data.commands.forEach(function(command) {
 			if($("#flds-"+command.name).length == 0){
-				innerhtml+='<tr><td>'+(isConfig?'<h1>':'');
-				innerhtml+=escapeHTML(command.help).replace(/\n/g, '<br />')+(isConfig?'</h1>':'<br>');
-				innerhtml+='<div >';
+				//innerhtml+='<tr class="table-light"><td>'+(isConfig?'<h1>':'');
+				innerhtml+='<fieldset id="flds-'+command.name+'"><legend>' + escapeHTML(command.help).replace(/\n/g, '<br />')+'</legend>';
-				innerhtml+='<table class="table table-hover" id="flds-'+command.name+'"><tbody>';
 					command.argtable.forEach(function (arg){
 						placeholder=arg?.datatype || '';
 						curvalue=data.values?.[command.name]?.[arg.longopts] || '';
-						innerhtml+="<tr>";
-						var attributes ='datatype="'+arg.datatype+'" ';
-						attributes+='hasvalue='+arg.hasvalue+' ';
+						var attributes='hasvalue='+arg.hasvalue+' ';
+						//attributes +='datatype="'+arg.datatype+'" ';
 						attributes+='longopts="'+arg.longopts+'" ';
 						attributes+='shortopts="'+arg.shortopts+'" ';
 						attributes+='checkbox='+arg.checkbox+' ';
 						attributes+='cmdname="'+command.name+'" ';
-						attributes+= 'id="'+ctrlname+'" name="'+ctrlname+'" placeholder="'+placeholder+'" hasvalue="'+arg.hasvalue+'"   ';
-						if(placeholder.includes('|')){
-							placeholder = placeholder.replace('<','').replace('>','');
-							innerhtml+='<td><select ';
-							innerhtml+=attributes;
-							innerhtml+=' class="custom-select">';
-							innerhtml+='<option '+(curvalue.length>0?'value':'selected')+'>'+arg.glossary+'</option>'
-							placeholder.split('|').forEach(function(choice){
-								innerhtml+='<option '+(curvalue.length>0&&curvalue==choice?'selected':'value')+'="'+choice+'">'+choice+'</option>';
-							});
-							innerhtml+='</select></td>';
+						attributes+= 'id="'+ctrlname+'" name="'+ctrlname+'" hasvalue="'+arg.hasvalue+'"   ';
+						if(arg.checkbox){
+							innerhtml+='<div class="form-check"><label class="form-check-label">';
+							innerhtml+='<input type="checkbox" '+attributes+' class="form-check-input" value="" >'+arg.glossary+'</label>';
 						else {
-							ctrltype="text";
-							if(arg.checkbox){
-								ctrltype="checkbox";
-							}
-							innerhtml+='<td><label for="'+ctrlname+'">'+ arg.glossary+'</label></td>';
-							innerhtml+='<td><input type="'+ctrltype+'"';
-							innerhtml+=attributes;
-							if(arg.checkbox){
-								if(data.values?.[command.name]?.[arg.longopts] ){
-									innerhtml+='checked ';							
-								}
-								innerhtml+='></input></td>';
+							innerhtml+='<div class="form-group" ><label for="'+ctrlname+'">'+ arg.glossary+'</label>';
+							if(placeholder.includes('|')){
+								placeholder = placeholder.replace('<','').replace('>','');
+								innerhtml+='<select '+attributes + ' class="form-control"';
+								placeholder='--|'+placeholder;
+								placeholder.split('|').forEach(function(choice){
+									innerhtml+='<option >'+choice+'</option>';
+								});
+								innerhtml+='</select>';
 							else {
-								innerhtml+='value="'+curvalue+'" ';
-								innerhtml+='></input></td>'+ curvalue.length>0?'<td>last: '+curvalue+'</td>':'';
+								innerhtml+='<input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="'+placeholder+'" '+attributes+'>';
+							innerhtml+='<small class="form-text text-muted">Previous value: '+curvalue+'</small>';
-						innerhtml+="</tr>";
+						innerhtml+='</div>';
-				innerhtml+='</tbody></table>';
+				}
+				if(isConfig){
+					innerhtml+='<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" id="btn-'+ command.name +'" cmdname="'+command.name+'" onclick="runCommand(this,false)">Save</button>';
+					innerhtml+='<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" id="btn-'+ command.name +'" cmdname="'+command.name+'" onclick="runCommand(this,true)">Apply</button>';
+				else {
+					innerhtml+='<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" id="btn-'+ command.name +'" cmdname="'+command.name+'" onclick="runCommand(this,false)">Execute</button>';
+				}
+				innerhtml+='</fieldset>';
-					innerhtml+='<div class="buttons"><input id="btn-'+ command.name + '" type="button" class="btn btn-success" cmdname="'+command.name+'" value="Save" onclick="runCommand(this,false);">';
-					innerhtml+='<input id="btn-'+ command.name + '-apply" type="button" class="btn btn-success" cmdname="'+command.name+'" value="Apply" onclick="runCommand(this,true);"></div></div><td></tr>';
 				else {
-					advancedtabhtml+='<br>'+innerhtml;
-					advancedtabhtml+='<div class="buttons"><input id="btn-'+ command.name + '" type="button" class="btn btn-danger btn-sm" cmdname="'+command.name+'" value="'+command.name+'" onclick="runCommand(this, false);"></div></div><td></tr>';
+					$("#commands-list").append(innerhtml);
-		$("#commands-list").append(advancedtabhtml);
 		data.commands.forEach(function(command) {
@@ -1205,6 +1193,10 @@ function getCommands() {
 					else {
 						$(ctrlselector)[0].value=data.values?.[command.name]?.[arg.longopts] || '';
+						if($(ctrlselector)[0].value.length==0 && (arg?.datatype || '').includes('|')){
+							$(ctrlselector)[0].value='--';
+						}

+ 6 - 7

@@ -198,9 +198,11 @@
                 </div> <!-- wifi -->
      			<div class="tab-pane fade" id="tab-setdisplay">
-     				<table class="table table-hover" id="setdisplay-table"><tbody id="setdisplay-list"></tbody></table>
-                    <table class="table table-hover" id="i2cconfig-table"><tbody id="i2cconfig-list"></tbody></table>
-					<table class="table table-hover" id="spiset-table"><tbody id="spiset-list"></tbody></table>
+     			<div id="setname-list"></div>
+     			<div id="setdisplay-list"></div>
+     			<div id="i2cconfig-list"></div>
+     			<div id="spiconfig-list"></div>
                 </div> <!-- display -->
                 <div class="tab-pane fade" id="tab-audio">
@@ -306,10 +308,7 @@
                 </div> <!-- firmware -->
                 <div class="tab-pane fade" id="tab-commands">
-                    <table class="table table-hover" id="commands-list-table">
-					<tbody id="commands-list">
-                    </tbody>
-                    </table>
+                    <form ><fieldset id="commands-list"></fieldset></form>
                 </div> <!-- system -->
                 <div class="tab-pane fade" id="tab-syslog">
                     <table class="table table-hover">