@@ -36,18 +36,15 @@ function to process requests, decode URLs, serve files, etc. etc.
#include <inttypes.h>
#include "squeezelite-ota.h"
#include "nvs_utilities.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "cJSON.h"
#define NVS_PARTITION_NAME "nvs"
static const char TAG[] = "http_server";
-static const char json_start[] = "{\n";
-static const char json_end[] = "\n}";
-static const char template[] = " \"%s\": \"%s\" ";
-static const char template_u[] = " \"%s\": %u ";
-static const char template_i[] = " \"%s\": %i ";
-static const char array_separator[]=",\n";
-static char *s = "\"";
-static char *r = "\\\"";
+cJSON * nvs_json=NULL;
static TaskHandle_t task_http_server = NULL;
@@ -210,20 +207,42 @@ void http_server_send_resource_file(struct netconn *conn,const uint8_t * start,
+#define NUM_BUFFER_LEN 101
err_t http_server_nvs_dump(struct netconn *conn, nvs_type_t nvs_type, bool * bFirst){
nvs_entry_info_t info;
- int locbuflen=1024+strlen(template)+1;
- char * config_buffer = malloc(locbuflen);
- memset(config_buffer, 0x00,locbuflen);
- if(!config_buffer)
- {
- ESP_LOGE(TAG,"Unable to allocate buffer for config.json!");
- netconn_write(conn, http_503_hdr, sizeof(http_503_hdr) - 1, NETCONN_NOCOPY);
- return ESP_FAIL;
+ char * num_buffer = NULL;
+ if(nvs_json!=NULL){
+ cJSON_Delete(nvs_json);
+ nvs_json=NULL;
+ nvs_json = cJSON_CreateObject();
+ num_buffer = malloc(NUM_BUFFER_LEN);
nvs_iterator_t it = nvs_entry_find(NVS_PARTITION_NAME, NULL, nvs_type);
if (it == NULL) {
@@ -231,40 +250,38 @@ err_t http_server_nvs_dump(struct netconn *conn, nvs_type_t nvs_type, bool * bFi
while (it != NULL){
nvs_entry_info(it, &info);
+ memset(num_buffer,0x00,NUM_BUFFER_LEN);
if(strstr(info.namespace_name, current_namespace)){
- if(!*bFirst){
- netconn_write(conn, array_separator, strlen(array_separator), NETCONN_NOCOPY);
- }
- *bFirst=false;
void * value = get_nvs_value_alloc(nvs_type,info.key);
ESP_LOGE(TAG,"nvs read failed.");
- free(config_buffer);
+ netconn_write(conn, http_503_hdr, sizeof(http_503_hdr) - 1, NETCONN_NOCOPY);
+ free(num_buffer);
+ cJSON_Delete(nvs_json);
return ESP_FAIL;
switch (nvs_type) {
case NVS_TYPE_I8:
- snprintf(config_buffer, locbuflen-1, template_i, info.key, *(int8_t*)value);
+ snprintf(num_buffer, NUM_BUFFER_LEN-1, "%i", *(int8_t*)value);
case NVS_TYPE_I16:
- snprintf(config_buffer, locbuflen-1, template_i, info.key, *(int16_t*)value);
+ snprintf(num_buffer, NUM_BUFFER_LEN-1, "%i", *(int16_t*)value);
case NVS_TYPE_I32:
- snprintf(config_buffer, locbuflen-1, template_i, info.key, *(int32_t*)value);
+ snprintf(num_buffer, NUM_BUFFER_LEN-1, "%i", *(int32_t*)value);
case NVS_TYPE_U8:
- snprintf(config_buffer, locbuflen-1, template_u, info.key, *(uint8_t*)value);
+ snprintf(num_buffer, NUM_BUFFER_LEN-1, "%u", *(uint8_t*)value);
case NVS_TYPE_U16:
- snprintf(config_buffer, locbuflen-1, template_u, info.key, *(uint16_t*)value);
+ snprintf(num_buffer, NUM_BUFFER_LEN-1, "%u", *(uint16_t*)value);
case NVS_TYPE_U32:
- snprintf(config_buffer, locbuflen-1, template_u, info.key, *(uint32_t*)value);
+ snprintf(num_buffer, NUM_BUFFER_LEN-1, "%u", *(uint32_t*)value);
- strreplace((char *)value, s, r);
- snprintf(config_buffer, locbuflen-1, template, info.key, (char *)value);
case NVS_TYPE_I64:
case NVS_TYPE_U64:
@@ -272,14 +289,17 @@ err_t http_server_nvs_dump(struct netconn *conn, nvs_type_t nvs_type, bool * bFi
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "nvs type %u not supported", nvs_type);
- ESP_LOGD(TAG,"Namespace %s, json chunk: %s", info.namespace_name, config_buffer);
- netconn_write(conn, config_buffer, strlen(config_buffer), NETCONN_NOCOPY);
+ cJSON_AddItemToObject(nvs_json, info.key, cJSON_CreateString((nvs_type==NVS_TYPE_STR)?(char *)value:num_buffer));
free(value );
it = nvs_entry_next(it);
- free(config_buffer);
+ ESP_LOGD(TAG,"config json : %s\n", cJSON_Print(nvs_json));
+ netconn_write(conn, http_ok_json_no_cache_hdr, sizeof(http_ok_json_no_cache_hdr) - 1, NETCONN_NOCOPY);
+ netconn_write(conn, cJSON_Print(nvs_json), strlen(cJSON_Print(nvs_json)), NETCONN_NOCOPY);
+ cJSON_Delete(nvs_json);
+ free(num_buffer);
return ESP_OK;
@@ -373,12 +393,9 @@ void http_server_netconn_serve(struct netconn *conn) {
else if(strstr(line, "GET /config.json ")){
ESP_LOGI(TAG,"Serving config.json");
- netconn_write(conn, http_ok_json_no_cache_hdr, sizeof(http_ok_json_no_cache_hdr) - 1, NETCONN_NOCOPY);
- netconn_write(conn, json_start, strlen(json_start), NETCONN_NOCOPY);
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "About to get config from flash");
bool bFirst=true;
http_server_nvs_dump(conn,NVS_TYPE_STR , &bFirst);
- netconn_write(conn, json_end, strlen(json_end), NETCONN_NOCOPY);
ESP_LOGD(TAG,"Done serving config.json");
else if(strstr(line, "POST /config.json ")){