@@ -510,14 +510,14 @@ static void buffer_push_packet(rtp_t *ctx) {
// not ready to play yet
if (!ctx->playing || ctx->synchro.status != (RTP_SYNC | NTP_SYNC)) return;
- // maybe re-evaluate time in loop in case data callback blocks ...
- now = gettime_ms();
// there is always at least one frame in the buffer
do {
+ // re-evaluate time in loop in case data callback blocks ...
+ now = gettime_ms();
+ // try to manage playtime so that we overflow as late as possible if we miss NTP (2^31 / 10 / 44100)
curframe = ctx->audio_buffer + BUFIDX(ctx->ab_read);
- playtime = ctx->synchro.time + (((s32_t)(curframe->rtptime - ctx->synchro.rtp)) * 1000) / RAOP_SAMPLE_RATE;
+ playtime = ctx->synchro.time + (((s32_t)(curframe->rtptime - ctx->synchro.rtp)) * 10) / (RAOP_SAMPLE_RATE / 100);
if (now > playtime) {
LOG_DEBUG("[%p]: discarded frame now:%u missed by:%d (W:%hu R:%hu)", ctx, now, now - playtime, ctx->ab_write, ctx->ab_read);
@@ -653,9 +653,14 @@ static void *rtp_thread_func(void *arg) {
u16_t flags = ntohs(*(u16_t*)(pktp+2));
u32_t remote_gap = NTP2MS(remote - ctx->timing.remote);
- // something is wrong and if we are supposed to be NTP synced, better ask for re-sync
+ // try to get NTP every 3 sec or every time if we are not synced
+ if (!count-- || !(ctx->synchro.status && NTP_SYNC)) {
+ rtp_request_timing(ctx);
+ count = 3;
+ }
+ // something is wrong, we should not have such gap
if (remote_gap > 10000) {
- if (ctx->synchro.status & NTP_SYNC) rtp_request_timing(ctx);
LOG_WARN("discarding remote timing information %u", remote_gap);
@@ -683,11 +688,6 @@ static void *rtp_thread_func(void *arg) {
LOG_DEBUG("[%p]: sync packet latency:%d rtp_latency:%u rtp:%u remote ntp:%llx, local time:%u local rtp:%u (now:%u)",
ctx, ctx->latency, rtp_now_latency, rtp_now, remote, ctx->synchro.time, ctx->synchro.rtp, gettime_ms());
- if (!count--) {
- rtp_request_timing(ctx);
- count = 3;
- }
if ((ctx->synchro.status & RTP_SYNC) && (ctx->synchro.status & NTP_SYNC)) ctx->cmd_cb(RAOP_TIMING);
@@ -699,7 +699,7 @@ static void *rtp_thread_func(void *arg) {
u32_t reference = ntohl(*(u32_t*)(pktp+12)); // only low 32 bits in our case
u64_t remote =(((u64_t) ntohl(*(u32_t*)(pktp+16))) << 32) + ntohl(*(u32_t*)(pktp+20));
u32_t roundtrip = gettime_ms() - reference;
// better discard sync packets when roundtrip is suspicious and ask for another one
if (roundtrip > 100) {
@@ -785,7 +785,7 @@ static bool rtp_request_resend(rtp_t *ctx, seq_t first, seq_t last) {
// do not request silly ranges (happens in case of network large blackouts)
if (seq_order(last, first) || last - first > BUFFER_FRAMES / 2) return false;
- ctx->resent_req += last - first + 1;
+ ctx->resent_req += (seq_t) (last - first) + 1;
LOG_DEBUG("resend request [W:%hu R:%hu first=%hu last=%hu]", ctx->ab_write, ctx->ab_read, first, last);