@@ -0,0 +1,1015 @@
+** Two Level Segregated Fit memory allocator, version 3.1.
+** Written by Matthew Conte
+** http://tlsf.baisoku.org
+** Based on the original documentation by Miguel Masmano:
+** http://www.gii.upv.es/tlsf/main/docs
+** This implementation was written to the specification
+** of the document, therefore no GPL restrictions apply.
+** Copyright (c) 2006-2016, Matthew Conte
+** All rights reserved.
+** Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+** modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+** * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+** * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+** documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+** * Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the
+** names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
+** derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
+#include "multi_heap_config.h"
+#include "multi_heap.h"
+#include "multi_heap_internal.h"
+#include "heap_tlsf_config.h"
+#include "heap_tlsf.h"
+#include "esp_log.h"
+** Architecture-specific bit manipulation routines.
+** TLSF achieves O(1) cost for malloc and free operations by limiting
+** the search for a free block to a free list of guaranteed size
+** adequate to fulfill the request, combined with efficient free list
+** queries using bitmasks and architecture-specific bit-manipulation
+** routines.
+** Most modern processors provide instructions to count leading zeroes
+** in a word, find the lowest and highest set bit, etc. These
+** specific implementations will be used when available, falling back
+** to a reasonably efficient generic implementation.
+** NOTE: TLSF spec relies on ffs/fls returning value 0..31.
+** ffs/fls return 1-32 by default, returning 0 for error.
+/* The TLSF control structure. */
+typedef struct control_t
+ /* Empty lists point at this block to indicate they are free. */
+ block_header_t block_null;
+ /* Local parameter for the pool */
+ unsigned int fl_index_count;
+ unsigned int fl_index_shift;
+ unsigned int fl_index_max;
+ unsigned int sl_index_count;
+ unsigned int sl_index_count_log2;
+ unsigned int small_block_size;
+ size_t size;
+ /* Bitmaps for free lists. */
+ unsigned int fl_bitmap;
+ unsigned int *sl_bitmap;
+ /* Head of free lists. */
+ block_header_t** blocks;
+} control_t;
+static inline __attribute__((__always_inline__)) int tlsf_ffs(unsigned int word)
+ const unsigned int reverse = word & (~word + 1);
+ const int bit = 32 - __builtin_clz(reverse);
+ return bit - 1;
+static inline __attribute__((__always_inline__)) int tlsf_fls(unsigned int word)
+ const int bit = word ? 32 - __builtin_clz(word) : 0;
+ return bit - 1;
+** Set assert macro, if it has not been provided by the user.
+#if !defined (tlsf_assert)
+#define tlsf_assert assert
+** Static assertion mechanism.
+#define _tlsf_glue2(x, y) x ## y
+#define _tlsf_glue(x, y) _tlsf_glue2(x, y)
+#define tlsf_static_assert(exp) \
+ typedef char _tlsf_glue(static_assert, __LINE__) [(exp) ? 1 : -1]
+/* This code has been tested on 32- and 64-bit (LP/LLP) architectures. */
+tlsf_static_assert(sizeof(int) * CHAR_BIT == 32);
+tlsf_static_assert(sizeof(size_t) * CHAR_BIT >= 32);
+tlsf_static_assert(sizeof(size_t) * CHAR_BIT <= 64);
+static inline __attribute__((__always_inline__)) size_t align_up(size_t x, size_t align)
+ tlsf_assert(0 == (align & (align - 1)) && "must align to a power of two");
+ return (x + (align - 1)) & ~(align - 1);
+static inline __attribute__((__always_inline__)) size_t align_down(size_t x, size_t align)
+ tlsf_assert(0 == (align & (align - 1)) && "must align to a power of two");
+ return x - (x & (align - 1));
+static inline __attribute__((__always_inline__)) void* align_ptr(const void* ptr, size_t align)
+ const tlsfptr_t aligned =
+ (tlsf_cast(tlsfptr_t, ptr) + (align - 1)) & ~(align - 1);
+ tlsf_assert(0 == (align & (align - 1)) && "must align to a power of two");
+ return tlsf_cast(void*, aligned);
+** Adjust an allocation size to be aligned to word size, and no smaller
+** than internal minimum.
+static inline __attribute__((__always_inline__)) size_t adjust_request_size(tlsf_t tlsf, size_t size, size_t align)
+ size_t adjust = 0;
+ if (size)
+ {
+ const size_t aligned = align_up(size, align);
+ /* aligned sized must not exceed block_size_max or we'll go out of bounds on sl_bitmap */
+ if (aligned < tlsf_block_size_max(tlsf))
+ {
+ adjust = tlsf_max(aligned, block_size_min);
+ }
+ }
+ return adjust;
+** TLSF utility functions. In most cases, these are direct translations of
+** the documentation found in the white paper.
+static inline __attribute__((__always_inline__)) void mapping_insert(control_t *control, size_t size, int* fli, int* sli)
+ int fl, sl;
+ if (size < control->small_block_size)
+ {
+ /* Store small blocks in first list. */
+ fl = 0;
+ sl = tlsf_cast(int, size) >> 2;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ fl = tlsf_fls(size);
+ sl = tlsf_cast(int, size >> (fl - control->sl_index_count_log2)) ^ (1 << control->sl_index_count_log2);
+ fl -= (control->fl_index_shift - 1);
+ }
+ *fli = fl;
+ *sli = sl;
+/* This version rounds up to the next block size (for allocations) */
+static inline __attribute__((__always_inline__)) void mapping_search(control_t *control, size_t size, int* fli, int* sli)
+ if (size >= control->small_block_size)
+ {
+ const size_t round = (1 << (tlsf_fls(size) - control->sl_index_count_log2)) - 1;
+ size += round;
+ }
+ mapping_insert(control, size, fli, sli);
+static inline __attribute__((__always_inline__)) block_header_t* search_suitable_block(control_t* control, int* fli, int* sli)
+ int fl = *fli;
+ int sl = *sli;
+ /*
+ ** First, search for a block in the list associated with the given
+ ** fl/sl index.
+ */
+ unsigned int sl_map = control->sl_bitmap[fl] & (~0U << sl);
+ if (!sl_map)
+ {
+ /* No block exists. Search in the next largest first-level list. */
+ const unsigned int fl_map = control->fl_bitmap & (~0U << (fl + 1));
+ if (!fl_map)
+ {
+ /* No free blocks available, memory has been exhausted. */
+ return 0;
+ }
+ fl = tlsf_ffs(fl_map);
+ *fli = fl;
+ sl_map = control->sl_bitmap[fl];
+ }
+ tlsf_assert(sl_map && "internal error - second level bitmap is null");
+ sl = tlsf_ffs(sl_map);
+ *sli = sl;
+ /* Return the first block in the free list. */
+ return control->blocks[fl*control->sl_index_count + sl];
+/* Remove a free block from the free list.*/
+static inline __attribute__((__always_inline__)) void remove_free_block(control_t* control, block_header_t* block, int fl, int sl)
+ block_header_t* prev = block->prev_free;
+ block_header_t* next = block->next_free;
+ tlsf_assert(prev && "prev_free field can not be null");
+ tlsf_assert(next && "next_free field can not be null");
+ next->prev_free = prev;
+ prev->next_free = next;
+ /* If this block is the head of the free list, set new head. */
+ if (control->blocks[fl*control->sl_index_count + sl] == block)
+ {
+ control->blocks[fl*control->sl_index_count + sl] = next;
+ /* If the new head is null, clear the bitmap. */
+ if (next == &control->block_null)
+ {
+ control->sl_bitmap[fl] &= ~(1 << sl);
+ /* If the second bitmap is now empty, clear the fl bitmap. */
+ if (!control->sl_bitmap[fl])
+ {
+ control->fl_bitmap &= ~(1 << fl);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* Insert a free block into the free block list. */
+static inline __attribute__((__always_inline__)) void insert_free_block(control_t* control, block_header_t* block, int fl, int sl)
+ block_header_t* current = control->blocks[fl*control->sl_index_count + sl];
+ tlsf_assert(current && "free list cannot have a null entry");
+ tlsf_assert(block && "cannot insert a null entry into the free list");
+ block->next_free = current;
+ block->prev_free = &control->block_null;
+ current->prev_free = block;
+ tlsf_assert(block_to_ptr(block) == align_ptr(block_to_ptr(block), ALIGN_SIZE)
+ && "block not aligned properly");
+ /*
+ ** Insert the new block at the head of the list, and mark the first-
+ ** and second-level bitmaps appropriately.
+ */
+ control->blocks[fl*control->sl_index_count + sl] = block;
+ control->fl_bitmap |= (1 << fl);
+ control->sl_bitmap[fl] |= (1 << sl);
+/* Remove a given block from the free list. */
+static inline __attribute__((__always_inline__)) void block_remove(control_t* control, block_header_t* block)
+ int fl, sl;
+ mapping_insert(control, block_size(block), &fl, &sl);
+ remove_free_block(control, block, fl, sl);
+/* Insert a given block into the free list. */
+static inline __attribute__((__always_inline__)) void block_insert(control_t* control, block_header_t* block)
+ int fl, sl;
+ mapping_insert(control, block_size(block), &fl, &sl);
+ insert_free_block(control, block, fl, sl);
+static inline __attribute__((__always_inline__)) int block_can_split(block_header_t* block, size_t size)
+ return block_size(block) >= sizeof(block_header_t) + size;
+/* Split a block into two, the second of which is free. */
+static inline __attribute__((__always_inline__)) block_header_t* block_split(block_header_t* block, size_t size)
+ /* Calculate the amount of space left in the remaining block.
+ * REMINDER: remaining pointer's first field is `prev_phys_block` but this field is part of the
+ * previous physical block. */
+ block_header_t* remaining =
+ offset_to_block(block_to_ptr(block), size - block_header_overhead);
+ /* `size` passed as an argument is the first block's new size, thus, the remaining block's size
+ * is `block_size(block) - size`. However, the block's data must be precedeed by the data size.
+ * This field is NOT part of the size, so it has to be substracted from the calculation. */
+ const size_t remain_size = block_size(block) - (size + block_header_overhead);
+ tlsf_assert(block_to_ptr(remaining) == align_ptr(block_to_ptr(remaining), ALIGN_SIZE)
+ && "remaining block not aligned properly");
+ tlsf_assert(block_size(block) == remain_size + size + block_header_overhead);
+ block_set_size(remaining, remain_size);
+ tlsf_assert(block_size(remaining) >= block_size_min && "block split with invalid size");
+ block_set_size(block, size);
+ block_mark_as_free(remaining);
+ /**
+ * Here is the final outcome of this function:
+ *
+ * block remaining (block_ptr + size - BHO)
+ * + +
+ * | |
+ * v v
+ * +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ * |0000| |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|xxxx| |###########################|
+ * |0000| |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|xxxx| |###########################|
+ * |0000| |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|xxxx| |###########################|
+ * |0000| |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|xxxx| |###########################|
+ * +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ * | | | |
+ * + +<------------------------->+ +<------------------------->
+ * BHO `size` (argument) bytes BHO `remain_size` bytes
+ *
+ * Where BHO = block_header_overhead,
+ * 0: part of the memory owned by a `block`'s previous neighbour,
+ * x: part of the memory owned by `block`.
+ * #: part of the memory owned by `remaining`.
+ */
+ return remaining;
+/* Absorb a free block's storage into an adjacent previous free block. */
+static inline __attribute__((__always_inline__)) block_header_t* block_absorb(block_header_t* prev, block_header_t* block)
+ tlsf_assert(!block_is_last(prev) && "previous block can't be last");
+ /* Note: Leaves flags untouched. */
+ prev->size += block_size(block) + block_header_overhead;
+ block_link_next(prev);
+ /* next_block header needs to be replaced with a fill pattern */
+ multi_heap_internal_poison_fill_region(block, sizeof(block_header_t), true /* free */);
+ return prev;
+/* Merge a just-freed block with an adjacent previous free block. */
+static inline __attribute__((__always_inline__)) block_header_t* block_merge_prev(control_t* control, block_header_t* block)
+ if (block_is_prev_free(block))
+ {
+ block_header_t* prev = block_prev(block);
+ tlsf_assert(prev && "prev physical block can't be null");
+ tlsf_assert(block_is_free(prev) && "prev block is not free though marked as such");
+ block_remove(control, prev);
+ block = block_absorb(prev, block);
+ }
+ return block;
+/* Merge a just-freed block with an adjacent free block. */
+static inline __attribute__((__always_inline__)) block_header_t* block_merge_next(control_t* control, block_header_t* block)
+ block_header_t* next = block_next(block);
+ tlsf_assert(next && "next physical block can't be null");
+ if (block_is_free(next))
+ {
+ tlsf_assert(!block_is_last(block) && "previous block can't be last");
+ block_remove(control, next);
+ block = block_absorb(block, next);
+ }
+ return block;
+/* Trim any trailing block space off the end of a block, return to pool. */
+static inline __attribute__((__always_inline__)) void block_trim_free(control_t* control, block_header_t* block, size_t size)
+ tlsf_assert(block_is_free(block) && "block must be free");
+ if (block_can_split(block, size))
+ {
+ block_header_t* remaining_block = block_split(block, size);
+ block_link_next(block);
+ block_set_prev_free(remaining_block);
+ block_insert(control, remaining_block);
+ }
+/* Trim any trailing block space off the end of a used block, return to pool. */
+static inline __attribute__((__always_inline__)) void block_trim_used(control_t* control, block_header_t* block, size_t size)
+ tlsf_assert(!block_is_free(block) && "block must be used");
+ if (block_can_split(block, size))
+ {
+ /* If the next block is free, we must coalesce. */
+ block_header_t* remaining_block = block_split(block, size);
+ block_set_prev_used(remaining_block);
+ remaining_block = block_merge_next(control, remaining_block);
+ block_insert(control, remaining_block);
+ }
+static inline __attribute__((__always_inline__)) block_header_t* block_trim_free_leading(control_t* control, block_header_t* block, size_t size)
+ block_header_t* remaining_block = block;
+ if (block_can_split(block, size))
+ {
+ /* We want to split `block` in two: the first block will be freed and the
+ * second block will be returned. */
+ remaining_block = block_split(block, size - block_header_overhead);
+ /* `remaining_block` is the second block, mark its predecessor (first
+ * block) as free. */
+ block_set_prev_free(remaining_block);
+ block_link_next(block);
+ /* Put back the first block into the free memory list. */
+ block_insert(control, block);
+ }
+ return remaining_block;
+static inline __attribute__((__always_inline__)) block_header_t* block_locate_free(control_t* control, size_t size)
+ int fl = 0, sl = 0;
+ block_header_t* block = 0;
+ if (size)
+ {
+ mapping_search(control, size, &fl, &sl);
+ /*
+ ** mapping_search can futz with the size, so for excessively large sizes it can sometimes wind up
+ ** with indices that are off the end of the block array.
+ ** So, we protect against that here, since this is the only callsite of mapping_search.
+ ** Note that we don't need to check sl, since it comes from a modulo operation that guarantees it's always in range.
+ */
+ if (fl < control->fl_index_count)
+ {
+ block = search_suitable_block(control, &fl, &sl);
+ }
+ }
+ if (block)
+ {
+ tlsf_assert(block_size(block) >= size);
+ remove_free_block(control, block, fl, sl);
+ }
+ return block;
+static inline __attribute__((__always_inline__)) void* block_prepare_used(control_t* control, block_header_t* block, size_t size)
+ void* p = 0;
+ if (block)
+ {
+ tlsf_assert(size && "size must be non-zero");
+ block_trim_free(control, block, size);
+ block_mark_as_used(block);
+ p = block_to_ptr(block);
+ }
+ return p;
+/* Clear structure and point all empty lists at the null block. */
+static void control_construct(control_t* control, size_t bytes)
+ int i, j;
+ control->block_null.next_free = &control->block_null;
+ control->block_null.prev_free = &control->block_null;
+ /* find the closest ^2 for first layer */
+ i = (bytes - 1) / (16 * 1024);
+ control->fl_index_max = FL_INDEX_MAX_MIN + sizeof(i) * 8 - __builtin_clz(i);
+ /* adapt second layer to the pool */
+ if (bytes <= 16 * 1024) control->sl_index_count_log2 = 3;
+ else if (bytes <= 256 * 1024) control->sl_index_count_log2 = 4;
+ else control->sl_index_count_log2 = 5;
+ control->fl_index_shift = (control->sl_index_count_log2 + ALIGN_SIZE_LOG2);
+ control->sl_index_count = 1 << control->sl_index_count_log2;
+ control->fl_index_count = control->fl_index_max - control->fl_index_shift + 1;
+ control->small_block_size = 1 << control->fl_index_shift;
+ control->fl_bitmap = 0;
+ control->sl_bitmap = align_ptr(control + 1, sizeof(*control->sl_bitmap));
+ control->blocks = align_ptr(control->sl_bitmap + control->fl_index_count, sizeof(*control->blocks));
+ control->size = (void*) (control->blocks + control->sl_index_count * control->fl_index_count) - (void*) control;
+ ESP_EARLY_LOGW( "REMOVE", "NEW POOL of %d bytes, ctrl_size: %d sli_c:%d fli_c:%d small_b %d max_b:%d",
+ bytes,
+ control->size, control->sl_index_count, control->fl_index_count,
+ control->small_block_size, 1 << control->fl_index_max );
+ /* SL_INDEX_COUNT must be <= number of bits in sl_bitmap's storage type. */
+ tlsf_assert(sizeof(unsigned int) * CHAR_BIT >= control->sl_index_count && "CHAR_BIT less than sl_index_count");
+ /* Ensure we've properly tuned our sizes. */
+ tlsf_assert(ALIGN_SIZE == control->small_block_size / control->sl_index_count && "ALIGN_SIZE does not match");
+ for (i = 0; i < control->fl_index_count; ++i)
+ {
+ control->sl_bitmap[i] = 0;
+ for (j = 0; j < control->sl_index_count; ++j)
+ {
+ control->blocks[i*control->sl_index_count + j] = &control->block_null;
+ }
+ }
+** Debugging utilities.
+typedef struct integrity_t
+ int prev_status;
+ int status;
+} integrity_t;
+#define tlsf_insist(x) { tlsf_assert(x); if (!(x)) { status--; } }
+static void integrity_walker(void* ptr, size_t size, int used, void* user)
+ block_header_t* block = block_from_ptr(ptr);
+ integrity_t* integ = tlsf_cast(integrity_t*, user);
+ const int this_prev_status = block_is_prev_free(block) ? 1 : 0;
+ const int this_status = block_is_free(block) ? 1 : 0;
+ const size_t this_block_size = block_size(block);
+ int status = 0;
+ (void)used;
+ tlsf_insist(integ->prev_status == this_prev_status && "prev status incorrect");
+ tlsf_insist(size == this_block_size && "block size incorrect");
+ integ->prev_status = this_status;
+ integ->status += status;
+int tlsf_check(tlsf_t tlsf)
+ int i, j;
+ control_t* control = tlsf_cast(control_t*, tlsf);
+ int status = 0;
+ /* Check that the free lists and bitmaps are accurate. */
+ for (i = 0; i < control->fl_index_count; ++i)
+ {
+ for (j = 0; j < control->sl_index_count; ++j)
+ {
+ const int fl_map = control->fl_bitmap & (1 << i);
+ const int sl_list = control->sl_bitmap[i];
+ const int sl_map = sl_list & (1 << j);
+ const block_header_t* block = control->blocks[i*control->sl_index_count + j];
+ /* Check that first- and second-level lists agree. */
+ if (!fl_map)
+ {
+ tlsf_insist(!sl_map && "second-level map must be null");
+ }
+ if (!sl_map)
+ {
+ tlsf_insist(block == &control->block_null && "block list must be null");
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* Check that there is at least one free block. */
+ tlsf_insist(sl_list && "no free blocks in second-level map");
+ tlsf_insist(block != &control->block_null && "block should not be null");
+ while (block != &control->block_null)
+ {
+ int fli, sli;
+ tlsf_insist(block_is_free(block) && "block should be free");
+ tlsf_insist(!block_is_prev_free(block) && "blocks should have coalesced");
+ tlsf_insist(!block_is_free(block_next(block)) && "blocks should have coalesced");
+ tlsf_insist(block_is_prev_free(block_next(block)) && "block should be free");
+ tlsf_insist(block_size(block) >= block_size_min && "block not minimum size");
+ mapping_insert(control, block_size(block), &fli, &sli);
+ tlsf_insist(fli == i && sli == j && "block size indexed in wrong list");
+ block = block->next_free;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return status;
+#undef tlsf_insist
+static void default_walker(void* ptr, size_t size, int used, void* user)
+ (void)user;
+ printf("\t%p %s size: %x (%p)\n", ptr, used ? "used" : "free", (unsigned int)size, block_from_ptr(ptr));
+void tlsf_walk_pool(pool_t pool, tlsf_walker walker, void* user)
+ tlsf_walker pool_walker = walker ? walker : default_walker;
+ block_header_t* block =
+ offset_to_block(pool, -(int)block_header_overhead);
+ while (block && !block_is_last(block))
+ {
+ pool_walker(
+ block_to_ptr(block),
+ block_size(block),
+ !block_is_free(block),
+ user);
+ block = block_next(block);
+ }
+size_t tlsf_block_size(void* ptr)
+ size_t size = 0;
+ if (ptr)
+ {
+ const block_header_t* block = block_from_ptr(ptr);
+ size = block_size(block);
+ }
+ return size;
+int tlsf_check_pool(pool_t pool)
+ /* Check that the blocks are physically correct. */
+ integrity_t integ = { 0, 0 };
+ tlsf_walk_pool(pool, integrity_walker, &integ);
+ return integ.status;
+size_t tlsf_fit_size(tlsf_t tlsf, size_t size)
+ /* because it's GoodFit, allocable size is one range lower */
+ if (size)
+ {
+ control_t* control = tlsf_cast(control_t*, tlsf);
+ size_t sl_interval = (1 << ((sizeof(size_t) * 8 - 1) - __builtin_clz(size))) / control->sl_index_count;
+ return size & ~(sl_interval - 1);
+ }
+ return 0;
+** Size of the TLSF structures in a given memory block passed to
+** tlsf_create, equal to the size of a control_t
+size_t tlsf_size(tlsf_t tlsf)
+ if (tlsf)
+ {
+ control_t* control = tlsf_cast(control_t*, tlsf);
+ return control->size;
+ }
+ /* no tlsf, we'll just return a min size */
+ return sizeof(control_t) +
+ sizeof(int) * SL_INDEX_COUNT_MIN +
+ sizeof(block_header_t*) * SL_INDEX_COUNT_MIN * FL_INDEX_COUNT_MIN;
+size_t tlsf_align_size(void)
+ return ALIGN_SIZE;
+size_t tlsf_block_size_min(void)
+ return block_size_min;
+size_t tlsf_block_size_max(tlsf_t tlsf)
+ control_t* control = tlsf_cast(control_t*, tlsf);
+ return tlsf_cast(size_t, 1) << control->fl_index_max;
+** Overhead of the TLSF structures in a given memory block passed to
+** tlsf_add_pool, equal to the overhead of a free block and the
+** sentinel block.
+size_t tlsf_pool_overhead(void)
+ return 2 * block_header_overhead;
+size_t tlsf_alloc_overhead(void)
+ return block_header_overhead;
+pool_t tlsf_add_pool(tlsf_t tlsf, void* mem, size_t bytes)
+ block_header_t* block;
+ block_header_t* next;
+ const size_t pool_overhead = tlsf_pool_overhead();
+ const size_t pool_bytes = align_down(bytes - pool_overhead, ALIGN_SIZE);
+ if (((ptrdiff_t)mem % ALIGN_SIZE) != 0)
+ {
+ printf("tlsf_add_pool: Memory must be aligned by %u bytes.\n",
+ (unsigned int)ALIGN_SIZE);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (pool_bytes < block_size_min || pool_bytes > tlsf_block_size_max(tlsf))
+ {
+#if defined (TLSF_64BIT)
+ printf("tlsf_add_pool: Memory size must be between 0x%x and 0x%x00 bytes.\n",
+ (unsigned int)(pool_overhead + block_size_min),
+ (unsigned int)((pool_overhead + tlsf_block_size_max(tlsf)) / 256));
+ printf("tlsf_add_pool: Memory size must be between %u and %u bytes.\n",
+ (unsigned int)(pool_overhead + block_size_min),
+ (unsigned int)(pool_overhead + tlsf_block_size_max(tlsf)));
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /*
+ ** Create the main free block. Offset the start of the block slightly
+ ** so that the prev_phys_block field falls outside of the pool -
+ ** it will never be used.
+ */
+ block = offset_to_block(mem, -(tlsfptr_t)block_header_overhead);
+ block_set_size(block, pool_bytes);
+ block_set_free(block);
+ block_set_prev_used(block);
+ block_insert(tlsf_cast(control_t*, tlsf), block);
+ /* Split the block to create a zero-size sentinel block. */
+ next = block_link_next(block);
+ block_set_size(next, 0);
+ block_set_used(next);
+ block_set_prev_free(next);
+ return mem;
+void tlsf_remove_pool(tlsf_t tlsf, pool_t pool)
+ control_t* control = tlsf_cast(control_t*, tlsf);
+ block_header_t* block = offset_to_block(pool, -(int)block_header_overhead);
+ int fl = 0, sl = 0;
+ tlsf_assert(block_is_free(block) && "block should be free");
+ tlsf_assert(!block_is_free(block_next(block)) && "next block should not be free");
+ tlsf_assert(block_size(block_next(block)) == 0 && "next block size should be zero");
+ mapping_insert(control, block_size(block), &fl, &sl);
+ remove_free_block(control, block, fl, sl);
+** TLSF main interface.
+tlsf_t tlsf_create(void* mem, size_t max_bytes)
+#if _DEBUG
+ if (test_ffs_fls())
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (((tlsfptr_t)mem % ALIGN_SIZE) != 0)
+ {
+ printf("tlsf_create: Memory must be aligned to %u bytes.\n",
+ (unsigned int)ALIGN_SIZE);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ control_construct(tlsf_cast(control_t*, mem), max_bytes);
+ return tlsf_cast(tlsf_t, mem);
+pool_t tlsf_get_pool(tlsf_t tlsf)
+ return tlsf_cast(pool_t, (char*)tlsf + tlsf_size(tlsf));
+tlsf_t tlsf_create_with_pool(void* mem, size_t pool_bytes, size_t max_bytes)
+ tlsf_t tlsf = tlsf_create(mem, max_bytes ? max_bytes : pool_bytes);
+ tlsf_add_pool(tlsf, (char*)mem + tlsf_size(tlsf), pool_bytes - tlsf_size(tlsf));
+ return tlsf;
+void* tlsf_malloc(tlsf_t tlsf, size_t size)
+ control_t* control = tlsf_cast(control_t*, tlsf);
+ size_t adjust = adjust_request_size(tlsf, size, ALIGN_SIZE);
+ block_header_t* block = block_locate_free(control, adjust);
+ return block_prepare_used(control, block, adjust);
+ * @brief Allocate memory of at least `size` bytes where byte at `data_offset` will be aligned to `alignment`.
+ *
+ * This function will allocate memory pointed by `ptr`. However, the byte at `data_offset` of
+ * this piece of memory (i.e., byte at `ptr` + `data_offset`) will be aligned to `alignment`.
+ * This function is useful for allocating memory that will internally have a header, and the
+ * usable memory following the header (i.e. `ptr` + `data_offset`) must be aligned.
+ *
+ * For example, a call to `multi_heap_aligned_alloc_impl_offs(heap, 64, 256, 20)` will return a
+ * pointer `ptr` to free memory of minimum 64 bytes, where `ptr + 20` is aligned on `256`.
+ * So `(ptr + 20) % 256` equals 0.
+ *
+ * @param tlsf TLSF structure to allocate memory from.
+ * @param align Alignment for the returned pointer's offset.
+ * @param size Minimum size, in bytes, of the memory to allocate INCLUDING
+ * `data_offset` bytes.
+ * @param data_offset Offset to be aligned on `alignment`. This can be 0, in
+ * this case, the returned pointer will be aligned on
+ * `alignment`. If it is not a multiple of CPU word size,
+ * it will be aligned up to the closest multiple of it.
+ *
+ * @return pointer to free memory.
+ */
+void* tlsf_memalign_offs(tlsf_t tlsf, size_t align, size_t size, size_t data_offset)
+ control_t* control = tlsf_cast(control_t*, tlsf);
+ const size_t adjust = adjust_request_size(tlsf, size, ALIGN_SIZE);
+ const size_t off_adjust = align_up(data_offset, ALIGN_SIZE);
+ /*
+ ** We must allocate an additional minimum block size bytes so that if
+ ** our free block will leave an alignment gap which is smaller, we can
+ ** trim a leading free block and release it back to the pool. We must
+ ** do this because the previous physical block is in use, therefore
+ ** the prev_phys_block field is not valid, and we can't simply adjust
+ ** the size of that block.
+ */
+ const size_t gap_minimum = sizeof(block_header_t) + off_adjust;
+ /* The offset is included in both `adjust` and `gap_minimum`, so we
+ ** need to subtract it once.
+ */
+ const size_t size_with_gap = adjust_request_size(tlsf, adjust + align + gap_minimum - off_adjust, align);
+ /*
+ ** If alignment is less than or equals base alignment, we're done.
+ ** If we requested 0 bytes, return null, as tlsf_malloc(0) does.
+ */
+ const size_t aligned_size = (adjust && align > ALIGN_SIZE) ? size_with_gap : adjust;
+ block_header_t* block = block_locate_free(control, aligned_size);
+ /* This can't be a static assert. */
+ tlsf_assert(sizeof(block_header_t) == block_size_min + block_header_overhead);
+ if (block)
+ {
+ void* ptr = block_to_ptr(block);
+ void* aligned = align_ptr(ptr, align);
+ size_t gap = tlsf_cast(size_t,
+ tlsf_cast(tlsfptr_t, aligned) - tlsf_cast(tlsfptr_t, ptr));
+ /*
+ ** If gap size is too small or if there is not gap but we need one,
+ ** offset to next aligned boundary.
+ */
+ if ((gap && gap < gap_minimum) || (!gap && off_adjust))
+ {
+ const size_t gap_remain = gap_minimum - gap;
+ const size_t offset = tlsf_max(gap_remain, align);
+ const void* next_aligned = tlsf_cast(void*,
+ tlsf_cast(tlsfptr_t, aligned) + offset);
+ aligned = align_ptr(next_aligned, align);
+ gap = tlsf_cast(size_t,
+ tlsf_cast(tlsfptr_t, aligned) - tlsf_cast(tlsfptr_t, ptr));
+ }
+ if (gap)
+ {
+ tlsf_assert(gap >= gap_minimum && "gap size too small");
+ block = block_trim_free_leading(control, block, gap - off_adjust);
+ }
+ }
+ /* Preparing the block will also the trailing free memory. */
+ return block_prepare_used(control, block, adjust);
+ * @brief Same as `tlsf_memalign_offs` function but with a 0 offset.
+ * The pointer returned is aligned on `align`.
+ */
+void* tlsf_memalign(tlsf_t tlsf, size_t align, size_t size)
+ return tlsf_memalign_offs(tlsf, align, size, 0);
+void tlsf_free(tlsf_t tlsf, void* ptr)
+ /* Don't attempt to free a NULL pointer. */
+ if (ptr)
+ {
+ control_t* control = tlsf_cast(control_t*, tlsf);
+ block_header_t* block = block_from_ptr(ptr);
+ tlsf_assert(!block_is_free(block) && "block already marked as free");
+ block_mark_as_free(block);
+ block = block_merge_prev(control, block);
+ block = block_merge_next(control, block);
+ block_insert(control, block);
+ }
+** The TLSF block information provides us with enough information to
+** provide a reasonably intelligent implementation of realloc, growing or
+** shrinking the currently allocated block as required.
+** This routine handles the somewhat esoteric edge cases of realloc:
+** - a non-zero size with a null pointer will behave like malloc
+** - a zero size with a non-null pointer will behave like free
+** - a request that cannot be satisfied will leave the original buffer
+** untouched
+** - an extended buffer size will leave the newly-allocated area with
+** contents undefined
+void* tlsf_realloc(tlsf_t tlsf, void* ptr, size_t size)
+ control_t* control = tlsf_cast(control_t*, tlsf);
+ void* p = 0;
+ /* Zero-size requests are treated as free. */
+ if (ptr && size == 0)
+ {
+ tlsf_free(tlsf, ptr);
+ }
+ /* Requests with NULL pointers are treated as malloc. */
+ else if (!ptr)
+ {
+ p = tlsf_malloc(tlsf, size);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ block_header_t* block = block_from_ptr(ptr);
+ block_header_t* next = block_next(block);
+ const size_t cursize = block_size(block);
+ const size_t combined = cursize + block_size(next) + block_header_overhead;
+ const size_t adjust = adjust_request_size(tlsf, size, ALIGN_SIZE);
+ tlsf_assert(!block_is_free(block) && "block already marked as free");
+ /*
+ ** If the next block is used, or when combined with the current
+ ** block, does not offer enough space, we must reallocate and copy.
+ */
+ if (adjust > cursize && (!block_is_free(next) || adjust > combined))
+ {
+ p = tlsf_malloc(tlsf, size);
+ if (p)
+ {
+ const size_t minsize = tlsf_min(cursize, size);
+ memcpy(p, ptr, minsize);
+ tlsf_free(tlsf, ptr);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Do we need to expand to the next block? */
+ if (adjust > cursize)
+ {
+ block_merge_next(control, block);
+ block_mark_as_used(block);
+ }
+ /* Trim the resulting block and return the original pointer. */
+ block_trim_used(control, block, adjust);
+ p = ptr;
+ }
+ }
+ return p;