
fix DMAP parsing and a few compiler warning - release

philippe44 1 年間 前
2 ファイル変更15 行追加13 行削除
  1. 9 7
  2. 6 6

+ 9 - 7

@@ -46,11 +46,11 @@ typedef struct {
 } dmap_field;
 static const dmap_field dmap_fields[] = {
+#ifdef DMAP_FULL
 	{ "abal",    DMAP_DICT, DMAP_STR,  "daap.browsealbumlisting" },
 	{ "abar",    DMAP_DICT, DMAP_STR,  "daap.browseartistlisting" },
 	{ "abcp",    DMAP_DICT, DMAP_STR,  "daap.browsecomposerlisting" },
 	{ "abgn",    DMAP_DICT, DMAP_STR,  "daap.browsegenrelisting" },
-#ifdef DMAP_FULL        
 	{ "abpl",    DMAP_UINT, 0,         "daap.baseplaylist" },
 	{ "abro",    DMAP_DICT, 0,         "daap.databasebrowse" },
 	{ "adbs",    DMAP_DICT, 0,         "daap.databasesongs" },
@@ -139,8 +139,10 @@ static const dmap_field dmap_fields[] = {
 	{ "asaa",    DMAP_STR,  0,         "daap.songalbumartist" },
 	{ "asac",    DMAP_UINT, 0,         "daap.songartworkcount" },
 	{ "asai",    DMAP_UINT, 0,         "daap.songalbumid" },
 	{ "asal",    DMAP_STR,  0,         "daap.songalbum" },
 	{ "asar",    DMAP_STR,  0,         "daap.songartist" },
+#ifdef DMAP_FULL
 	{ "asas",    DMAP_UINT, 0,         "daap.songalbumuserratingstatus" },
 	{ "asbk",    DMAP_UINT, 0,         "daap.bookmarkable" },
 	{ "asbo",    DMAP_UINT, 0,         "daap.songbookmark" },
@@ -257,12 +259,12 @@ static const dmap_field dmap_fields[] = {
 	{ "meia",    DMAP_UINT, 0,         "dmap.itemdateadded" },
 	{ "meip",    DMAP_UINT, 0,         "dmap.itemdateplayed" },
 	{ "mext",    DMAP_UINT, 0,         "dmap.objectextradata" },
 	{ "miid",    DMAP_UINT, 0,         "dmap.itemid" },
 	{ "mikd",    DMAP_UINT, 0,         "dmap.itemkind" },
 	{ "mimc",    DMAP_UINT, 0,         "dmap.itemcount" },
 	{ "minm",    DMAP_STR,  0,         "dmap.itemname" },
-#ifdef DMAP_FULL    
+#ifdef DMAP_FULL
 	{ "mlcl",    DMAP_DICT, DMAP_DICT, "dmap.listing" },
 	{ "mlid",    DMAP_UINT, 0,         "dmap.sessionid" },
 	{ "mlit",    DMAP_ITEM, 0,         "dmap.listingitem" },
@@ -317,7 +319,7 @@ static const dmap_field dmap_fields[] = {
 	{ "prat",    DMAP_UINT, 0,         "dpap.imagerating" },
 	{ "pret",    DMAP_DICT, 0,         "dpap.retryids" },
 	{ "pwth",    DMAP_UINT, 0,         "dpap.imagepixelwidth" }
 static const size_t dmap_field_count = sizeof(dmap_fields) / sizeof(dmap_field);
@@ -424,7 +426,7 @@ static int dmap_parse_internal(const dmap_settings *settings, const char *buf, s
 			/* Make a best guess of the type */
 			field_type = DMAP_UNKNOWN;
 			field_name = code;
-#ifdef DMAP_FULL    
 			if (field_len >= 8) {
 				/* Look for a four char code followed by a length within the current field */
 				if (isalpha(p[0] & 0xff) &&
@@ -435,7 +437,7 @@ static int dmap_parse_internal(const dmap_settings *settings, const char *buf, s
 						field_type = DMAP_DICT;
+#ifdef DMAP_FULL
 			if (field_type == DMAP_UNKNOWN) {
 				size_t i;
 				int is_string = 1;
@@ -448,7 +450,7 @@ static int dmap_parse_internal(const dmap_settings *settings, const char *buf, s
 				field_type = is_string ? DMAP_STR : DMAP_UINT;
 		switch (field_type) {

+ 6 - 6

@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ struct raop_ctx_s *raop_create(uint32_t host, char *name,
	ctx->running = true;
	memcpy(ctx->mac, mac, 6);
-	snprintf(id, 64, "%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X@%s",  mac[0], mac[1], mac[2], mac[3], mac[4], mac[5], name);
+	snprintf(id, 64, "%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X@%s", mac[0], mac[1], mac[2], mac[3], mac[4], mac[5], name);
#ifdef WIN32
 	// seems that Windows snprintf does not add NULL char if actual size > max
 	id[63] = '\0';
@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ struct raop_ctx_s *raop_create(uint32_t host, char *name,
 	pthread_create(&ctx->thread, NULL, &rtsp_thread, ctx);
 	LOG_INFO("starting mDNS with %s", id);
-	ESP_ERROR_CHECK( mdns_service_add(id, "_raop", "_tcp", ctx->port, txt, sizeof(txt) / sizeof(mdns_txt_item_t)) );
+	mdns_service_add(id, "_raop", "_tcp", ctx->port, (mdns_txt_item_t*) txt, sizeof(txt) / sizeof(mdns_txt_item_t));
     ctx->xTaskBuffer = (StaticTask_t*) heap_caps_malloc(sizeof(StaticTask_t), MALLOC_CAP_INTERNAL | MALLOC_CAP_8BIT);
 	ctx->thread = xTaskCreateStaticPinnedToCore( (TaskFunction_t) rtsp_thread, "RTSP", RTSP_STACK_SIZE, ctx, 
@@ -619,12 +619,12 @@ static bool handle_rtsp(raop_ctx_t *ctx, int sock)
-			LOG_INFO("[%p]: received metadata", ctx);
 			settings.ctx = &metadata;
 			memset(&metadata, 0, sizeof(struct metadata_s));
 			if (!dmap_parse(&settings, body, len)) {
 				LOG_INFO("[%p]: received metadata\n\tartist: %s\n\talbum:  %s\n\ttitle:  %s",
-						 ctx, metadata.artist, metadata.album, metadata.title);
+						 ctx, metadata.artist ? metadata.artist : "", metadata.album ? metadata.album : "", 
+                         metadata.title ? metadata.title : "");
 				success = ctx->cmd_cb(RAOP_METADATA, metadata.artist, metadata.album, metadata.title);
@@ -873,7 +873,7 @@ static int  base64_pad(char *src, char **padded)
 static int pos(char c)
-	char *p;
+	const char *p;
 	for (p = base64_chars; *p; p++)
 	if (*p == c)
 		return p - base64_chars;
@@ -959,7 +959,7 @@ static int base64_decode(const char *str, void *data)
 static void on_dmap_string(void *ctx, const char *code, const char *name, const char *buf, size_t len) {
 	struct metadata_s *metadata = (struct metadata_s *) ctx;
-    // to gain space, most of the code have been removed from dmap_parser.c (define DMAP_FULL)
+    // to gain space, most of the code have been removed from dmap_parser.c (define DMAP_FULL
 	if (!strcasecmp(code, "asar")) metadata->artist = strndup(buf, len);
 	else if (!strcasecmp(code, "asal")) metadata->album = strndup(buf, len);
 	else if (!strcasecmp(code, "minm")) metadata->title = strndup(buf, len);