@@ -3,6 +3,9 @@ package Plugins::SqueezeESP32::Plugin;
use strict;
use base qw(Slim::Plugin::Base);
+use File::Basename qw(basename);
+use File::Spec::Functions qw(catfile);
+use JSON::XS::VersionOneAndTwo;
use Slim::Utils::Prefs;
use Slim::Utils::Log;
@@ -16,6 +19,12 @@ my $log = Slim::Utils::Log->addLogCategory({
'description' => 'PLUGIN_SQUEEZEESP32',
+use constant GITHUB_ASSET_URI => "https://api.github.com/repos/sle118/squeezelite-esp32/releases/assets/";
+use constant GITHUB_DOWNLOAD_URI => "https://github.com/sle118/squeezelite-esp32/releases/download/";
+my $FW_DOWNLOAD_ID_REGEX = qr|plugins/SqueezeESP32/firmware/(-?\d+)|;
+my $FW_DOWNLOAD_REGEX = qr|plugins/SqueezeESP32/firmware/([-a-z0-9-/.]+\.bin)$|i;
+my $FW_FILENAME_REGEX = qr/^squeezelite-esp32-.*\.bin(\.tmp)?$/;
# migrate 'eq' pref, as that's a reserved word and could cause problems in the future
$prefs->migrateClient(1, sub {
my ($cprefs, $client) = @_;
@@ -48,7 +57,7 @@ sub initPlugin {
# no name can be a subset of others due to a bug in addPlayerClass
Slim::Networking::Slimproto::addPlayerClass($class, 100, 'squeezeesp32-basic', { client => 'Plugins::SqueezeESP32::Player', display => 'Plugins::SqueezeESP32::Graphics' });
- Slim::Networking::Slimproto::addPlayerClass($class, 101, 'squeezeesp32-graphic', { client => 'Plugins::SqueezeESP32::Player', display => 'Slim::Display::NoDisplay' });
+ Slim::Networking::Slimproto::addPlayerClass($class, 101, 'squeezeesp32-graphic', { client => 'Plugins::SqueezeESP32::Player', display => 'Slim::Display::NoDisplay' });
main::INFOLOG && $log->is_info && $log->info("Added class 100 and 101 for SqueezeESP32");
# register a command to set the EQ - without saving the values! Send params as single comma separated list of values
@@ -58,6 +67,9 @@ sub initPlugin {
Slim::Control::Request::subscribe( sub { onNotification(@_) }, [ ['newmetadata'] ] );
Slim::Control::Request::subscribe( sub { onNotification(@_) }, [ ['playlist'], ['open', 'newsong'] ]);
Slim::Control::Request::subscribe( \&onStopClear, [ ['playlist'], ['stop', 'clear'] ]);
+ Slim::Web::Pages->addRawFunction($FW_DOWNLOAD_ID_REGEX, \&handleFirmwareDownload);
+ Slim::Web::Pages->addRawFunction($FW_DOWNLOAD_REGEX, \&handleFirmwareDownloadDirect);
sub onStopClear {
@@ -99,4 +111,137 @@ sub setEQ {
+sub handleFirmwareDownload {
+ my ($httpClient, $response) = @_;
+ my $request = $response->request;
+ my $_errorDownloading = sub {
+ _errorDownloading($httpClient, $response, @_);
+ };
+ my $id;
+ if (!defined $request || !(($id) = $request->uri =~ $FW_DOWNLOAD_ID_REGEX)) {
+ return $_errorDownloading->(undef, 'Invalid request', $request->uri, 400);
+ }
+ # this is the magic number used on the client to figure out whether the plugin does support download proxying
+ if ($id == -99) {
+ $response->code(204);
+ $response->header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin' => '*');
+ $httpClient->send_response($response);
+ return Slim::Web::HTTP::closeHTTPSocket($httpClient);
+ }
+ Slim::Networking::SimpleAsyncHTTP->new(
+ sub {
+ my $http = shift;
+ my $content = eval { from_json( $http->content ) };
+ if (!$content || !ref $content) {
+ $@ && $log->error("Failed to parse response: $@");
+ return $_errorDownloading->($http);
+ }
+ elsif (!$content->{browser_download_url} || !$content->{name}) {
+ return $_errorDownloading->($http, 'No download URL found');
+ }
+ downloadAndStreamFirmware($httpClient, $response, $content->{browser_download_url}, $content->{name});
+ },
+ $_errorDownloading,
+ {
+ timeout => 10,
+ cache => 1,
+ expires => 86400
+ }
+ )->get(GITHUB_ASSET_URI . $id);
+ return;
+sub handleFirmwareDownloadDirect {
+ my ($httpClient, $response) = @_;
+ my $request = $response->request;
+ my $_errorDownloading = sub {
+ _errorDownloading($httpClient, $response, @_);
+ };
+ my $path;
+ if (!defined $request || !(($path) = $request->uri =~ $FW_DOWNLOAD_REGEX)) {
+ return $_errorDownloading->(undef, 'Invalid request', $request->uri, 400);
+ }
+ main::INFOLOG && $log->is_info && $log->info("Requesting firmware from: $path");
+ downloadAndStreamFirmware($httpClient, $response, GITHUB_DOWNLOAD_URI . $path);
+sub downloadAndStreamFirmware {
+ my ($httpClient, $response, $url, $name) = @_;
+ my $_errorDownloading = sub {
+ _errorDownloading($httpClient, $response, @_);
+ };
+ $name ||= basename($url);
+ if ($name !~ $FW_FILENAME_REGEX) {
+ return $_errorDownloading->(undef, 'Unexpected firmware image name: ' . $name, $url, 400);
+ }
+ my $updatesDir = Slim::Utils::OSDetect::dirsFor('updates');
+ my $firmwareFile = catfile($updatesDir, $name);
+ Slim::Utils::Misc::deleteFiles($updatesDir, $FW_FILENAME_REGEX, $firmwareFile);
+ if (-f $firmwareFile) {
+ main::INFOLOG && $log->is_info && $log->info("Found cached firmware version");
+ $response->code(200);
+ return Slim::Web::HTTP::sendStreamingFile($httpClient, $response, 'application/octet-stream', $firmwareFile, undef, 1);
+ }
+ Slim::Networking::SimpleAsyncHTTP->new(
+ sub {
+ my $http = shift;
+ if ($http->code != 200 || !-e "$firmwareFile.tmp") {
+ return $_errorDownloading->($http, $http->mess);
+ }
+ rename "$firmwareFile.tmp", $firmwareFile or return $_errorDownloading->($http, "Unable to rename temporary $firmwareFile file" );
+ $response->code(200);
+ Slim::Web::HTTP::sendStreamingFile($httpClient, $response, 'application/octet-stream', $firmwareFile, undef, 1);
+ },
+ $_errorDownloading,
+ {
+ saveAs => "$firmwareFile.tmp",
+ }
+ )->get($url);
+ return;
+sub _errorDownloading {
+ my ($httpClient, $response, $http, $error, $url, $code) = @_;
+ $error ||= ($http && $http->error) || 'unknown error';
+ $url ||= ($http && $http->url) || 'no URL';
+ $code ||= ($http && $http->code) || 500;
+ $log->error(sprintf("Failed to get data from Github: %s (%s)", $error || $http->error, $url));
+ $response->headers->remove_content_headers;
+ $response->code($code);
+ $response->content_type('text/plain');
+ $response->header('Connection' => 'close');
+ $response->content('');
+ $httpClient->send_response($response);
+ Slim::Web::HTTP::closeHTTPSocket($httpClient);