@@ -6,14 +6,17 @@
#include <type_traits> // for remove_extent_t
#include <vector> // for vector
-#include "BellLogger.h" // for AbstractLogger
-#include "CSpotContext.h" // for Context
-#include "Logger.h" // for CSPOT_LOG
-#include "MercurySession.h" // for MercurySession, MercurySession::Res...
-#include "Packet.h" // for cspot
-#include "TimeProvider.h" // for TimeProvider
-#include "Utils.h" // for string_format
-#include "WrappedSemaphore.h"
+#include "BellLogger.h" // for AbstractLogger
+#include "CSpotContext.h" // for Context
+#include "HTTPClient.h"
+#include "Logger.h" // for CSPOT_LOG
+#include "MercurySession.h" // for MercurySession, MercurySession::Res...
+#include "NanoPBExtensions.h" // for bell::nanopb::encode...
+#include "NanoPBHelper.h" // for pbEncode and pbDecode
+#include "Packet.h" // for cspot
+#include "TimeProvider.h" // for TimeProvider
+#include "Utils.h" // for string_format
#include "cJSON.h"
@@ -21,6 +24,8 @@
#include "nlohmann/json_fwd.hpp" // for json
+#include "protobuf/login5.pb.h" // for LoginRequest
using namespace cspot;
static std::string CLIENT_ID =
@@ -31,9 +36,7 @@ static std::string SCOPES =
"recently-played"; // Required access scopes
AccessKeyFetcher::AccessKeyFetcher(std::shared_ptr<cspot::Context> ctx)
- : ctx(ctx) {
- this->updateSemaphore = std::make_shared<bell::WrappedSemaphore>();
+ : ctx(ctx) {}
bool AccessKeyFetcher::isExpired() {
if (accessKey.empty()) {
@@ -65,40 +68,72 @@ void AccessKeyFetcher::updateAccessKey() {
keyPending = true;
- CSPOT_LOG(info, "Access token expired, fetching new one...");
+ // Prepare a protobuf login request
+ static LoginRequest loginRequest = LoginRequest_init_zero;
+ static LoginResponse loginResponse = LoginResponse_init_zero;
- std::string url =
- string_format("hm://keymaster/token/authenticated?client_id=%s&scope=%s",
- CLIENT_ID.c_str(), SCOPES.c_str());
- auto timeProvider = this->ctx->timeProvider;
+ // Assign necessary request fields
+ loginRequest.client_info.client_id.funcs.encode = &bell::nanopb::encodeString;
+ loginRequest.client_info.client_id.arg = &CLIENT_ID;
- ctx->session->execute(
- MercurySession::RequestType::GET, url,
- [this, timeProvider](MercurySession::Response& res) {
- if (res.fail)
- return;
- auto accessJSON =
- std::string((char*)res.parts[0].data(), res.parts[0].size());
- cJSON* jsonBody = cJSON_Parse(accessJSON.c_str());
- this->accessKey =
- cJSON_GetObjectItem(jsonBody, "accessToken")->valuestring;
- int expiresIn = cJSON_GetObjectItem(jsonBody, "expiresIn")->valueint;
- cJSON_Delete(jsonBody);
- auto jsonBody = nlohmann::json::parse(accessJSON);
- this->accessKey = jsonBody["accessToken"];
- int expiresIn = jsonBody["expiresIn"];
- expiresIn = expiresIn / 2; // Refresh token before it expires
+ loginRequest.client_info.device_id.funcs.encode = &bell::nanopb::encodeString;
+ loginRequest.client_info.device_id.arg = &ctx->config.deviceId;
+ loginRequest.login_method.stored_credential.username.funcs.encode =
+ &bell::nanopb::encodeString;
+ loginRequest.login_method.stored_credential.username.arg =
+ &ctx->config.username;
+ // Set login method to stored credential
+ loginRequest.which_login_method = LoginRequest_stored_credential_tag;
+ loginRequest.login_method.stored_credential.data.funcs.encode =
+ &bell::nanopb::encodeVector;
+ loginRequest.login_method.stored_credential.data.arg = &ctx->config.authData;
+ // Max retry of 3, can receive different hash cat types
+ int retryCount = 3;
+ bool success = false;
+ do {
+ auto encodedRequest = pbEncode(LoginRequest_fields, &loginRequest);
+ CSPOT_LOG(info, "Access token expired, fetching new one... %d",
+ encodedRequest.size());
+ // Perform a login5 request, containing the encoded protobuf data
+ auto response = bell::HTTPClient::post(
+ "https://login5.spotify.com/v3/login",
+ {{"Content-Type", "application/x-protobuf"}}, encodedRequest);
+ auto responseBytes = response->bytes();
+ // Deserialize the response
+ pbDecode(loginResponse, LoginResponse_fields, responseBytes);
+ if (loginResponse.which_response == LoginResponse_ok_tag) {
+ // Successfully received an auth token
+ CSPOT_LOG(info, "Access token sucessfully fetched");
+ success = true;
+ accessKey = std::string(loginResponse.response.ok.access_token);
+ // Expire in ~30 minutes
+ int expiresIn = 3600 / 2;
+ if (loginResponse.response.ok.has_access_token_expires_in) {
+ int expiresIn = loginResponse.response.ok.access_token_expires_in / 2;
+ }
+ this->expiresAt =
+ ctx->timeProvider->getSyncedTimestamp() + (expiresIn * 1000);
+ } else {
+ CSPOT_LOG(error, "Failed to fetch access token");
+ }
- this->expiresAt =
- timeProvider->getSyncedTimestamp() + (expiresIn * 1000);
- updateSemaphore->give();
- });
+ // Free up allocated memory for response
+ pb_release(LoginResponse_fields, &loginResponse);
- updateSemaphore->twait(5000);
+ retryCount--;
+ } while (retryCount >= 0 && !success);
- // Mark as not pending for refresh
keyPending = false;