@@ -73,9 +73,12 @@ struct visu_packet {
u8_t which;
u8_t count;
union {
- struct {
- u32_t bars;
- u32_t spectrum_scale;
+ union {
+ struct {
+ u32_t bars;
+ u32_t spectrum_scale;
+ };
+ u32_t style;
} full;
struct {
u32_t width;
@@ -137,6 +140,10 @@ static struct {
#define RMS_LEN_BIT 6
#define RMS_LEN (1 << RMS_LEN_BIT)
+#define VU_WIDTH 160
+#define VU_COUNT 48
#define DISPLAY_BW 20000
static struct scroller_s {
@@ -178,7 +185,7 @@ static EXT_RAM_ATTR struct {
int limit;
} bars[MAX_BARS];
float spectrum_scale;
- int n, col, row, height, width, border;
+ int n, col, row, height, width, border, style, max;
int speed, wake;
float fft[FFT_LEN*2], samples[FFT_LEN*2], hanning[FFT_LEN];
@@ -189,6 +196,8 @@ static EXT_RAM_ATTR struct {
} back;
} visu;
+extern const uint8_t vu_bitmap[] asm("_binary_vu_data_start");
#define ANIM_NONE 0x00
#define ANIM_TRANSITION 0x01 // A transition animation has finished
#define ANIM_SCROLL_ONCE 0x02
@@ -565,6 +574,35 @@ static void vfdc_handler( u8_t *_data, int bytes_read) {
+ * Display VU-Meter (lots of hard-coding)
+ */
+void draw_VU(struct GDS_Device * display, const uint8_t *data, int level, int x, int y, int width) {
+ // VU data is by columns and vertical flip to allow block offset
+ data += level * VU_WIDTH * VU_HEIGHT;
+ // adjust to current display window
+ if (width > VU_WIDTH) {
+ width = VU_WIDTH;
+ x += (width - VU_WIDTH) / 2;
+ } else {
+ data += (VU_WIDTH - width) / 2 * VU_HEIGHT;
+ }
+ // this is 8 bits grayscale
+ int scale = 8 - GDS_GetDepth(display);
+ // use "fast" version as we are not beyond screen boundaries
+ for (int r = 0; r < width; r++) {
+ for (int c = 0; c < VU_HEIGHT; c++) {
+ GDS_DrawPixelFast(display, r + x, c + y, *data++ >> scale);
+ }
+ }
+ // need to manually set dirty flag as DrawPixel does not do it
+ GDS_SetDirty(display);
* Process graphic display data
@@ -574,12 +612,13 @@ static void grfe_handler( u8_t *data, int len) {
scroller.active = false;
- // we are not in control or we are displaying visu on a small screen, do not do screen update
+ // visu has priority when full screen on small screens
if ((visu.mode & VISU_ESP32) && !visu.col && visu.row < SB_HEIGHT) {
+ // are we in control
if (displayer.owned) {
// did we have something that might have write on the bottom of a SB_HEIGHT+ display
if (displayer.dirty) {
@@ -694,9 +733,12 @@ static void grfg_handler(u8_t *data, int len) {
struct grfg_packet *pkt = (struct grfg_packet*) data;
LOG_DEBUG("gfrg s:%hu w:%hu (len:%u)", htons(pkt->screen), htons(pkt->width), len);
+ // on small screen, visu has priority when full screen
+ if ((visu.mode & VISU_ESP32) && !visu.col && visu.row < SB_HEIGHT) return;
xSemaphoreTake(displayer.mutex, portMAX_DELAY);
// size of scrollable area (less than background)
scroller.width = htons(pkt->width);
scroller.back.width = ((len - sizeof(struct grfg_packet)) * 8) / displayer.height;
@@ -733,14 +775,21 @@ static void grfa_handler(u8_t *data, int len) {
int size = len - sizeof(struct grfa_packet);
int offset = htonl(pkt->offset);
int length = htonl(pkt->length);
+ // when using full screen visualizer on small screen there is a brief overlay
artwork.enable = (length != 0);
- // clean up if we are disabling previously enabled artwork
- if (!artwork.enable) {
- if (artwork.size) GDS_ClearWindow(display, artwork.x, artwork.y, -1, -1, GDS_COLOR_BLACK);
+ // just a config or an actual artwork
+ if (length < 32) {
+ if (artwork.enable) {
+ // this is just to specify artwork coordinates
+ artwork.x = htons(pkt->x);
+ artwork.y = htons(pkt->y);
+ } else if (artwork.size) GDS_ClearWindow(display, artwork.x, artwork.y, -1, -1, GDS_COLOR_BLACK);
+ // done in any case
- }
+ }
// new grfa artwork, allocate memory
if (!offset) {
@@ -804,7 +853,7 @@ static void visu_update(void) {
// convert to dB (1 bit remaining for getting X²/N, 60dB dynamic starting from 0dBFS = 3 bits back-off)
for (int i = visu.n; --i >= 0;) {
visu.bars[i].current = SB_HEIGHT * (0.01667f*10*log10f(0.0000001f + (visu.bars[i].current >> 1)) - 0.2543f);
- if (visu.bars[i].current > 31) visu.bars[i].current = 31;
+ if (visu.bars[i].current > visu.max) visu.bars[i].current = visu.max;
else if (visu.bars[i].current < 0) visu.bars[i].current = 0;
} else {
@@ -846,7 +895,7 @@ static void visu_update(void) {
// convert to dB and bars, same back-off
if (power) visu.bars[i].current = SB_HEIGHT * (0.01667f*10*(log10f(power) - log10f(FFT_LEN/2*2)) - 0.2543f);
- if (visu.bars[i].current > 31) visu.bars[i].current = 31;
+ if (visu.bars[i].current > visu.max) visu.bars[i].current = visu.max;
else if (visu.bars[i].current < 0) visu.bars[i].current = 0;
@@ -866,23 +915,31 @@ static void visu_update(void) {
GDS_DrawBitmapCBR(display, visu.back.frame, visu.back.width, displayer.height, GDS_COLOR_WHITE);
- // there is much more optimization to be done here, like not redrawing bars unless needed
- for (int i = visu.n; --i >= 0;) {
- int x1 = visu.col + visu.border + visu.bar_border + i*(visu.bar_width + visu.bar_gap);
- int y1 = visu.row + visu.height - 1;
+ if (mode != VISU_VUMETER || !visu.style) {
+ // there is much more optimization to be done here, like not redrawing bars unless needed
+ for (int i = visu.n; --i >= 0;) {
+ int x1 = visu.col + visu.border + visu.bar_border + i*(visu.bar_width + visu.bar_gap);
+ int y1 = visu.row + visu.height - 1;
- if (visu.bars[i].current > visu.bars[i].max) visu.bars[i].max = visu.bars[i].current;
- else if (visu.bars[i].max) visu.bars[i].max--;
- else if (!clear) continue;
- for (int j = 0; j <= visu.bars[i].current; j += 2)
- GDS_DrawLine(display, x1, y1 - j, x1 + visu.bar_width - 1, y1 - j, GDS_COLOR_WHITE);
+ if (visu.bars[i].current > visu.bars[i].max) visu.bars[i].max = visu.bars[i].current;
+ else if (visu.bars[i].max) visu.bars[i].max--;
+ else if (!clear) continue;
- if (visu.bars[i].max > 2) {
- GDS_DrawLine(display, x1, y1 - visu.bars[i].max, x1 + visu.bar_width - 1, y1 - visu.bars[i].max, GDS_COLOR_WHITE);
- GDS_DrawLine(display, x1, y1 - visu.bars[i].max + 1, x1 + visu.bar_width - 1, y1 - visu.bars[i].max + 1, GDS_COLOR_WHITE);
- }
- }
+ for (int j = 0; j <= visu.bars[i].current; j += 2)
+ GDS_DrawLine(display, x1, y1 - j, x1 + visu.bar_width - 1, y1 - j, GDS_COLOR_WHITE);
+ if (visu.bars[i].max > 2) {
+ GDS_DrawLine(display, x1, y1 - visu.bars[i].max, x1 + visu.bar_width - 1, y1 - visu.bars[i].max, GDS_COLOR_WHITE);
+ GDS_DrawLine(display, x1, y1 - visu.bars[i].max + 1, x1 + visu.bar_width - 1, y1 - visu.bars[i].max + 1, GDS_COLOR_WHITE);
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (displayer.width / 2 > 3 * VU_WIDTH / 4) {
+ draw_VU(display, vu_bitmap, visu.bars[0].current, 0, visu.row, displayer.width / 2);
+ draw_VU(display, vu_bitmap, visu.bars[1].current, displayer.width / 2, visu.row, displayer.width / 2);
+ } else {
+ int level = (visu.bars[0].current + visu.bars[1].current) / 2;
+ draw_VU(display, vu_bitmap, level, 0, visu.row, displayer.width);
+ }
@@ -934,6 +991,7 @@ static void visu_handler( u8_t *data, int len) {
pkt->row = htonl(pkt->row);
pkt->col = htonl(pkt->col);
+ visu.style = 0;
visu.width = htonl(pkt->width);
visu.height = pkt->height ? pkt->height : SB_HEIGHT;
visu.col = pkt->col < 0 ? displayer.width + pkt->col : pkt->col;
@@ -944,27 +1002,36 @@ static void visu_handler( u8_t *data, int len) {
} else {
// full screen visu, try to use bottom screen if available
visu.height = GDS_GetHeight(display) > SB_HEIGHT ? GDS_GetHeight(display) - SB_HEIGHT : GDS_GetHeight(display);
- bars = htonl(pkt->full.bars);
- visu.spectrum_scale = htonl(pkt->full.spectrum_scale) / 100.;
visu.row = GDS_GetHeight(display) - visu.height;
+ // is this spectrum or analogue/digital
+ if ((visu.mode & ~VISU_ESP32) == VISU_SPECTRUM) {
+ bars = htonl(pkt->full.bars);
+ visu.spectrum_scale = htonl(pkt->full.spectrum_scale) / 100.;
+ } else {
+ // select analogue/digital style
+ visu.style = htonl(pkt->full.style);
+ }
} else {
// classical (screensaver) mode, don't try to optimize screen usage & force some params
visu.row = 0;
visu.height = SB_HEIGHT;
visu.spectrum_scale = 0.25;
- if (artwork.enable && artwork.y < SB_HEIGHT) visu.width = artwork.x - 1;
if (visu.mode == VISU_SPECTRUM) bars = visu.width / (htonl(pkt->channels[0].bar_width) + htonl(pkt->channels[0].bar_space));
+ else visu.style = htonl(pkt->classical_vu.style);
if (bars > MAX_BARS) bars = MAX_BARS;
// try to adapt to what we have
if ((visu.mode & ~VISU_ESP32) == VISU_SPECTRUM) {
visu.n = bars ? bars : MAX_BARS;
+ visu.max = displayer.height - 1;
if (visu.spectrum_scale <= 0 || visu.spectrum_scale > 0.5) visu.spectrum_scale = 0.5;
spectrum_limits(0, visu.n, 0);
} else {
visu.n = 2;
+ visu.max = visu.style ? (VU_COUNT - 1) : (displayer.height - 1);
do {
@@ -1071,11 +1138,3 @@ static void displayer_task(void *args) {
visu.wake -= sleep;