@@ -231,27 +231,6 @@ static void SetLayout( struct GDS_Device* Device, bool HFlip, bool VFlip, bool R
- /*//----- Or Rotation: -----
- Private->MADCtl = 0x80; //Orientation 0 degree
- if (HFlip) { //Orientation 90 degree
- Private->MADCtl = 0x20;
- int a = Device->Height;
- int b = Device->Width;
- Device->Height = b;
- Device->Width = a;
- }
- if (Rotate) { //Orientation 180 degree
- Private->MADCtl = 0x40;
- }
- if (VFlip) { //Orientation 270 degree
- Private->MADCtl = 0xE0;
- int a = Device->Height;
- int b = Device->Width;
- Device->Height = b;
- Device->Width = a;
- }
- */
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "SetLayout 255 Private->MADCtl=%hhu", Private->MADCtl);
Device->WriteCommand( Device, 0x36 );
@@ -293,13 +272,7 @@ static bool Init( struct GDS_Device* Device ) {
// Sleepout + Booster
Device->WriteCommand( Device, 0x11 );
- // need BGR & Address Mode
- //Private->MADCtl = 1 << 3; // for ST77xx = 0x40
- //Private->MADCtl = 1 << 7; // for ILI9341 = 0x80 (320x240) or 0x20 (240x320)
- //Device->WriteCommand( Device, 0x36 );
- //WriteByte( Device, Private->MADCtl );
// set flip modes & contrast
GDS_SetContrast( Device, 0x7f );
Device->SetLayout( Device, false, false, false );
@@ -319,45 +292,14 @@ static bool Init( struct GDS_Device* Device ) {
Device->WriteCommand( Device, 0x26 ); WriteByte( Device, 0x01 ); // Gamma curve selected (0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08) - A maximum of 4 fixed gamma curves can be selected
//Gamma Correction Test01
Device->WriteCommand( Device, 0xE0 ); // Positive Gamma Correction (15 Parameter)
- WriteByte( Device, 0x0F ); WriteByte( Device, 0x31 ); WriteByte( Device, 0x2B ); WriteByte( Device, 0x0C ); WriteByte( Device, 0x0E );
- WriteByte( Device, 0x08 ); WriteByte( Device, 0x4E ); WriteByte( Device, 0xF1 ); WriteByte( Device, 0x37 ); WriteByte( Device, 0x07 );
- WriteByte( Device, 0x10 ); WriteByte( Device, 0x03 ); WriteByte( Device, 0x0E ); WriteByte( Device, 0x09 ); WriteByte( Device, 0x00 );
+ WriteByte( Device, 0x0F ); WriteByte( Device, 0x31 ); WriteByte( Device, 0x2B ); WriteByte( Device, 0x0C ); WriteByte( Device, 0x0E );
+ WriteByte( Device, 0x08 ); WriteByte( Device, 0x4E ); WriteByte( Device, 0xF1 ); WriteByte( Device, 0x37 ); WriteByte( Device, 0x07 );
+ WriteByte( Device, 0x10 ); WriteByte( Device, 0x03 ); WriteByte( Device, 0x0E ); WriteByte( Device, 0x09 ); WriteByte( Device, 0x00 );
Device->WriteCommand( Device, 0xE1 ); // Negative Gamma Correction (15 Parameter)
- WriteByte( Device, 0x00 ); WriteByte( Device, 0x0E ); WriteByte( Device, 0x14 ); WriteByte( Device, 0x03 ); WriteByte( Device, 0x11 );
- WriteByte( Device, 0x07 ); WriteByte( Device, 0x31 ); WriteByte( Device, 0xC1 ); WriteByte( Device, 0x48 ); WriteByte( Device, 0x08 );
- WriteByte( Device, 0x0F ); WriteByte( Device, 0x0C ); WriteByte( Device, 0x31 ); WriteByte( Device, 0x36 ); WriteByte( Device, 0x0F );
+ WriteByte( Device, 0x00 ); WriteByte( Device, 0x0E ); WriteByte( Device, 0x14 ); WriteByte( Device, 0x03 ); WriteByte( Device, 0x11 );
+ WriteByte( Device, 0x07 ); WriteByte( Device, 0x31 ); WriteByte( Device, 0xC1 ); WriteByte( Device, 0x48 ); WriteByte( Device, 0x08 );
+ WriteByte( Device, 0x0F ); WriteByte( Device, 0x0C ); WriteByte( Device, 0x31 ); WriteByte( Device, 0x36 ); WriteByte( Device, 0x0F );
- /*//Gamma Correction Test02
- Device->WriteCommand( Device, 0xE0 ); // Positive Gamma Correction (15 Parameter)
- WriteByte( Device, 0x1F ); WriteByte( Device, 0x1A ); WriteByte( Device, 0x18 ); WriteByte( Device, 0x0A ); WriteByte( Device, 0x0F );
- WriteByte( Device, 0x06 ); WriteByte( Device, 0x45 ); WriteByte( Device, 0x87 ); WriteByte( Device, 0x32 ); WriteByte( Device, 0x0a );
- WriteByte( Device, 0x07 ); WriteByte( Device, 0x02 ); WriteByte( Device, 0x07 ); WriteByte( Device, 0x05 ); WriteByte( Device, 0x00 );
- Device->WriteCommand( Device, 0xE1 ); // Negative Gamma Correction (15 Parameter)
- WriteByte( Device, 0x00 ); WriteByte( Device, 0x25 ); WriteByte( Device, 0x27 ); WriteByte( Device, 0x05 ); WriteByte( Device, 0x10 );
- WriteByte( Device, 0x09 ); WriteByte( Device, 0x3a ); WriteByte( Device, 0x78 ); WriteByte( Device, 0x4d ); WriteByte( Device, 0x05 );
- WriteByte( Device, 0x18 ); WriteByte( Device, 0x0d ); WriteByte( Device, 0x38 ); WriteByte( Device, 0x3a ); WriteByte( Device, 0x1F );
- */
- /*//Gamma Correction Test03
- Device->WriteCommand( Device, 0xE0 ); // Positive Gamma Correction (15 Parameter)
- WriteByte( Device, 0x0F ); WriteByte( Device, 0x3F ); WriteByte( Device, 0x2F ); WriteByte( Device, 0x0C ); WriteByte( Device, 0x10 );
- WriteByte( Device, 0x0A ); WriteByte( Device, 0x53 ); WriteByte( Device, 0xD5 ); WriteByte( Device, 0x40 ); WriteByte( Device, 0x0A );
- WriteByte( Device, 0x13 ); WriteByte( Device, 0x03 ); WriteByte( Device, 0x08 ); WriteByte( Device, 0x03 ); WriteByte( Device, 0x00 );
- Device->WriteCommand( Device, 0xE1 ); // Negative Gamma Correction (15 Parameter)
- WriteByte( Device, 0x00 ); WriteByte( Device, 0x00 ); WriteByte( Device, 0x10 ); WriteByte( Device, 0x03 ); WriteByte( Device, 0x0F );
- WriteByte( Device, 0x05 ); WriteByte( Device, 0x2C ); WriteByte( Device, 0xA2 ); WriteByte( Device, 0x3F ); WriteByte( Device, 0x05 );
- WriteByte( Device, 0x0E ); WriteByte( Device, 0x0C ); WriteByte( Device, 0x37 ); WriteByte( Device, 0x3c ); WriteByte( Device, 0x0F );
- */
- /*//Gamma Correction Test04 (no real values... only to test, that Gamme Correction works... you see very light cover-images)
- Device->WriteCommand( Device, 0xE0 ); // Positive Gamma Correction (15 Parameter)
- WriteByte( Device, 0x22 ); WriteByte( Device, 0x22 ); WriteByte( Device, 0x22 ); WriteByte( Device, 0x22 ); WriteByte( Device, 0x22 );
- WriteByte( Device, 0x22 ); WriteByte( Device, 0x22 ); WriteByte( Device, 0x22 ); WriteByte( Device, 0x22 ); WriteByte( Device, 0x22 );
- WriteByte( Device, 0x22 ); WriteByte( Device, 0x22 ); WriteByte( Device, 0x22 ); WriteByte( Device, 0x22 ); WriteByte( Device, 0x22 );
- Device->WriteCommand( Device, 0xE1 ); // Negative Gamma Correction (15 Parameter)
- WriteByte( Device, 0x10 ); WriteByte( Device, 0x10 ); WriteByte( Device, 0x10 ); WriteByte( Device, 0x10 ); WriteByte( Device, 0x10 );
- WriteByte( Device, 0x10 ); WriteByte( Device, 0x10 ); WriteByte( Device, 0x10 ); WriteByte( Device, 0x10 ); WriteByte( Device, 0x10 );
- WriteByte( Device, 0x10 ); WriteByte( Device, 0x10 ); WriteByte( Device, 0x10 ); WriteByte( Device, 0x10 ); WriteByte( Device, 0x10 );
- */
// gone with the wind
Device->DisplayOn( Device );
Device->Update( Device );
@@ -374,13 +316,11 @@ static const struct GDS_Device ILI9341_X = {
struct GDS_Device* ILI9341_Detect(char *Driver, struct GDS_Device* Device) {
uint8_t Model;
- //int Depth=18; // 18bit (=24bit) colordepth
int Depth=16; // 16bit colordepth
if (strcasestr(Driver, "ILI9341")) Model = ILI9341;
else if (strcasestr(Driver, "ILI9341_24")) Model = ILI9341_24; //for future use...
else return NULL;
- //ESP_LOGI(TAG, "ILI9341_Detect 383 Model=%hhu (0=ILI9341, 1=ILI9341_24) and Depth=%d", Model,Depth);
if (!Device) Device = calloc(1, sizeof(struct GDS_Device));