/** * Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Tara Keeling * * This software is released under the MIT License. * https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ssd13x6.h" // used by both but different static uint8_t SSDCmd_Set_Display_Start_Line; static uint8_t SSDCmd_Set_Display_Offset; static uint8_t SSDCmd_Set_Column_Address; static uint8_t SSDCmd_Set_Display_CLK; static uint8_t SSDCmd_Set_Page_Address; // misc boundaries static uint8_t SSD13x6_Max_Col; static const uint8_t SSD13x6_Max_Row = 7; static bool SSD13x6_Init( struct SSD13x6_Device* DeviceHandle, int Width, int Height ); int SSD13x6_GetCaps( struct SSD13x6_Device* DeviceHandle ) { if (DeviceHandle->Model == SH1106) return 0; else return CAPS_COLUMN_RANGE | CAPS_PAGE_RANGE | CAPS_ADDRESS_VERTICAL; } bool SSD13x6_WriteCommand( struct SSD13x6_Device* DeviceHandle, SSDCmd SSDCommand ) { NullCheck( DeviceHandle->WriteCommand, return false ); return ( DeviceHandle->WriteCommand ) ( DeviceHandle, SSDCommand ); } bool SSD13x6_WriteData( struct SSD13x6_Device* DeviceHandle, uint8_t* Data, size_t DataLength ) { NullCheck( DeviceHandle->WriteData, return false ); return ( DeviceHandle->WriteData ) ( DeviceHandle, Data, DataLength ); } void SSD13x6_SetMuxRatio( struct SSD13x6_Device* DeviceHandle, uint8_t Ratio ) { SSD13x6_WriteCommand( DeviceHandle, 0xA8 ); SSD13x6_WriteCommand( DeviceHandle, Ratio ); } void SSD13x6_SetDisplayOffset( struct SSD13x6_Device* DeviceHandle, uint8_t Offset ) { SSD13x6_WriteCommand( DeviceHandle, SSDCmd_Set_Display_Offset ); SSD13x6_WriteCommand( DeviceHandle, Offset ); } void SSD13x6_SetDisplayStartLine( struct SSD13x6_Device* DeviceHandle, int Line ) { SSD13x6_WriteCommand( DeviceHandle, SSDCmd_Set_Display_Start_Line + ( uint32_t ) ( Line & 0x1F ) ); } void SSD13x6_SetContrast( struct SSD13x6_Device* DeviceHandle, uint8_t Contrast ) { SSD13x6_WriteCommand( DeviceHandle, 0x81 ); SSD13x6_WriteCommand( DeviceHandle, Contrast ); } void SSD13x6_EnableDisplayRAM( struct SSD13x6_Device* DeviceHandle ) { SSD13x6_WriteCommand( DeviceHandle, 0xA4 ); } void SSD13x6_DisableDisplayRAM( struct SSD13x6_Device* DeviceHandle ) { SSD13x6_WriteCommand( DeviceHandle, 0xA5 ); } void SSD13x6_SetInverted( struct SSD13x6_Device* DeviceHandle, bool Inverted ) { SSD13x6_WriteCommand( DeviceHandle, Inverted ? 0xA7 : 0xA6 ); } void SSD13x6_SetDisplayClocks( struct SSD13x6_Device* DeviceHandle, uint32_t DisplayClockDivider, uint32_t OSCFrequency ) { DisplayClockDivider&= 0x0F; OSCFrequency&= 0x0F; SSD13x6_WriteCommand( DeviceHandle, SSDCmd_Set_Display_CLK ); SSD13x6_WriteCommand( DeviceHandle, ( ( OSCFrequency << 4 ) | DisplayClockDivider ) ); } void SSD13x6_DisplayOn( struct SSD13x6_Device* DeviceHandle ) { SSD13x6_WriteCommand( DeviceHandle, 0xAF ); } void SSD13x6_DisplayOff( struct SSD13x6_Device* DeviceHandle ) { SSD13x6_WriteCommand( DeviceHandle, 0xAE ); } void SSD132x_ReMap( struct SSD13x6_Device* DeviceHandle ) { SSD13x6_WriteCommand( DeviceHandle, 0xA0 ); SSD13x6_WriteCommand( DeviceHandle, DeviceHandle->ReMap ); } void SSD13x6_SetDisplayAddressMode( struct SSD13x6_Device* DeviceHandle, SSD13x6_AddressMode AddressMode ) { switch (DeviceHandle->Model) { case SH1106: // does not exist on SH1106 break; case SSD1306: SSD13x6_WriteCommand( DeviceHandle, 0x20 ); SSD13x6_WriteCommand( DeviceHandle, AddressMode ); break; case SSD1326: DeviceHandle->ReMap = (AddressMode == AddressMode_Horizontal) ? (DeviceHandle->ReMap & ~0x80) : (DeviceHandle->ReMap | 0x80); SSD132x_ReMap(DeviceHandle); break; } } void SSD13x6_Update( struct SSD13x6_Device* DeviceHandle ) { if (DeviceHandle->Model == SH1106) { // SH1106 requires a page-by-page update and ahs no end Page/Column for (int i = 0; i < DeviceHandle->Height / 8 ; i++) { SSD13x6_SetPageAddress( DeviceHandle, i, 0); SSD13x6_SetColumnAddress( DeviceHandle, 0, 0); SSD13x6_WriteData( DeviceHandle, DeviceHandle->Framebuffer + i*DeviceHandle->Width, DeviceHandle->Width ); } } else { // others have an automatic counter and end Page/Column SSD13x6_SetColumnAddress( DeviceHandle, 0, DeviceHandle->Width - 1); SSD13x6_SetPageAddress( DeviceHandle, 0, DeviceHandle->Height / 8 - 1); SSD13x6_WriteData( DeviceHandle, DeviceHandle->Framebuffer, DeviceHandle->FramebufferSize ); } } void SSD13x6_WriteRawData( struct SSD13x6_Device* DeviceHandle, uint8_t* Data, size_t DataLength ) { NullCheck( Data, return ); DataLength = DataLength > DeviceHandle->FramebufferSize ? DeviceHandle->FramebufferSize : DataLength; if ( DataLength > 0 ) SSD13x6_WriteData( DeviceHandle, Data, DataLength ); } void SSD13x6_SetHFlip( struct SSD13x6_Device* DeviceHandle, bool On ) { switch (DeviceHandle->Model) { case SH1106: case SSD1306: SSD13x6_WriteCommand( DeviceHandle, On ? 0xA1 : 0xA0 ); break; case SSD1326: DeviceHandle->ReMap = On ? (DeviceHandle->ReMap | 0x01) : (DeviceHandle->ReMap & ~0x01); SSD132x_ReMap(DeviceHandle); break; } } void SSD13x6_SetVFlip( struct SSD13x6_Device* DeviceHandle, bool On ) { switch (DeviceHandle->Model) { case SH1106: case SSD1306: SSD13x6_WriteCommand( DeviceHandle, On ? 0xC8 : 0xC0 ); break; case SSD1326: DeviceHandle->ReMap = On ? (DeviceHandle->ReMap | 0x05) : (DeviceHandle->ReMap & ~0x05); SSD132x_ReMap( DeviceHandle ); break; } } void SSD13x6_SetColumnAddress( struct SSD13x6_Device* DeviceHandle, uint8_t Start, uint8_t End ) { CheckBounds( Start > SSD13x6_Max_Col, return ); CheckBounds( End > SSD13x6_Max_Col, return ); // on SH1106, there is no "end column" if (DeviceHandle->Model == SH1106) { // well, unfortunately this driver is 132 colums but most displays are 128... if (DeviceHandle->Width != 132) Start += 2; SSD13x6_WriteCommand( DeviceHandle, 0x10 | (Start >> 4) ); SSD13x6_WriteCommand( DeviceHandle, 0x00 | (Start & 0x0f) ); } else { SSD13x6_WriteCommand( DeviceHandle, SSDCmd_Set_Column_Address ); SSD13x6_WriteCommand( DeviceHandle, Start ); SSD13x6_WriteCommand( DeviceHandle, End ); } } void SSD13x6_SetPageAddress( struct SSD13x6_Device* DeviceHandle, uint8_t Start, uint8_t End ) { NullCheck( DeviceHandle, return ); CheckBounds( Start > SSD13x6_Max_Row, return ); CheckBounds( End > SSD13x6_Max_Row, return ); // on SH1106, there is no "end page" if (DeviceHandle->Model == SH1106) { SSD13x6_WriteCommand( DeviceHandle, 0xB0 | Start ); } else { // in case of SSD1326, this is sub-optimal as it can address by line, not by page if (DeviceHandle->Model != SSD1306) { Start *= 8; End = (End + 1) * 8 - 1; } SSD13x6_WriteCommand( DeviceHandle, SSDCmd_Set_Page_Address ); SSD13x6_WriteCommand( DeviceHandle, Start ); SSD13x6_WriteCommand( DeviceHandle, End ); } } bool SSD13x6_HWReset( struct SSD13x6_Device* DeviceHandle ) { NullCheck( DeviceHandle, return 0 ); if ( DeviceHandle->Reset != NULL ) { return ( DeviceHandle->Reset ) ( DeviceHandle ); } /* This should always return true if there is no reset callback as * no error would have occurred during the non existant reset. */ return true; } static bool SSD13x6_Init( struct SSD13x6_Device* DeviceHandle, int Width, int Height ) { DeviceHandle->Width = Width; DeviceHandle->Height = Height; SSD13x6_HWReset( DeviceHandle ); SSD13x6_DisplayOff( DeviceHandle ); if (DeviceHandle->Model == SSD1306 || DeviceHandle->Model == SH1106) { SSDCmd_Set_Display_Start_Line = 0x40; SSDCmd_Set_Display_Offset = 0xD3; SSDCmd_Set_Column_Address = 0x21, SSDCmd_Set_Display_CLK = 0xD5; SSDCmd_Set_Page_Address = 0x22; SSD13x6_Max_Col = 127; if (DeviceHandle->Model == SSD1306) { // charge pump regulator, do direct init SSD13x6_WriteCommand( DeviceHandle, 0x8D ); SSD13x6_WriteCommand( DeviceHandle, 0x14 ); // COM pins HW config (alternative:EN, remap:DIS) - some display might need something difference SSD13x6_WriteCommand( DeviceHandle, 0xDA ); SSD13x6_WriteCommand( DeviceHandle, (1 << 4) | (0 < 5) ); } else { // charge pump regulator, do direct init SSD13x6_WriteCommand( DeviceHandle, 0xAD ); SSD13x6_WriteCommand( DeviceHandle, 0x8B ); // COM pins HW config (alternative:EN) - some display might need something difference SSD13x6_WriteCommand( DeviceHandle, 0xDA ); SSD13x6_WriteCommand( DeviceHandle, 1 << 4); } } else if (DeviceHandle->Model == SSD1326) { SSDCmd_Set_Display_Start_Line = 0xA1; SSDCmd_Set_Display_Offset = 0xA2; SSDCmd_Set_Column_Address = 0x15; SSDCmd_Set_Display_CLK = 0xB3; SSDCmd_Set_Page_Address = 0x75; // not really a page but a row SSD13x6_Max_Col = 255; // no gray scale DeviceHandle->ReMap |= 0x10; SSD132x_ReMap( DeviceHandle ); SSD13x6_SetHFlip( DeviceHandle, false ); SSD13x6_SetVFlip( DeviceHandle, false ); } SSD13x6_SetMuxRatio( DeviceHandle, Height - 1 ); SSD13x6_SetDisplayOffset( DeviceHandle, 0x00 ); SSD13x6_SetDisplayStartLine( DeviceHandle, 0 ); SSD13x6_SetContrast( DeviceHandle, 0x7F ); SSD13x6_DisableDisplayRAM( DeviceHandle ); SSD13x6_SetVFlip( DeviceHandle, false ); SSD13x6_SetHFlip( DeviceHandle, false ); SSD13x6_SetInverted( DeviceHandle, false ); SSD13x6_SetDisplayClocks( DeviceHandle, 0, 8 ); SSD13x6_SetDisplayAddressMode( DeviceHandle, AddressMode_Horizontal ); SSD13x6_SetColumnAddress( DeviceHandle, 0, DeviceHandle->Width - 1 ); SSD13x6_SetPageAddress( DeviceHandle, 0, ( DeviceHandle->Height / 8 ) - 1 ); SSD13x6_EnableDisplayRAM( DeviceHandle ); SSD13x6_DisplayOn( DeviceHandle ); SSD13x6_Update( DeviceHandle ); return true; } bool SSD13x6_Init_I2C( struct SSD13x6_Device* DeviceHandle, int Width, int Height, int I2CAddress, int ResetPin, WriteCommandProc WriteCommand, WriteDataProc WriteData, ResetProc Reset ) { NullCheck( DeviceHandle, return false ); NullCheck( WriteCommand, return false ); NullCheck( WriteData, return false ); DeviceHandle->WriteCommand = WriteCommand; DeviceHandle->WriteData = WriteData; DeviceHandle->Reset = Reset; DeviceHandle->Address = I2CAddress; DeviceHandle->RSTPin = ResetPin; DeviceHandle->FramebufferSize = ( Width * Height ) / 8; DeviceHandle->Framebuffer = calloc( 1, DeviceHandle->FramebufferSize ); NullCheck( DeviceHandle->Framebuffer, return false ); return SSD13x6_Init( DeviceHandle, Width, Height ); } bool SSD13x6_Init_SPI( struct SSD13x6_Device* DeviceHandle, int Width, int Height, int ResetPin, int CSPin, spi_device_handle_t SPIHandle, WriteCommandProc WriteCommand, WriteDataProc WriteData, ResetProc Reset ) { NullCheck( DeviceHandle, return false ); NullCheck( WriteCommand, return false ); NullCheck( WriteData, return false ); DeviceHandle->WriteCommand = WriteCommand; DeviceHandle->WriteData = WriteData; DeviceHandle->Reset = Reset; DeviceHandle->SPIHandle = SPIHandle; DeviceHandle->RSTPin = ResetPin; DeviceHandle->CSPin = CSPin; DeviceHandle->FramebufferSize = ( Width * Height ) / 8; DeviceHandle->Framebuffer = heap_caps_calloc( 1, DeviceHandle->FramebufferSize, MALLOC_CAP_INTERNAL | MALLOC_CAP_DMA ); NullCheck( DeviceHandle->Framebuffer, return false ); return SSD13x6_Init( DeviceHandle, Width, Height ); }