{ "commands": [{ "help": "Squeezelite Options", "hascb": true, "argtable": [{ "datatype": "[:]", "glossary": "Connect to specified server, otherwise uses autodiscovery to find server", "longopts": "server", "shortopts": "s", "checkbox": false, "hasvalue": true, "mincount": 0, "maxcount": 1 }, { "datatype": ":", "glossary": "Internal Stream and Output buffer sizes in Kbytes", "longopts": "buffers", "shortopts": "b", "checkbox": false, "hasvalue": true, "mincount": 0, "maxcount": 1 }, { "datatype": ",", "glossary": "Restrict codecs to those specified, otherwise load all available codecs; known codecs", "longopts": "codecs", "shortopts": "c", "checkbox": false, "hasvalue": true, "mincount": 0, "maxcount": 20 }, { "datatype": "", "glossary": "Close output device when idle after timeout seconds, default is to keep it open while player is 'on", "longopts": "timeout", "shortopts": "C", "checkbox": false, "hasvalue": true, "mincount": 0, "maxcount": 1 }, { "datatype": "log=level", "glossary": "Set logging level, logs: all|slimproto|stream|decode|output|ir, level: info|debug|sdebug", "longopts": "loglevel", "shortopts": "d", "checkbox": false, "hasvalue": true, "mincount": 0, "maxcount": 1 }, { "datatype": "", "glossary": "Output device", "longopts": "output_device", "shortopts": "o", "checkbox": false, "hasvalue": true, "mincount": 0, "maxcount": 1 }, { "datatype": "", "glossary": "Mac address, format: ab:cd:ef:12:34:56", "longopts": "mac_addr", "shortopts": "m", "checkbox": false, "hasvalue": true, "mincount": 0, "maxcount": 1 }, { "datatype": "", "glossary": "Squeezelite player model name sent to the server", "longopts": "modelname", "shortopts": "M", "checkbox": false, "hasvalue": true, "mincount": 0, "maxcount": 1 }, { "datatype": "", "glossary": "Player name", "longopts": "name", "shortopts": "n", "checkbox": false, "hasvalue": true, "mincount": 0, "maxcount": 1 }, { "glossary": "Read wave and aiff format from header, ignore server parameters", "longopts": "header_format", "shortopts": "W", "checkbox": true, "hasvalue": false, "mincount": 0, "maxcount": 1 }, { "datatype": "[:]", "glossary": "Sample rates supported, allows output to be off when squeezelite is started; rates = |-|,,; delay = optional delay switching rates in ms\n", "longopts": "rates", "shortopts": "r", "checkbox": false, "hasvalue": true, "mincount": 0, "maxcount": 1 }, { "datatype": "", "glossary": "Report rate to server in helo as the maximum sample rate we can support", "longopts": "max_rate", "shortopts": "Z", "checkbox": false, "hasvalue": true, "mincount": 0, "maxcount": 1 }], "hint": " [-W] [-s [:]] [-b :] [-c ,]... [-C ] [-d log=level] [-o ] [-m ] [-M ] [-n ] [-r [:]] [-Z ]", "name": "cfg-syst-squeezelite" }, { "help": "DAC Options", "hascb": true, "argtable": [{ "datatype": "TAS57xx|TAS5713|AC101|I2S", "glossary": "DAC Model Name", "longopts": "model_name", "checkbox": false, "hasvalue": true, "mincount": 1, "maxcount": 1 }, { "datatype": "", "glossary": "Clock GPIO. e.g. 33", "longopts": "clock", "checkbox": false, "hasvalue": true, "mincount": 1, "maxcount": 1 }, { "datatype": "", "glossary": "Word Select GPIO. e.g. 25", "longopts": "wordselect", "checkbox": false, "hasvalue": true, "mincount": 1, "maxcount": 1 }, { "datatype": "", "glossary": "Data GPIO. e.g. 32", "longopts": "data", "checkbox": false, "hasvalue": true, "mincount": 1, "maxcount": 1 }, { "datatype": "", "glossary": "Mute GPIO. e.g. 14", "longopts": "mute_gpio", "checkbox": false, "hasvalue": true, "mincount": 0, "maxcount": 1 }, { "glossary": "Mute active GPIO level", "longopts": "mute_level", "checkbox": true, "hasvalue": false, "mincount": 0, "maxcount": 1 }, { "datatype": "", "glossary": "SDA GPIO. e.g. 27", "longopts": "dac_sda", "checkbox": false, "hasvalue": true, "mincount": 0, "maxcount": 1 }, { "datatype": "", "glossary": "SCL GPIO. e.g. 26", "longopts": "dac_scl", "checkbox": false, "hasvalue": true, "mincount": 0, "maxcount": 1 }, { "datatype": "", "glossary": "I2C device address. e.g. 106", "longopts": "dac_i2c", "checkbox": false, "hasvalue": true, "mincount": 0, "maxcount": 1 }, { "glossary": "Clear configuration", "longopts": "clear", "checkbox": true, "hasvalue": false, "mincount": 0, "maxcount": 1 }], "hint": " --model_name=TAS57xx|TAS5713|AC101|I2S --clock= --wordselect= --data= [--mute_gpio=] [--mute_level] [--dac_sda=] [--dac_scl=] [--dac_i2c=] [--clear]", "name": "cfg-hw-dac" }, { "help": "Get the current size of free heap memory", "hascb": false, "name": "free" }, { "help": "Services", "hascb": true, "argtable": [{ "glossary": "Bluetooth Speaker", "longopts": "BT_Speaker", "checkbox": true, "hasvalue": false, "mincount": 0, "maxcount": 1 }, { "glossary": "AirPlay", "longopts": "AirPlay", "checkbox": true, "hasvalue": false, "mincount": 0, "maxcount": 1 }, { "datatype": "Disabled|Telnet Only|Telnet and Serial", "glossary": "Telnet server. Use only for troubleshooting", "longopts": "telnet", "shortopts": "t", "checkbox": false, "hasvalue": true, "mincount": 0, "maxcount": 1 }, { "glossary": "System Statistics. Use only for troubleshooting", "longopts": "stats", "checkbox": true, "hasvalue": false, "mincount": 0, "maxcount": 1 }], "hint": " [--BT_Speaker] [--AirPlay] [-t Disabled|Telnet Only|Telnet and Serial] [--stats]", "name": "cfg-syst-services" }, { "help": "Get minimum size of free heap memory found during execution", "hascb": false, "name": "heap" }, { "help": "Device Name", "hascb": true, "argtable": [{ "datatype": "\"squeezelite-test3\"", "glossary": "New Name", "longopts": "name", "shortopts": "n", "checkbox": false, "hasvalue": true, "mincount": 0, "maxcount": 1 }], "hint": " [-n \"squeezelite-test3\"]", "name": "cfg-syst-name" }, { "help": "Get version of chip and SDK", "hascb": false, "name": "version" }, { "help": "Software reset of the chip", "hascb": false, "name": "restart" }, { "help": "Resets and boot to recovery (if available)", "hascb": false, "name": "recovery" }, { "help": "Selects the ota app partition to boot from and performa a software reset of the chip", "hascb": false, "name": "restart_ota" }, { "help": "I2C Bus Parameters", "hascb": true, "argtable": [{ "datatype": "0|1", "glossary": "Port", "longopts": "port", "shortopts": "p", "checkbox": false, "hasvalue": true, "mincount": 0, "maxcount": 1 }, { "datatype": "int", "glossary": "Frequency (Hz) e.g. 100000", "longopts": "speed", "shortopts": "f", "checkbox": false, "hasvalue": true, "mincount": 0, "maxcount": 1 }, { "datatype": "", "glossary": "SDA GPIO. e.g. 19", "longopts": "sda", "shortopts": "d", "checkbox": false, "hasvalue": true, "mincount": 0, "maxcount": 1 }, { "datatype": "", "glossary": "SCL GPIO. e.g. 18", "longopts": "scl", "shortopts": "c", "checkbox": false, "hasvalue": true, "mincount": 0, "maxcount": 1 }, { "glossary": "Load Existing Configuration", "longopts": "load", "shortopts": "l", "checkbox": true, "hasvalue": false, "mincount": 0, "maxcount": 1 }, { "glossary": "Clear configuration", "longopts": "clear", "checkbox": true, "hasvalue": false, "mincount": 0, "maxcount": 1 }], "hint": " [-l] [-p 0|1] [-f int] [-d ] [-c ] [--clear]", "name": "cfg-hw-i2c" }, { "help": "SPI Bus Parameters", "hascb": true, "argtable": [{ "datatype": "", "glossary": "Data GPIO", "longopts": "data", "shortopts": "d", "checkbox": false, "hasvalue": true, "mincount": 0, "maxcount": 1 }, { "datatype": "", "glossary": "Clock GPIO", "longopts": "clk", "shortopts": "k", "checkbox": false, "hasvalue": true, "mincount": 0, "maxcount": 1 }, { "datatype": "", "glossary": "DC GPIO", "longopts": "dc", "shortopts": "c", "checkbox": false, "hasvalue": true, "mincount": 0, "maxcount": 1 }, { "datatype": "int", "glossary": "SPI Host Number", "longopts": "host", "shortopts": "h", "checkbox": false, "hasvalue": true, "mincount": 0, "maxcount": 1 }, { "glossary": "Clear configuration", "longopts": "clear", "checkbox": true, "hasvalue": false, "mincount": 0, "maxcount": 1 }], "hint": " [-d ] [-k ] [-c ] [-h int] [--clear]", "name": "cfg-hw-spi" }, { "help": "Scan I2C bus for devices", "hascb": false, "name": "i2cdetect" }, { "help": "Read registers visible through the I2C bus", "hascb": false, "argtable": [{ "datatype": "", "glossary": "Specify the address of the chip on that bus", "longopts": "chip", "shortopts": "c", "checkbox": false, "hasvalue": true, "mincount": 1, "maxcount": 1 }, { "datatype": "", "glossary": "Specify the address on that chip to read from", "longopts": "register", "shortopts": "r", "checkbox": false, "hasvalue": true, "mincount": 0, "maxcount": 1 }, { "datatype": "", "glossary": "Specify the length to read from that data address", "longopts": "length", "shortopts": "l", "checkbox": false, "hasvalue": true, "mincount": 0, "maxcount": 1 }], "hint": " -c [-r ] [-l ]", "name": "i2cget" }, { "help": "Set registers visible through the I2C bus", "hascb": false, "argtable": [{ "datatype": "", "glossary": "Specify the address of the chip on that bus", "longopts": "chip", "shortopts": "c", "checkbox": false, "hasvalue": true, "mincount": 1, "maxcount": 1 }, { "datatype": "", "glossary": "Specify the i2c port (0|2)", "longopts": "port", "shortopts": "p", "checkbox": false, "hasvalue": true, "mincount": 0, "maxcount": 1 }, { "datatype": "", "glossary": "Specify the address on that chip to read from", "longopts": "register", "shortopts": "r", "checkbox": false, "hasvalue": true, "mincount": 0, "maxcount": 1 }, { "datatype": "", "glossary": "Specify the data to write to that data address", "checkbox": false, "hasvalue": true, "mincount": 0, "maxcount": 256 }], "hint": " -c [-p ] [-r ] []...", "name": "i2cset" }, { "help": "Examine registers visible through the I2C bus", "hascb": false, "argtable": [{ "datatype": "", "glossary": "Specify the address of the chip on that bus", "longopts": "chip", "shortopts": "c", "checkbox": false, "hasvalue": true, "mincount": 1, "maxcount": 1 }, { "datatype": "", "glossary": "Specify the size of each read", "longopts": "size", "shortopts": "s", "checkbox": false, "hasvalue": true, "mincount": 0, "maxcount": 1 }], "hint": " -c [-s ]", "name": "i2cdump" }, { "help": "Display", "hascb": true, "argtable": [{ "datatype": "", "glossary": "Interface (default I2C)", "longopts": "type", "shortopts": "t", "checkbox": false, "hasvalue": true, "mincount": 0, "maxcount": 1 }, { "datatype": "", "glossary": "Driver (default SSD1306)", "longopts": "driver", "shortopts": "d", "checkbox": false, "hasvalue": true, "mincount": 0, "maxcount": 1 }, { "datatype": "", "glossary": "I2C address (default 60)", "longopts": "address", "shortopts": "a", "checkbox": false, "hasvalue": true, "mincount": 0, "maxcount": 1 }, { "datatype": "", "glossary": "Width", "longopts": "width", "shortopts": "w", "checkbox": false, "hasvalue": true, "mincount": 0, "maxcount": 1 }, { "datatype": "", "glossary": "Height", "longopts": "height", "shortopts": "h", "checkbox": false, "hasvalue": true, "mincount": 0, "maxcount": 1 }, { "glossary": "Rotate 180 degrees", "longopts": "rotate", "shortopts": "r", "checkbox": true, "hasvalue": false, "mincount": 0, "maxcount": 1 }, { "glossary": "Flip horizontally", "longopts": "hf", "checkbox": true, "hasvalue": false, "mincount": 0, "maxcount": 1 }, { "glossary": "Flip vertically", "longopts": "vf", "checkbox": true, "hasvalue": false, "mincount": 0, "maxcount": 1 }, { "datatype": "", "glossary": "Bus Speed (Default 8000000 for SPI, 250000 for I2C). SPI interface can work up to 26MHz~40MHz", "longopts": "speed", "shortopts": "s", "checkbox": false, "hasvalue": true, "mincount": 0, "maxcount": 1 }, { "datatype": "", "glossary": "Backlight GPIO (if applicable)", "longopts": "back", "shortopts": "b", "checkbox": false, "hasvalue": true, "mincount": 0, "maxcount": 1 }, { "glossary": "clear configuration and return", "longopts": "clear", "checkbox": true, "hasvalue": false, "mincount": 0, "maxcount": 1 }], "hint": " [-r] [-t ] [-d ] [-a ] [-w ] [-h ] [--hf] [--vf] [-s ] [-b ] [--clear]", "name": "cfg-hw-display" }, { "help": "Shows display options and global i2c configuration", "hascb": false, "name": "getdisplay" }, { "help": "Stop the I2C bus", "hascb": false, "argtable": [{ "datatype": "<0|1>", "glossary": "I2C bus port number", "longopts": "port", "shortopts": "p", "checkbox": false, "hasvalue": true, "mincount": 0, "maxcount": 1 }], "hint": " [-p <0|1>]", "name": "i2cstop" }, { "help": "Check if the I2C bus is installed", "hascb": false, "argtable": [{ "datatype": "<0|1>", "glossary": "Set the I2C bus port number", "longopts": "port", "shortopts": "p", "checkbox": false, "hasvalue": true, "mincount": 0, "maxcount": 1 }], "hint": " [-p <0|1>]", "name": "i2ccheck" }], "values": { "cfg-syst-squeezelite": { "buffers": "500:2000", "header_format": true, "loglevel": "all=info", "output_device": "I2S", "name": "squeezelite", "timeout": 30 }, "cfg-hw-dac": { "model_name": "i2s" }, "cfg-syst-services": { "BT_Speaker": false, "AirPlay": false, "telnet": "Telnet and Serial", "stats": true }, "cfg-syst-name": { "name": "\"squeezelite-test3\"" }, "cfg-hw-i2c": { "freq": 400000 }, "cfg-hw-spi": { }, "cfg-hw-display": { "address": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0, "driver": "SSD1306", "hf": false, "vf": false, "rotate": false } } }