/* * Squeezelite - lightweight headless squeezebox emulator * * (c) Adrian Smith 2012-2015, triode1@btinternet.com * Ralph Irving 2015-2017, ralph_irving@hotmail.com * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * */ #include "squeezelite.h" #include <mad.h> #define MAD_DELAY 529 #define READBUF_SIZE 2048 // local buffer used by decoder: FIXME merge with any other decoders needing one? struct mad { u8_t *readbuf; unsigned readbuf_len; struct mad_stream stream; struct mad_frame frame; struct mad_synth synth; enum mad_error last_error; // for lame gapless processing int checktags; u32_t consume; u32_t skip; u64_t samples; u32_t padding; #if !LINKALL // mad symbols to be dynamically loaded void (* mad_stream_init)(struct mad_stream *); void (* mad_frame_init)(struct mad_frame *); void (* mad_synth_init)(struct mad_synth *); void (* mad_frame_finish)(struct mad_frame *); void (* mad_stream_finish)(struct mad_stream *); void (* mad_stream_buffer)(struct mad_stream *, unsigned char const *, unsigned long); int (* mad_frame_decode)(struct mad_frame *, struct mad_stream *); void (* mad_synth_frame)(struct mad_synth *, struct mad_frame const *); char const *(* mad_stream_errorstr)(struct mad_stream const *); #endif }; static struct mad *m; extern log_level loglevel; extern struct buffer *streambuf; extern struct buffer *outputbuf; extern struct streamstate stream; extern struct outputstate output; extern struct decodestate decode; extern struct processstate process; #define LOCK_S mutex_lock(streambuf->mutex) #define UNLOCK_S mutex_unlock(streambuf->mutex) #define LOCK_O mutex_lock(outputbuf->mutex) #define UNLOCK_O mutex_unlock(outputbuf->mutex) #if PROCESS #define LOCK_O_direct if (decode.direct) mutex_lock(outputbuf->mutex) #define UNLOCK_O_direct if (decode.direct) mutex_unlock(outputbuf->mutex) #define IF_DIRECT(x) if (decode.direct) { x } #define IF_PROCESS(x) if (!decode.direct) { x } #else #define LOCK_O_direct mutex_lock(outputbuf->mutex) #define UNLOCK_O_direct mutex_unlock(outputbuf->mutex) #define IF_DIRECT(x) { x } #define IF_PROCESS(x) #endif #if LINKALL #define MAD(h, fn, ...) (mad_ ## fn)(__VA_ARGS__) #else #define MAD(h, fn, ...) (h)->mad_##fn(__VA_ARGS__) #endif // based on libmad minimad.c scale static inline ISAMPLE_T scale(mad_fixed_t sample) { sample += (1L << (MAD_F_FRACBITS - 24)); if (sample >= MAD_F_ONE) sample = MAD_F_ONE - 1; else if (sample < -MAD_F_ONE) sample = -MAD_F_ONE; #if BYTES_PER_FRAME == 4 return (ISAMPLE_T)((sample >> (MAD_F_FRACBITS + 1 - 24)) >> 8); #else return (ISAMPLE_T)((sample >> (MAD_F_FRACBITS + 1 - 24)) << 8); #endif } // check for id3.2 tag at start of file - http://id3.org/id3v2.4.0-structure, return length static unsigned _check_id3_tag(size_t bytes) { u8_t *ptr = streambuf->readp; u32_t size = 0; if (bytes > 10 && *ptr == 'I' && *(ptr+1) == 'D' && *(ptr+2) == '3') { // size is encoded as syncsafe integer, add 10 if footer present if (*(ptr+6) < 0x80 && *(ptr+7) < 0x80 && *(ptr+8) < 0x80 && *(ptr+9) < 0x80) { size = 10 + (*(ptr+6) << 21) + (*(ptr+7) << 14) + (*(ptr+8) << 7) + *(ptr+9) + ((*(ptr+5) & 0x10) ? 10 : 0); LOG_DEBUG("id3.2 tag len: %u", size); } } return size; } // check for lame gapless params, don't advance streambuf static void _check_lame_header(size_t bytes) { u8_t *ptr = streambuf->readp; if (*ptr == 0xff && (*(ptr+1) & 0xf0) == 0xf0 && bytes > 180) { u32_t frame_count = 0, enc_delay = 0, enc_padding = 0; u8_t flags; // 2 channels if (!memcmp(ptr + 36, "Xing", 4) || !memcmp(ptr + 36, "Info", 4)) { ptr += 36 + 7; // mono } else if (!memcmp(ptr + 21, "Xing", 4) || !memcmp(ptr + 21, "Info", 4)) { ptr += 21 + 7; } flags = *ptr; if (flags & 0x01) { frame_count = unpackN((u32_t *)(ptr + 1)); ptr += 4; } if (flags & 0x02) ptr += 4; if (flags & 0x04) ptr += 100; if (flags & 0x08) ptr += 4; if (!!memcmp(ptr+1, "LAME", 4)) { return; } ptr += 22; enc_delay = (*ptr << 4 | *(ptr + 1) >> 4) + MAD_DELAY; enc_padding = (*(ptr + 1) & 0xF) << 8 | *(ptr + 2); enc_padding = enc_padding > MAD_DELAY ? enc_padding - MAD_DELAY : 0; // add one frame to initial skip for this (empty) frame m->skip = enc_delay + 1152; m->samples = frame_count * 1152 - enc_delay - enc_padding; m->padding = enc_padding; LOG_INFO("gapless: skip: %u samples: " FMT_u64 " delay: %u padding: %u", m->skip, m->samples, enc_delay, enc_padding); } } static decode_state mad_decode(void) { size_t bytes; bool eos = false; LOCK_S; bytes = min(_buf_used(streambuf), _buf_cont_read(streambuf)); if (m->checktags) { if (m->checktags == 1) { m->consume = _check_id3_tag(bytes); m->checktags = 2; } if (m->consume) { u32_t consume = min(m->consume, bytes); LOG_DEBUG("consume: %u of %u", consume, m->consume); _buf_inc_readp(streambuf, consume); m->consume -= consume; UNLOCK_S; return DECODE_RUNNING; } if (m->checktags == 2) { if (!stream.meta_interval) { _check_lame_header(bytes); } m->checktags = 0; } } if (m->stream.next_frame && m->readbuf_len) { m->readbuf_len -= m->stream.next_frame - m->readbuf; memmove(m->readbuf, m->stream.next_frame, m->readbuf_len); } bytes = min(bytes, READBUF_SIZE - m->readbuf_len); memcpy(m->readbuf + m->readbuf_len, streambuf->readp, bytes); m->readbuf_len += bytes; _buf_inc_readp(streambuf, bytes); if (stream.state <= DISCONNECT && _buf_used(streambuf) == 0) { eos = true; LOG_DEBUG("end of stream"); memset(m->readbuf + m->readbuf_len, 0, MAD_BUFFER_GUARD); m->readbuf_len += MAD_BUFFER_GUARD; } UNLOCK_S; MAD(m, stream_buffer, &m->stream, m->readbuf, m->readbuf_len); while (true) { size_t frames; s32_t *iptrl; s32_t *iptrr; unsigned max_frames; if (MAD(m, frame_decode, &m->frame, &m->stream) == -1) { decode_state ret; if (!eos && m->stream.error == MAD_ERROR_BUFLEN) { ret = DECODE_RUNNING; } else if (eos && (m->stream.error == MAD_ERROR_BUFLEN || m->stream.error == MAD_ERROR_LOSTSYNC || m->stream.error == MAD_ERROR_BADBITRATE)) { ret = DECODE_COMPLETE; } else if (!MAD_RECOVERABLE(m->stream.error)) { LOG_INFO("mad_frame_decode error: %s - stopping decoder", MAD(m, stream_errorstr, &m->stream)); ret = DECODE_COMPLETE; } else { if (m->stream.error != m->last_error) { // suppress repeat error messages LOG_DEBUG("mad_frame_decode error: %s", MAD(m, stream_errorstr, &m->stream)); } ret = DECODE_RUNNING; } m->last_error = m->stream.error; return ret; }; MAD(m, synth_frame, &m->synth, &m->frame); if (decode.new_stream) { LOCK_O; LOG_INFO("setting track_start"); output.next_sample_rate = decode_newstream(m->synth.pcm.samplerate, output.supported_rates); IF_DSD( output.next_fmt = PCM; ) output.track_start = outputbuf->writep; if (output.fade_mode) _checkfade(true); decode.new_stream = false; UNLOCK_O; } LOCK_O_direct; IF_DIRECT( max_frames = _buf_space(outputbuf) / BYTES_PER_FRAME; ); IF_PROCESS( max_frames = process.max_in_frames - process.in_frames; ); if (m->synth.pcm.length > max_frames) { LOG_WARN("too many samples - dropping samples"); m->synth.pcm.length = max_frames; } frames = m->synth.pcm.length; iptrl = m->synth.pcm.samples[0]; iptrr = m->synth.pcm.samples[ m->synth.pcm.channels - 1 ]; if (m->skip) { u32_t skip = min(m->skip, frames); LOG_DEBUG("gapless: skipping %u frames at start", skip); frames -= skip; m->skip -= skip; iptrl += skip; iptrr += skip; } if (m->samples) { if (m->samples < frames) { LOG_DEBUG("gapless: trimming %u frames from end", frames - m->samples); frames = (size_t)m->samples; } m->samples -= frames; if (m->samples > 0 && eos && !(m->stream.next_frame[0] == 0xff && (m->stream.next_frame[1] & 0xf0) == 0xf0)) { // this is the last frame to be decoded, but more samples expected so we must have skipped, remove padding // note this only works if the padding is less than one frame of 1152 bytes otherswise some gap will remain LOG_DEBUG("gapless: early end - trimming padding from end"); if (frames >= m->padding) { frames -= m->padding; } else { frames = 0; } m->samples = 0; } } LOG_SDEBUG("write %u frames", frames); while (frames > 0) { size_t f, count; ISAMPLE_T *optr; IF_DIRECT( f = min(frames, _buf_cont_write(outputbuf) / BYTES_PER_FRAME); optr = (ISAMPLE_T *)outputbuf->writep; ); IF_PROCESS( f = min(frames, process.max_in_frames - process.in_frames); optr = (ISAMPLE_T *)((u8_t *)process.inbuf + process.in_frames * BYTES_PER_FRAME); ); count = f; while (count--) { *optr++ = scale(*iptrl++); *optr++ = scale(*iptrr++); } frames -= f; IF_DIRECT( _buf_inc_writep(outputbuf, f * BYTES_PER_FRAME); ); IF_PROCESS( process.in_frames += f; ); } UNLOCK_O_direct; } return eos ? DECODE_COMPLETE : DECODE_RUNNING; } static void mad_open(u8_t size, u8_t rate, u8_t chan, u8_t endianness) { if (!m->readbuf) { m->readbuf = malloc(READBUF_SIZE + MAD_BUFFER_GUARD); } m->checktags = 1; m->consume = 0; m->skip = MAD_DELAY; m->samples = 0; m->readbuf_len = 0; m->last_error = MAD_ERROR_NONE; MAD(m, stream_init, &m->stream); MAD(m, frame_init, &m->frame); MAD(m, synth_init, &m->synth); } static void mad_close(void) { mad_synth_finish(&m->synth); // macro only in current version MAD(m, frame_finish, &m->frame); MAD(m, stream_finish, &m->stream); free(m->readbuf); m->readbuf = NULL; } static bool load_mad() { #if !LINKALL void *handle = dlopen(LIBMAD, RTLD_NOW); char *err; if (!handle) { LOG_INFO("dlerror: %s", dlerror()); return false; } m->mad_stream_init = dlsym(handle, "mad_stream_init"); m->mad_frame_init = dlsym(handle, "mad_frame_init"); m->mad_synth_init = dlsym(handle, "mad_synth_init"); m->mad_frame_finish = dlsym(handle, "mad_frame_finish"); m->mad_stream_finish = dlsym(handle, "mad_stream_finish"); m->mad_stream_buffer = dlsym(handle, "mad_stream_buffer"); m->mad_frame_decode = dlsym(handle, "mad_frame_decode"); m->mad_synth_frame = dlsym(handle, "mad_synth_frame"); m->mad_stream_errorstr = dlsym(handle, "mad_stream_errorstr"); if ((err = dlerror()) != NULL) { LOG_INFO("dlerror: %s", err); return false; } LOG_INFO("loaded "LIBMAD); #endif return true; } struct codec *register_mad(void) { static struct codec ret = { 'm', // id "mp3", // types READBUF_SIZE, // min read 206800, // min space mad_open, // open mad_close, // close mad_decode, // decode }; m = malloc(sizeof(struct mad)); if (!m) { return NULL; } m->readbuf = NULL; m->readbuf_len = 0; if (!load_mad()) { return NULL; } LOG_INFO("using mad to decode mp3"); return &ret; }