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IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE, REPRODUCTION, MODIFICATION AND/OR DISTRIBUTION OF THE APPLE SOFTWARE, HOWEVER CAUSED AND WHETHER UNDER THEORY OF CONTRACT, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), STRICT LIABILITY OR OTHERWISE, EVEN IF APPLE HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ // // CAFFileALAC.h // based CAFFile.h in the CoreAudio headers, ALAC specific // // Copyright 2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. // #ifndef _CAFFilePortable_h #define _CAFFilePortable_h #if TARGET_OS_WIN32 #define ATTRIBUTE_PACKED #pragma pack(push, 1) #else #define ATTRIBUTE_PACKED __attribute__((__packed__)) #endif #include "ALACAudioTypes.h" #define kMinCAFFPacketTableHeaderSize 24 typedef uint32_t CAFFChannelLayoutTag; // These are subset of the channel layout tags listed in CoreAudioTypes.h // ALAC and caff both use the same tag values enum { kCAFFChannelLayoutTag_Mono = (100<<16) | 1, // C kCAFFChannelLayoutTag_Stereo = (101<<16) | 2, // L R kCAFFChannelLayoutTag_MPEG_3_0_B = (113<<16) | 3, // C L R kCAFFChannelLayoutTag_MPEG_4_0_B = (116<<16) | 4, // C L R Cs kCAFFChannelLayoutTag_MPEG_5_0_D = (120<<16) | 5, // C L R Ls Rs kCAFFChannelLayoutTag_MPEG_5_1_D = (124<<16) | 6, // C L R Ls Rs LFE kCAFFChannelLayoutTag_AAC_6_1 = (142<<16) | 7, // C L R Ls Rs Cs LFE kCAFFChannelLayoutTag_MPEG_7_1_B = (127<<16) | 8 // C Lc Rc L R Ls Rs LFE }; // ALAC currently only utilizes these channels layouts. CAFF supports all those listed in // CoreAudioTypes.h. static const CAFFChannelLayoutTag CAFFChannelLayoutTags[kALACMaxChannels] = { kCAFFChannelLayoutTag_Mono, // C kCAFFChannelLayoutTag_Stereo, // L R kCAFFChannelLayoutTag_MPEG_3_0_B, // C L R kCAFFChannelLayoutTag_MPEG_4_0_B, // C L R Cs kCAFFChannelLayoutTag_MPEG_5_0_D, // C L R Ls Rs kCAFFChannelLayoutTag_MPEG_5_1_D, // C L R Ls Rs LFE kCAFFChannelLayoutTag_AAC_6_1, // C L R Ls Rs Cs LFE kCAFFChannelLayoutTag_MPEG_7_1_B // C Lc Rc L R Ls Rs LFE (doc: IS-13818-7 MPEG2-AAC) }; // In a CAF File all of these types' byte order is big endian. // When reading or writing these values the program will need to flip byte order to native endian // CAF File Header enum { k_port__port_CAF_FileType = 'caff', k_port_CAF_FileVersion_Initial = 1 }; // CAF Chunk Types enum { k_port_CAF_StreamDescriptionChunkID = 'desc', k_port_CAF_AudioDataChunkID = 'data', k_port_CAF_ChannelLayoutChunkID = 'chan', k_port_CAF_MagicCookieID = 'kuki', k_port_CAF_PacketTableChunkID = 'pakt', k_port_CAF_FreeTableChunkID = 'free' }; struct port_CAFFileHeader { uint32_t mFileType; // 'caff' uint16_t mFileVersion; //initial revision set to 1 uint16_t mFileFlags; //initial revision set to 0 } ATTRIBUTE_PACKED; typedef struct CAFFileHeader CAFFileHeader; struct port_CAFChunkHeader { uint32_t mChunkType; // four char code int64_t mChunkSize; // size in bytes of the chunk data (not including this header). // mChunkSize is int64_t not uint64_t because negative values for // the data size can have a special meaning } ATTRIBUTE_PACKED; typedef struct port_CAFChunkHeader port_CAFChunkHeader; // Every file MUST have this chunk. It MUST be the first chunk in the file struct port_CAFAudioDescription { double mSampleRate; uint32_t mFormatID; uint32_t mFormatFlags; uint32_t mBytesPerPacket; uint32_t mFramesPerPacket; uint32_t mChannelsPerFrame; uint32_t mBitsPerChannel; } ATTRIBUTE_PACKED; typedef struct port_CAFAudioDescription port_CAFAudioDescription; // these are the flags if the format ID is 'lpcm' // declares some of the format constants // that can be used as Data Formats in a CAF file enum { k_port_CAFLinearPCMFormatFlagIsFloat = (1L << 0), k_port_CAFLinearPCMFormatFlagIsLittleEndian = (1L << 1) }; // 'chan' Optional chunk. // struct AudioChannelLayout as defined in CoreAudioTypes.h. // 'free' // this is a padding chunk for reserving space in the file. content is meaningless. // 'kuki' // this is the magic cookie chunk. bag of bytes. // 'data' Every file MUST have this chunk. // actual audio data can be any format as described by the 'asbd' chunk. // if mChunkSize is < 0 then this is the last chunk in the file and the actual length // should be determined from the file size. // The motivation for this is to allow writing the files without seeking to update size fields after every // write in order to keep the file legal. // The program can put a -1 in the mChunkSize field and // update it only once at the end of recording. // If the program were to crash during recording then the file is still well defined. // 'pakt' Required if either/or mBytesPerPacket or mFramesPerPacket in the Format Description are zero // For formats that are packetized and have variable sized packets. // The table is stored as an array of one or two variable length integers. // (a) size in bytes of the data of a given packet. // (b) number of frames in a given packet. // These sizes are encoded as variable length integers // The packet description entries are either one or two values depending on the format. // There are three possibilities // (1) // If the format has variable bytes per packets (desc.mBytesPerPacket == 0) and constant frames per packet // (desc.mFramesPerPacket != 0) then the packet table contains single entries representing the bytes in a given packet // (2) // If the format is a constant bit rate (desc.mBytesPerPacket != 0) but variable frames per packet // (desc.mFramesPerPacket == 0) then the packet table entries contains single entries // representing the number of frames in a given packet // (3) // If the format has variable frames per packet (asbd.mFramesPerPacket == 0) and variable bytes per packet // (desc.mBytesPerPacket == 0) then the packet table entries are a duple of two values. The first value // is the number of bytes in a given packet, the second value is the number of frames in a given packet struct port_CAFPacketTableHeader { int64_t mNumberPackets; int64_t mNumberValidFrames; int32_t mPrimingFrames; int32_t mRemainderFrames; uint8_t mPacketDescriptions[1]; // this is a variable length array of mNumberPackets elements } ATTRIBUTE_PACKED; typedef struct port_CAFPacketTableHeader port_CAFPacketTableHeader; struct port_CAFDataChunk { uint32_t mEditCount; uint8_t mData[1]; // this is a variable length data field based off the size of the data chunk } ATTRIBUTE_PACKED; typedef struct port_CAFDataChunk port_CAFDataChunk; // prototypes int32_t FindCAFFPacketTableStart(FILE * inputFile, int32_t * paktPos, int32_t * paktSize); void WriteCAFFcaffChunk(FILE * outputFile); void WriteCAFFdescChunk(FILE * outputFile, AudioFormatDescription theOutputFormat); void WriteCAFFdataChunk(FILE * outputFile); void WriteCAFFkukiChunk(FILE * outputFile, void * inCookie, uint32_t inCookieSize); void WriteCAFFChunkSize(FILE * outputFile, int64_t numDataBytes); void WriteCAFFchanChunk(FILE * outputFile, uint32_t inChannelTag); void WriteCAFFfreeChunk(FILE * outputFile, uint32_t theSize); void WriteCAFFpaktChunkHeader(FILE * outputFile, port_CAFPacketTableHeader * thePacketTableHeader, uint32_t thePacketTableSize); void GetBERInteger(int32_t theOriginalValue, uint8_t * theBuffer, int32_t * theBERSize); uint32_t ReadBERInteger(uint8_t * theInputBuffer, int32_t * ioNumBytes); int32_t BuildBasePacketTable(AudioFormatDescription theInputFormat, int32_t inputDataSize, int32_t * thePacketTableSize, port_CAFPacketTableHeader * thePacketTableHeader); uint32_t GetMagicCookieSizeFromCAFFkuki(FILE * inputFile); int32_t GetMagicCookieFromCAFFkuki(FILE * inputFile, uint8_t * outMagicCookie, uint32_t * ioMagicCookieSize); bool FindCAFFDataStart(FILE * inputFile, int32_t * dataPos, int32_t * dataSize); bool GetCAFFdescFormat(FILE * inputFile, AudioFormatDescription * theInputFormat); #if TARGET_OS_WIN32 #pragma pack(pop) #endif //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #endif