/* * (c) Philippe G. 2019, philippe_44@outlook.com * * This software is released under the MIT License. * https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT * */ #include #include #include #include #include "esp_log.h" #include "globdefs.h" #include "platform_config.h" #include "tools.h" #include "display.h" #include "gds.h" #include "gds_default_if.h" #include "gds_draw.h" #include "gds_text.h" #include "gds_font.h" #include "gds_image.h" static const char *TAG = "display"; #define min(a,b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b)) #define max(a,b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b)) #define DISPLAYER_STACK_SIZE (3*1024) #define SCROLLABLE_SIZE 384 #define HEADER_SIZE 64 #define DEFAULT_SLEEP 3600 #define ARTWORK_BORDER 1 extern const uint8_t default_artwork[] asm("_binary_note_jpg_start"); static EXT_RAM_ATTR struct { TaskHandle_t task; SemaphoreHandle_t mutex; int pause, speed, by; enum { DISPLAYER_DOWN, DISPLAYER_IDLE, DISPLAYER_ACTIVE } state; char header[HEADER_SIZE + 1]; char string[SCROLLABLE_SIZE + 1]; int offset, boundary; char *metadata_config; bool timer, refresh; uint32_t elapsed; struct { uint32_t value; char string[8]; // H:MM:SS bool visible; } duration; struct { bool enable, active; bool fit; bool updated; int tick; int offset; } artwork; TickType_t tick; } displayer; static const char *known_drivers[] = {"SH1106", "SSD1306", "SSD1322", "SSD1326", "SSD1327", "SSD1675", "SSD1351", "ST7735", "ST7789", "ILI9341", NULL }; static void displayer_task(void *args); struct GDS_Device *display; extern GDS_DetectFunc SSD1306_Detect, SSD132x_Detect, SH1106_Detect, SSD1675_Detect, SSD1322_Detect, SSD1351_Detect, ST77xx_Detect, ILI9341_Detect; GDS_DetectFunc *drivers[] = { SH1106_Detect, SSD1306_Detect, SSD132x_Detect, SSD1675_Detect, SSD1322_Detect, SSD1351_Detect, ST77xx_Detect, ILI9341_Detect, NULL }; /**************************************************************************************** * */ void display_init(char *welcome) { bool init = false; char *config = config_alloc_get_str("display_config", CONFIG_DISPLAY_CONFIG, "N/A"); int width = -1, height = -1, backlight_pin = -1; char *drivername = strstr(config, "driver"); PARSE_PARAM(config, "width", '=', width); PARSE_PARAM(config, "height", '=', height); PARSE_PARAM(config, "back", '=', backlight_pin); // query drivers to see if we have a match ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Trying to configure display with %s", config); if (backlight_pin >= 0) { struct GDS_BacklightPWM PWMConfig = { .Channel = pwm_system.base_channel++, .Timer = pwm_system.timer, .Max = pwm_system.max, .Init = false }; display = GDS_AutoDetect(drivername, drivers, &PWMConfig); } else { display = GDS_AutoDetect(drivername, drivers, NULL); } // so far so good if (display && width > 0 && height > 0) { int RST_pin = -1; PARSE_PARAM(config, "reset", '=', RST_pin); // Detect driver interface if (strcasestr(config, "I2C") && i2c_system_port != -1) { int address = 0x3C; PARSE_PARAM(config, "address", '=', address); init = true; GDS_I2CInit( i2c_system_port, -1, -1, i2c_system_speed ) ; GDS_I2CAttachDevice( display, width, height, address, RST_pin, backlight_pin ); ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Display is I2C on port %u", address); } else if (strcasestr(config, "SPI") && spi_system_host != -1) { int CS_pin = -1, speed = 0, mode = 0; PARSE_PARAM(config, "cs", '=', CS_pin); PARSE_PARAM(config, "speed", '=', speed); PARSE_PARAM(config, "mode", '=', mode); init = true; GDS_SPIInit( spi_system_host, spi_system_dc_gpio ); GDS_SPIAttachDevice( display, width, height, CS_pin, RST_pin, backlight_pin, speed, mode ); ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Display is SPI host %u with cs:%d", spi_system_host, CS_pin); } else { display = NULL; ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Unsupported display interface or serial link not configured"); } } else { display = NULL; ESP_LOGW(TAG, "No display driver"); } if (init) { static DRAM_ATTR StaticTask_t xTaskBuffer __attribute__ ((aligned (4))); static EXT_RAM_ATTR StackType_t xStack[DISPLAYER_STACK_SIZE] __attribute__ ((aligned (4))); struct GDS_Layout Layout = { .HFlip = strcasestr(config, "HFlip"), .VFlip = strcasestr(config, "VFlip"), .Rotate = strcasestr(config, "rotate"), .Invert = strcasestr(config, "invert"), .ColorSwap = strcasestr(config, "cswap"), }; GDS_SetLayout(display, &Layout); GDS_SetFont(display, &Font_line_2); GDS_TextPos(display, GDS_FONT_DEFAULT, GDS_TEXT_CENTERED, GDS_TEXT_CLEAR | GDS_TEXT_UPDATE, welcome); // start the task that will handle scrolling & counting displayer.mutex = xSemaphoreCreateMutex(); displayer.by = 2; displayer.pause = 3600; displayer.speed = 33; displayer.task = xTaskCreateStatic( (TaskFunction_t) displayer_task, "common_displayer", DISPLAYER_STACK_SIZE, NULL, ESP_TASK_PRIO_MIN + 1, xStack, &xTaskBuffer); // set lines for "fixed" text mode GDS_TextSetFontAuto(display, 1, GDS_FONT_LINE_1, -3); GDS_TextSetFontAuto(display, 2, GDS_FONT_LINE_2, -3); displayer.metadata_config = config_alloc_get(NVS_TYPE_STR, "metadata_config"); // leave room for artwork is display is horizontal-style if (strcasestr(displayer.metadata_config, "artwork")) { displayer.artwork.enable = true; displayer.artwork.fit = true; if (height <= 64 && width > height * 2) displayer.artwork.offset = width - height - ARTWORK_BORDER; PARSE_PARAM(displayer.metadata_config, "artwork", ':', displayer.artwork.fit); } } free(config); } /**************************************************************************************** * This is not thread-safe as displayer_task might be in the middle of line drawing * but it won't crash (I think) and making it thread-safe would be complicated for a * feature which is secondary (the LMS version of scrolling is thread-safe) */ static void displayer_task(void *args) { int scroll_sleep = 0, timer_sleep; while (1) { // suspend ourselves if nothing to do if (displayer.state < DISPLAYER_ACTIVE) { if (displayer.state == DISPLAYER_IDLE) GDS_TextLine(display, 2, 0, GDS_TEXT_CLEAR | GDS_TEXT_UPDATE, displayer.string); vTaskSuspend(NULL); scroll_sleep = 0; GDS_ClearExt(display, true); GDS_TextLine(display, 1, GDS_TEXT_LEFT, GDS_TEXT_UPDATE, displayer.header); } else if (displayer.refresh) { // little trick when switching master while in IDLE and missing it GDS_TextLine(display, 1, GDS_TEXT_LEFT, GDS_TEXT_CLEAR | GDS_TEXT_UPDATE, displayer.header); displayer.refresh = false; } // we have been waken up before our requested time if (scroll_sleep <= 10) { // something to scroll (or we'll wake-up every pause ms ... no big deal) if (*displayer.string && displayer.state == DISPLAYER_ACTIVE) { xSemaphoreTake(displayer.mutex, portMAX_DELAY); // need to work with local copies as we don't want to suspend caller int offset = -displayer.offset; char *string = strdup(displayer.string); scroll_sleep = displayer.offset ? displayer.speed : displayer.pause; displayer.offset = displayer.offset >= displayer.boundary ? 0 : (displayer.offset + min(displayer.by, displayer.boundary - displayer.offset)); xSemaphoreGive(displayer.mutex); // now display using safe copies, can be lengthy GDS_TextLine(display, 2, offset, GDS_TEXT_CLEAR | GDS_TEXT_UPDATE, string); free(string); } else { scroll_sleep = DEFAULT_SLEEP; } } // handler elapsed track time if (displayer.timer && displayer.state == DISPLAYER_ACTIVE) { char line[19] = "-", *_line = line + 1; // [-]H:MM:SS / H:MM:SS TickType_t tick = xTaskGetTickCount(); uint32_t elapsed = (tick - displayer.tick) * portTICK_PERIOD_MS; if (elapsed >= 1000) { xSemaphoreTake(displayer.mutex, portMAX_DELAY); displayer.tick = tick; elapsed = displayer.elapsed += elapsed / 1000; xSemaphoreGive(displayer.mutex); // when we have duration but no space, display remaining time if (displayer.duration.value && !displayer.duration.visible) elapsed = displayer.duration.value - elapsed; if (elapsed < 3600) sprintf(_line, "%u:%02u", elapsed / 60, elapsed % 60); else sprintf(_line, "%u:%02u:%02u", (elapsed / 3600) % 100, (elapsed % 3600) / 60, elapsed % 60); // concatenate if we have room for elapsed / duration if (displayer.duration.visible) { strcat(_line, "/"); strcat(_line, displayer.duration.string); } else if (displayer.duration.value) { _line--; } // just re-write the whole line it's easier GDS_TextLine(display, 1, GDS_TEXT_LEFT, GDS_TEXT_CLEAR, displayer.header); GDS_TextLine(display, 1, GDS_TEXT_RIGHT, GDS_TEXT_UPDATE, _line); // if we have not received artwork after 5s, display a default icon if (displayer.artwork.active && !displayer.artwork.updated && tick - displayer.artwork.tick > pdMS_TO_TICKS(5000)) { ESP_LOGI(TAG, "no artwork received, setting default"); displayer_artwork((uint8_t*) default_artwork); } timer_sleep = 1000; } else timer_sleep = max(1000 - elapsed, 0); } else timer_sleep = DEFAULT_SLEEP; // then sleep the min amount of time int sleep = min(scroll_sleep, timer_sleep); ESP_LOGD(TAG, "timers s:%d t:%d", scroll_sleep, timer_sleep); scroll_sleep -= sleep; vTaskDelay(sleep / portTICK_PERIOD_MS); } } /**************************************************************************************** * */ void displayer_artwork(uint8_t *data) { if (!displayer.artwork.active) return; int x = displayer.artwork.offset ? displayer.artwork.offset + ARTWORK_BORDER : 0; int y = x ? 0 : 32; GDS_ClearWindow(display, x, y, -1, -1, GDS_COLOR_BLACK); if (data) { displayer.artwork.updated = true; GDS_DrawJPEG(display, data, x, y, GDS_IMAGE_CENTER | (displayer.artwork.fit ? GDS_IMAGE_FIT : 0)); } else { displayer.artwork.updated = false; displayer.artwork.tick = xTaskGetTickCount(); } } /**************************************************************************************** * */ bool displayer_can_artwork(void) { return displayer.artwork.active; } /**************************************************************************************** * */ void displayer_metadata(char *artist, char *album, char *title) { char *string = displayer.string, *p; int len = SCROLLABLE_SIZE; // need a display! if (!display) return; // just do title if there is no config set if (!displayer.metadata_config) { strncpy(displayer.string, title ? title : "", SCROLLABLE_SIZE); return; } xSemaphoreTake(displayer.mutex, portMAX_DELAY); // format metadata parameters and write them directly if ((p = strcasestr(displayer.metadata_config, "format")) != NULL) { char token[16], *q; int space = len; bool skip = false; displayer.string[0] = '\0'; p = strchr(displayer.metadata_config, '='); while (p++) { // find token and copy what's after when reaching last one if (sscanf(p, "%*[^%%]%%%[^%]%%", token) < 0) { q = strchr(p, ','); strncat(string, p, q ? min(q - p, space) : space); break; } // copy what's before token (be safe) if ((q = strchr(p, '%')) == NULL) break; // skip whatever is after a token if this token is empty if (!skip) { strncat(string, p, min(q - p, space)); space = len - strlen(string); } // then copy token's content if (!strncasecmp(q + 1, "artist", 6) && artist) strncat(string, p = artist, space); else if (!strncasecmp(q + 1, "album", 5) && album) strncat(string, p = album, space); else if (!strncasecmp(q + 1, "title", 5) && title) strncat(string, p = title, space); space = len - strlen(string); // flag to skip the data following an empty field if (*p) skip = false; else skip = true; // advance to next separator p = strchr(q + 1, '%'); } } else { strncpy(string, title ? title : "", SCROLLABLE_SIZE); } // get optional scroll speed & pause PARSE_PARAM(displayer.metadata_config, "speed", '=', displayer.speed); PARSE_PARAM(displayer.metadata_config, "pause", '=', displayer.pause); displayer.offset = 0; utf8_decode(displayer.string); ESP_LOGI(TAG, "playing %s", displayer.string); displayer.boundary = GDS_TextStretch(display, 2, displayer.string, SCROLLABLE_SIZE); xSemaphoreGive(displayer.mutex); } /**************************************************************************************** * */ void displayer_scroll(char *string, int speed, int pause) { // need a display! if (!display) return; xSemaphoreTake(displayer.mutex, portMAX_DELAY); if (speed) displayer.speed = speed; if (pause) displayer.pause = pause; displayer.offset = 0; strncpy(displayer.string, string, SCROLLABLE_SIZE); displayer.string[SCROLLABLE_SIZE] = '\0'; displayer.boundary = GDS_TextStretch(display, 2, displayer.string, SCROLLABLE_SIZE); xSemaphoreGive(displayer.mutex); } /**************************************************************************************** * */ void displayer_timer(enum displayer_time_e mode, int elapsed, int duration) { // need a display! if (!display) return; xSemaphoreTake(displayer.mutex, portMAX_DELAY); if (displayer.timer) displayer.tick = xTaskGetTickCount(); if (elapsed >= 0) displayer.elapsed = elapsed / 1000; if (duration > 0) { displayer.duration.visible = true; displayer.duration.value = duration / 1000; if (displayer.duration.value > 3600) sprintf(displayer.duration.string, "%u:%02u:%02u", (displayer.duration.value / 3600) % 10, (displayer.duration.value % 3600) / 60, displayer.duration.value % 60); else sprintf(displayer.duration.string, "%u:%02u", displayer.duration.value / 60, displayer.duration.value % 60); char *buf; asprintf(&buf, "%s %s/%s", displayer.header, displayer.duration.string, displayer.duration.string); if (GDS_GetTextWidth(display, 1, 0, buf) > GDS_GetWidth(display)) { ESP_LOGW(TAG, "Can't fit duration %s (%d) on screen using elapsed only", buf, GDS_GetTextWidth(display, 1, 0, buf)); displayer.duration.visible = false; } free(buf); } else if (!duration) { displayer.duration.visible = false; displayer.duration.value = 0; } xSemaphoreGive(displayer.mutex); } /**************************************************************************************** * See above comment */ void displayer_control(enum displayer_cmd_e cmd, ...) { va_list args; if (!display) return; va_start(args, cmd); xSemaphoreTake(displayer.mutex, portMAX_DELAY); switch(cmd) { case DISPLAYER_ACTIVATE: { char *header = va_arg(args, char*); displayer.artwork.active = displayer.artwork.enable && va_arg(args, int); strncpy(displayer.header, header, HEADER_SIZE); displayer.header[HEADER_SIZE] = '\0'; displayer.state = DISPLAYER_ACTIVE; displayer.timer = false; displayer.refresh = true; displayer.string[0] = '\0'; displayer.elapsed = displayer.duration.value = 0; displayer.duration.visible = false; displayer.offset = displayer.boundary = 0; display_bus(&displayer, DISPLAY_BUS_TAKE); if (displayer.artwork.active) GDS_SetTextWidth(display, displayer.artwork.offset); vTaskResume(displayer.task); break; } case DISPLAYER_SUSPEND: // task will display the line 2 from beginning and suspend displayer.state = DISPLAYER_IDLE; displayer_artwork(NULL); display_bus(&displayer, DISPLAY_BUS_GIVE); break; case DISPLAYER_SHUTDOWN: // let the task self-suspend (we might be doing i2c_write) GDS_SetTextWidth(display, 0); displayer_artwork(NULL); displayer.state = DISPLAYER_DOWN; display_bus(&displayer, DISPLAY_BUS_GIVE); break; case DISPLAYER_TIMER_RUN: if (!displayer.timer) { display_bus(&displayer, DISPLAY_BUS_TAKE); displayer.timer = true; displayer.tick = xTaskGetTickCount(); } break; case DISPLAYER_TIMER_PAUSE: displayer.timer = false; break; default: break; } xSemaphoreGive(displayer.mutex); va_end(args); } /**************************************************************************************** * */ bool display_is_valid_driver(const char * driver){ return display_conf_get_driver_name(driver)!=NULL; } /**************************************************************************************** * */ const char *display_conf_get_driver_name(const char * driver){ for(uint8_t i=0;known_drivers[i]!=NULL && strlen(known_drivers[i])>0;i++ ){ if(strcasestr(driver,known_drivers[i])){ return known_drivers[i]; } } return NULL; } /**************************************************************************************** * */ char * display_get_supported_drivers(void){ int total_size = 1; char * supported_drivers=NULL; const char * separator = "|"; int separator_len = strlen(separator); for(uint8_t i=0;known_drivers[i]!=NULL && strlen(known_drivers[i])>0;i++ ){ total_size += strlen(known_drivers[i])+separator_len; } total_size+=2; supported_drivers = malloc(total_size); memset(supported_drivers,0x00,total_size); strcat(supported_drivers,"<"); for(uint8_t i=0;known_drivers[i]!=NULL && strlen(known_drivers[i])>0;i++ ){ supported_drivers = strcat(supported_drivers,known_drivers[i]); supported_drivers = strcat(supported_drivers,separator); } strcat(supported_drivers,">"); return supported_drivers; }