/* * (c) Philippe G. 2019, philippe_44@outlook.com * * This software is released under the MIT License. * https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT * */ #include #include #include "esp_dsp.h" #include "squeezelite.h" #include "slimproto.h" #include "display.h" #include "gds.h" #include "gds_text.h" #include "gds_draw.h" #include "gds_image.h" #pragma pack(push, 1) struct grfb_packet { char opcode[4]; s16_t brightness; }; struct grfe_packet { char opcode[4]; u16_t offset; u8_t transition; u8_t param; }; struct grfs_packet { char opcode[4]; u8_t screen; u8_t direction; // 1=left, 2=right u32_t pause; // in ms u32_t speed; // in ms u16_t by; // # of pixel of scroll step u16_t mode; // 0=continuous, 1=once and stop, 2=once and end u16_t width; // total width of animation u16_t offset; // offset if multiple packets are sent }; struct grfg_packet { char opcode[4]; u16_t screen; u16_t width; // # of pixels of scrollable }; struct grfa_packet { char opcode[4]; u32_t length; u16_t x; u16_t y; u32_t offset; }; struct visu_packet { char opcode[4]; u8_t which; u8_t count; union { struct { u32_t width; union { struct { u32_t bars; u32_t spectrum_scale; }; u32_t style; }; } full; struct { u32_t width; u32_t height; s32_t col; s32_t row; u32_t border; u32_t bars; u32_t spectrum_scale; }; struct { u32_t mono; u32_t bandwidth; u32_t preemph; struct { u32_t pos; u32_t width; u32_t orient; u32_t bar_width; u32_t bar_space; u32_t clipping; u32_t bar_intens; u32_t bar_cap_intens; } channels[2]; }; struct { u32_t mono; u32_t style; struct { u32_t pos; u32_t width; } channels[2]; } classical_vu; }; }; struct ANIC_header { char opcode[4]; u32_t length; u8_t mode; }; struct dmxt_packet { char opcode[4]; u16_t x; u16_t length; }; #pragma pack(pop) static struct { TaskHandle_t task; int wake; bool owned; struct { SemaphoreHandle_t mutex; int width, height; bool dirty; }; } displayer = { .dirty = true, .owned = true }; static uint32_t *grayMap; #define LONG_WAKE (10*1000) #define SB_HEIGHT 32 // lenght are number of frames, i.e. 2 channels of 16 bits #define FFT_LEN_BIT 7 #define FFT_LEN (1 << FFT_LEN_BIT) #define RMS_LEN_BIT 6 #define RMS_LEN (1 << RMS_LEN_BIT) #define VU_WIDTH 160 #define VU_HEIGHT SB_HEIGHT #define VU_COUNT 48 #define ARROW_WIDTH 11 #define DISPLAY_BW 20000 static struct scroller_s { // copy of grfs content u8_t screen; u32_t pause; u16_t mode; s16_t by; // scroller management & sharing between grfg and scrolling task bool active, first, overflow; int scrolled; int speed, wake; struct { u8_t *frame; u32_t width; u32_t max, size; } scroll; struct { u8_t *frame; u32_t width; } back; u8_t *frame; u32_t width; } scroller; static struct { u8_t *data; u32_t size; u16_t x, y; bool enable, full; } artwork; #define MAX_BARS 32 #define VISU_ESP32 0x10 static EXT_RAM_ATTR struct { int bar_gap, bar_width, bar_border; bool rotate; struct bar_s { int current, max; int limit; } bars[MAX_BARS]; float spectrum_scale; int n, col, row, height, width, border, style, max; enum { VISU_BLANK, VISU_VUMETER = 0x01, VISU_SPECTRUM = 0x02, VISU_WAVEFORM } mode; struct { u8_t *frame; int width; bool active; } back; } visu; static EXT_RAM_ATTR struct { float fft[FFT_LEN*2], samples[FFT_LEN*2], hanning[FFT_LEN]; int levels[2]; } meters; static EXT_RAM_ATTR struct { int mode; int max; u16_t config; struct bar_s bars[MAX_BARS] ; } led_visu; static EXT_RAM_ATTR uint8_t vu_bitmap[VU_WIDTH * VU_HEIGHT]; extern const uint8_t vu_base[] asm("_binary_vu_s_data_start"); extern const struct { uint8_t offset; uint8_t data[VU_HEIGHT * ARROW_WIDTH]; } vu_arrow[VU_COUNT] asm("_binary_arrow_data_start"); #define ANIM_NONE 0x00 #define ANIM_TRANSITION 0x01 // A transition animation has finished #define ANIM_SCROLL_ONCE 0x02 #define ANIM_SCREEN_1 0x04 #define ANIM_SCREEN_2 0x08 #define SCROLL_STACK_SIZE (3*1024) #define LINELEN 40 static log_level loglevel = lINFO; static bool (*slimp_handler_chain)(u8_t *data, int len); static void (*notify_chain)(in_addr_t ip, u16_t hport, u16_t cport); static bool (*display_bus_chain)(void *from, enum display_bus_cmd_e cmd); #define max(a,b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b)) static void server(in_addr_t ip, u16_t hport, u16_t cport); static void sendSETD(u16_t width, u16_t height, u16_t led_config); static void sendANIC(u8_t code); static bool handler(u8_t *data, int len); static bool display_bus_handler(void *from, enum display_bus_cmd_e cmd); static void vfdc_handler( u8_t *_data, int bytes_read); static void grfe_handler( u8_t *data, int len); static void grfb_handler(u8_t *data, int len); static void grfs_handler(u8_t *data, int len); static void grfg_handler(u8_t *data, int len); static void grfa_handler(u8_t *data, int len); static void visu_handler(u8_t *data, int len); static void dmxt_handler(u8_t *data, int len); static void displayer_task(void* arg); void *led_display; /* scrolling undocumented information grfs B: screen number B:1 = left, 2 = right, Q: scroll pause once done (ms) Q: scroll speed (ms) W: # of pixels to scroll each time W: 0 = continue scrolling after pause, 1 = scroll to scrollend and then stop, 2 = scroll to scrollend and then end animation (causing new update) W: width of total scroll area in pixels grfd W: screen number W: width of scrollable area in pixels anic ( two versions, don't know what to chose) B: flag ANIM_TRANSITION (0x01) - transition animation has finished (previous use of ANIC) ANIM_SCREEN_1 (0x04) - end of first scroll on screen 1 ANIM_SCREEN_2 (0x08) - end of first scroll on screen 2 ANIM_SCROLL_ONCE (0x02) | ANIM_SCREEN_1 (0x04) - end of scroll once on screen 1 ANIM_SCROLL_ONCE (0x02) | ANIM_SCREEN_2 (0x08) - end of scroll once on screen 2 - or - ANIM_TRANSITION 0x01 # A transition animation has finished ANIM_SCROLL_ONCE 0x02 # A scrollonce has finished ANIM_SCREEN_1 0x04 # For scrollonce only, screen 1 was scrolling ANIM_SCREEN_2 0x08 # For scrollonce only, screen 2 was scrolling */ /* classical visu not our specific version) Parameters for the spectrum analyzer: 0 - Channels: stereo == 0, mono == 1 1 - Bandwidth: 0..22050Hz == 0, 0..11025Hz == 1 2 - Preemphasis in dB per KHz Left channel parameters: 3 - Position in pixels 4 - Width in pixels 5 - orientation: left to right == 0, right to left == 1 6 - Bar width in pixels 7 - Bar spacing in pixels 8 - Clipping: show all subbands == 0, clip higher subbands == 1 9 - Bar intensity (greyscale): 1-3 10 - Bar cap intensity (greyscale): 1-3 Right channel parameters (not required for mono): 11-18 - same as left channel parameters Parameters for the vumeter: 0 - Channels: stereo == 0, mono == 1 1 - Style: digital == 0, analog == 1 Left channel parameters: 2 - Position in pixels 3 - Width in pixels Right channel parameters (not required for mono): 4-5 - same as left channel parameters */ /**************************************************************************************** * */ bool sb_displayer_init(void) { static DRAM_ATTR StaticTask_t xTaskBuffer __attribute__ ((aligned (4))); static EXT_RAM_ATTR StackType_t xStack[SCROLL_STACK_SIZE] __attribute__ ((aligned (4))); // no display, just make sure we won't have requests if ((GDS_GetWidth(display) <= 0 || GDS_GetHeight(display) <= 0) && !led_display) { LOG_INFO("no display or led visualizer for LMS"); return false; } if (display) { // need to force height to 32 maximum displayer.width = GDS_GetWidth(display); displayer.height = min(GDS_GetHeight(display), SB_HEIGHT); // allocate gray-color mapping if needed; if (GDS_GetMode(display) > GDS_GRAYSCALE) { grayMap = malloc(256*sizeof(*grayMap)); for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) grayMap[i] = GDS_GrayMap(display, i); } // create visu configuration visu.bar_gap = 1; visu.back.frame = calloc(1, (displayer.width * displayer.height) / 8); // prepare the VU raw data in PSRAM memcpy(vu_bitmap, vu_base, sizeof(vu_bitmap)); // size scroller (width + current screen) scroller.scroll.max = (displayer.width * displayer.height / 8) * (15 + 1); scroller.scroll.frame = malloc(scroller.scroll.max); scroller.back.frame = malloc(displayer.width * displayer.height / 8); scroller.frame = malloc(displayer.width * displayer.height / 8); // chain handlers display_bus_chain = display_bus; display_bus = display_bus_handler; } if (led_display) { // PLACEHOLDER to init config led_visu.mode = VISU_VUMETER; } // inform LMS of our screen/led dimensions sendSETD(GDS_GetWidth(display), GDS_GetHeight(display), led_visu.config); dsps_fft2r_init_fc32(meters.fft, FFT_LEN); dsps_wind_hann_f32(meters.hanning, FFT_LEN); // create displayer management task displayer.mutex = xSemaphoreCreateMutex(); displayer.task = xTaskCreateStatic( (TaskFunction_t) displayer_task, "sb_displayer", SCROLL_STACK_SIZE, NULL, ESP_TASK_PRIO_MIN + 1, xStack, &xTaskBuffer); // chain handlers slimp_handler_chain = slimp_handler; slimp_handler = handler; notify_chain = server_notify; server_notify = server; return display != NULL; } /**************************************************************************************** * Receive display bus commands */ static bool display_bus_handler(void *from, enum display_bus_cmd_e cmd) { // don't answer to own requests if (from == &displayer) return false ; LOG_INFO("Display bus command %d", cmd); xSemaphoreTake(displayer.mutex, portMAX_DELAY); switch (cmd) { case DISPLAY_BUS_TAKE: displayer.owned = false; break; case DISPLAY_BUS_GIVE: displayer.owned = true; break; } xSemaphoreGive(displayer.mutex); // chain to rest of "bus" if (display_bus_chain) return (*display_bus_chain)(from, cmd); else return true; } /**************************************************************************************** * Send ANImation Complete */ static void sendANIC(u8_t code) { struct ANIC_header pkt_header; memset(&pkt_header, 0, sizeof(pkt_header)); memcpy(&pkt_header.opcode, "ANIC", 4); pkt_header.length = htonl(sizeof(pkt_header) - 8); pkt_header.mode = code; LOCK_P; send_packet((uint8_t *) &pkt_header, sizeof(pkt_header)); UNLOCK_P; } /**************************************************************************************** * Send SETD for width */ static void sendSETD(u16_t width, u16_t height, u16_t led_config) { struct SETD_header pkt_header; memset(&pkt_header, 0, sizeof(pkt_header)); memcpy(&pkt_header.opcode, "SETD", 4); pkt_header.id = 0xfe; // id 0xfe is width S:P:Squeezebox2 pkt_header.length = htonl(sizeof(pkt_header) + 6 - 8); LOG_INFO("sending dimension %ux%u", width, height); width = htons(width); height = htons(height); LOCK_P; send_packet((uint8_t *) &pkt_header, sizeof(pkt_header)); send_packet((uint8_t *) &width, 2); send_packet((uint8_t *) &height, 2); send_packet((uint8_t *) &led_config, 2); UNLOCK_P; } /**************************************************************************************** * */ static void server(in_addr_t ip, u16_t hport, u16_t cport) { char msg[32]; xSemaphoreTake(displayer.mutex, portMAX_DELAY); sprintf(msg, "%s:%hu", inet_ntoa(ip), hport); if (display && displayer.owned) GDS_TextPos(display, GDS_FONT_LINE_1, GDS_TEXT_CENTERED, GDS_TEXT_CLEAR | GDS_TEXT_UPDATE, msg); displayer.dirty = true; xSemaphoreGive(displayer.mutex); // inform new LMS server of our capabilities sendSETD(GDS_GetWidth(display), GDS_GetHeight(display), led_visu.config); if (notify_chain) (*notify_chain)(ip, hport, cport); } /**************************************************************************************** * Process graphic display data */ static bool handler(u8_t *data, int len){ bool res = true; if (!strncmp((char*) data, "vfdc", 4)) { vfdc_handler(data, len); } else if (!strncmp((char*) data, "grfe", 4)) { grfe_handler(data, len); } else if (!strncmp((char*) data, "grfb", 4)) { grfb_handler(data, len); } else if (!strncmp((char*) data, "grfs", 4)) { grfs_handler(data, len); } else if (!strncmp((char*) data, "grfg", 4)) { grfg_handler(data, len); } else if (!strncmp((char*) data, "grfa", 4)) { grfa_handler(data, len); } else if (!strncmp((char*) data, "visu", 4)) { visu_handler(data, len); } else if (!strncmp((char*) data, "dmxt", 4)) { dmxt_handler(data, len); } else { res = false; } // chain protocol handlers (bitwise or is fine) if (*slimp_handler_chain) res |= (*slimp_handler_chain)(data, len); return res; } /**************************************************************************************** * Change special LCD chars to something more printable on screen */ static void makeprintable(unsigned char * line) { for (int n = 0; n < LINELEN; n++) { switch (line[n]) { case 11: /* block */ line[n] = '#'; break;; case 16: /* rightarrow */ line[n] = '>'; break;; case 22: /* circle */ line[n] = '@'; break;; case 145: /* note */ line[n] = ' '; break;; case 152: /* bell */ line[n] = 'o'; break; default: break; } } } /**************************************************************************************** * Check if char is printable, or a valid symbol */ static bool charisok(unsigned char c) { switch (c) { case 11: /* block */ case 16: /* rightarrow */ case 22: /* circle */ case 145: /* note */ case 152: /* bell */ return true; break;; default: return isprint(c); } } /**************************************************************************************** * Show the display (text mode) */ static void show_display_buffer(char *ddram) { char line1[LINELEN+1]; char *line2; memset(line1, 0, LINELEN+1); strncpy(line1, ddram, LINELEN+1); line1[LINELEN] = '\0'; line2 = &(ddram[LINELEN]); line2[LINELEN] = '\0'; /* Convert special LCD chars */ makeprintable((unsigned char *)line1); makeprintable((unsigned char *)line2); LOG_DEBUG("\n\t%.40s\n\t%.40s", line1, line2); GDS_TextLine(display, 1, GDS_TEXT_LEFT, GDS_TEXT_CLEAR, line1); GDS_TextLine(display, 2, GDS_TEXT_LEFT, GDS_TEXT_CLEAR | GDS_TEXT_UPDATE, line2); } /**************************************************************************************** * Process display data */ static void vfdc_handler( u8_t *_data, int bytes_read) { unsigned short *data = (unsigned short*) _data, *display_data; char ddram[(LINELEN + 1) * 2]; int n, addr = 0; /* counter */ bytes_read -= 4; if (bytes_read % 2) bytes_read--; /* even number of bytes */ // if we use Noritake VFD codes, display data starts at 12 display_data = &(data[5]); /* display data starts at byte 10 */ memset(ddram, ' ', LINELEN * 2); for (n = 0; n < (bytes_read/2); n++) { unsigned short d; /* data element */ unsigned char t, c; d = ntohs(display_data[n]); t = (d & 0x00ff00) >> 8; /* type of display data */ c = (d & 0x0000ff); /* character/command */ switch (t) { case 0x03: /* character */ if (!charisok(c)) c = ' '; if (addr <= LINELEN * 2) { ddram[addr++] = c; } break; case 0x02: /* command */ switch (c) { case 0x06: /* display clear */ memset(ddram, ' ', LINELEN * 2); break; case 0x02: /* cursor home */ addr = 0; break; case 0xc0: /* cursor home2 */ addr = LINELEN; break; } } } show_display_buffer(ddram); } /**************************************************************************************** * Display VU-Meter (lots of hard-coding) */ void draw_VU(struct GDS_Device * display, int level, int x, int y, int width, bool rotate) { // VU data is by columns and vertical flip to allow block offset uint8_t *data = vu_bitmap; int offset = level > 0 ? vu_arrow[level].offset * VU_HEIGHT : 0; // place the arrow in base VU memcpy(data + offset, vu_arrow[level].data, sizeof(vu_arrow[level].data)); // adjust to current display window if (width > VU_WIDTH) { if (rotate) y += (width - VU_WIDTH) / 2; else x += (width - VU_WIDTH) / 2; width = VU_WIDTH; } else { data += (VU_WIDTH - width) / 2 * VU_HEIGHT; } if (GDS_GetMode(display) <= GDS_GRAYSCALE) { // this is 8 bits grayscale int scale = 8 - GDS_GetDepth(display); // use "fast" version as we are not beyond screen boundaries if (rotate) { for (int r = 0; r < width; r++) { for (int c = VU_HEIGHT; --c >= 0;) { GDS_DrawPixelFast(display, c + x, r + y, *data++ >> scale); } } } else { for (int r = 0; r < width; r++) { for (int c = 0; c < VU_HEIGHT; c++) { GDS_DrawPixelFast(display, r + x, c + y, *data++ >> scale); } } } } else { // use "fast" version as we are not beyond screen boundaries if (rotate) { for (int r = 0; r < width; r++) { for (int c = VU_HEIGHT; --c >= 0;) { GDS_DrawPixelFast(display, c + x, r + y, grayMap[*data++]); } } } else { for (int r = 0; r < width; r++) { for (int c = 0; c < VU_HEIGHT; c++) { GDS_DrawPixelFast(display, r + x, c + y, grayMap[*data++]); } } } } // restore base VU memcpy(vu_bitmap + offset, vu_base + offset, sizeof(vu_arrow[level].data)); // need to manually set dirty flag as DrawPixel does not do it GDS_SetDirty(display); } /**************************************************************************************** * Process graphic display data */ static void grfe_handler( u8_t *data, int len) { struct grfe_packet *pkt = (struct grfe_packet*) data; // we don't support transition, simply claim we're done if (pkt->transition != 'c') { LOG_INFO("Transition %c requested with offset %hu, param %d", pkt->transition, pkt->offset, pkt->param); sendANIC(ANIM_TRANSITION); } xSemaphoreTake(displayer.mutex, portMAX_DELAY); scroller.active = false; // full screen artwork or for small screen, full screen visu has priority if (((visu.mode & VISU_ESP32) && !visu.col && visu.row < displayer.height) || artwork.full) { xSemaphoreGive(displayer.mutex); return; } // are we in control if (displayer.owned) { // draw new frame, it might be less than full screen (small visu) int width = ((len - sizeof(struct grfe_packet)) * 8) / displayer.height; // did we have something that might have written on the bottom of a displayer's height + display if (displayer.dirty || (artwork.enable && width == displayer.width && artwork.y < displayer.height)) { GDS_Clear(display, GDS_COLOR_BLACK); displayer.dirty = false; } // when doing screensaver, that frame becomes a visu background if (!(visu.mode & VISU_ESP32)) { visu.back.width = width; memset(visu.back.frame, 0, (displayer.width * displayer.height) / 8); memcpy(visu.back.frame, data + sizeof(struct grfe_packet), (width * displayer.height) / 8); // this is a bit tricky but basically that checks if frame if full of 0 visu.back.active = *visu.back.frame || memcmp(visu.back.frame, visu.back.frame + 1, width - 1); } GDS_DrawBitmapCBR(display, data + sizeof(struct grfe_packet), width, displayer.height, GDS_COLOR_WHITE); GDS_Update(display); } xSemaphoreGive(displayer.mutex); LOG_DEBUG("grfe frame %u", len); } /**************************************************************************************** * Brightness */ static void grfb_handler(u8_t *data, int len) { struct grfb_packet *pkt = (struct grfb_packet*) data; pkt->brightness = htons(pkt->brightness); xSemaphoreTake(displayer.mutex, portMAX_DELAY); // LMS driver sends 0..5 value, we assume driver is highly log if (pkt->brightness <= 0) { GDS_DisplayOff(display); } else { GDS_DisplayOn(display); GDS_SetContrast(display, 255 * powf(pkt->brightness / 5.0f, 3)); } xSemaphoreGive(displayer.mutex); LOG_INFO("brightness %hu", pkt->brightness); } /**************************************************************************************** * Scroll set */ static void grfs_handler(u8_t *data, int len) { struct grfs_packet *pkt = (struct grfs_packet*) data; int size = len - sizeof(struct grfs_packet); int offset = htons(pkt->offset); LOG_DEBUG("grfs s:%u d:%u p:%u sp:%u by:%hu m:%hu w:%hu o:%hu", (int) pkt->screen, (int) pkt->direction, // 1=left, 2=right htonl(pkt->pause), // in ms htonl(pkt->speed), // in ms htons(pkt->by), // # of pixel of scroll step htons(pkt->mode), // 0=continuous, 1=once and stop, 2=once and end htons(pkt->width), // last column of animation that contains a "full" screen htons(pkt->offset) // offset if multiple packets are sent ); // new grfs frame, build scroller info if (!offset) { // use the display as a general lock xSemaphoreTake(displayer.mutex, portMAX_DELAY); // copy & set scroll parameters scroller.screen = pkt->screen; scroller.pause = htonl(pkt->pause); scroller.speed = htonl(pkt->speed); scroller.mode = htons(pkt->mode); scroller.scroll.width = htons(pkt->width); scroller.first = true; scroller.overflow = false; // set scroller steps & beginning if (pkt->direction == 1) { scroller.scrolled = 0; scroller.by = htons(pkt->by); } else { scroller.scrolled = scroller.scroll.width; scroller.by = -htons(pkt->by); } xSemaphoreGive(displayer.mutex); } // copy scroll frame data (no semaphore needed) if (scroller.scroll.size + size < scroller.scroll.max && !scroller.overflow) { memcpy(scroller.scroll.frame + offset, data + sizeof(struct grfs_packet), size); scroller.scroll.size = offset + size; LOG_INFO("scroller current size %u (w:%u)", scroller.scroll.size, scroller.scroll.width); } else { LOG_INFO("scroller too large %u/%u (w:%u)", scroller.scroll.size + size, scroller.scroll.max, scroller.scroll.width); scroller.scroll.width = scroller.scroll.size / (displayer.height / 8) - scroller.back.width; scroller.overflow = true; } } /**************************************************************************************** * Scroll background frame update & go */ static void grfg_handler(u8_t *data, int len) { struct grfg_packet *pkt = (struct grfg_packet*) data; LOG_DEBUG("gfrg s:%hu w:%hu (len:%u)", htons(pkt->screen), htons(pkt->width), len); // full screen artwork or for small screen, visu has priority when full screen if (((visu.mode & VISU_ESP32) && !visu.col && visu.row < displayer.height) || artwork.full) { return; } xSemaphoreTake(displayer.mutex, portMAX_DELAY); // size of scrollable area (less than background) scroller.width = htons(pkt->width); scroller.back.width = ((len - sizeof(struct grfg_packet)) * 8) / displayer.height; memcpy(scroller.back.frame, data + sizeof(struct grfg_packet), len - sizeof(struct grfg_packet)); // update display asynchronously (frames are organized by columns) memcpy(scroller.frame, scroller.back.frame, scroller.back.width * displayer.height / 8); for (int i = 0; i < scroller.width * displayer.height / 8; i++) scroller.frame[i] |= scroller.scroll.frame[scroller.scrolled * displayer.height / 8 + i]; // can only write if we really own display if (displayer.owned) { GDS_DrawBitmapCBR(display, scroller.frame, scroller.back.width, displayer.height, GDS_COLOR_WHITE); GDS_Update(display); } // now we can active scrolling, but only if we are not on a small screen if (!visu.mode || visu.col || visu.row >= displayer.height) scroller.active = true; // if we just got a content update, let the scroller manage the screen LOG_DEBUG("resuming scrolling task"); xSemaphoreGive(displayer.mutex); // resume task once we have background, not in grfs vTaskResume(displayer.task); } /**************************************************************************************** * Artwork */ static void grfa_handler(u8_t *data, int len) { struct grfa_packet *pkt = (struct grfa_packet*) data; int size = len - sizeof(struct grfa_packet); int offset = htonl(pkt->offset); int length = htonl(pkt->length); // when using full screen visualizer on small screen there is a brief overlay artwork.enable = (length != 0); // just a config or an actual artwork if (length < 32) { if (artwork.enable) { // this is just to specify artwork coordinates artwork.x = htons(pkt->x); artwork.y = htons(pkt->y); } else if (artwork.size) GDS_ClearWindow(display, artwork.x, artwork.y, -1, -1, GDS_COLOR_BLACK); artwork.full = artwork.enable && artwork.x == 0 && artwork.y == 0; LOG_DEBUG("gfra en:%u x:%hu, y:%hu", artwork.enable, artwork.x, artwork.y); // done in any case return; } // new grfa artwork, allocate memory if (!offset) { // same trick to clean current/previous window if (artwork.size) { GDS_ClearWindow(display, artwork.x, artwork.y, -1, -1, GDS_COLOR_BLACK); artwork.size = 0; } // now use new parameters artwork.x = htons(pkt->x); artwork.y = htons(pkt->y); artwork.full = artwork.enable && artwork.x == 0 && artwork.y == 0; if (artwork.data) free(artwork.data); artwork.data = malloc(length); } // copy artwork data memcpy(artwork.data + offset, data + sizeof(struct grfa_packet), size); artwork.size += size; if (artwork.size == length) { GDS_ClearWindow(display, artwork.x, artwork.y, -1, -1, GDS_COLOR_BLACK); xSemaphoreTake(displayer.mutex, portMAX_DELAY); GDS_DrawJPEG(display, artwork.data, artwork.x, artwork.y, artwork.y < displayer.height ? (GDS_IMAGE_RIGHT | GDS_IMAGE_TOP) : GDS_IMAGE_CENTER); xSemaphoreGive(displayer.mutex); free(artwork.data); artwork.data = NULL; } LOG_DEBUG("gfra l:%u x:%hu, y:%hu, o:%u s:%u", length, artwork.x, artwork.y, offset, size); } /**************************************************************************************** * Fit spectrum into N bands and convert to dB */ void spectrum_scale(int n, struct bar_s *bars, int max, float *samples) { float rate = visu_export.rate; // now arrange the result with the number of bar and sampling rate (don't want DC) for (int i = 0, j = 1; i < n && j < (FFT_LEN / 2); i++) { float power, count; // find the next point in FFT (this is real signal, so only half matters) for (count = 0, power = 0; j * visu_export.rate < bars[i].limit * FFT_LEN && j < FFT_LEN / 2; j++, count += 1) { power += samples[2*j] * samples[2*j] + samples[2*j+1] * samples[2*j+1]; } // due to sample rate, we have reached the end of the available spectrum if (j >= (FFT_LEN / 2)) { // normalize accumulated data if (count) power /= count * 2.; } else if (count) { // how much of what remains do we need to add float ratio = j - (bars[i].limit * FFT_LEN) / rate; power += (samples[2*j] * samples[2*j] + samples[2*j+1] * samples[2*j+1]) * ratio; // normalize accumulated data power /= (count + ratio) * 2; } else { // no data for that band (sampling rate too high), just assume same as previous one power = (samples[2*j] * samples[2*j] + samples[2*j+1] * samples[2*j+1]) / 2.; } // convert to dB and bars, same back-off bars[i].current = max * (0.01667f*10*(log10f(0.0000001f + power) - log10f(FFT_LEN*(visu_export.gain == FIXED_ONE ? 256 : 2))) - 0.2543f); if (bars[i].current > max) bars[i].current = max; else if (bars[i].current < 0) bars[i].current = 0; } } /**************************************************************************************** * Fit levels to max and convert to dB */ void vu_scale(struct bar_s *bars, int max, int *levels) { // convert to dB (1 bit remaining for getting X²/N, 60dB dynamic starting from 0dBFS = 3 bits back-off) for (int i = 2; --i >= 0;) { bars[i].current = max * (0.01667f*10*log10f(0.0000001f + (levels[i] >> (visu_export.gain == FIXED_ONE ? 8 : 1))) - 0.2543f); if (bars[i].current > max) bars[i].current = max; else if (bars[i].current < 0) bars[i].current = 0; } } /**************************************************************************************** * visu draw */ void visu_draw(void) { // don't refresh screen if all max are 0 (we were are somewhat idle) int clear = 0; for (int i = visu.n; --i >= 0;) clear = max(clear, visu.bars[i].max); if (clear) GDS_ClearExt(display, false, false, visu.col, visu.row, visu.col + visu.width - 1, visu.row + visu.height - 1); // draw background if we are in screensaver mode if (!(visu.mode & VISU_ESP32) && visu.back.active) { GDS_DrawBitmapCBR(display, visu.back.frame, visu.back.width, displayer.height, GDS_COLOR_WHITE); } if ((visu.mode & ~VISU_ESP32) != VISU_VUMETER || !visu.style) { // there is much more optimization to be done here, like not redrawing bars unless needed for (int i = visu.n; --i >= 0;) { // update maximum if (visu.bars[i].current > visu.bars[i].max) visu.bars[i].max = visu.bars[i].current; else if (visu.bars[i].max) visu.bars[i].max--; else if (!clear) continue; if (visu.rotate) { int x1 = visu.col; int y1 = visu.row + visu.border + visu.bar_border + i*(visu.bar_width + visu.bar_gap); for (int j = 0; j <= visu.bars[i].current; j += 2) GDS_DrawLine(display, x1 + j, y1, x1 + j, y1 + visu.bar_width - 1, GDS_COLOR_WHITE); if (visu.bars[i].max > 2) { GDS_DrawLine(display, x1 + visu.bars[i].max, y1, x1 + visu.bars[i].max, y1 + visu.bar_width - 1, GDS_COLOR_WHITE); if (visu.bars[i].max < visu.max - 1) GDS_DrawLine(display, x1 + visu.bars[i].max + 1, y1, x1 + visu.bars[i].max + 1, y1 + visu.bar_width - 1, GDS_COLOR_WHITE); } } else { int x1 = visu.col + visu.border + visu.bar_border + i*(visu.bar_width + visu.bar_gap); int y1 = visu.row + visu.height - 1; for (int j = 0; j <= visu.bars[i].current; j += 2) GDS_DrawLine(display, x1, y1 - j, x1 + visu.bar_width - 1, y1 - j, GDS_COLOR_WHITE); if (visu.bars[i].max > 2) { GDS_DrawLine(display, x1, y1 - visu.bars[i].max, x1 + visu.bar_width - 1, y1 - visu.bars[i].max, GDS_COLOR_WHITE); if (visu.bars[i].max < visu.max - 1) GDS_DrawLine(display, x1, y1 - visu.bars[i].max + 1, x1 + visu.bar_width - 1, y1 - visu.bars[i].max + 1, GDS_COLOR_WHITE); } } } } else if (displayer.width / 2 >= 3 * VU_WIDTH / 4) { if (visu.rotate) { draw_VU(display, visu.bars[0].current, 0, visu.row, visu.height / 2, visu.rotate); draw_VU(display, visu.bars[1].current, 0, visu.row + visu.height / 2, visu.height / 2, visu.rotate); } else { draw_VU(display, visu.bars[0].current, 0, visu.row, visu.width / 2, visu.rotate); draw_VU(display, visu.bars[1].current, visu.width / 2, visu.row, visu.width / 2, visu.rotate); } } else { int level = (visu.bars[0].current + visu.bars[1].current) / 2; draw_VU(display, level, 0, visu.row, visu.rotate ? visu.height : visu.width, visu.rotate); } } /**************************************************************************************** * Update displayer */ static void displayer_update(void) { // no update when artwork is full screen and no led_strip (but no need to protect against not owning the display as we are playing if ((artwork.full && !led_visu.mode) || pthread_mutex_trylock(&visu_export.mutex)) { return; } int mode = (visu.mode & ~VISU_ESP32) | led_visu.mode; // not enough frames if (visu_export.level < (mode & VISU_SPECTRUM ? FFT_LEN : RMS_LEN) && visu_export.running) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&visu_export.mutex); return; } // reset all levels no matter what meters.levels[0] = meters.levels[1] = 0; memset(meters.samples, 0, sizeof(meters.samples)); if (visu_export.running) { // calculate data for VU-meter if (mode & VISU_VUMETER) { s16_t *iptr = (s16_t*) visu_export.buffer + (BYTES_PER_FRAME / 4) - 1; int *left = &meters.levels[0], *right = &meters.levels[1]; // calculate sum(L²+R²), try to not overflow at the expense of some precision for (int i = RMS_LEN; --i >= 0;) { *left += (*iptr * *iptr + (1 << (RMS_LEN_BIT - 2))) >> (RMS_LEN_BIT - 1); iptr += BYTES_PER_FRAME / 4; *right += (*iptr * *iptr + (1 << (RMS_LEN_BIT - 2))) >> (RMS_LEN_BIT - 1); iptr += BYTES_PER_FRAME / 4; } } // calculate data for spectrum if (mode & VISU_SPECTRUM) { s16_t *iptr = (s16_t*) visu_export.buffer + (BYTES_PER_FRAME / 4) - 1; // on xtensa/esp32 the floating point FFT takes 1/2 cycles of the fixed point for (int i = 0 ; i < FFT_LEN ; i++) { // don't normalize here, but we are due INT16_MAX and FFT_LEN / 2 / 2 meters.samples[i * 2 + 0] = (float) (*iptr + *(iptr+BYTES_PER_FRAME/4)) * meters.hanning[i]; meters.samples[i * 2 + 1] = 0; iptr += 2 * BYTES_PER_FRAME / 4; } // actual FFT that might be less cycle than all the crap below dsps_fft2r_fc32_ae32(meters.samples, FFT_LEN); dsps_bit_rev_fc32_ansi(meters.samples, FFT_LEN); } } // we took what we want, we can release the buffer visu_export.level = 0; pthread_mutex_unlock(&visu_export.mutex); // actualize the display if (visu.mode && !artwork.full) { if (visu.mode & VISU_SPECTRUM) spectrum_scale(visu.n, visu.bars, visu.max, meters.samples); else for (int i = 2; --i >= 0;) vu_scale(visu.bars, visu.max, meters.levels); visu_draw(); } // actualize led_vu if (led_visu.mode) { // PLACEHOLDER to handle led_display. you need potentially scaling of spectrum (X and Y) // and scaling of levels (Y) and then call the } } /**************************************************************************************** * Calculate spectrum spread */ static void spectrum_limits(int min, int n, int pos) { if (n / 2) { int step = ((DISPLAY_BW - min) * visu.spectrum_scale) / (n/2); visu.bars[pos].limit = min + step; for (int i = 1; i < n/2; i++) visu.bars[pos+i].limit = visu.bars[pos+i-1].limit + step; spectrum_limits(visu.bars[pos + n/2 - 1].limit, n - n/2, pos + n/2); } else { visu.bars[pos].limit = DISPLAY_BW; } } /**************************************************************************************** * Fit visu */ static void visu_fit(int bars, int width, int height) { // try to adapt to what we have if ((visu.mode & ~VISU_ESP32) == VISU_SPECTRUM) { visu.n = bars ? bars : MAX_BARS; visu.max = height - 1; if (visu.spectrum_scale <= 0 || visu.spectrum_scale > 0.5) visu.spectrum_scale = 0.5; spectrum_limits(0, visu.n, 0); } else { visu.n = 2; visu.max = (visu.style ? VU_COUNT : height) - 1; } do { visu.bar_width = (width - visu.border - visu.bar_gap * (visu.n - 1)) / visu.n; if (visu.bar_width > 0) break; } while (--visu.n); visu.bar_border = (width - visu.border - (visu.bar_width + visu.bar_gap) * visu.n + visu.bar_gap) / 2; } /**************************************************************************************** * Visu packet handler */ static void visu_handler( u8_t *data, int len) { struct visu_packet *pkt = (struct visu_packet*) data; int bars = 0; LOG_DEBUG("visu %u with %u parameters", pkt->which, pkt->count); /* If width is specified, then respect all coordinates, otherwise we try to use the bottom part of the display and if it is a small display, we overwrite text */ xSemaphoreTake(displayer.mutex, portMAX_DELAY); visu.mode = pkt->which; // little trick to clean the taller screens when switching visu if (visu.row >= displayer.height) GDS_ClearExt(display, false, true, visu.col, visu.row, visu.col + visu.width - 1, visu.row + visu.height - 1); if (visu.mode) { // these will be overidden if necessary visu.col = visu.border = 0; visu.rotate = false; // what type of visu if (visu.mode & VISU_ESP32) { if (pkt->count >= 4) { // more than 4 parameters, this is small visu, then go were we are told to pkt->height = htonl(pkt->height); pkt->row = htonl(pkt->row); pkt->col = htonl(pkt->col); visu.style = 0; visu.width = htonl(pkt->width); visu.height = pkt->height ? pkt->height : displayer.height; visu.col = pkt->col < 0 ? displayer.width + pkt->col : pkt->col; visu.row = pkt->row < 0 ? GDS_GetHeight(display) + pkt->row : pkt->row; visu.border = htonl(pkt->border); bars = htonl(pkt->bars); visu.spectrum_scale = htonl(pkt->spectrum_scale) / 100.; } else { // full screen visu, try to optimize orientation/shape visu.width = htonl(pkt->full.width); visu.height = GDS_GetHeight(display); // do we have enough height to play with layout if (GDS_GetHeight(display) > displayer.height) { // by default, use up to the bottom of the display visu.height -= displayer.height; visu.row = displayer.height; if (artwork.enable && artwork.y) { // server sets width to artwork X offset to tell us to rotate if (visu.width != artwork.x) { visu.height = artwork.y - displayer.height; if (visu.height <= 0) { visu.height = displayer.height; LOG_WARN("No room left for visualizer, disable it or increase artwork offset %d", artwork.y); } } else visu.rotate = true; } } else visu.row = 0; // is this spectrum or analogue/digital if ((visu.mode & ~VISU_ESP32) == VISU_SPECTRUM) { bars = htonl(pkt->full.bars); visu.spectrum_scale = htonl(pkt->full.spectrum_scale) / 100.; } else { // select analogue/digital style visu.style = htonl(pkt->full.style); } } } else { // classical (screensaver) mode, don't try to optimize screen usage & force some params visu.row = 0; visu.height = GDS_GetHeight(display); visu.width = displayer.width; visu.spectrum_scale = 0.25; if (visu.mode == VISU_SPECTRUM) { bars = visu.width / (htonl(pkt->channels[0].bar_width) + htonl(pkt->channels[0].bar_space)); } else { visu.style = htonl(pkt->classical_vu.style); if (visu.style) visu.row = visu.height - VU_HEIGHT; } } if (bars > MAX_BARS) bars = MAX_BARS; // for rotate, swap width & height if (visu.rotate) visu_fit(bars, visu.height, visu.width); else visu_fit(bars, visu.width, visu.height); // give up if not enough space if (visu.bar_width < 0) { visu.mode = VISU_BLANK; LOG_WARN("Not enough room for displaying visu"); } else { // de-activate scroller if we are taking main screen if (visu.row < displayer.height) scroller.active = false; vTaskResume(displayer.task); } displayer.wake = 0; // reset bars maximum for (int i = visu.n; --i >= 0;) visu.bars[i].max = 0; GDS_ClearExt(display, false, true, visu.col, visu.row, visu.col + visu.width - 1, visu.row + visu.height - 1); LOG_INFO("Visualizer with %u bars of width %d:%d:%d:%d (%w:%u,h:%u,c:%u,r:%u,s:%.02f)", visu.n, visu.bar_border, visu.bar_width, visu.bar_gap, visu.border, visu.width, visu.height, visu.col, visu.row, visu.spectrum_scale); } else { LOG_INFO("Stopping visualizer"); } xSemaphoreGive(displayer.mutex); } /**************************************************************************************** * Dmx style packet handler * ToDo: make packet match dmx protocol format */ static void dmxt_handler( u8_t *data, int len) { struct dmxt_packet *pkt = (struct dmxt_packet*) data; uint16_t offset = htons(pkt->x); uint16_t length = htons(pkt->length); LOG_INFO("dmx packet len:%u offset:%u", length, offset); xSemaphoreTake(displayer.mutex, portMAX_DELAY); // PLACEHOLDER //led_vu_data(data + sizeof(struct dmxt_packet), offset, length); xSemaphoreGive(displayer.mutex); } /**************************************************************************************** * Scroll task * - with the addition of the visualizer, it's a bit a 2-headed beast not easy to * maintain, so som better separation between the visu and scroll is probably needed */ static void displayer_task(void *args) { int sleep; while (1) { xSemaphoreTake(displayer.mutex, portMAX_DELAY); // suspend ourselves if nothing to do, grfg or visu will wake us up if (!scroller.active && !visu.mode && !led_visu.mode) { xSemaphoreGive(displayer.mutex); vTaskSuspend(NULL); xSemaphoreTake(displayer.mutex, portMAX_DELAY); scroller.wake = displayer.wake = 0; } // go for long sleep when either item is disabled if (!visu.mode && !led_visu.mode) displayer.wake = LONG_WAKE; if (!scroller.active) scroller.wake = LONG_WAKE; // scroll required amount of columns (within the window) if (scroller.active && scroller.wake <= 0) { // by default go for the long sleep, will change below if required scroller.wake = LONG_WAKE; // do we have more to scroll (scroll.width is the last column from which we have a full zone) if (scroller.by > 0 ? (scroller.scrolled <= scroller.scroll.width) : (scroller.scrolled >= 0)) { memcpy(scroller.frame, scroller.back.frame, scroller.back.width * displayer.height / 8); for (int i = 0; i < scroller.width * displayer.height / 8; i++) scroller.frame[i] |= scroller.scroll.frame[scroller.scrolled * displayer.height / 8 + i]; scroller.scrolled += scroller.by; if (displayer.owned) GDS_DrawBitmapCBR(display, scroller.frame, scroller.width, displayer.height, GDS_COLOR_WHITE); // short sleep & don't need background update scroller.wake = scroller.speed; } else if (scroller.first || !scroller.mode) { // at least one round done scroller.first = false; // see if we need to pause or if we are done if (scroller.mode) { sendANIC(ANIM_SCROLL_ONCE | ANIM_SCREEN_1); LOG_INFO("scroll-once terminated"); } else { scroller.wake = scroller.pause; LOG_DEBUG("scroll cycle done, pausing for %u (ms)", scroller.pause); } // need to reset pointers for next scroll scroller.scrolled = scroller.by < 0 ? scroller.scroll.width : 0; } } // update visu if active if ((visu.mode || led_visu.mode) && displayer.wake <= 0 && displayer.owned) { displayer_update(); displayer.wake = 100; } // need to make sure we own display if (display && displayer.owned) GDS_Update(display); else if (!led_display) displayer.wake = LONG_WAKE; // release semaphore and sleep what's needed xSemaphoreGive(displayer.mutex); sleep = min(displayer.wake, scroller.wake); vTaskDelay(sleep / portTICK_PERIOD_MS); scroller.wake -= sleep; displayer.wake -= sleep; } }