/* * Squeezelite - lightweight headless squeezebox emulator * * (c) Adrian Smith 2012-2015, triode1@btinternet.com * Ralph Irving 2015-2017, ralph_irving@hotmail.com * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */ #include "squeezelite.h" // automatically select between floating point (preferred) and fixed point libraries: // NOTE: works with Tremor version here: http://svn.xiph.org/trunk/Tremor, not vorbisidec.1.0.2 currently in ubuntu #include #ifdef TREMOR_ONLY #include #else #include static bool tremor = false; #endif // this is tremor packing, not mine... static inline int32_t clip15(int32_t x) { int ret = x; ret -= ((x<=32767)-1)&(x-32767); ret -= ((x>=-32768)-1)&(x+32768); return ret; } #if BYTES_PER_FRAME == 4 #define ALIGN(n) clip15((n) >> 9); #define ALIGN_FLOAT(n) ((n)*32768.0f + 0.5f) #else #define ALIGN(n) (clip15((n) >> 9) << 16) #define ALIGN_FLOAT ((n)*32768.0f*65536.0f + 0.5f) #endif struct vorbis { bool opened; enum { OGG_SYNC, OGG_ID_HEADER, OGG_COMMENT_HEADER, OGG_SETUP_HEADER } status; struct { ogg_stream_state state; ogg_packet packet; ogg_sync_state sync; ogg_page page; }; struct { vorbis_dsp_state decoder; vorbis_info info; vorbis_comment comment; vorbis_block block; }; int rate, channels; uint32_t overflow; }; #if !LINKALL static struct vorbis { // vorbis symbols to be dynamically loaded - from either vorbisfile or vorbisidec (tremor) version of library vorbis_info *(* ov_info)(OggVorbis_File *vf, int link); int (* ov_clear)(OggVorbis_File *vf); long (* ov_read)(OggVorbis_File *vf, char *buffer, int length, int bigendianp, int word, int sgned, int *bitstream); long (* ov_read_tremor)(OggVorbis_File *vf, char *buffer, int length, int *bitstream); int (* ov_open_callbacks)(void *datasource, OggVorbis_File *vf, const char *initial, long ibytes, ov_callbacks callbacks); } gv; static struct { void *handle; int (*ogg_stream_init)(ogg_stream_state* os, int serialno); int (*ogg_stream_clear)(ogg_stream_state* os); int (*ogg_stream_reset)(ogg_stream_state* os); int (*ogg_stream_eos)(ogg_stream_state* os); int (*ogg_stream_reset_serialno)(ogg_stream_state* os, int serialno); int (*ogg_sync_clear)(ogg_sync_state* oy); void (*ogg_packet_clear)(ogg_packet* op); char* (*ogg_sync_buffer)(ogg_sync_state* oy, long size); int (*ogg_sync_wrote)(ogg_sync_state* oy, long bytes); long (*ogg_sync_pageseek)(ogg_sync_state* oy, ogg_page* og); int (*ogg_sync_pageout)(ogg_sync_state* oy, ogg_page* og); int (*ogg_stream_pagein)(ogg_stream_state* os, ogg_page* og); int (*ogg_stream_packetout)(ogg_stream_state* os, ogg_packet* op); int (*ogg_page_packets)(const ogg_page* og); } go; #endif static struct vorbis *v; extern log_level loglevel; extern struct buffer *streambuf; extern struct buffer *outputbuf; extern struct streamstate stream; extern struct outputstate output; extern struct decodestate decode; extern struct processstate process; #define LOCK_S mutex_lock(streambuf->mutex) #define UNLOCK_S mutex_unlock(streambuf->mutex) #define LOCK_O mutex_lock(outputbuf->mutex) #define UNLOCK_O mutex_unlock(outputbuf->mutex) #if PROCESS #define LOCK_O_direct if (decode.direct) mutex_lock(outputbuf->mutex) #define UNLOCK_O_direct if (decode.direct) mutex_unlock(outputbuf->mutex) #define IF_DIRECT(x) if (decode.direct) { x } #define IF_PROCESS(x) if (!decode.direct) { x } #else #define LOCK_O_direct mutex_lock(outputbuf->mutex) #define UNLOCK_O_direct mutex_unlock(outputbuf->mutex) #define IF_DIRECT(x) { x } #define IF_PROCESS(x) #endif #if LINKALL #define OV(h, fn, ...) (vorbis_ ## fn)(__VA_ARGS__) #define OG(h, fn, ...) (ogg_ ## fn)(__VA_ARGS__) #else #define OV(h, fn, ...) (h)->ov_##fn(__VA_ARGS__) #define OG(h, fn, ...) (h)->ogg_ ## fn(__VA_ARGS__) #endif static int get_ogg_packet(void) { int status, packet = -1; LOCK_S; size_t bytes = min(_buf_used(streambuf), _buf_cont_read(streambuf)); while (!(status = OG(&go, stream_packetout, &v->state, &v->packet)) && bytes) { do { size_t consumed = min(bytes, 4096); char* buffer = OG(&gv, sync_buffer, &v->sync, consumed); memcpy(buffer, streambuf->readp, consumed); OG(&gv, sync_wrote, &v->sync, consumed); _buf_inc_readp(streambuf, consumed); bytes -= consumed; } while (!(status = OG(&go, sync_pageseek, &v->sync, &v->page)) && bytes); // if we have a new page, put it in if (status) OG(&go, stream_pagein, &v->state, &v->page); } // only return a negative value when end of streaming is reached if (status > 0) packet = status; else if (stream.state > DISCONNECT) packet = 0; UNLOCK_S; return packet; } static int read_vorbis_header(void) { int status = 0; bool fetch = true; LOCK_S; size_t bytes = min(_buf_used(streambuf), _buf_cont_read(streambuf)); while (bytes && !status) { // first fetch a page if we need one if (fetch) { size_t consumed = min(bytes, 4096); char* buffer = OG(&go, sync_buffer, &v->sync, consumed); memcpy(buffer, streambuf->readp, consumed); OG(&go, sync_wrote, &v->sync, consumed); _buf_inc_readp(streambuf, consumed); bytes -= consumed; if (!OG(&go, sync_pageseek, &v->sync, &v->page)) continue; } switch (v->status) { case OGG_SYNC: v->status = OGG_ID_HEADER; OG(&go, stream_reset_serialno, &v->state, OG(&go, page_serialno, &v->page)); fetch = false; break; case OGG_ID_HEADER: status = OG(&go, stream_pagein, &v->state, &v->page); if (!OG(&go, stream_packetout, &v->state, &v->packet)) break; OV(&gv, info_init, &v->info); status = OV(&gv, synthesis_headerin, &v->info, &v->comment, &v->packet); if (status) { LOG_ERROR("vorbis id header packet error %d", status); status = -1; } else { v->channels = v->info.channels; v->rate = v->info.rate; v->status = OGG_COMMENT_HEADER; // only fetch if no other packet already in (they should not) fetch = OG(&go, page_packets, &v->page) <= 1; if (!fetch) LOG_INFO("id packet should terminate page"); LOG_INFO("id acquired"); } break; case OGG_SETUP_HEADER: // header packets don't align with pages on Vorbis (contrary to Opus) if (fetch) OG(&go, stream_pagein, &v->state, &v->page); // finally build a codec if we have the packet status = OG(&go, stream_packetout, &v->state, &v->packet); if (status && ((status = OV(&gv, synthesis_headerin, &v->info, &v->comment, &v->packet)) || (status = OV(&gv, synthesis_init, &v->decoder, &v->info)))) { LOG_ERROR("vorbis setup header packet error %d", status); // no need to free comment, it's fake OV(&gv, info_clear, &v->info); status = -1; } else { OV(&gv, block_init, &v->decoder, &v->block); v->opened = true; LOG_INFO("codec up and running (rate: %d, channels:%d)", v->rate, v->channels); status = 1; } //@FIXME: can we have audio on that page as well? break; case OGG_COMMENT_HEADER: { // don't consume VorbisComment, just skip it int packets = OG(&go, page_packets, &v->page); if (packets) { v->status = OGG_SETUP_HEADER; OG(&go, stream_pagein, &v->state, &v->page); OG(&go, stream_packetout, &v->state, &v->packet); OV(&gv, comment_init, &v->comment); v->comment.vendor = "N/A"; // because of lack of page alignment, we might have the setup page already fully in if (packets > 1) fetch = false; LOG_INFO("comment skipped succesfully"); } break; } default: break; } } UNLOCK_S; return status; } inline int pcm_out(vorbis_dsp_state* decoder, void*** pcm) { #ifndef TREMOR_ONLY if (!tremor) return OV(&gv, synthesis_pcmout, decoder, (ogg_float_t***) pcm); #endif return OV(&gv, synthesis_pcmout, decoder, (ogg_int32_t***) pcm); } static decode_state vorbis_decode(void) { frames_t frames; u8_t *write_buf; if (decode.new_stream) { int status = read_vorbis_header(); if (status == 0) { return DECODE_RUNNING; } else if (status < 0) { LOG_WARN("can't create codec"); return DECODE_ERROR; } LOCK_O; output.next_sample_rate = decode_newstream(v->rate, output.supported_rates); IF_DSD( output.next_fmt = PCM; ) output.track_start = outputbuf->writep; if (output.fade_mode) _checkfade(true); decode.new_stream = false; UNLOCK_O; if (v->channels > 2) { LOG_WARN("too many channels: %d", v->channels); return DECODE_ERROR; } LOG_INFO("setting track_start"); } LOCK_O_direct; IF_DIRECT( frames = min(_buf_space(outputbuf), _buf_cont_write(outputbuf)) / BYTES_PER_FRAME; write_buf = outputbuf->writep; ); IF_PROCESS( frames = process.max_in_frames; write_buf = process.inbuf; ); void** pcm = NULL; int packet, n = 0; if (v->overflow) { n = pcm_out(&v->decoder, &pcm); v->overflow = n - min(n, frames); } else if ((packet = get_ogg_packet()) > 0) { n = OV(&gv, synthesis, &v->block, &v->packet); if (n == 0) n = OV(&gv, synthesis_blockin, &v->decoder, &v->block); if (n == 0) n = pcm_out(&v->decoder, &pcm); v->overflow = n - min(n, frames); } else if (!packet && !OG(&go, page_eos, &v->page)) { UNLOCK_O_direct; return DECODE_RUNNING; } if (n > 0) { ISAMPLE_T *optr = (ISAMPLE_T*) write_buf; frames = min(n, frames); frames_t count = frames; #ifndef TREMOR_ONLY if (!tremor) { if (v->channels == 2) { float* iptr_l = (float*) pcm[0]; float* iptr_r = (float*) pcm[1]; while (count--) { *optr++ = ALIGN_FLOAT(*iptr_l++); *optr++ = ALIGN_FLOAT(*iptr_r++);; } } else if (v->channels == 1) { float* iptr = pcm[0]; while (count--) { *optr++ = ALIGN_FLOAT(*iptr); *optr++ = ALIGN_FLOAT(*iptr++); } } } else #else { if (v->channels == 2) { s32_t* iptr_l = (s32_t*) pcm[0]; s32_t* iptr_r = (s32_t*) pcm[1]; while (count--) { *optr++ = ALIGN(*iptr_l++); *optr++ = ALIGN(*iptr_r++); } } else if (v->channels == 1) { s32_t* iptr = (s32_t*) pcm[0]; while (count--) { *optr++ = ALIGN(*iptr); *optr++ = ALIGN(*iptr++); } } } #endif // return samples to vorbis/tremor decoder OV(&gv, synthesis_read, &v->decoder, frames); IF_DIRECT( _buf_inc_writep(outputbuf, frames * BYTES_PER_FRAME); ); IF_PROCESS( process.in_frames = frames; ); LOG_SDEBUG("wrote %u frames", frames); } else if (n == 0) { if (packet < 0) { LOG_INFO("end of decode"); UNLOCK_O_direct; return DECODE_COMPLETE; } else { LOG_INFO("no frame decoded"); } } else { LOG_INFO("ov_read error: %d", n); UNLOCK_O_direct; return DECODE_COMPLETE; } UNLOCK_O_direct; return DECODE_RUNNING; } static void vorbis_open(u8_t size, u8_t rate, u8_t chan, u8_t endianness) { LOG_INFO("OPENING CODEC"); if (v->opened) { OV(&go, block_clear, &v->block); OV(&go, info_clear, &v->info); OV(&go, dsp_clear, &v->decoder); } v->opened = false; v->status = OGG_SYNC; v->overflow = 0; OG(&gu, sync_clear, &v->sync); OG(&gu, stream_clear, &v->state); OG(&gu, stream_init, &v->state, -1); } static void vorbis_close() { return; LOG_INFO("CLOSING CODEC"); if (v->opened) { OV(&go, block_clear, &v->block); OV(&go, info_clear, &v->info); OV(&go, dsp_clear, &v->decoder); } v->opened = false; OG(&go, stream_clear, &v->state); OG(&go, sync_clear, &v->sync); } static bool load_vorbis() { #if !LINKALL char *err; void *g_handle = dlopen(LIBOGG, RTLD_NOW); if (!g_handle) { LOG_INFO("ogg dlerror: %s", dlerror()); return false } void *v_handle = NULL; #ifndef TREMOR_ONLY v_handle = dlopen(LIBVORBIS, RTLD_NOW); #endif if (!v_handle) { v_handle = dlopen(LIBTREMOR, RTLD_NOW); if (v_handle) { tremor = true; } else { dlclose(g_handle); LOG_INFO("vorbis/tremor dlerror: %s", dlerror()); return false; } } g_handle->ogg_stream_clear = dlsym(g_handle->handle, "ogg_stream_clear"); g_handle->ogg_stream_reset = dlsym(g_handle->handle, "ogg_stream_reset"); g_handle->ogg_stream_eos = dlsym(g_handle->handle, "ogg_stream_eos"); g_handle->ogg_stream_reset_serialno = dlsym(g_handle->handle, "ogg_stream_reset_serialno"); g_handle->ogg_sync_clear = dlsym(g_handle->handle, "ogg_sync_clear"); g_handle->ogg_packet_clear = dlsym(g_handle->handle, "ogg_packet_clear"); g_handle->ogg_sync_buffer = dlsym(g_handle->handle, "ogg_sync_buffer"); g_handle->ogg_sync_wrote = dlsym(g_handle->handle, "ogg_sync_wrote"); g_handle->ogg_sync_pageseek = dlsym(g_handle->handle, "ogg_sync_pageseek"); g_handle->ogg_sync_pageout = dlsym(g_handle->handle, "ogg_sync_pageout"); g_handle->ogg_stream_pagein = dlsym(g_handle->handle, "ogg_stream_pagein"); g_handle->ogg_stream_packetout = dlsym(g_handle->handle, "ogg_stream_packetout"); g_handle->ogg_page_packets = dlsym(g_handle->handle, "ogg_page_packets"); v_handle.ov_read = dlsym(handle, "ov_read"); v_handle.ov_info = dlsym(handle, "ov_info"); v_handle.ov_clear = dlsym(handle, "ov_clear"); v_handle.ov_open_callbacks = dlsym(handle, "ov_open_callbacks"); if ((err = dlerror()) != NULL) { LOG_INFO("dlerror: %s", err); return false; } LOG_INFO("loaded %s", tremor ? LIBTREMOR : LIBVORBIS); #endif return true; } struct codec *register_vorbis(void) { static struct codec ret = { 'o', // id "ogg", // types 4096, // min read 20480, // min space vorbis_open, // open vorbis_close, // close vorbis_decode,// decode }; if ((v = calloc(1, sizeof(struct vorbis))) == NULL) { return NULL; } v->opened = false; if (!load_vorbis()) { return NULL; } LOG_INFO("using vorbis to decode ogg"); return &ret; }